FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS
Stars: 826

FaceAPI is an AI-powered tool for face detection, rotation tracking, face description, recognition, age, gender, and emotion prediction. It can be used in both browser and NodeJS environments using TensorFlow/JS. The tool provides live demos for processing images and webcam feeds, along with NodeJS examples for various tasks such as face similarity comparison and multiprocessing. FaceAPI offers different pre-built versions for client-side browser execution and server-side NodeJS execution, with or without TFJS pre-bundled. It is compatible with TFJS 2.0+ and TFJS 3.0+.
AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS
Live Demo: https://vladmandic.github.io/face-api/demo/webcam.html
Browser example that uses static images and showcases both models
as well as all of the extensions is included in /demo/index.html
Example can be accessed directly using Git pages using URL:
Browser example that uses live webcam is included in /demo/webcam.html
Example can be accessed directly using Git pages using URL:
Demo using FaceAPI to process images
Note: Photos shown below are taken by me
Demo using FaceAPI to process live webcam
NodeJS examples are:
: Simplest possible NodeJS demo for FaceAPI in under 30 lines of JavaScript code -
native methods to load images without external dependencies -
Using externalcanvas
module to load images
Which also allows for image drawing and saving insideNodeJS
environment -
Simple demo that compares face similarity from a given image
to a second image or list of images in a folder -
Multiprocessing showcase that uses pool of worker processes
Main starts fixed pool of worker processes with each worker having
it's instance ofFaceAPI
Workers communicate with main when they are ready and main dispaches
job to each ready worker until job queue is empty
2021-03-14 08:42:03 INFO: @vladmandic/face-api version 1.0.2
2021-03-14 08:42:03 INFO: User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v15.7.0
2021-03-14 08:42:03 INFO: FaceAPI multi-process test
2021-03-14 08:42:03 STATE: Main: started worker: 1888019
2021-03-14 08:42:03 STATE: Main: started worker: 1888025
2021-03-14 08:42:04 STATE: Worker: PID: 1888025 TensorFlow/JS 3.3.0 FaceAPI 1.0.2 Backend: tensorflow
2021-03-14 08:42:04 STATE: Worker: PID: 1888019 TensorFlow/JS 3.3.0 FaceAPI 1.0.2 Backend: tensorflow
2021-03-14 08:42:04 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 1888019
2021-03-14 08:42:04 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 1888025
2021-03-14 08:42:04 DATA: Worker received message: 1888019 { image: 'demo/sample1.jpg' }
2021-03-14 08:42:04 DATA: Worker received message: 1888025 { image: 'demo/sample2.jpg' }
2021-03-14 08:42:06 DATA: Main: worker finished: 1888025 detected faces: 3
2021-03-14 08:42:06 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 1888025
2021-03-14 08:42:06 DATA: Worker received message: 1888025 { image: 'demo/sample3.jpg' }
2021-03-14 08:42:06 DATA: Main: worker finished: 1888019 detected faces: 3
2021-03-14 08:42:06 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 1888019
2021-03-14 08:42:06 DATA: Worker received message: 1888019 { image: 'demo/sample4.jpg' }
2021-03-14 08:42:07 DATA: Main: worker finished: 1888025 detected faces: 3
2021-03-14 08:42:07 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 1888025
2021-03-14 08:42:07 DATA: Worker received message: 1888025 { image: 'demo/sample5.jpg' }
2021-03-14 08:42:08 DATA: Main: worker finished: 1888019 detected faces: 4
2021-03-14 08:42:08 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 1888019
2021-03-14 08:42:08 DATA: Worker received message: 1888019 { image: 'demo/sample6.jpg' }
2021-03-14 08:42:09 DATA: Main: worker finished: 1888025 detected faces: 5
2021-03-14 08:42:09 STATE: Main: worker exit: 1888025 0
2021-03-14 08:42:09 DATA: Main: worker finished: 1888019 detected faces: 4
2021-03-14 08:42:09 INFO: Processed 15 images in 5944 ms
2021-03-14 08:42:09 STATE: Main: worker exit: 1888019 0
Note that @tensorflow/tfjs-node
or @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu
must be installed before using any NodeJS examples
Simply include latest version of FaceAPI
directly from a CDN in your HTML:
(pick one, jsdelivr
or unpkg
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.dev/@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.js"></script>
ships with several pre-build versions of the library:
: IIFE format for client-side Browser execution
with TFJS pre-bundled -
: ESM format for client-side Browser execution
with TFJS pre-bundled -
: ESM format for client-side Browser execution
without TFJS pre-bundled -
: CommonJS format for server-side NodeJS execution
without TFJS pre-bundled -
: CommonJS format for server-side NodeJS execution
without TFJS pre-bundled and optimized for CUDA GPU acceleration
Defaults are:
"main": "dist/face-api.node-js",
"module": "dist/face-api.esm.js",
"browser": "dist/face-api.esm.js",
Bundled TFJS
can be used directly via export: faceapi.tf
Reason for additional nobundle
version is if you want to
include a specific version of TFJS and not rely on pre-packaged one
is compatible with TFJS 2.0+ and TFJS 3.0+
All versions include sourcemap
There are several ways to use FaceAPI:
Recommened for quick tests and backward compatibility with older Browsers that do not support ESM such as IE
This is simplest way for usage within Browser
Simply download dist/face-api.js
, include it in your HTML
file & it's ready to use:
<script src="dist/face-api.js"><script>
Or skip the download and include it directly from a CDN:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.js"></script>
