Stars: 100

XiaoFeiShu is a specialized automation software developed closely following the quality user rules of Xiaohongshu. It provides a set of automation workflows for Xiaohongshu operations, avoiding the issues of traditional RPA being mechanical, rule-based, and easily detected. The software is easy to use, with simple operation and powerful functionality.
🌟 小红书晚进场新人救星!✨ 新人养号必备!🚀小红书运营自动化工作流解决方案!🔑专注小红书自动化!
📱 小飞薯RPA是一款紧贴小红书优质用户规则开发的自动化软件,💥提供了一套小红书运营自动化工作流解决方案,🎯避免了传统RPA机械化、规则化、易被检测的问题。💡 软件易上手,运行方式简单,功能强大。💪
- 小飞薯RPA🌟小红书晚进场新人救星!✨ 新人养号必备!🔑专注小红书自动化!_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 🌟小红书新人养号 | 小飞薯RPA多账号演示📱_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 小红书运营必备 | 小红书自动化神器 | 小红书笔记自动提交_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 小飞薯RPA作品管理器 | 小红书自动化运营|自带小红书热点分析|你的笔记创作好帮手!_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 小飞薯RPA🌟轻松捕获小红书热点信息!🔑小红书优选标签!助力每一位小红书博主!_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 小飞薯RPA | 小红书自动化运营 | 爆粉博主、低粉爆文一键嗅探,轻松掌握竞品信息,对标笔记一手掌握!_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 2024小红书自动化运营工具 | 助力红书新老运营 | 小飞薯舆情监控器功能演示_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
小飞薯RPA唯一官方网址:小飞薯RPA官方 | XiaoFeiShu RPA Official Website
✅ 自动活跃账号(观看笔记/评论、点赞笔记/评论、收藏笔记等操作)
✅ 自动精准评论
✅ 自动流量换量(完成双向奔赴、抱团取暖等操作)
✅ 自动发布笔记(支持定时发布、多账号笔记独立管理、笔记违规检测等操作)
✅ 小红书热点分析
✅ 小红书优选标签
✅ 小红书流量嗅探
✅ 小红书数据分析(爆粉博主、低粉爆文等)
✅ 社会舆情监控(支持实时舆情监控、舆情大数据可视化分析、多模态模型分析、舆情报告局域网共享)
✅ 小红书笔记选题灵感(官方笔记活动、优质选题池等)
✅ 小红书SEO(智能挖词、好词优选、相关词联想、领域热词、官推组合词、官推强相关词等)
✅ 小红书定向领域爆文挖掘(常规爆款、隐藏爆款、钩子等)
- 安装简单:仅需简单两步操作就能完成部署,打破技术壁垒,不懂计算机的小白也能轻松使用
- 手册完备:配有详细的软件使用手册和对应的视频演示讲解,杜绝模棱两可,让你快速上手
- 轻量化:专注小红书自动化,避免无用/无关/无效内容导致的软件臃肿,软件体积小、占用资源少,轻松实现托管养号
- 运营理论与软件开发深度结合:软件全部功能开发均在多名小红书职业运营人士指导下完成,有强大运营理论支撑,贴合运营实战工作流,结合使用多个数据分析模型,拒绝无脑开发/空想开发、拒绝无用功能
- 无感化:软件运行在后台,养号全程无感,不影响日常设备正常使用,解决传统自动化软件霸占设备的短板,释放您的生产力工具
- 功能强大:模块化设计,具备观看、点赞、收藏、换量、发布等一系列功能,彻底结束四处求赞、四处评论活跃账号的网络流民生活
- 不易检测:完全模拟真实用户操作,并带有技术手段规避检测措施,拒绝机械化,规避传统自动化软件特征明显、易被检测的问题
- 平台友好:属于正规运营软件,软件所有操作均属于用户正常操作所产生的流量或数据扰动,没有任何刷取平台流量的行为,也不获取小红书平台数据,同时也不会给小红书支撑平台造成负担。拒绝黑灰产暴力软件对小红书及其支撑平台的侵害,兼顾用户友好、平台友好的双赢局面
- 规则精确:基于小红书流量规则,通过分析广大优质用户行为习惯,结合小红书专业运营师多年养号、陪跑经验而设计的高度贴合小红书优质账号规则,让用户更专注于优质内容创作
- 优质社群:构建新人优质社群,更加适合晚进场新人小白之间交流互助,扩展你的小红书人脉。社群分享小红书运营相关优质资料,帮助新人快速成长和了解行业动向
- 更新活跃:直面软件开发者,手把手教你安装、使用,有问题1对1解决,有bug、有需求、有想法均能及时反馈,并不断增加新功能
Q:启动小飞薯RPA后,电脑能不能锁屏,就是Win + L锁定屏幕这种?
- 🌟2024小红书晚进场新人救星| 小红书自动化 | 小飞薯RPA详细介绍📱_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 聊聊2024小红书运营,什么用户适合小飞薯RPA,自媒体新手新人博主如何立足,从起号到运营,痛点分析,满满干货_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
🌟 小飞薯:为博主创作提供高效支持 🌟
🚫 严惩恶意行为,保护平台生态 🚫
名小伙伴免费获得软件,群等级 Lv60
此外,有部分小伙伴反映【群等级 Lv60
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- github(国外):https://github.com/Jici-Zeroten/XiaoFeiShu
- gitee(国内):https://gitee.com/Jici_Zeroten/XiaoFeiShu
- gitcode(国内):https://gitcode.com/Jici/XiaoFeiShu/
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- 提供由中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网)生成的《教育部学籍在线验证报告》
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- 出具所读大学相关毕业证明,如毕业生资质证明、学位证书、毕业证书、学信档案等
捐赠者 | 渠道 | 时间 |
正在想个字数不是很多的名 | 微信 | 2024年12月07日 13:29 |
*亮 | 支付宝 | 2024年12月07日 19:56 |
江南烟雨中 | 微信 | 2024年12月09日 09:26 |
S*r | 微信 | 2024年12月09日 22:04 |
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Jesse智熙 | 微信 | 2024年12月12日 04:38 |
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uka_syaen | 微信 | 2024年12月14日 00:01 |
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笑西西Stacy | 支付宝 | 2025年01月01日 23:42 |
末末不是陌陌 | 支付宝 | 2025年01月02日 11:59 |
*腾 | 微信 | 2025年01月02日 17:52 |
阿鱼 | 支付宝 | 2025年01月03日 01:47 |
Seville | 微信 | 2025年01月04日 16:49 |
Y*w | 微信 | 2025年01月04日 20:35 |
chichi | 支付宝 | 2025年01月06日 07:56 |
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kapipala | 微信 | 2025年01月08日 17:03 |
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胖墩儿(努力ing) | 微信 | 2025年01月12日 23:05 |
*张 | 微信 | 2025年01月14日 16:49 |
半夏 | 微信 | 2025年01月15日 10:43 |
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XiaoFeiShu is a specialized automation software developed closely following the quality user rules of Xiaohongshu. It provides a set of automation workflows for Xiaohongshu operations, avoiding the issues of traditional RPA being mechanical, rule-based, and easily detected. The software is easy to use, with simple operation and powerful functionality.

