记录ChatGPT、AI 等,每天Coding工作中,生活中,读到,看到,听到的内容
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这是一个程序员关于 ChatGPT 学习过程的记录,其中包括了 ChatGPT 的使用技巧、相关工具和资源的整理,以及一些个人见解和思考。 **使用技巧** * **充值 OpenAI API**:可以通过 https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys 进行充值,支持信用卡和 PayPal。 * **使用专梯**:推荐使用稳定的专梯,可以有效提高 ChatGPT 的访问速度和稳定性。 * **使用魔法**:可以通过 https://my.x-air.app:666/#/register?aff=32853 访问 ChatGPT,无需魔法即可访问。 * **下载各种 apk**:可以通过 https://apkcombo.com 下载各种安卓应用的 apk 文件。 * **ChatGPT 官网**:ChatGPT 的官方网站是 https://ai.com。 * **Midjourney**:Midjourney 是一个生成式 AI 图像平台,可以通过 https://midjourney.com 访问。 * **文本转视频**:可以通过 https://www.d-id.com 将文本转换为视频。 * **国内大模型**:国内也有很多大模型,如阿里巴巴的通义千问、百度文心一言、讯飞星火、阿里巴巴通义听悟等。 * **查看 OpenAI 状态**:可以通过 https://status.openai.com/ 查看 OpenAI 的服务状态。 * **Canva 画图**:Canva 是一个在线平面设计平台,可以通过 https://www.canva.cn 进行画图。 **相关工具和资源** * **文字转语音**:可以通过 https://modelscope.cn/models?page=1&tasks=text-to-speech&type=audio 找到文字转语音的模型。 * **可好好玩玩的项目**: * https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL * https://github.com/labring/FastGPT * https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api * **个人博客**: * https://baoyu.io/ * https://gorden-sun.notion.site/527689cd2b294e60912f040095e803c5?v=4f6cc12006c94f47aee4dc909511aeb5 * **srt 2 lrc 歌词**:可以通过 https://gotranscript.com/subtitle-converter 将 srt 格式的字幕转换为 lrc 格式的歌词。 * **5 种速率限制**:OpenAI API 有 5 种速率限制:RPM(每分钟请求数)、RPD(每天请求数)、TPM(每分钟 tokens 数量)、TPD(每天 tokens 数量)、IPM(每分钟图像数量)。 * **扣子平台**:coze.cn 是一个扣子平台,可以提供各种扣子。 * **通过云函数免费使用 GPT-3.5**:可以通过 https://juejin.cn/post/7353849549540589587 免费使用 GPT-3.5。 * **不蒜子 统计网页基数**:可以通过 https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/ 统计网页的基数。 * **视频总结和翻译网页**:可以通过 https://glarity.app/zh-CN 总结和翻译视频。 * **视频翻译和配音工具**:可以通过 https://github.com/jianchang512/pyvideotrans 翻译和配音视频。 * **文字生成音频**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/jijunjian/p/18118366 将文字生成音频。 * **memo ai**:memo.ac 是一个多模态 AI 平台,可以将视频链接、播客链接、本地音视频转换为文字,支持多语言转录后翻译,还可以将文字转换为新的音频。 * **视频总结工具**:可以通过 https://summarize.ing/ 总结视频。 * **可每天免费玩玩**:可以通过 https://www.perplexity.ai/ 每天免费玩玩。 * **Suno.ai**:Suno.ai 是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://bibigpt.co/ 访问。 * **CapCut**:CapCut 是一个视频编辑软件,可以通过 https://www.capcut.cn/ 下载。 * **Valla.ai**:Valla.ai 是一个多模态 AI 模型,可以通过 https://www.valla.ai/ 访问。 * **Viggle.ai**:Viggle.ai 是一个 AI 视频生成平台,可以通过 https://viggle.ai 访问。 * **使用免费的 GPU 部署文生图大模型**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 部署文生图大模型。 * **语音转文字**:可以通过 https://speech.microsoft.com/portal 将语音转换为文字。 * **投资界的 ai**:可以通过 https://reportify.cc/ 了解投资界的 ai。 * **抓取小视频 app 的各种信息**:可以通过 https://github.com/NanmiCoder/MediaCrawler 抓取小视频 app 的各种信息。 * **马斯克 Grok1 开源**:马斯克的 Grok1 模型已经开源,可以通过 https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 访问。 * **ChatALL**:ChatALL 是一个跨端支持的聊天机器人,可以通过 https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL 访问。 * **零一万物**:零一万物是一个 AI 平台,可以通过 https://www.01.ai/cn 访问。 * **智普**:智普是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://chatglm.cn/ 访问。 * **memo ai 下载**:可以通过 https://memo.ac/ 下载 memo ai。 * **ffmpeg 学习**:可以通过 https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2020/01/ffmpeg.html 学习 ffmpeg。 * **自动生成文章小工具**:可以通过 https://www.cognition-labs.com/blog 生成文章。 * **简易商城**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 搭建简易商城。 * **物联网**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 学习物联网。 * **自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 实现自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表。 **个人见解和思考** * ChatGPT 是一个强大的工具,可以用来提高工作效率和创造力。 * ChatGPT 的使用门槛较低,即使是非技术人员也可以轻松上手。 * ChatGPT 的发展速度非常快,未来可能会对各个行业产生深远的影响。 * 我们应该理性看待 ChatGPT,既要看到它的优点,也要意识到它的局限性。 * 我们应该积极探索 ChatGPT 的应用场景,为社会创造价值。
- 2024-3-25 充值OpenAI API 成功 https://bewildcard.com/create-tips
- 我的现用专梯(2023-04-04开始,用到2024-03-16,以及至今)一致比较稳定,有专业团队进行维护
- 下载各种apk https://apkcombo.com
- ChatGPT官网 https://ai.com
- Midjourney https://midjourney.com
- 文本转视频 https://www.d-id.com
- 国内大模型
- https://bewildcard.com/open-account-payment
- canva画图 ttps://www.canva.cn
- openai api接口地址
- 查看openai状态
- https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL
- https://github.com/labring/FastGPT
- https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api
- https://baoyu.io/
- https://gorden-sun.notion.site/527689cd2b294e60912f040095e803c5?v=4f6cc12006c94f47aee4dc909511aeb5
- 生成简单的logo图标
- google可以多开分身账号(一台电脑)
- cursor
- google search
- todos 开始搭建 utools+vite+vue3+ts
- 文字转语音
- 想做一个todo list
- ssl https 自动续期
- 批量操作手机
- pdf转换为markdown
- 雅书
- icons 图标
- 文本和图片一起生成视频
