编程笔记、观影指南、读书笔记、生活感悟、Switch 游戏
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Thinking_in_Java_MindMapping is a repository that started as a project to create mind maps based on the book 'Java Programming Ideas'. Over time, it evolved into a collection of programming notes, blog posts, book summaries, personal reflections, and even gaming content. The repository covers a wide range of topics, allowing the author to freely express thoughts and ideas. The content is diverse and reflects the author's dedication to consistency and creativity.
很早之前读《Java 编程思想》,用思维导图做笔记并将思维导图的截图放到了简书上,没想到期间有很多人留言要这份思维导图。最终创建了这个项目,但是又写入了很多文章,也许这个项目叫做 Thinking_in_Java_MindMapping
编程笔记、博客、读书笔记、生活感悟、Switch 游戏都会写在这里,内容比较繁杂,随心写吧,贵在坚持 0_o
- 2016 年终总结——学生时代的结束、北漂生活的开始.md
- 2016 我的电子学习之路.md
- 2016 自我管理——从好习惯开始.md
- 2019 乐高积木感悟.md
- 2019 乐高马里奥.md
- 2020 生活、工作总结.md
- 2020 随笔.md
- 2021 随笔.md
- 5G 是什么?一篇文章搞定!.md
- 中文技术文档写作规范.md
- 印象笔记吐槽.md
- 吐槽下《MongoDB 实战》(第二版)的翻译.md
- 股票知识记录.md
- 《Effective Java》中学到的思想.md
- 《UNIX 传奇》.md
- 《你有你的计划,世界另有计划》.md
- 《十三邀 1:我还是更喜欢失败者》读书笔记.md
- 《十三邀 2:偶像是生意,是符号,是忍辱负重》.md
- 《如何阅读一本书》摘抄.md
- 《学会提问:批判性思维入门》.md
- 《强风吹拂》摘抄.md
- 《指数基金投资指南》.md
- 《毛泽东传》摘抄.md
- 《浮生六记》.md
- 《编程大师访谈录》.md
- 《量化健身-原理解析》.md
- 30 分钟玩转「正则表达式」.md
- Java 知乎爬虫.md
- LSM.md
- LeetCode 二叉树系统题解.md
- Linux mmap 技术.md
- Linux 虚拟内存.md
- Maven 依赖树的解析规则.md
- MySQL 锁深入分析.md
- MySQL 面试:为什么B+树比B树更适合磁盘存储?.md
- OceanBase 企业级开源分布式数据库.md
- RPC 实战与原理.md
- Raft 算法分析.md
- RocketMQ 源码分析系列 00 - 消息发送和消息接收 Hello world.md
- UML 用例图.md
- guava RateLimiter 源码分析.md
- 字符编码.md
- 并查集.md
- 消息中间件.md
- 爬取北京摩拜单车信息(附分析过程和详细代码).md
- 通过 Netty、ZooKeeper 手撸一个 RPC 服务.md
- LeetCode 0000.爬取官网所有题目和自己的最近题解.md
- LeetCode 0005.最长回文子串[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0010.正则表达式匹配[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0032.最长有效括号[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0042.接雨水[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0044.通配符匹配[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0053.最大子序和[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0062.不同路径[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0063.不同路径II[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0064.最小路径和[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0070.爬楼梯[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0072.编辑距离[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0074.搜索二维矩阵.md
- LeetCode 0079.单词搜索.md
- LeetCode 0084.柱状图中最大的矩形.md
- LeetCode 0085.最大矩形[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0088.合并两个有序数组.md
- LeetCode 0091.解码方法[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0095.不同的二叉搜索树II[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0096.不同的二叉搜索树[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0097.交错字符串[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0106.从中序与后序遍历序列构造二叉树.md
- LeetCode 0115.不同的子序列[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0120.三角形最小路径和.md
- LeetCode 0120.三角形最小路径和[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0121.买卖股票的最佳时机[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0123.买卖股票的最佳时机III[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0131.分割回文串[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0132.分割回文串II[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0139.单词拆分[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0140.单词拆分II[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0152.乘积最大子数组[动态规划详解].md
- LeetCode 0209.长度最小的子数组.md
