Stars: 151
GodoOS is an efficient intranet office operating system that includes various office tools such as word/excel/ppt/pdf/internal chat/whiteboard/mind map, with native file storage support. The platform interface mimics the Windows style, making it easy to operate while maintaining low resource consumption and high performance. It automatically connects to intranet users without registration, enabling instant communication and file sharing. The flexible and highly configurable app store allows for unlimited expansion.
- 新增配置本地代理和远程代理,本地代理可实现本机ip映射外部域名,远程代理内嵌frpc设置后可实现内网用户外网域名访问。
- 修改锁屏机制,确保外网访问安全。
- 支持本地聊天ai对话文件和联网搜索。
- 支持知识库根据文件夹智能生成,一键添加知识库索引,一键搜索知识库。
- 新增复制/粘贴快捷键
- 新增文件检索,支持分词查询文档内容
- AI续写:借助先进的自然语言处理技术,让您的文档创作灵感不断,续写流畅无阻。
- 智能总结:一键提取文档精髓,快速生成精炼总结,助力高效阅读与信息提炼。
- 纠错优化:智能识别并纠正文档中的语法、拼写错误,确保内容准确无误。
- 智能提纲生成:自动梳理文章结构,生成逻辑清晰的提纲,助您轻松驾驭复杂文档。
- 引入全新的知识库管理系统,实现对本地文件的智能分类、标签化管理与高效检索,让您的知识积累更加有序、便捷。
- 创新功能上线,只需简单操作,即可根据文字描述或数据自动生成高质量图表与图像,为报告、演示增添视觉亮点。
- 思维导图生成:支持Markdown内容直接转换为思维导图,可视化呈现信息架构,提升思维整理效率。(已完成)
- PPT一键制作:无缝衔接Markdown文档,轻松导出专业级PPT,让汇报与分享更加生动、专业。
- 新增文字朗读服务,支持多种语音风格与语速调节,无论是阅读文档、学习资料还是辅助视力障碍者,都能享受前所未有的便捷与舒适。
- 💻 Windows 用户:
- 💼 MacOS 用户:
sudo chmod +x godoos_web_darwin_amd64
sudo ./godoos_web_darwin_amd64
- 💽 Linux 用户:
chmod +x godoos_web_darwin_amd64
- 备注:web版下载后启动服务端。访问地址为:http://localhost:56780/。
wget https://godoos.com/upload/godoos/1.0.4/docker/godoos_latest.tar.gz
gzip -d godoos_latest.tar.gz
docker load -i godoos_latest.tar
docker run -d -p 56780:56780 --name godoos godoos/godoos:latest
- 如果设置本地存储,存储地址为 /root/.godoos/os,设置成功后保存
- 无需联网使用,全开源
- 零配置,无需注册,下载即用
- 零污染,无插件依赖
- 精小,打包后仅70M,却包含了所有的办公套件
- 可无限扩展,支持自定义应用
- golang开发后端,低资源消耗和高性能
- 支持多平台,Windows、Linux、MacOS
- 完善的应用商店体系,简单学习一下应用商店配置即可开发出复杂的应用
- 2024年11月15日,发布v1.0.2版本,企业版跟随发布。
- 2024年8月1日,发布v1.0.0版本,发布后,项目进入第二阶段。
- 新增配置远程存储状态下是否支持跨域
- 修复系统重启错误
- 支持配置onlyOffice地址,onlyOffice编辑word/ppt/excel文件
- 修复1.0.3闪屏问题
- 修复默认不打开广告
- 修复设置ollama地址无效的问题
- 修复内网聊天初始化问题
