基于React: v18.x.x/Webpack: v5.x.x//Vite: 4.x.x/React Router v6.x.x/ Antd: v5..x.x/Typescript: v5.x.x/Fetch Api/等最新版本进行构建的企业级中台前端基础模板...
Stars: 742
Pro React Admin is a comprehensive React admin template that includes features such as theme switching, custom component theming, nested routing, webpack optimization, TypeScript support, multi-tabs, internationalization, code styling, commit message configuration, error handling, code splitting, component documentation generation, and more. It also provides tools for mock server implementation, deployment, linting, formatting, and continuous code review. The template supports various technologies like React, React Router, Webpack, Babel, Ant Design, TypeScript, and Vite, making it suitable for building efficient and scalable React admin applications.
- 升级 Ant 5.x.x, 实现亮白与暗黑主题切换,并自定义组件主题,且组合紧凑算法实现相关主题
- 基于 React 最新版本,拥抱 Hooks
- 基于 React Router V6, 实现嵌套路由更方便
- 基于 Webpack 最新版本,实现多环境打包部署,代码分割优化,结合官方分析工具,实时优化代码
- 同时 支持 vite 4.x.x, 极速构建
- 基于 Faker 实现 Mock Server,不依赖后端实现模拟数据更加方便
- 封装 Fetch, 实现 useFetch, 请求更加方便,取消请求,实现请求及响应拦截,方便数据处理及统一报错提示
- 支持 TypeScript 5.x.x, 一切变得可控,扼杀错误于摇篮之中
- 支持多页签,提升效率,支持国际化
- 代码风格统一,项目统一配置 ESLint/Prettier/Husky/EditorConfig
- 配置 Commit message, 使用标准 commit 生成 changelog 标准化
- 配置 Sentry,方便日志追踪,及时发现问题
- 实现 ErrorBoundary,方便定位问题,避免不可预知的问题导致系统崩溃
- 代码分割,组件懒加载,Loading 垂直水平居中
- 集成 Bit,跨项目复用组件,支持在多个仓库间隔离和复用代码,简化协作过程,可以共享、维护和同步来自不同项目的隔离组件
- 集成 Bookstory, 方便生成组件文档
- 更多特性请 fork 项目,相信我,你会有意想不到的收获
- 基于 Antd 实现亮白及暗黑两套主题, 请参见 feature-antd4 分支
- React: v18.x.x React
- React Router: v6.x.x React Router
- Webpack:v5.x.x Webpack
- Babel: v7.x.x Babel, Versions
- Antd: v5.x.x Ant Design
- TypeScript: v5.x.xTypeScript
- Vite: v4.x.x Vite
1. git clone
2. cd pro-react-admin
3. 可以选择以下两种方式的任一方式启动项目, 其他 cli 参考 package.json 中的 scripts
- $ npm start
- $ npm run dev:faker
- $ npm run vite:dev:faker
4. Bit - Build composable software
- $ npm i -g @teambit/bvm
- $ bvm install
- $ bvm upgrade
- $ bit start
5. Storybook -- A tool for UI development
- npx storybook init
- npm run storybook
可以使用为此项目准备的脚手架开发--白泽 baize
> npm install baize --location=global > baize
"alias-skip.mappings": {
"@src": "/src",
"@stateless": "/src/components/stateless",
"@stateful": "/src/components/stateful",
"@hooks": "/src/components/hooks",
"@container": "/src/components/container",
"@assets": "/src/components/assets",
'@pages': path.resolve('./src/pages'),
'@routers': path.resolve('./src/routers'),
'@utils': path.resolve('./src/utils'),
- Settings >> Languages & Frameworks >> Javascript >> Webpack: 指定 Configuration file: webpack\webpack.common.js
npm install
git commit
- changes
- git add . / git cz
- npm run release
npm install --save-dev commitizen npm install --save-dev cz-conventional-changelog "config": { "commitizen": { "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" } } git add . git cz or cz npm install -g conventional-changelog-cli conventional-changelog -p angular -i -s npm install -g standard-version "release": "standard-version --tag-prefix \"publish/\""
The commit message should be structured as follows:
<type>[optional scope]: <description> <BLANK LINE> [optional body] <BLANK LINE> [optional footer(s)]
"type-enum": ["build", "chore", "ci", "docs", "feat", "fix", "perf", "refactor", "revert", "style", "test"]
type-enum 说明文档:
- build: 依赖调整 影响构建系统或外部依赖的更改 (示例作用域:gulp, broccoli, npm)
- chore: 杂务处理 其他不会修改源文件或者测试文件的更改
- ci: 脚本变更 对 CI 配置文件和脚本的更改(示例作用域: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
- docs: 文档变更 添加或者更新文档
- feat: 添加功能 引入新的特性
- fix 错误修复 修复 bug
