Stars: 484

Qwen-TensorRT-LLM is a project developed for the NVIDIA TensorRT Hackathon 2023, focusing on accelerating inference for the Qwen-7B-Chat model using TRT-LLM. The project offers various functionalities such as FP16/BF16 support, INT8 and INT4 quantization options, Tensor Parallel for multi-GPU parallelism, web demo setup with gradio, Triton API deployment for maximum throughput/concurrency, fastapi integration for openai requests, CLI interaction, and langchain support. It supports models like qwen2, qwen, and qwen-vl for both base and chat models. The project also provides tutorials on Bilibili and blogs for adapting Qwen models in NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM, along with hardware requirements and quick start guides for different model types and quantization methods.
- 介绍本工作是 NVIDIA TensorRT Hackathon 2023 的参赛题目,本项目使用TRT-LLM完成对Qwen-7B-Chat实现推理加速。相关代码已经放在release/0.1.0分支,感兴趣的同学可以去该分支学习完整流程。
- FP16 / BF16(实验性)
- INT8 Weight-Only & INT8 Smooth Quant & INT4 Weight-Only & INT4-AWQ & INT4-GPTQ
- Tensor Parallel(多卡并行)
- 基于gradio搭建web demo
- 支持triton部署api,结合
实现最大吞吐/并发。 - 支持fastapi搭建兼容openai请求的api,并且支持function call调用。
- 支持cli命令行对话。
- 支持langchain接入。
- base模型(实验性):Qwen1.5-0.5B、Qwen1.5-1.8B、Qwen1.5-4B、Qwen1.5-7B、Qwen1.5-14B、Qwen1.5-32B、Qwen1.5-72B、QWen-VL、CodeQwen1.5-7B
- chat模型(推荐):Qwen1.5-0.5B-Chat、Qwen1.5-1.8B-Chat、Qwen1.5-4B-Chat、Qwen1.5-7B-Chat、Qwen1.5-14B-Chat、Qwen1.5-32B-Chat、Qwen1.5-72B-Chat(实验性)、QWen-VL-Chat、CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat
- chat-gptq-int4模型:Qwen1.5-0.5B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4、Qwen1.5-1.8B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4、Qwen1.5-4B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4、Qwen1.5-7B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4、Qwen1.5-14B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4、Qwen1.5-32B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4、Qwen1.5-72B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4(实验性)、Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4
本项目配套博客适配概述:如何在 NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM 中支持 Qwen 模型
- Linux最佳,已安装docker,并且安装了nvidia-docker(安装指南),Windows理论也可以,但是还未测试,感兴趣可以自己研究一下。
- Windows参考这个教程:链接
- 有英伟达显卡(30系,40系,V100/A100等),以及一定的显存、内存、磁盘。结合Qwen官方推理要求,预估出下面的要求,详见表格(仅编译期最大要求),仅供参考:
Model Size | Quantization | GPU Memory Usage (GB) | CPU Memory Usage (GB) | Disk Usage (GB) |
1.8B | fp16 | 5 | 15 | 11 |
int8 smooth quant | 5 | 15 | 22 | |
int8 weight only | 4 | 12 | 9 | |
int4 weight only | 4 | 10 | 7 | |
int4 gptq (raw) | 4 | 10 | 6 | |
int4 gptq (manual) | 5 | 13 | 14 | |
int4 awq | 5 | 13 | 18 | |
7B | fp16 | 21 | 59 | 42 |
int8 smooth quant | 21 | 59 | 84 | |
int8 weight only | 14 | 39 | 28 | |
int4 weight only | 10 | 29 | 21 | |
int4 gptq (raw) | 10 | 29 | 16 | |
int4 gptq (manual) | 21 | 51 | 42 | |
int4 awq | 21 | 51 | 56 | |
14B | fp16 | 38 | 106 | 75 |
int8 smooth quant | 38 | 106 | 150 | |
int8 weight only | 24 | 66 | 47 | |
int4 weight only | 16 | 46 | 33 | |
int4 gptq (raw) | 16 | 46 | 26 | |
int4 gptq (manual) | 38 | 90 | 66 | |
int4 awq | 38 | 90 | 94 | |
72B | fp16 | 181 | 506 | 362 |
int8 smooth quant | 181 | 506 | 724 | |
int8 weight only | 102 | 284 | 203 | |