IIFE script bundles TFJS and auto-registers global namespace faceapi
within Window object which can be accessed directly from a <script>
tag or from your JS file.
Recommended for usage within Browser
To use ESM import directly in a Browser, you must import your script (e.g. index.js
) with a type="module"
<script src="./index.js" type="module">
and then in your index.js
import * as faceapi from 'dist/face-api.esm.js';
Same as above, but expectation is that you've installed @vladmandic/faceapi
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
and that you'll package your application using a bundler such as webpack
, rollup
or esbuild
in which case, you do not need to import a script as module - that depends on your bundler configuration
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api';
or if your bundler doesn't recognize recommended
type, force usage with:
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.esm.js';
or to use non-bundled version
import * as tf from `@tensorflow/tfjs`;
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.esm-nobundle.js';
Recommended for NodeJS projects
Node: FaceAPI for NodeJS does not bundle TFJS due to binary dependencies that are installed during TFJS installation
Install with:
npm install @tensorflow/tfjs-node
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
And then use with:
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node')
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api');
If you want to force CommonJS module instead of relying on recommended
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.node.js');
If you want to GPU Accelerated execution in NodeJS, you must have CUDA libraries already installed and working
Then install appropriate version of FaceAPI
npm install @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
And then use with:
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu')
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.node-gpu.js'); // this loads face-api version with correct bindings for tfjs-node-gpu
If you want to use FaceAPI
in a NodeJS on platforms where tensorflow binary libraries are not supported, you can use NodeJS WASM backend.
npm install @tensorflow/tfjs
npm install @tensorflow/tfjs-backend-wasm
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
And then use with:
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
const wasm = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-wasm');
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.node-wasm.js'); // use this when using face-api in dev mode
await tf.setBackend('wasm');
await tf.ready();
If you want to use graphical functions inside NodeJS,
you must provide appropriate graphical library as
NodeJS does not include implementation for DOM elements
such as HTMLImageElement or HTMLCanvasElement:
Install Canvas
for NodeJS:
npm install canvas
Patch NodeJS environment to use newly installed Canvas
const canvas = require('canvas');
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api');
const { Canvas, Image, ImageData } = canvas
faceapi.env.monkeyPatch({ Canvas, Image, ImageData })
Pretrained models and their weights are included in ./model
To install development dependencies, use npm install --production=false
Built-in test&dev web server can be started using
npm run dev
By default it starts HTTP server on port 8000 and HTTPS server on port 8001 and can be accessed as:
2022-01-14 09:56:19 INFO: @vladmandic/face-api version 1.6.4
2022-01-14 09:56:19 INFO: User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v17.2.0
2022-01-14 09:56:19 INFO: Application: { name: '@vladmandic/face-api', version: '1.6.4' }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 INFO: Environment: { profile: 'development', config: '.build.json', package: 'package.json', tsconfig: true, eslintrc: true, git: true }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 INFO: Toolchain: { build: '0.6.7', esbuild: '0.14.11', typescript: '4.5.4', typedoc: '0.22.10', eslint: '8.6.0' }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 INFO: Build: { profile: 'development', steps: [ 'serve', 'watch', 'compile' ] }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: WebServer: { ssl: false, port: 8000, root: '.' }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: WebServer: { ssl: true, port: 8001, root: '.', sslKey: 'build/cert/https.key', sslCrt: 'build/cert/https.crt' }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Watch: { locations: [ 'src/**', 'README.md', 'src/**', 'src/**' ] }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/node/cpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-node.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 143, outputBytes: 1276 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/node/cpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.node.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234787, outputBytes: 175203 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/node/gpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-node-gpu.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 147, outputBytes: 1296 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/node/gpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.node-gpu.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234807, outputBytes: 175219 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/node/wasm', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-node-wasm.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 185, outputBytes: 1367 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/node/wasm', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.node-wasm.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234878, outputBytes: 175294 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/browser/tf-version', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-version.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.version.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 1063, outputBytes: 1662 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/browser/esm/nobundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-browser.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 2, inputBytes: 2172, outputBytes: 811 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/browser/esm/nobundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.esm-nobundle.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234322, outputBytes: 169437 }
