🎬 卡卡字幕助手 | VideoCaptioner - 基于 LLM 的智能字幕助手 - 视频字幕生成、断句、校正、字幕翻译全流程处理!- A powered tool for easy and efficient video subtitling.
Stars: 4908

VideoCaptioner is a video subtitle processing assistant based on a large language model (LLM), supporting speech recognition, subtitle segmentation, optimization, translation, and full-process handling. It is user-friendly and does not require high configuration, supporting both network calls and local offline (GPU-enabled) speech recognition. It utilizes a large language model for intelligent subtitle segmentation, correction, and translation, providing stunning subtitles for videos. The tool offers features such as accurate subtitle generation without GPU, intelligent segmentation and sentence splitting based on LLM, AI subtitle optimization and translation, batch video subtitle synthesis, intuitive subtitle editing interface with real-time preview and quick editing, and low model token consumption with built-in basic LLM model for easy use.
最新版本已经支持 VAD 、 人声分离、 字级时间戳 批量字幕等实用功能
- 🎯 无需GPU即可使用强大的语音识别引擎,生成精准字幕
- ✂️ 基于 LLM 的智能分割与断句,字幕阅读更自然流畅
- 🔄 AI字幕多线程优化与翻译,调整字幕格式、表达更地道专业
- 🎬 支持批量视频字幕合成,提升处理效率
- 📝 直观的字幕编辑查看界面,支持实时预览和快捷编辑
- 🤖 消耗模型 Token 少,且内置基础 LLM 模型,保证开箱即用
全流程处理一个14分钟1080P的 B站英文 TED 视频,调用本地 Whisper 模型进行语音识别,使用 gpt-4o-mini
模型优化和翻译为中文,总共消耗时间约 4 分钟。
近后台计算,模型优化和翻译消耗费用不足 ¥0.01(以OpenAI官方价格为计算)
具体字幕和视频合成的效果的测试结果图片,请参考 TED视频测试
软件较为轻量,打包大小不足 60M,已集成所有必要环境,下载后可直接运行。
LLM API 配置,(用于字幕断句、校正),可使用 ✨本项目的中转站
MacOS 用户
由于本人缺少 Mac,所以没法测试和打包,暂无法提供 MacOS 的可执行程序。
Mac 用户请自行使用下载源码和安装 python 依赖运行。(本地 Whisper 功能暂不支持 MacOS)
- 安装 ffmpeg 和 Aria2 下载工具
brew install ffmpeg
brew install aria2
brew install python@3.**
- 克隆项目
git clone https://github.com/WEIFENG2333/VideoCaptioner.git
cd VideoCaptioner
- 安装依赖
python3.** -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- 运行程序
python main.py
Docker 部署(beta)
git clone https://github.com/WEIFENG2333/VideoCaptioner.git
cd VideoCaptioner
docker build -t video-captioner .
docker run -d \
-p 8501:8501 \
-v $(pwd)/temp:/app/temp \
--name video-captioner \
- 容器内已预装ffmpeg等必要依赖
- 如需使用其他模型,请通过环境变量配置
LLM 大模型是用来字幕段句、字幕优化、以及字幕翻译(如果选择了LLM 大模型翻译)。
配置项 | 说明 |
SiliconCloud |
