一个功能强大的 Telegram 消息转发器,支持多源转发、关键词过滤、正则替换、黑白名单,AI处理等功能。
Stars: 75

Telegram Forwarder is a message forwarding tool that allows you to forward messages from specified chats to other chats without the need for a bot to enter the corresponding channels/groups to listen. It can be used for information stream integration filtering, message reminders, content archiving, and more. The tool supports multiple sources forwarding, keyword filtering in whitelist and blacklist modes, regular expression matching, message content modification, AI processing using major vendors' AI interfaces, media file filtering, and synchronization with a universal forum blocking plugin to achieve three-end blocking.
Telegram 转发器是一个消息转发工具,只需要你的账号加入频道/群聊即可以将指定聊天中的消息转发到其他聊天,不需要bot进入对应的频道/群组即可监听。可用于信息流整合过滤,消息提醒,内容收藏等多种场景。
- 🔄 多源转发:支持从多个来源转发到指定目标
- 🔍 关键词过滤:支持白名单和黑名单模式
- 📝 正则匹配:支持正则表达式匹配目标文本
- 📋 内容修改:支持多种方式修改消息内容
- 🤖 AI 处理:支持使用各大厂商的AI接口
- 📹 媒体过滤:支持过滤指定类型的媒体文件
- 🔗 联动同步:支持与通用论坛屏蔽插件联动同步,实现三端屏蔽
获取 Telegram API 凭据:
- 访问 https://my.telegram.org/apps
- 创建一个应用获取
获取机器人 Token:
- 与 @BotFather 对话创建机器人
- 获取机器人的
获取用户 ID:
- 与 @userinfobot 对话获取你的
- 与 @userinfobot 对话获取你的
mkdir ./TelegramForwarder && cd ./TelegramForwarder
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Heavrnl/TelegramForwarder/refs/heads/main/.env.example -O .env
# Telegram API 配置 (从 https://my.telegram.org/apps 获取)
# 用户账号登录用的手机号 (格式如: +8613812345678)
# Bot Token
# 用户ID (从 @userinfobot 获取)
# 默认最大媒体文件大小限制(单位:MB)
# 是否开启调试日志 (true/false)
# 数据库配置
# UI 布局配置
# 默认AI模型
# OpenAi API Key
# 留空使用官方接口 https://api.openai.com/v1
# Claude API Key
# 默认使用官方接口
# Gemini API Key
# 默认使用官方接口
# DeepSeek API Key
# 留空使用官方接口 https://api.deepseek.com/v1
# Qwen API Key
# 留空使用官方接口 https://dashscope.aliyuncs.com/compatible-mode/v1
# Grok API Key
# 留空使用官方接口 https://api.x.ai/v1
# 默认AI提示词
# 默认AI总结提示词
# 默认总结时间
# 默认时区
# AI总结每次爬取消息数量
# AI总结每次爬取消息间隔时间(秒)
######### 扩展内容 #########
# 是否开启与通用论坛屏蔽插件服务端的同步服务 (true/false)
# 服务端地址
新建 docker-compose.yml
image: heavrnl/telegramforwarder:latest
container_name: telegram-forwarder
restart: unless-stopped
- ./db:/app/db
- ./.env:/app/.env
- ./sessions:/app/sessions
- ./temp:/app/temp
- ./ufb/config:/app/ufb/config
- ./config:/app/config
stdin_open: true
tty: true
docker-compose run -it telegram-forwarder
