🔥 官方推荐 🔥 RuoYi-Vue 全新 Pro 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 微信小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、数据权限、SaaS 多租户、Flowable 工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城、CRM、ERP、AI 大模型等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力!
Stars: 28894

The ruoyi-vue-pro repository is an open-source project that provides a comprehensive development platform with various functionalities such as system features, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, payment system, mall system, ERP system, CRM system, and AI big model. It is built using Java backend with Spring Boot framework and Vue frontend with different versions like Vue3 with element-plus, Vue3 with vben(ant-design-vue), and Vue2 with element-ui. The project aims to offer a fast development platform for developers and enterprises, supporting features like dynamic menu loading, button-level access control, SaaS multi-tenancy, code generator, real-time communication, integration with third-party services like WeChat, Alipay, and cloud services, and more.
我 🐶 在上海艰苦奋斗,早中晚在 top3 大厂认真搬砖,夜里为开源做贡献。
如果这个项目让你有所收获,记得 Star 关注哦,这对我是非常不错的鼓励与支持。
- 演示地址【Vue3 + element-plus】:http://dashboard-vue3.yudao.iocoder.cn
- 演示地址【Vue3 + vben(ant-design-vue)】:http://dashboard-vben.yudao.iocoder.cn
- 演示地址【Vue2 + element-ui】:http://dashboard.yudao.iocoder.cn
- 启动文档:https://doc.iocoder.cn/quick-start/
- 视频教程:https://doc.iocoder.cn/video/
版本 | JDK 8 + Spring Boot 2.7 | JDK 17/21 + Spring Boot 3.2 |
【完整版】ruoyi-vue-pro |
master 分支 |
master-jdk17 分支 |
【精简版】yudao-boot-mini |
master 分支 |
master-jdk17 分支 |
- 【完整版】:包括系统功能、基础设施、会员中心、数据报表、工作流程、商城系统、微信公众号、CRM、ERP 等功能
- 【精简版】:只包括系统功能、基础设施功能,不包括会员中心、数据报表、工作流程、商城系统、微信公众号、CRM、ERP 等功能
可参考 《迁移文档》 ,只需要 5-10 分钟,即可将【完整版】按需迁移到【精简版】
芋道,以开发者为中心,打造中国第一流的快速开发平台,全部开源,个人与企业可 100% 免费使用。
有任何问题,或者想要的功能,可以在 Issues 中提给艿艿。
😜 给项目点点 Star 吧,这对我们真的很重要!
- Java 后端:
分支为 JDK 8 + Spring Boot 2.7,master-jdk17
分支为 JDK 17/21 + Spring Boot 3.2 - 管理后台的电脑端:Vue3 提供
两个版本,Vue2 提供element-ui
版本 - 管理后台的移动端:采用
方案,一份代码多终端适配,同时支持 APP、小程序、H5! - 后端采用 Spring Boot 多模块架构、MySQL + MyBatis Plus、Redis + Redisson
- 数据库可使用 MySQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL、SQL Server、MariaDB、国产达梦 DM、TiDB 等
- 消息队列可使用 Event、Redis、RabbitMQ、Kafka、RocketMQ 等
- 权限认证使用 Spring Security & Token & Redis,支持多终端、多种用户的认证系统,支持 SSO 单点登录
- 支持加载动态权限菜单,按钮级别权限控制,Redis 缓存提升性能
- 支持 SaaS 多租户,可自定义每个租户的权限,提供透明化的多租户底层封装
- 工作流使用 Flowable,支持动态表单、在线设计流程、会签 / 或签、多种任务分配方式
- 高效率开发,使用代码生成器可以一键生成 Java、Vue 前后端代码、SQL 脚本、接口文档,支持单表、树表、主子表
- 实时通信,采用 Spring WebSocket 实现,内置 Token 身份校验,支持 WebSocket 集群
- 集成微信小程序、微信公众号、企业微信、钉钉等三方登陆,集成支付宝、微信等支付与退款
- 集成阿里云、腾讯云等短信渠道,集成 MinIO、阿里云、腾讯云、七牛云等云存储服务
- 集成报表设计器、大屏设计器,通过拖拽即可生成酷炫的报表与大屏
三个项目的功能对比,可见社区共同整理的 国产开源项目对比 表格。
