工具得心应手,出海说走就走! 本仓库为 节点导航站 站点仓库,主要围绕独立开发者技术工具、AI产品、跨境电商、自媒体人办公辅助工具进行收录,持续整理中...... 欢迎提交 pr 和 issues 进行更新,每日持续关注。
Stars: 338

The 'linktre-tools' repository is a collection of tools and resources for independent developers, AI products, cross-border e-commerce, and self-media office assistance. It aims to provide a curated list of tools and products in these areas. Users are encouraged to contribute by submitting pull requests and raising issues for continuous updates. The repository covers a wide range of topics including AI tools, independent development tools, popular AI products, tools for web development, online tools, media operations, and cross-border e-commerce resources.
本仓库为 【节点导航站 】站点仓库,主要围绕独立开发者技术工具、AI产品、跨境电商、自媒体人办公辅助工具进行收录,持续整理中...... 收录的站点均为NoFollow,如需Follow权重传递,请添加我的微信,备注:权重传递
欢迎提交 pr 和 issues 进行收录更新,每日持续关注。 喜欢的话欢迎踊跃✨✨STAR✨✨
各位老板你们好,近期咱们这边上新一款产品,不知道你们平常工作生活中,会不会用到chatgpt4.0,我们即将上新一个openai服务中转站,为了回馈各位老板,该产品价格力求做到全网最低, 最大能达到0.01人民币兑换100美元token的量,支持openai旗下所有产品。群每增加20人,我发放一个gpt4.0的token出来,感兴趣的老板可以扫描二维码进群了解详情。 2群满了的可以添加三群。
站点 | 简介 |
CheapGpt中转api | CheapGpt中转api是一个全网最低的openai、Azure GPT3.5-4.0语言对话模型中转api,目前最低低至0.5RMB/刀 |
CheapGpt发卡 | CheapGpt对应的专属发卡网站,最低0.5RMB/刀openai、Azure的token额度 |
节点链接-短链接制作-你的无风险引流营销黑科技(基础免费) | 节点链接是一个基础免费支持短链接生成、全平台链接一键跳转微信引流工具 |
节点导航站(开源版本) | 节点导航站开源版本具备完整的前后台且模块化友好支持SEO的导航站点 |
AI Tools工具箱-你的人工智能小助手(基础免费) | 新手博主人工智能GPT4高级媒体创作工具 |
站点 | 简介 |
fluxaipro.art | Flux AI 高级图像生成器 |
snapany | 在线免费、简单. 从1000+平台保存视频和图片 |
BackPack | 将图片和视频转化为歌曲的创意ai工具 |
OpenDevin | 开源的AI代码生成器 |
站点 | 简介 |
ChatGPT | OpenAI推出的AI对话工具 |
Midjourney | AI图像插画生成工具 |
Claude | OpenAI最大的竞争对手Anthropic发布了新一代AI大模型系列 |
Le Chat | Mistral推出的AI对话聊天助手 |
Gemma | 谷歌推出的新一代轻量级开放模型 |
Sora | OpenAI推出的AI文本到视频生成模型 |
Suno AI | 麻省理工团队推出的人工智能音乐生成器 |
GeminiProChat | 开源免费的GeminiPro 对话平台 |
Llama | 谷歌开源且性能远超GPT-4o的模型 |
Luma AI | 一款基于AI人工智能的三维捕捉,建模与渲染工具。它采用计算机视觉与机器学习技术,可以通过iPhone手机摄像头捕捉实物并自动生成与之高度匹配的三维模型,实现三维建模的自动AI工具 |
SearchGPT | OpenAI最新推出的AI搜索产品,内测开放 |
v0.dev | Vercel推出AI生成前端React/UI组件 |
Udio | 免费的AI音乐创作工具,每月可生成1200首歌曲 |
Free Gpt Detector | 一个基于 🤗/Transformers 的AI内容在线检测工具。输入文本以查看预测概率,从大约 50 个标记开始即可获得可靠的结果 |
