High-performance, optimized pre-trained template AI application pipelines for systems using Hailo devices
Stars: 122

Hailo TAPPAS is a set of full application examples that implement pipeline elements and pre-trained AI tasks. It demonstrates Hailo's system integration scenarios on predefined systems, aiming to accelerate time to market, simplify integration with Hailo's runtime SW stack, and provide a starting point for customers to fine-tune their applications. The tool supports both Hailo-15 and Hailo-8, offering various example applications optimized for different common hosts. TAPPAS includes pipelines for single network, two network, and multi-stream processing, as well as high-resolution processing via tiling. It also provides example use case pipelines like License Plate Recognition and Multi-Person Multi-Camera Tracking. The tool is regularly updated with new features, bug fixes, and platform support.
.. |gstreamer| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/gstreamer-1.16%20%7C%201.18%20%7C%201.20-blue :target: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ :alt: Gstreamer 1.16 | 1.18 | 1.20 :width: 150 :height: 20
.. |hailort| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/HailoRT-4.19.0-green :target: https://github.com/hailo-ai/hailort :alt: HailoRT :height: 20
.. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-LGPLv2.1-green :target: https://github.com/hailo-ai/tappas/blob/master/LICENSE :alt: License: LGPL v2.1 :height: 20
.. |check_mark| image:: ./resources/check_mark.png :width: 20 :align: middle
.. image:: ./resources/github_Tappas_Mar24.jpg :height: 300 :width: 600 :align: center
.. raw:: html
|gstreamer| |hailort| |license|
TAPPAS is Hailo's set of full application examples, implementing pipeline elements and pre-trained AI tasks.
Demonstrating Hailo's system integration scenario of specific use cases on predefined systems (software and Hardware platforms). It can be used for evaluations, reference code and demos:
- Accelerating time to market by reducing development time and deployment effort
- Simplifying integration with Hailo’s runtime SW stack
- Providing a starting point for customers to fine-tune their applications
.. image:: ./resources/HAILO_TAPPAS_SW_STACK.svg
Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Hailo-8 device
- HailoRT PCIe driver installed
- At least 6GB's of free disk space
.. note:: This version is compatible with HailoRT v4.20.
Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^
.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1
- Option
- Instructions
- Supported OS
- Hailo SW Suite*
SW Suite Install guide <docs/installation/sw-suite-install.rst>
_ - Ubuntu x86 20.04, Ubuntu x86 22.04
- Pre-built Docker image
Docker install guide <docs/installation/docker-install.rst>
_ - Ubuntu x86 20.04, Ubuntu x86 22.04, Ubuntu aarch64 20.04 (64-bit)
- Manual install
Manual install guide <docs/installation/manual-install.rst>
_ - Ubuntu x86 20.04, Ubuntu x86 22.04, Ubuntu aarch64 20.04
- Yocto installation
Read more about Yocto installation <docs/installation/yocto.rst>
_ - Yocto supported BSP's
- Raspberry Pi 4 installation
Read more about Raspberry Pi 4 installation <docs/installation/raspberry-pi-install.rst>
_ - Raspberry Pi OS
- Raspberry Pi 5 installation
Read more about Raspberry Pi 5 installation <https://github.com/hailo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples/blob/main/doc/install-raspberry-pi5.md>
_ - Raspberry Pi OS
* It is recommended to start your development journey by first installing the Hailo SW Suite
Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Framework architecture and elements documentation <docs/TAPPAS_architecture.rst>
_ -
Guide to writing your own C++ postprocess element <docs/write_your_own_application/write-your-own-postprocess.rst>
_ -
Guide to writing your own Python postprocess element <docs/write_your_own_application/write-your-own-python-postprocess.rst>
_ -
Debugging and profiling performance <docs/write_your_own_application/debugging.rst>
_ -
Cross compile <tools/cross_compiler/README.rst>
_ - A guide for cross-compiling
TAPPAS is now released separately for Hailo-8, for Hailo-15 please refer to https://github.com/hailo-ai/tappas/tree/master-vpu.
For a quick start with Hailo-15, please refer to the Vision Processor Software Package documentation section
in Hailo's Developer Zone <https://hailo.ai/developer-zone/documentation/>
.. note:: For the Raspberry Pi 5 applications, go to
Hailo Raspberry Pi 5 Examples <https://github.com/hailo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples>
.. note:: These example applications are part of the Hailo AI Software Suite.
Hailo offers an additional set of
Application Code Examples <https://github.com/hailo-ai/Hailo-Application-Code-Examples>
TAPPAS comes with a rich set of pre-configured pipelines optimized for different common hosts.
.. important:: * All example applications utilize both the host (for non-neural tasks) and the Neural-Network Core (for neural-networks inference), therefore performance results are affected by the host. * General application examples do not include any architecture-specific accelerator usage, and therefore will provide the easiest way to run an application, but with sub-optimal performance. * Architecture-specific application examples (i.MX, Raspberry PI, etc.) use platform-specific hardware accelerators and are not compatible with different architectures.
.. note:: All i.MX example application are validated on i.MX8 and i.MX6 platforms and are compatible with the architectures.
.. note:: Running application examples requires a direct connection to a monitor.
Basic Single Network Pipelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Pipelines that run a single network. The diagram below shows the pipeline data-flow.
