PmHub,一个基于 SpringCloud & LLM 的智能项目管理系统,该项目旨在帮助小伙伴们快速掌握微服务/分布式项目的架构设计和开发流程。如果你想在校招或者社招中拿到一个满意的 offer,PmHub 将是一个非常 nice 的选择😄。
Stars: 280

PmHub is a smart project management system based on SpringCloud, SpringCloud Alibaba, and LLM. It aims to help students quickly grasp the architecture design and development process of microservices/distributed projects. PmHub provides a platform for students to experience the transformation from monolithic to microservices architecture, understand the pros and cons of both architectures, and prepare for job interviews. It offers popular technologies like SpringCloud-Gateway, Nacos, Sentinel, and provides high-quality code, continuous integration, product design documents, and an enterprise workflow system. PmHub is suitable for beginners and advanced learners who want to master core knowledge of microservices/distributed projects.
PmHub 是一套基于 SpringCloud & LLM 的微服务智能项目管理系统,这个项目旨在帮助小伙伴们快速掌握微服务/分布式项目的架构设计和开发流程,如果想在校招或者社招中拿到一个满意的 offer,PmHub 将是一个非常 nice 的选择。
- 热门技术:采用时下企业最热门的技术框架,如 SpringCloud-Gateway、Nacos、Sentinel 等,主打一个硬核,与真实的企业项目接轨。
- 单体与微服务:提供单体和微服务两个版本,完美照顾零基础和需要进阶的同学,带大家体验从单体到微服务架构的改造全过程,并深入理解两种架构的优缺点。
- 硬核面试题:我们将结合付费球友的实际面试体验,为大家提供可以真正吊打面试官的真是面试场景和题目,并提供 1v1 的简历修改服务,主打一个投了就有、面了就拿 offer 的快乐体感。
- 代码质量:由蚂蚁金服工作过的技术专家苍何亲自下场,严格遵循代码规范和最佳实践,帮大家养成优雅的代码编写习惯。
- 持续集成:提供持续集成和持续部署的完整配置,带你从 0-1 用 Docker 上线 生产环境级别的真实项目。
- 产品设计:提供完整的产品设计文档,包括产品需求、产品架构、产品原型等,这是别的项目不曾给你的,但工作后又不可或缺的能力。
- 企业工作流:提供企业级的工作流系统,代码完全开源,你可以在此基础上进行二开,为公司节省巨额的研发成本,从而升职加薪。
PmHub 包括认证、流程、项目管理、用户、网关等服务。包含了 Redis 缓存、RocketMQ 消息队列、Docker 容器化、Jenkins 自动化部署、Spring Security 安全框架、Nacos 服务注册和发现、Sentinel 熔断限流、Seata 分布式事务、Spring Boot Actuator 服务监控、SkyWalking 链路追踪、OpenFeign 服务调用,Vue3 前端框架等互联网开发中需要用到的主流技术栈,可以帮助同学们快速掌握微服务/分布式项目的核心知识点。
并且同时 PmHub 也是一套企业工作流的开发框架,您可以根据自身需求,快速定制出适合自己公司的企业工作流系统。
如果对开源项目感兴趣,可以关注来个 offer 的另外一个实战项目:技术派,一个前后端分离的社区项目。GitHub 上已经星标 1.5k+,不少同学就是靠这个项目在往年的校招中拿到了不错的 offer。
- 单体架构版本:适合初学者,直接运行 pmhub-boot 模块下的 pmhub-admin 中的 PmhubApplication 类即可。
- 微服务架构版本:适合有一定基础,想进阶学习微服务/分布式的同学,可以分别启动网关、认证、流程、项目管理、代码生成等多个服务。
- 项目文档教程:https://laigeoffer.cn/
- 在线体验地址:https://pmhub.laigeoffer.cn/
此为 PmHub 微服务版本说明文档!单体版本说明文档请移步:单体版本说明
来个 offer 组织由二哥发起,苍何主理,旨在帮助同学们在校招、社招中拿到满意的 offer。
- 二哥,原创公众号“沉默王二”累计 18 万+ 读者,GitHub 星标 11000+ 开源知识库《二哥的 Java 进阶之路》作者,帮助很多很多同学成功拿到满意的 offer。
- 苍何,原创公众号“苍何”作者,CSDN 博客专家,阿里云专家博主,GitHub 开发者计划成员,前大厂技术专家,技术、管理、面试经验丰富。
加入PmHub官方编程星球后,即可解锁来个 offer 组织下的所有项目的付费文档及产品原型,以及 1 对 1 的技术面试辅导服务。
项目 | 码云 | GitHub | 简介 |
PmHub | Gitee | GitHub | 一套智能项目管理系统,即将帮助不少同学在接下来的校招/社招中斩获满意 offer。 |
技术派 | Gitee | GitHub | 一个前后端分离的社区项目,帮助过不少同学在秋招中斩获满意 offer。 |
下面这张系统架构图可以帮助大家快速了解 PmHub 项目的系统架构,从前端到网关、从服务应用到基础服务组件、从存储技术到运维部署,可以说是一目了然。
下面这张架构选型图可以帮助大家快速了解 PmHub 项目的技术选型,以及在官方手册中会更详细的说明我们为什么选择该技术,毕竟授人以鱼不如授人以渔嘛。