TikTok to MP3 | 使用我们的 TikTok 到 MP3 转换器,轻松将您最喜欢的 TikTok 声音转换并保存为 MP3 文件 |
BeautyPlus | 免费在线 AI 照片编辑器和设计工具。一体化照片/视频编辑器。探索网络上 BeautyPlus AI 照片编辑器上的所有滤镜、功能、特效、内容等。 |
AI Cartoon Generator | 使用 Image to Cartoons 将图像转换为迷人的卡通 - 这是一种强大的 AI 工具,支持卡通女性肖像、卡通动物头像等。探索西方、政治和编辑主题的 2D 和 3D 卡通风格。立即试用我们的卡通人物生成器! |
Smallppt | Smallppt:创建令人惊叹的 AI 演示文稿和思维导图工具 |
Grok | 马斯克旗下xAI推出的人工智能助手 |
Notion AI | Notion推出的AI内容创作助手 |
adcopy | Meta Ads AI 是一种工具,旨在通过利用人工智能进行拆分测试、文案撰写和优化来增强 Meta 平台上的广告活动,确保更快地发布广告并提高效果 |
Humanize AI Text | Humanize AI Text 是一款免费的在线工具,旨在使用先进的自然语言处理模型将文本转换为更加个性化、更具吸引力和更自然的风格。 |
ChordChord | ChordChord:歌曲创作和音乐制作工具。我们重视您的隐私。我们使用 Cookie 来增强您的浏览体验、提供个性化广告或内容以及分析我们的流量。 |
Scrip AI | Scrip AI 提供免费的 AI 内容工具,可帮助用户以 10 倍的速度创建各种类型的内容,无需信用卡或登录。 |
Vizcom | AI渲染转化手绘图为产品设计图! |
DeepSwapper | 免费的在线AI换脸工具,支持图片、视频多种格式 |
Koko AI | Seele公司推出的「AI+3D」情感陪伴产品 |
Riffo | Riffo是一款旨在帮助用户简化文件重命名和组织流程的AI助手。 |
Creatify | 一段简单的描述ai生成营销视频 |
Intimal AI | Intimal AI是一个AI恋爱导师,解决你的爱情问题 |
exo | 在家使用日常设备搭建自己的AI集群 |
NameSnack | 100 + 创意、短小、可用的商业名字 |
Noisee AI | 将您喜爱的旋律转化为音乐视频。 |
UI Colorful | 个性化网站主题颜色生成器。 |
logobean | 创业者的在线Logo制作工具 |
PS2 Filter AI Tool | 一键生成复古PS2风格图片 |
WebLens | 网站分析与A/B测试工具 |
UserCue | ai帮助分析你的用户行为,提升转化率 |
Riffusion | AI生成不同风格的音乐,免费开源 |
Dexa AI | AI播客搜索工具 |
Adot | 一个由AI驱动的 Web3 搜索引擎 |
Tusk | AI编码助手,自动化解决代码问题 |
Omages | 3D模型转换为64x64像素图像工具 |
TikTok Voice Generator | 生成各种有趣的TikTok AI语音 |
VanceAI | AI照片增强和编辑工具提供商 |
Surfer-Data | 全球首款个人数据导出器 |
Struct2AI | 智能捕捉项目结构,提升AI交互效率 |
Free Youtube Converter to mp3 | 一个免费的将油管视频转换成mp3的在线工具 |
Let Me Know When | AI驱动的网站监控与竞争对手分析工具 |
Linkter | AI辅助内部链接构建工具 |
站点 | 简介 |
Rap Generato | 生成说唱歌词和歌曲的免费AI工具 |
suno-list | 收录了suno每日top10的榜单,并且加上自己的双语点评 |
suno-top | 免费下载suno音乐(官方没开放下载),定时更新制作AI音乐技巧 |
AI迷宫生成 | 免费生成二维迷宫,可以定制生成的大小、复杂程度和提前知道答案 |
aitoolshubs.com | 免费收录AI工具,提供导航和外链,同时编辑会提供使用感受和优化意见 |
HeyMusic.AI | 利用生成式AI技术轻松将歌词转化为个性化音乐 |
文心一言 | 百度推出的基于文心大模型的AI对话互动工具 |
ChatGLM | 开源的、支持中英双语的1300亿参数的对话语言模型 |
通义千问 | 阿里推出类ChatGPT的产品 |
讯飞星火认知大模型 | 科大讯飞认知智能大模型 |
豆包AI | 字节跳动旗下推出的AI人工智能助手 |
C知道 | CSDN推出的技术答疑工具助手 |
小微助手 | 腾讯推出的桌面版AI助手工具 |
ChatGPT Next Web | 一键免费部署你的跨平台私人 ChatGPT 应用, 支持 GPT3, GPT4 & Gemini Pro 模型。搭配低价CheapGpt中转api更好用哟! |
