Python 开源项目之「自学编程之路」,保姆级教程:AI实验室、宝藏视频、数据结构、学习指南、机器学习实战、深度学习实战、网络爬虫、大厂面经、程序人生、资源分享。
Stars: 9359
PythonPark is a paradise for learning Python, providing babysitter-level tutorials on AI labs, treasure videos, data structures, study guides, machine learning practicals, deep learning practicals, Python basics, web scraping, big company interview experiences, programming life, and resource sharing. Original articles are published at least twice a week, with the latest articles being first released on WeChat and videos on Bilibili. Join the WeChat group for technical discussions or to provide feedback. Continuously improving and outputting content!
这里是学习 Python 的乐园,保姆级教程:AI实验室、宝藏视频、数据结构、学习指南、机器学习实战、深度学习实战、Python基础、网络爬虫、大厂面经、程序人生、资源分享。我会逐渐完善它,持续输出中!
- 学习路线
- 视频
- 王炸!AI声音克隆+Sora开源平替一键启动,全网最简单!
- AI越来越“变态”了,本地部署才是王道!
- AI声音克隆又进化了,1分钟训练模型,一键启动包发布!
- AI声音克隆又进化了,10分钟学会声音克隆!一键启动包发布!
- AI写“鲁迅体“2023全国高考作文
- AI"鲁迅",入驻B站啦!
- 【AI唱歌】再次进化!6分钟学会用AI唱歌,杀疯了!
- AI声音克隆
- 【AI绘画】AI又进化了,革命性突破
- 太猛了!AI这波杀疯了,原来还能这么聊天!
- AI大胆预测世界杯冠军,用了100年的数据?
- AI作画保姆级教程来了!逆天,太强了!
- 99%的人都不知道照片隐藏的惊天秘密,实在是太优雅了!
- 学了十年代码,写的真人AI体感游戏
- 只有想不到,没有做不到的超强AI!
- 耗时三个月做了一个元宇宙,惨被割韭菜?
- AI 再出妙招,大眼萌娃在线循环!
- 2022年保姆级AI算法教程,开发环境搭建一条龙
- AI杀疯了!2021年高能的AI算法,超乎想象!
- 一名大厂程序员的成长之路,我的九年时光!
- Python学习路线一条龙,保姆级教程,自学编程不迷茫!
- 十分钟骗走五万五千元!AI声音模仿有多逼真?5秒钟克隆你的语音!
- 程序员必备的8个学习网站,再也不用交智商税了
- 计算机应届毕业生薪资有多高?算法工程师面试贴心指南
- AI人工智能技术还原康乾盛世三代皇帝样貌,竟然有点帅!
- AI复活明朝历代皇帝,来一场穿越时空的对话!
- AI还原乾隆后妃样貌,延禧攻略众生相。
- 6分钟带你回顾2020年高能的AI算法
- 保姆级人工智能学习路线,谁都能玩的AI算法!
- 自学编程,那些让你事半功倍的学习方法!
- Python学习指南:学习方法、路径图、资料都备齐了!
- 8分钟带你入门人工智能,互联网大厂都在用的高能AI算法
- 【深度解析】多款AI游戏外挂,战斗力爆表,蚌埠住了!
- 真·躺着赚钱?写代码全自动炒股,五万元,半年后能赚多少?
- 旧手机变外挂,这回全B站的漂亮小姐姐,都在我这里了!
- 数据结构与算法基础
- AI 基础
- AI 实验室
- 百变人脸,趣味容颜,ALAE 人脸玩出新高度!
- 你的红色高跟鞋,AI 换脸技术初体验
- 心中无码便是高清,马赛克“脑补”算法 PULSE
- 秃头生成器,Hairstyle Transfer 你值得拥有!
- 太强了!基于深度学习的文本自动解密算法。
- AI算法让图片动起来,特朗普和蒙娜丽莎深情合唱《Unravel》
- 这些 AI 算法太强了,我有个大胆的想法!
- 百年老照片修复算法,那些高颜值的父母!
- 无限想象空间,用Python就能玩的3D人体姿态估计
- AI 隐身术,能让物体在视频中消失的魔法。
- 偷天换日,逼真的天空置换算法
- 手残党抠图有救了!
