

This Guidance demonstrates how to build an internal Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that provides access to foundation models, like those available through Amazon Bedrock, to different business units or teams within your organization

Stars: 56


This repository provides guidance on building a multi-tenant SaaS solution for accessing foundation models using Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker. It helps enterprise IT teams track usage and costs of foundation models, regulate access, and provide visibility to cost centers. The solution includes an API Gateway design pattern for standardization and governance, enabling loose coupling between model consumers and endpoint services. The CDK Stack deploys resources for private networking, API Gateway, Lambda functions, DynamoDB table, EventBridge, S3 buckets, and Cloudwatch logs.


Multi-tenant Generative AI gateway with cost and usage tracking on AWS

In this repository, we show you how to build a multi-tenant SaaS solution to access foundation models with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker.

Enterprise IT teams may need to track the usage of FMs across teams, chargeback costs and provide visibility to the relevant cost center in the LOB. Additionally, they may need to regulate access to different models per team. For example, if only specific FMs may be approved for use.

An internal software as a service (SaaS) for foundation models can address governance requirements while providing a simple and consistent interface for the end users. API Gateway is a common design pattern that enable consumption of services with standardization and governance. They can provide loose coupling between model consumers and the model endpoint service that gives flexibility to adapt to changing model versions, architectures and invocation methods.

  1. Project Description
  2. API Specifications
  3. Reporting Costs Example
  4. Deploy Stack
    1. Full Deployment
    2. API Key Deployment
  5. SageMaker Endpoints

Project Description

Multiple tenants within an enterprise could simply reflect to multiple teams or projects accessing LLMs via REST APIs just like other SaaS services. IT teams can add additional governance and controls over this SaaS layer. In this cdk example, we focus specifically on showcasing multiple tenants with different cost centers accessing the service via API gateway. An internal service is responsible to perform usage and cost tracking per tenant and aggregate that cost for reporting. The cdk template provided here deploys all the required resources to the AWS account.


The CDK Stack provides the following deployments:

Full Deployment: It deploys the following resources:

  1. Private Networking environment with VPC, Private Subnets, VPC Endpoints for Lambda, API Gateway, and Amazon Bedrock
  2. API Gateway Rest API
  3. API Gateway Usage Plan
  4. API Gateway Key
  5. Lambda functions to list foundation models on Bedrock
  6. Lambda functions to invoke models on Bedrock and SageMaker
  7. Lambda functions to invoke models on Bedrock and SageMaker with streaming response
  8. DynamoDB table for saving streaming responses asynchronously
  9. Lambda function to aggregate usage and cost tracking
  10. EventBridge to trigger the cost aggregation on a regular frequency
  11. S3 buckets to store the cost tracking logs
  12. Cloudwatch logs to collect logs from Lambda invocations

API Key Deployment: It deploys the following resources:

  1. API Gateway Usage Plan
  2. API Gateway Key

Sample notebook in the notebooks folder can be used to invoke Bedrock as either one of the teams/cost_center. API gateway then routes the request to the lambda that invokes Bedrock models or SageMaker hosted models and logs the usage metrics to cloudwatch. EventBridge triggers the cost tracking lambda on a regular frequnecy to aggregate metrics from the cloudwatch logs and generate aggregate usage and cost metrics for the chosen granularity level. The metrics are stored in S3 and can further be visualized with custom reports.

API Specifications

The CDK Stack creates Rest API compliant with OpenAPI specification standards.

The solution is currently support both REST invocation and Streaming invocation with long polling for Bedrock and SageMaker.

OpenAPI 3

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: "<REST_API_NAME>"
  version: '2023-12-13T12:12:15Z'
- url: https://<HOST>.execute-api.<REGION>{basePath}
      default: prod
          description: 401 response
                type: string
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error"
      - api_key: []
        required: true
               $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvokeModelRequest'
      - name: model_id
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: Id of the base model to invoke
      - name: model_arn
        in: query
        required: true
          type: string
        description: ARN of the custom model in Amazon Bedrock
      - name: requestId
        in: query
        required: false
          type: string
        description: Request ID for long-polling functionality. Requires streaming=true
      - name: team_id
        in: header
        required: true
          type: string
      - name: messages_api
        in: header
        required: false
          type: string
      - name: streaming
        in: header
        required: false
          type: string
      - name: type
        in: header
        required: false
          type: string
          description: 401 response
                type: string
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error"
      - api_key: []
      type: object
        - inputs
        - parameters
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Prompt'
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ModelParameters'
      type: object
        - role: 'user'
          content: 'What is Amazon Bedrock?'
      type: object
          type: integer
          required: false
          type: number
          required: false
          type: number
          required: false
          type: array
          required: false
            type: string
          type: string
          required: false
      title: Error Schema
      type: object
          type: string
      type: apiKey
      name: x-api-key
      in: header

Reporting Costs Example

team_id model_id input_tokens output_tokens invocations input_cost output_cost
tenant1 amazon.titan-tg1-large 24000 2473 1000 0.0072 0.00099
tenant1 anthropic.claude-v2 2448 4800 24 0.02698 0.15686
tenant2 amazon.titan-tg1-large 35000 52500 350 0.0105 0.021
tenant2 ai21.j2-grande-instruct 4590 9000 45 0.05738 0.1125
tenant2 anthropic.claude-v2 1080 4400 20 0.0119 0.14379

Deploy Stack


The following examples are providing guidelines on the structure for the configuration file. Please make sure to look at setup/configs.json for the most updated version of the file.

