🚀 LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta)
Stars: 261
LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta) This is a pure client library, no server required
🚀 LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta)
This is a pure client library, no server required
- Please set up before using this library
- Set some var like OPENAI_API_KEY or OPENAI_API_BASE
Such as.
🔥 Local Model
Please use 'local' branch, because of dependency on projects. Model here
.package(url: "", .branch("local"))
Task {
if let modelPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "stablelm-3b-4e1t-Q4_K_M", ofType: "txt") {
let local = Local(inference: .GPTNeox_gguf, modelPath: modelPath, useMetal: true)
let r = await local.generate(text: "hi")
} else {
print("⚠️ loss model")
💬 Chatbots
let template = """
Assistant is a large language model trained by OpenAI.
Assistant is designed to be able to assist with a wide range of tasks, from answering simple questions to providing in-depth explanations and discussions on a wide range of topics. As a language model, Assistant is able to generate human-like text based on the input it receives, allowing it to engage in natural-sounding conversations and provide responses that are coherent and relevant to the topic at hand.
Assistant is constantly learning and improving, and its capabilities are constantly evolving. It is able to process and understand large amounts of text, and can use this knowledge to provide accurate and informative responses to a wide range of questions. Additionally, Assistant is able to generate its own text based on the input it receives, allowing it to engage in discussions and provide explanations and descriptions on a wide range of topics.
Overall, Assistant is a powerful tool that can help with a wide range of tasks and provide valuable insights and information on a wide range of topics. Whether you need help with a specific question or just want to have a conversation about a particular topic, Assistant is here to assist.
Human: {human_input}
let prompt = PromptTemplate(input_variables: ["history", "human_input"], partial_variable: [:], template: template)
let chatgpt_chain = LLMChain(
llm: OpenAI(),
prompt: prompt,
memory: ConversationBufferWindowMemory()
Task(priority: .background) {
var input = "I want you to act as a Linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. Do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. When I need to tell you something in English I will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. My first command is pwd."
var res = await chatgpt_chain.predict(args: ["human_input": input])
print("🌈:" + res!)
input = "ls ~"
res = await chatgpt_chain.predict(args: ["human_input": input])
print("🌈:" + res!)
I want you to act as a Linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. Do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. When I need to tell you something in English I will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. My first command is pwd.
ls ~
Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos
❓ QA bot
An main/Sources/LangChain/vectorstores/supabase/supabase.sql is required.
Task(priority: .background) {
let loader = TextLoader(file_path: "state_of_the_union.txt")
let documents = await loader.load()
let text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size: 1000, chunk_overlap: 0)
let embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
let s = Supabase(embeddings: embeddings)
for text in documents {
let docs = text_splitter.split_text(text: text.page_content)
for doc in docs {
await s.addText(text: doc)
let m = await s.similaritySearch(query: "What did the president say about Ketanji Brown Jackson", k: 1)
print("Q🖥️:What did the president say about Ketanji Brown Jackson")
Q🖥️:What did the president say about Ketanji Brown Jackson
A🚀:[LangChain.MatchedModel(content: Optional("In state after state, new laws have been passed, not only to suppress the vote, but to subvert entire elections. We cannot let this happen. Tonight. I call on the Senate to: Pass the Freedom to Vote Act. Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. And while you’re at it, pass the Disclose Act so Americans can know who is funding our elections. Tonight, I’d like to honor someone who has dedicated his life to serve this country: Justice Stephen Breyer—an Army veteran, Constitutional scholar, and retiring Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Justice Breyer, thank you for your service. One of the most serious constitutional responsibilities a President has is nominating someone to serve on the United States Supreme Court. And I did that 4 days ago, when I nominated Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. One of our nation’s top legal minds, who will continue Justice Breyer’s legacy of excellence. "), similarity: 0.8024642)]
📄 Retriever
Task(priority: .background) {
let retriever = WikipediaRetriever()
let qa = ConversationalRetrievalChain(retriver: retriever, llm: OpenAI())
let questions = [
"What is Apify?",
"When the Monument to the Martyrs of the 1830 Revolution was created?",
"What is the Abhayagiri Vihāra?"
var chat_history:[(String, String)] = []
for question in questions{
let result = await qa.predict(args: ["question": question, "chat_history": ConversationalRetrievalChain.get_chat_history(chat_history: chat_history)])
chat_history.append((question, result!))
print("⚠️**Question**: \(question)")
print("✅**Answer**: \(result!)")