- 为艺术而生的惊艳算法
- 「完美复刻」的人物肖像画生成
- 带你「周游世界」的 MODNet 算法
- 川普的退休生活,AI 宅舞很专业。
- 用自己训练的AI玩王者荣耀是什么体验?
- 人脸编辑再得一分,牛逼!
- 二次元的正确打开方式
- 用AI玩55款经典游戏是什么体验?
- 让猛男娇羞的AI算法
- 你说,我画,AI工具人石锤
- AI一键去纹身,还原明星「庐山真面目」
- 火了?
- AI算法,整新活!
- 我有一个很大胆的想法!
- 好家伙,又火几个。。
- 危!我用python克隆了女朋友的声音!
- AI全自动钓鱼,原神游戏沦陷!(硬核开源)
- LSP,强得离谱!
- 我家小孩,长这样?
- 这两个练手项目,我王多鱼投了!
- 这个项目,我能玩一年!
- 女娲算法,杀疯了!
- AI杀疯了!
- 这脸啊,我算是玩明白了!
- 又整新活,AI 杀麻了!
- 马赛克,克星,真来了!
- 阿 B,真会玩!
- 这几个项目,我看傻了!
- 健身环爆打老头环,超高难度,已开源!
- 为艺术而生的超强算法,老霸道了!
- 浙大小姐姐,真有你的!
- 该死,这糟糕的心动感
- 只有想不到,没有做不到的超强AI!
- 我与身旁的美女,格格不入,我决定...
- 该死,我又心动了,这都能行
- 嘘,差点被警察带走
- 小姐姐终于开口了!AI杀疯了!
- 小姐姐,哎呦,你干嘛~
- 炸锅了,背景太假,AI通杀!
- 竟有这种好东西,那我可不困了!
- 我用旧手机,做了一个刷小姐姐的外挂!
- 巧了,这几个项目,我王多鱼投了!
- 该死,这糟糕的心动感,梅开二度
- 凌晨4点被家人们送上热搜。。。
- 上了B站热门,又被骂了!
- 趣味AI项目又来了
- 该死,这糟糕的心动感,梅开三度
- InstructPix2Pix,玩疯了
- 又整新活,Rome
- Alas、mm-cot、Ambient
- AI又进化了,突破性革命来了!
- AI声音克隆又进化了
- 4个令人惊艳的ChatGPT项目,开源了!AIGC也太猛了...
- 开箱即用,5个令人惊艳的AI项目,开源了!
- 炸裂,AI 打造了一个西部世界!
- MiniGPT4,开源了!
- 新项目又火了,已开源!gpt4免费了...
- OpenAI又一新项目,火了!已开源!
- 一个厉害的中医GPT,AI老中医开源了!
- 好家伙,这新项目太优秀了,快开源!
- 法律方向也有GPT了!
- 用AI生成的“鲁迅”
- AI进化太快,我要学不动了。。。
- AI进化太快了,新项目已开源!
- 金融GPT来了
- 超越 GPT-4 的国产开源大模型来了!
- 新项目爆火,GPT 开源了!
- 法律大模型 ChatLaw
- 警惕邪恶版 GPT!
- AI声音克隆又进化了,已开源!
- 955 神仙公司名单
- 马斯克,才是老懂哥!
- 才14岁。。简直降维打击!
- 美国又“出手”了!
- 美国变卦,RTX 4090 囤早了...
- 已经有企业开始抵制一年制的硕士了
- 连字节跳动都跳不动了!
- 一个令人惊艳的新项目,SVD开源了!
- 马赛克,克星,真来了!v2.0
- 阿里员工:本月收入489325元,开心过年
- 2个令人惊艳的开源项目,诞生了!
- 又火一个惊艳的AI项目,开源了!
- 微信聊天记录导出的开源项目,火了!
- InstantID开源了
- Sora的第一波受害者出现了。
- 又火一个惊艳的AI项目,开源了!
- 中国永远不会倒闭的四个行业
- 阿里的开源,这两天被喷惨了。。
- 离谱,北邮211本科不符合华为OD要求
- 最新955不加班的公司名单
- 3个令人兴奋的AI项目,已开源!
- 4个令人兴奋的爆火AI项目,已开源!
- 该死,这糟糕的心动感,AI杀疯了!
- 这是雷军的简历,落魄时卡里只有冰冷的40亿..
- 马赛克,克星,又火一个,已开源!
