

PraisonAI is a production-ready Multi AI Agents framework, designed to create AI Agents to automate and solve problems ranging from simple tasks to complex challenges. It provides a low-code solution to streamline the building and management of multi-agent LLM systems, emphasising simplicity, customisation, and effective human-agent collaboration.

Stars: 3624


Praison AI is a low-code, centralised framework that simplifies the creation and orchestration of multi-agent systems for various LLM applications. It emphasizes ease of use, customization, and human-agent interaction. The tool leverages AutoGen and CrewAI frameworks to facilitate the development of AI-generated scripts and movie concepts. Users can easily create, run, test, and deploy agents for scriptwriting and movie concept development. Praison AI also provides options for full automatic mode and integration with OpenAI models for enhanced AI capabilities.


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Praison AI

MervinPraison%2FPraisonAI | Trendshift

PraisonAI is a production-ready Multi-AI Agents framework with self-reflection, designed to create AI Agents to automate and solve problems ranging from simple tasks to complex challenges. By integrating PraisonAI Agents, AutoGen, and CrewAI into a low-code solution, it streamlines the building and management of multi-agent LLM systems, emphasising simplicity, customisation, and effective human-agent collaboration.


Key Features

  • 🤖 Automated AI Agents Creation
  • 🔄 Self Reflection AI Agents
  • 🧠 Reasoning AI Agents
  • 👁️ Multi Modal AI Agents
  • 🤝 Multi Agent Collaboration
  • 🎭 AI Agent Workflow
  • 📚 Add Custom Knowledge
  • 🧠 Agents with Short and Long Term Memory
  • 📄 Chat with PDF Agents
  • 💻 Code Interpreter Agents
  • 📚 RAG Agents
  • 🤔 Async & Parallel Processing
  • 🔄 Auto Agents
  • 🔢 Math Agents
  • 🎯 Structured Output Agents
  • 🔗 LangChain Integrated Agents
  • 📞 Callback Agents
  • 🤏 Mini AI Agents
  • 🛠️ 100+ Custom Tools
  • 📄 YAML Configuration
  • 💯 100+ LLM Support

Using Python Code

Light weight package dedicated for coding:

pip install praisonaiagents
export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1. Single Agent

Create file and add the code below:

from praisonaiagents import Agent
agent = Agent(instructions="Your are a helpful AI assistant")
agent.start("Write a movie script about a robot in Mars")



2. Multi Agents

Create file and add the code below:

from praisonaiagents import Agent, PraisonAIAgents

research_agent = Agent(instructions="Research about AI")
summarise_agent = Agent(instructions="Summarise research agent's findings")
agents = PraisonAIAgents(agents=[research_agent, summarise_agent])



Using No Code

Auto Mode:

pip install praisonai
export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
praisonai --auto create a movie script about Robots in Mars

Using JavaScript Code

npm install praisonai
export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
const { Agent } = require('praisonai');
const agent = new Agent({ instructions: 'You are a helpful AI assistant' });
agent.start('Write a movie script about a robot in Mars');

PraisonAI CLI Demo

AI Agents Flow

graph LR
    %% Define the main flow
    Start([▶ Start]) --> Agent1
    Agent1 --> Process[⚙ Process]
    Process --> Agent2
    Agent2 --> Output([✓ Output])
    Process -.-> Agent1
    %% Define subgraphs for agents and their tasks
    subgraph Agent1[ ]
        Task1[📋 Task]
        AgentIcon1[🤖 AI Agent]
        Tools1[🔧 Tools]
        Task1 --- AgentIcon1
        AgentIcon1 --- Tools1
    subgraph Agent2[ ]
        Task2[📋 Task]
        AgentIcon2[🤖 AI Agent]
        Tools2[🔧 Tools]
        Task2 --- AgentIcon2
        AgentIcon2 --- Tools2

    classDef input fill:#8B0000,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef process fill:#189AB4,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef tools fill:#2E8B57,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef transparent fill:none,stroke:none

    class Start,Output,Task1,Task2 input
    class Process,AgentIcon1,AgentIcon2 process
    class Tools1,Tools2 tools
    class Agent1,Agent2 transparent

AI Agents with Tools

Create AI agents that can use tools to interact with external systems and perform actions.

flowchart TB
    subgraph Tools
        direction TB
        T3[Internet Search]
        T1[Code Execution]

