AI Serving framework loader
Stars: 275
AIGES is a core component of the Athena Serving Framework, designed as a universal encapsulation tool for AI developers to deploy AI algorithm models and engines quickly. By integrating AIGES, you can deploy AI algorithm models and engines rapidly and host them on the Athena Serving Framework, utilizing supporting auxiliary systems for networking, distribution strategies, data processing, etc. The Athena Serving Framework aims to accelerate the cloud service of AI algorithm models and engines, providing multiple guarantees for cloud service stability through cloud-native architecture. You can efficiently and securely deploy, upgrade, scale, operate, and monitor models and engines without focusing on underlying infrastructure and service-related development, governance, and operations.
AIGES是 Athena Serving Framework中的核心组件,它是一个个专为AI能力开发者打造的AI算法模型、引擎的通用封装工具。 您可以通过集成AIGES,快速部署AI算法模型、引擎,并托管于Athena Serving Framework,即可使用网络、分发策略、数据处理等配套辅助系统。 Athena Serving Framework 致力于加速AI算法模型、引擎云服务化,并借助云原生架构,为云服务的稳定提供多重保障。 您无需关注底层基础设施及服务化相关的开发、治理和运维,即可高效、安全地对模型、引擎进行部署、升级、扩缩、运营和监控。
☑ 支持模型推理成RPC服务(Serving框架会转成HTTP服务)
☑ 支持C代码推理
☑ 支持Python代码推理
☑ 支持once(非流式)推理、流式推理
☑ 支持配置中心,服务发现
☑ 支持负载均衡配置
☑ Cgo模式/GRPC模式切换 [go 和 python通信方式]
参见: 👉👉👉ase-proto
python 版本请选用 3.9+ 也可以下载我们的docker镜像
如下流程可在容器环境中进行 (无需gpu):
docker run -itd --name mnist2 -p 1889:1888 bash
您也可以自己准备环境, 直接下载二进制在您自己的任何环境上运行aiges.
pip3 install aiges==0.5.0 -i
python3 -m aiges create -n mnist
root# tree mnist/
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
└── wrapper
├── test_data
│ └── test.png
tar zxvf aiges_3.0-alpha11_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C mnist
root@505a3a0e670c:/home/aiges# ./AIservice
- 本地模式运行
1: ./AIservice -init , 初始化配置文件 aiges.toml (若存在,则不会替换)
2: ./AIservice -m=0 , 仅用于本地模式运行
3: ./AIservice -mnist , 下载mnistdemo
- 配置中心模式 (开源计划删除)
- 更多参数选项: 请执行 ./AIservice -h
➜ mnist git:(master) ✗ tree -L 3 .
├── AIservice
├── Dockerfile
├── include
│ ├── type.h
│ └── wrapper.h
├── library
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── requirements.txt
└── wrapper
├── test_data
│ └── test.png
4 directories, 11 files
export AIGES_PLUGIN_MODE=python
./AIservice -init
【会在当前目录下生成一个 aiges.toml】 -
./AIservice -m 0 -c aiges.toml -s svcName
启动引擎,此时结果如下:【注意svcName必须和aiges 的section对应,当前默认就是 svcName】
root@012d31456c50:/home/aiges/mnist# ./AIservice -m 0 -c aiges.toml -s svcName
2022/11/15 18:22:01 widgetpy.go:26: Starting Using Python :
config.toml version:
2022/11/15 18:22:01 utils.NewLocalLog success. -> LOGLEVEL:debug, FILENAME:./log/aiges.log, MAXSIZE:3, MAXBACKUPS:3, MAXAGE:3
2022/11/15 18:22:01 host2ip->ip:,port:5090
2022/11/15 18:22:01 finderSwitch:0,finderSwitchErr:<nil>
2022/11/15 18:22:01 about to deal with hermes.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 NewSessionManager success.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 NewSidGenerator success.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 fn:AbleTrace,able:false
2022/11/15 18:22:02 about to deal finder.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 about to deal metrics.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 metrics is disable
2022/11/15 18:22:02 about to deal rateLimiter.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 about to deal vCpuManager.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 about to deal bvtVerifier.