2022-01-14 09:56:19 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/browser/esm/bundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-browser.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 11, inputBytes: 2172, outputBytes: 2444105 }
2022-01-14 09:56:20 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/browser/iife/bundle', format: 'iife', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 2677616, outputBytes: 1252572 }
2022-01-14 09:56:20 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/browser/esm/bundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.esm.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 2677616, outputBytes: 2435063 }
2022-01-14 09:56:20 INFO: Listening...
2022-01-14 09:56:46 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'text/html', size: 1047, url: '/', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:46 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'text/javascript', size: 6919, url: '/index.js', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:46 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'text/javascript', size: 2435063, url: '/dist/face-api.esm.js', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:47 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/octet-stream', size: 4125244, url: '/dist/face-api.esm.js.map', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:47 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/json', size: 3219, url: '/model/tiny_face_detector_model-weights_manifest.json', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:47 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/octet-stream', size: 193321, url: '/model/tiny_face_detector_model.bin', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:47 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/json', size: 28233, url: '/model/ssd_mobilenetv1_model-weights_manifest.json', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:47 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/octet-stream', size: 5616957, url: '/model/ssd_mobilenetv1_model.bin', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/json', size: 8392, url: '/model/age_gender_model-weights_manifest.json', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/octet-stream', size: 429708, url: '/model/age_gender_model.bin', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/json', size: 8485, url: '/model/face_landmark_68_model-weights_manifest.json', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/octet-stream', size: 356840, url: '/model/face_landmark_68_model.bin', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/json', size: 19615, url: '/model/face_recognition_model-weights_manifest.json', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/octet-stream', size: 6444032, url: '/model/face_recognition_model.bin', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/json', size: 6980, url: '/model/face_expression_model-weights_manifest.json', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'application/octet-stream', size: 329468, url: '/model/face_expression_model.bin', remote: '::1' }
2022-01-14 09:56:48 DATA: HTTPS: { method: 'GET', ver: '2.0', status: 200, mime: 'image/jpeg', size: 144516, url: '/sample1.jpg', remote: '::1' }
If you want to do a full rebuild, either download npm module
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
cd node_modules/@vladmandic/face-api
or clone a git project
git clone https://github.com/vladmandic/face-api
cd face-api
Then install all dependencies and run rebuild:
npm install --production=false
npm run build
Build process uses @vladmandic/build
module that creates optimized build for each target:
> @vladmandic/[email protected] build /home/vlado/dev/face-api
> node build.js
2022-07-25 08:21:05 INFO: Application: { name: '@vladmandic/face-api', version: '1.7.1' }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 INFO: Environment: { profile: 'production', config: '.build.json', package: 'package.json', tsconfig: true, eslintrc: true, git: true }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 INFO: Toolchain: { build: '0.7.7', esbuild: '0.14.50', typescript: '4.7.4', typedoc: '0.23.9', eslint: '8.20.0' }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 INFO: Build: { profile: 'production', steps: [ 'clean', 'compile', 'typings', 'typedoc', 'lint', 'changelog' ] }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Clean: { locations: [ 'dist/*', 'typedoc/*', 'types/lib/src' ] }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/node/cpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-node.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 143, outputBytes: 614 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/node/cpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.node.