Java library for the Amadeus Self-Service travel APIs
Stars: 87

Amadeus Java SDK provides a rich set of APIs for the travel industry, allowing developers to access various functionalities such as flight search, booking, airport information, and more. The SDK simplifies interaction with the Amadeus API by providing self-contained code examples and detailed documentation. Developers can easily make API calls, handle responses, and utilize features like pagination and logging. The SDK supports various endpoints for tasks like flight search, booking management, airport information retrieval, and travel analytics. It also offers functionalities for hotel search, booking, and sentiment analysis. Overall, the Amadeus Java SDK is a comprehensive tool for integrating Amadeus APIs into Java applications.
Amadeus provides a rich set of APIs for the travel industry. For more details, check out the Amadeus for Developers Portal or the SDK class reference.
This library requires Java 1.7+ and the Gson library. You can install the SDK via Maven or Gradle:
compile "com.amadeus:amadeus-java:9.1.0"
To make your first API call, you will need to register for an Amadeus Developer Account and set up your first application.
import com.amadeus.Amadeus;
import com.amadeus.Params;
import com.amadeus.exceptions.ResponseException;
import com.amadeus.referenceData.Locations;
import com.amadeus.resources.Location;
public class AmadeusExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ResponseException {
Amadeus amadeus = Amadeus
Location[] locations = amadeus.referenceData.locations.get(Params
.with("keyword", "LON")
.and("subType", Locations.ANY));
You can find all the endpoints in self-contained code examples.
The client can be initialized directly:
//Initialize using parameters
Amadeus amadeus = Amadeus
Alternatively, it can be initialized without any parameters if the environment variables AMADEUS_CLIENT_ID
are present.
Amadeus amadeus = Amadeus
Your credentials can be found on the Amadeus dashboard.
By default the SDK is set to test
environment. To switch to a production
(pay-as-you-go) environment, please switch the hostname as follows:
Amadeus amadeus = Amadeus
Amadeus has a large set of APIs, and our documentation is here to get you started. Head over to our reference documentation for in-depth information about every SDK method, its arguments and return types.
This library conveniently maps every API path to a similar path. For example, GET /v2/reference-data/urls/checkin-links?airlineCode=BA
would be:
amadeus.referenceData.urls.checkinLinks.get(Params.with("airlineCode", "BA"));
Similarly, to select a resource by ID, you can pass in the ID to the singular path. For example, GET v1/reference-data/locations/pois
would be:
You can make any arbitrary API call as well directly with the .get
Keep in mind, this returns a raw Resource
Response response = amadeus.get("/v2/reference-data/urls/checkin-links", Params.with("airlineCode", "BA"));
Or, with POST method:
Response response = amadeus.post("/v1/shopping/availability/flight-availabilities", body);
Every successful API call returns a Resource
object. The Resource
object has the raw response body (in string format) available:
Location[] locations = amadeus.referenceData.locations.get(Params
.with("keyword", "LON")
.and("subType", Locations.ANY));
// The raw response, as a string
If an API endpoint supports pagination, the other pages are available under the
, .previous
, .last
and .first
Location[] locations = amadeus.referenceData.locations.get(Params
.with("keyword", "LON")
.and("subType", Locations.ANY));
// Fetches the next page
Location[] locations = (Location[]) amadeus.next(locations[0]);
If a page is not available, the method will return null
The SDK makes it easy to add your own logger.
import java.util.logging.Logger;
// Assumes the current class is called MyLogger
private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MyLogger.class.getName());
Amadeus amadeus = Amadeus
Additionally, to enable more verbose logging, you can set the appropriate level on your own logger. The easiest way would be to enable debugging via a parameter during initialization, or using the AMADEUS_LOG_LEVEL
environment variable.