- gemini 1.5 function call
- whisper模型下载地址
- waytoagi.com
- 阿里的魔搭社区
- Google vertex ai 代理
- https://github.com/ShinChven/vertex-ai-proxy
- 参考readme创建 key等
- Gemini 1.5 Pro 代理
- 大模型如何进行微调呢?
- 破解android root
- 图床
- 下载字体(字语青梅硬笔)
- 短链地址还不错 https://link3.cc/
- Kimi后台
- stability.ai有api了
- srt 2 lrc歌词
- https://ai.google.dev/pricing?hl=zh-cn
- 5 种速率限制:
- RPM(每分钟请求数)
- RPD(每天请求数)
- TPM(每分钟 tokens 数量)
- TPD(每天 tokens 数量)
- IPM(每分钟图像数量)
- coze.cn 扣子平台不容忽视
- 通过云函数免费使用GPT-3.5
- 免费GPT-3.5的方法
- 不蒜子 统计网页基数
- 视频总结和翻译网页
- 视频翻译和配音工具
- 文字生成音频
- memo ai
- 视频链接 播客链接 本地音视频 转换为文字
- 支持多语言转录后翻译
- 文字可转换为新的音频
- 单独的翻译长文章和文档的功能
- 支持众多翻译API类型(google翻译、openai api 翻译、 claude api 翻译、 Gemini Api 翻译 等等)
- 这个视频总结工具有点棒棒哒
- 可每天免费玩玩
- https://www.valla.ai/
- viggle.ai
- 使用免费的GPU部署文生图大模型
- 语音转文字
- 投资界的ai
- 抓取小视频app的各种信息
- 马斯克Grok1开源了
- .net8后端 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537
- vue3前端
- ai学习
- sora视频学习
- 文章继续整理
- 自动生成文章小工具
- 简易商城
- 物联网
- 自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表
- ChatALL
- 零一万物
- 智普
- memo ai 下载
- ffmpeg学习
- 获得文心一言专业版体验卡一张,等拿到手测评一波
- inf ai
- 免费艺术二维码
- ancient Greek mythology, Olympus, Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, classical myths, titans, Hercules, mythology, minotaur
- https://textrapp.com/free-tools/zh/ai-qr-code-free-tool
- https://juchats.com/gift
- claude document
- claude3 api
- gemini 1.5 申请waitlist
- gemini-pro api
- gemini 不在开放地区
- chrome://flags/ quic disable
- https://gemini.google.com/app
- clash window
- https://play.ht/ 文字转语音,语音克隆
- MetaGPT 多代理框架 https://github.com/geekan/MetaGPT
- 语音、克隆
- 语音转文字
- 文字转语音 https://github.com/rany2/edge-tts
- GPT-4.0的api又重新复活可以使用了 通过重新绑定
- 百度千帆大模型 https://console.bce.baidu.com/ai
api 通过link 4000 支付了5月份的api账单,等周一再看看接口能否调用
openai function_call 数组对象 json——schema 设置
https://www.leaferjs.com/ ui结合ai的还在开发中
- https://bard.google.com/ 支持中文了
- Claude AI 2
- https://claude.ai/ 谷歌邮箱
- https://hrefgo.com/chatgpt/claude-api-key-essential-guide
- https://www.anthropic.com/earlyaccess
- markdown解析 依赖包 marked
- 新版国内大模型 https://api.minimax.chat
- github create token
- github settings、Developer settings
- https://github.com/settings/tokens
- 星搭小星 开源地址 https://github.com/staringos
- 远程工具 https://www.todesk.com
- sql AI 自然语言 https://github.com/alibaba/Chat2DB
- 招行visia 有问题?还是link有问题?还是手机卡的问题giff
- perplexity.ai 尝试
- 搭建API代理
- 交易分析的项目
- 目前多了两种付款方式
- ecardplay、vvacard,然后nodeapy还能玩,onekey好像也还行?
- 项目突然不更新了 观察一下 https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web
- 体验了一下xmind https://xmind.ai/editor/
- AI导师:提供个性化的学习体验 https://github.com/JushBJJ/Mr.-Ranedeer-AI-Tutor
- 下午Plus失效,可以Renew Plus 继续使用
- 向量数据库选择 https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000043767638
- qdrant 集群 https://qdrant.tech/documentation/distributed_deployment
- 资源丰富 https://github.com/PlexPt/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh/issues/12
- 电商 https://github.com/nopSolutions/nopCommerce
- https://www.shopify.cn/pricing
- 美国地址生成器 https://www.meiguodizhi.com/
- onekey差充值
-onekey 激活,还差最后一步充值
- ChatGPT Plugins
- 国内访问ChatGPT神器Pandora
- meta360创新学院 https://docs.meta360.vip/web/#/12/9876
- MetaAl推出ImageBind:
- https://github.com/facebookresearch/ImageBind
- 第一个能够同时绑定来自六种模式的数据的AI模型。
- Meta 最新的多模态嵌入,不仅涵盖通常的嫌疑对象 (文本、图像、音频) ,还涵盖深度、热(红外)和IMU信号!
- 代码大模型 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/f-WwzLcEO-ZJczI-_bZh3Q
- qdrant 向量数据库
- 开源地址 https://github.com/qdrant/qdrant
- 可docker私有化部署
- 云数据库地址 https://cloud.qdrant.io/
- 课通过API访问 https://ui.qdrant.tech/#/
- https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free 还能用吗??
- Midjourney 中国版本 https://www.easygpt.cloud/
- iproyal或ipcheap购买
- 万字雄文 ChatGPT背后的语言模型简史 https://www.bmpi.dev/dev/deep-learning/nlp-language-models/
- 正则表达式生成器 https://regexgpt.app/
- 可完全离线的知识库搭建
- 免费压缩视频mp4的网址 https://www.youcompress.com/zh-cn/mp4/
- 长文本进行摘要的方法 https://twitter.com/dotey/status/1653985654856904709
- Chrome-GPT
- 开源地址 https://github.com/richardyc/Chrome-GPT
- AutoGPT代理,利用 Langchain 和 Selenium 来实现对整个Chrome会话的控制
- 凭借在网页上交互式滚动、单击和输入文本的能力,AutoGPT 代理可以导航和操作网页内容。
- 可实现:购买一个AirPod
- 可实现:帮我找活动场地并填写联络表格
- 可实现:预约订好一个餐厅
- 有空尝试一下
- 微软发布革命性AI工具- VALLE
- https://valle-demo.github.io/
- 可实现3秒音频样本实现精准模仿人声
- 可汗学院创始人可汗在Ted上的演讲(教育方面)
- auto-gpt即将推出官方网站
- https://t.co/dM5XvcMWIW 可申请waitlist
- GPU云厂商
- 吴恩达课程翻译文本包括工具 https://github.com/zard1152/deepLearningAI/wiki
- 部署 Linux centos clash 代理
- 本地基于向量的本地文档检索工具 https://github.com/freedmand/semantra
- 字幕的翻译脚本 https://github.com/gnehs/subtitle-translator-electron
- chatglm 开放自己的openai接口 以及embeddings
