✨ Fully autonomous AI Agents system capable of performing complex penetration testing tasks
Stars: 105

PentAGI is an innovative tool for automated security testing that leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. It is designed for information security professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who need a powerful and flexible solution for conducting penetration tests. The tool provides secure and isolated operations in a sandboxed Docker environment, fully autonomous AI-powered agent for penetration testing steps, a suite of 20+ professional security tools, smart memory system for storing research results, web intelligence for gathering information, integration with external search systems, team delegation system, comprehensive monitoring and reporting, modern interface, API integration, persistent storage, scalable architecture, self-hosted solution, flexible authentication, and quick deployment through Docker Compose.
PentAGI is an innovative tool for automated security testing that leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. The project is designed for information security professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who need a powerful and flexible solution for conducting penetration tests.
You can watch the video PentAGI overview:
- 🛡️ Secure & Isolated. All operations are performed in a sandboxed Docker environment with complete isolation.
- 🤖 Fully Autonomous. AI-powered agent that automatically determines and executes penetration testing steps.
- 🔬 Professional Pentesting Tools. Built-in suite of 20+ professional security tools including nmap, metasploit, sqlmap, and more.
- 🧠 Smart Memory System. Long-term storage of research results and successful approaches for future use.
- 🔍 Web Intelligence. Built-in browser via scraper for gathering latest information from web sources.
- 🔎 External Search Systems. Integration with advanced search APIs including Tavily, Traversaal, and Google Custom Search for comprehensive information gathering.
- 👥 Team of Specialists. Delegation system with specialized AI agents for research, development, and infrastructure tasks.
- 📊 Comprehensive Monitoring. Detailed logging and integration with Grafana/Prometheus for real-time system observation.
- 📝 Detailed Reporting. Generation of thorough vulnerability reports with exploitation guides.
- 📦 Smart Container Management. Automatic Docker image selection based on specific task requirements.
- 📱 Modern Interface. Clean and intuitive web UI for system management and monitoring.
- 🔌 API Integration. Support for REST and GraphQL APIs for seamless external system integration.
- 💾 Persistent Storage. All commands and outputs are stored in PostgreSQL with pgvector extension.
- 🎯 Scalable Architecture. Microservices-based design supporting horizontal scaling.
- 🏠 Self-Hosted Solution. Complete control over your deployment and data.
- 🔑 Flexible Authentication. Support for various LLM providers (OpenAI, Anthropic, Deep Infra, OpenRouter) and custom configurations.
- ⚡ Quick Deployment. Easy setup through Docker Compose with comprehensive environment configuration.
flowchart TB
classDef person fill:#08427B,stroke:#073B6F,color:#fff
classDef system fill:#1168BD,stroke:#0B4884,color:#fff
classDef external fill:#666666,stroke:#0B4884,color:#fff
pentester["👤 Security Engineer
(User of the system)"]
pentagi["✨ PentAGI
(Autonomous penetration testing system)"]
target["🎯 target-system
(System under test)"]
llm["🧠 llm-provider
search["🔍 search-systems
langfuse["📊 langfuse-ui
(LLM Observability Dashboard)"]
grafana["📈 grafana
(System Monitoring Dashboard)"]
pentester --> |Uses HTTPS| pentagi
pentester --> |Monitors AI HTTPS| langfuse
pentester --> |Monitors System HTTPS| grafana
pentagi --> |Tests Various protocols| target
pentagi --> |Queries HTTPS| llm
pentagi --> |Searches HTTPS| search
pentagi --> |Reports HTTPS| langfuse
pentagi --> |Reports HTTPS| grafana
class pentester person
class pentagi system
class target,llm,search,langfuse,grafana external
linkStyle default stroke:#ffffff,color:#ffffff
🔄 Container Architecture (click to expand)
graph TB
subgraph Core Services
UI[Frontend UI<br/>React + TypeScript]
API[Backend API<br/>Go + GraphQL]
DB[(Vector Store<br/>PostgreSQL + pgvector)]
MQ[Task Queue<br/>Async Processing]
Agent[AI Agents<br/>Multi-Agent System]
subgraph Monitoring
VictoriaMetrics[VictoriaMetrics<br/>Time-series DB]
Jaeger[Jaeger<br/>Distributed Tracing]
Loki[Loki<br/>Log Aggregation]
OTEL[OpenTelemetry<br/>Data Collection]
subgraph Analytics
Langfuse[Langfuse<br/>LLM Analytics]
ClickHouse[ClickHouse<br/>Analytics DB]
Redis[Redis<br/>Cache + Rate Limiter]
MinIO[MinIO<br/>S3 Storage]
subgraph Security Tools
Scraper[Web Scraper<br/>Isolated Browser]
PenTest[Security Tools<br/>20+ Pro Tools<br/>Sandboxed Execution]
API --> |SQL| DB
API --> |Events| MQ
MQ --> |Tasks| Agent
Agent --> |Commands| Tools
Agent --> |Queries| DB
API --> |Telemetry| OTEL
OTEL --> |Metrics| VictoriaMetrics
OTEL --> |Traces| Jaeger
OTEL --> |Logs| Loki
Grafana --> |Query| VictoriaMetrics
Grafana --> |Query| Jaeger