- perf: 性能优化 更改代码以提高性能
- refactor: 代码重构 即不是修复 Bug,也不是添加特性的代码更改
- revert: 恢复版本 恢复到上一个版本
- style: 格式调整 不会影响代码含义的更改(空格,格式缺少分号等)
- test: 更新测试 添加或者更新测试
// mock index.js
npm run dev:faker
Deployment: [Deployment] (
Deploy gh-pages:
"predeploy": "npm run build:production", "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist",
- 配备比较完善的脚手架:
- 完善文档:
- CacheRoute: react-router-cache-route
- Github:
- Demo:
- npm install -g snyk
- snyk auth
- snyk monitor
- TypeScript: TypeScript
- Mock Server
- 单页面多页签参考
- Axios
- React SVGR
ESLint: ESLint
ESLint is a linter for the JavaScript language, written in Node.js. That helps you find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
Prettier: Prettier
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that formats the code with the help of rules we set.
Husky: Husky
Husky is an NPM package that lets you run a set of commands or script before any git action. For eg pre-push, pre-commit, pre-rebase.
Commit Lint: Commit Lint
CommitLint helps your team adhering to a commit convention. By supporting npm-installed configurations it makes sharing of commit conventions easy.
Editor Config: EditorConfig EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs.
Semantic Versioning: Semantic Versioning
Active hooks:
Conflict eslint prettier Conditional (ternary) operator
// lint-staged "lint-staged": { "**/*": [ "npm run prettier:fix" ], "src/**/*.{js, jsx, ts, tsx}": [ "npm run eslint:fix", "npm run prettier:fix" ], "src/**/*.less": [ "npm run stylelint:fix", "npm run prettier:fix" ], "*.md": [ "npm run markdownlint:fix", "npm run prettier:fix" ] }, // .eslintrc.json "extends": ["plugin:react/recommended", "standard", "prettier"], // package.json "prettier:fix": "prettier --write \"src/**/*\" --end-of-line auto --ignore-unknown",
- Sentry
- 遇到的问题:
- ERROR in Sentry CLI Plugin: spawn /Users/sheldon/Desktop/promotion-manage-web/node_modules/@sentry/cli/sentry-cli ENOENT
- 解决方案参考:
- "sentry:check": "node check-sentry.js
- Self-Hosted Sentry nightly -
- ErrorLens: ErrorLens
- SonarLint:
A CSS Module is a CSS file in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default.
Windi CSS: Windi CSS
TailWind CSS: TailWind CSS
- GitHub Actions
1. npm install jest babel-jest @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react react-test-renderer --save-dev
2. npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react
3. npm install cypress --save-dev
4. npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react-hook
Copyright (c) 2021 Promotion Web Licensed under the Apache License.
npm version [| major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease [--preid=[alpha, beta, rc]] | from-git]
- git tag -a v1.2.0 -m "version: 1.2.0"
- git push origin v1.2.0
- git push origin --tags
brew install nginx brew reinstall nginx /usr/local/var/www /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf /usr/local/etc/nginx/servers/ brew services list brew services start nginx brew services stop nginx brew services restart nginx
server { listen 8081; #server_name localhost; server_name; location / { root /usr/local/var/www/pro-react-admin; index index.html index.htm; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html @rewrites; expires -1; add_header Cache-Control no-cache; # proxy_pass http://localhost:3000; } # 接口转发,如果需要的话 #location ~ ^/api { # proxy_pass; #} location @rewrites { rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.html break; } # 或者全部重定向 # return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } # SwitchHosts!
