FlagPerf is an open-source software platform for benchmarking AI chips.
Stars: 301

FlagPerf is an integrated AI hardware evaluation engine jointly built by the Institute of Intelligence and AI hardware manufacturers. It aims to establish an industry-oriented metric system to evaluate the actual capabilities of AI hardware under software stack combinations (model + framework + compiler). FlagPerf features a multidimensional evaluation metric system that goes beyond just measuring 'whether the chip can support specific model training.' It covers various scenarios and tasks, including computer vision, natural language processing, speech, multimodal, with support for multiple training frameworks and inference engines to connect AI hardware with software ecosystems. It also supports various testing environments to comprehensively assess the performance of domestic AI chips in different scenarios.
FlagPerf 指标体系除了衡量“芯片能否支持特定模型训练”的功能正确性指标之外,还包含更多维度的性能指标、资源使用指标以及生态适配能力指标等。
指标详细介绍见 这篇文章
FlagPerf 已经涵盖计算机视觉、自然语言处理、语音、多模态等领域的**30余个经典模型,80余个训练样例,**支持评测AI硬件的训练和推理能力,以及大模型场景的推理任务评测。
在训练任务场景中,除了支持 PyTorch、TensorFlow,FlagPerf 还在积极与 PaddlePaddle、MindSpore 研发团队密切配合。作为国产训练框架的领军者,百度 Paddle团队、华为昇思MindSpore 团队正在将 Llama、GPT3 等明星模型集成至 FlagPerf 测试样例集。
在推理任务场景中,FlagPerf 适配了多家芯片厂商和训练框架研发团队的推理加速引擎,以更灵活地连接AI硬件与软件生态,拓宽评测的边界和效率,如英伟达TensorRT、昆仑芯XTCL(XPU Tensor Compilation Library)、天数智芯IxRT(Iluvatar CoreX RunTime)、PyTorch TorchInductor。
为全面评估国产AI芯片多样性、可扩展性、实际应用模拟情况,FlagPerf 设定了单卡、单机(通常是8卡)、多机三个测试环境,为不同的测试环境匹配了不同测试样例场景和任务。
测试由智源研究院与众多芯片厂商联合展开。总体原则是确保客观、公平地评估芯片的通用性能,限制厂商开展有针对性的定制优化。在确定测试模型之后,首先由芯片厂商进行模型适配,这个过程中只允许厂商进行分布式通信、批数据量(batch size)等和硬件执行强相关的方面的代码修改,以确保模型能够在芯片上高效运行。其次由智源研究院依托基准测试平台FlagPerf对芯片能力开展测试,并确保测试过程顺利,芯片性能和稳定性得到最佳发挥。同时,所有测试代码均已开源,测试过程、数据可复现。
🎯 未来智源及众多AI硬件、框架团队还将共同拓展FlagPerf的评测场景,如开展集群性能的整体评估,以更全面的评估国产软硬件的性能。
- [4 Jun 2024]支持算子评测板块. #562
- [20 May 2024]支持FlagPerf在容器内启动评测. #542
- [6 May 2024]支持LLaMA3-8B megatron-core预训练. #526
- [1 Apr 2024]支持基础规格评测板块. #496
- [15 Jan 2024]支持megatron-Llama 70B预训练. #389
- [27 Oct 2023]支持Torch-llama2 7B预训练,#289
- [7 Oct 2023]支持Paddle-GPT3 预训练,#233
- [27 Sep 2023]发布v1.0版本,支持20余个经典模型,50余个训练样例,支持多家芯片厂商的训练或推理评测 #v1.0
- [3 Aug 2023]支持推理框架, 支持常见基础模型的离线批推理评测 #136
Full News
编号 | 规格名称 | 规格类型 | 英伟达 | 沐曦 | 昇腾 |
1 | FP64算力 | 算力 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
N/A | N/A |
2 | FP32算力 | 算力 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
算子或原语 | 厂商专用工具 |
3 | TF32算力 | 算力 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
算子或原语 | N/A |
4 | FP16算力 | 算力 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
算子或原语 | 厂商专用工具 |
5 | BF16算力 | 算力 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
算子或原语 | 厂商专用工具 |
6 | INT8算力 | 算力 | 厂商专用工具 | 厂商专用工具 | 厂商专用工具 |