- clash 使用详解 https://docs.cfw.lbyczf.com/
- 换了个梯子ChatGPT效果还不错
- langchain关于embeddings查询的弊端,改进
- linux clash
- clash window 汉化 https://github.com/BoyceLig/Clash_Chinese_Patch
- react ui https://www.radix-ui.com/
- 开源AI语音合成技术 https://github.com/suno-ai/bark
- GPT-4免费使用的网站 https://chat.forefront.ai/ 不知道能持续多久
- 降低官网ChatGPT抱错 https://github.com/xcanwin/KeepChatGPT
- 科学上网详解
- 解决ChatGPT官网访问各种异常
- 文本转向量(本地的不调用openai)
- 马斯克AI truthgpt.one
- azure 语音
- go语言的 文字转语音 语音转文字
- micro-gpt 自动代理工具
- https://github.com/muellerberndt/micro-gpt/
- execute_python, execute_shell, read_file, web_search, web_scrape, or talk_to_user
- 低代码平台
- AgentGPT
- next.js react langchain
- https://github.com/reworkd/AgentGPT
- polyglot
- https://github.com/liou666/polyglot
- 准备安装试玩一下Auto-gpt
- openai后台key可以自定义名称
- next.js https://www.nextjs.cn/
- auto-gpt 免费在线网站体验 https://www.cognosys.ai/
- 马斯克力荐AI https://turing.ai/
- 部署fastgpt
- llama-index+ langchain
- 部署Fast-GPT
- LangFlow
- 是基于LangChain和React-Flow搭建的一套工作流系统
- https://github.com/logspace-ai/langflow
- 自主实现你设置的任务 https://github.com/Torantulino/Auto-GPT
- claude slack 在线不用waitlist体验
- 文字生成网页UI
- Claude ai
- 沉浸式翻译 https://immersive-translate.owenyoung.com/
- 阿里开源基于函数部署stable diffuson
- langchain 解析
- azure免费功能有那些 https://azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/pricing/purchase-options/pay-as-you-go/
- go语言开发的开源向量数据库 https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus
- langchain 解析过程
- 调用模型通用工具
- 监测人物的心情 https://github.com/rondinellimorais/facial-expression-recognition
- 类似于d-id生成视频 https://github.com/Winfredy/SadTalker
- 欧易到depay充值 https://5best1s.com/okx%E8%B4%AD%E4%B9%B0usdt%E6%B3%B0%E8%BE%BE%E5%B8%81/
- ChatGPT支持国家列表
- azure openai
- 一元机场 https://zhverge.com
- github 350 star
- juejin 516 followers
- zhihu 151 followers
- wechat 82 followers
- 与文件对话 https://github.com/guangzhengli/ChatFiles
- 申请 3D AI https://wonderdynamics.com/ github copilot平替 https://github.com/TabbyML/tabby 一键搭建代理 https://github.com/yeahwu/v2ray-wss
- azure openai审核已通过,等待 GPT-4的审核 https://www.sunpop.cn/chatgpt_in_china_with_azure_openai_api_free_1_year_odoo/
- azure openai 文档参考
- react next知识库 https://github.com/c121914yu/FastGPT
- midjourney教程 https://learningprompt.wiki/docs/midjourney-learning-path
- meta AI https://segment-anything.com/
- 无数的ChatGPT AI 应用 https://gitlab.com/awesomeai/awesome-chatgpt-zh
- 开通 GPT-4: http://aka.ms/oai/get-gpt4
- 开通 Azure OpenAI Service: http://aka.ms/oai/access
- Claude ai申请 https://www.anthropic.com/product
- 生成图片 https://labs.openai.com/
- mac录屏工具
- https://www.screen.studio
- QuickTime Player+ken burns
- 国内跑 Stable diffusion
- skype 可直接与bing会话
- 自己动手实践fine-tuning 微调
- giffgaff激活
- 根据srt文件 可生成双语字幕文件 https://github.com/jesselau76/srt-gpt-translator
- cloudflare 邮箱绑定 https://blog.waterlemons2k.com/Cloudflare-Email-and-Gmail
- 处理PDF https://www.chatpdf.com
- 帮助视障群体应用
- 免费提供ChatGPT账号和https://freeopenai.xyz
- Midjourney 出图示例 https://aituts.com/how-to-create-actual-ai-generated-logos/
- 图片加工https://www.canva.com/zh_cn/
- 字幕转换为文章(可下载安装,然后切换中文,有一个导出文本)
- 比Elastich Search轻量 https://github.com/meilisearch/meilisearch
- 服务器托管云 https://streamlit.io
- llama-index 支持哪些文件类型 https://llamahub.ai
- pdf 阅读
- https://github.com/jdepoix/youtube-transcript-api
- 下载视频
- ffmpeg 音视频处理组件
- 根本文本内容生成视频开源工具:https://github.com/celebv-text
- 图片网站:https://civitai.com
- colab加载drive云盘文件 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/109634905
- Elastich Search 可以存储Embedding 向量数据 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/80737146
- 信息获取 湾区日报 https://www.wanqu.co
- 充值绑定 ChatGPT https://zm2lw831e5.feishu.cn/docx/WAwod8leHoAqCmxgHdVchvbqnLx
- llama-index 各种数据类型的索引生成器
- 免费在线运行 stable diffusion
- ai生成视频 https://app.runwayml.com
- 中英双语对话语言模型 https://github.com/THUDM/ChatGLM-6B
- 自己动手实践知识库私人助理
- 实践详情 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/i4w2qpL1P0mZk4qQY_BznA
- 使用技术 llama-index、langchain、ChatGPT
- 通过myGPTReader了解到 https://slack.com (bmpi.dev)
- llama-index 文档地址 https://gpt-index.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/embeddings.html
- whisper 应用 https://github.com/Ayanaminn/N46Whisper
- youtobe双语字幕生成 https://alexzhangji-firelink-streamlit-webapp-9fdlcc.streamlit.app/
- openai官网接口在线测试 https://github.com/openai/openai-cookbook
- vue2 nodejs openai 几乎所有接口对接 https://github.com/202252197/ChatGPT_JCM
- langchan 支持多种数据格式和文件 JSON、
- 图片提词工具 https://replicate.com/pharmapsychotic/clip-interrogator
- openai whisper 音频转字幕、中文字幕可转英文字幕
- ChatGPT Plugins demo https://github.com/openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin
- 借助colab平台自动生成srt字幕 https://github.com/JimLiu/whisper-podcast-subtitles
- sd和mj生成图片指令参考 https://prompthero.com/
- llama-index +ChatGPT PDF文件
- 视频、音频、文档、链接等总结摘要可输出语音 https://github.com/madawei2699/myGPTReader
- 开发ChatGPT 插件
- VSCode插件 Cursor https://github.com/Helixform/CodeCursor
- MidJourney指令仓库 https://github.com/willwulfken/MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference
- MidJourney官网参数解析 https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/parameter-list
- google colab 面向开发者的免费云服务平台 https://colab.research.google.com
- ChatGPT官网发布插件 https://platform.openai.com/docs/plugins/introduction
- 插件可申请试用和api调用waitlist https://openai.com/waitlist/plugins
- 自己动手实践Embedding模型
- 实践详情 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Vntxc4ODqoN7_ty9uD0Qzw
- 使用技术 ChatGPT Embedding、Qrdant向量数据库、go语言实践
For Tasks:
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这是一个程序员关于 ChatGPT 学习过程的记录,其中包括了 ChatGPT 的使用技巧、相关工具和资源的整理,以及一些个人见解和思考。 **使用技巧** * **充值 OpenAI API**:可以通过 https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys 进行充值,支持信用卡和 PayPal。 * **使用专梯**:推荐使用稳定的专梯,可以有效提高 ChatGPT 的访问速度和稳定性。 * **使用魔法**:可以通过 https://my.x-air.app:666/#/register?aff=32853 访问 ChatGPT,无需魔法即可访问。 * **下载各种 apk**:可以通过 https://apkcombo.com 下载各种安卓应用的 apk 文件。 * **ChatGPT 官网**:ChatGPT 的官方网站是 https://ai.com。 * **Midjourney**:Midjourney 是一个生成式 AI 图像平台,可以通过 https://midjourney.com 访问。 * **文本转视频**:可以通过 https://www.d-id.com 将文本转换为视频。 * **国内大模型**:国内也有很多大模型,如阿里巴巴的通义千问、百度文心一言、讯飞星火、阿里巴巴通义听悟等。 * **查看 OpenAI 状态**:可以通过 https://status.openai.com/ 查看 OpenAI 的服务状态。 * **Canva 画图**:Canva 是一个在线平面设计平台,可以通过 https://www.canva.cn 进行画图。 **相关工具和资源** * **文字转语音**:可以通过 https://modelscope.cn/models?page=1&tasks=text-to-speech&type=audio 找到文字转语音的模型。 * **可好好玩玩的项目**: * https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL * https://github.com/labring/FastGPT * https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api * **个人博客**: * https://baoyu.io/ * https://gorden-sun.notion.site/527689cd2b294e60912f040095e803c5?v=4f6cc12006c94f47aee4dc909511aeb5 * **srt 2 lrc 歌词**:可以通过 https://gotranscript.com/subtitle-converter 将 srt 格式的字幕转换为 lrc 格式的歌词。 * **5 种速率限制**:OpenAI API 有 5 种速率限制:RPM(每分钟请求数)、RPD(每天请求数)、TPM(每分钟 tokens 数量)、TPD(每天 tokens 数量)、IPM(每分钟图像数量)。 * **扣子平台**:coze.cn 是一个扣子平台,可以提供各种扣子。 * **通过云函数免费使用 GPT-3.5**:可以通过 https://juejin.cn/post/7353849549540589587 免费使用 GPT-3.5。 * **不蒜子 统计网页基数**:可以通过 https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/ 统计网页的基数。 * **视频总结和翻译网页**:可以通过 https://glarity.app/zh-CN 总结和翻译视频。 * **视频翻译和配音工具**:可以通过 https://github.com/jianchang512/pyvideotrans 翻译和配音视频。 * **文字生成音频**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/jijunjian/p/18118366 将文字生成音频。 * **memo ai**:memo.ac 是一个多模态 AI 平台,可以将视频链接、播客链接、本地音视频转换为文字,支持多语言转录后翻译,还可以将文字转换为新的音频。 * **视频总结工具**:可以通过 https://summarize.ing/ 总结视频。 * **可每天免费玩玩**:可以通过 https://www.perplexity.ai/ 每天免费玩玩。 * **Suno.ai**:Suno.ai 是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://bibigpt.co/ 访问。 * **CapCut**:CapCut 是一个视频编辑软件,可以通过 https://www.capcut.cn/ 下载。 * **Valla.ai**:Valla.ai 是一个多模态 AI 模型,可以通过 https://www.valla.ai/ 访问。 * **Viggle.ai**:Viggle.ai 是一个 AI 视频生成平台,可以通过 https://viggle.ai 访问。 * **使用免费的 GPU 部署文生图大模型**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 部署文生图大模型。 * **语音转文字**:可以通过 https://speech.microsoft.com/portal 将语音转换为文字。 * **投资界的 ai**:可以通过 https://reportify.cc/ 了解投资界的 ai。 * **抓取小视频 app 的各种信息**:可以通过 https://github.com/NanmiCoder/MediaCrawler 抓取小视频 app 的各种信息。 * **马斯克 Grok1 开源**:马斯克的 Grok1 模型已经开源,可以通过 https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 访问。 * **ChatALL**:ChatALL 是一个跨端支持的聊天机器人,可以通过 https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL 访问。 * **零一万物**:零一万物是一个 AI 平台,可以通过 https://www.01.ai/cn 访问。 * **智普**:智普是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://chatglm.cn/ 访问。 * **memo ai 下载**:可以通过 https://memo.ac/ 下载 memo ai。 * **ffmpeg 学习**:可以通过 https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2020/01/ffmpeg.html 学习 ffmpeg。 * **自动生成文章小工具**:可以通过 https://www.cognition-labs.com/blog 生成文章。 * **简易商城**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 搭建简易商城。 * **物联网**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 学习物联网。 * **自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 实现自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表。 **个人见解和思考** * ChatGPT 是一个强大的工具,可以用来提高工作效率和创造力。 * ChatGPT 的使用门槛较低,即使是非技术人员也可以轻松上手。 * ChatGPT 的发展速度非常快,未来可能会对各个行业产生深远的影响。 * 我们应该理性看待 ChatGPT,既要看到它的优点,也要意识到它的局限性。 * 我们应该积极探索 ChatGPT 的应用场景,为社会创造价值。