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234137, outputBytes: 85701 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/node/gpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-node-gpu.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 147, outputBytes: 618 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/node/gpu', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.node-gpu.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234141, outputBytes: 85705 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/node/wasm', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-node-wasm.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 185, outputBytes: 670 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/node/wasm', format: 'cjs', platform: 'node', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.node-wasm.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234193, outputBytes: 85755 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/browser/tf-version', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-version.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.version.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 1063, outputBytes: 400 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/browser/esm/nobundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-browser.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 2, inputBytes: 910, outputBytes: 527 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/browser/esm/nobundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.esm-nobundle.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 234050, outputBytes: 82787 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'tfjs/browser/esm/bundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/tfjs/tf-browser.ts', output: 'dist/tfjs.esm.js', files: 11, inputBytes: 910, outputBytes: 1184871 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/browser/iife/bundle', format: 'iife', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 1418394, outputBytes: 1264631 }
2022-07-25 08:21:05 STATE: Compile: { name: 'faceapi/browser/esm/bundle', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/face-api.esm.js', files: 162, inputBytes: 1418394, outputBytes: 1264150 }
2022-07-25 08:21:07 STATE: Typings: { input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'types/lib', files: 93 }
2022-07-25 08:21:09 STATE: TypeDoc: { input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'typedoc', objects: 154, generated: true }
2022-07-25 08:21:13 STATE: Lint: { locations: [ 'src/' ], files: 174, errors: 0, warnings: 0 }
2022-07-25 08:21:14 STATE: ChangeLog: { repository: 'https://github.com/vladmandic/face-api', branch: 'master', output: 'CHANGELOG.md' }
2022-07-25 08:21:14 INFO: Done...
2022-07-25 08:21:14 STATE: Copy: { input: 'types/lib/dist/tfjs.esm.d.ts' }
2022-07-25 08:21:15 STATE: API-Extractor: { succeeeded: true, errors: 0, warnings: 417 }
2022-07-25 08:21:15 INFO: FaceAPI Build complete...
landmark model returns 68-point face mesh as detailed in the image below:
This is updated face-api.js with latest available TensorFlow/JS as the original is not compatible with tfjs >=2.0.
Forked from face-api.js version 0.22.2 which was released on March 22nd, 2020
Why? I needed a FaceAPI that does not cause version conflict with newer versions of TensorFlow
And since the original FaceAPI was open-source, I've released this version as well
Changes ended up being too large for a simple pull request and it ended up being a full-fledged version on its own
Plus many features were added since the original inception
Although a lot of work has gone into this version of FaceAPI
and it will continue to be maintained,
at this time it is completely superseded by my newer library Human
which covers the same use cases,
but extends it with newer AI models, additional detection details, compatibility with latest web standard and more
Compared to face-api.js version 0.22.2:
- Compatible with
TensorFlow/JS 2.0+, 3.0+ and 4.0+
Currently usingTensorFlow/JS
is based onTFJS
1.7.4 - Compatible with
TFJS Browser backends - Compatible with both
TFJS NodeJS backends - Updated all type castings for TypeScript type checking to
TypeScript 5.3
- Switched bundling from
with fallback toIIFE
Resulting code is optimized per-platform instead of being universal
Fully tree shakable when imported as anESM
Browser bundle process usesESBuild
instead ofRollup
- Added separate
versions withtfjs
pre-bundled and withouttfjs
When using-nobundle
version, user can load any version oftfjs
manually - Typescript build process now targets
and instead of dualES5
Resulting code is clean ES2018 JavaScript without polyfills - Removed old tests, docs, examples
- Removed old package dependencies (
, etc.) - Updated all package dependencies
- Updated TensorFlow/JS dependencies since backends were removed from
- Updated
model due tobatchNorm()
dependency - Added
class that returns JSON object with version of FaceAPI as well as linked TFJS - Added test/dev built-in HTTP & HTTPS Web server
- Removed
models as they were non-functional in latest public version ofFaceAPI
Which means valid models are tinyFaceDetector and mobileNetv1
If there is a demand, I can re-implement them back. - Added
face angle
calculations that returnsroll
- Added
automatic API specification generation during build - Added
automatic generation during build - New process to generate TypeDocs bundle using API-Extractor
- Original project: face-api.js
- Original model weighs: face-api.js-models
- ML API Documentation: Tensorflow/JS
For Tasks:
Click tags to check more tools for each tasksFor Jobs:
Alternative AI tools for face-api
Similar Open Source Tools