⚠️**Question**: What is Apify?
✅**Answer**: Apify refers to a web scraping and automation platform.
read(descriptor:pointer:size:): Connection reset by peer (errno: 54)
⚠️**Question**: When the Monument to the Martyrs of the 1830 Revolution was created?
✅**Answer**: The Monument to the Martyrs of the 1830 Revolution was created in 1906.
⚠️**Question**: What is the Abhayagiri Vihāra?
✅**Answer**: The term "Abhayagiri Vihāra" refers to a Buddhist monastery in ancient Sri Lanka.
🤖 Agent
let agent = initialize_agent(llm: OpenAI(), tools: [WeatherTool()])
Task(priority: .background) {
let res = await "Query the weather of this week")
switch res {
case Parsed.str(let str):
print("🌈:" + str)
default: break
🌈: The weather for this week is sunny.
📡 Router
let physics_template = """
You are a very smart physics professor. \
You are great at answering questions about physics in a concise and easy to understand manner. \
When you don't know the answer to a question you admit that you don't know.
Here is a question:
let math_template = """
You are a very good mathematician. You are great at answering math questions. \
You are so good because you are able to break down hard problems into their component parts, \
answer the component parts, and then put them together to answer the broader question.
Here is a question:
let prompt_infos = [
"name": "physics",
"description": "Good for answering questions about physics",
"prompt_template": physics_template,
"name": "math",
"description": "Good for answering math questions",
"prompt_template": math_template,
let llm = OpenAI()
var destination_chains: [String: DefaultChain] = [:]
for p_info in prompt_infos {
let name = p_info["name"]!
let prompt_template = p_info["prompt_template"]!
let prompt = PromptTemplate(input_variables: ["input"], partial_variable: [:], template: prompt_template)
let chain = LLMChain(llm: llm, prompt: prompt, parser: StrOutputParser())
destination_chains[name] = chain
let default_prompt = PromptTemplate(input_variables: [], partial_variable: [:], template: "")
let default_chain = LLMChain(llm: llm, prompt: default_prompt, parser: StrOutputParser())
let destinations ={
"\($0["name"]!): \($0["description"]!)"
let destinations_str = destinations.joined(separator: "\n")
let router_template = MultiPromptRouter.formatDestinations(destinations: destinations_str)
let router_prompt = PromptTemplate(input_variables: ["input"], partial_variable: [:], template: router_template)
let llmChain = LLMChain(llm: llm, prompt: router_prompt, parser: RouterOutputParser())
let router_chain = LLMRouterChain(llmChain: llmChain)
let chain = MultiRouteChain(router_chain: router_chain, destination_chains: destination_chains, default_chain: default_chain)
Task(priority: .background) {
print("💁🏻♂️", await "What is black body radiation?"))
router text: {
"destination": "physics",
"next_inputs": "What is black body radiation?"
💁🏻♂️ str("Black body radiation refers to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by an object that absorbs all incident radiation and reflects or transmits none. It is an idealized concept used in physics to understand the behavior of objects that emit and absorb radiation. \n\nAccording to Planck\'s law, the intensity and spectrum of black body radiation depend on the temperature of the object. As the temperature increases, the peak intensity of the radiation shifts to shorter wavelengths, resulting in a change in color from red to orange, yellow, white, and eventually blue.\n\nBlack body radiation is important in various fields of physics, such as astrophysics, where it helps explain the emission of radiation from stars and other celestial bodies. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of objects at high temperatures, such as in industrial processes or the study of the early universe.\n\nHowever, it\'s worth noting that while I strive to provide accurate and concise explanations, there may be more intricate details or specific mathematical formulations related to black body radiation that I haven\'t covered.")