.. image:: resources/single_net_pipeline.jpg
The following table details the currently available examples.
.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :widths: 40 12 12 12 12 12 :align: center
General <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/README.rst>
_ -
i.MX8 <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
_ -
RPi4 <apps/h8/gstreamer/raspberrypi/README.rst>
_ -
x86 Hardware Accelerated <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/README.rst>
_ -
Rockchip <apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/README.rst>
- Object Detection
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- Depth Estimation
- |check_mark|
- |check_mark|
- |check_mark|
- Instance segmentation
- |check_mark|
- Classification with Python Postprocessing
- |check_mark|
- Object Detection Multiple Devices (Century)
- |check_mark|
- |check_mark|
- Face Recognition
- |check_mark|
Two Network Pipelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Examples of basic pipelines running two networks. The cascaded (serial) flow shows two networks running in series. This example pipeline is of the popular configuration where the first network is a detector which finds some Region-of-Interest (ROI) in the input image and the second network processes the cropped ROI (a face-detection-and-landmarking use case of this pipeline is shown at the top of this guide). The pipeline is shown in the following diagram:
.. image:: resources/cascaded_nets_pipeline.png
.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :widths: 40 12 12 12 12 12 :align: center
General <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/README.rst>
_ -
i.MX8 <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
_ -
RPi4 <apps/h8/gstreamer/raspberrypi/README.rst>
_ -
x86 Hardware Accelerated <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/README.rst>
_ -
Rockchip <apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/README.rst>
- Cascaded - Face Detection & Landmarks
- |check_mark|
- |check_mark|
- Cascaded - Person Det & Single Person Pose Estimation
- |check_mark|
- |check_mark|
- Cascaded - Face Detection & Recognition
- |check_mark|
Multi-Stream Pipelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
.. image:: docs/resources/one_network_multi_stream.png
.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :widths: 40 12 12 12 12 12 :align: center
General <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/README.rst>
_ -
i.MX8 <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
_ -
RPi4 <apps/h8/gstreamer/raspberrypi/README.rst>
_ -
x86 Hardware Accelerated <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/README.rst>
_ -
Rockchip <apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/README.rst>
- Multi-stream Object Detection
- |check_mark|
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- |check_mark|
- Multi-stream Multi-Device Object Detection
- |check_mark|
Pipelines for High-Resolution Processing Via Tiling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
.. image:: docs/resources/tiling-example.png
.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :widths: 40 12 12 12 12 12 :align: center
General <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/README.rst>
_ -
i.MX8 <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
_ -
RPi4 <apps/h8/gstreamer/raspberrypi/README.rst>
_ -
x86 Hardware Accelerated <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/README.rst>
_ -
Rockchip <apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/README.rst>
- HD Object Detection
- |check_mark|
- |check_mark|
Example Use Case Pipelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Our LPR reference application demonstrates the use of 3 networks, with a database. The pipeline demonstrates inference based decision making (Vehicle detection) for secondary inference tasks (License plate data extraction). This allows multiple networks to cooperate in the pipeline for reactive behavior.
.. image:: resources/lpr_pipeline.png
Our Multi-Person Multi-Camera Tracking reference application demonstrates person tracking across multiple streams using RE-ID tracking. The pipeline demonstrates another method for inference based decision making that also connects between different video streams.
.. image:: resources/re_id_pipeline.png
.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :widths: 40 12 12 12 12 12 :align: center
General <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/README.rst>
_ -
i.MX8 <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
_ -
RPi4 <apps/h8/gstreamer/raspberrypi/README.rst>
_ -
x86 Hardware Accelerated <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/README.rst>
_ -
Rockchip <apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/README.rst>
- |check_mark|
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If you need support, please post your question on our Hailo community Forum <https://community.hailo.ai/>
_ for assistance.
Contact information is available at hailo.ai <https://hailo.ai/contact-us/>
v3.31.0 (December 2024)
- Known issue: detection.sh application in imx8m has some fps degradation.
v3.30.0 (October 2024)
- TAPPAS is now released separately for Hailo-8, for Hailo-15 please refer to https://github.com/hailo-ai/tappas/tree/master-vpu
- Various bug fixes and stability Improvements
v3.29.1 (August 2024)
- Updated infrastructure to better support Raspberry Pi 5
- Added an option to control Yolo (Detection) Hailort post-process parameters via a JSON configuration
- Semantic segmentation post-process now extracts the argmax tensor using Regular Expressions
v3.29.0 (July 2024)
- Updated all Hailo-15 example applications to use the latest API
- Added a new C++ based example application that demonstrates the use of the