- 4个令人惊艳的开源项目,诞生了!
- 华为又招了一名天才少年。。。
- 五一抢票难,Python抢票脚本,火了!
- 又火一个惊艳的AI项目,开源了!
- 该死,这糟糕的心动感,AI杀疯了!
- 手机「本地部署」开源 GPT,火了!
- 又火一个惊艳的AI项目,已开源!
- 炸裂开源!一周爆涨 18K+ 的 Star!
- 又火一个惊艳的开源项目,诞生了!
- 警告!OpenAI宣布全面封锁中国API接入
- 被判赔1250万!非法抓取高德地图数据。。
- 又火一个惊艳的AI项目,已开源!
- 推荐 3 个 yyds 的开源项目!
- 又火两个惊艳的AI项目,已开源!
- 大模型集体失智!9.11比9.9大?全员翻车!
- 绝了,电脑被监控了!还怎么摸鱼?
- 3个惊艳的AI项目火出圈,已开源!
- 终于不用为GPU算力发愁了,请低调使用!
- 一个火爆外网的国产AI项目,已开源!
- 又一个爆火的AI项目,逼真到恐怖的Flux!【保姆级硬核教程】
- AI恶搞《黑神话:悟空》爆火!
- 韩国N号房卷土重来?AI造假?!
- 囧事人生
- 打工人的薪资倒挂
- 个人网站没落了?
- 感谢有你,写作以来的得与失
- 2020年的最后一个月
- 第一次进抢救室
- 我在哥大读博的五年,万字总结
- 我,这一年
- 晒晒年终奖
- 我,从高考到程序员的成长之路
- 996被建议监管!
- 我,差点上央视
- 选择
- 我的算法能力是从什么时候开始突飞猛进的?
- 五年了
- 印度疫情,爆炸!
- 聊聊我今年的计划
- 计算机专业读研三年,到底值不值!
- 我被"制裁"了!
- 36525个日夜!
- 对算法工程师的一些误会
- 11亿,牛逼!我也捐了一点点。。
- 我一年的坚持,值了!
- 被裁了。。
- 知名企业家车祸身亡,惨痛!自动驾驶?
- 6k,啪,没了。。
- 获奖了!
- 我的第一个,一百万!
- 3万,啪,又没了。。
- 领证啦!
- 第一次 3 万!
- 北京,终于落户了!
- 发年终奖了!10 万红包封面!
- 15 万就这么没了,我被薅秃了。。
- 突然决定,创业了!
- 绝了,被监控了!还怎么摸鱼?
- 一觉醒来,炸锅了!全面开战....
- 两件事,让我大跌眼镜...
- 兄弟们,人麻了。。。
- 我的三年北漂,晋升路
- 被骂臭外地的...
- 这口青春饭,我干了!
- 请做好3年内随时失业的准备?
- 其实今年,我也挣不到钱了。
- 哎,又进医院了!
- 我结婚了!
- 虾皮太让人失望了!
- 不卷了,彻底躺平的假期,真爽!
- 完了,好兄弟的心态崩了。。。
- 复工,阳了个阳。。。
- 最担心的事还是发生了,我也阳了
- 打了三针疫苗,阳了第二次?
- 一千万成就到手,结婚一年了!
- 发年终奖了!再来10 万红包封面!
- 突然决定,起飞去广州!
- 30岁了,冒死说几句大实话!
- 危!ChatGPT一出,这几大职业可能先丢饭碗!
- 第一批因ChatGPT坐牢的人,已经上路了
- 今天打开个税APP,我直接人麻了!
- 大家都在卷ChatGPT的时候,我已经...
- 为爱发电的博客园要没了??!
- 关于一场诈骗
- 牛逼!新书冲到京东榜一了!
- 不卷了,继续彻底躺平的假期,真爽!
- 拼多多今年的薪资。。
- 北京,这两天上班可太难了!
- 裁员潮都波及到985大学了!
- 县城再无清华北大
- 阿里员工自曝996作息表
- 七年青春喂了狗。
- 小红书今年的校招薪资。。
- 突发!特斯拉毁约应届生offer!
- 阿里发年终奖了
- 很多朋友都消失了。。
- 使用VPN“翻墙”违法,为什么大部分人都没事?
- 未来可能消失的编程语言
- 团队准备解散了。。
- CSDN又抽风了,GitCode 被曝...
