

local language model for radare2

Stars: 64


r2ai is a tool designed to run a language model locally without internet access. It can be used to entertain users or assist in answering questions related to radare2 or reverse engineering. The tool allows users to prompt the language model, index large codebases, slurp file contents, embed the output of an r2 command, define different system-level assistant roles, set environment variables, and more. It is accessible as an r2lang-python plugin and can be scripted from various languages. Users can use different models, adjust query templates dynamically, load multiple models, and make them communicate with each other.


,______  .______ .______  ,___
: __   \ \____  |:      \ : __|
|  \____|/  ____||  _,_  || : |
|   :  \ \   .  ||   :   ||   |
|   |___\ \__:__||___|   ||   |
|___|        :       |___||___|
             *       --pancake


Run a language model in local, without internet, to entertain you or help answering questions about radare2 or reverse engineering in general. Note that models used by r2ai are pulled from external sources which may behave different or respond unrealible information. That's why there's an ongoing effort into improving the post-finetuning using memgpt-like techniques which can't get better without your help!


R2AI is structured into four independent components:

  • r2ai (wip r2ai-native rewrite in C)
    • r2-like repl using r2pipe to comunicate with r2
    • supports auto solving mode
    • client and server openapi protocol
    • download and manage models from huggingface
  • decai
    • lightweight r2js plugin
    • focus on decompilation
    • talks to r2ai, r2ai-server, openai, anthropic or ollama
  • r2ai-plugin
    • requires r2lang-python
    • adds r2ai command inside r2
    • not recommended because of python versions pain
  • r2ai-server
    • list and select models downloaded from r2ai
    • simple cli tool to start local openapi webservers
    • supports llamafile, llamacpp, r2ai-w and kobaldcpp


  • Support Auto mode (see below) to solve tasks using function calling
  • Use local and remote language models (llama, ollama, openai, anthropic, ..)
  • Support OpenAI, Anthropic, Bedrock
  • Index large codebases or markdown books using a vector database
  • Slurp file and perform actions on that
  • Embed the output of an r2 command and resolve questions on the given data
  • Define different system-level assistant role
  • Set environment variables to provide context to the language model
  • Live with repl and batch mode from cli or r2 prompt
  • Accessible as an r2lang-python plugin, keeps session state inside radare2
  • Scriptable from python, bash, r2pipe, and javascript (r2papi)
  • Use different models, dynamically adjust query template
    • Load multiple models and make them talk between them


Running make will setup a python virtual environment in the current directory installing all the necessary dependencies and will get into a shell to run r2ai.

The installation is now splitted into two different targets:

  • make install will place a symlink in $BINDIR/r2ai
  • make install-plugin will install the native r2 plugin into your home
  • make install-decai will install the decai r2js decompiler plugin
  • make install-server will install the decai r2js decompiler plugin


When installed via r2pm you can execute it like this:

r2pm -r r2ai

Additionally you can get the r2ai command inside r2 to run as an rlang plugin by installing the bindings:

r2pm -i rlang-python
make user-install

After this you should get the r2ai command inside the radare2 shell. Set the R2_DEBUG=1 environment to see the reasons why the plugin is not loaded if it's not there.


On Windows you may follow the same instructions, just ensure you have the right python environment ready and create the venv to use

git clone https://github.com/radareorg/r2ai
cd r2ai
set PATH=C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\;%PATH%
python3 -m pip -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py


There are 4 different ways to run r2ai:

  • Standalone and interactive: r2pm -r r2ai or python main.py
  • Batch mode: r2ai '-r act as a calculator' '3+3=?'
  • As an r2 plugin: r2 -i main.py /bin/ls
  • From radare2 (requires r2pm -ci rlang-python): r2 -c 'r2ai -h'
  • Using r2pipe: #!pipe python main.py
    • Define a macro command: '$r2ai=#!pipe python main.py

Auto mode

When using OpenAI, Claude or any of the Functionary local models you can use the auto mode which permits the language model to execute r2 commands, analyze the output in loop and in a loop until it is resolved. Here's a sample session to achieve that:

$ . env/bin/activate
(env)$ r2 /bin/ls
[0x00000000]> '$r2ai=#!pipe python main.py
[0x00000000]> $r2ai '-m openai:gpt-4'
[0x00000000]> $r2ai "' list the imports for this program"
[0x00000000]> $r2ai "' draw me a donut"
[0x00000000]> $r2ai "' decompile current function and explain it"


You can interact with r2ai from standalone python, from r2pipe via r2 keeping a global state or using the javascript interpreter embedded inside radare2.


Just run make .. or well python3 main.py


  • add "undo" command to drop the last message
  • dump / restore conversational states (see -L command)
  • Implement ~, | and > and other r2shell features

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