下面这张技术架构图可以帮助大家快速了解 PmHub 项目的技术架构,以及各个模块之间的交互关系。
- 项目仓库(GitHub):https://github.com/laigeoffer/pmhub
- 项目仓库(码云):https://gitee.com/laigeoffer/pmhub (国内访问速度更快)
- 项目演示地址:https://pmhub.laigeoffer.cn(微信搜索「苍何」,关注我们的公众号,回复
├── pmhub-ui // 前端框架 [1024]
├── pmhub-gateway // 网关模块 [6880]
├── pmhub-auth // 认证中心 [6800]
├── pmhub-api // 接口模块
│ └── pmhub-api-system // 系统接口
│ └── pmhub-api-workflow // 流程接口
├── pmhub-base // 通用模块
│ └── pmhub-base-core // 核心模块组件
│ └── pmhub-base-datasource // 多数据源组件
│ └── pmhub-base-seata // 分布式事务组件
│ └── pmhub-base-security // 安全模块组件
│ └── pmhub-base-swagger // 系统接口组件
│ └── pmhub-base-notice // 消息组件组件
├── pmhub-modules // 业务模块
│ └── pmhub-system // 系统模块 [6801]
│ └── pmhub-gen // 代码生成 [6802]
│ └── pmhub-job // 定时任务 [6803]
│ └── pmhub-project // 项目服务 [6806]
│ └── pmhub-workflow // 流程服务 [6808]
├── pmhub-monitor // 监控中心 [6888]
├──pom.xml // 公共依赖
技术 | 名称 | 版本 | 官网 | |
1 | Spring Boot | 基础框架 | 2.7.18 | https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot |
2 | SpringCloud | 微服务框架 | 2021.0.8 | https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud |
3 | SpringCloud Alibaba | 阿里微服务框架 | 2021.0.5.0 | https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba |
4 | SpringCloud Gateway | 服务网关 | 3.1.8 | https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-gateway |
5 | MyBatis-Plus | 持久层框架 | 3.5.1 | https://baomidou.com |
6 | Redis | 分布式缓存数据库 | Latest | https://redis.io |
7 | RocketMQ | 消息队列 | 2.2.3 | https://rocketmq.apache.org |
8 | HuTool | 小而全的工具集项目 | 5.8.11 | https://hutool.cn |
9 | Maven | 项目构建管理 | 3.9.1 | http://maven.apache.org |
10 | Sentinel | 流控防护框架 | 1.8.6 | https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel |
11 | Java | 开发版本 | 1.8 | https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies |
①、使用 Git 命令
网络比较通畅的小伙伴可以直接从 GitHub 上拉取,命令如下:
git clone [email protected]:laigeoffer/pmhub.git
国内的小伙伴也可以直接使用码云 Gitee 上的镜像仓库地址拉取:
git clone https://gitee.com/laigeoffer/pmhub.git
也可以直接下载 GitHub 上的压缩包,然后解压到本地。
③、直接通过 GitHub 桌面版
我个人一直比较喜欢实用 GitHub 桌面版来管理仓库,图形化界面操作起来也比较舒服。
推荐大家使用 Navicat 这款图形化数据库管理工具。
数据库文件路径在 pmhub/sql/,在Navicat中导入所有数据库文件(每一个微服务对应一个数据库)
可以直接右键在 terminal 终端中打开,然后通过 pwd 和 ls 命令查看文件的绝对路径。
拿到绝对路径后,就可以在 Navicat 中导入数据库文件了。
导入完成后,刷新一下就可以看到最新的数据库表了。 (当然你也可以直接复制sql,然后在Navicat执行)
- 1、启动 MySQL(必须)
可以选择本机直接安装 MySQL,也可以通过 Docker 的方式,但需要做好磁盘挂载,推荐本机安装!
- 2、启动 Redis(必须)
①、如果你是 macOS 用户,可以直接在终端输入redis-server
启动 Redis。
②、如果你是 Windows 用户,可以直接双击 redis-server.exe 启动 Redis。
③、当然也可以直接通过 Docker 启动 Redis。
# 拉取 Redis 镜像:
docker pull redis
# 启动 Redis 容器:
docker run --name my-redis -d redis
- 3、启动 Nacos(必须)
官网下载 Nacos,找到 /conf/application.properties 文件,修改数据库连接信息。可以直接复制 pmhub/docker/nacos/conf/application.properties 内容。
