Stars: 625

ChatGPT-Next-Web-Pro is a tool that provides an enhanced version of ChatGPT-Next-Web with additional features and functionalities. It offers complete ChatGPT-Next-Web functionality, file uploading and storage capabilities, drawing and video support, multi-modal support, reverse model support, knowledge base integration, translation, customizations, and more. The tool can be deployed with or without a backend, allowing users to interact with AI models, manage accounts, create models, manage API keys, handle orders, manage memberships, and more. It supports various cloud services like Aliyun OSS, Tencent COS, and Minio for file storage, and integrates with external APIs like Azure, Google Gemini Pro, and Luma. The tool also provides options for customizing website titles, subtitles, icons, and plugin buttons, and offers features like voice input, file uploading, real-time token count display, and more.
- 更新日期:2024.09.20
- 版本号:
- 3.8.11,完整功能,需要授权码
- 3.7.21-arm,arm64版,完整功能,需要授权码
- 3.7.27-ce,社区版(免费版),不需要授权码,功能有限制,详细看后面说明
- 参考下面有后台版本的用户端,有一些界面和功能差异,没有登录、套餐列表、用户中心,没有管理端。
- 更新日期:2024.09.20
- 版本号:
- latest
- 用户端地址:https://ai.annyun.cn/ ,支持关注公众号扫码授权登录,也支持邮箱注册,手机号也可以(演示站没有配置)。
- 管理端地址:https://admin.annyun.cn/ , 账号:annyun,密码:123456
- 一. 完整的ChatGPT-Next-Web功能,并保持同步更新。最近同步时间:2024.09.20
二. 文件上传和存储,接入OSS,也支持自定义文件上传接口,配置详见参数说明,强烈建议配置该功能,可以让下面很多功能更好用,以下任选一种即可:
- 1.阿里云OSS,国外那些服务有可能访问不了国内的OSS,建议国内和国际版都测试下。
- 2.腾讯云COS,同上,也是OSS。
- 3.MINIO,私有化部署的OSS,免费的,只是会占用自己的带宽。
- 4.自定义文件上传接口,返回的文件地址需要公网可访问,启动时参数:FILE_UPLOAD_URL=,也支持需要鉴权的上传接口,配合参数:FILE_UPLOAD_KEY=
三. 画图和视频支持,图片需要有地方存,强烈建议配合OSS或自定义文件上传接口,详见第2点:
- 1.Midjourney,midjourney-proxy-plus,支持ai换脸、局部重绘、自定义变焦。该功能基于ChatGPT-Midjourney,使用antd进行了完全的重构,界面更加合理,参数更加全面。
- 2.Stable-Diffussion,支持lora模型,文生图、图生图、后期处理、图片信息,近乎完整的参数设置,以及图片完成后的功能按钮。
- 3.Dall-E-3,兼容dall-e-2,需要配置文件上传和存储功能,因为openai返回的链接有效期很短,过期就无法访问。
- 4.增加了绘画记录页面,方便查看所有绘图记录。
- 5.增加suno支持,需要是chat格式的接口,会自动提取播放连接渲染成播放控件。
- 6.增加luma支持,走luma的接口格式,详见api.aiiai.top
四. 多模态支持,强烈建议配置第二点说的文件上传功能:
- 1.gpt-4-vision-preview,gpt-4o,发送出去默认是发送原图base64,如果没配置文件存储功能,则会压缩到100k以内再保存到浏览器本地存储。
- 2.Dall-E-3,兼容dall-e-2,需要配置文件上传和存储功能,因为openai返回的链接有效期很短,过期就无法访问。
- 3.Whisper和TTS系列模型,需要配置文件上传和存储功能。
- 4.gemini-pro-vision,可以上传图片,同gpt4v。
- 5.claude-3,可以上传图片。需要通过启动参数CUSTOM_MODELS=,来添加claude模型。目前没有实现直接调用官方接口,需要通过中转接口实现,这边发出的报文跟gpt4v一样格式。非图片文件会把文件链接拼在内容里。
- 6.支持提取返回内容里的mp3,mp4链接渲染成播放控件,可以直接播放, 比如suno。
五. 逆向模型支持
- 1.支持gpt-4-all,官方接口不支持该模型,需要购买支持该模型的中转接口服务。支持上传所有类型文件,需要配合第二点的文件上传功能。
- 2.集成GPT商店,支持gpt-4-gizmo开头的模型,部分模型也需要购买支持这些模型的中转接口服务,支持上传所有类型文件。支持隐藏gpt商店,参数HIDE_GPTS=1。
六. 知识库