Grafana --> |Query| Loki
API --> |Analytics| Langfuse
Langfuse --> |Store| ClickHouse
Langfuse --> |Cache| Redis
Langfuse --> |Files| MinIO
classDef core fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#000
classDef monitoring fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#000
classDef analytics fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#000
classDef tools fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#000
class UI,API,DB,MQ,Agent core
class Grafana,VictoriaMetrics,Jaeger,Loki,OTEL monitoring
class Langfuse,ClickHouse,Redis,MinIO analytics
class Scraper,PenTest tools
📊 Entity Relationship (click to expand)
Flow ||--o{ Task : contains
Task ||--o{ SubTask : contains
SubTask ||--o{ Action : contains
Action ||--o{ Artifact : produces
Action ||--o{ Memory : stores
Flow {
string id PK
string name "Flow name"
string description "Flow description"
string status "active/completed/failed"
json parameters "Flow parameters"
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
Task {
string id PK
string flow_id FK
string name "Task name"
string description "Task description"
string status "pending/running/done/failed"
json result "Task results"
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
SubTask {
string id PK
string task_id FK
string name "Subtask name"
string description "Subtask description"
string status "queued/running/completed/failed"
string agent_type "researcher/developer/executor"
json context "Agent context"
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
Action {
string id PK
string subtask_id FK
string type "command/search/analyze/etc"
string status "success/failure"
json parameters "Action parameters"
json result "Action results"
timestamp created_at
Artifact {
string id PK
string action_id FK
string type "file/report/log"
string path "Storage path"
json metadata "Additional info"
timestamp created_at
Memory {
string id PK
string action_id FK
string type "observation/conclusion"
vector embedding "Vector representation"
text content "Memory content"
timestamp created_at
🤖 Agent Interaction (click to expand)
participant O as Orchestrator
participant R as Researcher
participant D as Developer
participant E as Executor
participant VS as Vector Store
participant KB as Knowledge Base
Note over O,KB: Flow Initialization
O->>VS: Query similar tasks
VS-->>O: Return experiences
O->>KB: Load relevant knowledge
KB-->>O: Return context
Note over O,R: Research Phase
O->>R: Analyze target
R->>VS: Search similar cases
VS-->>R: Return patterns
R->>KB: Query vulnerabilities
KB-->>R: Return known issues
R->>VS: Store findings
R-->>O: Research results
Note over O,D: Planning Phase
O->>D: Plan attack
D->>VS: Query exploits
VS-->>D: Return techniques
D->>KB: Load tools info
KB-->>D: Return capabilities
D-->>O: Attack plan
Note over O,E: Execution Phase
O->>E: Execute plan
E->>KB: Load tool guides
KB-->>E: Return procedures
E->>VS: Store results
E-->>O: Execution status
🧠 Memory System (click to expand)
graph TB
subgraph "Long-term Memory"
VS[(Vector Store<br/>Embeddings DB)]
KB[Knowledge Base<br/>Domain Expertise]
Tools[Tools Knowledge<br/>Usage Patterns]
subgraph "Working Memory"
Context[Current Context<br/>Task State]
Goals[Active Goals<br/>Objectives]
State[System State<br/>Resources]
subgraph "Episodic Memory"
Actions[Past Actions<br/>Commands History]
Results[Action Results<br/>Outcomes]
Patterns[Success Patterns<br/>Best Practices]
Context --> |Query| VS
VS --> |Retrieve| Context
Goals --> |Consult| KB
KB --> |Guide| Goals
State --> |Record| Actions
Actions --> |Learn| Patterns
Patterns --> |Store| VS
Tools --> |Inform| State
Results --> |Update| Tools
VS --> |Enhance| KB
KB --> |Index| VS
classDef ltm fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#000
classDef wm fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#000
classDef em fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#000
class VS,KB,Tools ltm
class Context,Goals,State wm
class Actions,Results,Patterns em
The architecture of PentAGI is designed to be modular, scalable, and secure. Here are the key components:
Core Services
- Frontend UI: React-based web interface with TypeScript for type safety
- Backend API: Go-based REST and GraphQL APIs for flexible integration
- Vector Store: PostgreSQL with pgvector for semantic search and memory storage
- Task Queue: Async task processing system for reliable operation
- AI Agent: Multi-agent system with specialized roles for efficient testing
Monitoring Stack
- OpenTelemetry: Unified observability data collection and correlation
- Grafana: Real-time visualization and alerting dashboards
- VictoriaMetrics: High-performance time-series metrics storage
- Jaeger: End-to-end distributed tracing for debugging
- Loki: Scalable log aggregation and analysis
Analytics Platform
- Langfuse: Advanced LLM observability and performance analytics
- ClickHouse: Column-oriented analytics data warehouse
- Redis: High-speed caching and rate limiting
- MinIO: S3-compatible object storage for artifacts
Security Tools
- Web Scraper: Isolated browser environment for safe web interaction