项目 | Star | 简介 |
ruoyi-vue-pro |
基于 Spring Boot 多模块架构 |
yudao-cloud |
基于 Spring Cloud 微服务架构 |
Spring-Boot-Labs |
系统学习 Spring Boot & Cloud 专栏 |
项目 | Star | 简介 |
yudao-ui-admin-vue3 |
基于 Vue3 + element-plus 实现的管理后台 |
yudao-ui-admin-vben |
基于 Vue3 + vben(ant-design-vue) 实现的管理后台 |
yudao-mall-uniapp |
基于 uni-app 实现的商城小程序 |
yudao-ui-admin-vue2 |
基于 Vue2 + element-ui 实现的管理后台 |
yudao-ui-admin-uniapp |
基于 Vue2 + element-ui 实现的管理后台 |
yudao-ui-go-view |
基于 Vue3 + naive-ui 实现的大屏报表 |
① 本项目采用比 Apache 2.0 更宽松的 MIT License 开源协议,个人与企业可 100% 免费使用,不用保留类作者、Copyright 信息。
② 代码全部开源,不会像其他项目一样,只开源部分代码,让你无法了解整个项目的架构设计。国产开源项目对比
③ 代码整洁、架构整洁,遵循《阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册》规范,代码注释详细,113770 行 Java 代码,42462 行代码注释。
项目可以是商城、SCRM 系统、OA 系统、物流系统、ERP 系统、CMS 系统、HIS 系统、支付系统、IM 聊天、微信公众号、微信小程序等等。
- 通用模块(必选):系统功能、基础设施
- 通用模块(可选):工作流程、支付系统、数据报表、会员中心
- 业务系统(按需):ERP 系统、CRM 系统、商城系统、微信公众号、AI 大模型
友情提示:本项目基于 RuoYi-Vue 修改,重构优化后端的代码,美化前端的界面。
- 额外新增的功能,我们使用 🚀 标记。
- 重新实现的功能,我们使用 ⭐️ 标记。
🙂 所有功能,都通过 单元测试 保证高质量。
功能 | 描述 | |
用户管理 | 用户是系统操作者,该功能主要完成系统用户配置 | |
⭐️ | 在线用户 | 当前系统中活跃用户状态监控,支持手动踢下线 |
角色管理 | 角色菜单权限分配、设置角色按机构进行数据范围权限划分 | |
菜单管理 | 配置系统菜单、操作权限、按钮权限标识等,本地缓存提供性能 | |
部门管理 | 配置系统组织机构(公司、部门、小组),树结构展现支持数据权限 | |
岗位管理 | 配置系统用户所属担任职务 | |
🚀 | 租户管理 | 配置系统租户,支持 SaaS 场景下的多租户功能 |
🚀 | 租户套餐 | 配置租户套餐,自定每个租户的菜单、操作、按钮的权限 |
字典管理 | 对系统中经常使用的一些较为固定的数据进行维护 | |
🚀 | 短信管理 | 短信渠道、短息模板、短信日志,对接阿里云、腾讯云等主流短信平台 |
🚀 | 邮件管理 | 邮箱账号、邮件模版、邮件发送日志,支持所有邮件平台 |
🚀 | 站内信 | 系统内的消息通知,提供站内信模版、站内信消息 |
🚀 | 操作日志 | 系统正常操作日志记录和查询,集成 Swagger 生成日志内容 |
⭐️ | 登录日志 | 系统登录日志记录查询,包含登录异常 |
🚀 | 错误码管理 | 系统所有错误码的管理,可在线修改错误提示,无需重启服务 |
通知公告 | 系统通知公告信息发布维护 | |
🚀 | 敏感词 | 配置系统敏感词,支持标签分组 |
🚀 | 应用管理 | 管理 SSO 单点登录的应用,支持多种 OAuth2 授权方式 |
🚀 | 地区管理 | 展示省份、城市、区镇等城市信息,支持 IP 对应城市 |
功能 | 描述 | |
🚀 | 流程模型 | 配置工作流的流程模型,支持 BPMN 和仿钉钉/飞书设计器 |
🚀 | 流程表单 | 拖动表单元素生成相应的工作流表单,覆盖 Element UI 所有的表单组件 |
🚀 | 用户分组 | 自定义用户分组,可用于工作流的审批分组 |
🚀 | 我的流程 | 查看我发起的工作流程,支持新建、取消流程等操作,高亮流程图、审批时间线 |
🚀 | 待办任务 | 查看自己【未】审批的工作任务,支持通过、不通过、转派、委派、退回、加减签等操作 |
🚀 | 已办任务 | 查看自己【已】审批的工作任务,支持流程预测,展示未来审批人信息 |
🚀 | OA 请假 | 作为业务自定义接入工作流的使用示例,只需创建请求对应的工作流程,即可进行审批 |
BPMN 设计器 | 钉钉/飞书设计器 |
![]() |
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功能 | 描述 | |
🚀 | 应用信息 | 配置商户的应用信息,对接支付宝、微信等多个支付渠道 |
🚀 | 支付订单 | 查看用户发起的支付宝、微信等的【支付】订单 |
🚀 | 退款订单 | 查看用户发起的支付宝、微信等的【退款】订单 |
🚀 | 回调通知 | 查看支付回调业务的【支付】【退款】的通知结果 |
🚀 | 接入示例 | 提供接入支付系统的【支付】【退款】的功能实战 |
功能 | 描述 | |
🚀 | 代码生成 | 前后端代码的生成(Java、Vue、SQL、单元测试),支持 CRUD 下载 |
🚀 | 系统接口 | 基于 Swagger 自动生成相关的 RESTful API 接口文档 |
🚀 | 数据库文档 | 基于 Screw 自动生成数据库文档,支持导出 Word、HTML、MD 格式 |
表单构建 | 拖动表单元素生成相应的 HTML 代码,支持导出 JSON、Vue 文件 | |
🚀 | 配置管理 | 对系统动态配置常用参数,支持 SpringBoot 加载 |
⭐️ | 定时任务 | 在线(添加、修改、删除)任务调度包含执行结果日志 |
🚀 | 文件服务 | 支持将文件存储到 S3(MinIO、阿里云、腾讯云、七牛云)、本地、FTP、数据库等 |
🚀 | WebSocket | 提供 WebSocket 接入示例,支持一对一、一对多发送方式 |
