[🔥updating ...] AI 自动量化交易机器人(完全本地部署) AI-powered Quantitative Investment Research Platform. 📃 online docs: https://ufund-me.github.io/Qbot ✨ :news: qbot-mini: https://github.com/Charmve/iQuant
Stars: 6999

Qbot is an AI-oriented automated quantitative investment platform that supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms, including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and reinforcement learning. It provides a full closed-loop process from data acquisition, strategy development, backtesting, simulation trading to live trading. The platform emphasizes AI strategies such as machine learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning, combined with multi-factor models to enhance returns. Users with some Python knowledge and trading experience can easily utilize the platform to address trading pain points and gaps in the market.
Qbot is an AI-oriented automated quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower AI technologies in quantitative investment. Qbot supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms. including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and RL.
🤖 Qbot = 智能交易策略 + 回测系统 + 自动化量化交易 (+ 可视化分析工具)
| | | |
| | | \_ quantstats (dashboard\online operation)
| | \______________ Qbot - vnpy, pytrader, pyfunds
| \____________________________ BackTest - backtrader, easyquant
\________________________________________ quant.ai - qlib, deep learning strategies
🎺 号外:Qbot微信小程序开发招募 UFund-miniprogram
不建议 fork 项目,本项目会持续更新,只 fork 看不到更新,建议 Star ⭐️ ~
喜欢这个项目吗?请考虑 ❤️赞助 本项目,以帮助改进!
cd ~ # $HOME as workspace
git clone https://github.com/UFund-Me/Qbot --depth 1
cd Qbot
pip install -r requirements.txt
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd):$(pwd)/backend/multi-fact/mfm_learner
python main.py #if run on Mac, please use 'pythonw main.py'
详细文档 https://github.com/UFund-Me/Qbot/blob/main/quick_start.md
- wxPython、Ta-Lib 需要手动安装,pip wheel 在 dev/ 路径下。https://github.com/UFund-Me/Qbot/issues/76
Mac系统在安装之前需要手动安装tables库的依赖hdf5,以及pythonw https://github.com/UFund-Me/Qbot/issues/11
brew install hdf5 brew install c-blosc export HDF5_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/hdf5 export BLOSC_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/c-blosc
通过Qbot 可以积木式完成策略编写、多因子挖掘,实现数据开发、因子开发、组合优化、交易执行的量化交易全流程。
如果说策略是量化的核心 ,那么因子就是策略的核心。通过Qbot量化投研平台研究员可实现自动化因子挖掘,提取出具备预测能力的单因子,利用历史数据进行回测,如果回测结果显示该因子的预测能力达标,就提交到因子库。然后,对因子库里的因子进行有机组合,以形成预测模型,预测模型是整个量化策略的目标。
交易对象 | 选股 | 择时 | 风险控制 (组合、仓位管理) |
股票/期货/虚拟货币 |
基金 | 同上 |
GBDT | RNN | Reinforcement Learning | 🔥 Transformer | 🔥 LLM |
Results and models are available in the model zoo. AI strategies is shown at here, local run python backend/pytrader/strategies/workflow_by_code.py
, also provide
👉 点击展开查看具体AI模型benchmark结果
status | benchmark | framework | DGCNN | RegNetX | addition | arXiv | |
GBDT | ✗ | ✗ | XGBoost | ✗ | ✗ | Tianqi Chen, et al. KDD 2016 | ✗ |
GBDT | ✗ | ✗ | LightGBM | ✗ | ✓ | Guolin Ke, et al. NIPS 2017 | ✗ |
GBDT | ✗ | ✗ | Catboost | ✗ | ✓ | Liudmila Prokhorenkova, et al. NIPS 2018 | ✗ |