- 1.接入fastgpt知识库,KNOWLEDGE_BASE_URL=设定fastgpt根地址,配合自定义模型参数CUSTOM_MODELS=,格式:+知识库名称==知识库对应apikey,例如:CUSTOM_MODELS=+知识库1==fastgpt-xxxxxx,apikey不会传到用户端,只会在服务端,可以放心。
七. 其它功能:
- 1.翻译,自动识别输入的内容是中文还是英文(如果大部分是中文,则翻译成英文,反之亦然)。
- 2.设置里增加自定义mj代理密钥,Midjourney兼容oneapi的mj代理,MIDJOURNEY_PROXY_URL填oneapi的接口地址,MIDJOURNEY_PROXY_API_SECRET填oneapi的apikey。
- 4.设置里可以自定义stable-diffusion接口地址。
- 5.设置里增加展示聊天记录占用存储情况,浏览器localstorage只有5m,存储快满时,建议导出数据备份,然后删除浏览器存的对话。
- 6.自定义网站标题、副标题、icon,参数APP_TITLE=、APP_SUB_TITLE=、APP_ICON=,需要购买授权才生效。
- 7.支持通过链接跳转进入应用时,自动填入自定义模型,新增链接参数customModels,多个模型用英文逗号","分开,新增replaceCurrentModel,传true或false,当为true时,替换取第一个模型替换掉当前聊天模型。例如:从其它应跳转到当前应用,链接为:http://localhost:3000/#/chat?settings={"key":"xxx","url":"xxx","customModels":"xxx,xxx","replaceCurrentModel":true}
- 8.支持直接在输入框粘贴文件的方式上传文件。
- 9.朗读文字功能,设置里可以设置语言和声源。
- 10.语音输入功能,通过录音,发送给openai进行语音转文字,填到输入框里。该功能需要https访问,才能调起浏览器语音权限。启动参数 HIDE_VOICE_INPUT=1,则会隐藏语音输入
- 11.支持所有模型上传文件,非vision或者claude模型,则只会把文件链接拼在内容里发出去,至于能否解析,要看对应模型能力。
- 12.增加实时展示用户输入内容的token数量
- 13.增加聊天框按平台展示模型头像和名称
- 14.会话主题展示模型名称
- 15.增加用户自定义名称和头像
- 16.支持插件按钮自定义,格式:PLUGIN_BUTTON_CUSTOM='{"text": "自定义", "icon": "https://", "url": "https://"}'
- 免费使用,直接通过docker拉取镜像启动即可使用,需要把命令里的版本号改成社区版本号,不需要授权码。
- 在无后台版本基础上,限制了一些功能,包括:
- 1.上传文件只支持minio存储。
- 2.限制了支持上传文件的模型,vision或者claude模型可以上传图片,Whisper上传语音文件,mj和dall-e-3画图会上传到minio。
- 2.画图不支持stable-diffusion。
- 3.不支持逆向模型,如gpt-4-all等,不支持gpts那些模型。
- 4.不支持知识库。
- 5.不支持修改网站标题、副标题、icon。
- 一. 包含无后台版本的完整功能
二. 账号注册与登录,任选一种即可,支持禁用注册和微信登录:
- 1.支持手机号注册登录。
- 2.支持邮箱注册登录,支持设置邮箱后缀白名单,在annyun-admin的环境变量里增加参数 MAIL_WHITE_LIST。
- 3.支持微信公众号扫码关注授权登录。
三. AI管理:
- 1.AI平台管理,
- 1.1 支持添加不同平台,设置不同的接口地址。
- 2.模型管理,
- 2.1 支持添加不同平台模型,注意:gpt-4-gizmo-*,别删别改!!!这是gpts应用系列模型,判断套餐内容的时候是用通配符匹配的,也就是所有gpts模型都是判断这个。
- 2.2 支持设置默认新建会话的默认模型和总结标题的模型。
- 2.3 支持设置输入输出倍率,默认1,用户输入和模型输出的token和字符数量会乘以这个倍率,作为最终的一个token和字符数量。
- 3.ApiKey管理,
- 3.1 可以为key单独设置接口地址,如果设置了,则会以这边设置的为准,没设置则以平台管理那边设置的为准。
- 3.2 可以添加适用的模型,没设置就是该平台下的通用key,如果设置了,用户请求时,会优先使用适用模型的key。
- 1.AI平台管理,
四. 套餐管理,先设置套餐资源,再设置套餐信息,用户端看到的是套餐信息,一个套餐信息可以包含多个套餐资源,每个套餐资源可以设置不同的模型、不同的计费方式:
- 1.套餐资源:
- 1.1 套餐内包含的基础资源,可以添加可用模型,设置计费模式、数量限制等。
- 1.2 数量限制如果设成-1则表示无限制。注意:套餐资源的数量限制,如果设成次数,则只统计用户发送的次数,如果是token或字数,则是双向统计。
- 1.3 修改套餐资源保存时,会提示是否同步给已经存在的用户套餐资源,只会同步新增的资源,用户已经使用的量和有效期不会变,已过期或耗尽的套餐不会更新。比如套餐资源里增加了一个模型,如果确认同步给用户,则用户套餐资源里也会多出这个模型,但使用了多少token或次数保持不变。
- 2.套餐信息:
- 2.1 可以添加多个套餐资源,设置计费周期、价格、数量倍数,以及限速设置,可以设置多少小时内,只能请求多少次。
- 2.2 用户购买该套餐后,拥有的数量是:套餐资源的数量限制 * 数量倍数,比如 套餐资源里设置token数量限制是1000,套餐信息这个设置token倍数是10,则用户得到 1000 * 10 = 10000 token。
- 2.3 如果套餐的计费模式是:用完即止,则用户购买的该套餐,默认有效期是1年。
- 2.4 可以设置是否作为用户注册就赠送的套餐。如果把一个套餐设成注册赠送,则所有新注册的用户,会自动获得这个套餐,并在登录后自动生效。