int4 weight only | 61 | 171 | 122 | |
int4 gptq (raw) | 61 | 171 | 98 | |
int4 gptq (manual) | 181 | 434 | 244 | |
int4 awq | 181 | 434 | 406 |
docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/tritonserver:24.02-trtllm-python-py3
对于Windows用户想体验tritonserver部署的,或者无GPU的用户,可以使用AutoDL镜像,含tritonserver,版本为24.02(对应tensorrt_llm 0.8.0),链接,注:该链接包含完整编译教程。
git clone https://github.com/Tlntin/Qwen-TensorRT-LLM.git cd Qwen-TensorRT-LLM
路径,然后打开8000和7860端口的映射,方便调试api和web界面。docker run --gpus all \ --name trt_llm \ -d \ --ipc=host \ --ulimit memlock=-1 \ --restart=always \ --ulimit stack=67108864 \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 7860:7860 \ -v ${PWD}/examples:/app/tensorrt_llm/examples \ nvcr.io/nvidia/tritonserver:24.02-trtllm-python-py3 sleep 8640000
pip install tensorrt_llm==0.8.0 --extra-index-url https://pypi.nvidia.com --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
cd /app/tensorrt_llm/examples/qwen2/ pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install "transformers>=4.37"
路径下即可。 -
- 默认编译参数,包括batch_size, max_input_len, max_new_tokens, seq_length都存放在
中 - 默认模型路径,包括
(手动gptq量化输出路径),可以改成你自定义的路径。 - 对于24G显存用户,直接编译即可,默认是fp16数据类型,max_batch_size=2
- 对于低显存用户,可以降低max_batch_size=1,或者继续降低max_input_len, max_new_tokens
- 默认编译参数,包括batch_size, max_input_len, max_new_tokens, seq_length都存放在
为可选参数,可以一定程度上节省显存)。python3 build.py --remove_input_padding --enable_context_fmha
编译 int8 (weight only)。
python3 build.py --use_weight_only --weight_only_precision=int8
编译int4 (weight only)
python3 build.py --use_weight_only --weight_only_precision=int4
对于如果单卡装不下,又不想用int4/int8量化,可以选择尝试tp = 2,即启用两张GPU进行编译 (注:tp功能目前只支持从Huggingface格式构建engine)
python3 build.py --world_size 2 --tp_size 2
Output: "您好,我是来自达摩院的大规模语言模型,我叫通义千问。"
tp = 1(默认单GPU)时使用python直接运行run.py
python3 run.py
tp = 2(2卡用户,或者更多GPU卡)时,使用
命令来运行run.pympirun -n 2 --allow-run-as-root python run.py
Failed, NCCL error /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/LLM/release-0.8/L0_PostMerge/tensorrt_llm/cpp/tensorrt_llm/plugins/ncclPlugin/allreducePlugin.cpp:183 'unknown result code'
,需要安装nccl2.20.3-1(使用压缩包,解压后导入系统环境变量或者使用apt命名安装均可),安装后即可正常运行。export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=nccl_2.20.3-1+cuda12.3_x86_64/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # 或者,推荐下面这种 apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libnccl2=2.20.3-1+cuda12.3 libnccl-dev=2.20.3-1+cuda12.3 -y
python3 summarize.py --test_hf
python3 summarize.py --test_trt_llm
也可通过百度网盘下载,链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12rot0Lc0hc9oCb7GxBS6Ng?pwd=jps5 提取码: jps5
路径下即可 -
即可。一般不推荐修改,如果修改了这个,则需要重新编译一次trt-llm,保证两者输入数据集长度统一。 -
python3 benchmark.py --backend=hf --dataset=ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --hf_max_batch_size=1
测量trt-llm模型 (注意:
不应该超过build时候定义的最大batch_size,否则会出现内存错误。)python3 benchmark.py --backend=trt_llm --dataset=ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --trt_max_batch_size=1
注意:运行Smooth Quant需要将huggingface模型完全加载到GPU里面,用于构建int8标定数据集,所以需要提前确保你的显存够大,能够完全加载整个模型。
python3 hf_qwen_convert.py --smoothquant=0.5
python3 hf_qwen_convert.py --smoothquant=0.5 --tensor-parallelism=2
- 单卡
python3 build.py --use_smooth_quant --per_token --per_channel