MLP | ✓ | ✓ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | -- | ✗ |
LSTM | ✓ | ✓ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Sepp Hochreiter, et al. Neural computation 1997 | ✗ |
LightGBM | ✓ | ✓ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | -- | ✗ |
GRU | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Kyunghyun Cho, et al. 2014 | ✗ |
ALSTM | ✗ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Yao Qin, et al. IJCAI 2017 | ✗ |
GATs | ✗ | ✓ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Petar Velickovic, et al. 2017 | ✗ |
SFM | ✓ | ✓ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Liheng Zhang, et al. KDD 2017 | ✗ |
TFT | ✓ | ✓ | tensorflow | ✗ | ✗ | Bryan Lim, et al. International Journal of Forecasting 2019 | ✗ |
TabNet | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Sercan O. Arik, et al. AAAI 2019 | ✗ |
DoubleEnsemble | ✓ | ✓ | LightGBM | ✗ | ✗ | Chuheng Zhang, et al. ICDM 2020 | ✗ |
TCTS | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Xueqing Wu, et al. ICML 2021 | ✗ |
Transformer | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Ashish Vaswani, et al. NeurIPS 2017 | ✗ |
Localformer | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Juyong Jiang, et al. | ✗ |
TRA | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Hengxu, Dong, et al. KDD 2021 | ✗ |
TCN | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Shaojie Bai, et al. 2018 | ✗ |
ADARNN | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | YunTao Du, et al. 2021 | ✗ |
ADD | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Hongshun Tang, et al.2020 | ✗ |
IGMTF | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Wentao Xu, et al.2021 | ✗ |
HIST | ✓ | ✗ | pytorch | ✗ | ✗ | Wentao Xu, et al.2021 | ✗ |
Note: All the about 300+ models, methods of 40+ papers in quant.ai supported by Model Zoo can be trained or used in this codebase.
ROC(变动速率指标, 威廉指标)
ENE(轨道线) # 轨道线(ENE)由上轨线(UPPER)和下轨线(LOWER)及中轨线(ENE)组成,
# 轨道线的优势在于其不仅具有趋势轨道的研判分析作用,也可以敏锐的觉察股价运行过程中方向的改变
LWR(慢速威廉指标) # 趋势判断指标
低费率开户:股票万0.854免五, ETF万0.4, 可转债万0.4 没有资金门槛。关注公众可开户 另外提供开通券商量化交易接口,支持python编写实盘交易
- 海通客户端(海通网上交易系统独立委托)
- 华泰客户端(网上交易系统(专业版Ⅱ))
- 国金客户端(全能行证券交易终端PC版)
- 其他券商通用同花顺客户端(需要手动登陆)
- 期货
- CTPMini
- 飞马Femas
- 艾克朗科(仅组播行情)
- 易达
- 期权
- CTPOpt
- 金证期权maOpt
- QWIN二开
- 股票
- 中泰XTP
- 中泰XTPXAlgo
- 华鑫奇点
- 华锐ATP
- 宽睿OES
- 同花顺
- 东方财富
- 华泰证券
- 国泰君安
- 中汇亿达
- 恒生UFT
- 掘金
- 顶点飞创
- 华鑫奇点
- 通达信
- 虚拟货币/数字货币
- 欧易OKEX
- 币安Bianace
- 火币Huobi
API | 交易类型 | 操作系统 |
qbot_pro | 股票、期货、基金、虚拟货币 | Win、Linux、Mac |
掘金仿真 | 股票、基金、期货 | Win、Linux、Mac |
极星量化 | 期货 | Win、Mac |
WonderTrader | 股票、期货 | Win、Linux |
TradingView | 虚拟货币 | Win、Linux、Mac |
欧易OKEX、币安 Binance 、火币huobi | 虚拟货币 | Win、Linux、Mac |
OKEX 交易所注册推荐码, 手续费返佣 20%
币安交易所注册推荐码, 手续费返佣 10%
火币交易所注册推荐码, 手续费返佣 15% (推荐)
交易的手续费看起来很少,但是随着交易次数逐步增多,手续费也是一笔不小的开支。 所以我选择了币安,手续费低的大平台交易所
火币手续费 Maker 0.2% Taker 0.2%
币安手续费 Maker 0.1% Taker 0.1% (加上BNB家持手续费低至0.075%)
- 内容共建:
- 在我们免费提供的人工智能交易策略基础上,提高SOTA指标,然后以个人所有权提交Qbot量化交易社区,作为一种策略服务提供给更多人,获取收益;
- 在我们免费提供的上千个交易因子基础上,应用交易因子完成策略回测、模拟交易,对交易结果好的可作为一种交易策略服务提供给更多人,获取收益;
- 代码贡献:
- 参与本代码仓库程序设计与实现,多提交PR合并后可免费加入知识星球;
- 贡献榜单前10名可获得一年免费使用权,前3名可获得qbot进阶版终身免费使用权;
版本介绍 | 说明 | 产品与服务 | 适合人群 |
public(开源版) | 当前开源仓库 | - 开源代码可自行学习,提供整个框架的闭环搭建,实现数据的获取、策略开发、指标分析等功能 | 对量化交易感兴趣的开发者、产品经理 |
pro(专业版) | 专业付费版(年费,更新代码) |
- 量化交易智库(研报复现、前沿策略探索、投研资讯)) - qbot_pro 包含基础版本的所有功能,并且实现AI选股、数据获取清洗、策略开发、策略回测、模拟交易、实盘自动化交易全流程闭环 - 封装好的接口示例、系统源码开发示例 - 易于开发的策略模板和因子表达式 - 分层架构设计,数据、策略(回测、实盘交易)中间表达。 - 社群答疑服务 - 遵循《署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享》开放协议的其他非商业用途的二次开发 |
- 个人量化交易员、证券交易从业者 - 希望快速学习量化并在股票、基金、虚拟货币实现量化交易的 |
vip | 1对1的会员专项服务(年费,每年更新代码) |
- 最新的量化交易系统,包含基础版本和专业版的所有软件功能 - 提供封装好的基金、股票、期货、及现货和合约量化接口 (支持Binance现货、合约) - 多个智能量化策略示例 - 远程技术支持和服务 |
- 量化交易员 - 希望快速学习量化并在相关市场实现量化交易的 - 定制相关市场接口 |
[!TIP] 相关软件版本付费及更多信息、答疑解惑,添加微信 Yida_Zhang2
在线文档 | ❓ 常见问题 | Jupyter Notebook
Click HERE to more detail.
Starting Portfolio Value: 10000.00
Startdate=datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1),
Enddate=datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 21),
# 设置佣金为0.001, 除以100去掉%号
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A股回测 KDJ+MACD 策略:
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- [x] 把策略回测整合在一个上位机中,包括:选基、选股策略、交易策略,模拟交易,实盘交易
- [ ] 很多策略需要做回测验证;
- [ ] 本项目由前后端支持,有上位机app支持,但目前框架还比较乱,需要做调整;
- [ ] 各种策略需要抽象设计,支持统一调用;
- [ ] 增强数据获取的实时性,每秒数据,降低延迟;
- [ ] 在线文档的完善,目前主要几个部分:新手使用指引、经典策略原理和源码、智能策略原理和源码、常见问题等;
- [ ] 新的feature开发,欢迎在issues交流;
cd plugins/dagster
dagster-daemon run &
dagit -h -p 3000
We appreciate all contributions to improve Qbot. Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for the contributing guideline.
Github discussions 💬 or issues 💭
微信: Yida_Zhang2
Email: yidazhang1#gmail.com
- 知识星球:AI量化投研实验室 (加我微信,邀请)
- 本星球为VIP付费社群,对于购买Pro版本的用户,可免费加入。拓展人脉,及时获取研报和论文解读与源代码实现,多种投顾服务。
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现对于转发本项目到朋友圈或100人以上微信群等,可获得知识星球价值20元的 🎫优惠券 一张, 限时10张。 |
👨🏫 重点重点! 交易策略和自动化工具只是提供便利,并不代表实际交易收益。该项目任何内容不构成任何投资建议。市场有风险,投资需谨慎。
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Thank you for supporting Qbot!
署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际
Last but not least, we're thankful to these open-source repo for sharing their services for free:
基于 backtrader、vnpy、qlib、tushare、easyquant、fund-strategies、investool 等开源项目,感谢开发者。
Code with ❤️ & ☕️ @Charmve 2022-2023
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Alternative AI tools for Qbot
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Qbot is an AI-oriented automated quantitative investment platform that supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms, including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and reinforcement learning. It provides a full closed-loop process from data acquisition, strategy development, backtesting, simulation trading to live trading. The platform emphasizes AI strategies such as machine learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning, combined with multi-factor models to enhance returns. Users with some Python knowledge and trading experience can easily utilize the platform to address trading pain points and gaps in the market.