SiliconCloud 官网配置方法请参考配置文档 该并发较低,建议把线程设置为5以下。 |
DeepSeek |
DeepSeek 官网,建议使用 deepseek-v3 模型,官方网站最近服务好像并不太稳定。 |
Ollama本地 | Ollama 官网 |
内置公益模型 | 内置基础大语言模型(gpt-4o-mini )(公益服务不稳定,强烈建议请使用自己的模型API) |
OpenAI兼容接口 | 如果有其他服务商的API,可直接在软件中填写。base_url 和api_key |
注:如果用的 API 服务商不支持高并发,请在软件设置中将“线程数”调低,避免请求错误。
如果希望高并发⚡️,或者希望在在软件内使用使用 OpenAI 或者 Claude 等优质大模型进行字幕校正和翻译。
可使用本项目的✨LLM API中转站✨: https://api.videocaptioner.cn
BaseURL: https://api.videocaptioner.cn/v1
API-key: 个人中心-API 令牌页面自行获取。
💡 模型选择建议 (本人在各质量层级中精选出的高性价比模型):
(耗费比例:3) -
(耗费比例:1) -
本站支持超高并发,软件中线程数直接拉满即可~ 处理速度非常快~
配置项 | 说明 |
LLM 大模型翻译 | 🌟 翻译质量最好的选择。使用 AI 大模型进行翻译,能更好理解上下文,翻译更自然。需要在设置中配置 LLM API(比如 OpenAI、DeepSeek 等) |
DeepLx 翻译 | 翻译较可靠。基于 DeepL 翻译, 需要要配置自己的后端接口。 |
微软翻译 | 使用微软的翻译服务, 速度非常快 |
谷歌翻译 | 谷歌的翻译服务,速度快,但需要能访问谷歌的网络环境 |
推荐使用 LLM 大模型翻译
接口名称 | 支持语言 | 运行方式 | 说明 |
B接口 | 仅支持中文、英文 | 在线 | 免费、速度较快 |
J接口 | 仅支持中文、英文 | 在线 | 免费、速度较快 |
WhisperCpp | 中文、日语、韩语、英文等 99 种语言,外语效果较好 | 本地 | (实际使用不稳定)需要下载转录模型 中文建议medium以上模型 英文等使用较小模型即可达到不错效果。 |
fasterWhisper 👍 | 中文、英文等多99种语言,外语效果优秀,时间轴更准确 | 本地 | (🌟极力推荐🌟)需要下载程序和转录模型 支持CUDA,速度更快,转录准确。 超级准确的时间戳字幕。 建议优先使用 |
Whisper 版本有 WhisperCpp 和 fasterWhisper(推荐) 两种,后者效果更好,都需要自行在软件内下载模型。
模型 | 磁盘空间 | 内存占用 | 说明 |
Tiny | 75 MiB | ~273 MB | 转录很一般,仅用于测试 |
Small | 466 MiB | ~852 MB | 英文识别效果已经不错 |
Medium | 1.5 GiB | ~2.1 GB | 中文识别建议至少使用此版本 |
Large-v2 👍 | 2.9 GiB | ~3.9 GB | 效果好,配置允许情况推荐使用 |
Large-v3 | 2.9 GiB | ~3.9 GB | 社区反馈可能会出现幻觉/字幕重复问题 |
推荐模型: Large-v2
- 在"字幕优化与翻译"页面,包含"文稿匹配"选项,支持以下一种或者多种内容,辅助校正字幕和翻译:
类型 | 说明 | 填写示例 |
术语表 | 专业术语、人名、特定词语的修正对照表 | 机器学习->Machine Learning 马斯克->Elon Musk 打call -> 应援 图灵斑图 公交车悖论 |
原字幕文稿 | 视频的原有文稿或相关内容 | 完整的演讲稿、课程讲义等 |
修正要求 | 内容相关的具体修正要求 | 统一人称代词、规范专业术语等 填写内容相关的要求即可,示例参考 |
- 如果需要文稿进行字幕优化辅助,全流程处理时,先填写文稿信息,再进行开始任务处理
- 注意: 使用上下文参数量不高的小型LLM模型时,建议控制文稿内容在1千字内,如果使用上下文较大的模型,则可以适当增加文稿内容。
- 下载视频网站需要登录信息才可以下载;
- 只能下载较低分辨率的视频;
- 网络条件较差时需要验证;
- 请参考 Cookie 配置说明 获取Cookie信息,并将cookies.txt文件放置到软件安装目录的
语音识别转录 -> 字幕断句(可选) -> 字幕优化翻译(可选) -> 字幕视频合成
- 支持国内外主流视频平台(B站、Youtube、小红书、TikTok、X、西瓜视频、抖音等)
- 自动提取视频原有字幕处理
- 提供多种接口在线识别,效果媲美剪映(免费、高速)
- 支持本地Whisper模型(保护隐私、可离线)
- 自动优化专业术语、代码片段和数学公式格式
- 上下文进行断句优化,提升阅读体验
- 支持文稿提示,使用原有文稿或者相关提示优化字幕断句
- 结合上下文的智能翻译,确保译文兼顾全文