Discover AI | 一个免登陆即可用于搜索人工智能工具或您自己的数据的AI人工智能搜索引擎。 |
Aide | 在vscode中一键注释、转换、UI 图生成代码、AI 批量处理文件! |
PH今日热榜 | 每日更新Product Hunt热门产品榜单 |
AITDK AI落地页生成器 | AI驱动的高效落地页创建工具 |
YouDub-webui | 优质视频中文化工具 |
Fluximg | 一键免费使用 Flux 生成图片 |
AIPoster | 开源3D文字海报生成器 |
奇异字体生成器 | 在线社媒字体生成器 |
站点 | 简介 |
Lemon Squeezy | 支持个人香港卡、虚拟卡,国内开发者首选 |
Stripe | 企业出海首选,全面的在线支付平台 |
Paddle | 手续费低,一体化支付基础设施,可简化和自动化您的计费操作,因此您可以专注于增长 |
站点 | 简介 |
Cloudflare Pages | 通过Git集成、发布项目,支持全栈应用 |
Vercel | 穷鬼必备,静态网站和服务器端渲染网站出海托管第一选择! |
Github Pages | 直接从GitHub存储库托管,您仅需编辑和推送代码,您的更改即可快速上线 |
Railway | 提供了免费体验的在线服务托管平台 |
站点 | 简介 |
MingCute Pages | 为设计师和开发者准备的简洁而精致的开源图标库,适合在网页和移动设备上使用 |
iconbuddy | 提供超过200,000个开源SVG图标的搜索引擎,允许你免费搜索、下载、自定义和编辑图标。 |
站点 | 简介 |
TailwindCSS | 一个功能强大的实用CSS框架,用于快速构建自定义设计的界面。 |
HyperUI | 一个基于TailwindCSS的开源简约风UI库,强烈推荐! |
Shadcn/ui | 开源精美的组件库,复制并粘贴即可完成页面构建 |
站点 | 简介 |
supastarter | 使用流行的前端框架如Next.js和Nuxt,一天之内快速上线! |
nextjs billing | 由Lemon Squeezy开源的,计费-LemonSqueezy 授权-NextAuth.js ORM-Prisma 样式-Tailwind CSS 邮件-Resend |
SaaS-Boilerplate | 一款开源的SaaS模板,非常适合构建自己的SaaS应用。使用React+Tailwind CsS +Shadcn Ul包括身份验证,多租户,角色权限,MFA,用户登录,数据库和日志记录~ |
saasfly | SaaS 开发模板,主要是对标 shipfa.st |
htmlrev | 1500+免费的 HTML 模板 |
站点 | 简介 |
AITDK Extension | Chrome 插件。网站 SEO 分析工具,强烈安利 |
Umami | 一个简单、易用的开源网站分析工具,它提供用户隐私尊重的方式来跟踪网站访问者的活动和数据 |
Google Analytics | 一个强大的网站分析服务,它可以帮助网站所有者理解访客行为,评估营销活动的效果,并改善网站性能 |
站点 | 简介 |
Product Hunt | 新产品主打阵地,发布后其他导航站回来爬取,首选发布地 |
新产品交流社区 | |
Hacker News | 一个新闻聚合网站,允许提交满足用户求知欲的各种类型的新闻,主要以英语内容为主。 |
Indie Hackers | 一个社区平台,它连接开发者们共同分享他们的公司和副业背后的策略和收入数据。 |
1000UserGuide | 为开发者有效地推广产品,接触目标受众,并找到你的第一批1000个用户 |
站点 | 简介 |
Supabase | PostgreSQL数据库、文件存储、登录鉴权 |
Upstash | 支持 Redis、kafka、向量数据库 |
Mongodb | Mongodb 官方提供一个免费数据库 |
站点 | 简介 |
Next.js | 基于 React。附属学习教程:Next.js Practice |
Nuxt | Nuxt.js 是一个建立在 Vue.js 之上的高级框架致力于创建现代化的 Web 应用程序,提供服务器端渲染、静态站点生成和基于 Vue 的单页面应用解决方案。 |
站点 | 简介 |
Clerk | 免费用户 5000 MAU |
Logto | 登录鉴权,有云端版和开源的私有化部署版 |
站点 | 简介 |
Resend | 提供免费支持的临时邮件服务,专注于开发者 |
freeprivacypolicy | 免费在线隐私政策生成器 |
站点 | 简介 |
tld-list | 域名购买比价网,你的省钱小助手 |
站点 | 简介 |