CTRL+C 退出容器
修改 docker-compose.yml 文件,修改 stdin_open: false
和 tty: false
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
假设订阅了频道 "TG 新闻" (https://t.me/tgnews) 和 "TG 阅读" (https://t.me/tgread) ,但想过滤掉一些不感兴趣的内容:
创建一个 Telegram 群组/频道(例如:"My TG Filter")
/bind https://t.me/tgnews 或者 /bind "TG 新闻" /bind https://t.me/tgread 或者 /bind "TG 阅读"
详细设置说明请查看 🛠️ 功能详解
/add 广告 推广 '这是 广告'
/replace \*\*
注意:以上增删改查操作,只对第一个绑定的规则生效,示例里是TG 新闻。若想对TG 阅读进行操作,需要先使用
,选择TG 阅读,再点击"应用当前规则",就可以对此进行增删改查操作了。也可以使用/add_all(/aa)
/replace \*\*
/replace \[(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\) [\1]\2\n(\3)
/replace \[\]\s*
flowchart TD
A["延迟处理过滤器(延迟处理)"] --> B["关键字过滤器(对应过滤模式/过滤关键字时是否附带发送者名称和ID)"]
B --> C["替换过滤器(替换模式)"]
C --> D["AI处理过滤器(使用AI处理消息)"]
D --> E["信息过滤器(添加原始链接/发送者/时间)"]
E --> K["评论区按钮过滤器(添加评论区直达按钮)"]
K --> F["媒体过滤器(处理媒体内容,对应.env里的MAX_MEDIA_SIZE)"]
F --> J{"处理模式判断(根据规则配置判断后续处理方式)"}
J -->|编辑模式| G["编辑过滤器(编辑消息)"]
J -->|转发模式| H["发送过滤器(发送消息,对应预览模式/消息格式/转发方式)"]
G --> I["删除原始消息过滤器(删除原始消息)"]
H --> I
classDef filter fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K filter;
classDef decision fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
class J decision;
主设置界面 | AI设置界面 | 媒体设置界面 |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
设置选项 | 说明 |
应用当前规则 | 选择后,关键字指令(/add,/remove_keyword,/list_keyword等)和替换指令(/replace,/list_replace等)的增删改查导入导出将作用于当前规则 |
是否启用规则 | 选择后,当前规则将被启用,否则将被禁用 |
当前关键字添加模式 | 点击可切换黑/白名单模式,由于黑白名单是分开处理的,需要手动切换 |
过滤关键字时是否附带发送者名称和ID | 启用后,过滤关键字时会包含发送者名称和ID信息(不会添加到实际消息中),可用于针对特定用户进行过滤 |
处理模式 | 可切换编辑/转发模式。编辑模式下会直接修改原消息;转发模式下会将处理后的消息转发到目标聊天。注意:编辑模式仅适用于你是管理员的且原消息是频道消息或群组中自己发送的消息 |
过滤模式 | 可切换仅黑名单/仅白名单/先黑后白/先白后黑模式。由于黑白名单分开存储,可根据需要选择不同的过滤方式 |
转发模式 | 可切换用户/机器人模式。用户模式下使用用户账号转发消息;机器人模式下使用机器人账号发送消息 |
替换模式 | 启用后将根据已设置的替换规则对消息进行处理 |
消息格式 | 可切换Markdown/HTML格式,在最终发送阶段生效,一般使用默认的Markdown即可 |
预览模式 | 可切换开启/关闭/跟随原消息。开启后会预览消息中的第一个链接,默认跟随原消息的预览状态 |
原始发送者/原始链接/发送时间 | 启用后会在消息发送时添加这些信息,默认关闭 |
延时处理 | 启用后会按设定的延迟时间重新获取原消息内容,再开始处理流程,适用于频繁修改消息的频道/群组,可在 config/delay_time.txt 中添加自定义延迟时间 |
删除原始消息 | 启用后会删除原消息,使用前请确认是否有删除权限 |
评论区直达按钮 | 启用后在转发后的消息下发添加评论区直达按钮,前提是原消息有评论区 |
设置选项 | 说明 |
媒体类型过滤 | 启用后会过滤掉非选中的媒体类型 |
选择的媒体类型 | 选择要屏蔽的媒体类型,注意:Telegram对媒体文件的分类是固定的,主要就是这几种,图片 (photo),文档 (document),视频 (video),音频 (audio),语音 (voice),其中所有不属于图片、视频、音频、语音的文件都会被归类为"文档"类型。比如病毒文件(.exe)、压缩包(.zip)、文本文件(.txt)等,在 Telegram 中都属于"文档"类型。 |