2022/11/15 18:22:02 namespace not set, use default
2022/11/15 18:22:02 bvt is disable
header pass list: []
2022-11-15T18:22:02.476+0800 [WARN] python-plugin: plugin configured with a nil SecureConfig
2022-11-15T18:22:02.477+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: starting plugin: path=/bin/sh args=[sh, -c, "/usr/bin/env python -m aiges.serve"]
2022-11-15T18:22:02.478+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: plugin started: path=/bin/sh pid=126
2022-11-15T18:22:02.478+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: waiting for RPC address: path=/bin/sh
2022-11-15T18:22:02.653+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: using plugin: version=1
2022-11-15T18:22:02.655+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err="rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = Method not found!"
2022-11-15T18:22:02.656+0800 [DEBUG] root:wrapperInit:107 - INFO: Importing module from wrapper
2022-11-15T18:22:02.657+0800 [DEBUG] root:wrapperInit:119 - ERROR: module 'wrapper' has no attribute 'Wrapper'
2022/11/15 18:22:02 grpc.go:20: Call WrapperInit Failed...ret: 30001
这是因为我们的 wrapper还未准备好
下载 mnist demo:
./AIservice -mnist
项目,并解压到当前目录 aiges_demo
如果此命令长时间没有反应,可能是因为GFW问题, 可手动下载
unzip 解压到当 aiges_demo目录中即可【注意手动解压可能嵌套了一层 aiges_demo_1.0.0目录】。
删除 当前mnist下默认生成的wrapper目录,替换上述的demo
rm -r wrapper
cp -ra aiges_demo/mnist/wrapper/ ./
cp -ra aiges_demo/mnist/requirements.txt mnist/
pip install -r requirements.txt
export AIGES_PLUGIN_MODE=python
export PYTHONPATH=/home/aiges/mnist/wrapper
再次运行引擎 ./AIservice -m 0 -c aiges.toml -s svcName
2022/11/15 21:26:29 widgetpy.go:26: Starting Using Python :
config.toml version:
2022/11/15 21:26:29 utils.NewLocalLog success. -> LOGLEVEL:debug, FILENAME:./log/aiges.log, MAXSIZE:3, MAXBACKUPS:3, MAXAGE:3
2022/11/15 21:26:29 host2ip->ip:,port:5090
2022/11/15 21:26:29 finderSwitch:0,finderSwitchErr:<nil>
2022/11/15 21:26:29 about to deal with hermes.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 NewSessionManager success.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 NewSidGenerator success.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 fn:AbleTrace,able:false
2022/11/15 21:26:30 about to deal finder.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 about to deal metrics.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 metrics is disable
2022/11/15 21:26:30 about to deal rateLimiter.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 about to deal vCpuManager.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 about to deal bvtVerifier.
2022/11/15 21:26:30 namespace not set, use default
2022/11/15 21:26:30 bvt is disable
header pass list: []
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
- using env: export GIN_MODE=release
- using code: gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
[GIN-debug] GET /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PUT /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PATCH /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
2022-11-15T21:26:30.116+0800 [WARN] python-plugin: plugin configured with a nil SecureConfig
2022-11-15T21:26:30.116+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: starting plugin: path=/bin/sh args=[sh, -c, "/usr/bin/env python -m aiges.serve"]
[GIN-debug] OPTIONS /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] DELETE /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] CONNECT /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] TRACE /v1/svcName -->*Server).ginHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /test.json --> (3 handlers)
2022-11-15T21:26:30.116+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: plugin started: path=/bin/sh pid=1081
2022-11-15T21:26:30.116+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: waiting for RPC address: path=/bin/sh
[GIN-debug] GET /swagger/*any --> (3 handlers)
2022-11-15T21:26:30.242+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin: using plugin: version=1
2022-11-15T21:26:30.244+0800 [DEBUG] python-plugin.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err="rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = Method not found!"
2022-11-15T21:26:30.245+0800 [DEBUG] root:wrapperInit:107 - INFO: Importing module from wrapper
2022-11-15T21:26:31.642+0800 [DEBUG] root:_check_path:151 - WARNING: <class 'FileNotFoundError'>
2022-11-15T21:26:31.643+0800 [DEBUG] root:wrapperInit:112 - INFO: User Wrapper newed Success.. starting call user init functions...
2022-11-15T21:26:31.643+0800 [DEBUG] root:wrapperInit:85 - INFO: Initializing ...
2022-11-15T21:26:31.666+0800 [DEBUG] root:wrapperSchema:141 - INFO: Entering warpperSchema ...
