编程导航的新项目,基于 Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket 的企业级智能协同云图库平台。项目应用场景广泛,可作为表情包网站、设计素材网站、壁纸网站、个人云盘、企业活动相册等。用户可以在平台公开上传和检索图片素材;管理员可以上传、审核和管理分析图片;个人用户可将图片上传至私有空间进行批量管理、检索、编辑和分析;企业可开通团队空间并邀请成员,共享图片并实时协同编辑图片。技术栈包括 MySQL 分库分表、Redis + Caffeine 多级缓存、COS 对象存储、Sa-Token 权限控制、DDD 领域驱动设计、WebSocket 实时通讯、JUC、Disruptor、AI 绘图大模型、设计模式等。从 0 到 1 的真实企业级项目设计开发,绝对让你收获满满
Stars: 146
The 'yu-picture' project is an educational project that provides complete video tutorials, text tutorials, resume writing, interview question solutions, and Q&A services to help you improve your project skills and enhance your resume. It is an enterprise-level intelligent collaborative cloud image library platform based on Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket. The platform has a wide range of applications, including public image uploading and retrieval, image analysis for administrators, private image management for individual users, and real-time collaborative image editing for enterprises. The project covers file management, content retrieval, permission control, and real-time collaboration, using various programming concepts, architectural design methods, and optimization strategies to ensure high-speed iteration and stable operation.
本项目为教学项目,提供完整视频教程 + 文字教程 + 简历写法 + 面试题解 + 答疑服务,帮你提升项目能力,给简历增加亮点!
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基于 Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket 的 企业级智能协同云图库平台。
这个平台的应用场景非常广泛,核心功能可分为 4 大类,将分为 3 个阶段循序渐进带大家完成~
4)对于企业,可开通团队空间并邀请成员,共享图片并 实时协同编辑图片,提高团队协作效率。可用于提供商业服务,如企业活动相册、企业内部素材库等:
有业务、有技术,从 0 到 1 的真实企业级(商业级)项目设计开发,绝对让你收获满满!
1)第一阶段,开发公共的图库平台。实战 Vue 3 + Spring Boot 图片素材网站的快速开发,学习文件存管业务的开发和优化技巧。
2)第二阶段,对项目 C 端功能进行大量扩展。用户可开通私有空间,并对空间图片进行多维检索、扫码分享、批量管理、快速编辑、用量分析。该阶段涉及大量主流业务功能开发,能学到很多业务知识和开发经验。
3)第三阶段,对项目 B 端功能进行大量扩展。企业可开通团队空间,邀请和管理空间成员,团队内共享图片并实时协同编辑图片。该阶段涉及大量商业项目的应用场景,能学到很多架构设计和项目优化的技巧。
鱼皮原创项目系列以实战为主,从 0 到 1 带大家学习技术知识,并立即实践运用到项目中,做到学以致用。
从需求分析、技术选型、项目设计、项目初始化、Demo 编写、前后端开发实现、项目优化、部署上线等,每个环节我都 从理论到实践 给大家讲的明明白白、每个细节都不放过!
- 详细的直播笔记(本项目有全套文字教程)
- 完整的项目源码(分节的代码,更易学习)
- 答疑解惑和专属项目交流群
- ⭐️ 现成的简历写法(直接写满简历)
- ⭐️ 项目的扩展思路(拉开和其他人的差距)
- ⭐️ 项目相关面试题、题解和真实面经(提前准备,面试不懵逼)
- ⭐️ 前端 + Java 后端万用项目模板(快速创建项目)
编程导航已有 10 多套项目教程,每个项目的学习重点不同,几乎全都是前端 + 后端的 全栈 项目!