Amadeus amadeus = Amadeus
.setLogLevel("debug") // or warn
// Flight Inspiration Search
FlightDestination[] flightDestinations = amadeus.shopping.flightDestinations.get(Params
.with("origin", "MAD"));
// Flight Cheapest Date Search
FlightDate[] flightDates = amadeus.shopping.flightDates.get(Params
.with("origin", "MAD")
.and("destination", "MUC"));
// Flight Offers Search v2 GET
FlightOfferSearch[] flightOffersSearches = amadeus.shopping.flightOffersSearch.get(
Params.with("originLocationCode", "SYD")
.and("destinationLocationCode", "BKK")
.and("departureDate", "2023-11-01")
.and("returnDate", "2023-11-08")
.and("adults", 2)
.and("max", 3));
// Flight Offers Search v2 POST
// body can be a String version of your JSON or a JsonObject
FlightOfferSearch[] flightOffersSearches = amadeus.shopping.flightOffersSearch.post(body);
// Flight Order Management
// The flightOrderID comes from the Flight Create Orders (in test environment it's temporary)
// Retrieve a flight order
FlightOrder order = amadeus.booking.flightOrder("eJzTd9f3NjIJdzUGAAp%2fAiY=").get();
// Cancel a flight order
Response order = amadeus.booking.flightOrder("eJzTd9f3NjIJdzUGAAp%2fAiY=").delete();
// Flight Offers price
FlightPrice[] flightPricing = amadeus.shopping.flightOffersSearch.pricing.post(
Params.with("include", "other-services")
.and("forceClass", "false"));
// Flight Choice Prediction
// Note that the example calls 2 APIs: Flight Offers Search & Flight Choice Prediction
FlightOfferSearch[] flightOffers = amadeus.shopping.flightOffersSearch.get(
Params.with("originLocationCode", "NYC")
.and("destinationLocationCode", "MAD")
.and("departureDate", "2024-04-01")
.and("returnDate", "2024-04-08")
.and("adults", 1));
// Using a JSonObject
JsonObject result = flightOffers[0].getResponse().getResult();
FlightOfferSearch[] flightOffersPrediction = amadeus.shopping.flightOffers.prediction.post(result);
// Using a String
String body = flightOffers[0].getResponse().getBody();
FlightOfferSearch[] flightOffersPrediction = amadeus.shopping.flightOffers.prediction.post(body);
// Flight Check-in Links
CheckinLink[] checkinLinks = amadeus.referenceData.urls.checkinLinks.get(Params
.with("airlineCode", "BA"));
// Airline Code LookUp
Airline[] airlines = amadeus.referenceData.airlines.get(Params
.with("airlineCodes", "BA"));
// Airport & City Search (autocomplete)
// Find all the cities and airports starting by the keyword 'LON'
Location[] locations = amadeus.referenceData.locations.get(Params
.with("keyword", "LON")
.and("subType", Locations.ANY));
// Get a specific city or airport based on its id
Location location = amadeus.referenceData
// Airport Nearest Relevant (for London)
Location[] locations = amadeus.referenceData.locations.airports.get(Params
.with("latitude", 0.1278)
.and("longitude", 51.5074));
// City Search
City[] cities = amadeus.referenceData.locations.cities.get(Params
// Flight Most Booked Destinations
AirTraffic[] airTraffics = amadeus.travel.analytics.airTraffic.booked.get(Params
.with("originCityCode", "MAD")
.and("period", "2017-08"));
// Flight Most Traveled Destinations
AirTraffic[] airTraffics = amadeus.travel.analytics.airTraffic.traveled.get(Params
.with("originCityCode", "MAD")
.and("period", "2017-01"));
// Flight Busiest Traveling Period
Period[] busiestPeriods = amadeus.travel.analytics.airTraffic.busiestPeriod.get(Params
.with("cityCode", "MAD")
.and("period", "2017")
.and("direction", BusiestPeriod.ARRIVING));
// Points of Interest
// What are the popular places in Barcelona (based a geo location and a radius)
PointOfInterest[] pointsOfInterest = amadeus.referenceData.locations.pointsOfInterest.get(Params
.with("latitude", "41.39715")
.and("longitude", "2.160873"));
// What are the popular places in Barcelona? (based on a square)
PointOfInterest[] pointsOfInterest = amadeus.referenceData.locations.pointsOfInterest.bySquare.get(Params
.with("north", "41.397158")
.and("west", "2.160873")
.and("south", "41.394582")
.and("east", "2.177181"));
// Returns a single Point of Interest from a given id
PointOfInterest pointOfInterest = amadeus.referenceData.locations.pointOfInterest("9CB40CB5D0").get();
// Tours and Activities
// What are the popular activities in Barcelona (based a geo location and a radius)
Activity[] activities = amadeus.shopping.activities.get(Params
.with("latitude", "41.39715")
.and("longitude", "2.160873"));
// What are the popular activities in Barcelona? (based on a square)
Activity[] activities = amadeus.shopping.activities.bySquare.get(Params
.with("north", "41.397158")
.and("west", "2.160873")
.and("south", "41.394582")
.and("east", "2.177181"));
// Returns a single activity from a given id
Activity activity = amadeus.shopping.activity("4615").get();
// What's the likelihood flights from this airport will leave on time?
Prediction AirportOnTime = amadeus.airport.predictions.onTime.get(Params
.with("airportCode", "NCE")
.and("date", "2024-04-01"));
// What's the likelihood of a given flight to be delayed?
Prediction[] flightDelay = amadeus.travel.predictions.flightDelay.get(Params
.with("originLocationCode", "NCE")
.and("destinationLocationCode", "IST")
.and("departureDate", "2020-08-01")
.and("departureTime", "18:20:00")
.and("arrivalDate", "2020-08-01")
.and("arrivalTime", "22:15:00")
.and("aircraftCode", "321")
.and("carrierCode", "TK")
.and("flightNumber", "1816")
.and("duration", "PT31H10M"));
// Flight Create Orders to book a flight
// Using a JSonObject or String
FlightOrder createdOrder = amadeus.booking.flightOrders.post(body);
// Using a JsonObject for flight offer and Traveler[] as traveler information
// see example at src/main/java/examples/flight/createorders/FlightCreateOrders.java
FlightOrder createdOrder = amadeus.booking.flightOrders.post(flightOffersSearches, travelerArray);
// What is the the seat map of a given flight?