- 2.5 修改套餐信息保存时,会提示是否同步给已经存在的用户套餐,会同步套餐的所有资源给用户,但用户已经使用的量和有效期不会变,已过期或耗尽的套餐不会更新。
- 3.套餐兑换码:
- 3.1 可以为套餐生成兑换码,当没使用微信支付时,可以让用户通过其它方式把钱付给你,你把兑换码给用户,用户在聊天套餐列表那边进行兑换。
- 1.套餐资源:
五. 订单管理:
- 1.订单信息:包含扫码支付和兑换码生成的订单。
六. 会员管理:
- 1.会员信息:
- 1.1 支持手动新增会员,并添加套餐,添加的套餐,会在会员登录后自动生效。
- 1.2 支持批量生成会员账号密码和会员套餐,会自动导出excel,生成的会员套餐,会在会员首次登录后自动生效。
- 1.3 支持批量给用户授权套餐,授权的套餐会在下一次登录生效。
- 2.会员套餐:
- 2.1 用户的套餐信息,支持编辑用户套餐,可以修改套餐,生效失效时间,以及重置套餐内容。
- 2.2 用户购买同一个套餐,有效期是累加的,比如套餐A,有效期一个月,用户已经购买了一个套餐A,过期时间是5月30号,则他在5月30号前再次购买套餐A,则他新套餐的有效期是到6月30号。
- 2.3 用户购买套餐,是购买了那一刻的套餐镜像,后续对套餐信息或者套餐资源做任何修改,都不会同步给已经购买该套餐的用户,除非通过编辑用户套餐进行重置套餐内容。
- 1.会员信息:
七. 会话管理,会把用户聊天的会话主题和消息保存到后台,用户登录时会拉取最新的聊天记录,也就是用户可以任意浏览器登录,消息都可以同步:
- 1.会话主题:用户聊天的主题。
- 2.会话消息:用户聊天每个主题下的消息记录。
八. 支付:
- 1.微信支付:需要申请微信商户,开通微信支付。因为需要关联appId,所以还需要申请小程序或者公众号。
- 2.易支付:支持大部分易支付平台,或自建平台。
九. 对接fastgpt知识库:
- 1.先在平台管理里建一个平台,平台名称随意,接口地址那边填fastgpt的根地址。
- 2.然后在模型管理里建模型,模型名称对应fastgpt里建的知识库应用名称。
- 3.接着在apikey新增fastgpt对应的知识库的apikey,并选择适用模型为第2步建的模型。
- 4.最后新增套餐资源,并选择前面建的模型,新增套餐信息,选择建好的套餐资源,这样有这套餐的用户就可以与知识库对话了。
- 【 】1.联网搜索。
- 【 】2.function call。
- 【 】3.待思考。。。
参数名称 | 必填 | 说明 |
OPENAI_API_KEY | 是 | openai的api key |
BASE_URL | 否 | openai的接口代理或中转地址,默认https://api.openai.com
OPENAI_ORG_ID | 否 | OpenAI organization ID |
AZURE_URL | 否 | azure的接口地址,Example: https://{azure-resource-url}/openai/deployments/{deploy-name} |
AZURE_API_KEY | 否 | azure的api key |
AZURE_API_VERSION | 否 | Azure Api Version, find it at Azure Documentation. |
GOOGLE_API_KEY | 否 | Google Gemini Pro Api Key |
GOOGLE_URL | 否 | Google Gemini Pro Api Url |
CODE | 否 | 应用的访问密码,可以设置多个,用英文逗号分割 |
HIDE_USER_API_KEY | 否 | 如果不想让用户输入自己的apikey,则设成 1 |
DISABLE_GPT4 | 否 | 如果不想让用户使用GPT-4,则设成 1 |
ENABLE_BALANCE_QUERY | 否 | 如果想让用户可以查询余额,则设成 1 ,否则设成 0 |
DISABLE_FAST_LINK | 否 | 如果要禁用url中的解析设置,则设成 1 |
CUSTOM_MODELS | 否 | 自定义模型设置,"+"号增加模型,"-"号隐藏模型,"="号设置模型展示的别名,"-all"禁用所有应用自带模型,例如:CUSTOM_MODELS="-all,+llama,-gpt-3.5-turbo,+gpt-4=模型别名"。本项目还对该参数进行扩展,支持fastgpt,详细设置请看下面新增参数里该参数的说明。 |
DEFAULT_MODEL | 否 | 自定义默认模型 |
参数名称 | 必填 | 说明 |
AUTHORIZE_CODE | 是 | 本项目授权码,启动就需要有授权码,不然无法启动,获取方式,请看后面 |
MIDJOURNEY_PROXY_URL | 否 | Midjourney代理地址,详细请看midjourney-proxy |
MIDJOURNEY_PROXY_API_SECRET | 否 | Midjourney代理地址接口密钥,详细请看midjourney-proxy |
USE_MJ_IMG_SELF_PROXY | 否 | 如果不需要自代理mj图片地址,则把该参数设成false |
REPLACE_MJURL_WITH_BASEURL | 否 | 该参数设成1,则如果用户设置里和启动参数都没设置mj的地址和密钥,则直接把base_url和openai_api_key当作mj代理地址和密钥 |
HIDE_MIDJOURNEY_SETTING | 否 | 如果需要隐藏Midjourney设置,则把值设成 1 |
DISCORDCDN_PROXY_URL | 否 | Discordcdn图片地址代理,不填的话,如果访问不了discordcdn,就获取不到图片 |
STABLE_DIFFUSION_BASE_URL | 否 | Stable-diffusion的接口地址,需要启动stable-diffusion-webui,开启api。如果要用该功能,必须要配置后面的OSS相关参数,因为stable-diffusion返回的是图片base64,需要有地方存图片 |
