

🚀🚀🚀This is an AI high-performance reasoning C++ library, Currently supports the deployment of yolov5, yolov7, yolov7-pose, yolov8, yolov8-seg, yolov8-pose, yolov8-obb, yolox, RTDETR, DETR, depth-anything, yolop, yolopv2, SMOKE, yolov9 and other models.🚀🚀🚀

Stars: 87


This project is a c++ version of the AI reasoning library that supports the reasoning of tensorrt models. It provides accelerated deployment cases of deep learning CV popular models and supports dynamic-batch image processing, inference, decode, and NMS. The project has been updated with various models and provides tutorials for model exports. It also includes a producer-consumer inference model for specific tasks. The project directory includes implementations for model inference applications, backend reasoning classes, post-processing, pre-processing, and target detection and tracking. Speed tests have been conducted on various models, and onnx downloads are available for different models.



Language Language Language Language Language


This project is modified based on the AIInfer, Tanks for this project.

This is a c++ version of the AI reasoning library. Currently, it only supports the reasoning of the tensorrt model. The follow-up plan supports the c++ reasoning of frameworks such as Openvino, NCNN, and MNN. There are two versions for pre- and post-processing, c++ version and cuda version. It is recommended to use the cuda version., This repository provides accelerated deployment cases of deep learning CV popular models, and cuda c supports dynamic-batch image process, infer, decode, NMS.


  • 2023.05.27 update yolov5、yolov7、yolov8、yolox
  • 2023.05.28 update rt_detr
  • 2023.06.01 update yolov8_seg、yolov8_pose
  • 2023.06.09 update yolov7_cutoff
  • 2023.06.14 update yolov7-pose
  • 2023.06.15 Adding Producer-Consumer Inference Model for yolov8-det
  • 2023.06.24 update 3D objection detection algorithm smoke
  • 2023.09.06 update deploy for detr in mmdetection
  • 2024.01.26 update yolov8-obb
  • 2024.02.06 update depth-anything
  • 2024.02.12 update yolop & yolopv2
  • 2024.02.26 update yolov9


The following environments have been tested:

  • ubuntu16.04
  • cuda11.1
  • cudnn8.6.0
  • TensorRT-
  • gcc5.4.0
  • cmake-3.24.0
  • opencv-4.5.5
  • Eigen3
  • yaml

You can also use docker, How to use it is as follows:

docker pull longxiaowyh/dl_model_infer:v1.0
nvidia-docker run -itu root:root --name dl_model_infer --gpus all -v /your_path:/target_path -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -e GDK_SCALE -e GDK_DPI_SCALE  -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility --shm-size=64g longxiaowyh/dl_model_infer:v1.0 /bin/bash

Model Export Tutorial

Use of CPM (wrapping the inference as producer-consumer)

  • cpm.hpp Producer-consumer model
    • For direct inference tasks, cpm.hpp can be turned into an automatic multi-batch producer-consumer model
cpm::Instance<BoxArray, Image, yolov8_detector> cpmi;
auto result_futures = cpmi.commits(yoloimages);
for (int ib = 0; ib < result_futures.size(); ++ib)
    auto objs = result_futures[ib].get();
    auto image = images[ib].clone();
    for (auto& obj : objs)

Quick Start

Take yolov8 target detection as an example,modify CMakeLists.txt and run the command below:

git clone [email protected]:yhwang-hub/dl_model_infer.git
cd dl_model_infer
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
cd ../workspaces
./infer -f yolov8n.transd.trt -i res/dog.jpg -b 10 -c 10 -o cuda_res -t yolov8_det

You can also use a script to execute,The above instructions are written in the compile_and_run.sh script,for example:

rm -rf build && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..  && make -j9 && cd ..
# mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..  && make -j48 && cd ..
cd workspaces

rm -rf cuda_res/*

# ./infer -f yolov8n.transd.trt -i res/dog.jpg -b 10 -c 10 -o cuda_res -t yolov8_det

cd ..