    Input[Input] ---> Agents
    subgraph Agents
        direction LR
        A1[Agent 1]
        A2[Agent 2]
        A3[Agent 3]
    Agents ---> Output[Output]

    T3 --> A1
    T1 --> A2
    T2 --> A3

    style Tools fill:#189AB4,color:#fff
    style Agents fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Input fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Output fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

AI Agents with Memory

Create AI agents with memory capabilities for maintaining context and information across tasks.

flowchart TB
    subgraph Memory
        direction TB
        STM[Short Term]
        LTM[Long Term]

    subgraph Store
        direction TB
        DB[(Vector DB)]

    Input[Input] ---> Agents
    subgraph Agents
        direction LR
        A1[Agent 1]
        A2[Agent 2]
        A3[Agent 3]
    Agents ---> Output[Output]

    Memory <--> Store
    Store <--> A1
    Store <--> A2
    Store <--> A3

    style Memory fill:#189AB4,color:#fff
    style Store fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Agents fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Input fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Output fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

AI Agents with Different Processes

Sequential Process

The simplest form of task execution where tasks are performed one after another.

graph LR
    Input[Input] --> A1
    subgraph Agents
        direction LR
        A1[Agent 1] --> A2[Agent 2] --> A3[Agent 3]
    A3 --> Output[Output]

    classDef input fill:#8B0000,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef process fill:#189AB4,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef transparent fill:none,stroke:none

    class Input,Output input
    class A1,A2,A3 process
    class Agents transparent

Hierarchical Process

Uses a manager agent to coordinate task execution and agent assignments.

graph TB
    Input[Input] --> Manager
    subgraph Agents
        Manager[Manager Agent]
        subgraph Workers
            direction LR
            W1[Worker 1]
            W2[Worker 2]
            W3[Worker 3]
        Manager --> W1
        Manager --> W2
        Manager --> W3
    W1 --> Manager
    W2 --> Manager
    W3 --> Manager
    Manager --> Output[Output]

    classDef input fill:#8B0000,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef process fill:#189AB4,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef transparent fill:none,stroke:none

    class Input,Output input
    class Manager,W1,W2,W3 process
    class Agents,Workers transparent

Workflow Process

Advanced process type supporting complex task relationships and conditional execution.

graph LR
    Input[Input] --> Start
    subgraph Workflow
        direction LR
        Start[Start] --> C1{Condition}
        C1 --> |Yes| A1[Agent 1]
        C1 --> |No| A2[Agent 2]
        A1 --> Join
        A2 --> Join
        Join --> A3[Agent 3]
    A3 --> Output[Output]

    classDef input fill:#8B0000,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef process fill:#189AB4,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef decision fill:#2E8B57,stroke:#7C90A0,color:#fff
    classDef transparent fill:none,stroke:none

    class Input,Output input
    class Start,A1,A2,A3,Join process
    class C1 decision
    class Workflow transparent

Agentic Routing Workflow

Create AI agents that can dynamically route tasks to specialized LLM instances.

flowchart LR
    In[In] --> Router[LLM Call Router]
    Router --> LLM1[LLM Call 1]
    Router --> LLM2[LLM Call 2]
    Router --> LLM3[LLM Call 3]
    LLM1 --> Out[Out]
    LLM2 --> Out
    LLM3 --> Out
    style In fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Router fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM1 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM2 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM3 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Out fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

Agentic Orchestrator Worker

Create AI agents that orchestrate and distribute tasks among specialized workers.

flowchart LR
    In[In] --> Router[LLM Call Router]
    Router --> LLM1[LLM Call 1]
    Router --> LLM2[LLM Call 2]
    Router --> LLM3[LLM Call 3]
    LLM1 --> Synthesizer[Synthesizer]
    LLM2 --> Synthesizer
    LLM3 --> Synthesizer
    Synthesizer --> Out[Out]
    style In fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Router fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM1 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM2 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM3 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Synthesizer fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Out fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

Agentic Autonomous Workflow

Create AI agents that can autonomously monitor, act, and adapt based on environment feedback.

flowchart LR
    Human[Human] <--> LLM[LLM Call]
    LLM -->|ACTION| Environment[Environment]
    Environment -->|FEEDBACK| LLM
    LLM --> Stop[Stop]
    style Human fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style LLM fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Environment fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Stop fill:#333,color:#fff