- Pentesting Tools: Comprehensive suite of 20+ professional security tools
- Sandboxed Execution: All operations run in isolated containers
Memory Systems
- Long-term Memory: Persistent storage of knowledge and experiences
- Working Memory: Active context and goals for current operations
- Episodic Memory: Historical actions and success patterns
- Knowledge Base: Structured domain expertise and tool capabilities
The system uses Docker containers for isolation and easy deployment, with separate networks for core services, monitoring, and analytics to ensure proper security boundaries. Each component is designed to scale horizontally and can be configured for high availability in production environments.
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Minimum 4GB RAM
- 10GB free disk space
- Internet access for downloading images and updates
- Create a working directory or clone the repository:
mkdir pentagi && cd pentagi
- Copy
or download it:
curl -o .env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vxcontrol/pentagi/master/.env.example
- Fill in the required API keys in
# Required: At least one of these LLM providers
# Optional: Additional search capabilities
- Change all security related environment variables in
file to improve security.
Security related environment variables
- Salt for cookie signing, change to random value -
- Public URL of your server (eg.https://pentagi.example.com
) -
- Custom paths to your existing SSL certificate and key for HTTPS (these paths should be used in the docker-compose.yml file to mount as volumes)
- Public URL for scraper if you want to use different scraper server for public URLs -
- Private URL for scraper (local scraper server in docker-compose.yml file to access it to local URLs)
- PostgreSQL credentials
- Remove all inline comments from
file if you want to use it in VSCode or other IDEs as a envFile option:
perl -i -pe 's/\s+#.*$//' .env
- Run the PentAGI stack:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vxcontrol/pentagi/master/docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d
Visit localhost:8443 to access PentAGI Web UI (default is [email protected]
/ admin
[!NOTE] If you caught an error about
you need to rundocker-compose.yml
firstly to create these networks and after that rundocker-compose-langfuse.yml
to use Langfuse and Observability services.You have to set at least one Language Model provider (OpenAI or Anthropic) to use PentAGI. Additional API keys for search engines are optional but recommended for better results.
environment variables are experimental feature and will be changed in the future. Right now you can use them to specify custom LLM server URL and one model for all agent types.
is a global proxy URL for all LLM providers and external search systems. You can use it for isolation from external networks.The
file runs the PentAGI service as root user because it needs access to docker.sock for container management. If you're using TCP/IP network connection to Docker instead of socket file, you can remove root privileges and use the defaultpentagi
user for better security.
For advanced configuration options and detailed setup instructions, please visit our documentation.
Langfuse provides advanced capabilities for monitoring and analyzing AI agent operations.
- Configure Langfuse environment variables in existing
Langfuse valuable environment variables
- Langfuse PostgreSQL credentials -
- ClickHouse credentials -
- Redis password
- Salt for hashing in Langfuse Web UI -
- Encryption key (32 bytes in hex) -
- Secret key for NextAuth
- Admin email -
- Admin password -
- Admin username
- Project public key (used from PentAGI side too) -
- Project secret key (used from PentAGI side too)
- S3 access key ID -
- S3 secret access key
- Enable integration with Langfuse for PentAGI service in
- Run the Langfuse stack:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vxcontrol/pentagi/master/docker-compose-langfuse.yml
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-langfuse.yml up -d
Visit localhost:4000 to access Langfuse Web UI with credentials from .env
- Admin email -
- Admin password
For detailed system operation tracking, integration with monitoring tools is available.
- Enable integration with OpenTelemetry and all observability services for PentAGI in
- Run the observability stack:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vxcontrol/pentagi/master/docker-compose-observability.yml
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-observability.yml up -d
Visit localhost:3000 to access Grafana Web UI.
[!NOTE] If you want to use Observability stack with Langfuse, you need to enable integration in
.And you need to run both stacks
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-langfuse.yml -f docker-compose-observability.yml up -d
to have all services running.Also you can register aliases for these commands in your shell to run it faster:
alias pentagi="docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-langfuse.yml -f docker-compose-observability.yml" alias pentagi-up="docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-langfuse.yml -f docker-compose-observability.yml up -d" alias pentagi-down="docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-langfuse.yml -f docker-compose-observability.yml down"```