欢迎 加入编程导航,不仅能学习往期 10+ 套原创项目教程 ,还能享受更多原创资料、学习指南、求职指导、上百场模拟面试视频,开启你的编程起飞之旅~
本项目选题新颖、功能丰富、业务真实、应用广泛。区别于增删改查的 “烂大街” 项目,鱼皮会带你实战大量新技术和商业应用场景,掌握层层递进的系统设计、项目扩展和优化方案,给你的简历大幅增加竞争力。
鱼皮给大家讲的都是 通用的项目开发方法和架构设计套路,从这个项目中你可以学到:
- 如何拆解复杂业务,从 0 开始设计实现企业级系统?
- 如何巧用 RBAC 权限模型和框架实现复杂权限控制?
- 如何结合 Redis + Caffeine 构建高性能多级缓存?
- 如何实现文件的高效存储,并通过十几种策略进行优化?
- 如何使用高级数据结构 Disruptor 无锁队列提升并发性能?
- 如何使用 ShardingSphere 实现动态扩容的分库分表?
- 如何使用 WebSocket 多端通信,实现企业级实时协作功能?
- 如何接入 AI 绘图大模型,实现更多高级图片处理能力?
- 如何使用 DDD 架构实现大型企业级项目?
- 如何快速部署上线项目?
此外,还能学会很多作图、思考问题、对比方案的方法,提升排查问题、自主解决 Bug 的能力。鱼皮还给大家提供了大量的项目扩展点,有能力的同学可以进一步拉开和别人的区分度,无限进步!
- Java Spring Boot 框架
- MySQL 数据库 + MyBatis-Plus 框架 + MyBatis X
- Redis 分布式缓存 + Caffeine 本地缓存
- Jsoup 数据抓取
- ⭐️ COS 对象存储
- ⭐️ ShardingSphere 分库分表
- ⭐️ Sa-Token 权限控制
- ⭐️ DDD 领域驱动设计
- ⭐️ WebSocket 双向通信
- ⭐️ Disruptor 高性能无锁队列
- ⭐️ JUC 并发和异步编程
- ⭐️ AI 绘图大模型接入
- ⭐️ 多种设计模式的运用
- ⭐️ 多角度项目优化:性能、成本、安全性等
- Vue 3 框架
- Vite 打包工具
- Ant Design Vue 组件库
- Axios 请求库
- Pinia 全局状态管理
- 其他组件:数据可视化、图片编辑等
- ⭐️ 前端工程化:ESLint + Prettier + TypeScript
- ⭐️ OpenAPI 前端代码生成
- 学习计划、视频教程、文字教程、项目源码
- 项目答疑、项目交流群、学员笔记
- 简历写法、面试题解、扩展思路
以上资料均可在编程导航网站获取,点击 加入编程导航,可以解锁全部项目资料。
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The 'yu-picture' project is an educational project that provides complete video tutorials, text tutorials, resume writing, interview question solutions, and Q&A services to help you improve your project skills and enhance your resume. It is an enterprise-level intelligent collaborative cloud image library platform based on Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket. The platform has a wide range of applications, including public image uploading and retrieval, image analysis for administrators, private image management for individual users, and real-time collaborative image editing for enterprises. The project covers file management, content retrieval, permission control, and real-time collaboration, using various programming concepts, architectural design methods, and optimization strategies to ensure high-speed iteration and stable operation.
EasyAi is a lightweight, beginner-friendly Java artificial intelligence algorithm framework. It can be seamlessly integrated into Java projects with Maven, requiring no additional environment configuration or dependencies. The framework provides pre-packaged modules for image object detection and AI customer service, as well as various low-level algorithm tools for deep learning, machine learning, reinforcement learning, heuristic learning, and matrix operations. Developers can easily develop custom micro-models tailored to their business needs.
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This repository documents how to optimize common algorithms based on CUDA. It includes subdirectories with code implementations for specific optimizations. The optimizations cover topics such as compiling PyTorch from source, NVIDIA's reduce optimization, OneFlow's elementwise template, fast atomic add for half data types, upsample nearest2d optimization in OneFlow, optimized indexing in PyTorch, OneFlow's softmax kernel, linear attention optimization, and more. The repository also includes learning resources related to deep learning frameworks, compilers, and optimization techniques.