1. 如果数据库名也是 pmhub-nacos,那么只需要修改用户名和密码即可。
2. 如果用户名也是 root,那么只需要修改密码即可。
3. 如果密码也一样,那么就不需要修改了(不可能,绝对不可能这么巧😂)。
①、如果你是 macOS 用户,可以直接在终端输入sh startup.sh -m standalone
启动 Nacos。
②、如果你是 Windows 用户,可以直接双击 startup.cmd 启动 Nacos。
启动成功后访问 http://localhost:8848/nacos 即可看到 Nacos 控制台。默认用户名密码都是 nacos。
- 4、启动 SkyWalking 分布式链路追踪(非必须)
参考手册:SkyWalking 启动手册
- 5、启动 Sentinel 分布式熔断和降级(非必须)
参考手册:Sentinel 启动手册
- 6、启动 Seata 分布式事务(非必须)
参考手册:Seata 启动手册
- 7、启动 Rocketmq 消息队列(非必须)
参考手册:Rocketmq 启动手册
注意:如果遇到服务启动失败,可自行查看 nacos 配置是否做了修改,如数据库连接信息等。
①、启动 pmhub-gateway 网关服务
找到 pmhub-gateway 项目,右键 Run PmHubGatewayApplication.main()。
②、启动 pmhub-auth 认证服务
找到 pmhub-auth 项目,右键 Run PmHubAuthApplication.main()。
③、启动 pmhub-system 系统服务
找到 pmhub-system 项目(在pmhub-modules 下),右键 Run PmHubSystemApplication.main()。 pmhub-system 启动前需要修改 nacos 中的 pmhub-system-dev.yml 配置文件,修改数据库连接信息为你自己的数据库。
④、启动 pmhub-project 项目管理服务
找到 pmhub-project 项目(在pmhub-modules 下),右键 Run PmHubProjectApplication.main()。
启动前需要修改 nacos 中的 pmhub-project-dev.yml 配置文件,修改数据库连接信息为你自己的数据库。
⑤、启动 pmhub-workflow 流程管理服务
找到 pmhub-workflow 项目(在pmhub-modules 下),右键 Run PmHubWorkflowApplication.main()。
启动前需要修改 nacos 中的 pmhub-workflow-dev.yml 配置文件,修改数据库连接信息为你自己的数据库。
⑥、启动 pmhub-gen 代码生成服务
找到 pmhub-gen 项目(在pmhub-modules 下),右键 Run PmHubGenApplication.main()。
启动前需要修改 nacos 中的 pmhub-gen-dev.yml 配置文件,修改数据库连接信息为你自己的数据库。
⑦、启动 pmhub-job 定时任务调度服务
找到 pmhub-job 项目(在pmhub-modules 下),右键 Run PmHubJobApplication.main()。
启动前需要修改 nacos 中的 pmhub-job-dev.yml 配置文件,修改数据库连接信息为你自己的数据库。
⑧、启动 pmhub-monitor 监控服务
找到 pmhub-monitor 项目,右键 Run PmHubMonitorApplication.main()。
启动前需要修改 nacos 中的 pmhub-monitor-dev.yml 配置文件,修改监控后台的用户名和密码,以及首页展示标题。
请参考 pmhub-ui 项目的 README.md 文档,前端工程结构说明
注意:微服务版本直接启动 pmhub-ui 即可,如果是单体版本的前端需要到 pmhub-boot下的 pmhub-ui 启动。
请参考 云容器部署系统
PmHub 高质量教程共 70+ 篇,从中整理出 10 篇,供大家免费学习。
- (🌟 新人必看)PmHub 系统架构&功能模块一览
- (🌟 新人必看)小白如何学习 PmHub
- (🌟 新人必看)如何将 PmHub 写入简历
- (🌟 新人必看)PmHub 产品原型
- (🌟 新人必看)项目真实面经
- (🌟 新人必看)本地快速启动
- (🌟 新人必看)PmHub 微服务网关设计
- (🌟 新人必看)PmHub 项目工程搭建手册
- (👍 强烈推荐)如何做好产品设计
- (👍 强烈推荐)项目真实面经
工具 | 说明 | 官网 |
IDEA | java开发工具 | https://www.jetbrains.com |
visualstudio | web开发工具 | https://code.visualstudio.com/ |
Chrome | 浏览器 | https://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/chrome |
ScreenToGif | gif录屏 | https://www.screentogif.com |
SniPaste | 截图 | https://www.snipaste.com |
PicPick | 图片处理工具 | https://picpick.app |
MarkText | markdown编辑器 | https://github.com/marktext/marktext |
curl | http终端请求 | https://curl.se |
Postman | API接口调试 | https://www.postman.com |
draw.io | 流程图、架构图绘制 | https://www.diagrams.net/ |
Axure | 原型图设计工具 | https://www.axure.com |
navicat | 数据库连接工具 | https://www.navicat.com |
DBeaver | 免费开源的数据库连接工具 | https://dbeaver.io |