7 | 主存储带宽 | 存储 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
算子或原语 | N/A |
8 | 主存储容量 | 存储 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
算子或原语 | N/A |
9 | CPU-芯片互连 | 互联 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
N/A | 厂商专用工具 |
10 | 服务器内P2P直连 | 互联 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
N/A | 厂商专用工具 |
11 | 服务器内MPI直连 | 互联 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
N/A | N/A |
12 | 跨服务器P2P直连 | 互联 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
N/A | N/A |
13 | 跨服务器MPI直连 | 互联 |
算子或原语, 厂商专用工具 |
N/A | N/A |
编号 | 规格名称 | 算子库 | 英伟达 |
1 | mm-FP16 | nativetorch flaggems |
A100_40_SXM |
2 | sum-FP32 | nativetorch flaggems |
A100_40_SXM |
3 | linear-FP16 | nativetorch flaggems |
A100_40_SXM |
... | ... | ... | ... |
[!TIP] 请在表格下方向右滑动查看更多厂商
编号 | 模型名称 | 模型类型 | 英伟达 | 昆仑芯 | 天数智芯 | 腾讯九霄 | 沐曦 | 海飞科 |
1 | resnet50 | CV | f32/f16 | f32/f16 | f16 | f16 | f32/f16 | N/A |
2 | BertLarge | NLP | f32/f16 | W32A16 | f16 | N/A | f32/f16 | N/A |
3 | VisionTransformer | CV | f32/f16 | W32A16 | N/A | N/A | f32/f16 | N/A |
4 | Yolov5_large | CV | f32/f16 | f32 | f16 | N/A | f32/f16 | N/A |
5 | Stable Diffusion v1.4 | MultiModal | f32/f16 | f32 | N/A | N/A | f32/f16 | N/A |
6 | SwinTransformer | CV | f32/f16 | W32A16 | N/A | N/A | f32/f16 | N/A |
7 | Llama2-7B-mmlu | NLP | f32/f16 | N/A | N/A | N/A | f32/f16 | f32/f16 |
8 | Aquila-7B-mmlu | LLM | fp16 | N/A | N/A | N/A | f16 | N/A |
9 | SegmentAnything | MultiModal | fp16 | W32A16 | N/A | N/A | f32/f16 | N/A |
10 | DeepSeek-7B MMLU | LLM | fp16 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11 | LLaMA3-8B MMLU | LLM | fp16 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
- 安装docker,python
- 确保硬件驱动、网络、硬件虚拟化等服务器基础配置齐全
- 确保可连中国大陆可访问网站,速率正常
- 确保可在容器内找到硬件
- 确保各服务器间root帐号的ssh信任关系和sudo免密
- 确保monitor相关工具已安装:包括cpu(sysstat)、内存(free)、功耗(ipmitool)、系统信息(加速卡状态查看命令)。例如ubuntu系统中,使用apt install [sysstat/ipmitool]安装
- 设置环境变量
- 确保容器内硬件驱动、网络、硬件虚拟化等服务器基础配置齐全
- 确保可连中国大陆可访问网站,速率正常
- 确保容器镜像、容器内软件包对应版本安装正确
- 确保可在容器内找到硬件
- 确保各服务器间root帐号的ssh信任关系和sudo免密
- 确保monitor相关工具已安装:包括cpu(sysstat)、内存(free)、功耗(ipmitool)、系统信息(加速卡状态查看命令)。例如ubuntu系统中,使用apt install [sysstat/ipmitool]安装
- 下载FlagPerf并部署
# 先各服务器间root帐号的ssh信任关系和sudo免密配置
git clone https://github.com/FlagOpen/FlagPerf.git
cd FlagPerf/base/
- 修改机器配置文件
cd FlagPerf/base/
vim configs/host.yaml
- 启动测试
cd FlagPerf/base/
sudo python3 run.py
- 同基础规格评测
- 下载FlagPerf并部署
# 先各服务器间root帐号的ssh信任关系和sudo免密配置
git clone https://github.com/FlagOpen/FlagPerf.git
cd FlagPerf/training/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- 修改机器配置文件
cd Flagperf/training/
vim run_benchmarks/config/cluster_conf.py
'''Cluster configs'''
#Hosts to run the benchmark. Each item is an IP address or a hostname.