- 通过Prompt指导大模型反思翻译,提升翻译质量
- 使用序列模糊匹配算法、保证时间轴完全一致
- 丰富的字幕样式模板(科普风、新闻风、番剧风等等)
- 多种格式字幕视频(SRT、ASS、VTT、TXT)
:开启后,VAD(语音活动检测)将过滤无人声的语音片段,从而减少幻觉现象。建议保持默认开启状态。如果不懂,其他VAD选项建议直接保持默认即可。 -
:开启后,全流程处理时生成字级时间戳,然后通过LLM大模型进行断句,从而在视频有更完美的观看体验。有按照句子断句和按照语义断句两种模式。可根据自己的需求配置。 -
:开启后,会通过LLM大模型对字幕内容进行校正(如:英文单词大小写、标点符号、错别字、数学公式和代码的格式等),提升字幕的质量。 -
:开启后,会通过LLM大模型进行反思翻译,提升翻译的质量。相应的会增加请求的时间和消耗的Token。(选项在 设置页-LLM大模型翻译-反思翻译 中开启。) -
:开启后,会根据合成字幕视频;关闭将跳过视频合成的流程。 -
├── runtime/ # 运行环境目录
├── resources/ # 软件资源文件目录(二进制程序、图标等,以及下载的faster-whisper程序)
├── work-dir/ # 工作目录,处理完成的视频和字幕文件保存在这里
├── AppData/ # 应用数据目录
├── cache/ # 缓存目录,缓存转录、大模型请求的数据。
├── models/ # 存放 Whisper 模型文件
├── logs/ # 日志目录,记录软件运行状态
├── settings.json # 存储用户设置
└── cookies.txt # 视频平台的 cookie 信息(下载高清视频时需要)
└── VideoCaptioner.exe # 主程序执行文件
填入 YouTube 链接时进行处理时,会自动下载视频的字幕,从而省去转录步骤,极大地节省操作时间。
作者是一名大三学生,个人能力和项目都还有许多不足,项目也在不断完善中,如果在使用过程遇到的Bug,欢迎提交 Issue 和 Pull Request 帮助改进项目。
### Bug 修复与其他改进 - 修复谷歌翻译语言不正确的问题。 - 修部微软翻译不准确的问题。 - 修复运行设备不选择cuda时显示报 winError的错误 - 修复合成失败的问题 - 修复ass单语字幕没有内容的问题2024.2.06
- 完整重构代码架构,优化整体性能
- 字幕优化与翻译功能模块分离,提供更灵活的处理选项
- 新增批量处理功能:支持批量字幕、批量转录、批量字幕视频合成
- 全面优化 UI 界面与交互细节
- 扩展 LLM 支持:新增 SiliconCloud、DeepSeek、Ollama、Gemini、ChatGLM 等模型
- 集成多种翻译服务:DeepLx、Bing、Google、LLM
- 新增 faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo 模型支持
- 新增多种 VAD(语音活动检测)方法
- 支持自定义反思翻译开关
- 字幕断句支持语义/句子两种模式
- 字幕断句、优化、翻译提示词的优化
- 字幕、转录缓存机制的优化
- 优化中文字幕自动换行功能
- 新增竖屏字幕样式
- 改进字幕时间轴切换机制,消除闪烁问题
- 修复 Whisper API 无法使用问题
- 新增多种字幕视频格式支持
- 修复部分情况转录错误的问题
- 优化视频工作目录结构
- 新增日志查看功能
- 新增泰语、德语等语言的字幕优化
- 修复诸多Bug...
- 新增 Faster-whisper 支持,音频转字幕质量更优
- 支持Vad语音断点检测,大大减少幻觉现象
- 支持人声音分离,分离视频背景噪音
- 支持关闭视频合成
- 新增字幕最大长度设置
- 新增字幕末尾标点去除设置
- 优化和翻译的提示词优化
- 优化LLM字幕断句错误的情况
- 修复音频转换格式不一致问题
- 新增 Whisper-v3 模型支持,大幅提升语音识别准确率
- 优化字幕断句算法,提供更自然的阅读体验
- 修复检测模型可用性时的稳定性问题
- 支持自定义调节字幕位置和样式
- 新增字幕优化和翻译过程的实时日志查看
- 修复使用 API 时的自动翻译问题
- 优化视频工作目录结构,提升文件管理效率
- 支持双语/单语字幕灵活导出
- 新增文稿匹配提示对齐功能
- 修复字幕导入时的稳定性问题
- 修复非中文路径下载模型的兼容性问题
- 新增 Whisper API 调用支持
- 支持导入 cookie.txt 下载各大视频平台资源
- 字幕文件名自动与视频保持一致
- 软件主页新增运行日志实时查看
- 统一和完善软件内部功能
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Alternative AI tools for VideoCaptioner
Similar Open Source Tools