AiMoneyHunter is a comprehensive collection of information on AI side hustle opportunities, covering various methods, technologies, tools, platforms, and channels for making money with AI. It aims to break information barriers in the AI era, enabling everyone to leverage AI intelligence for side hustles and earn extra income. The repository includes curated AI-related content sources, tips on starting a side hustle, and insights on using AI technologies for various money-making tasks.

GodoOS is an efficient intranet office operating system that includes various office tools such as word/excel/ppt/pdf/internal chat/whiteboard/mind map, with native file storage support. The platform interface mimics the Windows style, making it easy to operate while maintaining low resource consumption and high performance. It automatically connects to intranet users without registration, enabling instant communication and file sharing. The flexible and highly configurable app store allows for unlimited expansion.

AI-Drug-Discovery-Design is a repository focused on Artificial Intelligence-assisted Drug Discovery and Design. It explores the use of AI technology to accelerate and optimize the drug development process. The advantages of AI in drug design include speeding up research cycles, improving accuracy through data-driven models, reducing costs by minimizing experimental redundancies, and enabling personalized drug design for specific patients or disease characteristics.

This repository provides a comprehensive collection of resources, open-source tools, and knowledge related to quantitative analysis. It serves as a valuable knowledge base and navigation guide for individuals interested in various aspects of quantitative investing, including platforms, programming languages, mathematical foundations, machine learning, deep learning, and practical applications. The repository is well-structured and organized, with clear sections covering different topics. It includes resources on system platforms, programming codes, mathematical foundations, algorithm principles, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, graph networks, model deployment, and practical applications. Additionally, there are dedicated sections on quantitative trading and investment, as well as large models. The repository is actively maintained and updated, ensuring that users have access to the latest information and resources.

