Stars: 687
Get Jobs is a tool designed to help users find and apply for job positions on various recruitment platforms in China. It features AI job matching, automatic cover letter generation, multi-platform job application, automated filtering of inactive HR and headhunter positions, real-time WeChat message notifications, blacklisted company updates, driver adaptation for Win11, centralized configuration, long-lasting cookie login, XPathHelper plugin, global logging, and more. The tool supports platforms like Boss直聘, 猎聘, 拉勾, 51job, and 智联招聘. Users can configure the tool for customized job searches and applications.
- Github(国外访问):
- Gitee·码云(中国大陆):
- [支持市面全部大模型!折扣比例2比1!1刀也可充,详情请联系站内客服]
- 💥AI检测岗位匹配度,并根据岗位JD自动撰写适合岗位的打招呼语(仅Boss)
- 支持国内全部招聘平台(Boss直聘、猎聘、拉勾、51job、智联招聘)
- 定时投递,一键投递所有平台,并且再第二天自动定时重新投递
- Boos自动过滤 不活跃HR、猎头岗位、目标薪资,可自行在配置文件修改
- 企业微信消息推送,实时掌控建立投递情况
- Boss自动更新黑名单企业,避免重复投递
- 内置driver驱动(仅win11),自动判断系统环境适配驱动版本
- 集中化配置,仅需修改配置文件即可完成自定义筛选
- 超长cookie登录,大部分平台每周仅需扫码一次
- 内置xpathHelper插件,方便快速定位元素
- 全局日志记录,投递记录可追踪
- QQ交流群暗號:get_jobs
- ❌必须要关闭墙外代理,由于主要针对的国内平台,墙外代理会导致页面加载缓慢
- 💪🏻如你有“折腾精神”希望自己配置,QQ群内提供免费答疑,如你不想麻烦,可联系群主付费部署
- 📰由于不同系统的页面不一样,导致可能不兼容,文末会给出文档,尽可能让大家能自定义修改
- 🚩如您不方便访问github,可使用码云镜像(中国大陆)版本:gitee/getjobs
已经有人在交流群里 发广告 等与本项目无关的信息
git clone
cd get_jobs
- 目前程序自动判断系统环境,使用对应的chromedriver,并进行浏览器操作
- 但是你的Chrome版本必须是在Chrome官网下载的,并且为对应版本( 默认最新),才可使用
- 非windows的操作系统,请自行下载对应的驱动到src/main/resources路径下解压使用
更多环境配置详情请点击:📚 环境配置
🔩 通用配置
- 日志文件在 target/logs 目录下,所有日志都会输出在以运行日期结尾的日志文件中
- Constant.WAIT_TIME:超时等待时间,单位秒,用于等待页面加载
- cookie登录: 扫码后会自动保存cookie.json文件在代码运行目录下,换号直接删除cookie.json即可
- 每个平台的配置转换码都在平台文件夹下的Enum类里,找到相应的代码添加到类中即可
📢 企业微信消息推送设置
- 把.env_template文件重命名为
- 在企业微信中创建一个群聊,然后添加机器人,获取到机器人URL,复制到
即可 - 保持config.yaml文件中
为true - 企业微信推送示例
- 把.env_template文件重命名为
🤖 AI配置
配制如下:HOOK_URL= BASE_URL= API_KEY=sk-xxx MODEL=gpt-4o-mini
:企业微信机器人推送的链接 -
:直连或中转链接地址,如果是直连需要开梯子 -
:调用的API KEY -
根据测试,boss直聘在每天所有的岗位投递结束后消耗的额度(gpt-4o-mini)大约在0.06美元(6美分) 左右,代理除了在本项目中可用,也可使用客户端( 在日常生活中使用,所以不会浪费,充值额度1刀起,随用随充
💥注意!AI代理地址:如云API: ,该网站可自主充值需要的金额,无任何捆绑消费,支持市面上全部大模型,2人民币=1美元 -
⚙️ 主要的配置文件(config.yaml)
# 带[ ]括号的,就是多选,不带的就是单选
sayHi: "您好,我有7年工作经验,还有AIGC大模型、Java,Python,Golang和运维的相关经验,希望应聘这个岗位,期待可以与您进一步沟通,谢谢!" #必须要关闭boss的自动打招呼
keywords: [ "大模型工程师", "AI工程师", "Java", "Python", "Golang" ] # 需要搜索的职位,会依次投递
industry: [ "不限" ] # 公司行业,只能选三个,相关代码枚举的部分,如果需要其他的需要自己找
cityCode: [ "上海" ] # 只列举了部分,如果没有的需要自己找:目前支持的:全国 北京 上海 广州 深圳 成都
experience: [ "不限" ] # 工作经验:"应届毕业生", "1年以下", "1-3年", "3-5年", "5-10年", "10年以上"
jobType: "不限" #求职类型:"全职", "兼职"
salary: "不限" # 薪资(单选):"3K以下", "3-5K", "5-10K", "10-20K", "20-50K", "50K以上"
degree: [ "不限" ] # 学历: "初中及以下", "中专/中技", "高中", "大专", "本科", "硕士", "博士"
scale: [ "不限" ] # 公司规模:"0-20人", "20-99人", "100-499人", "500-999人", "1000-9999人", "10000人以上"
stage: [ "不限" ] # "未融资", "天使轮", "A轮", "B轮", "C轮", "D轮及以上", "已上市", "不需要融资"