Agentic Parallelization

Create AI agents that can execute tasks in parallel for improved performance.

flowchart LR
    In[In] --> LLM2[LLM Call 2]
    In --> LLM1[LLM Call 1]
    In --> LLM3[LLM Call 3]
    LLM1 --> Aggregator[Aggregator]
    LLM2 --> Aggregator
    LLM3 --> Aggregator
    Aggregator --> Out[Out]
    style In fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style LLM1 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM2 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM3 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Aggregator fill:#fff,color:#000
    style Out fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

Agentic Prompt Chaining

Create AI agents with sequential prompt chaining for complex workflows.

flowchart LR
    In[In] --> LLM1[LLM Call 1] --> Gate{Gate}
    Gate -->|Pass| LLM2[LLM Call 2] -->|Output 2| LLM3[LLM Call 3] --> Out[Out]
    Gate -->|Fail| Exit[Exit]
    style In fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style LLM1 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM2 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style LLM3 fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Out fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Exit fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

Agentic Evaluator Optimizer

Create AI agents that can generate and optimize solutions through iterative feedback.

flowchart LR
    In[In] --> Generator[LLM Call Generator] 
    Generator -->|SOLUTION| Evaluator[LLM Call Evaluator] -->|ACCEPTED| Out[Out]
    Evaluator -->|REJECTED + FEEDBACK| Generator
    style In fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style Generator fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Evaluator fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Out fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

Repetitive Agents

Create AI agents that can efficiently handle repetitive tasks through automated loops.

flowchart LR
    In[Input] --> LoopAgent[("Looping Agent")]
    LoopAgent --> Task[Task]
    Task --> |Next iteration| LoopAgent
    Task --> |Done| Out[Output]
    style In fill:#8B0000,color:#fff
    style LoopAgent fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff,shape:circle
    style Task fill:#2E8B57,color:#fff
    style Out fill:#8B0000,color:#fff

Adding Models


Ollama Integration

export OPENAI_BASE_URL=http://localhost:11434/v1

Groq Integration

Replace xxxx with Groq API KEY:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxx

No Code Options

Agents Playbook

Simple Playbook Example

Create agents.yaml file and add the code below:

framework: praisonai
topic: Artificial Intelligence
    backstory: "Skilled in crafting scripts with engaging dialogue about {topic}."
    goal: Create scripts from concepts.
    role: Screenwriter
        description: "Develop scripts with compelling characters and dialogue about {topic}."
        expected_output: "Complete script ready for production."

To run the playbook:

praisonai agents.yaml

Use 100+ Models



Below is used for development only.

Using uv

# Install uv if you haven't already
pip install uv

# Install from requirements
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml

# Install with extras
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml --extra code
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml --extra "crewai,autogen"


  • Fork on GitHub: Use the "Fork" button on the repository page.
  • Clone your fork: git clone
  • Create a branch: git checkout -b new-feature
  • Make changes and commit: git commit -am "Add some feature"
  • Push to your fork: git push origin new-feature
  • Submit a pull request via GitHub's web interface.
  • Await feedback from project maintainers.

Other Features

  • 🔄 Use CrewAI or AutoGen Framework
  • 💻 Chat with ENTIRE Codebase
  • 🎨 Interactive UIs
  • 📄 YAML-based Configuration
  • 🛠️ Custom Tool Integration
  • 🔍 Internet Search Capability (using Crawl4AI and Tavily)
  • 🖼️ Vision Language Model (VLM) Support
  • 🎙️ Real-time Voice Interaction

Star History

Star History Chart

Video Tutorials

Topic Video
AI Agents with Self Reflection Self Reflection
Reasoning Data Generating Agent Reasoning Data
AI Agents with Reasoning Reasoning
Multimodal AI Agents Multimodal
AI Agents Workflow Workflow
Async AI Agents Async
Mini AI Agents Mini
AI Agents with Memory Memory
Repetitive Agents Repetitive
Introduction Introduction
Tools Overview Tools Overview
Custom Tools Custom Tools
Firecrawl Integration Firecrawl
User Interface UI
Crawl4AI Integration Crawl4AI
Chat Interface Chat
Code Interface Code
Mem0 Integration Mem0
Training Training
Realtime Voice Interface Realtime
Call Interface Call
Reasoning Extract Agents Reasoning Extract

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