Hailo-15 API
Link <core/hailo/apps/hailo15/ai_example_app/README.rst>
_ - This release is aligned with the Hailo-15 Vision Processor Software Package 2024-07
- Added a new example application which demonstrates x86 hardware-accelerated
multi-stream detection <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/multistream_detection/README.rst>
_ - Various bug fixes and stability improvements for
Raspberry Pi 5 <https://github.com/hailo-ai/hailo-rpi5-examples>
- Added a new example application which demonstrates x86 hardware-accelerated
Fixed various stability issues across apps and platforms
v3.28.1 (May 2024)
- Added a new property to
which allows the sub-frame to be leaky -
now properly supports Hailo-15 with a new DMABuf sync mechanism -
(Hailo-15 Element) now supports theletterbox
v3.28.0 (April 2024)
- Tappas was updated in this version, with a revised list of supported platform and apps
- Added
(as default) to Detection application examples - Fixed various stability issues across apps and platforms
- This release is aligned to Hailo-15 Vision Processor Software Package 2024-04
v3.27.2 (March 2024)
- Aligned to Hailo-15 Vision Processor Software Package 2024-01.2
- Added a new example application - Frontend Update
- Updated the hailo OSD API
- Detection application now works with an updated
element - Various bugs fixes
v3.27.1 (February 2024)
- Aligned to Hailo-15 Vision Processor Software Package 2024-01.1
- Added a new Hailo-15 external host application that saves udp stream to file
v3.27.0 (January 2024)
Updated the Hailo-15 applications to use the updated Media Library implementation:
- Basic Security Camera (streaming)
- Detection
- Single Stream OSD (On-Screen Display)
Added a folder for external host scripts and added the UDP Stream Display script
.. note:: TAPPAS supports both Hailo-15 and Hailo-8. Temporarily, in this version, only the following Hailo-8 based example applications are supported:
* Detection
* yolov5
* mobilenet_ssd
* Multi-Stream Detection
* Multi-Stream Detection
* MultiStream Detection with Stream Multiplexer
* License Plate Recognition
These applications are supported under the general folder (x86-based platforms).
v3.26.2 (December 2023)
- Aligned to Hailo-15 Vision Processor Software Package 2023-10.2
- Add grayscale support for Media Library Front-end
- Various bug fixes for Hailo-15 pipelines
v3.26.1 (November 2023)
- Aligned to Hailo-15 Vision Processor Software Package 2023-10.1
- Updated OSD configuration to support new dynamic features and adjust to the updated Media Library implementation
- Added a script for displaying UDP streams
- Basic security camera (Media Library implementation) now support 5 outputs
v3.26.0 (October 2023)
Added Hailo-15 supported application examples:
- Detection
- License Plate Recognition
- A new Hailo-15 specific example application - Basic Security Camera (streaming)
Removed Yolact models support from Instance Segmentation
Various bug fixes:
- Fixed the Detection application on i.MX6 platforms
- Fixed an issue with Face Recognition which prevented faces to be recognized ins some scenarios
- Fixed an issue which caused a warning when running some networks
v3.25.0 (July 2023)
- Improved Yolov5seg post-process performance
- Updated Yolo networks to use the HailoRT native post-process (selected models)
- Added "non-blocking mode" and "wait-time" properties to hailoroundrobin element
v3.24.0 (March 2023)
Added support for
Rockchip RK3588 <apps/h8/gstreamer/rockchip/README.rst>
_ (validated on Firefly ITX-3588J platform) -
Video Management System now supports multi-device (Ubuntu 22.04 only)
Video Management System (single device) now works on Ubuntu 20.04
Added a new model to
Instance Segmentation Pipeline <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/instance_segmentation/README.rst>
- which has improved performance compared toyolact
New applications for
i.MX8 <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
_:- Object Detection and Pose Estimation (cascaded)
- Multi-Stream Detection
Added a TAPPAS Graphic User Interface to easily run selected general example applications (preview) on the TAPPAS Docker - to activate it, run
Added back
to theCentury general application <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/century/README.rst>
_ -
Reduced docker size
v3.23.1 (February 2023)
- Updated to HailoRT 4.12.1
- Fixed a documentation mistake in
Writing your own Python postprocess <docs/write_your_own_application/write-your-own-python-postprocess.rst>
v3.23.0 (December 2022)
New Apps:
x86_hw_accelerated <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/README.rst>
_ example pipelines that use Video Acceleration API (VA-API) over Intel processors that supportQuick Sync <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Quick_Sync_Video>
_:- Video Management System - a pipeline that demonstrates a VMS application which runs several streams and different tasks - Face Recognition, Face Attributes and Person Attributes. Currently this example pipeline is supported on Ubuntu 22.04 only
Multi-stream detection <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/multistream_detection/README.rst>
_ -
Century <apps/h8/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/century/README.rst>
Pose Estimation pipeline with two cascading networks -
Person detection and single person pose estimation <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/cascading_networks/README.rst>
_ -
Face recognition <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/face_recognition/README.rst>
_ -
Updated i.MX6 Object Detection App - New network, updated the pipeline to include i.MX6 hardware acceleration
Added new models to
Instance Segmentation Pipeline <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/instance_segmentation/README.rst>