2022-11-15T21:26:31.672+0800 [DEBUG] root:test_value:233 - WARNING: test_data/0.png not exist.. check
2022-11-15T21:26:31.672+0800 [DEBUG] root:schema:434 - INFO: Genrating Schema...
aiService.Init: init success!
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about init interceptor
2022/11/15 21:26:31 success init interceptor
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to call grpc.NewServer(opts...),maxRecv:4194304,maxSend:4194304
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to call utils.RegisterXsfCallServer(x.grpcserver, srv)
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to call reflection.Register(x.grpcserver)
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to exec userCallback
2022/11/15 21:26:31 deal with UserHighPriority
2022/11/15 21:26:31 deal with UserNormalPriority
2022/11/15 21:26:31 deal with UserLowPriority
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to call x.grpcserver.Serve
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to check if the grpc service([::]:5090) is started
2022/11/15 21:26:31 grpc server([::]:5090) started successfully
2022/11/15 21:26:31 bvtVerifierInst is disable,ignore...
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to call finderadapter.Register([::]:5090)
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to exec fcDelayInst
2022/11/15 21:26:31 about to call fc delay task
2022/11/15 21:26:31 blocking for grpcserver.Serve
默认监听 http端口是: 1888, 可从aiges.toml文件中看到
api地址: http://youIP:1888/v1/svcName [具体地址可以访问 http://youIP:1888 swagger进行查看]
post方式请求: body 部分
"data_type": "text"
"header": {
"code": 0,
"sid": "0d9115af-0c6b-4526-a539-05b3c8aa9cfa",
"status": 3
"payload": {
"result": {
"compress": "raw",
"encoding": "utf8",
"format": "plain",
"seq": "0",
"status": "3",
"text":"{\"result\": 7, \"msg\": \"\识\别\结\果\为\数\字: 7\"}"
当前默认集成了 swagger2.0 for openapi3.0.
Try it out ! 可以复制上述 postman部分的 body进行请求。
- 至此,单独的aiges加载器完成基本运行
由于alpha 是裁剪后,并刚刚合并了 http接口部分,很多功能还不完善,但是基本可以托管能力
- focus on:
- contact:
注意备注来源: 开源
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Alternative AI tools for aiges
Similar Open Source Tools
AIGES is a core component of the Athena Serving Framework, designed as a universal encapsulation tool for AI developers to deploy AI algorithm models and engines quickly. By integrating AIGES, you can deploy AI algorithm models and engines rapidly and host them on the Athena Serving Framework, utilizing supporting auxiliary systems for networking, distribution strategies, data processing, etc. The Athena Serving Framework aims to accelerate the cloud service of AI algorithm models and engines, providing multiple guarantees for cloud service stability through cloud-native architecture. You can efficiently and securely deploy, upgrade, scale, operate, and monitor models and engines without focusing on underlying infrastructure and service-related development, governance, and operations.
GPT Academic is a powerful tool that leverages the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to enhance academic research and writing. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows researchers, students, and professionals to interact with LLMs and utilize their abilities for various academic tasks. With GPT Academic, users can access a wide range of features and functionalities, including: * **Summarization and Paraphrasing:** GPT Academic can summarize complex texts, articles, and research papers into concise and informative summaries. It can also paraphrase text to improve clarity and readability. * **Question Answering:** Users can ask GPT Academic questions related to their research or studies, and the tool will provide comprehensive and well-informed answers based on its knowledge and understanding of the relevant literature. * **Code Generation and Explanation:** GPT Academic can generate code snippets and provide explanations for complex coding concepts. It can also help debug code and suggest improvements. * **Translation:** GPT Academic supports translation of text between multiple languages, making it a valuable tool for researchers working with international collaborations or accessing resources in different languages. * **Citation and Reference Management:** GPT Academic can help users manage their citations and references by automatically generating citations in various formats and providing suggestions for relevant references based on the user's research topic. * **Collaboration and Note-Taking:** GPT Academic allows users to collaborate on projects and take notes within the tool. They can share their work with others and access a shared workspace for real-time collaboration. * **Customizable Interface:** GPT Academic offers a customizable interface that allows users to tailor the tool to their specific needs and preferences. They can choose from a variety of themes, adjust the layout, and add or remove features to create a personalized workspace. Overall, GPT Academic is a versatile and powerful tool that can significantly enhance the productivity and efficiency of academic research and writing. It empowers users to leverage the capabilities of LLMs and unlock new possibilities for academic exploration and knowledge creation.