let demo = Book(title: "a", content: "b", unit: Unit(num: 1))
var parser = ObjectOutputParser(demo: demo)
let llm = OpenAI()
let t = PromptTemplate(input_variables: ["query"], partial_variable:["format_instructions": parser.get_format_instructions()], template: "Answer the user query.\n{format_instructions}\n{query}\n")
let chain = LLMChain(llm: llm, prompt: t, parser: parser, inputKey: "query")
Task(priority: .background) {
let pasred = await "The book title is 123 , content is 456 , num of unit is 7")
switch pasred {
case Parsed.object(let o): print("🚗object: \(o)")
default: break
enum MyEnum: String, CaseIterable {
case value1
case value2
case value3
for v in MyEnum.allCases {
let llm = OpenAI()
let parser = EnumOutputParser<MyEnum>(enumType: MyEnum.self)
let i = parser.get_format_instructions()
print("ins: \(i)")
let t = PromptTemplate(input_variables: ["query"], partial_variable:["format_instructions": parser.get_format_instructions()], template: "Answer the user query.\n{format_instructions}\n{query}\n")
let chain = LLMChain(llm: llm, prompt: t, parser: parser, inputKey: "query")
Task(priority: .background) {
let result = await "Value is 'value2'")
switch result {
case .enumType(let e):
print("🦙enum: \(e)")
print("parse fail. \(result)")
Stream Chat - Must be use ChatOpenAI model
Task(priority: .background) {
let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
let httpClient = HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .shared(eventLoopGroup))
defer {
// it's important to shutdown the httpClient after all requests are done, even if one failed. See:
try? httpClient.syncShutdown()
let llm = ChatOpenAI(httpClient: httpClient, temperature: 0.8)
let answer = await llm.generate(text: "Hey")
for try await c in answer!.getGeneration()! {
if let message = c {
Open an issue or PR to add your app.
- LLMs
- [x] OpenAI
- [x] Hugging Face
- [x] Dalle
- [x] ChatGLM
- [x] ChatOpenAI
- [x] Baidu
- [x] Llama 2
- [x] Gemini
- [x] LMStudio API
- [x] Ollama API
- [x] Local Model
- Vectorstore
- [x] Supabase
- [x] SimilaritySearchKit
- Store
- [x] BaseStore
- [x] InMemoryStore
- [x] FileStore
- Embedding
- [x] OpenAI
- [x] Ollama
- [ ] Distilbert
- Chain
- [x] Base
- [x] LLM
- [x] SimpleSequentialChain
- [x] SequentialChain
- [x] TransformChain
- Router
- [x] LLMRouterChain
- [x] MultiRouteChain
- QA
- [x] ConversationalRetrievalChain
- Tools
- [x] Dummy
- [x] InvalidTool
- [x] Serper
- [x] JavascriptREPLTool(Via JSC)
- [x] GetLocation(Via CoreLocation)
- [x] Weather
- [x] TTSTool
- Agent
- [x] ZeroShotAgent
- Memory
- [x] BaseMemory
- [x] BaseChatMemory
- [x] ConversationBufferWindowMemory
- [x] ReadOnlySharedMemory
- Text Splitter
- [x] CharacterTextSplitter
- [x] RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
- Document Loader
- [x] TextLoader
- [x] YoutubeLoader
- [x] HtmlLoader
- [x] PDFLoader
- [x] BilibilLoader
- [x] ImageOCRLoader
- [x] AudioLoader
- [x] NotionLoader
- [x] RSSLoader
- OutputParser
- [x] MRKLOutputParser
- [x] ListOutputParser
- [x] SimpleJsonOutputParser
- [x] StrOutputParser
- [x] RouterOutputParser
- [x] ObjectOutputParser
- [x] EnumOutputParser
- [x] DateOutputParser
- Prompt
- [x] PromptTemplate
- [x] MultiPromptRouter
- Callback
- [x] StdOutCallbackHandler
- LLM Cache
- [x] InMemery
- [x] File
- Retriever
- [x] WikipediaRetriever
- [x] PubmedRetriever
- [x] ParentDocumentRetriever
Open an issue, and let's discuss!