iTerm2 | mac终端 | https://iterm2.com |
windows terminal | win终端 | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/install |
SwitchHosts | host管理 | https://github.com/oldj/SwitchHosts/releases |
工具 | 版本 | 下载 |
jdk | 1.8+ | https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#java8 |
maven | 3.4+ | https://maven.apache.org/ |
mysql | 5.7+/8.0+ | https://www.mysql.com/downloads/ |
redis | 5.0+ | https://redis.io/download/ |
elasticsearch | 8.0.0+ | https://www.elastic.co/cn/downloads/elasticsearch |
nginx | 1.10+ | https://nginx.org/en/download.html |
rocketmq | 5.0.4+ | https://www.rabbitmq.com/news.html |
ali-oss | 3.15.1 | https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/31946.html |
git | 2.34.1 | http://github.com/ |
docker | 4.10.0+ | https://docs.docker.com/desktop/ |
freessl | https证书 | https://freessl.cn/ |
- 用户管理:用户是系统操作者,该功能主要完成系统用户配置。
- 部门管理:配置系统组织机构(公司、部门、小组),树结构展现支持数据权限。
- 岗位管理:配置系统用户所属担任职务。
- 菜单管理:配置系统菜单,操作权限,按钮权限标识等。
- 角色管理:角色菜单权限分配、设置角色按机构进行数据范围权限划分。
- 字典管理:对系统中经常使用的一些较为固定的数据进行维护。
- 参数管理:对系统动态配置常用参数。
- 通知公告:系统通知公告信息发布维护。
- 操作日志:系统正常操作日志记录和查询;系统异常信息日志记录和查询。
- 登录日志:系统登录日志记录查询包含登录异常。
- 在线用户:当前系统中活跃用户状态监控。
- 定时任务:在线(添加、修改、删除)任务调度包含执行结果日志。
- 代码生成:前后端代码的生成(java、html、xml、sql)支持CRUD下载 。
- 系统接口:根据业务代码自动生成相关的api接口文档。
- 服务监控:监视当前系统CPU、内存、磁盘、堆栈等相关信息。
- 缓存监控:对系统的缓存信息查询,命令统计等。
- 在线构建器:拖动表单元素生成相应的HTML代码。
- 连接池监视:监视当前系统数据库连接池状态,可进行分析SQL找出系统性能瓶颈。
- paicoding :⭐️一款好用又强大的开源社区,基于 Spring Boot、MyBatis-Plus、MySQL、Redis、ElasticSearch、MongoDB、Docker、RabbitMQ 等主流技术栈
- toBeBetterjavaer :🚀一份通俗易懂、风趣幽默的Java学习指南,内容涵盖Java基础、Java并发编程、Java虚拟机、Java企业级开发、Java面试等核心知识点。学Java,就认准二哥的Java进阶之路😄
- CodeCanvas :📚本代码仓库是作者苍何多年从事一线互联网Java开发的学习历程技术汇总,旨在为大家提供一个清晰详细的学习教程,侧重点更倾向编写Java核心内容。💪🏻
感谢所有参与开源贡献的小伙伴,PmHub 因你们而更强大!
微信搜 苍何 或扫描下方二维码关注苍何的原创公众号,回复 666 即可免费领取 2000G 编程学习资源。
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Copyright (c) 2023-2024 PmHub(苍何、沉默王二)
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PmHub is a smart project management system based on SpringCloud, SpringCloud Alibaba, and LLM. It aims to help students quickly grasp the architecture design and development process of microservices/distributed projects. PmHub provides a platform for students to experience the transformation from monolithic to microservices architecture, understand the pros and cons of both architectures, and prepare for job interviews. It offers popular technologies like SpringCloud-Gateway, Nacos, Sentinel, and provides high-quality code, continuous integration, product design documents, and an enterprise workflow system. PmHub is suitable for beginners and advanced learners who want to master core knowledge of microservices/distributed projects.