expectedSalary: [ 25,35 ] #期望薪资,单位为K,第一个数字为最低薪资,第二个数字为最高薪资,只填一个数字默认为最低薪水
filterDeadHR: true # 是否过滤不活跃HR,该选项会过滤半年前活跃的HR
enableAI: true #开启AI检测与自动生成打招呼语
jobArea: [ "上海" ] #工作地区:目前只有【北京 成都 上海 广州 深圳】
keywords: [ "java", "python", "go", "golang", "大模型", "软件工程师" ] #关键词:依次投递
salary: [ "不限" ] #薪资范围:只能选5个【"2千以下", "2-3千", "3-4.5千", "4.5-6千", "6-8千", "0.8-1万", "1-1.5万", "1.5-2万", "2-3万", "3-4万", "4-5万", "5万以上"】
keywords: [ "AI工程师","Java","Golang","Python" ] #搜索关键词
cityCode: "上海" #拉勾城市名没有限制,直接填写即可
salary: "不限" #薪资【"不限","2k以下", "2k-5k", "5k-10k", "10k-15k", "15k-25k", "25k-50k", "50k以上"】
scale: [ "不限" ] #公司规模【"不限","少于15人", "15-50人", "50-150人", "150-500人", "500-2000人", "2000人以上"】
gj: "在校/应届,3年及以下"
cityCode: "上海" # 目前支持的:全国 北京 上海 广州 深圳 成都
keywords: [ "Java", "Python", "Golang", "大模型" ]
salary: "不限" # 填 15$30 代表 15k-30k
cityCode: "上海"
salary: "25001,35000" #薪资区间
keywords: [ "AI", "Java", "Python", "Golang" ]
introduce: "我熟练使用Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、Alibaba Cloud及其生态体系,擅长MySQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL等关系型数据库以及MongoDB、Redis等非关系型数据库。熟悉Docker、Kubernetes等容器化技术,掌握WebSocket、Netty等通信协议,拥有即时通讯系统的开发经验。熟练使用MyBatis-Plus、Spring Data、Django ORM等ORM框架,熟练使用Python、Golang开发,具备机器学习、深度学习及大语言模型的开发与部署经验。此外,我熟悉前端开发,涉及Vue、React、Nginx配置及PHP框架应用" #这是喂给AI的提示词,主要介绍自己的优势
prompt: "我目前在找工作,%s,我期望的的岗位方向是【%s】,目前我需要投递的岗位名称是【%s】,这个岗位的要求是【%s】,如果这个岗位和我的期望与经历基本符合,注意是基本符合,那么请帮我写一个给HR打招呼的文本发给我,如果这个岗位和我的期望经历完全不相干,直接返回false给我,注意只要返回我需要的内容即可,不要有其他的语气助词,重点要突出我和岗位的匹配度以及我的优势,我自己写的招呼语是:【%s】,你可以参照我自己写的根据岗位情况进行适当调整" #这是AI的提示词,可以自行修改
is_send: true #开启企业微信消息推送
现在找工作是很难,但也别做舔狗,打工人不是牛马!- 目标薪资设置:expectedSalary: [ 25,35 ]
- 单位为K,第一个数字为最低薪资,第二个数字为最高薪资,只填一个数字默认为只要求最低薪水,不要求最高薪水
data.json //黑名单数据,在投递结束后会查询聊天记录寻找不合适的公司添加进去 ├── blackCompanies: List.of("复深蓝"); // 公司黑名单,多个用逗号分隔 ├── blackRecruiters: List.of("猎头"); // 排除招聘人员,比如猎头 └── blackJobs: List.of("外包", "外派"); // 排除岗位,比如外包,外派
- 目标薪资设置:expectedSalary: [ 25,35 ]
目前的解决方式是投一页暂停10秒,先这么着吧 -
拉勾需要指定默认投递简历(在线简历 or 附件简历),否则会投递失败
拉勾目前有个玄学bug,投递的时候随机失败,可以解决的大佬请联系我 -
需要使用最新版猎聘手机app设置打招呼文本,只要不主动发消息,可以无限制对猎头打招呼,程序默认为该配置。 -
智联招聘需要指定默认投递简历(在线简历 or 附件简历),否则会投递失败
- 目前默认Boss会定时投递两次,可以修改相关代码修改时间
- 每个包下的Scheduled文件,即使单独针对平台的定时投递,例 ,就是boss平台每天定时投递
- 定时投递第一次运行时会立即投递一次,到了第二天设定的时间,会再次投递,时间可以自行在代码中修改
- V2VDaGF0OkFpckVsaWF1azk1Mjcs6K+35aSH5rOo77ya5pq06aOO6Zuo5bCx6KaB5p2l5LqG
- 扫码添加:QQ加群答案为本项目仓库名【get_jobs】
- 请注意:
- 本项目不支持服务器部署,无须尝试,如招聘网站发现访问者为服务器IP,不会返回任何网站数据。
- 在开发与部署过程有任何问题都可在群内沟通,但群内的同学没有义务必须要解决您的问题,请保持礼貌提问的态度。
- 2024-04-15 01:52:18
- 新增config.yaml,目前仅需修改配置文件即可,已全平台支持
- cookie有效期延长,保持至少一周(拉勾平台除外)【安慰剂】
- 2024-04-28 15:20:06
- boos:自动更新黑名单公司
- 2024-06-06 01:49:38
- boos:若公司名小于2个字或4个字母则不会添加进黑名单
- 添加linux系统支持。
- 2024-06-06 17:41:20
- boss支持多城市投递。
- 2024-08-11 18:39:56
- 修复智联,猎聘等不能投递的问题。
- 添加定时投递功能
- 2024-08-12 22:56:20