- 今年的毕业生太难了。。
- 绿联NAS翻车,被爆安全缺陷...
- 腾讯和去哪儿网官宣两件大事,上热搜了!
- 佳能苏州裁员补偿2N+12?官方最新回应!
- 程序员转行送外卖,被嘲笑?
- 知名开源作者删库跑路,项目被用于诈骗?
- 《黑神话·悟空》是用什么编程语言开发的?
- IBM中国裁员赔偿N+3!千人被裁,中国研发部彻底关闭!
- 离谱,深圳某公司重新定义8小时工作制!
- 量化交易
- Pytorch深度学习实战
- 网络爬虫
- Tensorflow深度学习实战
- 机器学习实战
- 机器学习实战教程(一):K-近邻算法(史诗级干货长文)
- 机器学习实战教程(二):决策树基础篇之让我们从相亲说起
- 机器学习实战教程(三):决策树实战篇之为自己配个隐形眼镜
- 机器学习实战教程(四):朴素贝叶斯基础篇之言论过滤器
- 机器学习实战教程(五):朴素贝叶斯实战篇之新浪新闻分类
- 机器学习实战教程(六):Logistic回归基础篇之梯度上升算法
- 机器学习实战教程(七):Logistic回归实战篇之预测病马死亡率
- 机器学习实战教程(八):支持向量机原理篇之手撕线性SVM
- 机器学习实战教程(九):支持向量机实战篇之再撕非线性SVM
- 机器学习实战教程(十):提升分类器性能利器-AdaBoost
- 机器学习实战教程(十一):线性回归基础篇之预测鲍鱼年龄
- 机器学习实战教程(十二):线性回归提高篇之乐高玩具套件二手价预测
- 机器学习实战教程(十三):树回归基础篇之CART算法与树剪枝
- 深度学习实战
- 算法面经
- 工具
- 其他
- 练手项目
- 学习资料
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PythonPark is a paradise for learning Python, providing babysitter-level tutorials on AI labs, treasure videos, data structures, study guides, machine learning practicals, deep learning practicals, Python basics, web scraping, big company interview experiences, programming life, and resource sharing. Original articles are published at least twice a week, with the latest articles being first released on WeChat and videos on Bilibili. Join the WeChat group for technical discussions or to provide feedback. Continuously improving and outputting content!
This repository provides a comprehensive overview of large language models (LLMs), covering various aspects such as their history, types, underlying architecture, training techniques, and applications. It includes detailed explanations of key concepts like Transformer models, distributed training, fine-tuning, and reinforcement learning. The repository also discusses the evaluation and limitations of LLMs, including the phenomenon of hallucinations. Additionally, it provides a list of related courses and references for further exploration.
AI-Catalog is a curated list of AI tools, platforms, and resources across various domains. It serves as a comprehensive repository for users to discover and explore a wide range of AI applications. The catalog includes tools for tasks such as text-to-image generation, summarization, prompt generation, writing assistance, code assistance, developer tools, low code/no code tools, audio editing, video generation, 3D modeling, search engines, chatbots, email assistants, fun tools, gaming, music generation, presentation tools, website builders, education assistants, autonomous AI agents, photo editing, AI extensions, deep face/deep fake detection, text-to-speech, startup tools, SQL-related AI tools, education tools, and text-to-video conversion.
LogChat is an open-source and free AI chat client that supports various chat models and technologies such as ChatGPT, 讯飞星火, DeepSeek, LLM, TTS, STT, and Live2D. The tool provides a user-friendly interface designed using Qt Creator and can be used on Windows systems without any additional environment requirements. Users can interact with different AI models, perform voice synthesis and recognition, and customize Live2D character models. LogChat also offers features like language translation, AI platform integration, and menu items like screenshot editing, clock, and application launcher.
This repository provides a curated list of recommended airport proxies for accessing ChatGPT and other AI tools while bypassing internet restrictions. The proxies are tested and verified to ensure reliability and stability. The readme includes detailed instructions on how to set up and use the proxies with various devices and platforms. Additionally, the repository offers advanced tutorials on upgrading to GPT-4/Plus, deploying a 24/7 ChatGPT微信机器人 server, and using Claude-3 securely and for free.
