


Stars: 103


The 'LLMs-in-science' repository is a collaborative environment for organizing papers related to large language models (LLMs) and autonomous agents in the field of chemistry. The goal is to discuss trend topics, challenges, and the potential for supporting scientific discovery in the context of artificial intelligence. The repository aims to maintain a systematic structure of the field and welcomes contributions from the community to keep the content up-to-date and relevant.


Large language models and autonomous agents in chemistry: a review



Our review paper has, by no means, the goal of discussing the entire LLM/autonomous agents literature. Instead, we propose a general discussion of these studies' trend topics, challenges, and potential for supporting scientific discovery.

Because artificial intelligence is a hot topic at the moment, and the daily number of new papers is just astonishing, any published review is fated to be outdated after a few months. Therefore, we must maintain a systematic structure of the field with collaboration. With this in mind, we aim to create this repository as a broad, open-source, collaborative environment for organizing the large number of papers published daily.

Please check our CONTRIBUTING.md file to know how to contribute.

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