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The ruoyi-vue-pro repository is an open-source project that provides a comprehensive development platform with various functionalities such as system features, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, payment system, mall system, ERP system, CRM system, and AI big model. It is built using Java backend with Spring Boot framework and Vue frontend with different versions like Vue3 with element-plus, Vue3 with vben(ant-design-vue), and Vue2 with element-ui. The project aims to offer a fast development platform for developers and enterprises, supporting features like dynamic menu loading, button-level access control, SaaS multi-tenancy, code generator, real-time communication, integration with third-party services like WeChat, Alipay, and cloud services, and more.

Yudao-cloud is an open-source project designed to provide a fast development platform for developers in China. It includes various system functions, infrastructure, member center, data reports, workflow, mall system, WeChat public account, CRM, ERP, etc. The project is based on Java backend with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Alibaba microservices architecture. It supports multiple databases, message queues, authentication systems, dynamic menu loading, SaaS multi-tenant system, code generator, real-time communication, integration with third-party services like WeChat, Alipay, and more. The project is well-documented and follows the Alibaba Java development guidelines, ensuring clean code and architecture.

MedicalGPT is a training medical GPT model with ChatGPT training pipeline, implement of Pretraining, Supervised Finetuning, RLHF(Reward Modeling and Reinforcement Learning) and DPO(Direct Preference Optimization).

