李白 :bust_in_silhouette: 作为唐代杰出诗人,其诗歌作品在中国文学史上具有重要地位。近年来,随着数字技术和人工智能的快速发展,传统文化普及推广的形式也面临着创新与变革。国内外对于李白诗歌的研究虽已相当深入,但在数字化、智能化普及方面仍存在不足。因此,本项目旨在通过构建李白知识图谱,结合大模型训练出专业的AI智能体,以生成式对话应用的形式,推动李白文化的普及与推广。
Stars: 1100

The 'meet-libai' project aims to promote and popularize the cultural heritage of the Chinese poet Li Bai by constructing a knowledge graph of Li Bai and training a professional AI intelligent body using large models. The project includes features such as data preprocessing, knowledge graph construction, question-answering system development, and visualization exploration of the graph structure. It also provides code implementations for large models and RAG retrieval enhancement.
李白 👤 作为唐代杰出诗人,其诗歌作品在中国文学史上具有重要地位。近年来,随着数字技术和人工智能的快速发展,传统文化普及推广的形式也面临着创新与变革。国内外对于李白诗歌的研究虽已相当深入,但在数字化、智能化普及方面仍存在不足。因此,本项目旨在通过构建李白知识图谱,结合大模型训练出专业的AI智能体,以生成式对话应用的形式,推动李白文化的普及与推广。
随着人工智能技术的发展,知识图谱技术也得到了广泛的应用。知识图谱是一种基于语言知识库的语义表示模型,它能够将结构化的知识表示为图的形式,从而使得机器能够更好地理解和处理自然语言。 在知识图谱技术的基础上,开发一个问答系统可以利用知识图谱中的知识来回答用户的问题。该系统可以利用知识图谱来构建以诗人李白为核心的古诗词文化知识图谱 🌐 ,并实现基于该知识图谱的问答功能。另外,对图谱进行可视化探索,以更好地理解知识图谱的结构和内容。同时提供,大模型以及rag检索增强的代码实现。
2.1 🥇 收集整理李白诗歌及其相关文化资料:通过文献调研、数据挖掘等方法,全面收集李白的诗歌作品、生平事迹、历史背景等相关资料,为构建李白知识图谱提供基础数据。
2.2 🥈 构建李白知识图谱:利用自然语言处理、信息抽取等技术,对收集到的资料进行整理和分析,构建出一个完整的李白知识图谱。该图谱将涵盖李白的生平、诗歌风格、艺术成就等多个方面,为后续的AI智能体训练提供丰富的知识库。
2.3 🥉 训练专业的AI智能体:基于构建好的李白知识图谱,利用大模型技术训练出具有专业水平的AI智能体。该智能体将具备对李白诗歌的深入理解和鉴赏能力,能够与用户进行高质量的互动。
2.4 4️⃣开发生成式对话应用:在训练好的AI智能体基础上,开发一款生成式对话应用。该应用将能够实现与用户的实时互动,为用户提供个性化的李白诗歌鉴赏体验。
- 问答系统构建:利用知识图谱中的知识来回答用户的问题
- 图谱可视化:对知识图谱进行可视化探索,以更好地理解知识图谱的结构和内容
- 问答系统构建:利用知识图谱中的知识来回答用户的问题
♻️ 关系型问答:
- 李白和杜甫的关系是什么
- 李白生于哪一年
🎁 生成语音、图像:
- 构建了一个基于知识图谱的问答系统,该系统能够利用知识图谱中的知识来回答用户的问题。
- 对图谱进行可视化探索,以更好地理解知识图谱的结构和内容。
- 提供大模型以及rag检索增强的代码实现。
- 知识图谱的构建和维护
- 问答系统的实现和优化
- 图谱的可视化探索
- 大模型以及rag检索增强的代码实现
- 进一步优化问答系统的回答质量和效率
- 探索其他类型的问答任务,如常识 问题、知识推理等
- 持续更新和维护知识图谱,以保持其准确性、完整性和有效性
通过本项目的实施,我们不仅实现了基于知识图谱的问答系统,还积累了丰富的实践经验和知识图谱技术应用经验。在未来的工作中,我们将不断优化问答系统的回答质量和效率,并探索其他类型的问答任务,以满足更多用户的需求。同时,我们将继续更新和维护知识图谱,以保持其准确性、完整性和有效性,为知识图谱技术的发展和应用做出贡献 。以下是项目技术架构图:
:key:使用智普ai开放平台,请跳转到该平台,申请api key。然后,将api key填入.env
使用conda来管理python环境,所以请先安装conda (Install Conda):smile_cat:
#Create a new environment: Use the following command to create a new Python environment with a specific vesion.(当然国内你可能需要配置conda和pip镜像) conda create --name myenv python=3.10 #This will create a new environment named myenv with the specified Python version. #Activate the environment: Once the environment is created, you need to activate it. conda activate myenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can start a Neo4j container like this:
docker run \ --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \ --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \ neo4j:5.12.0which allows you to access neo4j through your browser at http://localhost:7474.
This binds two ports (
) for HTTP and Bolt access to the Neo4j API. A volume is bound to/data
to allow the database to be persisted outside the container.By default, this requires you to login with
and change the password. You can, for development purposes, disable authentication by passing--env=NEO4J_AUTH=none
to docker run.