The yudao-ui-admin-vue3 repository is an open-source project focused on building a fast development platform for developers in China. It utilizes Vue3 and Element Plus to provide features such as configurable themes, internationalization, dynamic route permission generation, common component encapsulation, and rich examples. The project supports the latest front-end technologies like Vue3 and Vite4, and also includes tools like TypeScript, pinia, vueuse, vue-i18n, vue-router, unocss, iconify, and wangeditor. It offers a range of development tools and features for system functions, infrastructure, workflow management, payment systems, member centers, data reporting, e-commerce systems, WeChat public accounts, ERP systems, and CRM systems.

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This project open sources the **Chinese LLaMA model and the Alpaca large model fine-tuned with instructions**, to further promote the open research of large models in the Chinese NLP community. These models **extend the Chinese vocabulary based on the original LLaMA** and use Chinese data for secondary pre-training, further enhancing the basic Chinese semantic understanding ability. At the same time, the Chinese Alpaca model further uses Chinese instruction data for fine-tuning, significantly improving the model's understanding and execution of instructions.

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yudao-boot-mini is an open-source project focused on developing a rapid development platform for developers in China. It includes features like system functions, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, mall system, WeChat official account, CRM, ERP, etc. The project is based on Spring Boot with Java backend and Vue for frontend. It offers various functionalities such as user management, role management, menu management, department management, workflow management, payment system, code generation, API documentation, database documentation, file service, WebSocket integration, message queue, Java monitoring, and more. The project is licensed under the MIT License, allowing both individuals and enterprises to use it freely without restrictions.

Yudao-cloud is an open-source project designed to provide a fast development platform for developers in China. It includes various system functions, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, mall system, WeChat public account, CRM, ERP, etc. The project is based on Java backend with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Alibaba microservices architecture. It supports multiple databases, message queues, authentication systems, dynamic menu loading, SaaS multi-tenant system, code generator, real-time communication, integration with third-party services like WeChat, Alipay, and more. The project is well-documented and follows the Alibaba Java development guidelines, ensuring clean code and architecture.

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Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-3 is a project based on Meta's latest release of the new generation open-source large model Llama-3. It is the third phase of the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca open-source large model series projects (Phase 1, Phase 2). This project open-sources the Chinese Llama-3 base model and the Chinese Llama-3-Instruct instruction fine-tuned large model. These models incrementally pre-train with a large amount of Chinese data on the basis of the original Llama-3 and further fine-tune using selected instruction data, enhancing Chinese basic semantics and instruction understanding capabilities. Compared to the second-generation related models, significant performance improvements have been achieved.