- 修复本地ai聊天编辑未更改引擎的错误
- 新增ai模型管理,可下载管理ollama模型(需要先安装ollama)
- 新增ai助手,可控制整个系统的prompt
- word新增ai优化/续写/纠错/翻译/总结,生成大纲,根据大纲一键创建文章
- markdown更换为更实用的cherry-markdown,支持draw.io绘图,支持导出为思维导图/pdf/长图/docx/md/html格式
- 修复截图/截屏路径
- 修复更换存储将路径后系统不重置的问题
- 新增文件密码箱(系统设置里),可根据不同文件进行加密存储
- 美化日程提醒弹窗
- 修复word格式问题以及导出名字不对
- markdown新增ai优化/续写/纠错/翻译/总结,生成大纲,根据大纲一键创建文章
- 更改文档存储方式,支持选择文件夹
- 内网聊天新增ai对话,可保存对话历史,可更换模型和prompt
- 新增可定义端口和访问路径,支持web端系统重启
- 新增每个文件可独立设置密码,支持不可逆加密文件(加密文件后不可更改密码)
- 新增本地文件加密存储
- 新增企业端接口(聊天/工作流/文件分享/文件加密)
- 重构本地聊天,修改发现机制(基于ip扫描和arp过滤)
- 本地聊天可批量发送图片/文件夹,修改发送机制,消息基于udp发送,文件基于tcp发送
- 修复word导入格式丢失问题
- 修复文件重命名错误的bug
- 修复拖拽上传中断的bug
- 新增可手动关闭广告
- 优化初始化系统,初始化系统时只请求读写一次
- 去除浏览器存储
- 开源核心底层源码
- 优化思维导图和文件读取
- 优化初始化系统,初始化系统时只请求读写一次,确保1秒内打开
- 去除浏览器存储
- 内网聊天增加手工添加ip,跨网段通信在ping通的前提下如果发现不了对方可手工添加对方ip
- 修复思维导图保存的文件每次打开主题又会变成默认主题
- 新增webdav客户端
- 新增远程存储
- 修改选择文件夹会删除文件夹内的文件
- 精仿windows风格
- 桌面文件管理
- 支持原生文件拖拽上传
- 文件拖拽上传
- 文件搜索
- 原生文件存储
- 直接压缩/解压文件夹(本地存储支持zip/tar/gz/bz2)
- 无需注册流程,只需在同一内网,即可自动发现并列出所有可用的聊天对象,支持基于局域网的即时消息传输、文件传输等功能。
- 简便的word编辑器,原生存储,支持二维码、手写签名,导入导出
- 原生存储,Excel编辑器,支持导入、导出,支持图片、公式
- 原生存储,采用vditor,支持导入、导出,支持大纲、实时预览
- 内置多种主题;支持快捷键;节点内容支持图片、图标、超链接、备注、标签。
- 原生存储,采用pptist,支持文字、图片、形状、线条、图表、表格、视频、公式等。
- 原生存储,支持打开text/html/css/js/svg/xml/md等,可以当作一个简单的在线editplus。
- 集自由布局、画笔、便签多种创意表达能力于一体,激发团队创造力,随时随地,围绕一块白板沟通。
- 一个小型的photoshop,原生存储,支持搜索图片,支持图片裁剪、旋转、缩放、滤镜等功能
- 项目管理必备工具,支持自定义项目人员和角色,支持拖拽/管理分配(资源、角色、工作)等。
- 一款简单的内置浏览器
- 可在这里切换存储方式,可切换系统背景。
- 应用商店管理,丰富的外部接口,可导入/添加/下载外部应用。支持依赖库安装/卸载。
- 一个简单的截图工具。截图后文件存到本地。
- 一个简单的录屏工具。录屏后录后文件存到本地。
- 一个仿windows10的计算器,支持历史记录。
- 一个简单的声音存储库,支持播放音乐。
- 一个简单的图片存储库,支持查看图片
- 支持标准看板,项目管理必备工具,可快速创建看板并放置到不同的文件夹
- 支持进程管理,可以查看进程列表,杀死进程
- 前端构建(必须)
cd frontend
pnpm i
pnpm build
- 桌面端构建
# go install github.com/wailsapp/wails/v2/cmd/wails@latest
wails build
# wails build -nsis -upx //you need install nsis and upx
- web端构建
cd godo
chmod +x quick_build.sh //linux or mac必须有执行权限,windows不需要
- 是否支持切换存储目录?
- 支持。进入系统设置页面,修改存储目录即可。修改后程序会重启一次。
- 如何上传文件?