Join Slack:
As an open-source project in a rapidly developing field, we are extremely open to contributions, whether it be in the form of a new feature, improved infrastructure, or better documentation.
For Tasks:
Click tags to check more tools for each tasksFor Jobs:
Alternative AI tools for langchain-swift
Similar Open Source Tools
LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta) This is a pure client library, no server required
orch is a library for building language model powered applications and agents for the Rust programming language. It can be used for tasks such as text generation, streaming text generation, structured data generation, and embedding generation. The library provides functionalities for executing various language model tasks and can be integrated into different applications and contexts. It offers flexibility for developers to create language model-powered features and applications in Rust.
LangChain Rust is a library for building applications with Large Language Models (LLMs) through composability. It provides a set of tools and components that can be used to create conversational agents, document loaders, and other applications that leverage LLMs. LangChain Rust supports a variety of LLMs, including OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Ollama, and Anthropic Claude. It also supports a variety of embeddings, vector stores, and document loaders. LangChain Rust is designed to be easy to use and extensible, making it a great choice for developers who want to build applications with LLMs.
JSON Repair is a toolkit designed to address JSON anomalies that can arise from Large Language Models (LLMs). It offers a comprehensive solution for repairing JSON strings, ensuring accuracy and reliability in your data processing. With its user-friendly interface and extensive capabilities, JSON Repair empowers developers to seamlessly integrate JSON repair into their workflows.
Instructor is a Python library that makes it a breeze to work with structured outputs from large language models (LLMs). Built on top of Pydantic, it provides a simple, transparent, and user-friendly API to manage validation, retries, and streaming responses. Get ready to supercharge your LLM workflows!
Ant Design X is a tool for crafting AI-driven interfaces effortlessly. It is built on the best practices of enterprise-level AI products, offering flexible and diverse atomic components for various AI dialogue scenarios. The tool provides out-of-the-box model integration with inference services compatible with OpenAI standards. It also enables efficient management of conversation data flows, supports rich template options, complete TypeScript support, and advanced theme customization. Ant Design X is designed to enhance development efficiency and deliver exceptional AI interaction experiences.
LangChain Go is a Go language implementation of LangChain, a framework for building applications with LLMs through composability. It provides a simple and easy-to-use API for interacting with LLMs, making it easy to add language-based features to your applications.
Acte is a framework designed to build GUI-like tools for AI Agents. It aims to address the issues of cognitive load and freedom degrees when interacting with multiple APIs in complex scenarios. By providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for Agents, Acte helps reduce cognitive load and constraints interaction, similar to how humans interact with computers through GUIs. The tool offers APIs for starting new sessions, executing actions, and displaying screens, accessible via HTTP requests or the SessionManager class.
The `@samchon/openapi` repository is a collection of OpenAPI types and converters for various versions of OpenAPI specifications. It includes an 'emended' OpenAPI v3.1 specification that enhances clarity by removing ambiguous and duplicated expressions. The repository also provides an application composer for LLM (Large Language Model) function calling from OpenAPI documents, allowing users to easily perform LLM function calls based on the Swagger document. Conversions to different versions of OpenAPI documents are also supported, all based on the emended OpenAPI v3.1 specification. Users can validate their OpenAPI documents using the `typia` library with `@samchon/openapi` types, ensuring compliance with standard specifications.
CopilotKit is an open-source framework for building, deploying, and operating fully custom AI Copilots, including in-app AI chatbots, AI agents, and AI Textareas. It provides a set of components and entry points that allow developers to easily integrate AI capabilities into their applications. CopilotKit is designed to be flexible and extensible, so developers can tailor it to their specific needs. It supports a variety of use cases, including providing app-aware AI chatbots that can interact with the application state and take action, drop-in replacements for textareas with AI-assisted text generation, and in-app agents that can access real-time application context and take action within the application.
vecs is a Python client for managing and querying vector stores in PostgreSQL with the pgvector extension. It allows users to create collections of vectors with associated metadata, index the collections for fast search performance, and query the collections based on specified filters. The tool simplifies the process of working with vector data in a PostgreSQL database, making it easier to store, retrieve, and analyze vector information.