- LeetCode 0219.存在重复元素II.md
- LeetCode 0228.汇总区间.md
- LeetCode 0381.O(1)时间插入、删除和获取随机元素-允许重复.md
- LeetCode 0509.斐波那契数.md
- LeetCode 0605.种花问题.md
- LeetCode 0628.三个数的最大乘积.md
- LeetCode 0747.至少是其他数字两倍的最大数.md
- LeetCode 0832.翻转图像.md
- LeetCode 0840.矩阵中的幻方.md
- LeetCode 0849.到最近的人的最大距离.md
- LeetCode 0945.使数组唯一的最小增量.md
- LeetCode 0954.二倍数对数组.md
- LeetCode 0969.煎饼排序.md
- LeetCode 0977.有序数组的平方.md
- LeetCode 1074.元素和为目标值的子矩阵数量.md
- LeetCode 1144.递减元素使数组呈锯齿状.md
- LeetCode 1160.拼写单词.md
- LeetCode 1260.二维网格迁移.md
- LeetCode 1266.访问所有点的最小时间.md
- LeetCode 1267.统计参与通信的服务器.md
- LeetCode 1331.数组序号转换.md
- LeetCode 1424.对角线遍历II.md
- LeetCode 1438.绝对差不超过限制的最长连续子数组.md
- LeetCode 1442.形成两个异或相等数组的三元组数目.md
- LeetCode 1476.子矩形查询.md
- LeetCode 1534.统计好三元组.md
- LeetCode 1535.找出数组游戏的赢家.md
- LeetCode 1550.存在连续三个奇数的数组.md
- LeetCode 1552.两球之间的磁力.md
- LeetCode 1574.删除最短的子数组使剩余数组有序.md
- LeetCode 1588.所有奇数长度子数组的和.md
- LeetCode 1672.最富有客户的资产总量.md
- Netty.xmind
- On Java.xmind
- 一个思维导图,带你深入理解 Linux 网络.md
- 思维导图学 HTTP.md
- 思维导图学 Kotlin.md
- 思维导图学 Netty.md
- 思维导图学 Spring.md
- 思维导图学 Tomcat & Jetty.md
- 思维导图学《JVM 虚拟机规范》.md
- 思维导图学《Java性能权威指南》.md
- 思维导图学《Linux性能优化实战》.md
- 思维导图学《On Java》基础卷 + 进阶卷.md
- Redis 7.0.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 01 - 环境配置.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 02 - SDS 字符串.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 03 - Dict Hash 基础.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 04 - Sorted Set 有序集合.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 05 - ziplist 压缩列表.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 06 - quicklist 和 listpack.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 07 - main 函数启动.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 08 - epoll.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 09 - Reactor 模型.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 10 - aeEventLoop 及事件.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 11 - 主 IO 线程及 Redis 6.0 多 IO 线程.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 12 - 一条命令的处理过程.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 13 - RDB 文件.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 14 - Redis 持久化.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 15 - AOF.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 16 - 客户端.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 17 - 服务器.md
- Redis 源码简洁剖析 18 - 复制、哨兵 Sentinel.md
- Spring Bean 的 Scope、生命周期和循环依赖分析.md
- Spring Boot Native.md
- Spring Native 项目,把 Spring 项目编译成原生程序!.md
- 最简 Spring AOP 源码分析.md
- 最简 Spring IOC 容器源码分析.md
- Switch SX OX 修改游戏数值(废弃).md
- 《八方旅人 2》-JRPG 的魅力.md
- 《八方旅人》基础.md
- 《八方旅人》故事简介.md
- 《塞尔达·荒野之息》游戏截图.md
- 《异度神剑 2》CG 截图.md
- 《异度神剑 2》剧情解析(转载).md
- 《异度神剑 3》剧情梳理解析.md
- 《异度神剑》系列的个人向浅析(转载).md
- 游戏类型分类大全.md
在简书上也积累了大概 7500 个粉丝,不过简书越来越偏网文风格,并不是一个技术社区,忍痛放弃……
coding 笔记、读书笔记、点滴记录,以后的文章也会同步到公众号(Coding Insight)中,大家关注^_^
希望各位小伙伴在转载时注明出处~ 0_o
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Thinking_in_Java_MindMapping is a repository that started as a project to create mind maps based on the book 'Java Programming Ideas'. Over time, it evolved into a collection of programming notes, blog posts, book summaries, personal reflections, and even gaming content. The repository covers a wide range of topics, allowing the author to freely express thoughts and ideas. The content is diverse and reflects the author's dedication to consistency and creativity.