Aid2 is a tool designed to authorize iOS devices and install apps similar to iTools. After authorizing with Aid2, the IPA files can be installed without entering the app ID and password. This second version of Aid supports both Windows and Mac systems, although the Mac system has not been fully tested yet. Version 2.1 added the functionality to install IPA files. Version 2.5 streamlined the authorization process, executing it on each device using a single thread to reduce code complexity and improve authorization speed. The tool requires a compilation environment with Vcpkg, gRPC, Protobuf, and OpenSSL, and users need to have access to a VPN for successful configuration.
ChatWiki is an open-source knowledge base AI question-answering system. It is built on large language models (LLM) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technologies, providing out-of-the-box data processing, model invocation capabilities, and helping enterprises quickly build their own knowledge base AI question-answering systems. It offers exclusive AI question-answering system, easy integration of models, data preprocessing, simple user interface design, and adaptability to different business scenarios.
Awesome LLM plaza is a curated list of awesome LLM papers, projects, and resources. It is updated daily and includes resources from a variety of sources, including huggingface daily papers, twitter, github trending, paper with code, weixin, etc.
VPNFast is a lightweight and fast VPN service provider that offers secure and private internet access. With VPNFast, users can protect their online privacy, bypass geo-restrictions, and secure their internet connection from hackers and snoopers. The service provides high-speed servers in multiple locations worldwide, ensuring a reliable and seamless VPN experience for users. VPNFast is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and simple setup process. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming content, or accessing sensitive information, VPNFast helps you stay safe and anonymous online.
这是一个程序员关于 ChatGPT 学习过程的记录,其中包括了 ChatGPT 的使用技巧、相关工具和资源的整理,以及一些个人见解和思考。 **使用技巧** * **充值 OpenAI API**:可以通过 进行充值,支持信用卡和 PayPal。 * **使用专梯**:推荐使用稳定的专梯,可以有效提高 ChatGPT 的访问速度和稳定性。 * **使用魔法**:可以通过 访问 ChatGPT,无需魔法即可访问。 * **下载各种 apk**:可以通过 下载各种安卓应用的 apk 文件。 * **ChatGPT 官网**:ChatGPT 的官方网站是。 * **Midjourney**:Midjourney 是一个生成式 AI 图像平台,可以通过 访问。 * **文本转视频**:可以通过 将文本转换为视频。 * **国内大模型**:国内也有很多大模型,如阿里巴巴的通义千问、百度文心一言、讯飞星火、阿里巴巴通义听悟等。 * **查看 OpenAI 状态**:可以通过 查看 OpenAI 的服务状态。 * **Canva 画图**:Canva 是一个在线平面设计平台,可以通过 进行画图。 **相关工具和资源** * **文字转语音**:可以通过 找到文字转语音的模型。 * **可好好玩玩的项目**: * * * * **个人博客**: * * * **srt 2 lrc 歌词**:可以通过 将 srt 格式的字幕转换为 lrc 格式的歌词。 * **5 种速率限制**:OpenAI API 有 5 种速率限制:RPM(每分钟请求数)、RPD(每天请求数)、TPM(每分钟 tokens 数量)、TPD(每天 tokens 数量)、IPM(每分钟图像数量)。 * **扣子平台** 是一个扣子平台,可以提供各种扣子。 * **通过云函数免费使用 GPT-3.5**:可以通过 免费使用 GPT-3.5。 * **不蒜子 统计网页基数**:可以通过 统计网页的基数。 * **视频总结和翻译网页**:可以通过 总结和翻译视频。 * **视频翻译和配音工具**:可以通过 翻译和配音视频。 * **文字生成音频**:可以通过 将文字生成音频。 * **memo ai** 是一个多模态 AI 平台,可以将视频链接、播客链接、本地音视频转换为文字,支持多语言转录后翻译,还可以将文字转换为新的音频。 * **视频总结工具**:可以通过 总结视频。 * **可每天免费玩玩**:可以通过 每天免费玩玩。 * **** 是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 访问。 * **CapCut**:CapCut 是一个视频编辑软件,可以通过 下载。 * **** 是一个多模态 AI 模型,可以通过 访问。 * **** 是一个 AI 视频生成平台,可以通过 访问。 * **使用免费的 GPU 部署文生图大模型**:可以通过 部署文生图大模型。 * **语音转文字**:可以通过 将语音转换为文字。 * **投资界的 ai**:可以通过 了解投资界的 ai。 * **抓取小视频 app 的各种信息**:可以通过 抓取小视频 app 的各种信息。 * **马斯克 Grok1 开源**:马斯克的 Grok1 模型已经开源,可以通过 访问。 * **ChatALL**:ChatALL 是一个跨端支持的聊天机器人,可以通过 访问。 * **零一万物**:零一万物是一个 AI 平台,可以通过 访问。 * **智普**:智普是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 访问。 * **memo ai 下载**:可以通过 下载 memo ai。 * **ffmpeg 学习**:可以通过 学习 ffmpeg。 * **自动生成文章小工具**:可以通过 生成文章。 * **简易商城**:可以通过 搭建简易商城。 * **物联网**:可以通过 学习物联网。 * **自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表**:可以通过 实现自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表。 **个人见解和思考** * ChatGPT 是一个强大的工具,可以用来提高工作效率和创造力。 * ChatGPT 的使用门槛较低,即使是非技术人员也可以轻松上手。 * ChatGPT 的发展速度非常快,未来可能会对各个行业产生深远的影响。 * 我们应该理性看待 ChatGPT,既要看到它的优点,也要意识到它的局限性。 * 我们应该积极探索 ChatGPT 的应用场景,为社会创造价值。