LangGraph for Java is a library designed for building stateful, multi-agent applications with LLMs. It is a porting of the original LangGraph from the LangChain AI project to Java. The library allows users to define agent states, nodes, and edges in a graph structure to create complex workflows. It integrates with LangChain4j and provides tools for executing actions based on agent decisions. LangGraph for Java enables users to create asynchronous node actions, conditional edges, and normal edges to model decision-making processes in applications.
Mergoo is a library for easily merging multiple LLM experts and efficiently training the merged LLM. With Mergoo, you can efficiently integrate the knowledge of different generic or domain-based LLM experts. Mergoo supports several merging methods, including Mixture-of-Experts, Mixture-of-Adapters, and Layer-wise merging. It also supports various base models, including LLaMa, Mistral, and BERT, and trainers, including Hugging Face Trainer, SFTrainer, and PEFT. Mergoo provides flexible merging for each layer and supports training choices such as only routing MoE layers or fully fine-tuning the merged LLM.
WebScout is a versatile tool that allows users to search for anything using Google, DuckDuckGo, and It contains AI models, can transcribe YouTube videos, generate temporary email and phone numbers, has TTS support, webai (terminal GPT and open interpreter), and offline LLMs. It also supports features like weather forecasting, YT video downloading, temp mail and number generation, text-to-speech, advanced web searches, and more.
Funcchain is a Python library that allows you to easily write cognitive systems by leveraging Pydantic models as output schemas and LangChain in the backend. It provides a seamless integration of LLMs into your apps, utilizing OpenAI Functions or LlamaCpp grammars (json-schema-mode) for efficient structured output. Funcchain compiles the Funcchain syntax into LangChain runnables, enabling you to invoke, stream, or batch process your pipelines effortlessly.
LLMRec is a PyTorch implementation for the WSDM 2024 paper 'Large Language Models with Graph Augmentation for Recommendation'. It is a novel framework that enhances recommenders by applying LLM-based graph augmentation strategies to recommendation systems. The tool aims to make the most of content within online platforms to augment interaction graphs by reinforcing u-i interactive edges, enhancing item node attributes, and conducting user node profiling from a natural language perspective.
For similar tasks
LLMStack is a no-code platform for building generative AI agents, workflows, and chatbots. It allows users to connect their own data, internal tools, and GPT-powered models without any coding experience. LLMStack can be deployed to the cloud or on-premise and can be accessed via HTTP API or triggered from Slack or Discord.
This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.
ONNX Runtime Generative AI is a library that provides the generative AI loop for ONNX models, including inference with ONNX Runtime, logits processing, search and sampling, and KV cache management. Users can call a high level `generate()` method, or run each iteration of the model in a loop. It supports greedy/beam search and TopP, TopK sampling to generate token sequences, has built in logits processing like repetition penalties, and allows for easy custom scoring.
Jupyter AI connects generative AI with Jupyter notebooks. It provides a user-friendly and powerful way to explore generative AI models in notebooks and improve your productivity in JupyterLab and the Jupyter Notebook. Specifically, Jupyter AI offers: * An `%%ai` magic that turns the Jupyter notebook into a reproducible generative AI playground. This works anywhere the IPython kernel runs (JupyterLab, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab, Kaggle, VSCode, etc.). * A native chat UI in JupyterLab that enables you to work with generative AI as a conversational assistant. * Support for a wide range of generative model providers, including AI21, Anthropic, AWS, Cohere, Gemini, Hugging Face, NVIDIA, and OpenAI. * Local model support through GPT4All, enabling use of generative AI models on consumer grade machines with ease and privacy.