_:- yolact_regnetx_1.6gf
- yolact_regnetx_800mf (80 classes)
Century app <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/century/README.rst>
_ now uses a new network (yolov5m) -
Multi-Camera Multi-Person Tracking (RE-ID) <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/multi_person_multi_camera_tracking/README.rst>
_ - Improved pipeline performance and accuracy -
Added support for Ubuntu 22.04 (release-grade)
v3.22.0 (November 2022)
- New element
- provides an entry point for importing metadata exported byhailoexportzmq
(HailoObjects) into the pipeline - Added Depth Estimation, Object Detection and Classification pipelines for i.MX6 Pipelines
- Changed the debugging tracers to use an internal tracing mechanism
v3.21.0 (October 2022)
New Apps:
Multi-stream detection that uses HailoRT Stream Multiplexer <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/multistream_detection/README.rst>
_ - Demonstrates the usage of HailoRT stream multiplexer (preview)
New elements -
which provide an access point in the pipeline to export metadata (HailoObjects) -
Improved pipeline profiling by adding new tracers and replacing the GUI of
gst-shark <docs/write_your_own_application/debugging.rst>
_ -
Ubuntu 22 is now supported (GStreamer 1.20, preview)
Yocto Kirkstone is now supported (GStreamer 1.20)
v3.20.0 (August 2022)
New Apps:
Detection every X frames pipeline <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/detection/README.rst>
_ - Demonstrates the ability of skipping frames using a tracker
Improvements to Multi-Camera Multi-Person Tracking (RE-ID) pipeline (released)
v3.19.1 (July 2022)
New Apps:
- Multi-Camera Multi-Person Tracking (RE-ID) pipeline
multi_person_multi_camera_tracking.sh <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/multi_person_multi_camera_tracking/README.rst>
_ (preview)
- Multi-Camera Multi-Person Tracking (RE-ID) pipeline
v3.19.0 (June 2022)
New Apps:
- Added Cascading networks, Depth Estimation, Pose Estimation and Semantic Segmentation pipelines for
i.MX Pipelines <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
- Added Cascading networks, Depth Estimation, Pose Estimation and Semantic Segmentation pipelines for
Added an option to control post-process parameters via a JSON configuration for the detection application
Added support for Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS
Native Application now uses TAPPAS post-process
LPR (License Plate Recognition) pipeline is simplified to bash only
New detection post-process - Nanodet
.. note:: Ubuntu 18.04 will be deprecated in TAPPAS future version
.. note:: Python 3.6 will be deprecated in TAPPAS future version
v3.18.0 (April 2022)
New Apps:
- LPR (License Plate Recognition) pipeline and facial landmark pipeline for
i.MX Pipelines <apps/h8/gstreamer/imx8/README.rst>
- LPR (License Plate Recognition) pipeline and facial landmark pipeline for
Added the ability of compiling a specific TAPPAS target (post-processes, elements)
Improved the performance of Raspberry Pi example applications
v3.17.0 (March 2022)
New Apps:
- LPR (License Plate Recognition) pipeline for
General Pipelines <apps/h8/gstreamer/general/README.rst>
_ (preview) - Detection & pose estimation app
- Detection (MobilenetSSD) - Multi scale tiling app
- LPR (License Plate Recognition) pipeline for
Update infrastructure to use new HailoRT installation packages
Code is now publicly available on
Github <https://github.com/hailo-ai/tappas>
v3.16.0 (March 2022)
New Apps:
- Hailo
Century <https://hailo.ai/product-hailo/hailo-8-century-evaluation-platform/>
_ app - Demonstrates detection on one video file source over 6 different Hailo-8 devices - Python app - A classification app using a post-process written in Python
- Hailo
New Elements:
- Tracking element "HailoTracker" - Add tracking capabilities
- Python element "HailoPyFilter" - Enables to write post-processes using Python
Yocto Hardknott is now supported
Raspberry Pi 4 Ubuntu dedicated apps
HailoCropper cropping bug fixes
HailoCropper now accepts cropping method as a shared object (.so)
v3.14.1 (March 2022)
- Fix Yocto Gatesgarth compilation issue
- Added support for hosts without X-Video adapter
v3.15.0 (February 2022)
New Apps:
- Detection and depth estimation - Networks switch app
- Detection (MobilenetSSD) - Single scale tilling app
v3.14.0 (January 2022)
New Apps:
- Cascading apps - Face detection and then facial landmarking
New Yocto layer - Meta-hailo-tappas
Window enlargement is now supported
Added the ability to run on multiple devices
Improved latency on Multi-device RTSP app
v3.13.0 (November 2021)
Context switch networks in multi-stream apps are now supported
New Apps:
- Yolact - Instance segmentation
- FastDepth - Depth estimation
- Two networks in parallel on the same device - FastDepth + Mobilenet SSD
- Retinaface
Control Element Integration - Displaying device stats inside a GStreamer pipeline (Power, Temperature)
New Yocto recipes - Compiling our GStreamer plugins is now available as a Yocto recipe
Added a C++ detection example (native C++ example for writing an app, without GStreamer)
v3.12.0 (October 2021)
- Detection app - MobilenetSSD added
- NVR multi-stream multi device app (detection and pose estimation)
- Facial Landmarks app
- Segmentation app
- Classification app
- Face detection app
- Hailomuxer gstreamer element
- Postprocess implementations for various networks
- GStreamer infrastructure improvements
- Added ARM architecture support and documentation
v3.11.0 (September 2021)
- GStreamer based initial release
- NVR multi-stream detection app
- Detection app
- Hailofilter gstreamer element
- Pose Estimation app
For Tasks:
Click tags to check more tools for each tasksFor Jobs:
Alternative AI tools for tappas
Similar Open Source Tools