🚀 | API 日志 | 包括 RESTful API 访问日志、异常日志两部分,方便排查 API 相关的问题 |
MySQL 监控 | 监视当前系统数据库连接池状态,可进行分析SQL找出系统性能瓶颈 | |
Redis 监控 | 监控 Redis 数据库的使用情况,使用的 Redis Key 管理 | |
🚀 | 消息队列 | 基于 Redis 实现消息队列,Stream 提供集群消费,Pub/Sub 提供广播消费 |
🚀 | Java 监控 | 基于 Spring Boot Admin 实现 Java 应用的监控 |
🚀 | 链路追踪 | 接入 SkyWalking 组件,实现链路追踪 |
🚀 | 日志中心 | 接入 SkyWalking 组件,实现日志中心 |
🚀 | 服务保障 | 基于 Redis 实现分布式锁、幂等、限流功能,满足高并发场景 |
🚀 | 日志服务 | 轻量级日志中心,查看远程服务器的日志 |
🚀 | 单元测试 | 基于 JUnit + Mockito 实现单元测试,保证功能的正确性、代码的质量等 |
功能 | 描述 | |
🚀 | 报表设计器 | 支持数据报表、图形报表、打印设计等 |
🚀 | 大屏设计器 | 拖拽生成数据大屏,内置几十种图表组件 |
功能 | 描述 | |
🚀 | 账号管理 | 配置接入的微信公众号,可支持多个公众号 |
🚀 | 数据统计 | 统计公众号的用户增减、累计用户、消息概况、接口分析等数据 |
🚀 | 粉丝管理 | 查看已关注、取关的粉丝列表,可对粉丝进行同步、打标签等操作 |
🚀 | 消息管理 | 查看粉丝发送的消息列表,可主动回复粉丝消息 |
🚀 | 自动回复 | 自动回复粉丝发送的消息,支持关注回复、消息回复、关键字回复 |
🚀 | 标签管理 | 对公众号的标签进行创建、查询、修改、删除等操作 |
🚀 | 菜单管理 | 自定义公众号的菜单,也可以从公众号同步菜单 |
🚀 | 素材管理 | 管理公众号的图片、语音、视频等素材,支持在线播放语音、视频 |
🚀 | 图文草稿箱 | 新增常用的图文素材到草稿箱,可发布到公众号 |
🚀 | 图文发表记录 | 查看已发布成功的图文素材,支持删除操作 |
功能 | 描述 | |
🚀 | 会员管理 | 会员是 C 端的消费者,该功能用于会员的搜索与管理 |
🚀 | 会员标签 | 对会员的标签进行创建、查询、修改、删除等操作 |
🚀 | 会员等级 | 对会员的等级、成长值进行管理,可用于订单折扣等会员权益 |
🚀 | 会员分组 | 对会员进行分组,用于用户画像、内容推送等运营手段 |
🚀 | 积分签到 | 回馈给签到、消费等行为的积分,会员可订单抵现、积分兑换等途径消耗 |
项目 | 说明 |
yudao-dependencies |
Maven 依赖版本管理 |
yudao-framework |
Java 框架拓展 |
yudao-server |
管理后台 + 用户 APP 的服务端 |
yudao-module-system |
系统功能的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-member |
会员中心的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-infra |
基础设施的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-bpm |
工作流程的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-pay |
支付系统的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-mall |
商城系统的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-erp |
ERP 系统的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-crm |
CRM 系统的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-ai |
AI 大模型的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-mp |
微信公众号的 Module 模块 |
yudao-module-report |
大屏报表 Module 模块 |
框架 | 说明 | 版本 | 学习指南 |
Spring Boot | 应用开发框架 | 2.7.18 | 文档 |
MySQL | 数据库服务器 | 5.7 / 8.0+ | |
Druid | JDBC 连接池、监控组件 | 1.2.23 | 文档 |
MyBatis Plus | MyBatis 增强工具包 | 3.5.7 | 文档 |
Dynamic Datasource | 动态数据源 | 3.6.1 | 文档 |
Redis | key-value 数据库 | 5.0 / 6.0 /7.0 | |
Redisson | Redis 客户端 | 3.32.0 | 文档 |
Spring MVC | MVC 框架 | 5.3.24 | 文档 |
Spring Security | Spring 安全框架 | 5.7.11 | 文档 |
Hibernate Validator | 参数校验组件 | 6.2.5 | 文档 |
Flowable | 工作流引擎 | 6.8.0 | 文档 |
Quartz | 任务调度组件 | 2.3.2 | 文档 |
Springdoc | Swagger 文档 | 1.7.0 | 文档 |
SkyWalking | 分布式应用追踪系统 | 8.12.0 | 文档 |
Spring Boot Admin | Spring Boot 监控平台 | 2.7.10 | 文档 |
Jackson | JSON 工具库 | 2.13.5 | |
MapStruct | Java Bean 转换 | 1.6.3 | 文档 |
Lombok | 消除冗长的 Java 代码 | 1.18.34 | 文档 |
JUnit | Java 单元测试框架 | 5.8.2 | - |
Mockito | Java Mock 框架 | 4.8.0 | - |
