Stars: 276

RealtimeSTT is an easy-to-use, low-latency speech-to-text library for realtime applications. It listens to the microphone and transcribes voice into text, making it ideal for voice assistants and applications requiring fast and precise speech-to-text conversion. The library utilizes Voice Activity Detection, Realtime Transcription, and Wake Word Activation features. It supports GPU-accelerated transcription using PyTorch with CUDA support. RealtimeSTT offers various customization options for different parameters to enhance user experience and performance. The library is designed to provide a seamless experience for developers integrating speech-to-text functionality into their applications.
Additional steps are needed for a GPU-optimized installation. These steps are recommended for those who require better performance and have a compatible NVIDIA GPU.
Note: To check if your NVIDIA GPU supports CUDA, visit the official CUDA GPUs list.
To use RealtimeSTT with GPU support via CUDA please follow these steps:
Install NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 11.8:
- Visit NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit Archive.
- Select operating system and version.
- Download and install the software.
Install NVIDIA cuDNN 8.7.0 for CUDA 11.x:
- Visit NVIDIA cuDNN Archive.
- Click on "Download cuDNN v8.7.0 (November 28th, 2022), for CUDA 11.x".
- Download and install the software.
Install ffmpeg:
You can download an installer for your OS from the ffmpeg Website.
Or use a package manager:-
On Ubuntu or Debian:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg
On Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
On MacOS using Homebrew (https://brew.sh/):
brew install ffmpeg
On Windows using Chocolatey (https://chocolatey.org/):
choco install ffmpeg
On Windows using Scoop (https://scoop.sh/):
scoop install ffmpeg
Install PyTorch with CUDA support:
pip uninstall torch pip install torch==2.0.1+cu118 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
pip install -r requirements.txt
Win如果装不上webrtcvad,提示了VS C++相关的报错,请下载https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/visual-cpp-build-tools/,安装C++开发相关工具,然后重新安装依赖。
python webui.py
启动后端 python RealtimeSTT_server2.py
,浏览器运行,填入服务器IP地址,注意,关闭服务器的防火墙,或者针对性放行9001/9002 这两个用于websocket连接的端口!
- 修复webui,聊天类型无法保存的bug
- 给webui的OpenAI的模型增加自定义配置功能,可以删除后,自定义完回车保存配置
- 增加了 唤醒词的配置,未启用唤醒词功能,测试了下可以通过唤醒词触发录音。唤醒一次,说一些话。
- 新增了OpenAI接口的接入,测了ollama,没啥问题
- 新增了Edge-TTS的接入(方便测试)
- 补充个webui,方便配置(不过并不完整,凑合用)
- 补充了gpt-sovits的新api的兼容
Easy-to-use, low-latency speech-to-text library for realtime applications
RealtimeSTT listens to the microphone and transcribes voice into text.
It's ideal for:
- Voice Assistants
- Applications requiring fast and precise speech-to-text conversion
- switched to torch.multiprocessing
- added compute_type, input_device_index and gpu_device_index parameters
- recorder.text() interruptable with recorder.abort()
- fix for #20
- added example how to realtime transcribe from browser microphone
- large-v3 whisper model now supported (upgrade to faster_whisper 0.10.0)
- added feed_audio() and use_microphone parameter to feed chunks
- Bugfix for Mac OS Installation (multiprocessing / queue.size())
- KeyboardInterrupt handling (now abortable with CTRL+C)
- Bugfix for spinner handling (could lead to exception in some cases)
- Implements context manager protocol (recorder can be used in a
statement) - Bugfix for resource management in shutdown method
- Bugfix for detection of short speech right after sentence detection (the problem mentioned in the video)
- Main transcription and recording moved into separate process contexts with multiprocessing
Hint: Since we use the
module now, ensure to include theif __name__ == '__main__':
protection in your code to prevent unexpected behavior, especially on platforms like Windows. For a detailed explanation on why this is important, visit the official Python documentation onmultiprocessing
- Voice Activity Detection: Automatically detects when you start and stop speaking.
- Realtime Transcription: Transforms speech to text in real-time.
- Wake Word Activation: Can activate upon detecting a designated wake word.
Hint: Check out RealtimeTTS, the output counterpart of this library, for text-to-voice capabilities. Together, they form a powerful realtime audio wrapper around large language models.
This library uses:
- Voice Activity Detection
- Faster_Whisper for instant (GPU-accelerated) transcription.
Wake Word Detection
- Porcupine for wake word detection.