MEGREZ is a modern and elegant open-source high-performance computing platform that efficiently manages GPU resources. It allows for easy container instance creation, supports multiple nodes/multiple GPUs, modern UI environment isolation, customizable performance configurations, and user data isolation. The platform also comes with pre-installed deep learning environments, supports multiple users, features a VSCode web version, resource performance monitoring dashboard, and Jupyter Notebook support.

This repository is a Chinese translation of the GitHub project 'LLMs-from-scratch', including detailed markdown notes and related Jupyter code. The translation process aims to maintain the accuracy of the original content while optimizing the language and expression to better suit Chinese learners' reading habits. The repository features detailed Chinese annotations for all Jupyter code, aiding users in practical implementation. It also provides various supplementary materials to expand knowledge. The project focuses on building Large Language Models (LLMs) from scratch, covering fundamental constructions like Transformer architecture, sequence modeling, and delving into deep learning models such as GPT and BERT. Each part of the project includes detailed code implementations and learning resources to help users construct LLMs from scratch and master their core technologies.

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For similar tasks

Qbot is an AI-oriented automated quantitative investment platform that supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms, including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and reinforcement learning. It provides a full closed-loop process from data acquisition, strategy development, backtesting, simulation trading to live trading. The platform emphasizes AI strategies such as machine learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning, combined with multi-factor models to enhance returns. Users with some Python knowledge and trading experience can easily utilize the platform to address trading pain points and gaps in the market.

PredictorLLM is an advanced trading agent framework that utilizes large language models to automate trading in financial markets. It includes a profiling module to establish agent characteristics, a layered memory module for retaining and prioritizing financial data, and a decision-making module to convert insights into trading strategies. The framework mimics professional traders' behavior, surpassing human limitations in data processing and continuously evolving to adapt to market conditions for superior investment outcomes.

The gpt-bitcoin repository is focused on creating an automated trading system for Bitcoin using GPT AI technology. It provides different versions of trading strategies utilizing various data sources such as OHLCV, Moving Averages, RSI, Stochastic Oscillator, MACD, Bollinger Bands, Orderbook Data, news data, fear/greed index, and chart images. Users can set up the system by creating a .env file with necessary API keys and installing required dependencies. The repository also includes instructions for setting up the environment on local machines and AWS EC2 Ubuntu servers. The future plan includes expanding the system to support other cryptocurrency exchanges like Bithumb, Binance, Coinbase, OKX, and Bybit.
For similar jobs

Qlib is an open-source, AI-oriented quantitative investment platform that supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms, including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and reinforcement learning. It covers the entire chain of quantitative investment, from alpha seeking to order execution. The platform empowers researchers to explore ideas and implement productions using AI technologies in quantitative investment. Qlib collaboratively solves key challenges in quantitative investment by releasing state-of-the-art research works in various paradigms. It provides a full ML pipeline for data processing, model training, and back-testing, enabling users to perform tasks such as forecasting market patterns, adapting to market dynamics, and modeling continuous investment decisions.