模块 | biu | biu | biu |
登录 & 首页 | ![]() |
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用户 & 应用 | ![]() |
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租户 & 套餐 | ![]() |
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部门 & 岗位 | ![]() |
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菜单 & 角色 | ![]() |
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审计日志 | ![]() |
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短信 | ![]() |
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字典 & 敏感词 | ![]() |
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错误码 & 通知 | ![]() |
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模块 | biu | biu | biu |
流程模型 | ![]() |
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表单 & 分组 | ![]() |
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我的流程 | ![]() |
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待办 & 已办 | ![]() |
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OA 请假 | ![]() |
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模块 | biu | biu | biu |
代码生成 | ![]() |
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文档 | ![]() |
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文件 & 配置 | ![]() |
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定时任务 | ![]() |
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API 日志 | ![]() |
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MySQL & Redis | ![]() |
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监控平台 | ![]() |
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模块 | biu | biu | biu |
商家 & 应用 | ![]() |
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支付 & 退款 | ![]() |
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模块 | biu | biu | biu |
报表设计器 | ![]() |
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大屏设计器 | ![]() |
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biu | biu | biu |
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The ruoyi-vue-pro repository is an open-source project that provides a comprehensive development platform with various functionalities such as system features, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, payment system, mall system, ERP system, CRM system, and AI big model. It is built using Java backend with Spring Boot framework and Vue frontend with different versions like Vue3 with element-plus, Vue3 with vben(ant-design-vue), and Vue2 with element-ui. The project aims to offer a fast development platform for developers and enterprises, supporting features like dynamic menu loading, button-level access control, SaaS multi-tenancy, code generator, real-time communication, integration with third-party services like WeChat, Alipay, and cloud services, and more.