OAuth integration with GitHub and Google allows users to authenticate using their existing accounts on these platforms. This provides several benefits:
- Simplified login process without need to create separate credentials
- Enhanced security through trusted identity providers
- Access to user profile information from GitHub/Google accounts
- Seamless integration with existing development workflows
For using GitHub OAuth you need to create a new OAuth application in your GitHub account and set the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
in .env
For using Google OAuth you need to create a new OAuth application in your Google account and set the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
in .env
- golang
- nodejs
- docker
- postgres
- commitlint
Run once cd backend && go mod download
to install needed packages.
For generating swagger files have to run
swag init -g ../../pkg/server/router.go -o pkg/server/docs/ --parseDependency --parseInternal --parseDepth 2 -d cmd/pentagi
before installing swag
package via
go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/[email protected]
For generating graphql resolver files have to run
go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen --config ./gqlgen/gqlgen.yml
after that you can see the generated files in pkg/graph
For generating ORM methods (database package) from sqlc configuration
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -w /src --network pentagi-network -e DATABASE_URL="{URL}" sqlc/sqlc generate -f sqlc/sqlc.yml
For generating Langfuse SDK from OpenAPI specification
fern generate --local
and to install fern-cli
npm install -g fern-api
For running tests cd backend && go test -v ./...
Run once cd frontend && npm install
to install needed packages.
For generating graphql files have to run npm run graphql:generate
which using graphql-codegen.ts
Be sure that you have graphql-codegen
installed globally:
npm install -g graphql-codegen
After that you can run:
npm run prettier
to check if your code is formatted correctly -
npm run prettier:fix
to fix it -
npm run lint
to check if your code is linted correctly -
npm run lint:fix
to fix it
For generating SSL certificates you need to run npm run ssl:generate
which using generate-ssl.ts
file or it will be generated automatically when you run npm run dev
Edit the configuration for backend
in .vscode/launch.json
- PostgreSQL database URL (eg.postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/pentagidb?sslmode=disable
) -
- Docker SDK API (eg. for macOSDOCKER_HOST=unix:///Users/<my-user>/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/docker.raw.sock
) more info
- Port to run the server (default:8443
) -
- Enable SSL for the server (default:false
Edit the configuration for frontend
in .vscode/launch.json
- Backend API URL. Omit the URL scheme (e.g.,localhost:8080
) -
- Enable SSL for the server (default:false
) -
- Port to run the server (default:8000
) -
- Host to run the server (default:
Run the command(s) in backend
- Use
file to set environment variables like asource .env
- Run
go run cmd/pentagi/main.go
to start the server
[!NOTE] The first run can take a while as dependencies and docker images need to be downloaded to setup the backend environment.
Run the command(s) in frontend
- Run
npm install
to install the dependencies - Run
npm run dev
to run the web app - Run
npm run build
to build the web app
Open your browser and visit the web app URL.
docker build -t local/pentagi:latest .
[!NOTE] You can use
docker buildx
to build the image for different platforms like adocker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t local/pentagi:latest .
You need to change image name in docker-compose.yml file to
and rundocker compose up -d
to start the server or usebuild
key option in docker-compose.yml file.
This project is made possible thanks to the following research and developments:
Copyright (c) PentAGI Development Team. MIT License
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Alternative AI tools for pentagi
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PentAGI is an innovative tool for automated security testing that leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. It is designed for information security professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who need a powerful and flexible solution for conducting penetration tests. The tool provides secure and isolated operations in a sandboxed Docker environment, fully autonomous AI-powered agent for penetration testing steps, a suite of 20+ professional security tools, smart memory system for storing research results, web intelligence for gathering information, integration with external search systems, team delegation system, comprehensive monitoring and reporting, modern interface, API integration, persistent storage, scalable architecture, self-hosted solution, flexible authentication, and quick deployment through Docker Compose.