Google Adsense | 最出名的广告联盟,68%广告分成,审核周期较长,适合流量稳定较高的站点 |
ezoic | 注册简单,官方扶持1W访问量以下站点,根据访问量划分等级,最低提现20美元,30天打款 |
bidvertiser | 更适合英文站点,中文站点广告较少,最低10美元提现 |
media.net | 无流量要求,需流量来源美国、英国或加拿大,100%的英文站,最低提现100美元,30天打款,不接受敏感内容 |
propellerads | 无流量要求,注册简单,收入高于谷歌AdSense,最低提现100美元 |
monetag | propellerads相关公司,对新手友好,注册简单,每天一杯9.9咖啡不二之选,不接受敏感内容 |
yllix | 支持CPM、CPC和CPA活动,无流量要求,注册简单,最低提现1美元,每日打款,邀请新用户赠高达100美元奖励 |
skimlinks | 点击75%佣金,购物返现,最低提现10美元,90天打款 |
adsterra | 比Google Adsense赚的多的联盟 |
sovrn | 有审核门槛,但较容易通过,CPM形式,广告展示就会有收入。 |
exoclick | 一个比较好用的网赚联盟,支持中文 |
站点 | 简介 |
HeyForm | 开源且无代码式的表单快速构建工具 |
SimUI模拟游戏管理软件 | 热爱模拟游戏文化的玩家开发的免费专业游戏ROM管理软件 |
兔兔答题 | 开源免费在线考试,企业培训软件综合平台 |
Inpaint-web | 免费开源的AI图片消除、高清修复工具 |
RSSHub | RSSHub 是一个开源、易于使用且可扩展的 RSS 源生成器 |
Deploy | Dokploy 是一个免费的自托管平台即服务,可简化应用程序和数据库的部署和管理。 |
MinerU | MinerU 是一款一站式、开源、高质量的数据提取工具。 |
Shiro | 一个极简主义的开源个人网站blog,纸的纯净和雪的清新。 |
postmark templates | 一款电子邮件模板编辑工具 |
ChatGPT Shortcut | 开源的简单易用的ChatGPT快捷指令,让生产力加倍! |
OpenAPI UI | 更简洁美观的OpenAPI开源接口文档工具 |
Easy-RAG | 一个适合学习、自用的开源Rag扩展 |
tiktoken | openai开源token消耗统计组件 |
GitBase | 基于Github的开源CMS内容管理系统 |
站点 | 简介 |
SimilarSites | 根据你当前浏览的页面搜索出同类网站 |
Semrush | 全面的SEO搜索引擎数字营销工具 |
巨量算数 | 字节跳动推出的抖音、西瓜视频等热点指数分析工具 |
新红 | 新榜有数旗下小红书数据分析工具 |
wideo | 广告创意视频制作工具 |
站点 | 简介 |
Free Case Convert Online | 在线免费英文大小写及其他格式转换工具 |
Favicon.ico图标在线转换 | 在线png、jpg、gif等格式的图片转ico格式工具 |
一键免费制作ico图标 | 在线ico图标生成工具 |
scamalyticsIp | 在线ip干净程度检测工具 |
whoer | 在线ip、dns检查工具 |
ipinfo | 在线ip机场检查工具 |
tinypng | 在线免费图片压缩工具 |
kraken | 在线图片压缩工具 |
Removebg | 免登录的100%免费的在线 AI 抠图工具 |
Tally | Tally 是一个用户友好的在线表单构建平台 |
ShotEasy | 轻量级免费在线开源屏幕截图工具 |
站点 | 简介 |
SimilarWeb | 市场营销工具,分析流量数据、用户行为、竞争对手比较等信息 |
亚马逊选品 | 买家最常在亚马逊上添加到心愿单和礼物清单的商品 |
速卖通选品 | 阿里旗下跨境电商选品平台 |
Helium 10 | 亚马逊营销分析运营工具 |
algopix | 亚马逊、eBay 和沃尔玛产品市场研究工具 |
egrow | 亚马逊数据分析选品工具 |
Plug In SEO | shopify的SEO优化工具 |
Ava SEO Image Optimizer Speed | shopify的免费SEO优化工具 |
koala-app | 优秀的shopify竞品分析工具 |
Shine Commerce | 最知名的shopify对手分析工具 |
来客乐 | 一体化运输解决方案,低价PB / USPS 账号服务 |
AlphaRank SEO | Shopify店铺设计的AI SEO优化工具 |
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Alternative AI tools for linktre-tools
Similar Open Source Tools