HOSTS = ["", "", "", ""]
#ssh connection port
SSH_PORT = "22"
- 修改模型配置文件
cd Flagperf/training/
vim run_benchmarks/config/test_conf.py
VENDOR = "nvidia" #选择本次运行的硬件
FLAGPERF_PATH="" # FlagPerf项目路径,如"/home/FlagPerf/training"
CASES={} # 本次运行的测例,按照对应模型readme准备好数据,修改模型对应的地址
#如运行"bert:pytorch_1.8:A100:1:8:1": "/raid/home_datasets_ckpt/bert/train/",需要把:后面的路径替换为本地路径
- 启动测试
python3 ./run_benchmarks/run.py
sudo python3 ./run_benchmarks/run.py
- 查看日志
cd result/run2023XXXX/运行模型/
# ls
# ls round1/
# cd
# ls
cpu_monitor.log pwr_monitor.log rank2.out.log rank5.out.log start_pytorch_task.log
mem_monitor.log rank0.out.log rank3.out.log rank6.out.log
nvidia_monitor.log rank1.out.log rank4.out.log rank7.out.log
# tail -n 6 rank0.out.log
[PerfLog] {"event": "STEP_END", "value": {"loss": 2.679504871368408, "embedding_average": 0.916015625, "epoch": 1, "end_training": true, "global_steps": 3397, "num_trained_samples": 869632, "learning_rate": 0.000175375, "seq/s": 822.455385237589}, "metadata": {"file": "/workspace/flagperf/training/benchmarks/cpm/pytorch/run_pretraining.py", "lineno": 127, "time_ms": 1669034171032, "rank": 0}}
[PerfLog] {"event": "EVALUATE", "metadata": {"file": "/workspace/flagperf/training/benchmarks/cpm/pytorch/run_pretraining.py", "lineno": 127, "time_ms": 1669034171032, "rank": 0}}
[PerfLog] {"event": "EPOCH_END", "metadata": {"file": "/workspace/flagperf/training/benchmarks/cpm/pytorch/run_pretraining.py", "lineno": 127, "time_ms": 1669034171159, "rank": 0}}
[PerfLog] {"event": "TRAIN_END", "metadata": {"file": "/workspace/flagperf/training/benchmarks/cpm/pytorch/run_pretraining.py", "lineno": 136, "time_ms": 1669034171159, "rank": 0}}
[PerfLog] {"event": "FINISHED", "value": {"e2e_time": 1661.6114165782928, "training_sequences_per_second": 579.0933420700227, "converged": true, "final_loss": 3.066718101501465, "final_mlm_accuracy": 0.920166015625, "raw_train_time": 1501.713, "init_time": 148.937}, "metadata": {"file": "/workspace/flagperf/training/benchmarks/cpm/pytorch/run_pretraining.py", "lineno": 158, "time_ms": 1669034171646, "rank": 0}}
- 下载FlagPerf并部署
# 先各服务器间root帐号的ssh信任关系和sudo免密配置
git clone https://github.com/FlagOpen/FlagPerf.git
cd FlagPerf/inference/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- 修改机器配置文件
cd Flagperf/inference/
vim configs/host.yaml
FLAGPERF_PATH: "/home/FlagPerf/inference" #FlagPerf inference 路径
HOSTS: [""] # 机器地址
VENDOR = "nvidia" #测试机器对象,nvidia/kunlunxin/iluvatar
CASES: #待测case,记得修改数据地址
"resnet50:pytorch_1.13": "/raid/dataset/ImageNet/imagenet/val"
- 用户需要根据评测对象,配置configs//configuration.yaml,如不修改可用默认配置
batch_size: 256
# 1 item(like 1 sequence, 1 image) flops
# Attention! For transformer decoder like bert, 1 token cause 2*param flops, so we need 2*length*params like 2*512*0.33B here
# format: a_1*a*2*...*a_nea_0,like 2*512*0.33e9(bert) or 4.12e9(resnet50)
flops: 4.12e9
fp16: true
compiler: tensorrt
num_workers: 8
log_freq: 30
repeat: 5
# skip validation(will also skip create_model, export onnx). Assert exist_onnx_path != null
no_validation: false
# set a real onnx_path to use exist, or set it to anything but null to avoid export onnx manually(like torch-tensorrt)
exist_onnx_path: null
# set a exist path of engine file like resnet50.trt/resnet50.plan/resnet50.engine
exist_compiler_path: null
VENDOR = "nvidia" #选择本次运行的硬件
FLAGPERF_PATH="" # FlagPerf项目路径,如"/home/FlagPerf/training"
CASES={} # 本次运行的测例,按照对应模型readme准备好数据,修改模型对应的地址
#如运行"bert:pytorch_1.8:A100:1:8:1": "/raid/home_datasets_ckpt/bert/train/",需要把:后面的路径替换为本地路径
- 启动测试
sudo python inference/run.py
为了更直观的展示厂商参与共建的实际工作量,下面给出6个已经合并进FlagPerf,面向不同特征厂商的Pull Request。
- 第一次参与推理适配的工作内容较多。除了适配case外,还包括厂商的dockerfile、编译器实现方式、monitor等,如 #256
- 后续参与推理适配时,通常不需要适配工作量、仅需运行软件完成测试。如 #227
本项目基于Apache 2.0 license。
如有疑问,可以发送邮件至[email protected],或在issue中说明情况
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FlagPerf is an integrated AI hardware evaluation engine jointly built by the Institute of Intelligence and AI hardware manufacturers. It aims to establish an industry-oriented metric system to evaluate the actual capabilities of AI hardware under software stack combinations (model + framework + compiler). FlagPerf features a multidimensional evaluation metric system that goes beyond just measuring 'whether the chip can support specific model training.' It covers various scenarios and tasks, including computer vision, natural language processing, speech, multimodal, with support for multiple training frameworks and inference engines to connect AI hardware with software ecosystems. It also supports various testing environments to comprehensively assess the performance of domestic AI chips in different scenarios.