- 多卡(以2卡为例)
python3 build.py --use_smooth_quant --per_token --per_channel --world_size 2 --tp_size 2
- 单卡
- 单卡
python3 hf_qwen_convert.py --calibrate-kv-cache
- 多卡(以2卡为例)
python3 hf_qwen_convert.py --calibrate-kv-cache --tensor-parallelism=2
- 单卡
编译int8 weight only + int8-kv-cache
- 单卡
python3 build.py --use_weight_only --weight_only_precision=int8 --int8_kv_cache
- 多卡(以2卡为例)
python3 build.py --use_weight_only --weight_only_precision=int8 --int8_kv_cache --world_size 2 --tp_size 2
- 单卡
pip install auto-gptq optimum pip install transformers -U
- 转权重获取scale相关信息,默认使用GPU进行校准,需要能够完整加载模型。(注:对于Qwen-7B-Chat V1.0,可以加上
来尝试用cpu标定,但是时间会很长)python3 gptq_convert.py
- 编译TensorRT-LLM Engine
python build.py --use_weight_only \ --weight_only_precision int4_gptq \ --per_group
- 如果想要节省显存(注:只能用于单batch),可以试试加上这俩参数来编译Engine
python build.py --use_weight_only \ --weight_only_precision int4_gptq \ --per_group \ --remove_input_padding \ --enable_context_fmha
- 转权重获取scale相关信息,默认使用GPU进行校准,需要能够完整加载模型。(注:对于Qwen-7B-Chat V1.0,可以加上
- 编译模型,注意设置hf模型路径和
量化后权重路径均设置为同一个路径,下面是32b-gptq-int4模型的示例(其他gptq-int4模型也是一样操作)python build.py --use_weight_only \ --weight_only_precision int4_gptq \ --per_group \ --hf_model_dir Qwen1.5-32B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4 \ --quant_ckpt_path Qwen1.5-32B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4
- 运行模型,这里需要指定一下tokenizer路径
python3 run.py --tokenizer_dir=Qwen1.5-32B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4
- 编译模型,注意设置hf模型路径和
- 需要下载并安装nvidia-ammo模块(仅支持Linux,不支持Windows)
pip install --no-cache-dir --extra-index-url https://pypi.nvidia.com nvidia-ammo~=0.7.0
- 运行int4-awq量化代码,导出校准权重。
python3 quantize.py --export_path ./qwen2_7b_4bit_gs128_awq.pt
- 运行build.py,用于构建TensorRT-LLM Engine。
python build.py --use_weight_only \ --weight_only_precision int4_awq \ --per_group \ --quant_ckpt_path ./qwen2_7b_4bit_gs128_awq.pt
- 如果想要节省显存(注:只能用于单batch),可以试试加上这俩参数来编译Engine
python build.py --use_weight_only \ --weight_only_precision int4_awq \ --per_group \ --remove_input_padding \ --enable_context_fmha \ --quant_ckpt_path ./qwen2_7b_4bit_gs128_awq.pt
python3 cli_chat.py
- 部署api
python3 api.py
- 另开一个终端,进入
目录,里面有4个文件,分别代表不同的调用方式。 -
,通过异步的方式调用api,通过SSE协议来支持流式输出。 -
,通过同步的方式调用api,为常规的HTTP协议,Post请求,不支持流式输出,请求一次需要等模型生成完所有文字后,才能返回。 -
模块直接调用自己部署的api,该示例为非流式调用,请求一次需要等模型生成完所有文字后,才能返回。。 -
模块直接调用自己部署的api,该示例为流式调用。 - 注意:需要
模块版本>=2.3.2,否则将会出现ChatCompletionResponse' object has no attribute 'model_dump_json'
尝试网页对话(可选,需要先部署api)。运行下面的命令,然后打开本地浏览器,访问: 即可
python3 web_demo.py
- 默认配置的web_demo.py如下:
demo.queue().launch(share=False, inbrowser=True)
- 如果是服务器运行,建议改成这样
demo.queue().launch(server_name="", share=False, inbrowser=False)
- web_demo参数说明
: 代表将网站穿透到公网,会自动用一个随机的临时公网域名,有效期3天,不过这个选项可能不太安全,有可能造成服务器被攻击,不建议打开。 -
: 部署服务后,自动打开浏览器,如果是本机,可以打开。如果是服务器,不建议打开,因为服务器也没有谷歌浏览器给你打开。 -
: 允许任意ip访问,适合服务器,然后你只需要输入http://[你的ip]: 7860
就能看到网页了,如果不开这个选择,默认只能部署的那台机器才能访问。 -
:仅局域网/或者公网ip访问,不会生成公网域名。 -
: 部署后不打开浏览器,适合服务器。
web_demo运行效果(测试平台:RTX 4080, qwen2-7b-chat, int4 weight only)
- 参考该教程部署tritonserver:Triton24.02部署TensorRT-LLM,实现http查询
- 使用该项目封装tritonserver以支持openai API格式,项目链接:https://github.com/zhaohb/fastapi_tritonserver
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Similar Open Source Tools