The 'linktre-tools' repository is a collection of tools and resources for independent developers, AI products, cross-border e-commerce, and self-media office assistance. It aims to provide a curated list of tools and products in these areas. Users are encouraged to contribute by submitting pull requests and raising issues for continuous updates. The repository covers a wide range of topics including AI tools, independent development tools, popular AI products, tools for web development, online tools, media operations, and cross-border e-commerce resources.

DeepSparkHub is a repository that curates hundreds of application algorithms and models covering various fields in AI and general computing. It supports mainstream intelligent computing scenarios in markets such as smart cities, digital individuals, healthcare, education, communication, energy, and more. The repository provides a wide range of models for tasks such as computer vision, face detection, face recognition, instance segmentation, image generation, knowledge distillation, network pruning, object detection, 3D object detection, OCR, pose estimation, self-supervised learning, semantic segmentation, super resolution, tracking, traffic forecast, GNN, HPC, methodology, multimodal, NLP, recommendation, reinforcement learning, speech recognition, speech synthesis, and 3D reconstruction.

Awesome-AISourceHub is a repository that collects high-quality information sources in the field of AI technology. It serves as a synchronized source of information to avoid information gaps and information silos. The repository aims to provide valuable resources for individuals such as AI book authors, enterprise decision-makers, and tool developers who frequently use Twitter to share insights and updates related to AI advancements. The platform emphasizes the importance of accessing information closer to the source for better quality content. Users can contribute their own high-quality information sources to the repository by following specific steps outlined in the contribution guidelines. The repository covers various platforms such as Twitter, public accounts, knowledge planets, podcasts, blogs, websites, YouTube channels, and more, offering a comprehensive collection of AI-related resources for individuals interested in staying updated with the latest trends and developments in the AI field.

Awesome-AGI is a curated list of resources related to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), including models, pipelines, applications, and concepts. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of AGI research and development, covering various aspects such as model training, fine-tuning, deployment, and applications in different domains. The repository also includes resources on prompt engineering, RLHF, LLM vocabulary expansion, long text generation, hallucination mitigation, controllability and safety, and text detection. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in the field of AGI.

Indie Hacker Tools Plus is a curated repository of essential tools and technology stacks for independent developers. The repository aims to help developers enhance efficiency, save costs, and mitigate risks by using popular and validated tools. It provides a collection of tools recognized by the industry to empower developers with the most refined technical support. Developers can contribute by submitting articles, software, or resources through issues or pull requests.

ML-AI-2-LT is a repository that serves as a glossary for machine learning and deep learning concepts. It contains translations and explanations of various terms related to artificial intelligence, including definitions and notes. Users can contribute by filling issues for unclear concepts or by submitting pull requests with suggestions or additions. The repository aims to provide a comprehensive resource for understanding key terminology in the field of AI and machine learning.

BlossomLM is a series of open-source conversational large language models. This project aims to provide a high-quality general-purpose SFT dataset in both Chinese and English, making fine-tuning accessible while also providing pre-trained model weights. **Hint**: BlossomLM is a personal non-commercial project.

PaddleScience is a scientific computing suite developed based on the deep learning framework PaddlePaddle. It utilizes the learning ability of deep neural networks and the automatic (higher-order) differentiation mechanism of PaddlePaddle to solve problems in physics, chemistry, meteorology, and other fields. It supports three solving methods: physics mechanism-driven, data-driven, and mathematical fusion, and provides basic APIs and detailed documentation for users to use and further develop.

AIInfra is an open-source project focused on AI infrastructure, specifically targeting large models in distributed clusters, distributed architecture, distributed training, and algorithms related to large models. The project aims to explore and study system design in artificial intelligence and deep learning, with a focus on the hardware and software stack for building AI large model systems. It provides a comprehensive curriculum covering topics such as AI chip principles, communication and storage, AI clusters, large model training, and inference, as well as algorithms for large models. The course is designed for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professionals working with AI large model systems, to gain a deep understanding of AI computer system architecture and design.