LabelQuick_V2.0 is a fast image annotation tool designed and developed by the AI Horizon team. This version has been optimized and improved based on the previous version. It provides an intuitive interface and powerful annotation and segmentation functions to efficiently complete dataset annotation work. The tool supports video object tracking annotation, quick annotation by clicking, and various video operations. It introduces the SAM2 model for accurate and efficient object detection in video frames, reducing manual intervention and improving annotation quality. The tool is designed for Windows systems and requires a minimum of 6GB of memory.
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ChatWiki is an open-source knowledge base AI question-answering system. It is built on large language models (LLM) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technologies, providing out-of-the-box data processing, model invocation capabilities, and helping enterprises quickly build their own knowledge base AI question-answering systems. It offers exclusive AI question-answering system, easy integration of models, data preprocessing, simple user interface design, and adaptability to different business scenarios.
k8m is an AI-driven Mini Kubernetes AI Dashboard lightweight console tool designed to simplify cluster management. It is built on AMIS and uses 'kom' as the Kubernetes API client. k8m has built-in Qwen2.5-Coder-7B model interaction capabilities and supports integration with your own private large models. Its key features include miniaturized design for easy deployment, user-friendly interface for intuitive operation, efficient performance with backend in Golang and frontend based on Baidu AMIS, pod file management for browsing, editing, uploading, downloading, and deleting files, pod runtime management for real-time log viewing, log downloading, and executing shell commands within pods, CRD management for automatic discovery and management of CRD resources, and intelligent translation and diagnosis based on ChatGPT for YAML property translation, Describe information interpretation, AI log diagnosis, and command recommendations, providing intelligent support for managing k8s. It is cross-platform compatible with Linux, macOS, and Windows, supporting multiple architectures like x86 and ARM for seamless operation. k8m's design philosophy is 'AI-driven, lightweight and efficient, simplifying complexity,' helping developers and operators quickly get started and easily manage Kubernetes clusters.
Douyin ChatGPT Bot is an AI-driven system for automatic replies on Douyin, including comment and private message replies. It offers features such as comment filtering, customizable robot responses, and automated account management. The system aims to enhance user engagement and brand image on the Douyin platform, providing a seamless experience for managing interactions with followers and potential customers.
General Framework is a cross-platform library designed to help create apps with a unified codebase using Flutter. It offers features such as cross-platform support, standardized style code, a CLI for easier usage, API integration for bot development, customizable extensions for faster development, and user-friendly information. The library is intended to streamline the app, server, bot, and userbot creation process by providing a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities.
Godog is an AI desktop pet powered by a large language model and created with Godot. It aims to provide a versatile and rich desktop AI pet that users can customize to create unique pet images and behaviors. The tool is lightweight, easy to develop with Godot, compatible with various large language models, offers pre-made character functions and multiple appearances, supports multimodal capabilities, and allows users to easily build their own AI desktop pets on top of the existing features.
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AI-on-the-edge-device is a project that enables users to digitize analog water, gas, power, and other meters using an ESP32 board with a supported camera. It integrates Tensorflow Lite for AI processing, offers a small and affordable device with integrated camera and illumination, provides a web interface for administration and control, supports Homeassistant, Influx DB, MQTT, and REST API. The device captures meter images, extracts Regions of Interest (ROIs), runs them through AI for digitization, and allows users to send data to MQTT, InfluxDb, or access it via REST API. The project also includes 3D-printable housing options and tools for logfile management.
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airda(Air Data Agent) is a multi-agent system for data analysis, which can understand data development and data analysis requirements, understand data, and generate SQL and Python code for data query, data visualization, machine learning and other tasks.