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FlagPerf is an integrated AI hardware evaluation engine jointly built by the Institute of Intelligence and AI hardware manufacturers. It aims to establish an industry-oriented metric system to evaluate the actual capabilities of AI hardware under software stack combinations (model + framework + compiler). FlagPerf features a multidimensional evaluation metric system that goes beyond just measuring 'whether the chip can support specific model training.' It covers various scenarios and tasks, including computer vision, natural language processing, speech, multimodal, with support for multiple training frameworks and inference engines to connect AI hardware with software ecosystems. It also supports various testing environments to comprehensively assess the performance of domestic AI chips in different scenarios.

AI System School is a curated list of research in machine learning systems, focusing on ML/DL infra, LLM infra, domain-specific infra, ML/LLM conferences, and general resources. It provides resources such as data processing, training systems, video systems, autoML systems, and more. The repository aims to help users navigate the landscape of AI systems and machine learning infrastructure, offering insights into conferences, surveys, books, videos, courses, and blogs related to the field.

Multi-Agent Orchestrator is a flexible and powerful framework for managing multiple AI agents and handling complex conversations. It intelligently routes queries to the most suitable agent based on context and content, supports dual language implementation in Python and TypeScript, offers flexible agent responses, context management across agents, extensible architecture for customization, universal deployment options, and pre-built agents and classifiers. It is suitable for various applications, from simple chatbots to sophisticated AI systems, accommodating diverse requirements and scaling efficiently.

The AI-Exchange Protocol (AIXP) is a communication standard designed to facilitate information and result exchange between artificial intelligence agents. It aims to enhance interoperability and collaboration among various AI systems by establishing a common framework for communication. AIXP includes components for communication, loop prevention, and task finalization, ensuring secure and efficient collaboration while avoiding infinite communication loops. The protocol defines access points, data formats, authentication, authorization, versioning, loop detection, status codes, error messages, and task completion verification. AIXP enables AI agents to collaborate seamlessly and complete tasks effectively, contributing to the overall efficiency and reliability of AI systems.

AIInfra is an open-source project focused on AI infrastructure, specifically targeting large models in distributed clusters, distributed architecture, distributed training, and algorithms related to large models. The project aims to explore and study system design in artificial intelligence and deep learning, with a focus on the hardware and software stack for building AI large model systems. It provides a comprehensive curriculum covering topics such as AI chip principles, communication and storage, AI clusters, large model training, and inference, as well as algorithms for large models. The course is designed for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professionals working with AI large model systems, to gain a deep understanding of AI computer system architecture and design.

Eino is an ultimate LLM application development framework in Golang, emphasizing simplicity, scalability, reliability, and effectiveness. It provides a curated list of component abstractions, a powerful composition framework, meticulously designed APIs, best practices, and tools covering the entire development cycle. Eino standardizes and improves efficiency in AI application development by offering rich components, powerful orchestration, complete stream processing, highly extensible aspects, and a comprehensive framework structure.