FaceAPI is an AI-powered tool for face detection, rotation tracking, face description, recognition, age, gender, and emotion prediction. It can be used in both browser and NodeJS environments using TensorFlow/JS. The tool provides live demos for processing images and webcam feeds, along with NodeJS examples for various tasks such as face similarity comparison and multiprocessing. FaceAPI offers different pre-built versions for client-side browser execution and server-side NodeJS execution, with or without TFJS pre-bundled. It is compatible with TFJS 2.0+ and TFJS 3.0+.

Evalchemy is a unified and easy-to-use toolkit for evaluating language models, focusing on post-trained models. It integrates multiple existing benchmarks such as RepoBench, AlpacaEval, and ZeroEval. Key features include unified installation, parallel evaluation, simplified usage, and results management. Users can run various benchmarks with a consistent command-line interface and track results locally or integrate with a database for systematic tracking and leaderboard submission.

UMbreLLa is a tool designed for deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) for personal agents. It combines offloading, speculative decoding, and quantization to optimize single-user LLM deployment scenarios. With UMbreLLa, 70B-level models can achieve performance comparable to human reading speed on an RTX 4070Ti, delivering exceptional efficiency and responsiveness, especially for coding tasks. The tool supports deploying models on various GPUs and offers features like code completion and CLI/Gradio chatbots. Users can configure the LLM engine for optimal performance based on their hardware setup.

TempCompass is a benchmark designed to evaluate the temporal perception ability of Video LLMs. It encompasses a diverse set of temporal aspects and task formats to comprehensively assess the capability of Video LLMs in understanding videos. The benchmark includes conflicting videos to prevent models from relying on single-frame bias and language priors. Users can clone the repository, install required packages, prepare data, run inference using examples like Video-LLaVA and Gemini, and evaluate the performance of their models across different tasks such as Multi-Choice QA, Yes/No QA, Caption Matching, and Caption Generation.

AnglE is a library for training state-of-the-art BERT/LLM-based sentence embeddings with just a few lines of code. It also serves as a general sentence embedding inference framework, allowing for inferring a variety of transformer-based sentence embeddings. The library supports various loss functions such as AnglE loss, Contrastive loss, CoSENT loss, and Espresso loss. It provides backbones like BERT-based models, LLM-based models, and Bi-directional LLM-based models for training on single or multi-GPU setups. AnglE has achieved significant performance on various benchmarks and offers official pretrained models for both BERT-based and LLM-based models.

This repository contains the code for the paper 'Towards Economical Inference: Enabling DeepSeek's Multi-Head Latent Attention in Any Transformer-based LLMs'. It provides tools for fine-tuning and evaluating Llama models, converting models between different frameworks, processing datasets, and performing specific model training tasks like Partial-RoPE Fine-Tuning and Multiple-Head Latent Attention Fine-Tuning. The repository also includes commands for model evaluation using Lighteval and LongBench, along with necessary environment setup instructions.

Jina-Serve is a framework for building and deploying AI services that communicate via gRPC, HTTP and WebSockets. It provides native support for major ML frameworks and data types, high-performance service design with scaling and dynamic batching, LLM serving with streaming output, built-in Docker integration and Executor Hub, one-click deployment to Jina AI Cloud, and enterprise-ready features with Kubernetes and Docker Compose support. Users can create gRPC-based AI services, build pipelines, scale services locally with replicas, shards, and dynamic batching, deploy to the cloud using Kubernetes, Docker Compose, or JCloud, and enable token-by-token streaming for responsive LLM applications.