These components represent the "industry standard" for cutting-edge applications, providing the most modern and effective foundation for building high-end solutions.
pip install RealtimeSTT
This will install all the necessary dependencies, including a CPU support only version of PyTorch.
Although it is possible to run RealtimeSTT with a CPU installation only (use a small model like "tiny" or "base" in this case) you will get way better experience using:
Additional steps are needed for a GPU-optimized installation. These steps are recommended for those who require better performance and have a compatible NVIDIA GPU.
Note: To check if your NVIDIA GPU supports CUDA, visit the official CUDA GPUs list.
To use RealtimeSTT with GPU support via CUDA please follow these steps:
Install NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 11.8:
- Visit NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit Archive.
- Select operating system and version.
- Download and install the software.
Install NVIDIA cuDNN 8.7.0 for CUDA 11.x:
- Visit NVIDIA cuDNN Archive.
- Click on "Download cuDNN v8.7.0 (November 28th, 2022), for CUDA 11.x".
- Download and install the software.
Install ffmpeg:
You can download an installer for your OS from the ffmpeg Website.
Or use a package manager:
On Ubuntu or Debian:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg
On Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
On MacOS using Homebrew (https://brew.sh/):
brew install ffmpeg
On Windows using Chocolatey (https://chocolatey.org/):
choco install ffmpeg
On Windows using Scoop (https://scoop.sh/):
scoop install ffmpeg
Install PyTorch with CUDA support:
pip uninstall torch pip install torch==2.0.1+cu118 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
Basic usage:
Start and stop of recording are manually triggered.
Recording based on voice activity detection.
with AudioToTextRecorder() as recorder:
When running recorder.text in a loop it is recommended to use a callback, allowing the transcription to be run asynchronously:
def process_text(text):
print (text)
while True:
Keyword activation before detecting voice. Write the comma-separated list of your desired activation keywords into the wake_words parameter. You can choose wake words from these list: alexa, americano, blueberry, bumblebee, computer, grapefruits, grasshopper, hey google, hey siri, jarvis, ok google, picovoice, porcupine, terminator.
recorder = AudioToTextRecorder(wake_words="jarvis")
print('Say "Jarvis" then speak.')
You can set callback functions to be executed on different events (see Configuration) :
def my_start_callback():
print("Recording started!")
def my_stop_callback():
print("Recording stopped!")
recorder = AudioToTextRecorder(on_recording_start=my_start_callback,
If you don't want to use the local microphone set use_microphone parameter to false and provide raw PCM audiochunks in 16-bit mono (samplerate 16000) with this method:
You can shutdown the recorder safely by using the context manager protocol:
with AudioToTextRecorder() as recorder:
Or you can call the shutdown method manually (if using "with" is not feasible):
The test subdirectory contains a set of scripts to help you evaluate and understand the capabilities of the RealtimeTTS library.
Test scripts depending on RealtimeTTS library may require you to enter your azure service region within the script. When using OpenAI-, Azure- or Elevenlabs-related demo scripts the API Keys should be provided in the environment variables OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_SPEECH_KEY and ELEVENLABS_API_KEY (see RealtimeTTS)
- Description: A "hello world" styled demonstration of the library's simplest usage.
- Description: Showcasing live-transcription.
- Description: A demonstration of the wakeword activation.
Dependencies: Run
pip install openai realtimetts
. - Description: Real-time translations into six different languages.
Dependencies: Run
Dependencies: Run
pip install openai realtimetts
. - Description: Wake word activated and voice based user interface to the OpenAI API.
Dependencies: Run
Dependencies: Run
pip install openai keyboard realtimetts
. - Description: Choose TTS engine and voice before starting AI conversation.
Dependencies: Run
Dependencies: Run
pip install openai realtimetts
. - Description: A basic talkbot in 20 lines of code.
Dependencies: Run
The example_app subdirectory contains a polished user interface application for the OpenAI API based on PyQt5.
When you initialize the AudioToTextRecorder
class, you have various options to customize its behavior.
model (str, default="tiny"): Model size or path for transcription.
- Options: 'tiny', 'tiny.en', 'base', 'base.en', 'small', 'small.en', 'medium', 'medium.en', 'large-v1', 'large-v2'.