This repository is dedicated to the learning and exchange of resources for the School of Artificial Intelligence at Anhui University. Notes will be published on this website first: https://www.aoaoaoao.cn and will be synchronized to the repository regularly. You can also contact me at ao@aoaoaoao.cn.

VPNFast is a lightweight and fast VPN service provider that offers secure and private internet access. With VPNFast, users can protect their online privacy, bypass geo-restrictions, and secure their internet connection from hackers and snoopers. The service provides high-speed servers in multiple locations worldwide, ensuring a reliable and seamless VPN experience for users. VPNFast is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and simple setup process. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming content, or accessing sensitive information, VPNFast helps you stay safe and anonymous online.

ChatWiki is an open-source knowledge base AI question-answering system. It is built on large language models (LLM) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technologies, providing out-of-the-box data processing, model invocation capabilities, and helping enterprises quickly build their own knowledge base AI question-answering systems. It offers exclusive AI question-answering system, easy integration of models, data preprocessing, simple user interface design, and adaptability to different business scenarios.

MaiBot is an intelligent QQ group chat bot based on a large language model. It is developed using the nonebot2 framework, with LLM providing conversation abilities, MongoDB for data persistence support, and NapCat as the QQ protocol endpoint support. The project is in active development stage, with features like chat functionality, emoji functionality, schedule management, memory function, knowledge base function, and relationship function planned for future updates. The project aims to create a 'life form' active in QQ group chats, focusing on companionship and creating a more human-like presence rather than a perfect assistant. The application generates content from AI models, so users are advised to discern carefully and not use it for illegal purposes.

Thinking_in_Java_MindMapping is a repository that started as a project to create mind maps based on the book 'Java Programming Ideas'. Over time, it evolved into a collection of programming notes, blog posts, book summaries, personal reflections, and even gaming content. The repository covers a wide range of topics, allowing the author to freely express thoughts and ideas. The content is diverse and reflects the author's dedication to consistency and creativity.

MaiMBot is an intelligent QQ group chat bot based on a large language model. It is developed using the nonebot2 framework, utilizes LLM for conversation abilities, MongoDB for data persistence, and NapCat for QQ protocol support. The bot features keyword-triggered proactive responses, dynamic prompt construction, support for images and message forwarding, typo generation, multiple replies, emotion-based emoji responses, daily schedule generation, user relationship management, knowledge base, and group impressions. Work-in-progress features include personality, group atmosphere, image handling, humor, meme functions, and Minecraft interactions. The tool is in active development with plans for GIF compatibility, mini-program link parsing, bug fixes, documentation improvements, and logic enhancements for emoji sending.

Daily-DeepLearning is a repository that covers various computer science topics such as data structures, operating systems, computer networks, Python programming, data science packages like numpy, pandas, matplotlib, machine learning theories, deep learning theories, NLP concepts, machine learning practical applications, deep learning practical applications, and big data technologies like Hadoop and Hive. It also includes coding exercises related to '剑指offer'. The repository provides detailed explanations and examples for each topic, making it a comprehensive resource for learning and practicing different aspects of computer science and data-related fields.

Awesome LLM plaza is a curated list of awesome LLM papers, projects, and resources. It is updated daily and includes resources from a variety of sources, including huggingface daily papers, twitter, github trending, paper with code, weixin, etc.