STABLE_DIFFUSION_TIMEOUT | 否 | Stable-diffusion的接口超时时间,默认10分钟 |
HIDE_SD_SETTING | 否 | 是否隐藏Stable-diffusion自定义接口设置,默认不隐藏,如需隐藏,则设成 1。 |
OSS_TYPE | 否 | OSS 类型,取值( aliyun 或 tencent 或 minio )。填了代表需要上传到oss,且下面的相关参数都得填,具体看下面的参数说明 |
OSS_ENDPOINT | 否 | 服务器地址,aliyun例如:oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com;tencent填Region,例如: ap-guangzhou;minio例如:这边只填ip,不需要http前缀,端口填在下面那个参数) |
OSS_PORT | 否 | type为minio,且endpoint为ip时,则需要有端口,minio有两个端口,一个管理端口,一个api端口,这里要填api端口。 |
OSS_HTTPS | 否 | type为minio,根据实际情况开启,如果endpoint是ip,那一般填false。如果网站https,那minio也得要通过https访问,不然可能会出现无法预览图片的问题,可以参考。 |
OSS_ACCESS_KEY | 否 | aliyun则填accessKeyId,tencent则填SecretId,minio则填username |
OSS_SECRET_KEY | 否 | aliyun则填accessKeySecret,tencent则填SecretKey,minio则填password |
OSS_BUCKET | 否 | 桶名称(minio的桶权限需要设成public或者参照minio权限进行配置,阿里云和腾讯云的桶可以不用设成public,但上传的文件会设成public) |
OSS_DOMAIN | 否 | aliyun oss 绑定的域名,只填域名,不要加http://。 2019.9.23后创建的bucket,需要绑定域名,不然无法预览,绑定方法参考 |
APP_TITLE | 否 | 自定义网站标题,需要获得授权后才会生效 |
APP_SUB_TITLE | 否 | 自定义网站副标题,需要获得授权后才会生效 |
APP_ICON | 否 | 自定义网站浏览器标题icon,填icon图标链接,需要获得授权后才会生效 |
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_URL | 否 | fastgpt的接口根地址,比如:https://ai.fastgpt.in/api ,需配合自定义模型参 CUSTOM_MODELS |
CUSTOM_MODELS | 否 | 自定义模型参数,基于原版参数拓展,兼容原版功能。通过自定义模型名称对应fastgpt里的应用,及对应key,格式:+知识库名称==知识库对应apikey,例如:CUSTOM_MODELS=+知识库1==fastgpt-xxxxxx,只会把知识库名称传到前端,apikey不会传到用户端,只会在服务端,可以放心。 |
INPUT_PLACEHOLDER | 否 | 自定义输入框提示。 |
HIDE_VOICE_INPUT | 否 | 如果需要屏蔽语音输入,则把该参数设成1。 |
HIDE_GPTS | 否 | 如果需要隐藏GPTS,则把该参数设成1。 |
FILE_UPLOAD_URL | 否 | 自定义文件上传地址(包括上传按钮和输入框粘贴文件上传,以及画图模型返回的图片),上传时的表单参数名:file,返回的数据格式不限,但需要有文件地址,文件地址需要公网可以访问。填了这个参数,所有文件会优先上传到这个接口,没填则上传配置的OSS。 |
FILE_UPLOAD_KEY | 否 | 自定义文件上传接口的鉴权key,填了会在headers里增加 Authorization: "Bearer " + key,为了key的安全,填了key后,默认走服务端上传,要浏览器直接上传,则需要设置下面那个参数 |
FILE_UPLOAD_FROM_BROWSER | 否 | 自定义文件上传接口填了key后,如果需要在浏览器直接把文件上传到该接口,则需要把这参数值设成:1。设置后,会把鉴权key暴露在浏览器端,有风险,但在文件服务器跟应用不是同一个服务器时,可以节省服务器带宽资源。 |
ALWAYS_DISPLAY_MODEL | 否 | 如果需要在模型选择那边常显模型名称,则把该参数设成1。 |
SEND_IMG_URL | 否 | vision或claude模型,发送图片时,默认发送base64,如果需要发送url,则把该参数设成1,前提是配置了文件存储功能,且模型那边能识别url并通过url得到图片。发送url可以节省服务器带宽。 |
DEFAULT_SUMMARIZE_MODEL | 否 | 总结标题的默认模型,设置后,无论使用哪个模型聊天,都会使用该参数指定的模型进行总结。 |
HIDE_USER_API_URL | 否 | 如果需要隐藏用户自定义接口地址,则把该参数设置为1。 |
USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG | 否 | 如果需默认启用用户自定义接口地址,则把该参数设置为1。 |
CHAT_GEMINI_THROUGH_OPENAI | 否 | (已失效)如果需让gemini模型走openai接口地址,则把该参数设置为1,前提是接口接收的报文格式要跟openai的一样。 |
CHAT_CLAUDE_THROUGH_OPENAI | 否 | (已失效)如果需让claude模型走openai接口地址,则把该参数设置为1,前提是接口接收的报文格式要跟openai的一样。 |
