小新Air14 2019款 i5 10210u黑苹果
Stars: 140

XiaoXinAir14IML_2019_hackintosh is a repository dedicated to enabling macOS installation on Lenovo XiaoXin Air-14 IML 2019 laptops. The repository provides detailed information on the hardware specifications, supported systems, BIOS versions, related models, installation methods, updates, patches, and recommended settings. It also includes tools and guides for BIOS modifications, enabling high-resolution display settings, Bluetooth synchronization between macOS and Windows 10, voltage adjustments for efficiency, and experimental support for YogaSMC. The repository offers solutions for various issues like sleep support, sound card emulation, and battery information. It acknowledges the contributions of developers and tools like OpenCore, itlwm, VoodooI2C, and ALCPlugFix.
规格 | 状态 | 详细信息 |
型号💻 | ✅ | Lenovo XiaoXin Air14 IML 2019 |
系统🌌 | ✅ | Catalina/Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma |
CPU🎛️ | ✅ | Intel Core i5-10210U / i7-10510U |
主板🎛️ | ✅ | Lenovo LNVNB161216 |
指纹🖐️ | ⛔ | 指纹无法工作 |
GPU👾 | ⛔ | Nvidia GeForce MX250(屏蔽) |
iGPU👾 | ✅ | Intel UHD 620 |
内存💳 | ✅ | 内置4GB+可更换的32GB DDR4 2666 |
硬盘💽 | ✅ | 见 Benchmarks/Disks |
屏幕🖥️ | ✅ | AUO353D/LGD05EC(14英寸) 1920x1080 60~75Hz(超频) |
声卡🔊 | ✅ | Conexant CX8070 |
wifi🌐 | ✅ | Intel Wireless-AC 9560/DW1820A |
蓝牙🦷 | ✅ | Intel Wireless-AC 9560/DW1820A |
读卡器🗂️ | ✅ | O2 Micro 读卡器(可驱动) / Realtek 读卡器(可驱动) |
触摸板🖐️ | ✅ | 已运行在GPIO中断 Pin=50 |
HDMI📺 | ✅ | 可输出4k30帧,和win表现一致 |
摄像头🎦 | ✅ | USB摄像头还是很好驱动的 |
睡眠😴 | ✅ | 支持原生睡眠 |
- 系统🌌:Catalina / BigSur / Monterey / Ventura / Sonoma
- 硬盘:如果你硬盘是三星PM981A,建议换掉。
- 声卡🔊:仿冒layout-id 15成功,无爆音 耳麦一体耳机需要这个
- 小新Pro13(i5-10210U / i7-10710U)
- 小新13IML
- 小新air13IWL(i5-8265U / i7-8565U)
- 小新air15IKBR(i5-8265U)
- 小新air14(i5-1035G1)
- 小新air14(i7-1065G7)
- 小新air15(i5-1035G1)
- 小新air15(i5-10210U)
- Lenovo-Ideapad-S540-15IML(i5-10210U)
- Lenovo-Ideapad-S540-15IML(i5-10210U)
- Lenovo-Ideapad-S540-15IWL(i5-8265U)
- Lenovo-Ideapad-S540-14IML(i5-10210U)
- Lenovo-Ideapad-S540-14IWL(i5-8265U)
- Lenovo-Ideapad-S540-14IML (i5-10210U / i7-10510U)
2022/05/13 BIOS Version: CKCN19WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/94976/BIOS-CKCN19WW.exe2022/03/18 BIOS Version: CKCN18WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/92231/BIOS-CKCN18WW.exe
2021/07/23 BIOS Version: CKCN17WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/83713/BIOS-CKCN17WW.exe
2021/01/18 BIOS Version: CKCN16WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/78312/BIOS-CKCN16WW.exe
2020/07/24 BIOS Version: CKCN15WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/73409/BIOS-CKCN15WW.exe
2020/06/22 BIOS Version: CKCN14WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/72386/BIOS-CKCN14WW.exe
2019/12/16 BIOS Version: CKCN12WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/67169/BIOS-CKCN12WW.exe
2019/08/08 BIOS Version: CKCN11WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/60449/BIOS-CKCN11WW.exe
2021/07/23 Version: CKME05WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/83714/FW-CKME05WW.exe2020/12/17 Version: CKME03WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/77695/FW-CKME03WW.exe
2020/06/23 Version: CKME02WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/72429/ME-CKME02WW.exe
2019/12/16 Version: CKME01WW http://newdriverdl.lenovo.com.cn/newlenovo/alldriversupload/67174/FW-CKME01WW.exe
2024-05-26 10:30
- 支持macOS Somoma 14.4+
- 更新Opencore和Kexts.