- 支持拖拽上传。
- 对办公安全要求严苛的企业,比如不许连外网。
- 对办公存储有特殊需求的企业,比如要求员工的数据必须存储到对应的地方。
- 对办公office有极客思维的企业,office太过庞大,而godoos仅60多M。
- 客户端为开源版,用户所有数据存储到服务端
- 服务端支持windows/linux和docker安装,安装端支持web端
- 客户端支持全平台(windows/macos/linux),安装端支持桌面端和web端
- 可指定用户组存储目录
- 可设定用户组存储空间大小
- 可设定用户组角色权限,细分到每一个接口
- 可以根据部门设定工作流
- 用户文件可同部门分享
- 可视化的自定义工作流引擎
- 先定义表单数据,再定义工作流,表单和工作流业务逻辑隔离
- 支持任务流和审计流
- 任务流支持考试/签到/工作日志/周报/季报等
- 任务流支持自动提醒/迟到提交/自定义周期
- 任务流根据表单字段支持分数/答案自定义,阅卷支持手工打分和自动打分
- 审计流支持审批/驳回等
- 审计支持部门和用户自定义权限
- 支持会签(通过需全员否决只需一人)/或签(一人通过或否决)/民主签(少数服从多数,平票自动打回)
- 支持站内消息和邮件通知
- 支持条件分支判断和自定义抄送人
- 支持手工确认/阅读即审批/手写签名
- 支持驳回到上一个节点或发起人
- 条件判断支持和表单联动,支持发起人过滤,分数判断(任务流)
- 支持表单数据导入/导出,支持自定义导出字段
- 支持工作流数据统计
- 支持自定义横向/纵向数据分析
- 支持表单数据和审计数据同步到其他接口
- 审计流支持打分和评论
- 支持表单设计器,可自定义表单字段,支持表单联动,支持表单校验
- 支持表单数据归档,支持自定义时间范围
- 支持数据查看/编辑,搜索定义,自动类型定义(数字和字符串)
- 和本地聊天完全隔离
- 支持群聊/单聊
- 支持文件发送和图片发送
- 在线聊天消息不存储服务端(离线消息加密存储)
- 支持消息提醒
- 支持视频聊天/视频会议
- 支持远程协助
- 支持远程文档协作
- 支持钉钉和企微H5应用对接
- 支持钉钉和企微自动登录
- 支持钉钉和企微用户数据同步(第一次登录同步)
- 支持邮件发送
- 支持站内消息
- 支持弹窗提醒
- 支持统计在线人数/应用数
- 支持统计存储空间/运行时长/内存使用情况
- 所有系统配置均加密存储
- 所有用户数据一旦后台加密,仅用户可查看,每个文件可设置二级密码
- 支持文档创作/翻译/润色/总结
- 支持语音识别/合成
- 支持图片识别/生成/训练
- 可设置版本号,上传版本,自动提示更新
- 可管理不同操作系统版本的更新策略
- 支持应用商店,用户可下载应用,后台可上传应用
- 支持不同操作系统对应不同的应用版本
- 支持应用版本依赖
- Windows (AMD64) Web版
- Windows (ARM64) Web版
- MacOS (AMD64) Web版
- MacOS (ARM64) Web版
- Linux (AMD64) Web版
- Linux (ARM64) Web版
chmod +x osadmin_linux_amd64
- 备注:企业版为server端,需要配合开源版(客户端)一起使用。需先安装mysql,测试版试用期为一个月。访问地址为:http://localhost:8816/。
- 承诺永久开源
- 允许企业/个人单独使用,但需保留版权信息
- 如用于商业活动或二次开发后发售,请购买相关版权
- 不提供私下维护工作,如有bug请 issures 提交
- 请尊重作者的劳动成果
如果觉得不错,或者已经在使用了,希望你可以去 Gitee GitCode Github 帮我点个 ⭐ Star,这将是对我极大的鼓励与支持。
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GodoOS is an efficient intranet office operating system that includes various office tools such as word/excel/ppt/pdf/internal chat/whiteboard/mind map, with native file storage support. The platform interface mimics the Windows style, making it easy to operate while maintaining low resource consumption and high performance. It automatically connects to intranet users without registration, enabling instant communication and file sharing. The flexible and highly configurable app store allows for unlimited expansion.
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Sanic-Web is a lightweight, end-to-end, and easily customizable large model application project built on technologies such as Dify, Ollama & Vllm, Sanic, and Text2SQL. It provides a one-stop solution for developing large model applications, supporting graphical data-driven Q&A using ECharts, handling table-based Q&A with CSV files, and integrating with third-party RAG systems for general knowledge Q&A. As a lightweight framework, Sanic-Web enables rapid iteration and extension to facilitate the quick implementation of large model projects.
LLMLanding is a repository focused on practical implementation of large models, covering topics from theory to practice. It provides a structured learning path for training large models, including specific tasks like training 1B-scale models, exploring SFT, and working on specialized tasks such as code generation, NLP tasks, and domain-specific fine-tuning. The repository emphasizes a dual learning approach: quickly applying existing tools for immediate output benefits and delving into foundational concepts for long-term understanding. It offers detailed resources and pathways for in-depth learning based on individual preferences and goals, combining theory with practical application to avoid overwhelm and ensure sustained learning progress.
