青龙脚本库& Issues接投稿 天瑞地安|移动云盘|爱奇艺|奇瑞|金山小程序打卡|雪花|节卡|厚工坊|屈臣氏|掌上瓯海积分|上啥班|永辉|丽影云街|杜蕾斯会员中心|一点万象|所有女生|途虎|沪碳行签到|钉钉ai签到领算粒|哪吒汽车|新战马能量星球|pp停车|桃色|江铃智行|smart+|统一不助力|活力伊利库存|沪上阿姨|华润通|商战|上海宝山|叮当快药py310|品赞代理|爷爷不泡茶|青碳行|鸿星尔克|起飞线生活小兔快跑|牙e家|七彩虹|交汇点|喜马拉雅|申工社|福田e家|艾克帮|贴吧|天翼网盘|有赞通用
Stars: 324
ArcadiaScriptPublic is a repository containing various scripts for learning and practicing JavaScript, Python, and Shell scripting. It is intended for testing and educational purposes only, and not for commercial use. The repository does not guarantee the legality, accuracy, completeness, or effectiveness of the scripts, and users are advised to use them at their own discretion. No resources from the repository are allowed to be republished or redistributed by any public account or self-media. The repository owner disclaims any responsibility for script-related issues, including losses or damages resulting from script errors. Users indirectly utilizing the scripts, such as setting up VPS or engaging in activities that violate national/regional laws or regulations, are solely responsible for any privacy leaks or consequences. If any entity or individual believes that the scripts in the project may infringe upon their rights, they should promptly notify and provide proof of identity and ownership, upon which the relevant scripts will be removed after verification. Anyone viewing or using the scripts in this project should carefully read and accept the disclaimer provided by zjk2017/ArcadiaScriptPublic, as the repository reserves the right to change or supplement the disclaimer at any time. Users must completely delete the downloaded content from their computers or phones within 24 hours of downloading, and any form of profit chain generation is strictly prohibited.
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序号 | Application | Script name | Available | Maintenance |
1 | 天瑞地安 | 天瑞地安 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
2 | 移动云盘 | 移动云盘 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
3 | 爱奇艺 | 爱奇艺 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
4 | 奇瑞 | 奇瑞 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
5 | 金山小程序打卡 | 金山小程序打卡 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
6 | 雪花 | 雪花 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
7 | 节卡 | 节卡 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
8 | 厚工坊 | 厚工坊 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
9 | 屈臣氏 | 屈臣氏 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
10 | 掌上瓯海积分 | 掌上瓯海积分 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
11 | ssone机场 | ssone机场 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
12 | 上啥班 | 上啥班 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
13 | 永辉 | 永辉 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
14 | 丽影云街 | 丽影云街 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
15 | 杜蕾斯会员中心 | 杜蕾斯会员中心 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
16 | 一点万象 | 一点万象 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
17 | 所有女生 | 所有女生 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
18 | 途虎 | 途虎 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
19 | Manniao | Manniao | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
20 | 沪碳行签到 | 沪碳行签到 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
21 | 钉钉ai签到领算粒 | 钉钉ai签到领算粒 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
22 | 哪吒汽车 | 哪吒汽车 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
23 | 爱玛会员俱乐部 | 爱玛会员俱乐部 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
24 | 新战马能量星球 | 新战马能量星球 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
25 | 顺丰中秋活动 | 顺丰中秋活动 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
26 | pp停车 | pp停车 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
27 | 桃色 | 桃色 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
28 | 江铃智行 | 江铃智行 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
29 | smart+ | smart+ | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
30 | 统一不助力 | 统一不助力 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
31 | 活力伊利库存 | 活力伊利库存 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
32 | 太平洋科技 | 太平洋科技 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
33 | 热搜新闻推送 | 热搜新闻推送 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
34 | 沪上阿姨 | 沪上阿姨 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
35 | 华润通 | 华润通 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