- 如果你使用openCore,BIOS请使用1.0.2之外的版本 (1.0.2需要关掉超线程才能使用oc)
- 改BIOS设置(推荐和必须的地方必须改) https://github.com/lietxia/XiaoXinAir14IML_2019_hackintosh/wiki/bios
- 改DVMT和 CFG Lock(见后文,推荐做)
- 下载balenaEtcher,用它写入:2022-06-19-XiaoXinAir14IML-4in1-installerV7.dmg(提取码:q27r)
- 引导写入的镜像的第二个EFI分区,选择需要安装的系统即可。
- 【防止黑苹果间歇性断网-解决方案 感谢@Unstoppablesss】修改 系统偏好设置/节能/电源适配器/如果可能,使硬盘进入睡眠(修改为off)
- 因目前休眠无法正常唤醒 , 为避免影响到睡眠 , 终端使用命令关闭休眠
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
- 用途:降压获得更高能效,可以显著降低温度或提升一定功耗下的性能(约50%)
- 方法:
- 1.遵循BIOS_UnlockOCPM的指示解开超频菜单
- 2.打开
→Overclocking Performance Menu
→Overclocking Feature
- 3.在macOS中使用VoltageShift进行修改
- 1.遵循BIOS_UnlockOCPM的指示解开超频菜单
- 正常的:风扇三种模式切换、麦克风静音、飞行模式、F10切换屏幕、触摸板开关有提示、键盘背光、Fn功能键切换
- 不正常:摄像头有提示,但是关不掉、锁定功能用不了、Fn+Q不能修改、拔插电源会错误显示键盘背光、电池温度读不出来、不能调整充电速度
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xzhih/one-key-hidpi/dev/hidpi.sh)"
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xzhih/one-key-hidpi/master/hidpi.sh)"
CFG Lock
不然无法使用opencore clover。
推荐方法: 进隐藏BIOS
- BIOS里的
需要关闭,才能进隐藏BIOS - 隐藏BIOS进入姿势
- 电源键开机 → F2进入正常BIOS → 电源键关机 → 然后顺序按下下列键
- 电源键开机 → F2进入隐藏BIOS , 如不成功请加快手速再次尝试
- 推荐设置选项
→Power & Performance
→CPU - Power Management Control
→CPU Lock Configuration
→CFG Lock
→System Agent (SA) Configuration
→Graphics Configuration
→DVMT Pre-Allocated
- BIOS里的
备用方法: windows直接改
参考 https://github.com/lietxia/XiaoXinAir14IML_2019_hackintosh/wiki/DVMT
:- 区域(area) :
- 偏移(offset) :
- 区域(area) :
:- 区域(area) :
- 偏移(offset) :
- 区域(area) :
- 用途:增加M系列独占的高级地图功能
- 方法:运行/macforge/install.command
- 截图键(PrintScreen PrtSC)在mac下是不能用的,我把他映射到F13,自己把截图快捷键改到F13即可(系统偏好设置-键盘-快捷键-截屏)
补丁 | 说明 | 必备 | 建议 | 可选 |
SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.aml | SBUS + MCHC | √ | ||
SSDT-EC-USBX.aml | EC+USBX | √ | ||
SSDT-TPAD-Air14IML | I2C触摸板补丁(AIR14IML专用) | √ | ||
SSDT-DMAC | 仿冒 DMA 控制器 | √ | ||
SSDT-GPRW | 防秒醒:0D / 6D 睡了即醒补丁 | √ | ||
SSDT-PMC | PMC 设备 | √ | ||
SSDT-HPTE | 屏蔽 HPET 补丁 | √ | ||
SSDT-PNLFCFL | Coffee Lake 亮度控制补丁 | √ | ||
SSDT-PR00 | (X86)CPU电源管理补丁(开启XCPM) | √ | ||
SSDT-RMCF-Air14IML | PS2 按键映射补丁 | √ | ||
SSDT-UIAC | 定制USB | √ | ||
SSDT-BATX-Air14IML | 电池附加信息 | √ | ||
SSDT-AWAC | “伪” RTC时钟 | √ | ||
SSDT-ECRW | yogaSMC的EC访问补丁 | √ |
- 拆机需要6号的6角螺丝刀。螺丝拿下来之后,用不用的银行卡,慢慢从屏幕那一侧慢慢拆开 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1X341157kf/
- 如果要买【圆口转USB type转接器】,注意【圆口直径4毫米,孔直径1.7毫米】
- Acidanthera 开发的 OpenCore 和 其他驱动
- Apple 开发的 macOS
- lietxia 维护EFI
- zxystd 开发的 itlwm
- Bat.bat 开发的 IntelBluetoothFirmware 和 HeliPort
- alexandred 开发的 VoodooI2C
- athlonreg 开发的 ALCPlugFix 来修复耳麦一体耳机的问题
- Celestial紗雪 翻译英文readme并制作AIO版本EFI
- sun19970908 提供ALC节点,修改ALCPlugFix并测试CPUFriend
- stevezhengshiqi 开发的 one-key-cpufriend
- SoMeone 破解的隐藏 BIOS
- mandresve 对O2读卡器的支持和Voltageshift超频的启用和测试。
- PoomSmart 开发的 AdvancedMapEnabler
- MacEnhance 开发的 MacForge