这是一个程序员关于 ChatGPT 学习过程的记录,其中包括了 ChatGPT 的使用技巧、相关工具和资源的整理,以及一些个人见解和思考。 **使用技巧** * **充值 OpenAI API**:可以通过 https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys 进行充值,支持信用卡和 PayPal。 * **使用专梯**:推荐使用稳定的专梯,可以有效提高 ChatGPT 的访问速度和稳定性。 * **使用魔法**:可以通过 https://my.x-air.app:666/#/register?aff=32853 访问 ChatGPT,无需魔法即可访问。 * **下载各种 apk**:可以通过 https://apkcombo.com 下载各种安卓应用的 apk 文件。 * **ChatGPT 官网**:ChatGPT 的官方网站是 https://ai.com。 * **Midjourney**:Midjourney 是一个生成式 AI 图像平台,可以通过 https://midjourney.com 访问。 * **文本转视频**:可以通过 https://www.d-id.com 将文本转换为视频。 * **国内大模型**:国内也有很多大模型,如阿里巴巴的通义千问、百度文心一言、讯飞星火、阿里巴巴通义听悟等。 * **查看 OpenAI 状态**:可以通过 https://status.openai.com/ 查看 OpenAI 的服务状态。 * **Canva 画图**:Canva 是一个在线平面设计平台,可以通过 https://www.canva.cn 进行画图。 **相关工具和资源** * **文字转语音**:可以通过 https://modelscope.cn/models?page=1&tasks=text-to-speech&type=audio 找到文字转语音的模型。 * **可好好玩玩的项目**: * https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL * https://github.com/labring/FastGPT * https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api * **个人博客**: * https://baoyu.io/ * https://gorden-sun.notion.site/527689cd2b294e60912f040095e803c5?v=4f6cc12006c94f47aee4dc909511aeb5 * **srt 2 lrc 歌词**:可以通过 https://gotranscript.com/subtitle-converter 将 srt 格式的字幕转换为 lrc 格式的歌词。 * **5 种速率限制**:OpenAI API 有 5 种速率限制:RPM(每分钟请求数)、RPD(每天请求数)、TPM(每分钟 tokens 数量)、TPD(每天 tokens 数量)、IPM(每分钟图像数量)。 * **扣子平台**:coze.cn 是一个扣子平台,可以提供各种扣子。 * **通过云函数免费使用 GPT-3.5**:可以通过 https://juejin.cn/post/7353849549540589587 免费使用 GPT-3.5。 * **不蒜子 统计网页基数**:可以通过 https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/ 统计网页的基数。 * **视频总结和翻译网页**:可以通过 https://glarity.app/zh-CN 总结和翻译视频。 * **视频翻译和配音工具**:可以通过 https://github.com/jianchang512/pyvideotrans 翻译和配音视频。 * **文字生成音频**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/jijunjian/p/18118366 将文字生成音频。 * **memo ai**:memo.ac 是一个多模态 AI 平台,可以将视频链接、播客链接、本地音视频转换为文字,支持多语言转录后翻译,还可以将文字转换为新的音频。 * **视频总结工具**:可以通过 https://summarize.ing/ 总结视频。 * **可每天免费玩玩**:可以通过 https://www.perplexity.ai/ 每天免费玩玩。 * **Suno.ai**:Suno.ai 是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://bibigpt.co/ 访问。 * **CapCut**:CapCut 是一个视频编辑软件,可以通过 https://www.capcut.cn/ 下载。 * **Valla.ai**:Valla.ai 是一个多模态 AI 模型,可以通过 https://www.valla.ai/ 访问。 * **Viggle.ai**:Viggle.ai 是一个 AI 视频生成平台,可以通过 https://viggle.ai 访问。 * **使用免费的 GPU 部署文生图大模型**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 部署文生图大模型。 * **语音转文字**:可以通过 https://speech.microsoft.com/portal 将语音转换为文字。 * **投资界的 ai**:可以通过 https://reportify.cc/ 了解投资界的 ai。 * **抓取小视频 app 的各种信息**:可以通过 https://github.com/NanmiCoder/MediaCrawler 抓取小视频 app 的各种信息。 * **马斯克 Grok1 开源**:马斯克的 Grok1 模型已经开源,可以通过 https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 访问。 * **ChatALL**:ChatALL 是一个跨端支持的聊天机器人,可以通过 https://github.com/sunner/ChatALL 访问。 * **零一万物**:零一万物是一个 AI 平台,可以通过 https://www.01.ai/cn 访问。 * **智普**:智普是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 https://chatglm.cn/ 访问。 * **memo ai 下载**:可以通过 https://memo.ac/ 下载 memo ai。 * **ffmpeg 学习**:可以通过 https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2020/01/ffmpeg.html 学习 ffmpeg。 * **自动生成文章小工具**:可以通过 https://www.cognition-labs.com/blog 生成文章。 * **简易商城**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 搭建简易商城。 * **物联网**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/xuxiaona/p/18088404 学习物联网。 * **自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表**:可以通过 https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/18086537 实现自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表。 **个人见解和思考** * ChatGPT 是一个强大的工具,可以用来提高工作效率和创造力。 * ChatGPT 的使用门槛较低,即使是非技术人员也可以轻松上手。 * ChatGPT 的发展速度非常快,未来可能会对各个行业产生深远的影响。 * 我们应该理性看待 ChatGPT,既要看到它的优点,也要意识到它的局限性。 * 我们应该积极探索 ChatGPT 的应用场景,为社会创造价值。
hongbomiao.com is a personal research and development (R&D) lab that facilitates the sharing of knowledge. The repository covers a wide range of topics including web development, mobile development, desktop applications, API servers, cloud native technologies, data processing, machine learning, computer vision, embedded systems, simulation, database management, data cleaning, data orchestration, testing, ops, authentication, authorization, security, system tools, reverse engineering, Ethereum, hardware, network, guidelines, design, bots, and more. It provides detailed information on various tools, frameworks, libraries, and platforms used in these domains.