Nginx for Windows
1. start nginx 2. nginx -s stop 3. nginx -s quit 4. nginx -s reload 5. nginx -s reopen
npm install -g tree-node-cli
Mac: tree -L 2 -I "node_modules" -r -F
Win: treee -L 2 -I "node_modules" -r -F
tree node
pro-react-admin/ ├── workspace.jsonc ├── webpack/ │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── webpack.common.js │ ├── process.js │ ├── paths.js │ └── dev.proxy.js ├── vite.config.js ├── typings/ │ ├── style.d.ts │ ├── declaration.d.ts │ └── asset.d.ts ├── tsconfig.json ├── src/ │ ├── utils/ │ ├── theme.tsx │ ├── theme/ │ ├── styles/ │ ├── store/ │ ├── service/ │ ├── routers/ │ ├── reducers/ │ ├── pages/ │ ├── index.tsx │ ├── components/ │ ├── assets/ │ ├── actions/ │ └── App.tsx ├── public/ │ ├── robots.txt │ ├── manifest.json │ ├── loading.svg │ ├── index.html │ └── favicon.ico ├── packagehash.txt ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── index.html ├── faker/ │ ├── utils/ │ ├── shops/ │ ├── index.js │ └── app/ ├── docker-compose.yml ├── dist/ │ ├── static/ │ ├── │ ├── react.bb194261542b956cd3ea.js.gz │ ├── react.bb194261542b956cd3ea.js.LICENSE.txt │ ├── react.bb194261542b956cd3ea.js │ ├── index.html │ └── favicon.ico ├── compilation-stats.json ├── check-sentry.js ├── babel.config.js ├── api/ │ ├── server.js │ ├── package.json │ ├── package-lock.json ├── ├── ├── LICENSE ├── Dockerfile ├── └──
npm run analyze:build
- "lint:json": "jsonlint --quiet src/*/.json",
- "standard": "standard src/*/",
- "standard:fix": "standard --fix src/*/",
- rm -rf package-lock.json
npm install [email protected] --save-dev
"webpack-dev-server": "^4.1.1",
Uncaught TypeError: SocketClient is not a constructor
首先确认自己 git 拉取代码的方式
git remote -v
git config --global https.proxy git config --global http.proxy git config --global http.proxy 'socks5://' git config --global https.proxy 'socks5://'
git config --get --global http.proxy
查看 git 配置
git config --global --list
git config --global --unset http.proxy git config --global --unset https.proxy
参考官网: 按以下步骤进行设置:
删除 .git 目录下的 hooks 及 .husky
查看 git config 配置是否存在 core.hookspath=.husky
git config --list
删除配置及卸载 Huksy:
npm uninstall husky && git config --unset core.hookspath
再次安装 Husky:
npm install husky --save-dev // npm set-script prepare "husky install" npx husky-init
新增 Hooks:
npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged" npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx pretty-quick --staged" npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npx --no-install commitlint --edit' npx husky add .husky/prepare-commit-msg 'exec < /dev/tty && npx cz --hook || true'
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Alternative AI tools for pro-react-admin
Similar Open Source Tools
Pro React Admin is a comprehensive React admin template that includes features such as theme switching, custom component theming, nested routing, webpack optimization, TypeScript support, multi-tabs, internationalization, code styling, commit message configuration, error handling, code splitting, component documentation generation, and more. It also provides tools for mock server implementation, deployment, linting, formatting, and continuous code review. The template supports various technologies like React, React Router, Webpack, Babel, Ant Design, TypeScript, and Vite, making it suitable for building efficient and scalable React admin applications.
AIGES is a core component of the Athena Serving Framework, designed as a universal encapsulation tool for AI developers to deploy AI algorithm models and engines quickly. By integrating AIGES, you can deploy AI algorithm models and engines rapidly and host them on the Athena Serving Framework, utilizing supporting auxiliary systems for networking, distribution strategies, data processing, etc. The Athena Serving Framework aims to accelerate the cloud service of AI algorithm models and engines, providing multiple guarantees for cloud service stability through cloud-native architecture. You can efficiently and securely deploy, upgrade, scale, operate, and monitor models and engines without focusing on underlying infrastructure and service-related development, governance, and operations.
Chocolate Factory is an open-source LLM application development framework designed to help you easily create powerful software development SDLC + LLM assistants. It provides a set of modules for integration into JVM projects and offers RAGScript for querying and local deployment examples. The tool follows a domain-driven problem-solving approach with key concepts like ProblemClarifier, ProblemAnalyzer, SolutionDesigner, SolutionReviewer, and SolutionExecutor. It supports use cases in desktop/IDE, server, and Android development, with a focus on AI-powered coding assistance and semantic search capabilities.