yudao-boot-mini is an open-source project focused on developing a rapid development platform for developers in China. It includes features like system functions, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, mall system, WeChat official account, CRM, ERP, etc. The project is based on Spring Boot with Java backend and Vue for frontend. It offers various functionalities such as user management, role management, menu management, department management, workflow management, payment system, code generation, API documentation, database documentation, file service, WebSocket integration, message queue, Java monitoring, and more. The project is licensed under the MIT License, allowing both individuals and enterprises to use it freely without restrictions.

Yudao-cloud is an open-source project designed to provide a fast development platform for developers in China. It includes various system functions, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, mall system, WeChat public account, CRM, ERP, etc. The project is based on Java backend with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Alibaba microservices architecture. It supports multiple databases, message queues, authentication systems, dynamic menu loading, SaaS multi-tenant system, code generator, real-time communication, integration with third-party services like WeChat, Alipay, and more. The project is well-documented and follows the Alibaba Java development guidelines, ensuring clean code and architecture.

The yudao-ui-admin-vue3 repository is an open-source project focused on building a fast development platform for developers in China. It utilizes Vue3 and Element Plus to provide features such as configurable themes, internationalization, dynamic route permission generation, common component encapsulation, and rich examples. The project supports the latest front-end technologies like Vue3 and Vite4, and also includes tools like TypeScript, pinia, vueuse, vue-i18n, vue-router, unocss, iconify, and wangeditor. It offers a range of development tools and features for system functions, infrastructure, workflow management, payment systems, member centers, data reporting, e-commerce systems, WeChat public accounts, ERP systems, and CRM systems.

PmHub is a smart project management system based on SpringCloud, SpringCloud Alibaba, and LLM. It aims to help students quickly grasp the architecture design and development process of microservices/distributed projects. PmHub provides a platform for students to experience the transformation from monolithic to microservices architecture, understand the pros and cons of both architectures, and prepare for job interviews. It offers popular technologies like SpringCloud-Gateway, Nacos, Sentinel, and provides high-quality code, continuous integration, product design documents, and an enterprise workflow system. PmHub is suitable for beginners and advanced learners who want to master core knowledge of microservices/distributed projects.

The collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art AI models. ailia SDK is a self-contained, cross-platform, high-speed inference SDK for AI. The ailia SDK provides a consistent C++ API across Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Jetson, and Raspberry Pi platforms. It also supports Unity (C#), Python, Rust, Flutter(Dart) and JNI for efficient AI implementation. The ailia SDK makes extensive use of the GPU through Vulkan and Metal to enable accelerated computing. # Supported models 323 models as of April 8th, 2024

Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-3 is a project based on Meta's latest release of the new generation open-source large model Llama-3. It is the third phase of the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca open-source large model series projects (Phase 1, Phase 2). This project open-sources the Chinese Llama-3 base model and the Chinese Llama-3-Instruct instruction fine-tuned large model. These models incrementally pre-train with a large amount of Chinese data on the basis of the original Llama-3 and further fine-tune using selected instruction data, enhancing Chinese basic semantics and instruction understanding capabilities. Compared to the second-generation related models, significant performance improvements have been achieved.

Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a large Chinese language model developed by Meta AI. It is based on the Llama-2 model and has been further trained on a large dataset of Chinese text. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. Here are some of the key features of Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2: * It is the largest Chinese language model ever trained, with 13 billion parameters. * It is trained on a massive dataset of Chinese text, including books, news articles, and social media posts. * It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. * It is open-source and available for anyone to use. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of a wide range of natural language processing tasks. It is a valuable resource for researchers and developers working in the field of artificial intelligence.

AData is a free and open-source A-share database that focuses on transaction-related data. It provides comprehensive data on stocks, including basic information, market data, and sentiment analysis. AData is designed to be easy to use and integrate with other applications, making it a valuable tool for quantitative trading and AI training.

LangBot is a highly stable, extensible, and multimodal instant messaging chatbot platform based on large language models. It supports various large models, adapts to group chats and private chats, and has capabilities for multi-turn conversations, tool invocation, and multimodal interactions. It is deeply integrated with Dify and currently supports QQ and QQ channels, with plans to support platforms like WeChat, WhatsApp, and Discord. The platform offers high stability, comprehensive functionality, native support for access control, rate limiting, sensitive word filtering mechanisms, and simple configuration with multiple deployment options. It also features plugin extension capabilities, an active community, and a new web management panel for managing LangBot instances through a browser.

This project open sources the **Chinese LLaMA model and the Alpaca large model fine-tuned with instructions**, to further promote the open research of large models in the Chinese NLP community. These models **extend the Chinese vocabulary based on the original LLaMA** and use Chinese data for secondary pre-training, further enhancing the basic Chinese semantic understanding ability. At the same time, the Chinese Alpaca model further uses Chinese instruction data for fine-tuning, significantly improving the model's understanding and execution of instructions.

XiaoFeiShu is a specialized automation software developed closely following the quality user rules of Xiaohongshu. It provides a set of automation workflows for Xiaohongshu operations, avoiding the issues of traditional RPA being mechanical, rule-based, and easily detected. The software is easy to use, with simple operation and powerful functionality.

PaddleScience is a scientific computing suite developed based on the deep learning framework PaddlePaddle. It utilizes the learning ability of deep neural networks and the automatic (higher-order) differentiation mechanism of PaddlePaddle to solve problems in physics, chemistry, meteorology, and other fields. It supports three solving methods: physics mechanism-driven, data-driven, and mathematical fusion, and provides basic APIs and detailed documentation for users to use and further develop.

PaddleNLP is an easy-to-use and high-performance NLP library. It aggregates high-quality pre-trained models in the industry and provides out-of-the-box development experience, covering a model library for multiple NLP scenarios with industry practice examples to meet developers' flexible customization needs.

AstrBot is a powerful and versatile tool that leverages the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 to enhance communication and automate tasks. It seamlessly integrates with popular messaging platforms such as QQ, QQ Channel, and Telegram, enabling users to harness the power of AI within their daily conversations and workflows.
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A Python script leveraging advanced language models to summarize webpages and youtube videos directly from URLs. It integrates with LangChain and ChatOllama for state-of-the-art summarization, providing detailed summaries for quick understanding of web-based documents. The tool offers a command-line interface for easy use and integration into workflows, with plans to add support for translating to different languages and streaming text output on gradio. It can also be used via a web UI using the gradio app. The script is dockerized for easy deployment and is open for contributions to enhance functionality and capabilities.