Activepieces is an open source replacement for Zapier, designed to be extensible through a type-safe pieces framework written in Typescript. It features a user-friendly Workflow Builder with support for Branches, Loops, and Drag and Drop. Activepieces integrates with Google Sheets, OpenAI, Discord, and RSS, along with 80+ other integrations. The list of supported integrations continues to grow rapidly, thanks to valuable contributions from the community. Activepieces is an open ecosystem; all piece source code is available in the repository, and they are versioned and published directly to npmjs.com upon contributions. If you cannot find a specific piece on the pieces roadmap, please submit a request by visiting the following link: Request Piece Alternatively, if you are a developer, you can quickly build your own piece using our TypeScript framework. For guidance, please refer to the following guide: Contributor's Guide
This repository provides a comprehensive collection of resources, open-source tools, and knowledge related to quantitative analysis. It serves as a valuable knowledge base and navigation guide for individuals interested in various aspects of quantitative investing, including platforms, programming languages, mathematical foundations, machine learning, deep learning, and practical applications. The repository is well-structured and organized, with clear sections covering different topics. It includes resources on system platforms, programming codes, mathematical foundations, algorithm principles, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, graph networks, model deployment, and practical applications. Additionally, there are dedicated sections on quantitative trading and investment, as well as large models. The repository is actively maintained and updated, ensuring that users have access to the latest information and resources.
Higress is an open-source cloud-native API gateway built on the core of Istio and Envoy, based on Alibaba's internal practice of Envoy Gateway. It is designed for AI-native API gateway, serving AI businesses such as Tongyi Qianwen APP, Bailian Big Model API, and Machine Learning PAI platform. Higress provides capabilities to interface with LLM model vendors, AI observability, multi-model load balancing/fallback, AI token flow control, and AI caching. It offers features for AI gateway, Kubernetes Ingress gateway, microservices gateway, and security protection gateway, with advantages in production-level scalability, stream processing, extensibility, and ease of use.
Duix is a silicon-based digital human SDK for intelligent interaction, providing users with instant virtual human interaction experience on devices like Android and iOS. The SDK offers intuitive effect display and supports user customization through open documentation. It is fully open-source, allowing developers to understand its workings, optimize, and innovate further.
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OpenAGI is an AI agent creation package designed for researchers and developers to create intelligent agents using advanced machine learning techniques. The package provides tools and resources for building and training AI models, enabling users to develop sophisticated AI applications. With a focus on collaboration and community engagement, OpenAGI aims to facilitate the integration of AI technologies into various domains, fostering innovation and knowledge sharing among experts and enthusiasts.
Sirji is an agentic AI framework for software development where various AI agents collaborate via a messaging protocol to solve software problems. It uses standard or user-generated recipes to list tasks and tips for problem-solving. Agents in Sirji are modular AI components that perform specific tasks based on custom pseudo code. The framework is currently implemented as a Visual Studio Code extension, providing an interactive chat interface for problem submission and feedback. Sirji sets up local or remote development environments by installing dependencies and executing generated code.