Jupyter Quant is a dockerized environment tailored for quantitative research, equipped with essential tools like statsmodels, pymc, arch, py_vollib, zipline-reloaded, PyPortfolioOpt, numpy, pandas, sci-py, scikit-learn, yellowbricks, shap, optuna, ib_insync, Cython, Numba, bottleneck, numexpr, jedi language server, jupyterlab-lsp, black, isort, and more. It does not include conda/mamba and relies on pip for package installation. The image is optimized for size, includes common command line utilities, supports apt cache, and allows for the installation of additional packages. It is designed for ephemeral containers, ensuring data persistence, and offers volumes for data, configuration, and notebooks. Common tasks include setting up the server, managing configurations, setting passwords, listing installed packages, passing parameters to jupyter-lab, running commands in the container, building wheels outside the container, installing dotfiles and SSH keys, and creating SSH tunnels.

FinRobot is an open-source AI agent platform designed for financial applications using large language models. It transcends the scope of FinGPT, offering a comprehensive solution that integrates a diverse array of AI technologies. The platform's versatility and adaptability cater to the multifaceted needs of the financial industry. FinRobot's ecosystem is organized into four layers, including Financial AI Agents Layer, Financial LLMs Algorithms Layer, LLMOps and DataOps Layers, and Multi-source LLM Foundation Models Layer. The platform's agent workflow involves Perception, Brain, and Action modules to capture, process, and execute financial data and insights. The Smart Scheduler optimizes model diversity and selection for tasks, managed by components like Director Agent, Agent Registration, Agent Adaptor, and Task Manager. The tool provides a structured file organization with subfolders for agents, data sources, and functional modules, along with installation instructions and hands-on tutorials.

This repository provides a hands-on lab for learning about Neo4j and Google Cloud Vertex AI. It is intended for data scientists and data engineers to deploy Neo4j and Vertex AI in a Google Cloud account, work with real-world datasets, apply generative AI, build a chatbot over a knowledge graph, and use vector search and index functionality for semantic search. The lab focuses on analyzing quarterly filings of asset managers with $100m+ assets under management, exploring relationships using Neo4j Browser and Cypher query language, and discussing potential applications in capital markets such as algorithmic trading and securities master data management.

Jupyter Quant is a dockerized environment tailored for quantitative research, equipped with essential tools like statsmodels, pymc, arch, py_vollib, zipline-reloaded, PyPortfolioOpt, numpy, pandas, sci-py, scikit-learn, yellowbricks, shap, optuna, and more. It provides Interactive Broker connectivity via ib_async and includes major Python packages for statistical and time series analysis. The image is optimized for size, includes jedi language server, jupyterlab-lsp, and common command line utilities. Users can install new packages with sudo, leverage apt cache, and bring their own dot files and SSH keys. The tool is designed for ephemeral containers, ensuring data persistence and flexibility for quantitative analysis tasks.

Qbot is an AI-oriented automated quantitative investment platform that supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms, including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and reinforcement learning. It provides a full closed-loop process from data acquisition, strategy development, backtesting, simulation trading to live trading. The platform emphasizes AI strategies such as machine learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning, combined with multi-factor models to enhance returns. Users with some Python knowledge and trading experience can easily utilize the platform to address trading pain points and gaps in the market.

This repository contains the Python source code for FINMEM, a Performance-Enhanced Large Language Model Trading Agent with Layered Memory and Character Design. It introduces FinMem, a novel LLM-based agent framework devised for financial decision-making, encompassing three core modules: Profiling, Memory with layered processing, and Decision-making. FinMem's memory module aligns closely with the cognitive structure of human traders, offering robust interpretability and real-time tuning. The framework enables the agent to self-evolve its professional knowledge, react agilely to new investment cues, and continuously refine trading decisions in the volatile financial environment. It presents a cutting-edge LLM agent framework for automated trading, boosting cumulative investment returns.

This repository focuses on the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the field of finance. It provides insights and knowledge about how LLMs can be utilized in various scenarios within the finance industry, particularly in generating AI agents. The repository aims to explore the potential of LLMs to enhance financial processes and decision-making through the use of advanced natural language processing techniques.