MouseTooltipTranslator is a Chrome extension that allows users to translate any text on a webpage by simply hovering over it. It supports both Google Translate and Bing Translate, and can also be used to listen to the pronunciation of words and phrases. Additionally, the extension can be used to translate text in input boxes and highlighted text, and to display translated tooltips for PDFs and YouTube videos. It also supports OCR, allowing users to translate text in images by holding down the left shift key and hovering over the image.
Activepieces is an open source replacement for Zapier, designed to be extensible through a type-safe pieces framework written in Typescript. It features a user-friendly Workflow Builder with support for Branches, Loops, and Drag and Drop. Activepieces integrates with Google Sheets, OpenAI, Discord, and RSS, along with 80+ other integrations. The list of supported integrations continues to grow rapidly, thanks to valuable contributions from the community. Activepieces is an open ecosystem; all piece source code is available in the repository, and they are versioned and published directly to upon contributions. If you cannot find a specific piece on the pieces roadmap, please submit a request by visiting the following link: Request Piece Alternatively, if you are a developer, you can quickly build your own piece using our TypeScript framework. For guidance, please refer to the following guide: Contributor's Guide
AirPower4T is a development base library based on Vue3 TypeScript Element Plus Vite, using decorators, object-oriented, Hook and other front-end development methods. It provides many common components and some feedback components commonly used in background management systems, and provides a lot of enums and decorators.
AI-Drug-Discovery-Design is a repository focused on Artificial Intelligence-assisted Drug Discovery and Design. It explores the use of AI technology to accelerate and optimize the drug development process. The advantages of AI in drug design include speeding up research cycles, improving accuracy through data-driven models, reducing costs by minimizing experimental redundancies, and enabling personalized drug design for specific patients or disease characteristics.
Neuromatch Academy NeuroAI Course Syllabus is a repository that contains the schedule and licensing information for the NeuroAI course. The course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence in neuroscience. It covers various topics related to AI applications in neuroscience, including machine learning, data analysis, and computational modeling. The content is primarily accessed from the ebook provided in the repository, and the course is scheduled for July 15-26, 2024. The repository is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and software elements are additionally licensed under the BSD (3-Clause) License. Contributors to the project are acknowledged and welcomed to contribute further.
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This repository provides a collection of interview questions and answers for algorithm engineers. The questions are organized by topic, and each question includes a detailed explanation of the answer. This repository is a valuable resource for anyone preparing for an algorithm engineering interview.
PythonPark is a paradise for learning Python, providing babysitter-level tutorials on AI labs, treasure videos, data structures, study guides, machine learning practicals, deep learning practicals, Python basics, web scraping, big company interview experiences, programming life, and resource sharing. Original articles are published at least twice a week, with the latest articles being first released on WeChat and videos on Bilibili. Join the WeChat group for technical discussions or to provide feedback. Continuously improving and outputting content!
The ai-explorables repository contains code for AI Explorables, a tool that allows users to make changes in the source code and view the changes locally. It is not an officially supported Google product.