This project open sources the **Chinese LLaMA model and the Alpaca large model fine-tuned with instructions**, to further promote the open research of large models in the Chinese NLP community. These models **extend the Chinese vocabulary based on the original LLaMA** and use Chinese data for secondary pre-training, further enhancing the basic Chinese semantic understanding ability. At the same time, the Chinese Alpaca model further uses Chinese instruction data for fine-tuning, significantly improving the model's understanding and execution of instructions.

This repository provides a detailed tutorial on how to build your own large language model (LLM) from scratch. It includes all the code necessary to create a GPT-like LLM, covering the encoding, pre-training, and fine-tuning processes. The tutorial is written in a clear and concise style, with plenty of examples and illustrations to help you understand the concepts involved. It is suitable for developers and researchers with some programming experience who are interested in learning more about LLMs and how to build them.

Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a large Chinese language model developed by Meta AI. It is based on the Llama-2 model and has been further trained on a large dataset of Chinese text. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. Here are some of the key features of Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2: * It is the largest Chinese language model ever trained, with 13 billion parameters. * It is trained on a massive dataset of Chinese text, including books, news articles, and social media posts. * It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. * It is open-source and available for anyone to use. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of a wide range of natural language processing tasks. It is a valuable resource for researchers and developers working in the field of artificial intelligence.

XiaoFeiShu is a specialized automation software developed closely following the quality user rules of Xiaohongshu. It provides a set of automation workflows for Xiaohongshu operations, avoiding the issues of traditional RPA being mechanical, rule-based, and easily detected. The software is easy to use, with simple operation and powerful functionality.

LangBot is a highly stable, extensible, and multimodal instant messaging chatbot platform based on large language models. It supports various large models, adapts to group chats and private chats, and has capabilities for multi-turn conversations, tool invocation, and multimodal interactions. It is deeply integrated with Dify and currently supports QQ and QQ channels, with plans to support platforms like WeChat, WhatsApp, and Discord. The platform offers high stability, comprehensive functionality, native support for access control, rate limiting, sensitive word filtering mechanisms, and simple configuration with multiple deployment options. It also features plugin extension capabilities, an active community, and a new web management panel for managing LangBot instances through a browser.

The GPT Server project leverages the basic capabilities of FastChat to provide the capabilities of an openai server. It perfectly adapts more models, optimizes models with poor compatibility in FastChat, and supports loading vllm, LMDeploy, and hf in various ways. It also supports all sentence_transformers compatible semantic vector models, including Chat templates with function roles, Function Calling (Tools) capability, and multi-modal large models. The project aims to reduce the difficulty of model adaptation and project usage, making it easier to deploy the latest models with minimal code changes.

Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-3 is a project based on Meta's latest release of the new generation open-source large model Llama-3. It is the third phase of the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca open-source large model series projects (Phase 1, Phase 2). This project open-sources the Chinese Llama-3 base model and the Chinese Llama-3-Instruct instruction fine-tuned large model. These models incrementally pre-train with a large amount of Chinese data on the basis of the original Llama-3 and further fine-tune using selected instruction data, enhancing Chinese basic semantics and instruction understanding capabilities. Compared to the second-generation related models, significant performance improvements have been achieved.