VideoCaptioner is a video subtitle processing assistant based on a large language model (LLM), supporting speech recognition, subtitle segmentation, optimization, translation, and full-process handling. It is user-friendly and does not require high configuration, supporting both network calls and local offline (GPU-enabled) speech recognition. It utilizes a large language model for intelligent subtitle segmentation, correction, and translation, providing stunning subtitles for videos. The tool offers features such as accurate subtitle generation without GPU, intelligent segmentation and sentence splitting based on LLM, AI subtitle optimization and translation, batch video subtitle synthesis, intuitive subtitle editing interface with real-time preview and quick editing, and low model token consumption with built-in basic LLM model for easy use.

LangChain-Chatchat is an open-source, offline-deployable retrieval-enhanced generation (RAG) large model knowledge base project based on large language models such as ChatGLM and application frameworks such as Langchain. It aims to establish a knowledge base Q&A solution that is friendly to Chinese scenarios, supports open-source models, and can run offline.

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Video-subtitle-remover (VSR) is a software based on AI technology that removes hard subtitles from videos. It achieves the following functions: - Lossless resolution: Remove hard subtitles from videos, generate files with subtitles removed - Fill the region of removed subtitles using a powerful AI algorithm model (non-adjacent pixel filling and mosaic removal) - Support custom subtitle positions, only remove subtitles in defined positions (input position) - Support automatic removal of all text in the entire video (no input position required) - Support batch removal of watermark text from multiple images.

XiaoXinAir14IML_2019_hackintosh is a repository dedicated to enabling macOS installation on Lenovo XiaoXin Air-14 IML 2019 laptops. The repository provides detailed information on the hardware specifications, supported systems, BIOS versions, related models, installation methods, updates, patches, and recommended settings. It also includes tools and guides for BIOS modifications, enabling high-resolution display settings, Bluetooth synchronization between macOS and Windows 10, voltage adjustments for efficiency, and experimental support for YogaSMC. The repository offers solutions for various issues like sleep support, sound card emulation, and battery information. It acknowledges the contributions of developers and tools like OpenCore, itlwm, VoodooI2C, and ALCPlugFix.

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The GPT Server project leverages the basic capabilities of FastChat to provide the capabilities of an openai server. It perfectly adapts more models, optimizes models with poor compatibility in FastChat, and supports loading vllm, LMDeploy, and hf in various ways. It also supports all sentence_transformers compatible semantic vector models, including Chat templates with function roles, Function Calling (Tools) capability, and multi-modal large models. The project aims to reduce the difficulty of model adaptation and project usage, making it easier to deploy the latest models with minimal code changes.

DeepAI is a proxy server that enhances the interaction experience of large language models (LLMs) by integrating the 'thinking chain' process. It acts as an intermediary layer, receiving standard OpenAI API compatible requests, using independent 'thinking services' to generate reasoning processes, and then forwarding the enhanced requests to the LLM backend of your choice. This ensures that responses are not only generated by the LLM but also based on pre-inference analysis, resulting in more insightful and coherent answers. DeepAI supports seamless integration with applications designed for the OpenAI API, providing endpoints for '/v1/chat/completions' and '/v1/models', making it easy to integrate into existing applications. It offers features such as reasoning chain enhancement, flexible backend support, API key routing, weighted random selection, proxy support, comprehensive logging, and graceful shutdown.

BlueLM is a large-scale pre-trained language model developed by vivo AI Global Research Institute, featuring 7B base and chat models. It includes high-quality training data with a token scale of 26 trillion, supporting both Chinese and English languages. BlueLM-7B-Chat excels in C-Eval and CMMLU evaluations, providing strong competition among open-source models of similar size. The models support 32K long texts for better context understanding while maintaining base capabilities. BlueLM welcomes developers for academic research and commercial applications.

This is a Chinese AI/LLM introductory project that aims to help students overcome the initial difficulties of accessing foreign large models' APIs. The project uses the OpenAI SDK to provide a more compatible learning experience. It covers topics such as AI video summarization, LLM fine-tuning, and AI image generation. The project also offers a CodePlayground for easy setup and one-line script execution to experience the charm of AI. It includes guides on API usage, LLM configuration, building AI applications with Gradio, customizing prompts for better model performance, understanding LoRA, and more.
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VideoCaptioner is a video subtitle processing assistant based on a large language model (LLM), supporting speech recognition, subtitle segmentation, optimization, translation, and full-process handling. It is user-friendly and does not require high configuration, supporting both network calls and local offline (GPU-enabled) speech recognition. It utilizes a large language model for intelligent subtitle segmentation, correction, and translation, providing stunning subtitles for videos. The tool offers features such as accurate subtitle generation without GPU, intelligent segmentation and sentence splitting based on LLM, AI subtitle optimization and translation, batch video subtitle synthesis, intuitive subtitle editing interface with real-time preview and quick editing, and low model token consumption with built-in basic LLM model for easy use.