CHAT_ALL_THROUGH_OPENAI | 否 | 如果需让所有模型走openai接口地址,则把该参数设置为1,前提是接口接收的报文格式要跟openai的一样。且会把azure模型去掉。 |
ENABLE_INJECT_SYSTEM_PROMPTS | 否 | 如果需要关闭注入系统及提示信息,则把该参数设成0,默认是开启的。 |
SKIP_MASK_PICK | 否 | 如果新建聊天需要跳过面具选择,则设成1。 |
ZHIPU_API_VERSION | 否 | 智谱api的版本,比如目前是v4,则填v4,当使用智谱glm-*模型时,会自动api替换版本号。 |
PLUGIN_BUTTON_CUSTOM | 否 | 自定义插件按钮,可以配置名称和图标,以及点击超链,格式:PLUGIN_BUTTON_CUSTOM={"text": "自定义", "icon": "https://", "url": "https://"}。 |
LUMA_PROXY_URL | 否 | luma接口地址 |
LUMA_API_KEY | 否 | luma apikey |
- 1.若干个二级域名,本应用需要一个,另外代理discord,openai,aliyun-oss等,都需要域名
- 2.部署openai代理,fork到自己仓库,然后使用vercel进行部署,绑定自己的域名。如果能直通chatgpt,则不需要配置。
- 3.部署discord代理,项目地址discord-proxy,fork到自己仓库,然后使用vercel进行部署,绑定自己的域名。如果能直通discord,则不需要。
- 4.部署midjourney-proxy,详细请到对应项目查看。、
- 5.如果你不想配置上面的那些代理,可以考虑买中转接口的key,推荐中转api.aiiai.top。
- 6.获取阿里云oss的endpoint,key等,详细参考 ,bucket可以不用设为公共读,但上传的图片会自动设成公共读。2019.9.23后创建的bucket,需要绑定自己的域名,才能预览,绑定方法参考 。跨域问题
- 7.部署minio私有化oss,bucket必须要设成public,docker启动参考官方文档。
- 8.使用stable-diffusion功能需要启动stable-diffusion-webui,详细启动方式请到对应项目查看:https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/API
- 9.腾讯云oss跨域问题,可以参考
docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ann-chat/chatgpt-next-web-pro:3.8.11
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 \
-e OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-xxxxxx" \
- 3000:3000是端口映射,前面的可以自定义,后面的是容器内部端口,不可更改。比如可以改成:3030:3000, 3080:3000
- 如果你有chatgpt中转地址,则加上 -e BASE_URL="https://xxxxxx" \ ,没加这个参数,默认请求到 https://api.openai.com
- 其它参数也是通过增加 -e 然后跟上参数名称和参数值, \ 是换行拼接。
wget https://github.com/vual/ChatGPT-Next-Web-Pro/tree/main/docker/with-backend/docker-compose.yml
如果下载不了docker-compose.yml,或者下载下来是html文件,则请直接到 /docker/with-backend下查看docker-compose.yml并复制里面的内容,自己创建一个同样名称的yml文件
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d
首次启动建议不加 -d ,看看是否有报错,没报错后,结束运行,并加上 -d 重新启动
- 也可以绑定公网IP,但不建议。试用可以绑定内网IP。
- 绑定1个域名或IP,限时特惠:¥189/年,¥369/永久
- 绑定2个域名或IP,限时特惠:¥339/年
- 绑定3个域名或IP,限时特惠:¥469/年
- 一个授权码,绑定两个域名(用户端和管理端),限时特惠:¥399/年,¥789/永久
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto http;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
3.如果配置了aliyun oss,出现图片无法预览、或文件上传不了、或语音长度为0的问题,建议检查access_key权限(不是bucket权限),可以参考添加权限
4.配置了aliyun oss,出现图片无法预览,点击链接变成下载,那就是需要绑定自己的域名,然后启动参数增加 OSS_DOMAIN="绑定的域名",绑定方法参考
- 用户购买的套餐,是在购买那一刻的套餐镜像,套餐包含哪些内容就只有哪些内容,后续修改了套餐资源或者套餐信息,不会自动同步给已经购买该套餐的用户,可以在会员套餐那边点编辑,勾选重置套餐内容。
- 如果在用户购买套餐后,在ai管理里进行删除或修改模型、平台,可能会对已购买套餐的用户产生影响,可以在会员套餐那边点编辑,勾选重置套餐内容,帮用户同步最新的套餐信息。
- 已用token累加很快,那是因为聊天携带了历史记录,会重复计算。
- 短信签名必须是英文字母,不能是汉字。
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Alternative AI tools for ChatGPT-Next-Web-Pro
Similar Open Source Tools