SeatMap[] seatmap = amadeus.shopping.seatMaps.get(Params
.with("flight-orderId", "eJzTd9f3NjIJdzUGAAp%2fAiY="));
// What is the the seat map of a given flight?
// The body can be a String version of your JSON or a JsonObject
SeatMap[] seatmap = amadeus.shopping.seatMaps.post(body);
// Trip Purpose Prediction
Prediction tripPurpose = amadeus.travel.predictions.tripPurpose.get(Params
.with("originLocationCode", "NYC")
.and("destinationLocationCode", "MAD")
.and("departureDate", "2024-04-01")
.and("returnDate", "2024-04-08"));
// Travel Recommendations
Location destinations = amadeus.referenceData.recommendedLocations.get(Params
.with("cityCodes", "PAR")
.and("travelerCountryCode", "FR"));
// On Demand Flight Status
DatedFlight[] flightStatus = amadeus.schedule.flights.get(Params
.with("carrierCode", "AZ")
.and("flightNumber", "319")
.and("scheduledDepartureDate", "2024-03-13"));
// Flight Price Analysis
ItineraryPriceMetric[] metrics = amadeus.analytics.itineraryPriceMetrics.get(Params
.with("originIataCode", "MAD")
.and("destinationIataCode", "CDG")
.and("departureDate", "2024-03-21"));
// Airport Routes
Destination[] directDestinations = amadeus.airport.directDestinations.get(Params
// Flight Availabilites Search POST
// body can be a String version of your JSON or a JsonObject
FlightAvailability[] flightAvailabilities
= amadeus.shopping.availability.flightAvailabilities.post(body);
// Location Score GET
ScoredLocation[] scoredLocations
= amadeus.location.analytics.categoryRatedAreas.get(Params
.with("latitude", "41.397158")
.and("longitude", "2.160873"));
// Branded Fares Upsell Post
// body can be a String version of your JSON or a JsonObject
FlightOfferSearch[] upsellFlightOffers
= amadeus.shopping.flightOffers.upselling.post(body);
// Hotel List
// Get list of hotels by hotel id
Hotel[] hotels = amadeus.referenceData.locations.hotels.byHotels.get(Params
.with("hotelIds", "ADPAR001"));
// Get list of hotels by city code
Hotel[] hotels = amadeus.referenceData.locations.hotels.byCity.get(Params
.with("cityCode", "PAR"));
// Get list of hotels by a geocode
Hotel[] hotels = amadeus.referenceData.locations.hotels.byGeocode.get(Params
.with("longitude", 2.160873)
.and("latitude", 41.397158));
// Hotel autocomplete names
Hotel[] result = amadeus.referenceData.locations.hotel.get(Params
.with("keyword", "PARI")
.and("subType", "HOTEL_GDS")
.and("countryCode", "FR")
.and("lang", "EN")
.and("max", "20"));
// Hotel Offers Search API v3
// Get multiple hotel offers
HotelOfferSearch[] offers = amadeus.shopping.hotelOffersSearch.get(Params
.with("hotelIds", "MCLONGHM")
.and("adults", 1)
.and("checkInDate", "2023-11-22")
.and("roomQuantity", 1)
.and("paymentPolicy", "NONE")
.and("bestRateOnly", true));
// Get hotel offer pricing by offer id
HotelOfferSearch offer = amadeus.shopping.hotelOfferSearch("QF3MNOBDQ8").get();
// Hotel Booking
// The body can be a String version of your JSON or a JsonObject
HotelBooking[] hotel = amadeus.booking.hotelBookings.post(body);
// Hotel Booking v2
HotelOrder hotel = amadeus.booking.hotelOrders.post(body);
// Hotel Ratings / Sentiments
HotelSentiment[] hotelSentiments = amadeus.ereputation.hotelSentiments.get(Params.with("hotelIds", "ELONMFS,ADNYCCTB"));
// Airline Routes
// Get airline destinations
Destination[] destinations = amadeus.airline.destinations.get(Params
.with("airlineCode", "BA")
.and("max", 2));
// Transfer Search
TransferOffersPost[] transfers = amadeus.shopping.transferOffers.post(body);
// Transfer Booking
TransferOrder transfers = amadeus.ordering.transferOrders.post(body, params);
// Transfer Management
TransferCancellation transfers = amadeus.ordering.transferOrder("123456").transfers.cancellation.post(params);
Want to contribute? Read our Contributors Guide for guidance on installing and running this code in a development environment.
This library is released under the MIT License.
You can find us on StackOverflow or join our developer community on Discord.
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Amadeus Java SDK provides a rich set of APIs for the travel industry, allowing developers to access various functionalities such as flight search, booking, airport information, and more. The SDK simplifies interaction with the Amadeus API by providing self-contained code examples and detailed documentation. Developers can easily make API calls, handle responses, and utilize features like pagination and logging. The SDK supports various endpoints for tasks like flight search, booking management, airport information retrieval, and travel analytics. It also offers functionalities for hotel search, booking, and sentiment analysis. Overall, the Amadeus Java SDK is a comprehensive tool for integrating Amadeus APIs into Java applications.

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