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XiaoXinAir14IML_2019_hackintosh is a repository dedicated to enabling macOS installation on Lenovo XiaoXin Air-14 IML 2019 laptops. The repository provides detailed information on the hardware specifications, supported systems, BIOS versions, related models, installation methods, updates, patches, and recommended settings. It also includes tools and guides for BIOS modifications, enabling high-resolution display settings, Bluetooth synchronization between macOS and Windows 10, voltage adjustments for efficiency, and experimental support for YogaSMC. The repository offers solutions for various issues like sleep support, sound card emulation, and battery information. It acknowledges the contributions of developers and tools like OpenCore, itlwm, VoodooI2C, and ALCPlugFix.

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XiaoXinAir14IML_2019_hackintosh is a repository dedicated to enabling macOS installation on Lenovo XiaoXin Air-14 IML 2019 laptops. The repository provides detailed information on the hardware specifications, supported systems, BIOS versions, related models, installation methods, updates, patches, and recommended settings. It also includes tools and guides for BIOS modifications, enabling high-resolution display settings, Bluetooth synchronization between macOS and Windows 10, voltage adjustments for efficiency, and experimental support for YogaSMC. The repository offers solutions for various issues like sleep support, sound card emulation, and battery information. It acknowledges the contributions of developers and tools like OpenCore, itlwm, VoodooI2C, and ALCPlugFix.
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This project aims to create a real-life version of GLaDOS, an aware, interactive, and embodied AI entity. It involves training a voice generator, developing a 'Personality Core,' implementing a memory system, providing vision capabilities, creating 3D-printable parts, and designing an animatronics system. The software architecture focuses on low-latency voice interactions, utilizing a circular buffer for data recording, text streaming for quick transcription, and a text-to-speech system. The project also emphasizes minimal dependencies for running on constrained hardware. The hardware system includes servo- and stepper-motors, 3D-printable parts for GLaDOS's body, animations for expression, and a vision system for tracking and interaction. Installation instructions cover setting up the TTS engine, required Python packages, compiling llama.cpp, installing an inference backend, and voice recognition setup. GLaDOS can be run using 'python glados.py' and tested using 'demo.ipynb'.

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