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Firefly is an open-source large model training project that supports pre-training, fine-tuning, and DPO of mainstream large models. It includes models like Llama3, Gemma, Qwen1.5, MiniCPM, Llama, InternLM, Baichuan, ChatGLM, Yi, Deepseek, Qwen, Orion, Ziya, Xverse, Mistral, Mixtral-8x7B, Zephyr, Vicuna, Bloom, etc. The project supports full-parameter training, LoRA, QLoRA efficient training, and various tasks such as pre-training, SFT, and DPO. Suitable for users with limited training resources, QLoRA is recommended for fine-tuning instructions. The project has achieved good results on the Open LLM Leaderboard with QLoRA training process validation. The latest version has significant updates and adaptations for different chat model templates.
For similar tasks

AutoGPTQ is an easy-to-use LLM quantization package with user-friendly APIs, based on GPTQ algorithm (weight-only quantization). It provides a simple and efficient way to quantize large language models (LLMs) to reduce their size and computational cost while maintaining their performance. AutoGPTQ supports a wide range of LLM models, including GPT-2, GPT-J, OPT, and BLOOM. It also supports various evaluation tasks, such as language modeling, sequence classification, and text summarization. With AutoGPTQ, users can easily quantize their LLM models and deploy them on resource-constrained devices, such as mobile phones and embedded systems.

Qwen-TensorRT-LLM is a project developed for the NVIDIA TensorRT Hackathon 2023, focusing on accelerating inference for the Qwen-7B-Chat model using TRT-LLM. The project offers various functionalities such as FP16/BF16 support, INT8 and INT4 quantization options, Tensor Parallel for multi-GPU parallelism, web demo setup with gradio, Triton API deployment for maximum throughput/concurrency, fastapi integration for openai requests, CLI interaction, and langchain support. It supports models like qwen2, qwen, and qwen-vl for both base and chat models. The project also provides tutorials on Bilibili and blogs for adapting Qwen models in NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM, along with hardware requirements and quick start guides for different model types and quantization methods.

The stable-diffusion.cpp repository provides an implementation for inferring stable diffusion in pure C/C++. It offers features such as support for different versions of stable diffusion, lightweight and dependency-free implementation, various quantization support, memory-efficient CPU inference, GPU acceleration, and more. Users can download the built executable program or build it manually. The repository also includes instructions for downloading weights, building from scratch, using different acceleration methods, running the tool, converting weights, and utilizing various features like Flash Attention, ESRGAN upscaling, PhotoMaker support, and more. Additionally, it mentions future TODOs and provides information on memory requirements, bindings, UIs, contributors, and references.

LMOps is a research initiative focusing on fundamental research and technology for building AI products with foundation models, particularly enabling AI capabilities with Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI models. The project explores various aspects such as prompt optimization, longer context handling, LLM alignment, acceleration of LLMs, LLM customization, and understanding in-context learning. It also includes tools like Promptist for automatic prompt optimization, Structured Prompting for efficient long-sequence prompts consumption, and X-Prompt for extensible prompts beyond natural language. Additionally, LLMA accelerators are developed to speed up LLM inference by referencing and copying text spans from documents. The project aims to advance technologies that facilitate prompting language models and enhance the performance of LLMs in various scenarios.

Awesome-Efficient-LLM is a curated list focusing on efficient large language models. It includes topics such as knowledge distillation, network pruning, quantization, inference acceleration, efficient MOE, efficient architecture of LLM, KV cache compression, text compression, low-rank decomposition, hardware/system, tuning, and survey. The repository provides a collection of papers and projects related to improving the efficiency of large language models through various techniques like sparsity, quantization, and compression.

The NVIDIA TensorRT Model Optimizer is a library designed to quantize and compress deep learning models for optimized inference on GPUs. It offers state-of-the-art model optimization techniques including quantization and sparsity to reduce inference costs for generative AI models. Users can easily stack different optimization techniques to produce quantized checkpoints from torch or ONNX models. The quantized checkpoints are ready for deployment in inference frameworks like TensorRT-LLM or TensorRT, with planned integrations for NVIDIA NeMo and Megatron-LM. The tool also supports 8-bit quantization with Stable Diffusion for enterprise users on NVIDIA NIM. Model Optimizer is available for free on NVIDIA PyPI, and this repository serves as a platform for sharing examples, GPU-optimized recipes, and collecting community feedback.