36 | 商战 | 商战 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
37 | 上海宝山 | 上海宝山 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
38 | 叮当快药py310 | 叮当快药py310 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
39 | 品赞代理 | 品赞代理 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
40 | 爷爷不泡茶 | 爷爷不泡茶 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
41 | 青碳行 | 青碳行 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
42 | 鸿星尔克 | 鸿星尔克 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
43 | 绿蜜蜂 | 绿蜜蜂 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
44 | 起飞线生活小兔快跑 | 起飞线生活小兔快跑 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
45 | 牙e家 | 牙e家 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
46 | 七彩虹 | 七彩虹 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
47 | 交汇点 | 交汇点 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
48 | 好奇车生活抢兑自定义抢购次数 | 好奇车生活抢兑自定义抢购次数 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
49 | 喜马拉雅 | 喜马拉雅 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
50 | 申工社 | 申工社 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
51 | 劲友家 | 劲友家 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
52 | 韵达 | 韵达 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
53 | 天禧派 | 天禧派 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
54 | 顾家家居 | 顾家家居 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
55 | 福田e家 | 福田e家 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
56 | 艾克帮 | 艾克帮 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
57 | 贴吧 | 贴吧 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
58 | 天翼网盘 | 天翼网盘 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
59 | 有赞劲牌商城 | 有赞劲牌商城 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
60 | 有赞得宝Tempo | 有赞得宝Tempo | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
61 | 有赞通用 | 有赞通用 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
62 | 有赞柚朵朵美妆 | 有赞柚朵朵美妆 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
63 | 有赞JDE咖啡 | 有赞JDE咖啡 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
64 | 有赞xbox | 有赞xbox | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
65 | 有赞松鲜鲜调味品 | 有赞松鲜鲜调味品 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
66 | 有赞FicceCode菲诗蔻官方商城 | 有赞FicceCode菲诗蔻官方商城 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
67 | 有赞蜜蜂惊喜社 | 有赞蜜蜂惊喜社 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
68 | 有赞七点五矿泉水 | 有赞七点五矿泉水 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
69 | 有赞海天官方优选商城 | 有赞海天官方优选商城 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
70 | 有赞蒙牛营养生活家 | 有赞蒙牛营养生活家 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
71 | 有赞猛犸象1862 | 有赞猛犸象1862 | ✅(2024/09/14) | ✅️ |
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debian 版: whyour/qinglong:debian
Python3.10 debian 版: whyour/qinglong:debian-python3.10
npm 版本: npm i -g @whyour/qinglong
这里的脚本只是自己学习 js/py/sh 的一个实践 仅用于测试和学习研究,禁止用于商业用途,不能保证其合法性,准确性,完整性和有效性,请根据情况自行判断.
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ArcadiaScriptPublic is a repository containing various scripts for learning and practicing JavaScript, Python, and Shell scripting. It is intended for testing and educational purposes only, and not for commercial use. The repository does not guarantee the legality, accuracy, completeness, or effectiveness of the scripts, and users are advised to use them at their own discretion. No resources from the repository are allowed to be republished or redistributed by any public account or self-media. The repository owner disclaims any responsibility for script-related issues, including losses or damages resulting from script errors. Users indirectly utilizing the scripts, such as setting up VPS or engaging in activities that violate national/regional laws or regulations, are solely responsible for any privacy leaks or consequences. If any entity or individual believes that the scripts in the project may infringe upon their rights, they should promptly notify and provide proof of identity and ownership, upon which the relevant scripts will be removed after verification. Anyone viewing or using the scripts in this project should carefully read and accept the disclaimer provided by zjk2017/ArcadiaScriptPublic, as the repository reserves the right to change or supplement the disclaimer at any time. Users must completely delete the downloaded content from their computers or phones within 24 hours of downloading, and any form of profit chain generation is strictly prohibited.