Dewhale is a GitHub-Powered AI tool designed for effortless development. It utilizes prompt engineering techniques under the GPT-4 model to issue commands, allowing users to generate code with lower usage costs and easy customization. The tool seamlessly integrates with GitHub, providing version control, code review, and collaborative features. Users can join discussions on the design philosophy of Dewhale and explore detailed instructions and examples for setting up and using the tool.
The Modular Accelerated Xecution (MAX) platform is an integrated suite of AI libraries, tools, and technologies that unifies commonly fragmented AI deployment workflows. MAX accelerates time to market for the latest innovations by giving AI developers a single toolchain that unlocks full programmability, unparalleled performance, and seamless hardware portability.
A Collection of Papers and Codes for CVPR 2024 AIGC. This repository compiles and organizes research papers and code related to CVPR 2024 and ECCV 2024 AIGC (Artificial Intelligence and Graphics Computing). It serves as a valuable resource for individuals interested in the latest advancements in the field of computer vision and artificial intelligence. Users can find a curated list of papers and accompanying code repositories for further exploration and research. The repository encourages collaboration and contributions from the community through stars, forks, and pull requests.
ZetaForge is an open-source AI platform designed for rapid development of advanced AI and AGI pipelines. It allows users to assemble reusable, customizable, and containerized Blocks into highly visual AI Pipelines, enabling rapid experimentation and collaboration. With ZetaForge, users can work with AI technologies in any programming language, easily modify and update AI pipelines, dive into the code whenever needed, utilize community-driven blocks and pipelines, and share their own creations. The platform aims to accelerate the development and deployment of advanced AI solutions through its user-friendly interface and community support.
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LoLLMs WebUI (Lord of Large Language Multimodal Systems: One tool to rule them all) is a user-friendly interface to access and utilize various LLM (Large Language Models) and other AI models for a wide range of tasks. With over 500 AI expert conditionings across diverse domains and more than 2500 fine tuned models over multiple domains, LoLLMs WebUI provides an immediate resource for any problem, from car repair to coding assistance, legal matters, medical diagnosis, entertainment, and more. The easy-to-use UI with light and dark mode options, integration with GitHub repository, support for different personalities, and features like thumb up/down rating, copy, edit, and remove messages, local database storage, search, export, and delete multiple discussions, make LoLLMs WebUI a powerful and versatile tool.
The Azure-Analytics-and-AI-Engagement repository provides packaged Industry Scenario DREAM Demos with ARM templates (Containing a demo web application, Power BI reports, Synapse resources, AML Notebooks etc.) that can be deployed in a customer’s subscription using the CAPE tool within a matter of few hours. Partners can also deploy DREAM Demos in their own subscriptions using DPoC.
MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It is API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service. Use MinIO to build high performance infrastructure for machine learning, analytics and application data workloads.
Mage is an open-source data pipeline tool for transforming and integrating data. It offers an easy developer experience, engineering best practices built-in, and data as a first-class citizen. Mage makes it easy to build, preview, and launch data pipelines, and provides observability and scaling capabilities. It supports data integrations, streaming pipelines, and dbt integration.
AiTreasureBox is a versatile AI tool that provides a collection of pre-trained models and algorithms for various machine learning tasks. It simplifies the process of implementing AI solutions by offering ready-to-use components that can be easily integrated into projects. With AiTreasureBox, users can quickly prototype and deploy AI applications without the need for extensive knowledge in machine learning or deep learning. The tool covers a wide range of tasks such as image classification, text generation, sentiment analysis, object detection, and more. It is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to both beginners and experienced developers, making AI development more efficient and accessible to a wider audience.
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Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that makes it easy to move data from any source to any destination. With Airbyte, you can build and manage data pipelines without writing any code. Airbyte provides a library of pre-built connectors that make it easy to connect to popular data sources and destinations. You can also create your own connectors using Airbyte's no-code Connector Builder or low-code CDK. Airbyte is used by data engineers and analysts at companies of all sizes to build and manage their data pipelines.
Labelbox is a data-centric AI platform for enterprises to develop, optimize, and use AI to solve problems and power new products and services. Enterprises use Labelbox to curate data, generate high-quality human feedback data for computer vision and LLMs, evaluate model performance, and automate tasks by combining AI and human-centric workflows. The academic & research community uses Labelbox for cutting-edge AI research.