ChatGPT-Next-Web-Pro is a tool that provides an enhanced version of ChatGPT-Next-Web with additional features and functionalities. It offers complete ChatGPT-Next-Web functionality, file uploading and storage capabilities, drawing and video support, multi-modal support, reverse model support, knowledge base integration, translation, customizations, and more. The tool can be deployed with or without a backend, allowing users to interact with AI models, manage accounts, create models, manage API keys, handle orders, manage memberships, and more. It supports various cloud services like Aliyun OSS, Tencent COS, and Minio for file storage, and integrates with external APIs like Azure, Google Gemini Pro, and Luma. The tool also provides options for customizing website titles, subtitles, icons, and plugin buttons, and offers features like voice input, file uploading, real-time token count display, and more.

The ai_quant_trade repository is a comprehensive platform for stock AI trading, offering learning, simulation, and live trading capabilities. It includes features such as factor mining, traditional strategies, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, graph networks, and high-frequency trading. The repository provides tools for monitoring stocks, stock recommendations, and deployment tools for live trading. It also features new functionalities like sentiment analysis using StructBERT, reinforcement learning for multi-stock trading with a 53% annual return, automatic factor mining with 5000 factors, customized stock monitoring software, and local deep reinforcement learning strategies.

This repository provides a comprehensive guide to large language models (LLMs), covering various aspects such as training, fine-tuning, compression, and applications. It includes detailed tutorials, code examples, and explanations of key concepts and techniques. The repository is maintained by Liguo Dong, an AI researcher and engineer with expertise in LLM research and development.

Bailing is an open-source voice assistant designed for natural conversations with users. It combines Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Voice Activity Detection (VAD), Large Language Model (LLM), and Text-to-Speech (TTS) technologies to provide a high-quality voice interaction experience similar to GPT-4o. Bailing aims to achieve GPT-4o-like conversation effects without the need for GPU, making it suitable for various edge devices and low-resource environments. The project features efficient open-source models, modular design allowing for module replacement and upgrades, support for memory function, tool integration for information retrieval and task execution via voice commands, and efficient task management with progress tracking and reminders.

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Awesome-LLM-RAG-Application is a repository that provides resources and information about applications based on Large Language Models (LLM) with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern. It includes a survey paper, GitHub repo, and guides on advanced RAG techniques. The repository covers various aspects of RAG, including academic papers, evaluation benchmarks, downstream tasks, tools, and technologies. It also explores different frameworks, preprocessing tools, routing mechanisms, evaluation frameworks, embeddings, security guardrails, prompting tools, SQL enhancements, LLM deployment, observability tools, and more. The repository aims to offer comprehensive knowledge on RAG for readers interested in exploring and implementing LLM-based systems and products.

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DISC-LawLLM is a legal domain large model that aims to provide professional, intelligent, and comprehensive **legal services** to users. It is developed and open-sourced by the Data Intelligence and Social Computing Lab (Fudan-DISC) at Fudan University.

Qbot is an AI-oriented automated quantitative investment platform that supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms, including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and reinforcement learning. It provides a full closed-loop process from data acquisition, strategy development, backtesting, simulation trading to live trading. The platform emphasizes AI strategies such as machine learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning, combined with multi-factor models to enhance returns. Users with some Python knowledge and trading experience can easily utilize the platform to address trading pain points and gaps in the market.

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Speech-AI-Forge is a project developed around TTS generation models, implementing an API Server and a WebUI based on Gradio. The project offers various ways to experience and deploy Speech-AI-Forge, including online experience on HuggingFace Spaces, one-click launch on Colab, container deployment with Docker, and local deployment. The WebUI features include TTS model functionality, speaker switch for changing voices, style control, long text support with automatic text segmentation, refiner for ChatTTS native text refinement, various tools for voice control and enhancement, support for multiple TTS models, SSML synthesis control, podcast creation tools, voice creation, voice testing, ASR tools, and post-processing tools. The API Server can be launched separately for higher API throughput. The project roadmap includes support for various TTS models, ASR models, voice clone models, and enhancer models. Model downloads can be manually initiated using provided scripts. The project aims to provide inference services and may include training-related functionalities in the future.