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ArcadiaScriptPublic is a repository containing various scripts for learning and practicing JavaScript, Python, and Shell scripting. It is intended for testing and educational purposes only, and not for commercial use. The repository does not guarantee the legality, accuracy, completeness, or effectiveness of the scripts, and users are advised to use them at their own discretion. No resources from the repository are allowed to be republished or redistributed by any public account or self-media. The repository owner disclaims any responsibility for script-related issues, including losses or damages resulting from script errors. Users indirectly utilizing the scripts, such as setting up VPS or engaging in activities that violate national/regional laws or regulations, are solely responsible for any privacy leaks or consequences. If any entity or individual believes that the scripts in the project may infringe upon their rights, they should promptly notify and provide proof of identity and ownership, upon which the relevant scripts will be removed after verification. Anyone viewing or using the scripts in this project should carefully read and accept the disclaimer provided by zjk2017/ArcadiaScriptPublic, as the repository reserves the right to change or supplement the disclaimer at any time. Users must completely delete the downloaded content from their computers or phones within 24 hours of downloading, and any form of profit chain generation is strictly prohibited.
tinyllm is a lightweight framework designed for developing, debugging, and monitoring LLM and Agent powered applications at scale. It aims to simplify code while enabling users to create complex agents or LLM workflows in production. The core classes, Function and FunctionStream, standardize and control LLM, ToolStore, and relevant calls for scalable production use. It offers structured handling of function execution, including input/output validation, error handling, evaluation, and more, all while maintaining code readability. Users can create chains with prompts, LLM models, and evaluators in a single file without the need for extensive class definitions or spaghetti code. Additionally, tinyllm integrates with various libraries like Langfuse and provides tools for prompt engineering, observability, logging, and finite state machine design.
A curated list of 50+ resources to help you become a Generative AI Data Scientist. This repository includes resources on building GenAI applications with Large Language Models (LLMs), and deploying LLMs and GenAI with Cloud-based solutions.
uAgents is a Python library developed by that allows for the creation of autonomous AI agents. These agents can perform various tasks on a schedule or take action on various events. uAgents are easy to create and manage, and they are connected to a fast-growing network of other uAgents. They are also secure, with cryptographically secured messages and wallets.
Apache Airflow (or simply Airflow) is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. When workflows are defined as code, they become more maintainable, versionable, testable, and collaborative. Use Airflow to author workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks. The Airflow scheduler executes your tasks on an array of workers while following the specified dependencies. Rich command line utilities make performing complex surgeries on DAGs a snap. The rich user interface makes it easy to visualize pipelines running in production, monitor progress, and troubleshoot issues when needed.
This Helm chart bootstraps an Airflow deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. The version of this chart does not correlate to any other component. Users should not expect feature parity between OSS airflow chart and the Astronomer airflow-chart for identical version numbers. To install this helm chart remotely (using helm 3) kubectl create namespace airflow helm repo add astronomer helm install airflow --namespace airflow astronomer/airflow To install this repository from source sh kubectl create namespace airflow helm install --namespace airflow . Prerequisites: Kubernetes 1.12+ Helm 3.6+ PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure Installing the Chart: sh helm install --name my-release . The command deploys Airflow on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. Upgrading the Chart: First, look at the updating documentation to identify any backwards-incompatible changes. To upgrade the chart with the release name `my-release`: sh helm upgrade --name my-release . Uninstalling the Chart: To uninstall/delete the `my-release` deployment: sh helm delete my-release The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. Updating DAGs: Bake DAGs in Docker image The recommended way to update your DAGs with this chart is to build a new docker image with the latest code (`docker build -t my-company/airflow:8a0da78 .