Bytedesk is an AI-powered customer service and team instant messaging tool that offers features like enterprise instant messaging, online customer service, large model AI assistant, and local area network file transfer. It supports multi-level organizational structure, role management, permission management, chat record management, seating workbench, work order system, seat management, data dashboard, manual knowledge base, skill group management, real-time monitoring, announcements, sensitive words, CRM, report function, and integrated customer service workbench services. The tool is designed for team use with easy configuration throughout the company, and it allows file transfer across platforms using WiFi/hotspots without the need for internet connection.

Synmetrix (prev. MLCraft) is an open source data engineering platform and semantic layer for centralized metrics management. It provides a complete framework for modeling, integrating, transforming, aggregating, and distributing metrics data at scale. Key features include data modeling and transformations, semantic layer for unified data model, scheduled reports and alerts, versioning, role-based access control, data exploration, caching, and collaboration on metrics modeling. Synmetrix leverages Cube (Cube.js) for flexible data models that consolidate metrics from various sources, enabling downstream distribution via a SQL API for integration into BI tools, reporting, dashboards, and data science. Use cases include data democratization, business intelligence, embedded analytics, and enhancing accuracy in data handling and queries. The tool speeds up data-driven workflows from metrics definition to consumption by combining data engineering best practices with self-service analytics capabilities.

The mslearn-knowledge-mining repository contains lab files for Azure AI Knowledge Mining modules. It provides resources for learning and implementing knowledge mining techniques using Azure AI services. The repository is designed to help users explore and understand how to leverage AI for knowledge mining purposes within the Azure ecosystem.

Naas (Notebooks as a service) is an open source platform that enables users to create powerful data engines combining automation, analytics, and AI from Jupyter notebooks. It offers features like templates for automated data jobs and reports, drivers for data connectivity, and production-ready environment with scheduling and notifications. Naas aims to provide an alternative to Google Colab with enhanced low-code layers.

Generative BI using RAG on AWS is a comprehensive framework designed to enable Generative BI capabilities on customized data sources hosted on AWS. It offers features such as Text-to-SQL functionality for querying data sources using natural language, user-friendly interface for managing data sources, performance enhancement through historical question-answer ranking, and entity recognition. It also allows customization of business information, handling complex attribution analysis problems, and provides an intuitive question-answering UI with a conversational approach for complex queries.

Synmetrix is an open source data engineering platform and semantic layer for centralized metrics management. It provides a complete framework for modeling, integrating, transforming, aggregating, and distributing metrics data at scale. Key features include data modeling and transformations, semantic layer for unified data model, scheduled reports and alerts, versioning, role-based access control, data exploration, caching, and collaboration on metrics modeling. Synmetrix leverages Cube.js to consolidate metrics from various sources and distribute them downstream via a SQL API. Use cases include data democratization, business intelligence and reporting, embedded analytics, and enhancing accuracy in data handling and queries. The tool speeds up data-driven workflows from metrics definition to consumption by combining data engineering best practices with self-service analytics capabilities.

A drill of scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to build stories & models. An in-depth learning resource for humans. This repository is designed for individuals aiming to excel in the field of Data and AI, providing video sessions and text content for learning. It caters to those in leadership positions, professionals, and students, emphasizing the need for dedicated effort to achieve excellence in the tech field. The content covers various topics with a focus on practical application.
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Resonance is a framework designed to facilitate interoperability and messaging between services in your infrastructure and beyond. It provides AI capabilities and takes full advantage of asynchronous PHP, built on top of Swoole. With Resonance, you can: * Chat with Open-Source LLMs: Create prompt controllers to directly answer user's prompts. LLM takes care of determining user's intention, so you can focus on taking appropriate action. * Asynchronous Where it Matters: Respond asynchronously to incoming RPC or WebSocket messages (or both combined) with little overhead. You can set up all the asynchronous features using attributes. No elaborate configuration is needed. * Simple Things Remain Simple: Writing HTTP controllers is similar to how it's done in the synchronous code. Controllers have new exciting features that take advantage of the asynchronous environment. * Consistency is Key: You can keep the same approach to writing software no matter the size of your project. There are no growing central configuration files or service dependencies registries. Every relation between code modules is local to those modules. * Promises in PHP: Resonance provides a partial implementation of Promise/A+ spec to handle various asynchronous tasks. * GraphQL Out of the Box: You can build elaborate GraphQL schemas by using just the PHP attributes. Resonance takes care of reusing SQL queries and optimizing the resources' usage. All fields can be resolved asynchronously.