媒体大小过滤 | 启用后会过滤掉超过设置大小的媒体 |
媒体大小限制 | 设置媒体大小限制,单位:MB,可在 config/media_size.txt 中添加自定义大小 |
媒体大小超限时发送提醒 | 启用后媒体超限会发送提醒消息 |
媒体扩展名过滤 | 启用后会过滤掉选中的媒体扩展名 |
媒体扩展名过滤模式 | 切换黑/白名单模式 |
选择的媒体扩展名 | 选择要过滤的的媒体扩展名,可在 config/media_extensions.txt 中添加自定义扩展名 |
- 自动翻译外语内容
- 定时总结群组消息
- 智能过滤广告信息
- 自动为内容打标签 ....
- 在
文件中配置你的 AI 接口:
# OpenAI API
OPENAI_API_BASE= # 可选,默认官方接口
# Claude API
# 其他支持的接口...
没找到想要的模型名字?在 config/ai_models.txt
- {source_message_context:数字} - 获取源聊天窗口最新的指定数量消息
- {target_message_context:数字} - 获取目标聊天窗口最新的指定数量消息
- {source_message_time:数字} - 获取源聊天窗口最近指定分钟数的消息
- {target_message_time:数字} - 获取目标聊天窗口最近指定分钟数的消息
开启定时总结后,机器人会在指定时间(默认每天早上 7 点)自动总结过去 24 小时的消息。
- 可在
中添加多个总结时间点 - 在
中设置默认时区 - 自定义总结的提示词
注意:总结功能会消耗较多的 API 额度,请根据需要开启。
确保.env文件中已配置相关参数,在已经绑定好的聊天窗口中使用/ufb_bind <论坛域名>
/start - 开始使用
/help(/h) - 显示此帮助信息
/bind(/b) <聊天窗口链接/聊天窗口名字> - 绑定源聊天
/settings(/s) - 管理转发规则
/changelog(/cl) - 查看更新日志
/copy_rule(/cr) <规则ID> - 复制指定规则的所有设置到当前规则
/delete_rule(/dr) <规则ID> [规则ID] [规则ID] ... - 删除指定规则
/list_rule(/lr) - 列出所有转发规则
/add(/a) <关键字> - 添加普通关键字
/add_regex(/ar) <正则表达式> - 添加正则表达式
/add_all(/aa) <关键字> - 添加普通关键字到所有规则
/add_regex_all(/ara) <正则表达式> - 添加正则关键字到所有规则
/list_keyword(/lk) - 列出所有关键字
/remove_keyword(/rk) <关键词1> [关键词2] - 删除关键字
/clear_all_keywords(/cak) - 清除当前规则的所有关键字
/clear_all_keywords_regex(/cakr) - 清除当前规则的所有正则关键字
/copy_keywords(/ck) <规则ID> - 复制指定规则的关键字到当前规则
/copy_keywords_regex(/ckr) <规则ID> - 复制指定规则的正则关键字到当前规则
/copy_replace(/crp) <规则ID> - 复制指定规则的替换规则到当前规则
/copy_rule(/cr) <规则ID> - 复制指定规则的所有设置到当前规则(包括关键字、正则、替换规则、媒体设置等)
/replace(/r) <模式> [替换内容] - 添加替换规则
/replace_all(/ra) <模式> [替换内容] - 添加替换规则到所有规则
/list_replace(/lrp) - 列出所有替换规则
/remove_replace(/rr) <序号> - 删除替换规则
/clear_all_replace(/car) - 清除当前规则的所有替换规则
/copy_replace(/crp) <规则ID> - 复制指定规则的替换规则到当前规则
/export_keyword(/ek) - 导出当前规则的关键字
/export_replace(/er) - 导出当前规则的替换规则
/import_keyword(/ik) <同时发送文件> - 导入普通关键字
/import_regex_keyword(/irk) <同时发送文件> - 导入正则关键字
/import_replace(/ir) <同时发送文件> - 导入替换规则
/ufb_bind(/ub) <域名> - 绑定UFB域名
/ufb_unbind(/uu) - 解绑UFB域名
/ufb_item_change(/uic) - 切换UFB同步配置类型
• 括号内为命令的简写形式
• 尖括号 <> 表示必填参数
• 方括号 [] 表示可选参数
• 导入命令需要同时发送文件
For Tasks:
Click tags to check more tools for each tasksFor Jobs:
Alternative AI tools for TelegramForwarder
Similar Open Source Tools