Cypher query
# 创建`李白`节点
CREATE (p:`人物`:`唐`{name: '李白', PersonId:32540})
# 创建‘高力士’节点
CREATE (p:`人物`:`唐`{name: '高力士', PersonId:32541})
# 创建李白和高力士的关系
MATCH (a:`人物`:`唐` {PersonId: 32540}), (b:`人物`:`唐` {PersonId: 32541})
CREATE (a)-[r:`李白得罪高力士` {since: 2022, strength: 'strong', Notes: '《李太白全集》卷三五《李太白年譜》:天寶三載,甲申。(五月改"年"爲"載"。四十四歲)太白在翰林,代草王言。然性嗜酒,多沉飮,有時召令撰述,方在醉中,不可待,左右以水沃面,稍解,卽令秉筆,頃之而成。帝甚才之,數侍宴飮。因沉醉引足令高力士脫靴,力士恥之,因摘其詩句以激太眞妃。帝三欲官白,妃輒沮之。又爲張垍讒譖,公自知不爲親近所容,懇求還山,帝乃賜金放歸。又引《松窗錄》:會高力士終以脫靴爲深恥,異日,太眞妃重吟前詞,力士戲曰:"比以妃子怨李白深入骨髓,何反拳拳如是?"太眞妃驚曰:"何翰林學士能辱人如斯!"力士曰:"以飛燕指妃子,是賤之甚矣!"太眞妃深然之。上嘗三欲命李白官,卒爲宮中所捍而止。'}]->(b)
CREATE (meta_node:Meta{
id: 'meta-001',
title: 'libai-graph meta node',
text: 'store some meta info',
timestamp: datetime(),
version: 1,
status: 'active'
url: bolt://localhost:7687
database: neo4j
username: neo4j
password: *****
# 注意: 以上参数,根据你的数据库实际连接为准
PY_ENVIRONMENT=local # 启用本地开发环境
# ---------注意-----------------------------------
# 如下模型中只能使用其中的某一个模型,不能同时配置多个模型
# 去对应的官网申请api-key,并替换YOUR API-KEY
# 也可以使用ollama本地运行的模型,api-key设置为ollama
# ⚠️文生图的模型暂时使用zhipuai,因此要配置zhipuai的api-key
# -----------------------------------------------
# 智普ai
# kimi
# 百川大模型
# 通义千问
# 零一万物
# deepseek
# LLM_BASE_URL=https://api.deepseek.com
# LLM_API_KEY=ollama
# MODEL_NAME=deepseek-chat
# 豆包
# 注意:对于豆包api,model_name参数填入ENDPOINT_ID,具体申请操作在豆包api官网提供。
# ollama
# 这里填入你的组织名
data = {
"text": '床前明月光', # 古文
"conf_key": "chinese-classical", # 预留参数
"group": "default", # 预留参数
"size": 5, # 返回个数
"searcher": 3 # 预留参数
resp = requests.post("", data=json.dumps(data))
"retCode": 0,
"errMsg": null,
"values": [
"value": "Ming##@##申佳允##@##天际秋云薄|床前明月光|无由一化羽|回立白苍苍##@##秋兴集古 其八##@##苍苍 天际 秋云 明月",
"score": 1.0000004768371582
"value": "Tang##@##李白##@##床前明月光|疑是地上霜|举头望山月|低头思故乡##@##静夜思##@##山月 霜 明月 低头",
"score": 1.0000004768371582
"value": "tang##@##李白##@##床前明月光|疑是地上霜|举头望明月|低头思故乡##@##静夜思##@##霜 光 明月 低头",
"score": 1.0000004768371582
"value": "Ming##@##高启##@##堂上织流黄|堂前看月光|羞见天孙度|低头入洞房##@##子夜四时歌 其三##@##天孙 月光 洞房 低头",
"score": 0.7958479523658752
"value": "Ming##@##黄渊耀##@##凉风落柳梢|微云淡河面|怀中明月光|多赊不为贱##@##夜坐##@##凉风 柳梢 明月 微云",
"score": 0.7571470737457275
score表示得分,value表示一条数据,value中的的各个字段值用##@##隔开 ["朝代","作者", "完整诗篇", "篇名", "关键词"]
- [x] 后台启动 🍼
> chmod +x ./restart.sh
> ./restart.sh
webui http://localhost:7860
api doc http://localhost:18881/redoc
[x] python启动所有任务包括api和webui 📻
python app.py
启动成功后可以访问 🔍
webui http://localhost:7860
api doc http://localhost:18881/redoc
[x] python 命令启动 webui 🤹♂️
python webui.py
启动成功后可以访问 📦
- webui http://localhost:7860
访问api: http://localhost:18881/docs 打开如下图所示, 然后点击build model:
python graph_demo_ui.py
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The 'meet-libai' project aims to promote and popularize the cultural heritage of the Chinese poet Li Bai by constructing a knowledge graph of Li Bai and training a professional AI intelligent body using large models. The project includes features such as data preprocessing, knowledge graph construction, question-answering system development, and visualization exploration of the graph structure. It also provides code implementations for large models and RAG retrieval enhancement.