Then execute the following command to run

cd dl_model_infer
bash compile_and_run.sh

Project directory introduction

   |--application # Implementation of model inference application, your own model inference can be implemented in this directory
     |--yolov8_det_app # Example: A yolov8 detection implemented
   |--utils # tools directory
     |--backend # here implements the reasoning class of backend
     |--common # There are some commonly used tools in it
       |--arg_parsing.h # Command line parsing class, similar to python's argparse
       |--cuda_utils.h # There are some common tool functions of cuda in it
       |--cv_cpp_utils.h # There are some cv-related utility functions in it
       |--memory.h # Tools related to cpu and gpu memory application and release
       |--model_info.h # Commonly used parameter definitions for pre- and post-processing of the model, such as mean variance, nms threshold, etc.
       |--utils.h # Commonly used tool functions in cpp, timing, mkdir, etc.
       |--cpm.h # Producer-Consumer Inference Model
     |--post_process # Post-processing implementation directory, cuda post-processing acceleration, if you have custom post-processing, you can also write it here
     |--pre_process # pre-processing implementation directory, cuda pre-processing acceleration, if you have custom pre-processing can also be written here
     |--tracker # This is the implementation of the target detection and tracking library, which has been decoupled and can be deleted directly if you don’t want to use it
   |--workspaces # Working directory, where you can put some test pictures/videos, models, and then directly use the relative path in main.cpp
   |--mains # This is the collection of main.cpp, where each app corresponds to a main file, which is easy to understand, and it is too redundant to write together
   |--main.cpp # Project entry

Speed Test

Tested on Jetson Orin, the test includes the entire process (image preprocessing + model inference + post-processing decoding)、

Model Precision Resolution FPS(bs=1)
rtdetr_r50 FP16 640x640 19
yolov8n FP16 640x640 126
yolov8n-seg FP16 640x640 92
yolov8s-pose FP16 640x640 58
yolov8s-obb FP16 1024x1024 38
yolov5s FP16 640x640 92
yolov7 FP16 640x640 34
yolov7_cutoff FP16 640x640 32
yolov7-w6-pose FP16 960x960 22
yolox_s FP16 640x640 91
detr FP16 800x1190 18
depth_anything_vits14 FP16 518x518 19
yolop FP16 640x640 40
yolopv2 FP16 480x640 26

onnx downloads

model baiduyun
yolov5 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Bwwo8--JS8Vkw6METz2dIw 提取码: 47ax
yolov7 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gb0W177xhnrseJF6CfdMEA 提取码: rvg5
yolov7_cutoff 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16bKgt_DWNmk26q-utLyCfA 提取码: q7kf
yolov8 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/18Cm-tN21cus3XyirqLE_eg 提取码: j8br
yolov8-seg 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s2Gp_Jedhi9-p_Z2utJV-Q 提取码: wr5t
yolov8-pose 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lP8kiKu2a6h_FAZSSkhUgg 提取码: 7p6a
yolox 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1U0gzW_YMbvNMtKzo4_cluA 提取码: 4xct
rt-detr 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ft0-ewuCTK2BxTS1q1Vdtw 提取码: ekms
yolov7-pose 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uI6u5oKDrnroluQufIWF7w 提取码: ed9r
DETR 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_PQVPKy0QiFWJaB7HhyTSg 提取码: j7fs
yolov8-obb 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bMZuZPtTNjo5tl5heOdJRw 提取码: fudj
Depth-Anything 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZiE1AVvpB6owND5wEqHwMw 提取码: cp97
YOLOP 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Q0itb-TMoYpx27x0stwUag 提取码: rc3p
YOLOPV2 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19sNBrwIx2TAD7iOJtZrDuA 提取码: 15vm
YOLOV9 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Cotnig9BgeJt7gAW-Vy8Pg 提取码: n4hm


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