The Qianfan SDK provides best practices for large model toolchains, allowing AI workflows and AI-native applications to access the Qianfan large model platform elegantly and conveniently. The core capabilities of the SDK include three parts: large model reasoning, large model training, and general and extension: * `Large model reasoning`: Implements interface encapsulation for reasoning of Yuyan (ERNIE-Bot) series, open source large models, etc., supporting dialogue, completion, Embedding, etc. * `Large model training`: Based on platform capabilities, it supports end-to-end large model training process, including training data, fine-tuning/pre-training, and model services. * `General and extension`: General capabilities include common AI development tools such as Prompt/Debug/Client. The extension capability is based on the characteristics of Qianfan to adapt to common middleware frameworks.
OptScale is an open-source FinOps and MLOps platform that provides cloud cost optimization for all types of organizations and MLOps capabilities like experiment tracking, model versioning, ML leaderboards.
Senparc.AI is an AI extension package for the Senparc ecosystem, focusing on LLM (Large Language Models) interaction. It provides modules for standard interfaces and basic functionalities, as well as interfaces using SemanticKernel for plug-and-play capabilities. The package also includes a library for supporting the 'PromptRange' ecosystem, compatible with various systems and frameworks. Users can configure different AI platforms and models, define AI interface parameters, and run AI functions easily. The package offers examples and commands for dialogue, embedding, and DallE drawing operations.
Open-Lyrics is a Python library that transcribes voice files using faster-whisper and translates/polishes the resulting text into `.lrc` files in the desired language using LLM, e.g. OpenAI-GPT, Anthropic-Claude. It offers well preprocessed audio to reduce hallucination and context-aware translation to improve translation quality. Users can install the library from PyPI or GitHub and follow the installation steps to set up the environment. The tool supports GUI usage and provides Python code examples for transcription and translation tasks. It also includes features like utilizing context and glossary for translation enhancement, pricing information for different models, and a list of todo tasks for future improvements.
EduChat is a large-scale language model-based chatbot system designed for intelligent education by the EduNLP team at East China Normal University. The project focuses on developing a dialogue-based language model for the education vertical domain, integrating diverse education vertical domain data, and providing functions such as automatic question generation, homework correction, emotional support, course guidance, and college entrance examination consultation. The tool aims to serve teachers, students, and parents to achieve personalized, fair, and warm intelligent education.
ScaleLLM is a cutting-edge inference system engineered for large language models (LLMs), meticulously designed to meet the demands of production environments. It extends its support to a wide range of popular open-source models, including Llama3, Gemma, Bloom, GPT-NeoX, and more. ScaleLLM is currently undergoing active development. We are fully committed to consistently enhancing its efficiency while also incorporating additional features. Feel free to explore our **_Roadmap_** for more details. ## Key Features * High Efficiency: Excels in high-performance LLM inference, leveraging state-of-the-art techniques and technologies like Flash Attention, Paged Attention, Continuous batching, and more. * Tensor Parallelism: Utilizes tensor parallelism for efficient model execution. * OpenAI-compatible API: An efficient golang rest api server that compatible with OpenAI. * Huggingface models: Seamless integration with most popular HF models, supporting safetensors. * Customizable: Offers flexibility for customization to meet your specific needs, and provides an easy way to add new models. * Production Ready: Engineered with production environments in mind, ScaleLLM is equipped with robust system monitoring and management features to ensure a seamless deployment experience.
The 'meet-libai' project aims to promote and popularize the cultural heritage of the Chinese poet Li Bai by constructing a knowledge graph of Li Bai and training a professional AI intelligent body using large models. The project includes features such as data preprocessing, knowledge graph construction, question-answering system development, and visualization exploration of the graph structure. It also provides code implementations for large models and RAG retrieval enhancement.
Ollama4j is a Java library that serves as a wrapper or binding for the Ollama server. It allows users to communicate with the Ollama server and manage models for various deployment scenarios. The library provides APIs for interacting with Ollama, generating fake data, testing UI interactions, translating messages, and building web UIs. Users can easily integrate Ollama4j into their Java projects to leverage the functionalities offered by the Ollama server.