`), push it to an accessible registry (`docker push my-company/airflow:8a0da78`), then update the Airflow pods with that image: sh helm upgrade my-release . --set images.airflow.repository=my-company/airflow --set images.airflow.tag=8a0da78 Docker Images: The Airflow image that are referenced as the default values in this chart are generated from this repository: Other non-airflow images used in this chart are generated from this repository: Parameters: The complete list of parameters supported by the community chart can be found on the Parameteres Reference page, and can be set under the `airflow` key in this chart. The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Astronomer chart and their default values. | Parameter | Description | Default | | :----------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------------------------- | | `ingress.enabled` | Enable Kubernetes Ingress support | `false` | | `ingress.acme` | Add acme annotations to Ingress object | `false` | | `ingress.tlsSecretName` | Name of secret that contains a TLS secret | `~` | | `ingress.webserverAnnotations` | Annotations added to Webserver Ingress object | `{}` | | `ingress.flowerAnnotations` | Annotations added to Flower Ingress object | `{}` | | `ingress.baseDomain` | Base domain for VHOSTs | `~` | | `ingress.auth.enabled` | Enable auth with Astronomer Platform | `true` | | `extraObjects` | Extra K8s Objects to deploy (these are passed through `tpl`). More about Extra Objects. | `[]` | | `sccEnabled` | Enable security context constraints required for OpenShift | `false` | | `authSidecar.enabled` | Enable authSidecar | `false` | | `authSidecar.repository` | The image for the auth sidecar proxy | `nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged` | | `authSidecar.tag` | The image tag for the auth sidecar proxy | `stable` | | `authSidecar.pullPolicy` | The K8s pullPolicy for the the auth sidecar proxy image | `IfNotPresent` | | `authSidecar.port` | The port the auth sidecar exposes | `8084` | | `gitSyncRelay.enabled` | Enables git sync relay feature. | `False` | | `gitSyncRelay.repo.url` | Upstream URL to the git repo to clone. | `~` | | `gitSyncRelay.repo.branch` | Branch of the upstream git repo to checkout. | `main` | | `gitSyncRelay.repo.depth` | How many revisions to check out. Leave as default `1` except in dev where history is needed. | `1` | | `gitSyncRelay.repo.wait` | Seconds to wait before pulling from the upstream remote. | `60` | | `gitSyncRelay.repo.subPath` | Path to the dags directory within the git repository. | `~` | Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, sh helm install --name my-release --set executor=CeleryExecutor --set enablePodLaunching=false . Walkthrough using kind: Install kind, and create a cluster We recommend testing with Kubernetes 1.25+, example: sh kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.25.11 Confirm it's up: sh kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind Add Astronomer's Helm repo sh helm repo add astronomer helm repo update Create namespace + install the chart sh kubectl create namespace airflow helm install airflow -n airflow astronomer/airflow It may take a few minutes. Confirm the pods are up: sh kubectl get pods --all-namespaces helm list -n airflow Run `kubectl port-forward svc/airflow-webserver 8080:8080 -n airflow` to port-forward the Airflow UI to http://localhost:8080/ to confirm Airflow is working. Login as _admin_ and password _admin_. Build a Docker image from your DAGs: 1. Start a project using astro-cli, which will generate a Dockerfile, and load your DAGs in. You can test locally before pushing to kind with `astro airflow start`. `sh mkdir my-airflow-project && cd my-airflow-project astro dev init` 2. Then build the image: `sh docker build -t my-dags:0.0.1 .` 3. Load the image into kind: `sh kind load docker-image my-dags:0.0.1` 4. Upgrade Helm deployment: sh helm upgrade airflow -n airflow --set images.airflow.repository=my-dags --set images.airflow.tag=0.0.1 astronomer/airflow Extra Objects: This chart can deploy extra Kubernetes objects (assuming the role used by Helm can manage them). For Astronomer Cloud and Enterprise, the role permissions can be found in the Commander role. yaml extraObjects: - apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: "{{ .Release.Name }}-somejob" spec: schedule: "*/10 * * * *" concurrencyPolicy: Forbid jobTemplate: spec: template: spec: containers: - name: myjob image: ubuntu command: - echo args: - hello restartPolicy: OnFailure Contributing: Check out our contributing guide! License: Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause
Rill Flow is a high-performance, scalable distributed workflow orchestration service that supports the execution of tens of millions of tasks per day with task execution latency less than 100ms. It is distributed and supports the orchestration and scheduling of heterogeneous distributed systems. Rill Flow is easy to use, supporting visual process orchestration and plug-in access. It is cloud native, allowing for cloud native container deployment and cloud native function orchestration. Additionally, Rill Flow supports rapid integration of LLM model services.
An asyncio-based scheduling framework designed for execution of periodic tasks with integrated support for dependency injection, enabling efficient and flexible task management. Aioclock is 100% async, light, fast, and resource-friendly. It offers features like task scheduling, grouping, trigger definition, easy syntax, Pydantic v2 validation, and upcoming support for running the task dispatcher on a different process and backend support for horizontal scaling.
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