The repository 'LLM-for-Healthcare' provides a comprehensive survey of large language models (LLMs) for healthcare, covering data, technology, applications, and accountability and ethics. It includes information on various LLM models, training data, evaluation methods, and computation costs. The repository also discusses tasks such as NER, text classification, question answering, dialogue systems, and generation of medical reports from images in the healthcare domain.

FactualNLG is a tool designed to analyze the consistency of edits in summaries. It includes a benchmark with various LLM models, data release for the SummEdits benchmark, explanation analysis for identifying inconsistent summaries, and prompts used in experiments.

AI Product Home is a repository dedicated to collecting various AI commercial or open-source products. It provides assistance in submitting issues, self-recommendation, correcting resources, and more. The repository also features AI tools like Build Naidia, Autopod, Rytr, Mubert, and a virtual town driven by AI. It includes sections for AI models, chat dialogues, AI assistants, code assistance, artistic creation, content creation, and more. The repository covers a wide range of AI-related tools and resources for users interested in AI products and services.

The 'carrot' repository on GitHub provides a list of free and user-friendly ChatGPT mirror sites for easy access. The repository includes sponsored sites offering various GPT models and services. Users can find and share sites, report errors, and access stable and recommended sites for ChatGPT usage. The repository also includes a detailed list of ChatGPT sites, their features, and accessibility options, making it a valuable resource for ChatGPT users seeking free and unlimited GPT services.

awesome-hosting is a curated list of hosting services sorted by minimal plan price. It includes various categories such as Web Services Platform, Backend-as-a-Service, Lambda, Node.js, Static site hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS providers, managed databases, GPU cloud services, and LLM/Inference API providers. Each category lists multiple service providers along with details on their minimal plan, trial options, free tier availability, open-source support, and specific features. The repository aims to help users find suitable hosting solutions based on their budget and requirements.

Kumo search is an end-to-end search engine framework that supports full-text search, inverted index, forward index, sorting, caching, hierarchical indexing, intervention system, feature collection, offline computation, storage system, and more. It runs on the EA (Elastic automic infrastructure architecture) platform, enabling engineering automation, service governance, real-time data, service degradation, and disaster recovery across multiple data centers and clusters. The framework aims to provide a ready-to-use search engine framework to help users quickly build their own search engines. Users can write business logic in Python using the AOT compiler in the project, which generates C++ code and binary dynamic libraries for rapid iteration of the search engine.
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The 'linktre-tools' repository is a collection of tools and resources for independent developers, AI products, cross-border e-commerce, and self-media office assistance. It aims to provide a curated list of tools and products in these areas. Users are encouraged to contribute by submitting pull requests and raising issues for continuous updates. The repository covers a wide range of topics including AI tools, independent development tools, popular AI products, tools for web development, online tools, media operations, and cross-border e-commerce resources.

ComposeAI is an Android & iOS application similar to ChatGPT, built using Compose Multiplatform. It utilizes various technologies such as Compose Multiplatform, Material 3, OpenAI Kotlin, Voyager, Koin, SQLDelight, Multiplatform Settings, Coil3, Napier, BuildKonfig, Firebase Analytics & Crashlytics, and AdMob. The app architecture follows Google's latest guidelines. Users need to set up their own OpenAI API key before using the app.

AutoFlow is an open source graph rag based knowledge base tool built on top of TiDB Vector and LlamaIndex and DSPy. It features a Perplexity-style Conversational Search page and an Embeddable JavaScript Snippet for easy integration into websites. The tool allows for comprehensive coverage and streamlined search processes through sitemap URL scraping.

The Aimeos TYPO3 adapter is an extension that integrates Aimeos web shop components into the TYPO3 CMS. It leverages native TYPO3 components for content caching, sending mails, session handling, and generating URLs. By using the Aimeos TYPO3 package, users can quickly set up a web shop within minutes without the need for manual installation and configuration. The extension is licensed under LGPLv3 and offers seamless integration with TYPO3 infrastructure for various functionalities like URL building, content caching, email sending, and translation handling.