Khoj is an open-source, personal AI assistant that extends your capabilities by creating always-available AI agents. You can share your notes and documents to extend your digital brain, and your AI agents have access to the internet, allowing you to incorporate real-time information. Khoj is accessible on Desktop, Emacs, Obsidian, Web, and Whatsapp, and you can share PDF, markdown, org-mode, notion files, and GitHub repositories. You'll get fast, accurate semantic search on top of your docs, and your agents can create deeply personal images and understand your speech. Khoj is self-hostable and always will be.
LangChain.dart is a Dart port of the popular LangChain Python framework created by Harrison Chase. LangChain provides a set of ready-to-use components for working with language models and a standard interface for chaining them together to formulate more advanced use cases (e.g. chatbots, Q&A with RAG, agents, summarization, extraction, etc.). The components can be grouped into a few core modules: * **Model I/O:** LangChain offers a unified API for interacting with various LLM providers (e.g. OpenAI, Google, Mistral, Ollama, etc.), allowing developers to switch between them with ease. Additionally, it provides tools for managing model inputs (prompt templates and example selectors) and parsing the resulting model outputs (output parsers). * **Retrieval:** assists in loading user data (via document loaders), transforming it (with text splitters), extracting its meaning (using embedding models), storing (in vector stores) and retrieving it (through retrievers) so that it can be used to ground the model's responses (i.e. Retrieval-Augmented Generation or RAG). * **Agents:** "bots" that leverage LLMs to make informed decisions about which available tools (such as web search, calculators, database lookup, etc.) to use to accomplish the designated task. The different components can be composed together using the LangChain Expression Language (LCEL).
Danswer is an open-source Gen-AI Chat and Unified Search tool that connects to your company's docs, apps, and people. It provides a Chat interface and plugs into any LLM of your choice. Danswer can be deployed anywhere and for any scale - on a laptop, on-premise, or to cloud. Since you own the deployment, your user data and chats are fully in your own control. Danswer is MIT licensed and designed to be modular and easily extensible. The system also comes fully ready for production usage with user authentication, role management (admin/basic users), chat persistence, and a UI for configuring Personas (AI Assistants) and their Prompts. Danswer also serves as a Unified Search across all common workplace tools such as Slack, Google Drive, Confluence, etc. By combining LLMs and team specific knowledge, Danswer becomes a subject matter expert for the team. Imagine ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge! It enables questions such as "A customer wants feature X, is this already supported?" or "Where's the pull request for feature Y?"
Infinity is an AI-native database designed for LLM applications, providing incredibly fast full-text and vector search capabilities. It supports a wide range of data types, including vectors, full-text, and structured data, and offers a fused search feature that combines multiple embeddings and full text. Infinity is easy to use, with an intuitive Python API and a single-binary architecture that simplifies deployment. It achieves high performance, with 0.1 milliseconds query latency on million-scale vector datasets and up to 15K QPS.
For similar jobs
LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta) This is a pure client library, no server required
Fay is an open-source digital human framework that offers different versions for various purposes. The '带货完整版' is suitable for online and offline salespersons. The '助理完整版' serves as a human-machine interactive digital assistant that can also control devices upon command. The 'agent版' is designed to be an autonomous agent capable of making decisions and contacting its owner. The framework provides updates and improvements across its different versions, including features like emotion analysis integration, model optimizations, and compatibility enhancements. Users can access detailed documentation for each version through the provided links.