Hailo TAPPAS is a set of full application examples that implement pipeline elements and pre-trained AI tasks. It demonstrates Hailo's system integration scenarios on predefined systems, aiming to accelerate time to market, simplify integration with Hailo's runtime SW stack, and provide a starting point for customers to fine-tune their applications. The tool supports both Hailo-15 and Hailo-8, offering various example applications optimized for different common hosts. TAPPAS includes pipelines for single network, two network, and multi-stream processing, as well as high-resolution processing via tiling. It also provides example use case pipelines like License Plate Recognition and Multi-Person Multi-Camera Tracking. The tool is regularly updated with new features, bug fixes, and platform support.

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AutoAudit is an open-source large language model specifically designed for the field of network security. It aims to provide powerful natural language processing capabilities for security auditing and network defense, including analyzing malicious code, detecting network attacks, and predicting security vulnerabilities. By coupling AutoAudit with ClamAV, a security scanning platform has been created for practical security audit applications. The tool is intended to assist security professionals with accurate and fast analysis and predictions to combat evolving network threats.

Shards is a high-performance, multi-platform, type-safe programming language designed for visual development. It is a dataflow visual programming language that enables building full-fledged apps and games without traditional coding. Shards features automatic type checking, optimized shard implementations for high performance, and an intuitive visual workflow for beginners. The language allows seamless round-trip engineering between code and visual models, empowering users to create multi-platform apps easily. Shards also powers an upcoming AI-powered game creation system, enabling real-time collaboration and game development in a low to no-code environment.