Agenta is an open-source LLM developer platform for prompt engineering, evaluation, human feedback, and deployment of complex LLM applications. It provides tools for prompt engineering and management, evaluation, human annotation, and deployment, all without imposing any restrictions on your choice of framework, library, or model. Agenta allows developers and product teams to collaborate in building production-grade LLM-powered applications in less time.
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Hyper-Pretrained Transformers (HPT) is a novel multimodal LLM framework from HyperGAI, trained for vision-language models capable of understanding both textual and visual inputs. The repository contains the open-source implementation of inference code to reproduce the evaluation results of HPT Air on different benchmarks. HPT has achieved competitive results with state-of-the-art models on various multimodal LLM benchmarks. It offers models like HPT 1.5 Air and HPT 1.0 Air, providing efficient solutions for vision-and-language tasks.
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Spark AI Free 服务 provides high-speed streaming output, multi-turn dialogue support, AI drawing support, long document interpretation, and image parsing. It offers zero-configuration deployment, multi-token support, and automatic session trace cleaning. It is fully compatible with the ChatGPT interface. The repository includes multiple free-api projects for various AI services. Users can access the API for tasks such as chat completions, AI drawing, document interpretation, image analysis, and ssoSessionId live checking. The project also provides guidelines for deployment using Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, and native deployment methods. It recommends using custom clients for faster and simpler access to the free-api series projects.
MLX-VLM is a package designed for running Vision LLMs on Mac systems using MLX. It provides a convenient way to install and utilize the package for processing large language models related to vision tasks. The tool simplifies the process of running LLMs on Mac computers, offering a seamless experience for users interested in leveraging MLX for vision-related projects.
This is the official Clarifai gRPC Python client for interacting with their recognition API. Clarifai offers a platform for data scientists, developers, researchers, and enterprises to utilize artificial intelligence for image, video, and text analysis through computer vision and natural language processing. The client allows users to authenticate, predict concepts in images, and access various functionalities provided by the Clarifai API. It follows a versioning scheme that aligns with the backend API updates and includes specific instructions for installation and troubleshooting. Users can explore the Clarifai demo, sign up for an account, and refer to the documentation for detailed information.
This repository provides the latest implementation for the AI Horde Worker, allowing users to utilize their graphics card(s) to generate, post-process, or analyze images for others. It offers a platform where users can create images and earn 'kudos' in return, granting priority for their own image generations. The repository includes important details for setup, recommendations for system configurations, instructions for installation on Windows and Linux, basic usage guidelines, and information on updating the AI Horde Worker. Users can also run the worker with multiple GPUs and receive notifications for updates through Discord. Additionally, the repository contains models that are licensed under the CreativeML OpenRAIL License.
Geospy is a Python tool that utilizes Graylark's AI-powered geolocation service to determine the location where photos were taken. It allows users to analyze images and retrieve information such as country, city, explanation, coordinates, and Google Maps links. The tool provides a seamless way to integrate geolocation services into various projects and applications.
Awesome-Colorful-LLM is a meticulously assembled anthology of vibrant multimodal research focusing on advancements propelled by large language models (LLMs) in domains such as Vision, Audio, Agent, Robotics, and Fundamental Sciences like Mathematics. The repository contains curated collections of works, datasets, benchmarks, projects, and tools related to LLMs and multimodal learning. It serves as a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners interested in exploring the intersection of language models and various modalities for tasks like image understanding, video pretraining, 3D modeling, document understanding, audio analysis, agent learning, robotic applications, and mathematical research.
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The serverless-pdf-chat repository contains a sample application that allows users to ask natural language questions of any PDF document they upload. It leverages serverless services like Amazon Bedrock, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB to provide text generation and analysis capabilities. The application architecture involves uploading a PDF document to an S3 bucket, extracting metadata, converting text to vectors, and using a LangChain to search for information related to user prompts. The application is not intended for production use and serves as a demonstration and educational tool.