This project is a personal implementation and reproduction of a small-parameter Chinese LLM. It mainly refers to these two open source projects: https://github.com/charent/Phi2-mini-Chinese and https://github.com/DLLXW/baby-llama2-chinese. It includes the complete process of pre-training, SFT instruction fine-tuning, DPO, and PPO (to be done). I hope to share it with everyone and hope that everyone can work together to improve it!

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The Qianfan SDK provides best practices for large model toolchains, allowing AI workflows and AI-native applications to access the Qianfan large model platform elegantly and conveniently. The core capabilities of the SDK include three parts: large model reasoning, large model training, and general and extension: * `Large model reasoning`: Implements interface encapsulation for reasoning of Yuyan (ERNIE-Bot) series, open source large models, etc., supporting dialogue, completion, Embedding, etc. * `Large model training`: Based on platform capabilities, it supports end-to-end large model training process, including training data, fine-tuning/pre-training, and model services. * `General and extension`: General capabilities include common AI development tools such as Prompt/Debug/Client. The extension capability is based on the characteristics of Qianfan to adapt to common middleware frameworks.

ChatPilot is a chat agent tool that enables AgentChat conversations, supports Google search, URL conversation (RAG), and code interpreter functionality, replicates Kimi Chat (file, drag and drop; URL, send out), and supports OpenAI/Azure API. It is based on LangChain and implements ReAct and OpenAI Function Call for agent Q&A dialogue. The tool supports various automatic tools such as online search using Google Search API, URL parsing tool, Python code interpreter, and enhanced RAG file Q&A with query rewriting support. It also allows front-end and back-end service separation using Svelte and FastAPI, respectively. Additionally, it supports voice input/output, image generation, user management, permission control, and chat record import/export.

Metaso AI Free service supports high-speed streaming output, secret tower AI super network search (full network or academic as well as concise, in-depth, research three modes), zero-configuration deployment, multi-token support. Fully compatible with ChatGPT interface. It also has seven other free APIs available for use. The tool provides various deployment options such as Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, and native deployment. Users can access the tool for chat completions and token live checks. Note: Reverse API is unstable, it is recommended to use the official Metaso AI website to avoid the risk of banning. This project is for research and learning purposes only, not for commercial use.

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Nekro Agent is an AI chat plugin and proxy execution bot that is highly scalable, offers high freedom, and has minimal deployment requirements. It features context-aware chat for group/private chats, custom character settings, sandboxed execution environment, interactive image resource handling, customizable extension development interface, easy deployment with docker-compose, integration with Stable Diffusion for AI drawing capabilities, support for various file types interaction, hot configuration updates and command control, native multimodal understanding, visual application management control panel, CoT (Chain of Thought) support, self-triggered timers and holiday greetings, event notification understanding, and more. It allows for third-party extensions and AI-generated extensions, and includes features like automatic context trigger based on LLM, and a variety of basic commands for bot administrators.

DeepSeek Free API is a high-speed streaming output tool that supports multi-turn conversations and zero-configuration deployment. It is compatible with the ChatGPT interface and offers multiple token support. The tool provides eight free APIs for various AI interfaces. Users can access the tool online, prepare for integration, deploy using Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, or native deployment methods. It also offers client recommendations for faster integration and supports dialogue completion and userToken live checks. The tool comes with important considerations for Nginx reverse proxy optimization and token statistics.

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The 'meet-libai' project aims to promote and popularize the cultural heritage of the Chinese poet Li Bai by constructing a knowledge graph of Li Bai and training a professional AI intelligent body using large models. The project includes features such as data preprocessing, knowledge graph construction, question-answering system development, and visualization exploration of the graph structure. It also provides code implementations for large models and RAG retrieval enhancement.
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This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.

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