Agentic Security is an open-source vulnerability scanner designed for safety scanning, offering customizable rule sets and agent-based attacks. It provides comprehensive fuzzing for any LLMs, LLM API integration, and stress testing with a wide range of fuzzing and attack techniques. The tool is not a foolproof solution but aims to enhance security measures against potential threats. It offers installation via pip and supports quick start commands for easy setup. Users can utilize the tool for LLM integration, adding custom datasets, running CI checks, extending dataset collections, and dynamic datasets with mutations. The tool also includes a probe endpoint for integration testing. The roadmap includes expanding dataset variety, introducing new attack vectors, developing an attacker LLM, and integrating OWASP Top 10 classification.
Metaso AI Free service supports high-speed streaming output, secret tower AI super network search (full network or academic as well as concise, in-depth, research three modes), zero-configuration deployment, multi-token support. Fully compatible with ChatGPT interface. It also has seven other free APIs available for use. The tool provides various deployment options such as Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, and native deployment. Users can access the tool for chat completions and token live checks. Note: Reverse API is unstable, it is recommended to use the official Metaso AI website to avoid the risk of banning. This project is for research and learning purposes only, not for commercial use.
ChatGLM3 is a conversational pretrained model jointly released by Zhipu AI and THU's KEG Lab. ChatGLM3-6B is the open-sourced model in the ChatGLM3 series. It inherits the advantages of its predecessors, such as fluent conversation and low deployment threshold. In addition, ChatGLM3-6B introduces the following features: 1. A stronger foundation model: ChatGLM3-6B's foundation model ChatGLM3-6B-Base employs more diverse training data, more sufficient training steps, and more reasonable training strategies. Evaluation on datasets from different perspectives, such as semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, and knowledge, shows that ChatGLM3-6B-Base has the strongest performance among foundation models below 10B parameters. 2. More complete functional support: ChatGLM3-6B adopts a newly designed prompt format, which supports not only normal multi-turn dialogue, but also complex scenarios such as tool invocation (Function Call), code execution (Code Interpreter), and Agent tasks. 3. A more comprehensive open-source sequence: In addition to the dialogue model ChatGLM3-6B, the foundation model ChatGLM3-6B-Base, the long-text dialogue model ChatGLM3-6B-32K, and ChatGLM3-6B-128K, which further enhances the long-text comprehension ability, are also open-sourced. All the above weights are completely open to academic research and are also allowed for free commercial use after filling out a questionnaire.
The json-translator repository provides a free tool to translate JSON/YAML files or JSON objects into different languages using various translation modules. It supports CLI usage and package support, allowing users to translate words, sentences, JSON objects, and JSON files. The tool also offers multi-language translation, ignoring specific words, and safe translation practices. Users can contribute to the project by updating CLI, translation functions, JSON operations, and more. The roadmap includes features like Libre Translate option, Argos Translate option, Bing Translate option, and support for additional translation modules.
CareGPT is a medical large language model (LLM) that explores medical data, training, and deployment related research work. It integrates resources, open-source models, rich data, and efficient deployment methods. It supports various medical tasks, including patient diagnosis, medical dialogue, and medical knowledge integration. The model has been fine-tuned on diverse medical datasets to enhance its performance in the healthcare domain. is a powerful library for interacting with the API. It offers free access to users and supports all languages. Users can benefit from's features unlimitedly with a one-time subscription and API key. The tool provides functionalities for question answering and text-to-image generation, with support for various models and customization options. can be easily integrated into CLI, CommonJS, TypeScript, and supports beta models for advanced usage. Developed by FiveSoBes and Luppux Development.
For similar tasks
AIGES is a core component of the Athena Serving Framework, designed as a universal encapsulation tool for AI developers to deploy AI algorithm models and engines quickly. By integrating AIGES, you can deploy AI algorithm models and engines rapidly and host them on the Athena Serving Framework, utilizing supporting auxiliary systems for networking, distribution strategies, data processing, etc. The Athena Serving Framework aims to accelerate the cloud service of AI algorithm models and engines, providing multiple guarantees for cloud service stability through cloud-native architecture. You can efficiently and securely deploy, upgrade, scale, operate, and monitor models and engines without focusing on underlying infrastructure and service-related development, governance, and operations.
