

Upgrade your Android app with MiniAiLive's 3D Passive Face Liveness Detection! With our advanced computer vision techniques, you can now enhance security and accuracy on your Android platform. Check out our latest repository containing a demonstration of 2D & 3D passive face liveness detection capabilities. Try it out today!

Stars: 148


The MiniAiLive Face Liveness Detection Android SDK provides advanced computer vision techniques to enhance security and accuracy on Android platforms. It offers 3D Passive Face Liveness Detection capabilities, ensuring that users are physically present and not using spoofing methods to access applications or services. The SDK is fully on-premise, with all processing happening on the hosting server, ensuring data privacy and security.


MiniAiLive Face Liveness Detection Android SDK

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Welcome to the MiniAiLive!

Upgrade your Android app with MiniAiLive's 3D Passive Face Liveness Detection! With our advanced computer vision techniques, you can now enhance security and accuracy on your Android platform. Check out our latest repository containing a demonstration of 2D & 3D passive face liveness detection (face anti-spoofing) capabilities. Try it out today!


SDK is fully on-premise, processing all happens on hosting server and no data leaves server..

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Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
5. Submit a pull request to the original repository.

Try Online Demo

Please visit our Face API Web Demo here.

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4 MiniAI-Face-Recognition-LivenessDetection-WindowsSDK Face Matching, 3D Face Passive Liveness
5 MiniAI-Face-LivenessDetection-AndroidSDK 3D Face Passive Liveness
6 MiniAI-Face-LivenessDetection-iOS-SDK 3D Face Passive Liveness
7 MiniAI-Face-LivenessDetection-ServerSDK 3D Face Passive Liveness
8 MiniAI-Face-Matching-AndroidSDK 1:1 Face Matching
9 MiniAI-Face-Matching-iOS-SDK 1:1 Face Matching
10 MiniAI-Face-Attributes-AndroidSDK Face Attributes

About MiniAiLive

MiniAiLive is a leading AI solutions company specializing in computer vision and machine learning technologies. We provide cutting-edge solutions for various industries, leveraging the power of AI to drive innovation and efficiency.

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