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Resonance is a framework designed to facilitate interoperability and messaging between services in your infrastructure and beyond. It provides AI capabilities and takes full advantage of asynchronous PHP, built on top of Swoole. With Resonance, you can: * Chat with Open-Source LLMs: Create prompt controllers to directly answer user's prompts. LLM takes care of determining user's intention, so you can focus on taking appropriate action. * Asynchronous Where it Matters: Respond asynchronously to incoming RPC or WebSocket messages (or both combined) with little overhead. You can set up all the asynchronous features using attributes. No elaborate configuration is needed. * Simple Things Remain Simple: Writing HTTP controllers is similar to how it's done in the synchronous code. Controllers have new exciting features that take advantage of the asynchronous environment. * Consistency is Key: You can keep the same approach to writing software no matter the size of your project. There are no growing central configuration files or service dependencies registries. Every relation between code modules is local to those modules. * Promises in PHP: Resonance provides a partial implementation of Promise/A+ spec to handle various asynchronous tasks. * GraphQL Out of the Box: You can build elaborate GraphQL schemas by using just the PHP attributes. Resonance takes care of reusing SQL queries and optimizing the resources' usage. All fields can be resolved asynchronously.

Whetstone.ChatGPT is a simple light-weight library that wraps the Open AI API with support for dependency injection. It supports features like GPT 4, GPT 3.5 Turbo, chat completions, audio transcription and translation, vision completions, files, fine tunes, images, embeddings, moderations, and response streaming. The library provides a video walkthrough of a Blazor web app built on it and includes examples such as a command line bot. It offers quickstarts for dependency injection, chat completions, completions, file handling, fine tuning, image generation, and audio transcription.

ChatGPT-Next-Web-Pro is a tool that provides an enhanced version of ChatGPT-Next-Web with additional features and functionalities. It offers complete ChatGPT-Next-Web functionality, file uploading and storage capabilities, drawing and video support, multi-modal support, reverse model support, knowledge base integration, translation, customizations, and more. The tool can be deployed with or without a backend, allowing users to interact with AI models, manage accounts, create models, manage API keys, handle orders, manage memberships, and more. It supports various cloud services like Aliyun OSS, Tencent COS, and Minio for file storage, and integrates with external APIs like Azure, Google Gemini Pro, and Luma. The tool also provides options for customizing website titles, subtitles, icons, and plugin buttons, and offers features like voice input, file uploading, real-time token count display, and more.

ByteChef is an open-source, low-code, extendable API integration and workflow automation platform. It provides an intuitive UI Workflow Editor, event-driven & scheduled workflows, multiple flow controls, built-in code editor supporting Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, rich component ecosystem, extendable with custom connectors, AI-ready with built-in AI components, developer-ready to expose workflows as APIs, version control friendly, self-hosted, scalable, and resilient. It allows users to build and visualize workflows, automate tasks across SaaS apps, internal APIs, and databases, and handle millions of workflows with high availability and fault tolerance.

DemoGPT is an all-in-one agent library that provides tools, prompts, frameworks, and LLM models for streamlined agent development. It leverages GPT-3.5-turbo to generate LangChain code, creating interactive Streamlit applications. The tool is designed for creating intelligent, interactive, and inclusive solutions in LLM-based application development. It offers model flexibility, iterative development, and a commitment to user engagement. Future enhancements include integrating Gorilla for autonomous API usage and adding a publicly available database for refining the generation process.

ChatGPT Web Sea is an open-source project based on ChatGPT-web for secondary development. It supports all models that comply with the OpenAI interface standard, allows for model selection, configuration, and extension, and is compatible with OneAPI. The tool includes a Chinese ChatGPT tuning guide, supports file uploads, and provides model configuration options. Users can interact with the tool through a web interface, configure models, and perform tasks such as model selection, API key management, and chat interface setup. The project also offers Docker deployment options and instructions for manual packaging.

Farfalle is an open-source AI-powered search engine that allows users to run their own local LLM or utilize the cloud. It provides a tech stack including Next.js for frontend, FastAPI for backend, Tavily for search API, Logfire for logging, and Redis for rate limiting. Users can get started by setting up prerequisites like Docker and Ollama, and obtaining API keys for Tavily, OpenAI, and Groq. The tool supports models like llama3, mistral, and gemma. Users can clone the repository, set environment variables, run containers using Docker Compose, and deploy the backend and frontend using services like Render and Vercel.

Tara is a powerful node for ComfyUI that integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance and automate workflow processes. With Tara, you can create complex, intelligent workflows that refine and generate content, manage API keys, and seamlessly integrate various LLMs into your projects. It comprises nodes for handling OpenAI-compatible APIs, saving and loading API keys, composing multiple texts, and using predefined templates for OpenAI and Groq. Tara supports OpenAI and Grok models with plans to expand support to together.ai and Replicate. Users can install Tara via Git URL or ComfyUI Manager and utilize it for tasks like input guidance, saving and loading API keys, and generating text suitable for chaining in workflows.
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**Prompt flow** is a suite of development tools designed to streamline the end-to-end development cycle of LLM-based AI applications, from ideation, prototyping, testing, evaluation to production deployment and monitoring. It makes prompt engineering much easier and enables you to build LLM apps with production quality.