- 添加企业微信消息推送功能
可以查看我们的 Issues
和 discussions
- 提交Pr流程:
- fork本项目
- 从master分支新建分支
- 开发完成后提交pull request到lok666/get_jobs的【dev】分支,注意是dev!!!
- 等待管理员审核验证提交代码无误后,合并到main分支
- 近日已经有人反馈,有人拿着本项目免费开源的代码,在闲鱼等小红书各处售卖
- 本项目代码完全开源免费,请勿上当受骗,请大家擦亮眼睛
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Alternative AI tools for get_jobs
Similar Open Source Tools
Get Jobs is a tool designed to help users find and apply for job positions on various recruitment platforms in China. It features AI job matching, automatic cover letter generation, multi-platform job application, automated filtering of inactive HR and headhunter positions, real-time WeChat message notifications, blacklisted company updates, driver adaptation for Win11, centralized configuration, long-lasting cookie login, XPathHelper plugin, global logging, and more. The tool supports platforms like Boss直聘, 猎聘, 拉勾, 51job, and 智联招聘. Users can configure the tool for customized job searches and applications.
Midjourney Proxy is an open-source project that acts as a proxy for the Midjourney Discord channel, allowing API-based AI drawing calls for charitable purposes. It provides drawing API for free use, ensuring full functionality, security, and minimal memory usage. The project supports various commands and actions related to Imagine, Blend, Describe, and more. It also offers real-time progress tracking, Chinese prompt translation, sensitive word pre-detection, user-token connection via wss for error information retrieval, and various account configuration options. Additionally, it includes features like image zooming, seed value retrieval, account-specific speed mode settings, multiple account configurations, and more. The project aims to support mainstream drawing clients and API calls, with features like task hierarchy, Remix mode, image saving, and CDN acceleration, among others.
KIMI AI Free 服务 支持高速流式输出、支持多轮对话、支持联网搜索、支持长文档解读、支持图像解析,零配置部署,多路token支持,自动清理会话痕迹。 与ChatGPT接口完全兼容。 还有以下五个free-api欢迎关注: 阶跃星辰 (跃问StepChat) 接口转API step-free-api 阿里通义 (Qwen) 接口转API qwen-free-api ZhipuAI (智谱清言) 接口转API glm-free-api 秘塔AI (metaso) 接口转API metaso-free-api 聆心智能 (Emohaa) 接口转API emohaa-free-api
GLM AI Free 服务 provides high-speed streaming output, multi-turn dialogue support, intelligent agent dialogue support, AI drawing support, online search support, long document interpretation support, image parsing support. It offers zero-configuration deployment, multi-token support, and automatic session trace cleaning. It is fully compatible with the ChatGPT interface. The repository also includes six other free APIs for various services like Moonshot AI, StepChat, Qwen, Metaso, Spark, and Emohaa. The tool supports tasks such as chat completions, AI drawing, document interpretation, image parsing, and refresh token survival check.