Generative BI using RAG on AWS is a comprehensive framework designed to enable Generative BI capabilities on customized data sources hosted on AWS. It offers features such as Text-to-SQL functionality for querying data sources using natural language, user-friendly interface for managing data sources, performance enhancement through historical question-answer ranking, and entity recognition. It also allows customization of business information, handling complex attribution analysis problems, and provides an intuitive question-answering UI with a conversational approach for complex queries.
Azure Functions OpenAI Extension is a project that adds support for OpenAI LLM (GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4) bindings in Azure Functions. It provides NuGet packages for various functionalities like text completions, chat completions, assistants, embeddings generators, and semantic search. The project requires .NET 6 SDK or greater, Azure Functions Core Tools v4.x, and specific settings in Azure Function or local settings for development. It offers features like text completions, chat completion, assistants with custom skills, embeddings generators for text relatedness, and semantic search using vector databases. The project also includes examples in C# and Python for different functionalities.
The edge2ai-workshop repository provides a hands-on workshop for building an IoT Predictive Maintenance workflow. It includes lab exercises for setting up components like NiFi, Streams Processing, Data Visualization, and more on a single host. The repository also covers use cases such as credit card fraud detection. Users can follow detailed instructions, prerequisites, and connectivity guidelines to connect to their cluster and explore various services. Additionally, troubleshooting tips are provided for common issues like MiNiFi not sending messages or CEM not picking up new NARs.
CB-Tumblebug (CB-TB) is a system for managing multi-cloud infrastructure consisting of resources from multiple cloud service providers. It provides an overview, features, and architecture. The tool supports various cloud providers and resource types, with ongoing development and localization efforts. Users can deploy a multi-cloud infra with GPUs, enjoy multiple LLMs in parallel, and utilize LLM-related scripts. The tool requires Linux, Docker, Docker Compose, and Golang for building the source. Users can run CB-TB with Docker Compose or from the Makefile, set up prerequisites, contribute to the project, and view a list of contributors. The tool is licensed under an open-source license.
The 'yu-picture' project is an educational project that provides complete video tutorials, text tutorials, resume writing, interview question solutions, and Q&A services to help you improve your project skills and enhance your resume. It is an enterprise-level intelligent collaborative cloud image library platform based on Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket. The platform has a wide range of applications, including public image uploading and retrieval, image analysis for administrators, private image management for individual users, and real-time collaborative image editing for enterprises. The project covers file management, content retrieval, permission control, and real-time collaboration, using various programming concepts, architectural design methods, and optimization strategies to ensure high-speed iteration and stable operation.
Resonance is a framework designed to facilitate interoperability and messaging between services in your infrastructure and beyond. It provides AI capabilities and takes full advantage of asynchronous PHP, built on top of Swoole. With Resonance, you can: * Chat with Open-Source LLMs: Create prompt controllers to directly answer user's prompts. LLM takes care of determining user's intention, so you can focus on taking appropriate action. * Asynchronous Where it Matters: Respond asynchronously to incoming RPC or WebSocket messages (or both combined) with little overhead. You can set up all the asynchronous features using attributes. No elaborate configuration is needed. * Simple Things Remain Simple: Writing HTTP controllers is similar to how it's done in the synchronous code. Controllers have new exciting features that take advantage of the asynchronous environment. * Consistency is Key: You can keep the same approach to writing software no matter the size of your project. There are no growing central configuration files or service dependencies registries. Every relation between code modules is local to those modules. * Promises in PHP: Resonance provides a partial implementation of Promise/A+ spec to handle various asynchronous tasks. * GraphQL Out of the Box: You can build elaborate GraphQL schemas by using just the PHP attributes. Resonance takes care of reusing SQL queries and optimizing the resources' usage. All fields can be resolved asynchronously.
Aiogram bot template is a boilerplate for creating Telegram bots using Aiogram framework. It provides a solid foundation for building robust and scalable bots with a focus on code organization, database integration, and localization.