- Note: If a size is provided, the model will be downloaded from the Hugging Face Hub.
language (str, default=""): Language code for transcription. If left empty, the model will try to auto-detect the language. Supported language codes are listed in Whisper Tokenizer library.
compute_type (str, default="default"): Specifies the type of computation to be used for transcription. See Whisper Quantization
input_device_index (int, default=0): Audio Input Device Index to use.
gpu_device_index (int, default=0): GPU Device Index to use. The model can also be loaded on multiple GPUs by passing a list of IDs (e.g. [0, 1, 2, 3]).
on_recording_start: A callable function triggered when recording starts.
on_recording_stop: A callable function triggered when recording ends.
on_transcription_start: A callable function triggered when transcription starts.
ensure_sentence_starting_uppercase (bool, default=True): Ensures that every sentence detected by the algorithm starts with an uppercase letter.
ensure_sentence_ends_with_period (bool, default=True): Ensures that every sentence that doesn't end with punctuation such as "?", "!" ends with a period
use_microphone (bool, default=True): Usage of local microphone for transcription. Set to False if you want to provide chunks with feed_audio method.
spinner (bool, default=True): Provides a spinner animation text with information about the current recorder state.
level (int, default=logging.WARNING): Logging level.
Note: When enabling realtime description a GPU installation is strongly advised. Using realtime transcription may create high GPU loads.
enable_realtime_transcription (bool, default=False): Enables or disables real-time transcription of audio. When set to True, the audio will be transcribed continuously as it is being recorded.
realtime_model_type (str, default="tiny"): Specifies the size or path of the machine learning model to be used for real-time transcription.
- Valid options: 'tiny', 'tiny.en', 'base', 'base.en', 'small', 'small.en', 'medium', 'medium.en', 'large-v1', 'large-v2'.
realtime_processing_pause (float, default=0.2): Specifies the time interval in seconds after a chunk of audio gets transcribed. Lower values will result in more "real-time" (frequent) transcription updates but may increase computational load.
on_realtime_transcription_update: A callback function that is triggered whenever there's an update in the real-time transcription. The function is called with the newly transcribed text as its argument.
on_realtime_transcription_stabilized: A callback function that is triggered whenever there's an update in the real-time transcription and returns a higher quality, stabilized text as its argument.
silero_sensitivity (float, default=0.6): Sensitivity for Silero's voice activity detection ranging from 0 (least sensitive) to 1 (most sensitive). Default is 0.6.
silero_sensitivity (float, default=0.6): Sensitivity for Silero's voice activity detection ranging from 0 (least sensitive) to 1 (most sensitive). Default is 0.6.
silero_use_onnx (bool, default=False): Enables usage of the pre-trained model from Silero in the ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) format instead of the PyTorch format. Default is False. Recommended for faster performance.
post_speech_silence_duration (float, default=0.2): Duration in seconds of silence that must follow speech before the recording is considered to be completed. This ensures that any brief pauses during speech don't prematurely end the recording.
min_gap_between_recordings (float, default=1.0): Specifies the minimum time interval in seconds that should exist between the end of one recording session and the beginning of another to prevent rapid consecutive recordings.
min_length_of_recording (float, default=1.0): Specifies the minimum duration in seconds that a recording session should last to ensure meaningful audio capture, preventing excessively short or fragmented recordings.
pre_recording_buffer_duration (float, default=0.2): The time span, in seconds, during which audio is buffered prior to formal recording. This helps counterbalancing the latency inherent in speech activity detection, ensuring no initial audio is missed.
on_vad_detect_start: A callable function triggered when the system starts to listen for voice activity.
on_vad_detect_stop: A callable function triggered when the system stops to listen for voice activity.
wake_words (str, default=""): Wake words for initiating the recording. Multiple wake words can be provided as a comma-separated string. Supported wake words are: alexa, americano, blueberry, bumblebee, computer, grapefruits, grasshopper, hey google, hey siri, jarvis, ok google, picovoice, porcupine, terminator
wake_words_sensitivity (float, default=0.6): Sensitivity level for wake word detection (0 for least sensitive, 1 for most sensitive).
wake_word_activation_delay (float, default=0): Duration in seconds after the start of monitoring before the system switches to wake word activation if no voice is initially detected. If set to zero, the system uses wake word activation immediately.
wake_word_timeout (float, default=5): Duration in seconds after a wake word is recognized. If no subsequent voice activity is detected within this window, the system transitions back to an inactive state, awaiting the next wake word or voice activation.
on_wakeword_detected: A callable function triggered when a wake word is detected.
on_wakeword_timeout: A callable function triggered when the system goes back to an inactive state after when no speech was detected after wake word activation.
on_wakeword_detection_start: A callable function triggered when the system starts to listen for wake words
on_wakeword_detection_end: A callable function triggered when stopping to listen for wake words (e.g. because of timeout or wake word detected)
Contributions are always welcome!