ChocoBuilder (aka Chocolate Factory) is an open-source LLM application development framework designed to help you easily create powerful software development SDLC + LLM generation assistants. It provides modules for integration into JVM projects, usage with RAGScript, and local deployment examples. ChocoBuilder follows a Domain Driven Problem-Solving design philosophy with key concepts like ProblemClarifier, ProblemAnalyzer, SolutionDesigner, SolutionReviewer, and SolutionExecutor. It offers use cases for desktop/IDE, server, and Android applications, with examples for frontend design, semantic code search, testcase generation, and code interpretation.
aiwechat-vercel is a tool that integrates AI capabilities into WeChat public accounts using Vercel functions. It requires minimal server setup, low entry barriers, and only needs a domain name that can be bound to Vercel, with almost zero cost. The tool supports various AI models, continuous Q&A sessions, chat functionality, system prompts, and custom commands. It aims to provide a platform for learning and experimentation with AI integration in WeChat public accounts.
Java-Interview-Tutorial is a repository containing resources and tutorials for Java interview preparation. It provides guidance on setting up the project locally, adjusting image paths, and submitting articles. The repository also includes instructions for configuring the project and using Git GUI tools for managing content. Users can learn about Java concurrency programming and navigate through the content easily. The repository emphasizes clean article titles and content formatting to ensure proper display on the website.
Beelzebub is an advanced honeypot framework designed to provide a highly secure environment for detecting and analyzing cyber attacks. It offers a low code approach for easy implementation and utilizes virtualization techniques powered by OpenAI Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Key features include OpenAI Generative Pre-trained Transformer acting as Linux virtualization, SSH Honeypot, HTTP Honeypot, TCP Honeypot, Prometheus openmetrics integration, Docker integration, RabbitMQ integration, and kubernetes support. Beelzebub allows easy configuration for different services and ports, enabling users to create custom honeypot scenarios. The roadmap includes developing Beelzebub into a robust PaaS platform. The project welcomes contributions and encourages adherence to the Code of Conduct for a supportive and respectful community.
Agentic Security is an open-source vulnerability scanner designed for safety scanning, offering customizable rule sets and agent-based attacks. It provides comprehensive fuzzing for any LLMs, LLM API integration, and stress testing with a wide range of fuzzing and attack techniques. The tool is not a foolproof solution but aims to enhance security measures against potential threats. It offers installation via pip and supports quick start commands for easy setup. Users can utilize the tool for LLM integration, adding custom datasets, running CI checks, extending dataset collections, and dynamic datasets with mutations. The tool also includes a probe endpoint for integration testing. The roadmap includes expanding dataset variety, introducing new attack vectors, developing an attacker LLM, and integrating OWASP Top 10 classification.
Senparc.AI is an AI extension package for the Senparc ecosystem, focusing on LLM (Large Language Models) interaction. It provides modules for standard interfaces and basic functionalities, as well as interfaces using SemanticKernel for plug-and-play capabilities. The package also includes a library for supporting the 'PromptRange' ecosystem, compatible with various systems and frameworks. Users can configure different AI platforms and models, define AI interface parameters, and run AI functions easily. The package offers examples and commands for dialogue, embedding, and DallE drawing operations.
OptScale is an open-source FinOps and MLOps platform that provides cloud cost optimization for all types of organizations and MLOps capabilities like experiment tracking, model versioning, ML leaderboards.
Auto-subs is a tool designed to automatically transcribe editing timelines using OpenAI Whisper and Stable-TS for extreme accuracy. It generates subtitles in a custom style, is completely free, and runs locally within Davinci Resolve. It works on Mac, Linux, and Windows, supporting both Free and Studio versions of Resolve. Users can jump to positions on the timeline using the Subtitle Navigator and translate from any language to English. The tool provides a user-friendly interface for creating and customizing subtitles for video content.
Acte is a framework designed to build GUI-like tools for AI Agents. It aims to address the issues of cognitive load and freedom degrees when interacting with multiple APIs in complex scenarios. By providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for Agents, Acte helps reduce cognitive load and constraints interaction, similar to how humans interact with computers through GUIs. The tool offers APIs for starting new sessions, executing actions, and displaying screens, accessible via HTTP requests or the SessionManager class.
This repository provides a set of ROS 2 packages to integrate llama.cpp into ROS 2. By using the llama_ros packages, you can easily incorporate the powerful optimization capabilities of llama.cpp into your ROS 2 projects by running GGUF-based LLMs and VLMs.