ONNX Runtime Server is a server that provides TCP and HTTP/HTTPS REST APIs for ONNX inference. It aims to offer simple, high-performance ML inference and a good developer experience. Users can provide inference APIs for ONNX models without writing additional code by placing the models in the directory structure. Each session can choose between CPU or CUDA, analyze input/output, and provide Swagger API documentation for easy testing. Ready-to-run Docker images are available, making it convenient to deploy the server.

MaskLLM is a learnable pruning method that establishes Semi-structured Sparsity in Large Language Models (LLMs) to reduce computational overhead during inference. It is scalable and benefits from larger training datasets. The tool provides examples for running MaskLLM with Megatron-LM, preparing LLaMA checkpoints, pre-tokenizing C4 data for Megatron, generating prior masks, training MaskLLM, and evaluating the model. It also includes instructions for exporting sparse models to Huggingface.

SG-Nav is an online 3D scene graph prompting tool designed for LLM-based zero-shot object navigation. It proposes a framework that constructs an online 3D scene graph to prompt LLMs, allowing direct application to various scenes and categories without the need for training.

Tutel MoE is an optimized Mixture-of-Experts implementation that offers a parallel solution with 'No-penalty Parallism/Sparsity/Capacity/Switching' for modern training and inference. It supports Pytorch framework (version >= 1.10) and various GPUs including CUDA and ROCm. The tool enables Full Precision Inference of MoE-based Deepseek R1 671B on AMD MI300. Tutel provides features like all-to-all benchmarking, tensorcore option, NCCL timeout settings, Megablocks solution, and dynamic switchable configurations. Users can run Tutel in distributed mode across multiple GPUs and machines. The tool allows for custom MoE implementations and offers detailed usage examples and reference documentation.

ClearML Fractional GPU is a tool designed to optimize GPU resource utilization by allowing multiple containers to run on the same GPU with driver-level memory limitation and compute time-slicing. It supports CUDA 11.x & CUDA 12.x, preventing greedy processes from grabbing the entire GPU memory. The tool offers options like Dynamic GPU Slicing, Container-based Memory Limits, and Kubernetes-based Static MIG Slicing to enhance hardware utilization and workload performance for AI development.

Orra is a tool for building production-ready multi-agent applications that handle complex real-world interactions. It coordinates tasks across existing stack, agents, and tools run as services using intelligent reasoning. With features like smart pre-evaluated execution plans, domain grounding, durable execution, and automatic service health monitoring, Orra enables users to go fast with tools as services and revert state to handle failures. It provides real-time status tracking and webhook result delivery, making it ideal for developers looking to move beyond simple crews and agents.

LLMLight is a novel framework that employs Large Language Models (LLMs) as decision-making agents for Traffic Signal Control (TSC). The framework leverages the advanced generalization capabilities of LLMs to engage in a reasoning and decision-making process akin to human intuition for effective traffic control. LLMLight has been demonstrated to be remarkably effective, generalizable, and interpretable against various transportation-based and RL-based baselines on nine real-world and synthetic datasets.

GPTQModel is an easy-to-use LLM quantization and inference toolkit based on the GPTQ algorithm. It provides support for weight-only quantization and offers features such as dynamic per layer/module flexible quantization, sharding support, and auto-heal quantization errors. The toolkit aims to ensure inference compatibility with HF Transformers, vLLM, and SGLang. It offers various model supports, faster quant inference, better quality quants, and security features like hash check of model weights. GPTQModel also focuses on faster quantization, improved quant quality as measured by PPL, and backports bug fixes from AutoGPTQ.

AgentScope is a multi-agent platform designed to empower developers to build multi-agent applications with large-scale models. It features three high-level capabilities: Easy-to-Use, High Robustness, and Actor-Based Distribution. AgentScope provides a list of `ModelWrapper` to support both local model services and third-party model APIs, including OpenAI API, DashScope API, Gemini API, and ollama. It also enables developers to rapidly deploy local model services using libraries such as ollama (CPU inference), Flask + Transformers, Flask + ModelScope, FastChat, and vllm. AgentScope supports various services, including Web Search, Data Query, Retrieval, Code Execution, File Operation, and Text Processing. Example applications include Conversation, Game, and Distribution. AgentScope is released under Apache License 2.0 and welcomes contributions.
For similar tasks

FaceAPI is an AI-powered tool for face detection, rotation tracking, face description, recognition, age, gender, and emotion prediction. It can be used in both browser and NodeJS environments using TensorFlow/JS. The tool provides live demos for processing images and webcam feeds, along with NodeJS examples for various tasks such as face similarity comparison and multiprocessing. FaceAPI offers different pre-built versions for client-side browser execution and server-side NodeJS execution, with or without TFJS pre-bundled. It is compatible with TFJS 2.0+ and TFJS 3.0+.

