

RAG-powered documentation assistant that converts, processes, and provides semantic search capabilities for Odoo's technical documentation. Supports multiple Odoo versions with an interactive chat interface powered by LLM models.

Stars: 56


RAG-Powered Odoo Documentation Assistant is a comprehensive documentation processing and chat system that converts Odoo's documentation to a searchable knowledge base with an AI-powered chat interface. It supports multiple Odoo versions (16.0, 17.0, 18.0) and provides semantic search capabilities powered by OpenAI embeddings. The tool automates the conversion of RST to Markdown, offers real-time semantic search, context-aware AI-powered chat responses, and multi-version support. It includes a Streamlit-based web UI, REST API for programmatic access, and a CLI for document processing and chat. The system operates through a pipeline of data processing steps and an interface layer for UI and API access to the knowledge base.


Odoo Expert

RAG-Powered Odoo Documentation Assistant

Intro, Updates & Demo Video: https://fanyangmeng.blog/introducing-odoo-expert/

Browser extension now available for Chrome and Edge!

Check it out: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/odoo-expert/mnmapgdlgncmdiofbdacjilfcafgapci

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: This project is not sponsored or endrosed by Odoo S.A. or Odoo Inc. yet. I am developing this project as a personal project with the intention of helping the Odoo community on my own.

A comprehensive documentation processing and chat system that converts Odoo's documentation to a searchable knowledge base with an AI-powered chat interface. This tool supports multiple Odoo versions (16.0, 17.0, 18.0) and provides semantic search capabilities powered by OpenAI embeddings.

Initial Intention Behind This Project

The project was conceived with the vision of enhancing the Odoo documentation experience. The goal was to create a system similar to Perplexity or Google, where users could receive AI-powered answers directly within the documentation website, complete with proper source links. This eliminates the need for users to manually navigate through complex documentation structures.

How it works?

graph TD
    A[Odoo Documentation] -->|pull_rawdata.sh| B[Raw Data]
    B -->|process-raw| C[Markdown Files]
    C -->|process-docs| D[(Database with Embeddings)]
    D -->|serve --mode ui| E[Streamlit UI]
    D -->|serve --mode api| F[REST API]
    subgraph "Data Processing Pipeline"
    subgraph "Interface Layer"

    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style D fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style E fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style F fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

The system operates through a pipeline of data processing and serving steps:

  1. Documentation Pulling: Fetches raw documentation from Odoo's repositories
  2. Format Conversion: Converts RST files to Markdown for better AI processing
  3. Embedding Generation: Processes Markdown files and stores them with embeddings
  4. Interface Layer: Provides both UI and API access to the processed knowledge base


Core Functionality

  • Documentation Processing: Automated conversion of RST to Markdown with smart preprocessing
  • Semantic Search: Real-time semantic search across documentation versions
  • AI-Powered Chat: Context-aware responses with source citations
  • Multi-Version Support: Comprehensive support for Odoo versions 16.0, 17.0, and 18.0
  • Always updated: Efficiently detect and process documentation updates.

Interface Options

  • Web UI: Streamlit-based interface for interactive querying
  • REST API: Authenticated endpoints for programmatic access
  • CLI: Command-line interface for document processing and chat


  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • PostgreSQL with pgvector extension
  • OpenAI API access
  • Git

if you want to do source install, you need to install the following dependencies:

  • Python 3.10+
  • Pandoc
  • PostgreSQL with pgvector extension

Installation & Usage

Assuming the table name is odoo_docs. If you have a different table name, please update the table name in the following SQL commands.

Docker Compose Install

  1. Download the docker-compose.yml file to your local machine.
  2. Set up environment variables in the .env file by using the .env.example file as a template.
     SYSTEM_PROMPT=same as .env.example
     # Data Directories
  3. Run the following command:
    docker-compose up -d
  4. Pull the raw data and write to your PostgreSQL's table:
    # Pull documentation (uses ODOO_VERSIONS from .env)
    docker compose run --rm odoo-expert ./pull_rawdata.sh
    # Convert RST to Markdown
    docker compose run --rm odoo-expert python main.py process-raw
    # Process documents
    docker compose run --rm odoo-expert python main.py process-docs
  5. Access the UI at port 8501 and the API at port 8000
  6. Docker compose will automatically pull the latest changes and update the system once a day, or you can manually update by running the following command:
    docker compose run --rm odoo-expert python main.py check-updates

Source Install

  1. Install PostgreSQL and pgvector:

    # For Debian/Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
    # Install pgvector extension
    git clone https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector.git
    cd pgvector
    make install
  2. Create database and enable extension:

    CREATE DATABASE odoo_expert;
    \c odoo_expert
  3. Set up the database schema by running the SQL commands in src/sqls/init.sql.

  4. Create a .env file from the template and configure your environment variables:

    cp .env.example .env
    # Edit .env with your settings including ODOO_VERSIONS and SYSTEM_PROMPT
  5. Pull Odoo documentation:

    chmod +x pull_rawdata.sh
    ./pull_rawdata.sh  # Will use ODOO_VERSIONS from .env
  6. Convert RST to Markdown:

    python main.py process-raw
  7. Process and embed documents:

    python main.py process-docs
  8. Launch the chat interface:

    python main.py serve --mode ui
  9. Launch the API:

    python main.py serve --mode api
  10. Access the UI at port 8501 and the API at port 8000

  11. To sync with the latest changes in the Odoo documentation, run:

    python main.py check-updates

API Endpoints

The project provides a REST API for programmatic access to the documentation assistant.


All API endpoints require Bearer token authentication. Add your API token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer your-api-token


POST /api/chat Query the documentation and get AI-powered responses.

Request body:

    "query": "string",        // The question about Odoo
    "version": integer,       // Odoo version (160, 170, or 180)
    "conversation_history": [ // Optional
            "user": "string",
            "assistant": "string"


    "answer": "string",       // AI-generated response
    "sources": [              // Reference documents used
            "url": "string",
            "title": "string"


curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/api/chat" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "query": "How do I install Odoo?",
    "version": 180,
    "conversation_history": []

POST /api/stream Query the documentation and get AI-powered responses in streaming format.

Request body:

    "query": "string",        // The question about Odoo
    "version": integer,       // Odoo version (160, 170, or 180)
    "conversation_history": [ // Optional
            "user": "string",
            "assistant": "string"

Response: Stream of text chunks (text/event-stream content type)


curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/api/stream" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "query": "How do I install Odoo?",
    "version": 180,
    "conversation_history": []

Browser Extension Setup

The project includes a browser extension that enhances the Odoo documentation search experience with AI-powered responses. To set up the extension:

  1. Open Chrome/Edge and navigate to the extensions page:

    • Chrome: chrome://extensions/
    • Edge: edge://extensions/
  2. Enable "Developer mode" in the top right corner

  3. Click "Load unpacked" and select the browser-ext folder from this project

  4. The Odoo Expert extension icon should appear in your browser toolbar

  5. Make sure your local API server is running (port 8000)

The extension will now enhance the search experience on Odoo documentation pages by providing AI-powered responses alongside the traditional search results.

Future Roadmap

Please see GitHub Issues for the future roadmap.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please:

  • Check the known issues
  • Create a new issue in the GitHub repository
  • Provide detailed information about your environment and the problem

⚠️ Please do not directly email me for support, as I will not respond to it at all, let's keep the discussion in the GitHub issues for clarity and transparency.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Thanks for the following contributors during the development of this project:


This project is licensed under Apache License 2.0: No warranty is provided. You can use this project for any purpose, but you must include the original copyright and license.

Extra license CC-BY-SA 4.0 to align with the original Odoo/Documentation license.

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