AIFoundation focuses on AI Foundation, large model systems. Large models optimize the performance of full-stack hardware and software based on AI clusters. The training process requires distributed parallelism, cluster communication algorithms, and continuous evolution in the field of large models such as intelligent agents. The course covers modules like AI chip principles, communication & storage, AI clusters, computing architecture, communication architecture, large model algorithms, training, inference, and analysis of hot technologies in the large model field.
The Azure OpenAI Proxy service aims to simplify access to an Azure OpenAI `Playground-like` experience by supporting Azure OpenAI SDKs, LangChain, and REST endpoints for developer events, workshops, and hackathons. Users can access the service using a timebound `event code`. The solution documentation is available for reference.
Zep is an open-source platform for building and deploying large language model (LLM) applications. It provides a suite of tools and services that make it easy to integrate LLMs into your applications, including chat history memory, embedding, vector search, and data enrichment. Zep is designed to be scalable, reliable, and easy to use, making it a great choice for developers who want to build LLM-powered applications quickly and easily.
E2B Sandbox is a secure sandboxed cloud environment made for AI agents and AI apps. Sandboxes allow AI agents and apps to have long running cloud secure environments. In these environments, large language models can use the same tools as humans do. For example: * Cloud browsers * GitHub repositories and CLIs * Coding tools like linters, autocomplete, "go-to defintion" * Running LLM generated code * Audio & video editing The E2B sandbox can be connected to any LLM and any AI agent or app.
LlamaIndex.TS is a data framework for your LLM application. Use your own data with large language models (LLMs, OpenAI ChatGPT and others) in Typescript and Javascript.
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Weave is a toolkit for developing Generative AI applications, built by Weights & Biases. With Weave, you can log and debug language model inputs, outputs, and traces; build rigorous, apples-to-apples evaluations for language model use cases; and organize all the information generated across the LLM workflow, from experimentation to evaluations to production. Weave aims to bring rigor, best-practices, and composability to the inherently experimental process of developing Generative AI software, without introducing cognitive overhead.
LLMStack is a no-code platform for building generative AI agents, workflows, and chatbots. It allows users to connect their own data, internal tools, and GPT-powered models without any coding experience. LLMStack can be deployed to the cloud or on-premise and can be accessed via HTTP API or triggered from Slack or Discord.
The VisionCraft API is a free API for using over 100 different AI models. From images to sound.
Kaito is an operator that automates the AI/ML inference model deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. It manages large model files using container images, avoids tuning deployment parameters to fit GPU hardware by providing preset configurations, auto-provisions GPU nodes based on model requirements, and hosts large model images in the public Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) if the license allows. Using Kaito, the workflow of onboarding large AI inference models in Kubernetes is largely simplified.
PyRIT is an open access automation framework designed to empower security professionals and ML engineers to red team foundation models and their applications. It automates AI Red Teaming tasks to allow operators to focus on more complicated and time-consuming tasks and can also identify security harms such as misuse (e.g., malware generation, jailbreaking), and privacy harms (e.g., identity theft). The goal is to allow researchers to have a baseline of how well their model and entire inference pipeline is doing against different harm categories and to be able to compare that baseline to future iterations of their model. This allows them to have empirical data on how well their model is doing today, and detect any degradation of performance based on future improvements.
Tabby is a self-hosted AI coding assistant, offering an open-source and on-premises alternative to GitHub Copilot. It boasts several key features: * Self-contained, with no need for a DBMS or cloud service. * OpenAPI interface, easy to integrate with existing infrastructure (e.g Cloud IDE). * Supports consumer-grade GPUs.
SPEAR (Simulator for Photorealistic Embodied AI Research) is a powerful tool for training embodied agents. It features 300 unique virtual indoor environments with 2,566 unique rooms and 17,234 unique objects that can be manipulated individually. Each environment is designed by a professional artist and features detailed geometry, photorealistic materials, and a unique floor plan and object layout. SPEAR is implemented as Unreal Engine assets and provides an OpenAI Gym interface for interacting with the environments via Python.
Magick is a groundbreaking visual AIDE (Artificial Intelligence Development Environment) for no-code data pipelines and multimodal agents. Magick can connect to other services and comes with nodes and templates well-suited for intelligent agents, chatbots, complex reasoning systems and realistic characters.