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PentAGI is an innovative tool for automated security testing that leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. It is designed for information security professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who need a powerful and flexible solution for conducting penetration tests. The tool provides secure and isolated operations in a sandboxed Docker environment, fully autonomous AI-powered agent for penetration testing steps, a suite of 20+ professional security tools, smart memory system for storing research results, web intelligence for gathering information, integration with external search systems, team delegation system, comprehensive monitoring and reporting, modern interface, API integration, persistent storage, scalable architecture, self-hosted solution, flexible authentication, and quick deployment through Docker Compose.

This repository provides a Docker image that acts as an AirPrint bridge for local printers, allowing them to be exposed to iOS/macOS devices. It runs a container with CUPS and Avahi to facilitate this functionality. Users must have CUPS drivers available for their printers. The tool requires a Linux host and a dedicated IP for the container to avoid interference with other services. It supports setting up printers through environment variables and offers options for automated configuration via command line, web interface, or files. The repository includes detailed instructions on setting up and testing the AirPrint bridge.

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The LLM Engineer's Handbook is an official repository containing a comprehensive guide on creating an end-to-end LLM-based system using best practices. It covers data collection & generation, LLM training pipeline, a simple RAG system, production-ready AWS deployment, comprehensive monitoring, and testing and evaluation framework. The repository includes detailed instructions on setting up local and cloud dependencies, project structure, installation steps, infrastructure setup, pipelines for data processing, training, and inference, as well as QA, tests, and running the project end-to-end.
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last_layer is a security library designed to protect LLM applications from prompt injection attacks, jailbreaks, and exploits. It acts as a robust filtering layer to scrutinize prompts before they are processed by LLMs, ensuring that only safe and appropriate content is allowed through. The tool offers ultra-fast scanning with low latency, privacy-focused operation without tracking or network calls, compatibility with serverless platforms, advanced threat detection mechanisms, and regular updates to adapt to evolving security challenges. It significantly reduces the risk of prompt-based attacks and exploits but cannot guarantee complete protection against all possible threats.