Clarity AI is a free and open-source AI image upscaler and enhancer, providing an alternative to Magnific. It offers various features such as multi-step upscaling, resemblance fixing, speed improvements, support for custom safetensors checkpoints, anime upscaling, LoRa support, pre-downscaling, and fractality. Users can access the tool through the app, ComfyUI manager, API, or by deploying and running locally or in the cloud with cog or A1111 webUI. The tool aims to enhance image quality and resolution using advanced AI algorithms and models.
CortexTheseus is a full node implementation of the Cortex blockchain, written in C++. It provides a complete set of features for interacting with the Cortex network, including the ability to create and manage accounts, send and receive transactions, and participate in consensus. CortexTheseus is designed to be scalable, secure, and easy to use, making it an ideal choice for developers building applications on the Cortex blockchain.
ChatGLM3 is a conversational pretrained model jointly released by Zhipu AI and THU's KEG Lab. ChatGLM3-6B is the open-sourced model in the ChatGLM3 series. It inherits the advantages of its predecessors, such as fluent conversation and low deployment threshold. In addition, ChatGLM3-6B introduces the following features: 1. A stronger foundation model: ChatGLM3-6B's foundation model ChatGLM3-6B-Base employs more diverse training data, more sufficient training steps, and more reasonable training strategies. Evaluation on datasets from different perspectives, such as semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, and knowledge, shows that ChatGLM3-6B-Base has the strongest performance among foundation models below 10B parameters. 2. More complete functional support: ChatGLM3-6B adopts a newly designed prompt format, which supports not only normal multi-turn dialogue, but also complex scenarios such as tool invocation (Function Call), code execution (Code Interpreter), and Agent tasks. 3. A more comprehensive open-source sequence: In addition to the dialogue model ChatGLM3-6B, the foundation model ChatGLM3-6B-Base, the long-text dialogue model ChatGLM3-6B-32K, and ChatGLM3-6B-128K, which further enhances the long-text comprehension ability, are also open-sourced. All the above weights are completely open to academic research and are also allowed for free commercial use after filling out a questionnaire.
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Noi is an AI-enhanced customizable browser designed to streamline digital experiences. It includes curated AI websites, allows adding any URL, offers prompts management, Noi Ask for batch messaging, various themes, Noi Cache Mode for quick link access, cookie data isolation, and more. Users can explore, extend, and empower their browsing experience with Noi.
Svelte Commerce is an open-source frontend for eCommerce, utilizing a PWA and headless approach with a modern JS stack. It supports integration with various eCommerce backends like MedusaJS, Woocommerce, Bigcommerce, and Shopify. The API flexibility allows seamless connection with third-party tools such as payment gateways, POS systems, and AI services. Svelte Commerce offers essential eCommerce features, is both SSR and SPA, superfast, and free to download and modify. Users can easily deploy it on Netlify or Vercel with zero configuration. The tool provides features like headless commerce, authentication, cart & checkout, TailwindCSS styling, server-side rendering, proxy + API integration, animations, lazy loading, search functionality, faceted filters, and more.
Pro React Admin is a comprehensive React admin template that includes features such as theme switching, custom component theming, nested routing, webpack optimization, TypeScript support, multi-tabs, internationalization, code styling, commit message configuration, error handling, code splitting, component documentation generation, and more. It also provides tools for mock server implementation, deployment, linting, formatting, and continuous code review. The template supports various technologies like React, React Router, Webpack, Babel, Ant Design, TypeScript, and Vite, making it suitable for building efficient and scalable React admin applications.
AI-GAL is a tool that offers a visual GUI for easier configuration file editing, branch selection mode for content generation, and bug fixes. Users can configure settings in config.ini, utilize cloud-based AI drawing and voice modes, set themes for script generation, and enjoy a wallpaper. Prior to usage, ensure a 4GB+ GPU, chatgpt key or local LLM deployment, and installation of stable diffusion, gpt-sovits, and rembg. To start, fill out the config.ini file and run necessary APIs. Restart a storyline by clearing story.txt in the game directory. Encounter errors? Copy the log.txt details and send them for assistance.