hongbomiao.com is a personal research and development (R&D) lab that facilitates the sharing of knowledge. The repository covers a wide range of topics including web development, mobile development, desktop applications, API servers, cloud native technologies, data processing, machine learning, computer vision, embedded systems, simulation, database management, data cleaning, data orchestration, testing, ops, authentication, authorization, security, system tools, reverse engineering, Ethereum, hardware, network, guidelines, design, bots, and more. It provides detailed information on various tools, frameworks, libraries, and platforms used in these domains.

This repository provides a comprehensive collection of resources, open-source tools, and knowledge related to quantitative analysis. It serves as a valuable knowledge base and navigation guide for individuals interested in various aspects of quantitative investing, including platforms, programming languages, mathematical foundations, machine learning, deep learning, and practical applications. The repository is well-structured and organized, with clear sections covering different topics. It includes resources on system platforms, programming codes, mathematical foundations, algorithm principles, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, graph networks, model deployment, and practical applications. Additionally, there are dedicated sections on quantitative trading and investment, as well as large models. The repository is actively maintained and updated, ensuring that users have access to the latest information and resources.

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Awesome LLM plaza is a curated list of awesome LLM papers, projects, and resources. It is updated daily and includes resources from a variety of sources, including huggingface daily papers, twitter, github trending, paper with code, weixin, etc.

This repository provides a curated list of recommended airport proxies for accessing ChatGPT and other AI tools while bypassing internet restrictions. The proxies are tested and verified to ensure reliability and stability. The readme includes detailed instructions on how to set up and use the proxies with various devices and platforms. Additionally, the repository offers advanced tutorials on upgrading to GPT-4/Plus, deploying a 24/7 ChatGPT微信机器人 server, and using Claude-3 securely and for free.

This repository provides a comprehensive overview of large language models (LLMs), covering various aspects such as their history, types, underlying architecture, training techniques, and applications. It includes detailed explanations of key concepts like Transformer models, distributed training, fine-tuning, and reinforcement learning. The repository also discusses the evaluation and limitations of LLMs, including the phenomenon of hallucinations. Additionally, it provides a list of related courses and references for further exploration.

PythonPark is a paradise for learning Python, providing babysitter-level tutorials on AI labs, treasure videos, data structures, study guides, machine learning practicals, deep learning practicals, Python basics, web scraping, big company interview experiences, programming life, and resource sharing. Original articles are published at least twice a week, with the latest articles being first released on WeChat and videos on Bilibili. Join the WeChat group for technical discussions or to provide feedback. Continuously improving and outputting content!

DeepBattler is a tool designed for Hearthstone Battlegrounds players, providing real-time strategic advice and insights to improve gameplay experience. It integrates with the Hearthstone Deck Tracker plugin and offers voice-assisted guidance. The tool is powered by a large language model (LLM) and can match the strength of top players on EU servers. Users can set up the tool by adding dependencies, configuring the plugin path, and launching the LLM agent. DeepBattler is licensed for personal, educational, and non-commercial use, with guidelines on non-commercial distribution and acknowledgment of external contributions.

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Thinking_in_Java_MindMapping is a repository that started as a project to create mind maps based on the book 'Java Programming Ideas'. Over time, it evolved into a collection of programming notes, blog posts, book summaries, personal reflections, and even gaming content. The repository covers a wide range of topics, allowing the author to freely express thoughts and ideas. The content is diverse and reflects the author's dedication to consistency and creativity.

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The 'ollama-ebook-summary' repository is a Python project that creates bulleted notes summaries of books and long texts, particularly in epub and pdf formats with ToC metadata. It automates the extraction of chapters, splits them into ~2000 token chunks, and allows for asking arbitrary questions to parts of the text for improved granularity of response. The tool aims to provide summaries for each page of a book rather than a one-page summary of the entire document, enhancing content curation and knowledge sharing capabilities.

CrewAI is a cutting-edge framework designed to orchestrate role-playing autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks. It enables AI agents to assume roles, share goals, and operate in a cohesive unit, much like a well-oiled crew. Whether you're building a smart assistant platform, an automated customer service ensemble, or a multi-agent research team, CrewAI provides the backbone for sophisticated multi-agent interactions. With features like role-based agent design, autonomous inter-agent delegation, flexible task management, and support for various LLMs, CrewAI offers a dynamic and adaptable solution for both development and production workflows.

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Labelbox is a data-centric AI platform for enterprises to develop, optimize, and use AI to solve problems and power new products and services. Enterprises use Labelbox to curate data, generate high-quality human feedback data for computer vision and LLMs, evaluate model performance, and automate tasks by combining AI and human-centric workflows. The academic & research community uses Labelbox for cutting-edge AI research.