AI-powered 3D Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Body Pose Tracking, 3D Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction, Gaze Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Body Segmentation

This repository contains a C++ application that demonstrates face recognition capabilities using computer vision techniques. The demo utilizes OpenCV and dlib libraries for efficient face detection and recognition with 3D passive face liveness detection (face anti-spoofing). Key Features: Face detection: The SDK utilizes advanced computer vision techniques to detect faces in images or video frames, enabling a wide range of applications. Face recognition: It can recognize known faces by comparing them with a pre-defined database of individuals. Age estimation: It can estimate the age of detected faces. Gender detection: It can determine the gender of detected faces. Liveness detection: It can detect whether a face is from a live person or a static image.

MiKaPo is a web-based tool that allows users to pose MMD models in real-time using video input. It utilizes technologies such as Mediapipe for 3D key points detection, Babylon.js for 3D scene rendering, babylon-mmd for MMD model viewing, and Vite+React for the web framework. Users can upload videos and images, select different environments, and choose models for posing. MiKaPo also supports camera input and Ollama (electron version). The tool is open to feature requests and pull requests, with ongoing development to add VMD export functionality.

DeepSparkHub is a repository that curates hundreds of application algorithms and models covering various fields in AI and general computing. It supports mainstream intelligent computing scenarios in markets such as smart cities, digital individuals, healthcare, education, communication, energy, and more. The repository provides a wide range of models for tasks such as computer vision, face detection, face recognition, instance segmentation, image generation, knowledge distillation, network pruning, object detection, 3D object detection, OCR, pose estimation, self-supervised learning, semantic segmentation, super resolution, tracking, traffic forecast, GNN, HPC, methodology, multimodal, NLP, recommendation, reinforcement learning, speech recognition, speech synthesis, and 3D reconstruction.

FaceAiSharp is a .NET library designed for face-related computer vision tasks. It offers functionalities such as face detection, face recognition, facial landmarks detection, and eye state detection. The library utilizes pretrained ONNX models for accurate and efficient results, enabling users to integrate these capabilities into their .NET applications easily. With a focus on simplicity and performance, FaceAiSharp provides a local processing solution without relying on cloud services, supporting image-based face processing using ImageSharp. It is cross-platform compatible, supporting Windows, Linux, Android, and more.

Local Multimodal AI Chat is a hands-on project that teaches you how to build a multimodal chat application. It integrates different AI models to handle audio, images, and PDFs in a single chat interface. This project is perfect for anyone interested in AI and software development who wants to gain practical experience with these technologies.

Spandrel is a library for loading and running pre-trained PyTorch models. It automatically detects the model architecture and hyperparameters from model files, and provides a unified interface for running models.
For similar jobs

**Prompt flow** is a suite of development tools designed to streamline the end-to-end development cycle of LLM-based AI applications, from ideation, prototyping, testing, evaluation to production deployment and monitoring. It makes prompt engineering much easier and enables you to build LLM apps with production quality.

DeepEval is a simple-to-use, open-source LLM evaluation framework specialized for unit testing LLM outputs. It incorporates various metrics such as G-Eval, hallucination, answer relevancy, RAGAS, etc., and runs locally on your machine for evaluation. It provides a wide range of ready-to-use evaluation metrics, allows for creating custom metrics, integrates with any CI/CD environment, and enables benchmarking LLMs on popular benchmarks. DeepEval is designed for evaluating RAG and fine-tuning applications, helping users optimize hyperparameters, prevent prompt drifting, and transition from OpenAI to hosting their own Llama2 with confidence.