Auto-subs is a tool designed to automatically transcribe editing timelines using OpenAI Whisper and Stable-TS for extreme accuracy. It generates subtitles in a custom style, is completely free, and runs locally within Davinci Resolve. It works on Mac, Linux, and Windows, supporting both Free and Studio versions of Resolve. Users can jump to positions on the timeline using the Subtitle Navigator and translate from any language to English. The tool provides a user-friendly interface for creating and customizing subtitles for video content.

Airweave is an open-core tool that simplifies the process of making data searchable by unifying apps, APIs, and databases into a vector database with minimal configuration. It offers over 120 integrations, simplicity in syncing data from diverse sources, extensibility through 'sources', 'destinations', and 'embedders', and an async-first approach for large-scale data synchronization. With features like no-code setup, white-labeled multi-tenant support, chunk generators, automated sync, versioning & hashing, multi-source support, and scalability, Airweave provides a comprehensive solution for building applications that require semantic search.

The Airflow Code Editor Plugin is a tool designed for Apache Airflow users to edit Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) directly within their browser. It offers a user-friendly file management interface for effortless editing, uploading, and downloading of files. With Git support enabled, users can store DAGs in a Git repository, explore Git history, review local modifications, and commit changes. The plugin enhances workflow efficiency by providing seamless DAG management capabilities.

Coze-js is a monorepo containing packages for Coze API and Realtime API. It provides usage examples for Node.js and React Web, as well as full console and sample call up demos. The tool requires Node.js 18+, pnpm 9.12.0, and Rush 5.140.0 for installation. Developers can start developing projects within the repository by following the provided steps. Each package in the monorepo can be developed and published independently, with documentation on contributing guidelines and publishing. The tool is licensed under MIT.
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Hailo TAPPAS is a set of full application examples that implement pipeline elements and pre-trained AI tasks. It demonstrates Hailo's system integration scenarios on predefined systems, aiming to accelerate time to market, simplify integration with Hailo's runtime SW stack, and provide a starting point for customers to fine-tune their applications. The tool supports both Hailo-15 and Hailo-8, offering various example applications optimized for different common hosts. TAPPAS includes pipelines for single network, two network, and multi-stream processing, as well as high-resolution processing via tiling. It also provides example use case pipelines like License Plate Recognition and Multi-Person Multi-Camera Tracking. The tool is regularly updated with new features, bug fixes, and platform support.
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Awesome-LLM-RAG-Application is a repository that provides resources and information about applications based on Large Language Models (LLM) with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern. It includes a survey paper, GitHub repo, and guides on advanced RAG techniques. The repository covers various aspects of RAG, including academic papers, evaluation benchmarks, downstream tasks, tools, and technologies. It also explores different frameworks, preprocessing tools, routing mechanisms, evaluation frameworks, embeddings, security guardrails, prompting tools, SQL enhancements, LLM deployment, observability tools, and more. The repository aims to offer comprehensive knowledge on RAG for readers interested in exploring and implementing LLM-based systems and products.