DeepEval is a simple-to-use, open-source LLM evaluation framework specialized for unit testing LLM outputs. It incorporates various metrics such as G-Eval, hallucination, answer relevancy, RAGAS, etc., and runs locally on your machine for evaluation. It provides a wide range of ready-to-use evaluation metrics, allows for creating custom metrics, integrates with any CI/CD environment, and enables benchmarking LLMs on popular benchmarks. DeepEval is designed for evaluating RAG and fine-tuning applications, helping users optimize hyperparameters, prevent prompt drifting, and transition from OpenAI to hosting their own Llama2 with confidence.

MegaDetector is an AI model that identifies animals, people, and vehicles in camera trap images (which also makes it useful for eliminating blank images). This model is trained on several million images from a variety of ecosystems. MegaDetector is just one of many tools that aims to make conservation biologists more efficient with AI. If you want to learn about other ways to use AI to accelerate camera trap workflows, check out our of the field, affectionately titled "Everything I know about machine learning and camera traps".

LeapfrogAI is a self-hosted AI platform designed to be deployed in air-gapped resource-constrained environments. It brings sophisticated AI solutions to these environments by hosting all the necessary components of an AI stack, including vector databases, model backends, API, and UI. LeapfrogAI's API closely matches that of OpenAI, allowing tools built for OpenAI/ChatGPT to function seamlessly with a LeapfrogAI backend. It provides several backends for various use cases, including llama-cpp-python, whisper, text-embeddings, and vllm. LeapfrogAI leverages Chainguard's apko to harden base python images, ensuring the latest supported Python versions are used by the other components of the stack. The LeapfrogAI SDK provides a standard set of protobuffs and python utilities for implementing backends and gRPC. LeapfrogAI offers UI options for common use-cases like chat, summarization, and transcription. It can be deployed and run locally via UDS and Kubernetes, built out using Zarf packages. LeapfrogAI is supported by a community of users and contributors, including Defense Unicorns, Beast Code, Chainguard, Exovera, Hypergiant, Pulze, SOSi, United States Navy, United States Air Force, and United States Space Force.

This Docker image for LLaVA (Large Language and Vision Assistant) provides a convenient way to run LLaVA locally or on RunPod. LLaVA is a powerful AI tool that combines natural language processing and computer vision capabilities. With this Docker image, you can easily access LLaVA's functionalities for various tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, text summarization, and more. The image comes pre-installed with LLaVA v1.2.0, Torch 2.1.2, xformers 0.0.23.post1, and other necessary dependencies. You can customize the model used by setting the MODEL environment variable. The image also includes a Jupyter Lab environment for interactive development and exploration. Overall, this Docker image offers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for leveraging LLaVA's capabilities.

The 'carrot' repository on GitHub provides a list of free and user-friendly ChatGPT mirror sites for easy access. The repository includes sponsored sites offering various GPT models and services. Users can find and share sites, report errors, and access stable and recommended sites for ChatGPT usage. The repository also includes a detailed list of ChatGPT sites, their features, and accessibility options, making it a valuable resource for ChatGPT users seeking free and unlimited GPT services.

TrustLLM is a comprehensive study of trustworthiness in LLMs, including principles for different dimensions of trustworthiness, established benchmark, evaluation, and analysis of trustworthiness for mainstream LLMs, and discussion of open challenges and future directions. Specifically, we first propose a set of principles for trustworthy LLMs that span eight different dimensions. Based on these principles, we further establish a benchmark across six dimensions including truthfulness, safety, fairness, robustness, privacy, and machine ethics. We then present a study evaluating 16 mainstream LLMs in TrustLLM, consisting of over 30 datasets. The document explains how to use the trustllm python package to help you assess the performance of your LLM in trustworthiness more quickly. For more details about TrustLLM, please refer to project website.

AI-YinMei is an AI virtual anchor Vtuber development tool (N card version). It supports fastgpt knowledge base chat dialogue, a complete set of solutions for LLM large language models: [fastgpt] + [one-api] + [Xinference], supports docking bilibili live broadcast barrage reply and entering live broadcast welcome speech, supports Microsoft edge-tts speech synthesis, supports Bert-VITS2 speech synthesis, supports GPT-SoVITS speech synthesis, supports expression control Vtuber Studio, supports painting stable-diffusion-webui output OBS live broadcast room, supports painting picture pornography public-NSFW-y-distinguish, supports search and image search service duckduckgo (requires magic Internet access), supports image search service Baidu image search (no magic Internet access), supports AI reply chat box [html plug-in], supports AI singing Auto-Convert-Music, supports playlist [html plug-in], supports dancing function, supports expression video playback, supports head touching action, supports gift smashing action, supports singing automatic start dancing function, chat and singing automatic cycle swing action, supports multi scene switching, background music switching, day and night automatic switching scene, supports open singing and painting, let AI automatically judge the content.