Qwen AI Free service supports high-speed streaming output, multi-turn dialogue, watermark-free AI drawing, long document interpretation, image parsing, zero-configuration deployment, multi-token support, automatic session trace cleaning. It is fully compatible with the ChatGPT interface. The repository provides various free APIs for different AI services. Users can access the service through different deployment methods like Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, and native deployment. It offers interfaces for chat completions, AI drawing, document interpretation, image parsing, and token checking. Users need to provide 'login_tongyi_ticket' for authorization. The project emphasizes research, learning, and personal use only, discouraging commercial use to avoid service pressure on the official platform.
Spark AI Free 服务 provides high-speed streaming output, multi-turn dialogue support, AI drawing support, long document interpretation, and image parsing. It offers zero-configuration deployment, multi-token support, and automatic session trace cleaning. It is fully compatible with the ChatGPT interface. The repository includes multiple free-api projects for various AI services. Users can access the API for tasks such as chat completions, AI drawing, document interpretation, image analysis, and ssoSessionId live checking. The project also provides guidelines for deployment using Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, and native deployment methods. It recommends using custom clients for faster and simpler access to the free-api series projects.
The StepChat Free service provides high-speed streaming output, multi-turn dialogue support, online search support, long document interpretation, and image parsing. It offers zero-configuration deployment, multi-token support, and automatic session trace cleaning. It is fully compatible with the ChatGPT interface. Additionally, it provides seven other free APIs for various services. The repository includes a disclaimer about using reverse APIs and encourages users to avoid commercial use to prevent service pressure on the official platform. It offers online testing links, showcases different demos, and provides deployment guides for Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, and native deployments. The repository also includes information on using multiple accounts, optimizing Nginx reverse proxy, and checking the liveliness of refresh tokens.
lassxToolkit is a versatile tool designed for file processing tasks. It allows users to manipulate files and folders based on specified configurations in a strict .json format. The tool supports various AI models for tasks such as image upscaling and denoising. Users can customize settings like input/output paths, error handling, file selection, and plugin integration. lassxToolkit provides detailed instructions on configuration options, default values, and model selection. It also offers features like tree restoration, recursive processing, and regex-based file filtering. The tool is suitable for users looking to automate file processing tasks with AI capabilities.
Gensokyo-llm is a tool designed for Gensokyo and Onebotv11, providing a one-click solution for large models. It supports various Onebotv11 standard frameworks, HTTP-API, and reverse WS. The tool is lightweight, with built-in SQLite for context maintenance and proxy support. It allows easy integration with the Gensokyo framework by configuring reverse HTTP and forward HTTP addresses. Users can set system settings, role cards, and context length. Additionally, it offers an openai original flavor API with automatic context. The tool can be used as an API or integrated with QQ channel robots. It supports converting GPT's SSE type and ensures memory safety in concurrent SSE environments. The tool also supports multiple users simultaneously transmitting SSE bidirectionally.
This project is a personal implementation and reproduction of a small-parameter Chinese LLM. It mainly refers to these two open source projects: and It includes the complete process of pre-training, SFT instruction fine-tuning, DPO, and PPO (to be done). I hope to share it with everyone and hope that everyone can work together to improve it!
The 'bot-on-anything' repository allows developers to integrate various AI models into messaging applications, enabling the creation of intelligent chatbots. By configuring the connections between models and applications, developers can easily switch between multiple channels within a project. The architecture is highly scalable, allowing the reuse of algorithmic capabilities for each new application and model integration. Supported models include ChatGPT, GPT-3.0, New Bing, and Google Bard, while supported applications range from terminals and web platforms to messaging apps like WeChat, Telegram, QQ, and more. The repository provides detailed instructions for setting up the environment, configuring the models and channels, and running the chatbot for various tasks across different messaging platforms.
LLM-Dojo is an open-source platform for learning and practicing large models, providing a framework for building custom large model training processes, implementing various tricks and principles in the llm_tricks module, and mainstream model chat templates. The project includes an open-source large model training framework, detailed explanations and usage of the latest LLM tricks, and a collection of mainstream model chat templates. The term 'Dojo' symbolizes a place dedicated to learning and practice, borrowing its meaning from martial arts training.