ChatGPT-On-CS is an intelligent chatbot tool based on large models, supporting various platforms like WeChat, Taobao, Bilibili, Douyin, Weibo, and more. It can handle text, voice, and image inputs, access external resources through plugins, and customize enterprise AI applications based on proprietary knowledge bases. Users can set custom replies, utilize ChatGPT interface for intelligent responses, send images and binary files, and create personalized chatbots using knowledge base files. The tool also features platform-specific plugin systems for accessing external resources and supports enterprise AI applications customization.

Call GPT is a voice application that utilizes Deepgram for Speech to Text, elevenlabs for Text to Speech, and OpenAI for GPT prompt completion. It allows users to chat with ChatGPT on the phone, providing better transcription, understanding, and speaking capabilities than traditional IVR systems. The app returns responses with low latency, allows user interruptions, maintains chat history, and enables GPT to call external tools. It coordinates data flow between Deepgram, OpenAI, ElevenLabs, and Twilio Media Streams, enhancing voice interactions.

A comprehensive repository of resources for Chinese large language models (LLMs), including data processing tools, fine-tuning frameworks, inference libraries, evaluation platforms, RAG engines, agent frameworks, books, courses, tutorials, and tips. The repository covers a wide range of tools and resources for working with LLMs, from data labeling and processing to model fine-tuning, inference, evaluation, and application development. It also includes resources for learning about LLMs through books, courses, and tutorials, as well as insights and strategies from building with LLMs.

Hailo TAPPAS is a set of full application examples that implement pipeline elements and pre-trained AI tasks. It demonstrates Hailo's system integration scenarios on predefined systems, aiming to accelerate time to market, simplify integration with Hailo's runtime SW stack, and provide a starting point for customers to fine-tune their applications. The tool supports both Hailo-15 and Hailo-8, offering various example applications optimized for different common hosts. TAPPAS includes pipelines for single network, two network, and multi-stream processing, as well as high-resolution processing via tiling. It also provides example use case pipelines like License Plate Recognition and Multi-Person Multi-Camera Tracking. The tool is regularly updated with new features, bug fixes, and platform support.

This repository provides a fullstack example of building a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) app with Cloudflare. It utilizes Cloudflare Workers, Pages, D1, KV, R2, AI Gateway, and Workers AI. The app features streaming interactions to the UI, hybrid RAG with Full-Text Search and Vector Search, switchable providers using AI Gateway, per-IP rate limiting with Cloudflare's KV, OCR within Cloudflare Worker, and Smart Placement for workload optimization. The development setup requires Node, pnpm, and wrangler CLI, along with setting up necessary primitives and API keys. Deployment involves setting up secrets and deploying the app to Cloudflare Pages. The project implements a Hybrid Search RAG approach combining Full Text Search against D1 and Hybrid Search with embeddings against Vectorize to enhance context for the LLM.

Pixeltable is a Python library designed for ML Engineers and Data Scientists to focus on exploration, modeling, and app development without the need to handle data plumbing. It provides a declarative interface for working with text, images, embeddings, and video, enabling users to store, transform, index, and iterate on data within a single table interface. Pixeltable is persistent, acting as a database unlike in-memory Python libraries such as Pandas. It offers features like data storage and versioning, combined data and model lineage, indexing, orchestration of multimodal workloads, incremental updates, and automatic production-ready code generation. The tool emphasizes transparency, reproducibility, cost-saving through incremental data changes, and seamless integration with existing Python code and libraries.

Wave Apps is a directory of sample applications built on H2O Wave, allowing users to build AI apps faster. The apps cover various use cases such as explainable hotel ratings, human-in-the-loop credit risk assessment, mitigating churn risk, online shopping recommendations, and sales forecasting EDA. Users can download, modify, and integrate these sample apps into their own projects to learn about app development and AI model deployment.