hongbomiao.com is a personal research and development (R&D) lab that facilitates the sharing of knowledge. The repository covers a wide range of topics including web development, mobile development, desktop applications, API servers, cloud native technologies, data processing, machine learning, computer vision, embedded systems, simulation, database management, data cleaning, data orchestration, testing, ops, authentication, authorization, security, system tools, reverse engineering, Ethereum, hardware, network, guidelines, design, bots, and more. It provides detailed information on various tools, frameworks, libraries, and platforms used in these domains.
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这是一个程序员关于 ChatGPT 学习过程的记录,其中包括了 ChatGPT 的使用技巧、相关工具和资源的整理,以及一些个人见解和思考。 **使用技巧** * **充值 OpenAI API**:可以通过 https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys 进行充值,支持信用卡和 PayPal。 * **使用专梯**:推荐使用稳定的专梯,可以有效提高 ChatGPT 的访问速度和稳定性。 * **使用魔法**:可以通过 https://my.x-air.app:666/#/register?aff=32853 访问 ChatGPT,无需魔法即可访问。 * **下载各种 apk**:可以通过 https://apkcombo.com 下载各种安卓应用的 apk 文件。 * **ChatGPT 官网**:ChatGPT 的官方网站是 https://ai.com。 * **Midjourney**:Midjourney 是一个生成式 AI 图像平台,可以通过 https://midjourney.com 访问。 * **文本转视频**:可以通过 https://www.d-id.com 将文本转换为视频。 * **国内大模型**:国内也有很多大模型,如阿里巴巴的通义千问、百度文心一言、讯飞星火、阿里巴巴通义听悟等。 * **查看 OpenAI 状态**:可以通过 https://status.openai.com/ 查看 OpenAI 的服务状态。 * **Canva 画图**:Canva 是一个在线平面设计平台,可以通过 https://www.canva.cn 进行画图。 **相关工具和资源** * **文字转语音**:可以通过 https://modelscope.cn/models?page=1&tasks=text-to-speech&type=audio 找到文字转语音的模型。 * **可好好玩玩的项目**: * https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL * https://github.com/labring/FastGPT * https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api * **个人博客**: * https://baoyu.io/ * https://gorden-sun.notion.site/527689cd2b294e60912f040095e803c5?v=4f6cc12006c94f47aee4dc909511aeb5 * **srt 2 lrc 歌词**:可以通过 https://gotranscript.com/subtitle-converter 将 srt 格式的字幕转换为 lrc 格式的歌词。 * **5 种速率限制**:OpenAI API 有 5 种速率限制:RPM(每分钟请求数)、RPD(每天请求数)、TPM(每分钟 tokens 数量)、TPD(每天 tokens 数量)、IPM(每分钟图像数量)。 * **扣子平台**:coze.cn 是一个扣子平台,可以提供各种扣子。 * **通过云函数免费使用 GPT-3.5**:可以通过 https://juejin.cn/post/7353849549540589587 免费使用 GPT-3.5。 * **不蒜子 统计网页基数**:可以通过 https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/ 统计网页的基数。 * **视频总结和翻译网页**:可以通过 https://glarity.app/zh-CN 总结和翻译视频。 * **视频翻译和配音工具**:可以通过 https://github.com/jianchang512/pyvideotrans 翻译和配音视频。 * **文字生成音频**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/jijunjian/p/18118366 将文字生成音频。 * **memo ai**:memo.ac 是一个多模态 AI 平台,可以将视频链接、播客链接、本地音视频转换为文字,支持多语言转录后翻译,还可以将文字转换为新的音频。 * **视频总结工具**:可以通过 https://summarize.ing/ 总结视频。 * **可每天免费玩玩**:可以通过 https://www.perplexity.ai/ 每天免费玩玩。 * **Suno.ai**:Suno.ai 是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://bibigpt.co/ 访问。 * **CapCut**:CapCut 是一个视频编辑软件,可以通过 https://www.capcut.cn/ 下载。 * **Valla.ai**:Valla.ai 是一个多模态 AI 模型,可以通过 https://www.valla.ai/ 访问。 * **Viggle.ai**:Viggle.ai 是一个 AI 视频生成平台,可以通过 https://viggle.ai 访问。 * **使用免费的 GPU 部署文生图大模型**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 部署文生图大模型。 * **语音转文字**:可以通过 https://speech.microsoft.com/portal 将语音转换为文字。 * **投资界的 ai**:可以通过 https://reportify.cc/ 了解投资界的 ai。 * **抓取小视频 app 的各种信息**:可以通过 https://github.com/NanmiCoder/MediaCrawler 抓取小视频 app 的各种信息。 * **马斯克 Grok1 开源**:马斯克的 Grok1 模型已经开源,可以通过 https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 访问。 * **ChatALL**:ChatALL 是一个跨端支持的聊天机器人,可以通过 https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL 访问。 * **零一万物**:零一万物是一个 AI 平台,可以通过 https://www.01.ai/cn 访问。 * **智普**:智普是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://chatglm.cn/ 访问。 * **memo ai 下载**:可以通过 https://memo.ac/ 下载 memo ai。 * **ffmpeg 学习**:可以通过 https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2020/01/ffmpeg.html 学习 ffmpeg。 * **自动生成文章小工具**:可以通过 https://www.cognition-labs.com/blog 生成文章。 * **简易商城**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 搭建简易商城。 * **物联网**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 学习物联网。 * **自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 实现自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表。 **个人见解和思考** * ChatGPT 是一个强大的工具,可以用来提高工作效率和创造力。 * ChatGPT 的使用门槛较低,即使是非技术人员也可以轻松上手。 * ChatGPT 的发展速度非常快,未来可能会对各个行业产生深远的影响。 * 我们应该理性看待 ChatGPT,既要看到它的优点,也要意识到它的局限性。 * 我们应该积极探索 ChatGPT 的应用场景,为社会创造价值。

A chat interface using open source models, eg OpenAssistant or Llama. It is a SvelteKit app and it powers the HuggingChat app on hf.co/chat.