The 'meet-libai' project aims to promote and popularize the cultural heritage of the Chinese poet Li Bai by constructing a knowledge graph of Li Bai and training a professional AI intelligent body using large models. The project includes features such as data preprocessing, knowledge graph construction, question-answering system development, and visualization exploration of the graph structure. It also provides code implementations for large models and RAG retrieval enhancement.
DeepSeek Free API is a high-speed streaming output tool that supports multi-turn conversations and zero-configuration deployment. It is compatible with the ChatGPT interface and offers multiple token support. The tool provides eight free APIs for various AI interfaces. Users can access the tool online, prepare for integration, deploy using Docker, Docker-compose, Render, Vercel, or native deployment methods. It also offers client recommendations for faster integration and supports dialogue completion and userToken live checks. The tool comes with important considerations for Nginx reverse proxy optimization and token statistics.
OpenAI-Forward is an efficient forwarding service implemented for large language models. Its core features include user request rate control, token rate limiting, intelligent prediction caching, log management, and API key management, aiming to provide efficient and convenient model forwarding services. Whether proxying local language models or cloud-based language models like LocalAI or OpenAI, OpenAI-Forward makes it easy. Thanks to support from libraries like uvicorn, aiohttp, and asyncio, OpenAI-Forward achieves excellent asynchronous performance.
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LinkedIn_AIHawk is an automated tool designed to revolutionize the job search and application process on LinkedIn. It leverages automation and artificial intelligence to efficiently apply to relevant positions, personalize responses, manage application volume, filter listings, generate dynamic resumes, and handle sensitive information securely. The tool aims to save time, increase application relevance, and enhance job search effectiveness in today's competitive landscape.
Get Jobs is a tool designed to help users find and apply for job positions on various recruitment platforms in China. It features AI job matching, automatic cover letter generation, multi-platform job application, automated filtering of inactive HR and headhunter positions, real-time WeChat message notifications, blacklisted company updates, driver adaptation for Win11, centralized configuration, long-lasting cookie login, XPathHelper plugin, global logging, and more. The tool supports platforms like Boss直聘, 猎聘, 拉勾, 51job, and 智联招聘. Users can configure the tool for customized job searches and applications.
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Sweep is an AI junior developer that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes. It automatically handles developer experience improvements like adding type hints and improving test coverage.
The Teams AI Library is a software development kit (SDK) that helps developers create bots that can interact with Teams and Microsoft 365 applications. It is built on top of the Bot Framework SDK and simplifies the process of developing bots that interact with Teams' artificial intelligence capabilities. The SDK is available for JavaScript/TypeScript, .NET, and Python.
This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.
Supercharge WordPress Content Workflows and Engagement with Artificial Intelligence. Tap into leading cloud-based services like OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Gemini and IBM Watson to augment your WordPress-powered websites. Publish content faster while improving SEO performance and increasing audience engagement. ClassifAI integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to lighten your workload and eliminate tedious tasks, giving you more time to create original content that matters.
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BricksLLM is a cloud native AI gateway written in Go. Currently, it provides native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI and vLLM. BricksLLM aims to provide enterprise level infrastructure that can power any LLM production use cases. Here are some use cases for BricksLLM: * Set LLM usage limits for users on different pricing tiers * Track LLM usage on a per user and per organization basis * Block or redact requests containing PIIs * Improve LLM reliability with failovers, retries and caching * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for internal development/production use cases * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for students
uAgents is a Python library developed by that allows for the creation of autonomous AI agents. These agents can perform various tasks on a schedule or take action on various events. uAgents are easy to create and manage, and they are connected to a fast-growing network of other uAgents. They are also secure, with cryptographically secured messages and wallets.
Griptape is a modular Python framework for building AI-powered applications that securely connect to your enterprise data and APIs. It offers developers the ability to maintain control and flexibility at every step. Griptape's core components include Structures (Agents, Pipelines, and Workflows), Tasks, Tools, Memory (Conversation Memory, Task Memory, and Meta Memory), Drivers (Prompt and Embedding Drivers, Vector Store Drivers, Image Generation Drivers, Image Query Drivers, SQL Drivers, Web Scraper Drivers, and Conversation Memory Drivers), Engines (Query Engines, Extraction Engines, Summary Engines, Image Generation Engines, and Image Query Engines), and additional components (Rulesets, Loaders, Artifacts, Chunkers, and Tokenizers). Griptape enables developers to create AI-powered applications with ease and efficiency.