The Aimeos Laravel adapter allows integration of Aimeos web shop components into Laravel framework, leveraging native Laravel components for content caching, logging messages, session handling, generating URLs, and accessing the user table. Users of Laravel can quickly set up a web shop using the Aimeos Laravel package, saving time and effort in installation and configuration. The adapter is licensed under LGPLv3 and offers seamless integration with Laravel infrastructure for various functionalities like URL building, caching, logging, session management, email sending, and translations.

laion.ai is a repository hosting content for the website https://laion.ai. It includes blog posts, markdown files for content editing, and credits to contributors. The content covers various topics such as about page, impressum, FAQ, team list, and blog feed.

Aimeos is a full-featured e-commerce platform that is ultra-fast, cloud-native, and API-first. It offers a wide range of features including JSON REST API, GraphQL API, multi-vendor support, various product types, subscriptions, multiple payment gateways, admin backend, modular structure, SEO optimization, multi-language support, AI-based text translation, mobile optimization, and high-quality source code. It is highly configurable and extensible, making it suitable for e-commerce SaaS solutions, marketplaces, and various cloud environments. Aimeos is designed for scalability, security, and performance, catering to a diverse range of e-commerce needs.

Chat Nio is a next-generation AIGC one-stop business solution that combines the advantages of frontend-oriented lightweight deployment projects with powerful API distribution systems. It offers rich model support, beautiful UI design, complete Markdown support, multi-theme support, internationalization support, text-to-image support, powerful conversation sync, model market & preset system, rich file parsing, full model internet search, Progressive Web App (PWA) support, comprehensive backend management, multiple billing methods, innovative model caching, and additional features. The project aims to address limitations in conversation synchronization, billing, file parsing, conversation URL sharing, channel management, and API call support found in existing AIGC commercial sites, while also providing a user-friendly interface design and C-end features.
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Sweep is an AI junior developer that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes. It automatically handles developer experience improvements like adding type hints and improving test coverage.

The Teams AI Library is a software development kit (SDK) that helps developers create bots that can interact with Teams and Microsoft 365 applications. It is built on top of the Bot Framework SDK and simplifies the process of developing bots that interact with Teams' artificial intelligence capabilities. The SDK is available for JavaScript/TypeScript, .NET, and Python.

This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.

Supercharge WordPress Content Workflows and Engagement with Artificial Intelligence. Tap into leading cloud-based services like OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Gemini and IBM Watson to augment your WordPress-powered websites. Publish content faster while improving SEO performance and increasing audience engagement. ClassifAI integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to lighten your workload and eliminate tedious tasks, giving you more time to create original content that matters.

Chatbot UI is an open-source AI chat app that allows users to create and deploy their own AI chatbots. It is easy to use and can be customized to fit any need. Chatbot UI is perfect for businesses, developers, and anyone who wants to create a chatbot.

BricksLLM is a cloud native AI gateway written in Go. Currently, it provides native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI and vLLM. BricksLLM aims to provide enterprise level infrastructure that can power any LLM production use cases. Here are some use cases for BricksLLM: * Set LLM usage limits for users on different pricing tiers * Track LLM usage on a per user and per organization basis * Block or redact requests containing PIIs * Improve LLM reliability with failovers, retries and caching * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for internal development/production use cases * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for students

uAgents is a Python library developed by Fetch.ai that allows for the creation of autonomous AI agents. These agents can perform various tasks on a schedule or take action on various events. uAgents are easy to create and manage, and they are connected to a fast-growing network of other uAgents. They are also secure, with cryptographically secured messages and wallets.

Griptape is a modular Python framework for building AI-powered applications that securely connect to your enterprise data and APIs. It offers developers the ability to maintain control and flexibility at every step. Griptape's core components include Structures (Agents, Pipelines, and Workflows), Tasks, Tools, Memory (Conversation Memory, Task Memory, and Meta Memory), Drivers (Prompt and Embedding Drivers, Vector Store Drivers, Image Generation Drivers, Image Query Drivers, SQL Drivers, Web Scraper Drivers, and Conversation Memory Drivers), Engines (Query Engines, Extraction Engines, Summary Engines, Image Generation Engines, and Image Query Engines), and additional components (Rulesets, Loaders, Artifacts, Chunkers, and Tokenizers). Griptape enables developers to create AI-powered applications with ease and efficiency.