ChatterUI is a mobile app that allows users to manage chat files and character cards, and to interact with Large Language Models (LLMs). It supports multiple backends, including local, koboldcpp, text-generation-webui, Generic Text Completions, AI Horde, Mancer, Open Router, and OpenAI. ChatterUI provides a mobile-friendly interface for interacting with LLMs, making it easy to use them for a variety of tasks, such as generating text, translating languages, writing code, and answering questions.

99AI is a commercializable AI web application based on NineAI 2.4.2 (no authorization, no backdoors, no piracy, integrated front-end and back-end integration packages, supports Docker rapid deployment). The uncompiled source code is temporarily closed. Compared with the stable version, the development version is faster.

Chat Nio is a next-generation AI one-stop solution that provides a rich and user-friendly interface for interacting with various AI models. It offers features such as AI chat conversation, rich format compatibility, markdown support, message menu support, multi-platform adaptation, dialogue memory, full-model file parsing, full-model DuckDuckGo online search, full-screen large text editing, model marketplace, preset support, site announcements, preference settings, internationalization support, and a rich admin system. Chat Nio also boasts a powerful channel management system that utilizes a self-developed channel distribution algorithm, supports multi-channel management, is compatible with multiple formats, allows for custom models, supports channel retries, enables balanced load within the same channel, and provides channel model mapping and user grouping. Additionally, Chat Nio offers forwarding API services that are compatible with multiple formats in the OpenAI universal format and support multiple model compatible layers. It also provides a custom build and install option for highly customizable deployments. Chat Nio is an open-source project licensed under the Apache License 2.0 and welcomes contributions from the community.

**Curated collection of papers and resources on how to unlock the reasoning ability of LLMs and MLLMs.** **Description in less than 400 words, no line breaks and quotation marks.** Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the NLP landscape, showing improved performance and sample efficiency over smaller models. However, increasing model size alone has not proved sufficient for high performance on challenging reasoning tasks, such as solving arithmetic or commonsense problems. This curated collection of papers and resources presents the latest advancements in unlocking the reasoning abilities of LLMs and Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs). It covers various techniques, benchmarks, and applications, providing a comprehensive overview of the field. **5 jobs suitable for this tool, in lowercase letters.** - content writer - researcher - data analyst - software engineer - product manager **Keywords of the tool, in lowercase letters.** - llm - reasoning - multimodal - chain-of-thought - prompt engineering **5 specific tasks user can use this tool to do, in less than 3 words, Verb + noun form, in daily spoken language.** - write a story - answer a question - translate a language - generate code - summarize a document

Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a large Chinese language model developed by Meta AI. It is based on the Llama-2 model and has been further trained on a large dataset of Chinese text. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. Here are some of the key features of Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2: * It is the largest Chinese language model ever trained, with 13 billion parameters. * It is trained on a massive dataset of Chinese text, including books, news articles, and social media posts. * It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, question answering, and machine translation. * It is open-source and available for anyone to use. Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of a wide range of natural language processing tasks. It is a valuable resource for researchers and developers working in the field of artificial intelligence.

Linly-Talker is an innovative digital human conversation system that integrates the latest artificial intelligence technologies, including Large Language Models (LLM) 🤖, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) 🎙️, Text-to-Speech (TTS) 🗣️, and voice cloning technology 🎤. This system offers an interactive web interface through the Gradio platform 🌐, allowing users to upload images 📷 and engage in personalized dialogues with AI 💬.
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ChatFAQ is an open-source comprehensive platform for creating a wide variety of chatbots: generic ones, business-trained, or even capable of redirecting requests to human operators. It includes a specialized NLP/NLG engine based on a RAG architecture and customized chat widgets, ensuring a tailored experience for users and avoiding vendor lock-in.

AnythingLLM is a full-stack application that enables you to turn any document, resource, or piece of content into context that any LLM can use as references during chatting. This application allows you to pick and choose which LLM or Vector Database you want to use as well as supporting multi-user management and permissions.

This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.

Supercharge WordPress Content Workflows and Engagement with Artificial Intelligence. Tap into leading cloud-based services like OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Gemini and IBM Watson to augment your WordPress-powered websites. Publish content faster while improving SEO performance and increasing audience engagement. ClassifAI integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to lighten your workload and eliminate tedious tasks, giving you more time to create original content that matters.

mikupad is a lightweight and efficient language model front-end powered by ReactJS, all packed into a single HTML file. Inspired by the likes of NovelAI, it provides a simple yet powerful interface for generating text with the help of various backends.

Glide is a cloud-native LLM gateway that provides a unified REST API for accessing various large language models (LLMs) from different providers. It handles LLMOps tasks such as model failover, caching, key management, and more, making it easy to integrate LLMs into applications. Glide supports popular LLM providers like OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI, AWS Bedrock (Titan), Cohere, Google Gemini, OctoML, and Ollama. It offers high availability, performance, and observability, and provides SDKs for Python and NodeJS to simplify integration.

ONNX Runtime Generative AI is a library that provides the generative AI loop for ONNX models, including inference with ONNX Runtime, logits processing, search and sampling, and KV cache management. Users can call a high level `generate()` method, or run each iteration of the model in a loop. It supports greedy/beam search and TopP, TopK sampling to generate token sequences, has built in logits processing like repetition penalties, and allows for easy custom scoring.

Firecrawl is an API service that takes a URL, crawls it, and converts it into clean markdown. It crawls all accessible subpages and provides clean markdown for each, without requiring a sitemap. The API is easy to use and can be self-hosted. It also integrates with Langchain and Llama Index. The Python SDK makes it easy to crawl and scrape websites in Python code.