This repository contains assets related to AI/ML workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Run optimized AI/ML workloads with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) platform orchestration capabilities. A robust AI/ML platform considers the following layers: Infrastructure orchestration that support GPUs and TPUs for training and serving workloads at scale Flexible integration with distributed computing and data processing frameworks Support for multiple teams on the same infrastructure to maximize utilization of resources
Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. It consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI libraries for simplifying ML compute, including Data, Train, Tune, RLlib, and Serve. Ray runs on any machine, cluster, cloud provider, and Kubernetes, and features a growing ecosystem of community integrations. With Ray, you can seamlessly scale the same code from a laptop to a cluster, making it easy to meet the compute-intensive demands of modern ML workloads.
Labelbox is a data-centric AI platform for enterprises to develop, optimize, and use AI to solve problems and power new products and services. Enterprises use Labelbox to curate data, generate high-quality human feedback data for computer vision and LLMs, evaluate model performance, and automate tasks by combining AI and human-centric workflows. The academic & research community uses Labelbox for cutting-edge AI research.
Deep Java Library (DJL) is an open-source, high-level, engine-agnostic Java framework for deep learning. It is designed to be easy to get started with and simple to use for Java developers. DJL provides a native Java development experience and allows users to integrate machine learning and deep learning models with their Java applications. The framework is deep learning engine agnostic, enabling users to switch engines at any point for optimal performance. DJL's ergonomic API interface guides users with best practices to accomplish deep learning tasks, such as running inference and training neural networks.
MLflow is a platform to streamline machine learning development, including tracking experiments, packaging code into reproducible runs, and sharing and deploying models. MLflow offers a set of lightweight APIs that can be used with any existing machine learning application or library (TensorFlow, PyTorch, XGBoost, etc), wherever you currently run ML code (e.g. in notebooks, standalone applications or the cloud). MLflow's current components are:
* `MLflow Tracking
TT-NN is a python & C++ Neural Network OP library. It provides a low-level programming model, TT-Metalium, enabling kernel development for Tenstorrent hardware.
Burn is a new comprehensive dynamic Deep Learning Framework built using Rust with extreme flexibility, compute efficiency and portability as its primary goals.
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Sweep is an AI junior developer that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes. It automatically handles developer experience improvements like adding type hints and improving test coverage.
The Teams AI Library is a software development kit (SDK) that helps developers create bots that can interact with Teams and Microsoft 365 applications. It is built on top of the Bot Framework SDK and simplifies the process of developing bots that interact with Teams' artificial intelligence capabilities. The SDK is available for JavaScript/TypeScript, .NET, and Python.
This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.
Supercharge WordPress Content Workflows and Engagement with Artificial Intelligence. Tap into leading cloud-based services like OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Gemini and IBM Watson to augment your WordPress-powered websites. Publish content faster while improving SEO performance and increasing audience engagement. ClassifAI integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to lighten your workload and eliminate tedious tasks, giving you more time to create original content that matters.
Chatbot UI is an open-source AI chat app that allows users to create and deploy their own AI chatbots. It is easy to use and can be customized to fit any need. Chatbot UI is perfect for businesses, developers, and anyone who wants to create a chatbot.
BricksLLM is a cloud native AI gateway written in Go. Currently, it provides native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI and vLLM. BricksLLM aims to provide enterprise level infrastructure that can power any LLM production use cases. Here are some use cases for BricksLLM: * Set LLM usage limits for users on different pricing tiers * Track LLM usage on a per user and per organization basis * Block or redact requests containing PIIs * Improve LLM reliability with failovers, retries and caching * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for internal development/production use cases * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for students
uAgents is a Python library developed by that allows for the creation of autonomous AI agents. These agents can perform various tasks on a schedule or take action on various events. uAgents are easy to create and manage, and they are connected to a fast-growing network of other uAgents. They are also secure, with cryptographically secured messages and wallets.
Griptape is a modular Python framework for building AI-powered applications that securely connect to your enterprise data and APIs. It offers developers the ability to maintain control and flexibility at every step. Griptape's core components include Structures (Agents, Pipelines, and Workflows), Tasks, Tools, Memory (Conversation Memory, Task Memory, and Meta Memory), Drivers (Prompt and Embedding Drivers, Vector Store Drivers, Image Generation Drivers, Image Query Drivers, SQL Drivers, Web Scraper Drivers, and Conversation Memory Drivers), Engines (Query Engines, Extraction Engines, Summary Engines, Image Generation Engines, and Image Query Engines), and additional components (Rulesets, Loaders, Artifacts, Chunkers, and Tokenizers). Griptape enables developers to create AI-powered applications with ease and efficiency.