Kolja Beigel
Email: [email protected]
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RealtimeSTT is an easy-to-use, low-latency speech-to-text library for realtime applications. It listens to the microphone and transcribes voice into text, making it ideal for voice assistants and applications requiring fast and precise speech-to-text conversion. The library utilizes Voice Activity Detection, Realtime Transcription, and Wake Word Activation features. It supports GPU-accelerated transcription using PyTorch with CUDA support. RealtimeSTT offers various customization options for different parameters to enhance user experience and performance. The library is designed to provide a seamless experience for developers integrating speech-to-text functionality into their applications.

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LeapfrogAI is a self-hosted AI platform designed to be deployed in air-gapped resource-constrained environments. It brings sophisticated AI solutions to these environments by hosting all the necessary components of an AI stack, including vector databases, model backends, API, and UI. LeapfrogAI's API closely matches that of OpenAI, allowing tools built for OpenAI/ChatGPT to function seamlessly with a LeapfrogAI backend. It provides several backends for various use cases, including llama-cpp-python, whisper, text-embeddings, and vllm. LeapfrogAI leverages Chainguard's apko to harden base python images, ensuring the latest supported Python versions are used by the other components of the stack. The LeapfrogAI SDK provides a standard set of protobuffs and python utilities for implementing backends and gRPC. LeapfrogAI offers UI options for common use-cases like chat, summarization, and transcription. It can be deployed and run locally via UDS and Kubernetes, built out using Zarf packages. LeapfrogAI is supported by a community of users and contributors, including Defense Unicorns, Beast Code, Chainguard, Exovera, Hypergiant, Pulze, SOSi, United States Navy, United States Air Force, and United States Space Force.

This Docker image for LLaVA (Large Language and Vision Assistant) provides a convenient way to run LLaVA locally or on RunPod. LLaVA is a powerful AI tool that combines natural language processing and computer vision capabilities. With this Docker image, you can easily access LLaVA's functionalities for various tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, text summarization, and more. The image comes pre-installed with LLaVA v1.2.0, Torch 2.1.2, xformers 0.0.23.post1, and other necessary dependencies. You can customize the model used by setting the MODEL environment variable. The image also includes a Jupyter Lab environment for interactive development and exploration. Overall, this Docker image offers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for leveraging LLaVA's capabilities.

The 'carrot' repository on GitHub provides a list of free and user-friendly ChatGPT mirror sites for easy access. The repository includes sponsored sites offering various GPT models and services. Users can find and share sites, report errors, and access stable and recommended sites for ChatGPT usage. The repository also includes a detailed list of ChatGPT sites, their features, and accessibility options, making it a valuable resource for ChatGPT users seeking free and unlimited GPT services.

TrustLLM is a comprehensive study of trustworthiness in LLMs, including principles for different dimensions of trustworthiness, established benchmark, evaluation, and analysis of trustworthiness for mainstream LLMs, and discussion of open challenges and future directions. Specifically, we first propose a set of principles for trustworthy LLMs that span eight different dimensions. Based on these principles, we further establish a benchmark across six dimensions including truthfulness, safety, fairness, robustness, privacy, and machine ethics. We then present a study evaluating 16 mainstream LLMs in TrustLLM, consisting of over 30 datasets. The document explains how to use the trustllm python package to help you assess the performance of your LLM in trustworthiness more quickly. For more details about TrustLLM, please refer to project website.

AI-YinMei is an AI virtual anchor Vtuber development tool (N card version). It supports fastgpt knowledge base chat dialogue, a complete set of solutions for LLM large language models: [fastgpt] + [one-api] + [Xinference], supports docking bilibili live broadcast barrage reply and entering live broadcast welcome speech, supports Microsoft edge-tts speech synthesis, supports Bert-VITS2 speech synthesis, supports GPT-SoVITS speech synthesis, supports expression control Vtuber Studio, supports painting stable-diffusion-webui output OBS live broadcast room, supports painting picture pornography public-NSFW-y-distinguish, supports search and image search service duckduckgo (requires magic Internet access), supports image search service Baidu image search (no magic Internet access), supports AI reply chat box [html plug-in], supports AI singing Auto-Convert-Music, supports playlist [html plug-in], supports dancing function, supports expression video playback, supports head touching action, supports gift smashing action, supports singing automatic start dancing function, chat and singing automatic cycle swing action, supports multi scene switching, background music switching, day and night automatic switching scene, supports open singing and painting, let AI automatically judge the content.