Telegram Forwarder is a message forwarding tool that allows you to forward messages from specified chats to other chats without the need for a bot to enter the corresponding channels/groups to listen. It can be used for information stream integration filtering, message reminders, content archiving, and more. The tool supports multiple sources forwarding, keyword filtering in whitelist and blacklist modes, regular expression matching, message content modification, AI processing using major vendors' AI interfaces, media file filtering, and synchronization with a universal forum blocking plugin to achieve three-end blocking.

LangChain-Chatchat is an open-source, offline-deployable retrieval-enhanced generation (RAG) large model knowledge base project based on large language models such as ChatGLM and application frameworks such as Langchain. It aims to establish a knowledge base Q&A solution that is friendly to Chinese scenarios, supports open-source models, and can run offline.

LangChain-SearXNG is an open-source AI search engine built on LangChain and SearXNG. It supports faster and more accurate search and question-answering functionalities. Users can deploy SearXNG and set up Python environment to run LangChain-SearXNG. The tool integrates AI models like OpenAI and ZhipuAI for search queries. It offers two search modes: Searxng and ZhipuWebSearch, allowing users to control the search workflow based on input parameters. LangChain-SearXNG v2 version enhances response speed and content quality compared to the previous version, providing a detailed configuration guide and showcasing the effectiveness of different search modes through comparisons.

ddddocr is a Rust version of a simple OCR API server that provides easy deployment for captcha recognition without relying on the OpenCV library. It offers a user-friendly general-purpose captcha recognition Rust library. The tool supports recognizing various types of captchas, including single-line text, transparent black PNG images, target detection, and slider matching algorithms. Users can also import custom OCR training models and utilize the OCR API server for flexible OCR result control and range limitation. The tool is cross-platform and can be easily deployed.

Streamer-Sales is a large model for live streamers that can explain products based on their characteristics and inspire users to make purchases. It is designed to enhance sales efficiency and user experience, whether for online live sales or offline store promotions. The model can deeply understand product features and create tailored explanations in vivid and precise language, sparking user's desire to purchase. It aims to revolutionize the shopping experience by providing detailed and unique product descriptions to engage users effectively.

This repository aims to build a low-parameter LLM model through pretraining, fine-tuning, model rewarding, and reinforcement learning stages to create a chat model capable of simple conversation tasks. It features using the bert4torch training framework, seamless integration with transformers package for inference, optimized file reading during training to reduce memory usage, providing complete training logs for reproducibility, and the ability to customize robot attributes. The chat model supports multi-turn conversations. The trained model currently only supports basic chat functionality due to limitations in corpus size, model scale, SFT corpus size, and quality.

AILZ80ASM is a Z80 assembler that runs in a .NET 8 environment written in C#. It can be used to assemble Z80 assembly code and generate output files in various formats. The tool supports various command-line options for customization and provides features like macros, conditional assembly, and error checking. AILZ80ASM offers good performance metrics with fast assembly times and efficient output file sizes. It also includes support for handling different file encodings and provides a range of built-in functions for working with labels, expressions, and data types.

HivisionIDPhoto is a practical algorithm for intelligent ID photo creation. It utilizes a comprehensive model workflow to recognize, cut out, and generate ID photos for various user photo scenarios. The tool offers lightweight cutting, standard ID photo generation based on different size specifications, six-inch layout photo generation, beauty enhancement (waiting), and intelligent outfit swapping (waiting). It aims to solve emergency ID photo creation issues.

VideoCaptioner is a video subtitle processing assistant based on a large language model (LLM), supporting speech recognition, subtitle segmentation, optimization, translation, and full-process handling. It is user-friendly and does not require high configuration, supporting both network calls and local offline (GPU-enabled) speech recognition. It utilizes a large language model for intelligent subtitle segmentation, correction, and translation, providing stunning subtitles for videos. The tool offers features such as accurate subtitle generation without GPU, intelligent segmentation and sentence splitting based on LLM, AI subtitle optimization and translation, batch video subtitle synthesis, intuitive subtitle editing interface with real-time preview and quick editing, and low model token consumption with built-in basic LLM model for easy use.