KaTrain is a tool designed for analyzing games and playing go with AI feedback from KataGo. Users can review their games to find costly moves, play against AI with immediate feedback, play against weakened AI versions, and generate focused SGF reviews. The tool provides various features such as previews, tutorials, installation instructions, and configuration options for KataGo. Users can play against AI, receive instant feedback on moves, explore variations, and request in-depth analysis. KaTrain also supports distributed training for contributing to KataGo's strength and training bigger models. The tool offers themes customization, FAQ section, and opportunities for support and contribution through GitHub issues and Discord community.
Complexity is a community-driven, open-source, and free third-party extension that enhances the features of It provides various UI/UX/QoL tweaks, LLM/Image gen model selectors, a customizable theme, and a prompts library. The tool intercepts network traffic to alter the behavior of the host page, offering a solution to the limitations of Users can install Complexity from Chrome Web Store, Mozilla Add-on, or build it from the source code.
For similar jobs
Protofy is a full-stack, batteries-included low-code enabled web/app and IoT system with an API system and real-time messaging. It is based on Protofy (protoflow + visualui + protolib + protodevices) + Expo + Next.js + Tamagui + Solito + Express + Aedes + Redbird + Many other amazing packages. Protofy can be used to fast prototype Apps, webs, IoT systems, automations, or APIs. It is a ultra-extensible CMS with supercharged capabilities, mobile support, and IoT support (esp32 thanks to esphome).
VisionCamera is a powerful, high-performance Camera library for React Native. It features Photo and Video capture, QR/Barcode scanner, Customizable devices and multi-cameras ("fish-eye" zoom), Customizable resolutions and aspect-ratios (4k/8k images), Customizable FPS (30..240 FPS), Frame Processors (JS worklets to run facial recognition, AI object detection, realtime video chats, ...), Smooth zooming (Reanimated), Fast pause and resume, HDR & Night modes, Custom C++/GPU accelerated video pipeline (OpenGL).
This repository contains information about various IT seminars and developer conferences in South Korea, allowing users to watch replays of past events. It covers a wide range of topics such as AI, big data, cloud, infrastructure, devops, blockchain, mobility, games, security, mobile development, frontend, programming languages, open source, education, and community events. Users can explore upcoming and past events, view related YouTube channels, and access additional resources like free programming ebooks and data structures and algorithms tutorials.
OpenDevin is an open-source project aiming to replicate Devin, an autonomous AI software engineer capable of executing complex engineering tasks and collaborating actively with users on software development projects. The project aspires to enhance and innovate upon Devin through the power of the open-source community. Users can contribute to the project by developing core functionalities, frontend interface, or sandboxing solutions, participating in research and evaluation of LLMs in software engineering, and providing feedback and testing on the OpenDevin toolset.
Polyfire is an all-in-one managed backend for AI apps that allows users to build AI applications directly from the frontend, eliminating the need for a separate backend. It simplifies the process by providing most backend services in just a few lines of code. With Polyfire, users can easily create chatbots, transcribe audio files, generate simple text, manage long-term memory, and generate images. The tool also offers starter guides and tutorials to help users get started quickly and efficiently.
SDFX is the ultimate no-code platform for building and sharing AI apps with beautiful UI. It enables the creation of user-friendly interfaces for complex workflows by combining Comfy workflow with a UI. The tool is designed to merge the benefits of form-based UI and graph-node based UI, allowing users to create intricate graphs with a high-level UI overlay. SDFX is fully compatible with ComfyUI, abstracting the need for installing ComfyUI. It offers features like animated graph navigation, node bookmarks, UI debugger, custom nodes manager, app and template export, image and mask editor, and more. The tool compiles as a native app or web app, making it easy to maintain and add new features.
Aimeos Laravel is a professional, full-featured, and ultra-fast Laravel ecommerce package that can be easily integrated into existing Laravel applications. It offers a wide range of features including multi-vendor, multi-channel, and multi-warehouse support, fast performance, support for various product types, subscriptions with recurring payments, multiple payment gateways, full RTL support, flexible pricing options, admin backend, REST and GraphQL APIs, modular structure, SEO optimization, multi-language support, AI-based text translation, mobile optimization, and high-quality source code. The package is highly configurable and extensible, making it suitable for e-commerce SaaS solutions, marketplaces, and online shops with millions of vendors.
llm-ui is a React library designed for LLMs, providing features such as removing broken markdown syntax, adding custom components to LLM output, smoothing out pauses in streamed output, rendering at native frame rate, supporting code blocks for every language with Shiki, and being headless to allow for custom styles. The library aims to enhance the user experience and flexibility when working with LLMs.