

Repo for Concierge AI dev work

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Concierge is a versatile automation tool designed to streamline repetitive tasks and workflows. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating custom automation scripts without the need for extensive coding knowledge. With Concierge, users can automate various tasks across different platforms and applications, increasing efficiency and productivity. The tool offers a wide range of pre-built automation templates and allows users to customize and schedule their automation processes. Concierge is suitable for individuals and businesses looking to automate routine tasks and improve overall workflow efficiency.


Data Concierge AI

AI should be simple, safe, and amazing.


Data Concierge AI (aka Concierge) is an AI system that works ONLY with the data you feed it. Your data, your prompts, everything are local to your instance.

More details

Concierge is a local and modular RAG framework still in alpha.

Built with simplicy and security in mind, it has some features we love -- and hope you do too!

  • The quick install method is so easy. (Note: fast install method is only supported on Linux and Windows. MacOS in development now.)
  • Loading data: Upload PDFs or point to a URL, click the ingest button... and the data is there for your use
  • Tasks: you can change what the AI can do for you via dropdowns


Concierge requires the following to be available:

  1. python (note: for all commands in documentation we will call the executable python. On your system you may need to use python3)
  2. Docker (currently the vector database and natural language response engine are running in docker containers)
  3. Docker compose (while frequently installed with docker, sometimes it's not. Docker compose files are how the docker containers are setup)

If you want to use GPU acceleration (Concierge does NOT require this, but it will make responses dramatically faster), you must have the NVIDIA drivers correctly setup and running. Concierge will not install or make any adjustmetns to your driver configuration.

Note: if you want to use GPU acceleration on a Windows host, you must use WSL2.
More details here:

Refer to the documentation from NVIDIA for information on how to do this for your OS.

Setup: quick install

git clone repo or extract zip.

cd concierge go into the cloned project directory.

python to launch the installer.
Answer the questions and then the installer will ask if you are ready to make changes to the system.
Answer "Y" and let the downloading begin!

Setup: manual

If did not work, follow these steps to setup your system.

python -m venv . create a python virtual environment in the current directory.

Linux: source ./bin/activate / Windows PowerShell: .\Scripts\Activate.ps1 enter into the virtual environment.

pip install -r requirements.txt install all dependencies.

copy .env.example into a file named .env and set the folder on your computer that will contain the concierge data.

docker compose up -d will load the docker dependencies.

docker compose -f docker-compose-gpu.yml up -d will load the docker dependencies and use the GPU.

Usage: launch script

From the cloned project directory simply run

If the Docker container dependencies aren't found, you will be given the option to launch with CPU or GPU.

Usage: manual

If did not work:

If you are not in the python virtual environment, please enter it by the correct method:
Linux: source ./bin/activate
Windows PowerShell: .\Scripts\Activate.ps1

To start the web UI, run the following command:

python -m shiny run --launch-browser concierge_shiny/

If running for development you can use this command instead:

python -m shiny run --reload --launch-browser concierge_shiny/

or use the Shiny for Python VSCode extension running from concierge_shiny/ At the time of writing we have noticed an issue where the VSCode browser window doesn't automatically refresh and you have to copy/paste the URL from the console into it. Do this is after seeing the log Application startup complete. you still don't see anything in the VSCode browser.

Known issues

  • unknown shorthand flag: 'd' in -d and/or you have the docker-compose command instead of docker compose. This indicates that you're using an older version of Docker than we support. The best course of action would be to install the latest version following instructions from here: However if you're unable to do this, you may be able to get the Concierge Docker requirements running using docker-compose --file ./docker-compose.yml up.
  • on MacOS urllib3 gives a NotOpenSSLWarning, as far as we aware you can ignore this warning without issue.

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