This project provides a unified backend interface for open large language models (LLMs), offering a consistent experience with OpenAI's ChatGPT API. It supports various open-source LLMs, enabling developers to seamlessly integrate them into their applications. The interface features streaming responses, text embedding capabilities, and support for LangChain, a tool for developing LLM-based applications. By modifying environment variables, developers can easily use open-source models as alternatives to ChatGPT, providing a cost-effective and customizable solution for various use cases.

The Qianfan SDK provides best practices for large model toolchains, allowing AI workflows and AI-native applications to access the Qianfan large model platform elegantly and conveniently. The core capabilities of the SDK include three parts: large model reasoning, large model training, and general and extension: * `Large model reasoning`: Implements interface encapsulation for reasoning of Yuyan (ERNIE-Bot) series, open source large models, etc., supporting dialogue, completion, Embedding, etc. * `Large model training`: Based on platform capabilities, it supports end-to-end large model training process, including training data, fine-tuning/pre-training, and model services. * `General and extension`: General capabilities include common AI development tools such as Prompt/Debug/Client. The extension capability is based on the characteristics of Qianfan to adapt to common middleware frameworks.

ChatTTS-Forge is a powerful text-to-speech generation tool that supports generating rich audio long texts using a SSML-like syntax and provides comprehensive API services, suitable for various scenarios. It offers features such as batch generation, support for generating super long texts, style prompt injection, full API services, user-friendly debugging GUI, OpenAI-style API, Google-style API, support for SSML-like syntax, speaker management, style management, independent refine API, text normalization optimized for ChatTTS, and automatic detection and processing of markdown format text. The tool can be experienced and deployed online through HuggingFace Spaces, launched with one click on Colab, deployed using containers, or locally deployed after cloning the project, preparing models, and installing necessary dependencies.

The langchain4j-aideepin-web repository is the frontend project of langchain4j-aideepin, an open-source, offline deployable retrieval enhancement generation (RAG) project based on large language models such as ChatGPT and application frameworks such as Langchain4j. It includes features like registration & login, multi-sessions (multi-roles), image generation (text-to-image, image editing, image-to-image), suggestions, quota control, knowledge base (RAG) based on large models, model switching, and search engine switching.

HuaTuoAI is an artificial intelligence image classification system specifically designed for traditional Chinese medicine. It utilizes deep learning techniques, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to accurately classify Chinese herbs and ingredients based on input images. The project aims to unlock the secrets of plants, depict the unknown realm of Chinese medicine using technology and intelligence, and perpetuate ancient cultural heritage.

Muice-Chatbot is an AI chatbot designed to proactively engage in conversations with users. It is based on the ChatGLM2-6B and Qwen-7B models, with a training dataset of 1.8K+ dialogues. The chatbot has a speaking style similar to a 2D girl, being somewhat tsundere but willing to share daily life details and greet users differently every day. It provides various functionalities, including initiating chats and offering 5 available commands. The project supports model loading through different methods and provides onebot service support for QQ users. Users can interact with the chatbot by running the main.py file in the project directory.

FocusAny is a desktop toolbar system that supports one-click startup of market plugins and local plugins, quickly expands functionality, and improves work efficiency. It features customizable keyboard shortcuts, plugin management, command management, quick file launching, global shortcut launching, data center for file synchronization, support for dark mode, and various plugins available in the market. The tool is built using Electron, Vue3, and TypeScript.
For similar tasks

Telegram Forwarder is a message forwarding tool that allows you to forward messages from specified chats to other chats without the need for a bot to enter the corresponding channels/groups to listen. It can be used for information stream integration filtering, message reminders, content archiving, and more. The tool supports multiple sources forwarding, keyword filtering in whitelist and blacklist modes, regular expression matching, message content modification, AI processing using major vendors' AI interfaces, media file filtering, and synchronization with a universal forum blocking plugin to achieve three-end blocking.

