

Reolink NVR/camera API PyPI package

Stars: 93


The 'reolink_aio' Python package is designed to integrate Reolink devices (NVR/cameras) into your application. It implements Reolink IP NVR and camera API, allowing users to subscribe to Reolink ONVIF SWN events for real-time event notifications via webhook. The package provides functionalities to obtain and cache NVR or camera settings, capabilities, and states, as well as enable features like infrared lights, spotlight, and siren. Users can also subscribe to events, renew timers, and disconnect from the host device.


Reolink NVR/cameras API package

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The reolink_aio Python package allows you to integrate your Reolink devices (NVR/cameras) in your application.


This is a package implementing Reolink IP NVR and camera API. Also it’s providing a way to subscribe to Reolink ONVIF SWN events, so that real-time events can be received on a webhook.

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  • Python 3.11


pip3 install reolink-aio

or manually:

git clone
cd reolink_aio/
pip3 install .


from reolink_aio.api import Host
import asyncio

# Create a host-object (representing either a camera, or NVR with several channels)
host = Host('', 'user', 'mypassword')

# Obtain/cache NVR or camera settings and capabilities, like model name, ports, HDD size, etc:
await host.get_host_data()

# Get the subscribtion port and host-device name:
subscribtion_port =  host.onvif_port
name = host.nvr_name

# Obtain/cache states of features:
await host.get_states()

# Print some state value on the channel with index 0:

# Enable the infrared lights on the channel with index 1:
await host.set_ir_lights(1, True)

# Enable the spotlight on the channel with index 1:
await host.set_spotlight(1, True)

# Enable the siren on the channel with index 0:
await host.set_siren(0, True)

# Now subscribe to events, suppose our webhook url is
await host.subscribe('')

# After some minutes check the renew timer (keep the eventing alive):
if (host.renewtimer() <= 100):
    await host.renew()

# Logout and disconnect
await host.logout()


This is an example of the usage of the API. In this case we want to retrive and print the Mac Address of the NVR.

from reolink_aio.api import Host
import asyncio

async def print_mac_address():
    # initialize the host
    host = Host('','admin', 'admin1234', port=80)
    # connect and obtain/cache device settings and capabilities
    await host.get_host_data()
    # check if it is a camera or an NVR
    print(f"It is an NVR: {host.is_nvr}, number of channels: {host.num_channel}")
    # print mac address
    print(f"MAC: {host.mac_address}")
    # close the device connection
    await host.logout()

if __name__ == "__main__":

TCP push event example

This is an example of how to receive TCP push events. The callback will be called each time a push is received. The state variables of the Host class will automatically be updated when a push comes in.

from reolink_aio.api import Host
import asyncio
import logging

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def callback() -> None:"Callback called")

async def tcp_push_demo():
    # initialize the host
    host = Host(host="", username="admin", password="admin1234")
    # connect and obtain/cache device settings and capabilities
    await host.get_host_data()
    # Register callback and subscribe to events
    host.baichuan.register_callback("unique_id_string", callback)
    await host.baichuan.subscribe_events()
    # Process TCP events for 2 minutes
    await asyncio.sleep(120)
    # unsubscribe and close the device connection
    await host.baichuan.unsubscribe_events()
    await host.logout()

if __name__ == "__main__":


This library is based on the work of:

The baichuan part of this library is based on the work of:




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