h2oGPT is an Apache V2 open-source project that allows users to query and summarize documents or chat with local private GPT LLMs. It features a private offline database of any documents (PDFs, Excel, Word, Images, Video Frames, Youtube, Audio, Code, Text, MarkDown, etc.), a persistent database (Chroma, Weaviate, or in-memory FAISS) using accurate embeddings (instructor-large, all-MiniLM-L6-v2, etc.), and efficient use of context using instruct-tuned LLMs (no need for LangChain's few-shot approach). h2oGPT also offers parallel summarization and extraction, reaching an output of 80 tokens per second with the 13B LLaMa2 model, HYDE (Hypothetical Document Embeddings) for enhanced retrieval based upon LLM responses, a variety of models supported (LLaMa2, Mistral, Falcon, Vicuna, WizardLM. With AutoGPTQ, 4-bit/8-bit, LORA, etc.), GPU support from HF and LLaMa.cpp GGML models, and CPU support using HF, LLaMa.cpp, and GPT4ALL models. Additionally, h2oGPT provides Attention Sinks for arbitrarily long generation (LLaMa-2, Mistral, MPT, Pythia, Falcon, etc.), a UI or CLI with streaming of all models, the ability to upload and view documents through the UI (control multiple collaborative or personal collections), Vision Models LLaVa, Claude-3, Gemini-Pro-Vision, GPT-4-Vision, Image Generation Stable Diffusion (sdxl-turbo, sdxl) and PlaygroundAI (playv2), Voice STT using Whisper with streaming audio conversion, Voice TTS using MIT-Licensed Microsoft Speech T5 with multiple voices and Streaming audio conversion, Voice TTS using MPL2-Licensed TTS including Voice Cloning and Streaming audio conversion, AI Assistant Voice Control Mode for hands-free control of h2oGPT chat, Bake-off UI mode against many models at the same time, Easy Download of model artifacts and control over models like LLaMa.cpp through the UI, Authentication in the UI by user/password via Native or Google OAuth, State Preservation in the UI by user/password, Linux, Docker, macOS, and Windows support, Easy Windows Installer for Windows 10 64-bit (CPU/CUDA), Easy macOS Installer for macOS (CPU/M1/M2), Inference Servers support (oLLaMa, HF TGI server, vLLM, Gradio, ExLLaMa, Replicate, OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Anthropic), OpenAI-compliant, Server Proxy API (h2oGPT acts as drop-in-replacement to OpenAI server), Python client API (to talk to Gradio server), JSON Mode with any model via code block extraction. Also supports MistralAI JSON mode, Claude-3 via function calling with strict Schema, OpenAI via JSON mode, and vLLM via guided_json with strict Schema, Web-Search integration with Chat and Document Q/A, Agents for Search, Document Q/A, Python Code, CSV frames (Experimental, best with OpenAI currently), Evaluate performance using reward models, and Quality maintained with over 1000 unit and integration tests taking over 4 GPU-hours. is a fast LLM inference platform written in Rust. We support inference on a variety of devices, quantization, and easy-to-use application with an Open-AI API compatible HTTP server and Python bindings.
Ollama is a lightweight, extensible framework for building and running language models on the local machine. It provides a simple API for creating, running, and managing models, as well as a library of pre-built models that can be easily used in a variety of applications. Ollama is designed to be easy to use and accessible to developers of all levels. It is open source and available for free on GitHub.
The llama-cpp-agent framework is a tool designed for easy interaction with Large Language Models (LLMs). Allowing users to chat with LLM models, execute structured function calls and get structured output (objects). It provides a simple yet robust interface and supports llama-cpp-python and OpenAI endpoints with GBNF grammar support (like the llama-cpp-python server) and the llama.cpp backend server. It works by generating a formal GGML-BNF grammar of the user defined structures and functions, which is then used by llama.cpp to generate text valid to that grammar. In contrast to most GBNF grammar generators it also supports nested objects, dictionaries, enums and lists of them.
This repository provides a set of ROS 2 packages to integrate llama.cpp into ROS 2. By using the llama_ros packages, you can easily incorporate the powerful optimization capabilities of llama.cpp into your ROS 2 projects by running GGUF-based LLMs and VLMs.
OneReality is a virtual waifu/assistant that you can speak to through your mic and it'll speak back to you! It has many features such as: * You can speak to her with a mic * It can speak back to you * Has short-term memory and long-term memory * Can open apps * Smarter than you * Fluent in English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese * Can control your smart home like Alexa if you set up Tuya (more info in Prerequisites) It is built with Python, Llama-cpp-python, Whisper, SpeechRecognition, PocketSphinx, VITS-fast-fine-tuning, VITS-simple-api, HyperDB, Sentence Transformers, and Tuya Cloud IoT.