Air724UG forwarder is a tool designed to forward SMS, notify incoming calls, and manage voice messages. It provides a convenient way to handle communication tasks on Air724UG devices. The tool streamlines the process of receiving and managing messages, ensuring users stay connected and informed.

Langfuse Docs is a repository for langfuse.com, built on Nextra. It provides guidelines for contributing to the documentation using GitHub Codespaces and local development setup. The repository includes Python cookbooks in Jupyter notebooks format, which are converted to markdown for rendering on the site. It also covers media management for images, videos, and gifs. The stack includes Nextra, Next.js, shadcn/ui, and Tailwind CSS. Additionally, there is a bundle analysis feature to analyze the production build bundle size using @next/bundle-analyzer.

MinusX is an AI Data Scientist tool that integrates with popular analytics tools like Jupyter and Metabase. It adds a side-chat to your app and operates the app to analyze data and answer queries using predefined actions and routines. Users can explore data, modify content, and select regions to ask questions. MinusX is designed to simplify data analysis tasks by providing a seamless integration with the tools you use.

prose-polish is a tool for AI interaction through drag-and-drop cards, focusing on editing copy and manuscripts. It can recognize Markdown-formatted documents, automatically breaking them into paragraph cards. Users can create prefabricated prompt cards and quickly connect them to the manuscript for editing. The modified manuscript is still presented in card form, allowing users to drag it out as a new paragraph. To use it smoothly, users just need to remember one rule: 'Plug the plug into the socket!'
For similar jobs

Sweep is an AI junior developer that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes. It automatically handles developer experience improvements like adding type hints and improving test coverage.

The Teams AI Library is a software development kit (SDK) that helps developers create bots that can interact with Teams and Microsoft 365 applications. It is built on top of the Bot Framework SDK and simplifies the process of developing bots that interact with Teams' artificial intelligence capabilities. The SDK is available for JavaScript/TypeScript, .NET, and Python.

This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.

Supercharge WordPress Content Workflows and Engagement with Artificial Intelligence. Tap into leading cloud-based services like OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Gemini and IBM Watson to augment your WordPress-powered websites. Publish content faster while improving SEO performance and increasing audience engagement. ClassifAI integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to lighten your workload and eliminate tedious tasks, giving you more time to create original content that matters.

Chatbot UI is an open-source AI chat app that allows users to create and deploy their own AI chatbots. It is easy to use and can be customized to fit any need. Chatbot UI is perfect for businesses, developers, and anyone who wants to create a chatbot.

BricksLLM is a cloud native AI gateway written in Go. Currently, it provides native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI and vLLM. BricksLLM aims to provide enterprise level infrastructure that can power any LLM production use cases. Here are some use cases for BricksLLM: * Set LLM usage limits for users on different pricing tiers * Track LLM usage on a per user and per organization basis * Block or redact requests containing PIIs * Improve LLM reliability with failovers, retries and caching * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for internal development/production use cases * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for students

uAgents is a Python library developed by Fetch.ai that allows for the creation of autonomous AI agents. These agents can perform various tasks on a schedule or take action on various events. uAgents are easy to create and manage, and they are connected to a fast-growing network of other uAgents. They are also secure, with cryptographically secured messages and wallets.

Griptape is a modular Python framework for building AI-powered applications that securely connect to your enterprise data and APIs. It offers developers the ability to maintain control and flexibility at every step. Griptape's core components include Structures (Agents, Pipelines, and Workflows), Tasks, Tools, Memory (Conversation Memory, Task Memory, and Meta Memory), Drivers (Prompt and Embedding Drivers, Vector Store Drivers, Image Generation Drivers, Image Query Drivers, SQL Drivers, Web Scraper Drivers, and Conversation Memory Drivers), Engines (Query Engines, Extraction Engines, Summary Engines, Image Generation Engines, and Image Query Engines), and additional components (Rulesets, Loaders, Artifacts, Chunkers, and Tokenizers). Griptape enables developers to create AI-powered applications with ease and efficiency.