KeepChatGPT is a plugin designed to enhance the data security capabilities and efficiency of ChatGPT. It aims to make your chat experience incredibly smooth, eliminating dozens or even hundreds of unnecessary steps, and permanently getting rid of various errors and warnings. It offers innovative features such as automatic refresh, activity maintenance, data security, audit cancellation, conversation cloning, endless conversations, page purification, large screen display, full screen display, tracking interception, rapid changes, and detailed insights. The plugin ensures that your AI experience is secure, smooth, efficient, concise, and seamless.

The yudao-ui-admin-vue3 repository is an open-source project focused on building a fast development platform for developers in China. It utilizes Vue3 and Element Plus to provide features such as configurable themes, internationalization, dynamic route permission generation, common component encapsulation, and rich examples. The project supports the latest front-end technologies like Vue3 and Vite4, and also includes tools like TypeScript, pinia, vueuse, vue-i18n, vue-router, unocss, iconify, and wangeditor. It offers a range of development tools and features for system functions, infrastructure, workflow management, payment systems, member centers, data reporting, e-commerce systems, WeChat public accounts, ERP systems, and CRM systems.

MindChat is a psychological large language model designed to help individuals relieve psychological stress and solve mental confusion, ultimately improving mental health. It aims to provide a relaxed and open conversation environment for users to build trust and understanding. MindChat offers privacy, warmth, safety, timely, and convenient conversation settings to help users overcome difficulties and challenges, achieve self-growth, and development. The tool is suitable for both work and personal life scenarios, providing comprehensive psychological support and therapeutic assistance to users while strictly protecting user privacy. It combines psychological knowledge with artificial intelligence technology to contribute to a healthier, more inclusive, and equal society.
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PmHub is a smart project management system based on SpringCloud, SpringCloud Alibaba, and LLM. It aims to help students quickly grasp the architecture design and development process of microservices/distributed projects. PmHub provides a platform for students to experience the transformation from monolithic to microservices architecture, understand the pros and cons of both architectures, and prepare for job interviews. It offers popular technologies like SpringCloud-Gateway, Nacos, Sentinel, and provides high-quality code, continuous integration, product design documents, and an enterprise workflow system. PmHub is suitable for beginners and advanced learners who want to master core knowledge of microservices/distributed projects.

MetaGPT is a multi-agent framework that enables GPT to work in a software company, collaborating to tackle more complex tasks. It assigns different roles to GPTs to form a collaborative entity for complex tasks. MetaGPT takes a one-line requirement as input and outputs user stories, competitive analysis, requirements, data structures, APIs, documents, etc. Internally, MetaGPT includes product managers, architects, project managers, and engineers. It provides the entire process of a software company along with carefully orchestrated SOPs. MetaGPT's core philosophy is "Code = SOP(Team)", materializing SOP and applying it to teams composed of LLMs.

AIScript is a unique programming language and web framework written in Rust, designed to help developers effortlessly build AI applications. It combines the strengths of Python, JavaScript, and Rust to create an intuitive, powerful, and easy-to-use tool. The language features first-class functions, built-in AI primitives, dynamic typing with static type checking, data validation, error handling inspired by Rust, a rich standard library, and automatic garbage collection. The web framework offers an elegant route DSL, automatic parameter validation, OpenAPI schema generation, database modules, authentication capabilities, and more. AIScript excels in AI-powered APIs, prototyping, microservices, data validation, and building internal tools.

The Azure-Analytics-and-AI-Engagement repository provides packaged Industry Scenario DREAM Demos with ARM templates (Containing a demo web application, Power BI reports, Synapse resources, AML Notebooks etc.) that can be deployed in a customer’s subscription using the CAPE tool within a matter of few hours. Partners can also deploy DREAM Demos in their own subscriptions using DPoC.

Matecat is an enterprise-level, web-based CAT tool designed to make post-editing and outsourcing easy and to provide a complete set of features to manage and monitor translation projects.