Bolts package provides a variety of components to extend PyTorch Lightning, such as callbacks & datasets, for applied research and production. Users can accelerate Lightning training with the Torch ORT Callback to optimize ONNX graph for faster training & inference. Additionally, users can introduce sparsity with the SparseMLCallback to accelerate inference by leveraging the DeepSparse engine. Specific research implementations are encouraged, with contributions that help train SSL models and integrate with Lightning Flash for state-of-the-art models in applied research.

ms-swift is an official framework provided by the ModelScope community for fine-tuning and deploying large language models and multi-modal large models. It supports training, inference, evaluation, quantization, and deployment of over 400 large models and 100+ multi-modal large models. The framework includes various training technologies and accelerates inference, evaluation, and deployment modules. It offers a Gradio-based Web-UI interface and best practices for easy application of large models. ms-swift supports a wide range of model types, dataset types, hardware support, lightweight training methods, distributed training techniques, quantization training, RLHF training, multi-modal training, interface training, plugin and extension support, inference acceleration engines, model evaluation, and model quantization.
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Qwen-TensorRT-LLM is a project developed for the NVIDIA TensorRT Hackathon 2023, focusing on accelerating inference for the Qwen-7B-Chat model using TRT-LLM. The project offers various functionalities such as FP16/BF16 support, INT8 and INT4 quantization options, Tensor Parallel for multi-GPU parallelism, web demo setup with gradio, Triton API deployment for maximum throughput/concurrency, fastapi integration for openai requests, CLI interaction, and langchain support. It supports models like qwen2, qwen, and qwen-vl for both base and chat models. The project also provides tutorials on Bilibili and blogs for adapting Qwen models in NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM, along with hardware requirements and quick start guides for different model types and quantization methods.

HF-Waitress is a powerful server application for deploying and interacting with HuggingFace Transformer models. It simplifies running open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) locally on-device, providing on-the-fly quantization via BitsAndBytes, HQQ, and Quanto. It requires no manual model downloads, offers concurrency, streaming responses, and supports various hardware and platforms. The server uses a `config.json` file for easy configuration management and provides detailed error handling and logging.

This project is a c++ version of the AI reasoning library that supports the reasoning of tensorrt models. It provides accelerated deployment cases of deep learning CV popular models and supports dynamic-batch image processing, inference, decode, and NMS. The project has been updated with various models and provides tutorials for model exports. It also includes a producer-consumer inference model for specific tasks. The project directory includes implementations for model inference applications, backend reasoning classes, post-processing, pre-processing, and target detection and tracking. Speed tests have been conducted on various models, and onnx downloads are available for different models.

JoliGEN is an integrated framework for training custom generative AI image-to-image models. It implements GAN, Diffusion, and Consistency models for various image translation tasks, including domain and style adaptation with conservation of semantics. The tool is designed for real-world applications such as Controlled Image Generation, Augmented Reality, Dataset Smart Augmentation, and Synthetic to Real transforms. JoliGEN allows for fast and stable training with a REST API server for simplified deployment. It offers a wide range of options and parameters with detailed documentation available for models, dataset formats, and data augmentation.

AI Edge Torch is a Python library that supports converting PyTorch models into a .tflite format for on-device applications on Android, iOS, and IoT devices. It offers broad CPU coverage with initial GPU and NPU support, closely integrating with PyTorch and providing good coverage of Core ATen operators. The library includes a PyTorch converter for model conversion and a Generative API for authoring mobile-optimized PyTorch Transformer models, enabling easy deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) on mobile devices.

RK3588 is a flagship 8K SoC chip by Rockchip, integrating Cortex-A76 and Cortex-A55 cores with NEON coprocessor for 8K video codec. This repository curates resources for developing with RK3588, including official resources, RKNN models, projects, development boards, documentation, tools, and sample code.

cl-waffe2 is an experimental deep learning framework in Common Lisp, providing fast, systematic, and customizable matrix operations, reverse mode tape-based Automatic Differentiation, and neural network model building and training features accelerated by a JIT Compiler. It offers abstraction layers, extensibility, inlining, graph-level optimization, visualization, debugging, systematic nodes, and symbolic differentiation. Users can easily write extensions and optimize their networks without overheads. The framework is designed to eliminate barriers between users and developers, allowing for easy customization and extension.

The NVIDIA TensorRT Model Optimizer is a library designed to quantize and compress deep learning models for optimized inference on GPUs. It offers state-of-the-art model optimization techniques including quantization and sparsity to reduce inference costs for generative AI models. Users can easily stack different optimization techniques to produce quantized checkpoints from torch or ONNX models. The quantized checkpoints are ready for deployment in inference frameworks like TensorRT-LLM or TensorRT, with planned integrations for NVIDIA NeMo and Megatron-LM. The tool also supports 8-bit quantization with Stable Diffusion for enterprise users on NVIDIA NIM. Model Optimizer is available for free on NVIDIA PyPI, and this repository serves as a platform for sharing examples, GPU-optimized recipes, and collecting community feedback.