Tero Subtitler is an open source, cross-platform, and free subtitle editing software with a user-friendly interface. It offers fully fledged editing with SMPTE and MEDIA modes, support for various subtitle formats, multi-level undo/redo, search and replace, auto-backup, source and transcription modes, translation memory, audiovisual preview, timeline with waveform visualizer, manipulation tools, formatting options, quality control features, translation and transcription capabilities, validation tools, automation for correcting errors, and more. It also includes features like exporting subtitles to MP3, importing/exporting Blu-ray SUP format, generating blank video, generating video with hardcoded subtitles, video dubbing, and more. The tool utilizes powerful multimedia playback engines like mpv, advanced audio/video manipulation tools like FFmpeg, tools for automatic transcription like whisper.cpp/Faster-Whisper, auto-translation API like Google Translate, and ElevenLabs TTS for video dubbing.

Subtitles by fframes is a free, local, on-device AI video transcription tool with a user-friendly GUI. It allows users to transcribe video content, edit transcribed cues, style the subtitles, and render them directly onto the video. The tool provides a convenient way to create accurate subtitles for videos without the need for an internet connection.

GPT-Subtrans is an open-source subtitle translator that utilizes large language models (LLMs) as translation services. It supports translation between any language pairs that the language model supports. Note that GPT-Subtrans requires an active internet connection, as subtitles are sent to the provider's servers for translation, and their privacy policy applies.

This tool utilizes the OpenAI ChatGPT API to translate text, with a focus on line-based translation, particularly for SRT subtitles. It optimizes token usage by removing SRT overhead and grouping text into batches, allowing for arbitrary length translations without excessive token consumption while maintaining a one-to-one match between line input and output.

AiNiee is a tool focused on AI translation, capable of automatically translating RPG SLG games, Epub TXT novels, Srt Lrc subtitles, and more. It provides features for configuring AI platforms, proxies, and translation settings. Users can utilize this tool for translating game scripts, novels, and subtitles efficiently. The tool supports multiple AI platforms and offers tutorials for beginners. It also includes functionalities for extracting and translating game text, with options for customizing translation projects and managing translation tasks effectively.

video2blog is an open-source project aimed at converting videos into textual notes. The tool follows a process of extracting video information using yt-dlp, downloading the video, downloading subtitles if available, translating subtitles if not in Chinese, generating Chinese subtitles using whisper if no subtitles exist, converting subtitles to articles using gemini, and manually inserting images from the video into the article. The tool provides a solution for creating blog content from video resources, enhancing accessibility and content creation efficiency.

Auto-subs is a tool designed to automatically transcribe editing timelines using OpenAI Whisper and Stable-TS for extreme accuracy. It generates subtitles in a custom style, is completely free, and runs locally within Davinci Resolve. It works on Mac, Linux, and Windows, supporting both Free and Studio versions of Resolve. Users can jump to positions on the timeline using the Subtitle Navigator and translate from any language to English. The tool provides a user-friendly interface for creating and customizing subtitles for video content.
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The Teams AI Library is a software development kit (SDK) that helps developers create bots that can interact with Teams and Microsoft 365 applications. It is built on top of the Bot Framework SDK and simplifies the process of developing bots that interact with Teams' artificial intelligence capabilities. The SDK is available for JavaScript/TypeScript, .NET, and Python.

This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.

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BricksLLM is a cloud native AI gateway written in Go. Currently, it provides native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI and vLLM. BricksLLM aims to provide enterprise level infrastructure that can power any LLM production use cases. Here are some use cases for BricksLLM: * Set LLM usage limits for users on different pricing tiers * Track LLM usage on a per user and per organization basis * Block or redact requests containing PIIs * Improve LLM reliability with failovers, retries and caching * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for internal development/production use cases * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for students

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Griptape is a modular Python framework for building AI-powered applications that securely connect to your enterprise data and APIs. It offers developers the ability to maintain control and flexibility at every step. Griptape's core components include Structures (Agents, Pipelines, and Workflows), Tasks, Tools, Memory (Conversation Memory, Task Memory, and Meta Memory), Drivers (Prompt and Embedding Drivers, Vector Store Drivers, Image Generation Drivers, Image Query Drivers, SQL Drivers, Web Scraper Drivers, and Conversation Memory Drivers), Engines (Query Engines, Extraction Engines, Summary Engines, Image Generation Engines, and Image Query Engines), and additional components (Rulesets, Loaders, Artifacts, Chunkers, and Tokenizers). Griptape enables developers to create AI-powered applications with ease and efficiency.