AIlice is a fully autonomous, general-purpose AI agent that aims to create a standalone artificial intelligence assistant, similar to JARVIS, based on the open-source LLM. AIlice achieves this goal by building a "text computer" that uses a Large Language Model (LLM) as its core processor. Currently, AIlice demonstrates proficiency in a range of tasks, including thematic research, coding, system management, literature reviews, and complex hybrid tasks that go beyond these basic capabilities. AIlice has reached near-perfect performance in everyday tasks using GPT-4 and is making strides towards practical application with the latest open-source models. We will ultimately achieve self-evolution of AI agents. That is, AI agents will autonomously build their own feature expansions and new types of agents, unleashing LLM's knowledge and reasoning capabilities into the real world seamlessly.

A massive list including a huge amount of products and services that are completely free! ⭐ Star on GitHub • 🤝 Contribute # Table of Contents * APIs, Data & ML * Artificial Intelligence * BaaS * Code Editors * Code Generation * DNS * Databases * Design & UI * Domains * Email * Font * For Students * Forms * Linux Distributions * Messaging & Streaming * PaaS * Payments & Billing * SSL
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MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It is API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service. Use MinIO to build high performance infrastructure for machine learning, analytics and application data workloads.

This repository contains assets related to AI/ML workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Run optimized AI/ML workloads with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) platform orchestration capabilities. A robust AI/ML platform considers the following layers: Infrastructure orchestration that support GPUs and TPUs for training and serving workloads at scale Flexible integration with distributed computing and data processing frameworks Support for multiple teams on the same infrastructure to maximize utilization of resources

Kong, or Kong API Gateway, is a cloud-native, platform-agnostic, scalable API Gateway distinguished for its high performance and extensibility via plugins. It also provides advanced AI capabilities with multi-LLM support. By providing functionality for proxying, routing, load balancing, health checking, authentication (and more), Kong serves as the central layer for orchestrating microservices or conventional API traffic with ease. Kong runs natively on Kubernetes thanks to its official Kubernetes Ingress Controller.

AI-in-a-Box is a curated collection of solution accelerators that can help engineers establish their AI/ML environments and solutions rapidly and with minimal friction, while maintaining the highest standards of quality and efficiency. It provides essential guidance on the responsible use of AI and LLM technologies, specific security guidance for Generative AI (GenAI) applications, and best practices for scaling OpenAI applications within Azure. The available accelerators include: Azure ML Operationalization in-a-box, Edge AI in-a-box, Doc Intelligence in-a-box, Image and Video Analysis in-a-box, Cognitive Services Landing Zone in-a-box, Semantic Kernel Bot in-a-box, NLP to SQL in-a-box, Assistants API in-a-box, and Assistants API Bot in-a-box.

This repository contains reference architectures and test cases for distributed model training with Amazon SageMaker Hyperpod, AWS ParallelCluster, AWS Batch, and Amazon EKS. The test cases cover different types and sizes of models as well as different frameworks and parallel optimizations (Pytorch DDP/FSDP, MegatronLM, NemoMegatron...).

The AWS Generative AI Constructs Library is an open-source extension of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) that provides multi-service, well-architected patterns for quickly defining solutions in code to create predictable and repeatable infrastructure, called constructs. The goal of AWS Generative AI CDK Constructs is to help developers build generative AI solutions using pattern-based definitions for their architecture. The patterns defined in AWS Generative AI CDK Constructs are high level, multi-service abstractions of AWS CDK constructs that have default configurations based on well-architected best practices. The library is organized into logical modules using object-oriented techniques to create each architectural pattern model.

OpenVINO™ Model Server (OVMS) is a high-performance system for serving models. Implemented in C++ for scalability and optimized for deployment on Intel architectures, the model server uses the same architecture and API as TensorFlow Serving and KServe while applying OpenVINO for inference execution. Inference service is provided via gRPC or REST API, making deploying new algorithms and AI experiments easy.

Deploy langgenius/dify, an LLM based chat bot app on kubernetes with helm chart.