

Build AI powered websites with Astro, Shadcn and Vercel AI SDK

Stars: 53


ONE is a modern web and AI agent development toolkit that empowers developers to build AI-powered applications with high performance, beautiful UI, AI integration, responsive design, type safety, and great developer experience. It is perfect for building modern web applications, from simple landing pages to complex AI-powered platforms.


🚀 ONE - Build Your AI Brand

ONE is a modern web and AI agent development toolkit that combines the blazing-fast performance of Astro with the elegant components of Shadcn/UI. This enterprise-class starter kit empowers developers to build AI-powered applications with:

  • High Performance: Astro's partial hydration ensures minimal JavaScript
  • 🎨 Beautiful UI: Pre-configured Shadcn components with full TypeScript support
  • 🤖 AI Integration: Built-in tools for AI-powered features and automation
  • 📱 Responsive Design: Mobile-first approach with Tailwind CSS
  • 🔒 Type Safety: Full TypeScript support throughout the codebase
  • 🛠️ Developer Experience: Hot reloading, intuitive project structure, and comprehensive documentation

Perfect for building modern web applications, from simple landing pages to complex AI-powered platforms.

ONE Screenshot

⚡ Quick Start

This guide will help you set up and start building AI-powered applications with ONE. ONE combines Astro, React, and modern AI capabilities to create intelligent web applications.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  • Node.js 18 or higher installed
  • pnpm package manager (npm install -g pnpm)
  • An OpenAI API key (for AI capabilities)
  • Basic knowledge of Astro and React

Quick Start

1. Get the Project 🚀

Choose your preferred way to get started with ONE:

📦 Option 1: Clone the Repository
git clone
cd one
💾 Option 2: Download ZIP
  1. Download the ZIP file: Download ONE
  2. Extract the contents
  3. Navigate to the project directory
🔄 Option 3: Fork the Repository
  1. Visit the Fork page
  2. Create your fork
  3. Clone your forked repository

☁️ Quick Start with GitHub Codespaces

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Click the button above to instantly start developing in a cloud environment.

2. Install Dependencies

# Navigate to project directory
cd one

# Install dependencies
pnpm install

3. Configure Environment Variables

Make a copy .env.example file in located at the top level of your project and call it .env

Add the keys to


4. Start Development Server

pnpm dev

Visit http://localhost:4321 to see your application running.

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── components/     # UI components
│   ├── layouts/       # Page layouts
│   ├── pages/         # Routes and pages
│   ├── content/       # Markdown content
│   └── styles/        # Global styles
└── public/           # Static assets

Adding AI Chat to a Page

  1. Create a new page (e.g., src/pages/chat.astro):
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
import { ChatConfigSchema } from '../schema/chat';

const chatConfig = ChatConfigSchema.parse({
  systemPrompt: [{
    type: "text",
    text: "You are a helpful assistant."
  welcome: {
    message: "👋 How can I help you today?",
    avatar: "/icon.svg",
    suggestions: [
        label: "Get Started",
        prompt: "How do I get started with ONE?"

  title="Chat Page"
    <h1>Welcome to the Chat</h1>
    <!-- Your page content here -->

Customizing the Chat Interface

Chat Configuration Options

const chatConfig = {
  provider: "openai",          // AI provider
  model: "gpt-4o-mini",       // Model to use
  apiEndpoint: "",
  temperature: 0.7,           // Response creativity (0-1)
  maxTokens: 2000,           // Maximum response length
  systemPrompt: "...",       // AI behavior definition
  welcome: {
    message: "...",          // Welcome message
    avatar: "/path/to/icon.svg",
    suggestions: [...]       // Quick start prompts

Panel Modes

The chat interface can be displayed in different modes:

  • quarter: 25% width side panel
  • half: 50% width side panel
  • full: Full screen chat
  • floating: Floating chat window
  • icon: Minimized chat button

Adding Page-Specific Knowledge

Make your AI assistant knowledgeable about specific pages:

const pageContent = "Your page content here";

const chatConfig = ChatConfigSchema.parse({
  systemPrompt: [{
    type: "text",
    text: `You are an expert on ${pageContent}. Help users understand this content.`
  // ... other config options

Basic Customization

1. Styling

Customize the appearance using Tailwind CSS classes:

/* src/styles/global.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

/* Your custom styles here */

2. Layout

Adjust the layout using the Layout component props:

  title="Your Page"
  description="Page description"
  header={true}        // Show/hide header
  footer={true}        // Show/hide footer
  <!-- Your content -->

3. Chat Features

Enable or disable specific chat features:

const chatConfig = ChatConfigSchema.parse({
  // ... other options
  features: {
    textToSpeech: true,    // Enable voice synthesis
    codeHighlight: true,   // Enable code syntax highlighting
    markdown: true,        // Enable markdown rendering
    suggestions: true      // Enable quick suggestions

🎨 Pre-installed Components

All Shadcn/UI components are pre-configured for Astro:

// Example usage in .astro file
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { Card } from "@/components/ui/card"

<Button>Click me!</Button>

Available Components

  • ✅ Accordion
  • ✅ Alert Dialog
  • ✅ Avatar
  • ✅ Badge
  • ✅ Button
  • ✅ Card
  • ✅ Dialog
  • ... and more!

🛠️ Project Structure

├── components/                # UI Components
│   ├── ui/                   # Shadcn/UI components
│   ├── chat/                 # Chat-related components
│   └── magicui/              # Enhanced UI components
├── content/                  # Content Collections
│   ├── blog/                 # Blog posts
│   ├── docs/                 # Documentation
│   └── prompts/              # AI prompts
├── hooks/                    # React hooks
│   ├── use-mobile.tsx
│   ├── use-theme.ts
│   └── use-toast.ts
├── layouts/                  # Page layouts
│   ├── Blog.astro
│   ├── Docs.astro
│   ├── Layout.astro
│   └── LeftRight.astro
├── lib/                      # Utility functions
│   ├── utils.ts
│   └── icons.ts
├── pages/                    # Routes and pages
│   ├── api/                  # API endpoints
│   ├── blog/                 # Blog routes
│   ├── docs/                 # Documentation routes
│   └── index.astro          # Homepage
├── schema/                   # Data schemas
│   └── chat.ts              # Chat-related schemas
├── stores/                   # State management
│   └── layout.ts            # Layout state
├── styles/                   # Global styles
│   └── global.css           # Global CSS
└── types/                    # TypeScript types
    └── env.d.ts             # Environment types

🚀 Development Workflow

  1. Start Development

    npm run dev
  2. Using React Components in Astro

    // Always add client:load for interactive components
    import { Dialog } from "@/components/ui/dialog"
    <Dialog client:load>
      <!-- Dialog content -->
  3. Build for Production

    npm run build
    npm run preview # Test the production build

🔍 Troubleshooting

Common Issues Solved

Component Hydration: All interactive components use client:loadBuild Warnings: Suppressed in configuration ✅ Path Aliases: Pre-configured for easy imports ✅ React Integration: Properly set up for Shadcn

💡 Pro Tips

  1. Component Usage in Astro

    // Always import in the frontmatter
    import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
    <!-- Use in template -->
    <Button client:load>Click me!</Button>
  2. Styling with Tailwind

    <div class="dark:bg-slate-800">
      <Button class="m-4">Styled Button</Button>
  3. Layout Usage

    import Layout from '../layouts/Layout.astro';
    <Layout title="Home">
      <!-- Your content -->

📚 Quick Links

🤝 Need Help?

Built with 🚀 Astro, 🎨 Shadcn/UI and Vercel AI SDK by ONE

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