Aiogram bot template is a boilerplate for creating Telegram bots using Aiogram framework. It provides a solid foundation for building robust and scalable bots with a focus on code organization, database integration, and localization.

The official Node.js client for Pinecone, written in TypeScript. This client library provides a high-level interface for interacting with the Pinecone vector database service. With this client, you can create and manage indexes, upsert and query vector data, and perform other operations related to vector search and retrieval. The client is designed to be easy to use and provides a consistent and idiomatic experience for Node.js developers. It supports all the features and functionality of the Pinecone API, making it a comprehensive solution for building vector-powered applications in Node.js.

Next.js AI Chatbot is an open-source app template for building AI chatbots using Next.js, Vercel AI SDK, OpenAI, and Vercel KV. It includes features like Next.js App Router, React Server Components, Vercel AI SDK for streaming chat UI, support for various AI models, Tailwind CSS styling, Radix UI for headless components, chat history management, rate limiting, session storage with Vercel KV, and authentication with NextAuth.js. The template allows easy deployment to Vercel and customization of AI model providers.

Freeciv-web is an open-source turn-based strategy game that can be played in any HTML5 capable web-browser. It features in-depth gameplay, a wide variety of game modes and options. Players aim to build cities, collect resources, organize their government, and build an army to create the best civilization. The game offers both multiplayer and single-player modes, with a 2D version with isometric graphics and a 3D WebGL version available. The project consists of components like Freeciv-web, Freeciv C server, Freeciv-proxy, Publite2, and pbem for play-by-email support. Developers interested in contributing can check the GitHub issues and TODO file for tasks to work on.

Nextpy is a cutting-edge software development framework optimized for AI-based code generation. It provides guardrails for defining AI system boundaries, structured outputs for prompt engineering, a powerful prompt engine for efficient processing, better AI generations with precise output control, modularity for multiplatform and extensible usage, developer-first approach for transferable knowledge, and containerized & scalable deployment options. It offers 4-10x faster performance compared to Streamlit apps, with a focus on cooperation within the open-source community and integration of key components from various projects.

Airbadge is a Stripe addon for Auth.js that provides an easy way to create a SaaS site without writing any authentication or payment code. It integrates Stripe Checkout into the signup flow, offers over 50 OAuth options for authentication, allows route and UI restriction based on subscription, enables self-service account management, handles all Stripe webhooks, supports trials and free plans, includes subscription and plan data in the session, and is open source with a BSL license. The project also provides components for conditional UI display based on subscription status and helper functions to restrict route access. Additionally, it offers a billing endpoint with various routes for billing operations. Setup involves installing @airbadge/sveltekit, setting up a database provider for Auth.js, adding environment variables, configuring authentication and billing options, and forwarding Stripe events to localhost.

ChaKt is a multiplatform app built using Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform to demonstrate the use of Generative AI SDK for Kotlin Multiplatform to generate content using Google's Generative AI models. It features a simple chat based user interface and experience to interact with AI. The app supports mobile, desktop, and web platforms, and is built with Kotlin Multiplatform, Kotlin Coroutines, Compose Multiplatform, Generative AI SDK, Calf - File picker, and BuildKonfig. Users can contribute to the project by following the guidelines in CONTRIBUTING.md. The app is licensed under the MIT License.