Aircrack-ng is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to evaluate the security of WiFi networks. It covers various aspects of WiFi security, including monitoring, attacking (replay attacks, deauthentication, fake access points), testing WiFi cards and driver capabilities, and cracking WEP and WPA PSK. The tools are command line-based, allowing for extensive scripting and have been utilized by many GUIs. Aircrack-ng primarily works on Linux but also supports Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, and eComStation 2.

ReVA (Reverse Engineering Assistant) is a project aimed at building a disassembler agnostic AI assistant for reverse engineering tasks. It utilizes a tool-driven approach, providing small tools to the user to empower them in completing complex tasks. The assistant is designed to accept various inputs, guide the user in correcting mistakes, and provide additional context to encourage exploration. Users can ask questions, perform tasks like decompilation, class diagram generation, variable renaming, and more. ReVA supports different language models for online and local inference, with easy configuration options. The workflow involves opening the RE tool and program, then starting a chat session to interact with the assistant. Installation includes setting up the Python component, running the chat tool, and configuring the Ghidra extension for seamless integration. ReVA aims to enhance the reverse engineering process by breaking down actions into small parts, including the user's thoughts in the output, and providing support for monitoring and adjusting prompts.

AutoAudit is an open-source large language model specifically designed for the field of network security. It aims to provide powerful natural language processing capabilities for security auditing and network defense, including analyzing malicious code, detecting network attacks, and predicting security vulnerabilities. By coupling AutoAudit with ClamAV, a security scanning platform has been created for practical security audit applications. The tool is intended to assist security professionals with accurate and fast analysis and predictions to combat evolving network threats.

Arno's Iptables Firewall (AIF) is a single- & multi-homed firewall script with DSL/ADSL support. It is a free software distributed under the GNU GPL License. The script provides a comprehensive set of configuration files and plugins for setting up and managing firewall rules, including support for NAT, load balancing, and multirouting. It offers detailed instructions for installation and configuration, emphasizing security best practices and caution when modifying settings. The script is designed to protect against hostile attacks by blocking all incoming traffic by default and allowing users to configure specific rules for open ports and network interfaces.

AIShield Watchtower is a tool designed to fortify the security of AI/ML models and Jupyter notebooks by automating model and notebook discoveries, conducting vulnerability scans, and categorizing risks into 'low,' 'medium,' 'high,' and 'critical' levels. It supports scanning of public GitHub repositories, Hugging Face repositories, AWS S3 buckets, and local systems. The tool generates comprehensive reports, offers a user-friendly interface, and aligns with industry standards like OWASP, MITRE, and CWE. It aims to address the security blind spots surrounding Jupyter notebooks and AI models, providing organizations with a tailored approach to enhancing their security efforts.

Academic_LLM_Sec_Papers is a curated collection of academic papers related to LLM Security Application. The repository includes papers sorted by conference name and published year, covering topics such as large language models for blockchain security, software engineering, machine learning, and more. Developers and researchers are welcome to contribute additional published papers to the list. The repository also provides information on listed conferences and journals related to security, networking, software engineering, and cryptography. The papers cover a wide range of topics including privacy risks, ethical concerns, vulnerabilities, threat modeling, code analysis, fuzzing, and more.

DeGPT is a tool designed to optimize decompiler output using Large Language Models (LLM). It requires manual installation of specific packages and setting up API key for OpenAI. The tool provides functionality to perform optimization on decompiler output by running specific scripts.