MegaDetector is an AI model that identifies animals, people, and vehicles in camera trap images (which also makes it useful for eliminating blank images). This model is trained on several million images from a variety of ecosystems. MegaDetector is just one of many tools that aims to make conservation biologists more efficient with AI. If you want to learn about other ways to use AI to accelerate camera trap workflows, check out our of the field, affectionately titled "Everything I know about machine learning and camera traps".

LeapfrogAI is a self-hosted AI platform designed to be deployed in air-gapped resource-constrained environments. It brings sophisticated AI solutions to these environments by hosting all the necessary components of an AI stack, including vector databases, model backends, API, and UI. LeapfrogAI's API closely matches that of OpenAI, allowing tools built for OpenAI/ChatGPT to function seamlessly with a LeapfrogAI backend. It provides several backends for various use cases, including llama-cpp-python, whisper, text-embeddings, and vllm. LeapfrogAI leverages Chainguard's apko to harden base python images, ensuring the latest supported Python versions are used by the other components of the stack. The LeapfrogAI SDK provides a standard set of protobuffs and python utilities for implementing backends and gRPC. LeapfrogAI offers UI options for common use-cases like chat, summarization, and transcription. It can be deployed and run locally via UDS and Kubernetes, built out using Zarf packages. LeapfrogAI is supported by a community of users and contributors, including Defense Unicorns, Beast Code, Chainguard, Exovera, Hypergiant, Pulze, SOSi, United States Navy, United States Air Force, and United States Space Force.

This Docker image for LLaVA (Large Language and Vision Assistant) provides a convenient way to run LLaVA locally or on RunPod. LLaVA is a powerful AI tool that combines natural language processing and computer vision capabilities. With this Docker image, you can easily access LLaVA's functionalities for various tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, text summarization, and more. The image comes pre-installed with LLaVA v1.2.0, Torch 2.1.2, xformers 0.0.23.post1, and other necessary dependencies. You can customize the model used by setting the MODEL environment variable. The image also includes a Jupyter Lab environment for interactive development and exploration. Overall, this Docker image offers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for leveraging LLaVA's capabilities.

The 'carrot' repository on GitHub provides a list of free and user-friendly ChatGPT mirror sites for easy access. The repository includes sponsored sites offering various GPT models and services. Users can find and share sites, report errors, and access stable and recommended sites for ChatGPT usage. The repository also includes a detailed list of ChatGPT sites, their features, and accessibility options, making it a valuable resource for ChatGPT users seeking free and unlimited GPT services.

TrustLLM is a comprehensive study of trustworthiness in LLMs, including principles for different dimensions of trustworthiness, established benchmark, evaluation, and analysis of trustworthiness for mainstream LLMs, and discussion of open challenges and future directions. Specifically, we first propose a set of principles for trustworthy LLMs that span eight different dimensions. Based on these principles, we further establish a benchmark across six dimensions including truthfulness, safety, fairness, robustness, privacy, and machine ethics. We then present a study evaluating 16 mainstream LLMs in TrustLLM, consisting of over 30 datasets. The document explains how to use the trustllm python package to help you assess the performance of your LLM in trustworthiness more quickly. For more details about TrustLLM, please refer to project website.

AI-YinMei is an AI virtual anchor Vtuber development tool (N card version). It supports fastgpt knowledge base chat dialogue, a complete set of solutions for LLM large language models: [fastgpt] + [one-api] + [Xinference], supports docking bilibili live broadcast barrage reply and entering live broadcast welcome speech, supports Microsoft edge-tts speech synthesis, supports Bert-VITS2 speech synthesis, supports GPT-SoVITS speech synthesis, supports expression control Vtuber Studio, supports painting stable-diffusion-webui output OBS live broadcast room, supports painting picture pornography public-NSFW-y-distinguish, supports search and image search service duckduckgo (requires magic Internet access), supports image search service Baidu image search (no magic Internet access), supports AI reply chat box [html plug-in], supports AI singing Auto-Convert-Music, supports playlist [html plug-in], supports dancing function, supports expression video playback, supports head touching action, supports gift smashing action, supports singing automatic start dancing function, chat and singing automatic cycle swing action, supports multi scene switching, background music switching, day and night automatic switching scene, supports open singing and painting, let AI automatically judge the content.