2025-AI-College-Jobs is a repository containing a comprehensive list of AI/ML & Data Science jobs suitable for college students seeking internships or new graduate positions. The repository is regularly updated with positions posted within the last 120 days, featuring opportunities from various companies in the USA and internationally. The list includes positions in areas such as research scientist internships, quantitative research analyst roles, and other data science-related positions. The repository aims to provide a valuable resource for students looking to kickstart their careers in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a large Chinese language model developed by Meta AI. It is based on the Llama-2 model and has been further trained on a large dataset of Chinese text. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. Here are some of the key features of Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2: * It is the largest Chinese language model ever trained, with 13 billion parameters. * It is trained on a massive dataset of Chinese text, including books, news articles, and social media posts. * It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. * It is open-source and available for anyone to use. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of a wide range of natural language processing tasks. It is a valuable resource for researchers and developers working in the field of artificial intelligence.

MedicalGPT is a training medical GPT model with ChatGPT training pipeline, implement of Pretraining, Supervised Finetuning, RLHF(Reward Modeling and Reinforcement Learning) and DPO(Direct Preference Optimization).

AstrBot is a powerful and versatile tool that leverages the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 to enhance communication and automate tasks. It seamlessly integrates with popular messaging platforms such as QQ, QQ Channel, and Telegram, enabling users to harness the power of AI within their daily conversations and workflows.

MindChat is a psychological large language model designed to help individuals relieve psychological stress and solve mental confusion, ultimately improving mental health. It aims to provide a relaxed and open conversation environment for users to build trust and understanding. MindChat offers privacy, warmth, safety, timely, and convenient conversation settings to help users overcome difficulties and challenges, achieve self-growth, and development. The tool is suitable for both work and personal life scenarios, providing comprehensive psychological support and therapeutic assistance to users while strictly protecting user privacy. It combines psychological knowledge with artificial intelligence technology to contribute to a healthier, more inclusive, and equal society.

This repository provides a detailed tutorial on how to build your own large language model (LLM) from scratch. It includes all the code necessary to create a GPT-like LLM, covering the encoding, pre-training, and fine-tuning processes. The tutorial is written in a clear and concise style, with plenty of examples and illustrations to help you understand the concepts involved. It is suitable for developers and researchers with some programming experience who are interested in learning more about LLMs and how to build them.
For similar tasks

XiaoFeiShu is a specialized automation software developed closely following the quality user rules of Xiaohongshu. It provides a set of automation workflows for Xiaohongshu operations, avoiding the issues of traditional RPA being mechanical, rule-based, and easily detected. The software is easy to use, with simple operation and powerful functionality.
For similar jobs

XiaoFeiShu is a specialized automation software developed closely following the quality user rules of Xiaohongshu. It provides a set of automation workflows for Xiaohongshu operations, avoiding the issues of traditional RPA being mechanical, rule-based, and easily detected. The software is easy to use, with simple operation and powerful functionality.

LLMStack is a no-code platform for building generative AI agents, workflows, and chatbots. It allows users to connect their own data, internal tools, and GPT-powered models without any coding experience. LLMStack can be deployed to the cloud or on-premise and can be accessed via HTTP API or triggered from Slack or Discord.

Daily Chinese ancient poetry and AI-generated images powered by Bing DALL-E-3. GitHub Action triggers the process automatically. Poetry is provided by Today's Poem API. The website is built with Astro.

EXIF Photo Blog is a full-stack photo blog application built with Next.js, Vercel, and Postgres. It features built-in authentication, photo upload with EXIF extraction, photo organization by tag, infinite scroll, light/dark mode, automatic OG image generation, a CMD-K menu with photo search, experimental support for AI-generated descriptions, and support for Fujifilm simulations. The application is easy to deploy to Vercel with just a few clicks and can be customized with a variety of environment variables.

SillyTavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact with text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1.2.8 which is under more active development and has added many major features. At this point, they can be thought of as completely independent programs.

This project enables you to fetch liked tweets from Twitter (using Selenium), save it to JSON and Excel files, and perform initial data analysis and image captions. This is part of the initial steps for a larger personal project involving Large Language Models (LLMs).

Aila Desktop Application is a powerful tool that integrates multiple leading AI models into a single desktop application. It allows users to interact with various AI models simultaneously, providing diverse responses and insights to their inquiries. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, Aila empowers users to engage with AI seamlessly and efficiently. Whether you're a researcher, student, or professional, Aila can enhance your AI interactions and streamline your workflow.

This project is an intelligent dialogue customer service tool based on a large model, which supports access to platforms such as WeChat, Qianniu, Bilibili, Douyin Enterprise, Douyin, Doudian, Weibo chat, Xiaohongshu professional account operation, Xiaohongshu, Zhihu, etc. You can choose GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ Lazy Treasure Box (more platforms will be supported in the future), which can process text, voice and pictures, and access external resources such as operating systems and the Internet through plug-ins, and support enterprise AI applications customized based on their own knowledge base.