Full Deployment

Step 1

Edit the global configs used in the CDK Stack. For each organizational units that requires a dedicated multi-tenant SaaS environment, create an entry in setup/configs.json

    "STACK_PREFIX": "", # unit 1 with dedicated SaaS resources
    "BEDROCK_ENDPOINT": "https://bedrock-runtime.{}", # bedrock-runtime endpoint used for invoking Amazon Bedrock
    "BEDROCK_REQUIREMENTS": "boto3>=1.34.62 awscli>=1.32.62 botocore>=1.34.62", # Requirements for Amazon Bedrock
    "LANGCHAIN_REQUIREMENTS": "aws-lambda-powertools langchain==0.1.12 pydantic PyYaml", # python modules installed for langchain layer
    "PANDAS_REQUIREMENTS": "pandas", # python modules installed for pandas layer
    "VPC_CIDR": "" # CIDR used for the private VPC Env,
    "API_THROTTLING_RATE": 10000, #Throttling limit assigned to the usage plan
    "API_BURST_RATE": 5000 # Burst limit assigned to the usage plan
    "STACK_PREFIX": "" # unit 2 with dedicated SaaS resources,
    "BEDROCK_ENDPOINT": "https://bedrock-runtime.{}", # bedrock-runtime endpoint used for invoking Amazon Bedrock
    "BEDROCK_REQUIREMENTS": "boto3>=1.34.62 awscli>=1.32.62 botocore>=1.34.62", # Requirements for Amazon Bedrock
    "LANGCHAIN_REQUIREMENTS": "aws-lambda-powertools langchain==0.1.12 pydantic PyYaml", # python modules installed for langchain layer
    "PANDAS_REQUIREMENTS": "pandas", # python modules installed for pandas layer
    "VPC_CIDR": "" # CIDR used for the private VPC Env,
    "API_BURST_RATE": 5000

Step 2

Execute the following commands:

chmod +x

API Key Deployment

Step 1

Option 1

Edit the global configs used in the CDK Stack. For each organizational units that requires a dedicated API Key associated to a crated API Gateway REST API, create an entry in setup/configs.json by specifying API_GATEWAY_ID and API_GATEWAY_RESOURCE_ID:

    "STACK_PREFIX": "", # unit 1 with dedicated SaaS resources
    "API_GATEWAY_ID": "", # Rest API ID
    "API_GATEWAY_RESOURCE_ID": "", # Resource ID of the Rest API
    "API_THROTTLING_RATE": 10000, #Throttling limit assigned to the usage plan
    "API_BURST_RATE": 5000 # Burst limit assigned to the usage plan
Option 2

Edit the global configs used in the CDK Stack. For each organizational units that requires a dedicated API Key associated to a crated API Gateway REST API, create an entry in setup/configs.json by specifying PARENT_STACK_PREFIX:

    "STACK_PREFIX": "", # unit 1 with dedicated SaaS resources
    "PARENT_STACK_PREFIX": "", # unit parent you want to import configurations
    "API_THROTTLING_RATE": 10000, #Throttling limit assigned to the usage plan
    "API_BURST_RATE": 5000 # Burst limit assigned to the usage plan

Rest API Id

Resource Id

Step 2

Execute the following commands:

chmod +x

SageMaker Endpoints

Add FMs through Amazon SageMaker:

We can expose Foundation Models hosted in Amazon SageMaker by providing the endpoint names in a JSON format in a string representation, as described in the example below:

    "STACK_PREFIX": "", # unit 1 with dedicated SaaS resources
    "BEDROCK_ENDPOINT": "https://bedrock-runtime.{}", # bedrock-runtime endpoint used for invoking Amazon Bedrock
    "BEDROCK_REQUIREMENTS": "boto3>=1.34.62 awscli>=1.32.62 botocore>=1.34.62", # Requirements for Amazon Bedrock
    "LANGCHAIN_REQUIREMENTS": "aws-lambda-powertools langchain==0.1.12 pydantic PyYaml", # python modules installed for langchain layer
    "PANDAS_REQUIREMENTS": "pandas", # python modules installed for pandas layer
    "VPC_CIDR": "" # CIDR used for the private VPC Env,
    "API_THROTTLING_RATE": 10000, #Throttling limit assigned to the usage plan
    "API_BURST_RATE": 5000 # Burst limit assigned to the usage plan,
    "SAGEMAKER_ENDPOINTS": "{'Mixtral 8x7B': 'Mixtral-SM-Endpoint'}" # List of SageMaker endpoints

InferenceComponentName with SageMaker Endpoint

We can provide InferenceComponentNamespecification for the model invocation. Please refer to the notebook 01_bedrock_api.ipynb for an example

Important note

Amazon SageMaker Hosting is providing flexibility in the definition of the inference container. This solution is currently supporting general purpose inference scripts provided by SageMaker JumpStart and Hugging Face TGI container.

It is required to adapt the lambda functions invoke_model and invoke_model_streaming in case of custom inference scripts.

Reading resources

For additional reading, refer to:

  1. Build an internal SaaS service with cost and usage tracking for foundation models on Amazon Bedrock
  2. Create a Generative AI Gateway to allow secure and compliant consumption of foundation models

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