Aiogram-based autosale bot that accepts payments in BTC, LTC, SOL and stablecoins in ERC20 and TRC20 networks.
Stars: 94

AiogramShopBot is a software product based on Aiogram3 and SQLAlchemy that allows you to automate sales of digital goods in Telegram. One of the bot's advantages is that AiogramShopBot implements the ability to top up with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Solana and stablecoins in the TRC20 and ERC20 networks, which allows you to sell digital goods worldwide. The bot provides features for user registration, balance top-up, purchase of goods, purchase history, admin functionalities like announcements, inventory management, user management, analytics & reports, and multibot functionality. It supports encryption via SQLCipher, multiple cryptocurrencies, and offers a user-friendly interface for managing sales and transactions.
AiogramShopBot is a software product based on Aiogram3 and SQLAlchemy that allows you to automate sales of digital goods in Telegram. One of the bot's advantages is that AiogramShopBot implements the ability to top up with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Solana and stablecoins in the TRC20 and ERC20 networks, which allows you to sell digital goods worldwide.
- 🤝 Commercial offers
- ✨ Donate
- 1.Launch the bot
- 2. 👥 AiogramShopBot User's Manual
- 3. 🔑 AiogramShopBot Admin Manual
- 4.0 Multibot (Experimental functionality)
- 📋 Todo List
- MIT License
➤ For commercial offers contact me on Telegram.
🤖 You can test the functionality in AiogramShopBotDemo.
- BTC - bc1q2kv89q8yvf068xxw3x65gzfag98l9wnrda3x56
- LTC - ltc1q0tuvm5vqn9le5zmhvhtp7z9p2eu6yvv24ey686
- SOL - Avm7VAqPrwpHteXKfDTRFjpj6swEzjmj3a2KQvVDvugK
- ETH - 0xB49D720DE2630fA4C813d5B4c025706E25cF74fe
- TON - UQD0QetwXoYTsmbZWVbE_z_JUFh54RVVRUxCbCHQkLsl3Hfn
- USDT ERC20 - 0xB49D720DE2630fA4C813d5B4c025706E25cF74fe
- USDT BEP20 - 0xB49D720DE2630fA4C813d5B4c025706E25cF74fe
Environment Variable Name | Description | Recommend Value |
WEBHOOK_PATH | The path to the webhook where Telegram servers send requests for bot updates. It is not recommended to change it if only one bot will be deployed. In case several bots will be deployed on the same server, it will be necessary to change it, because there will be path collision (Does not apply to the multibot case). | "" (empty string) |
WEBAPP_HOST | Hostname for Telegram bot, it is not recommended to change in case you use docker-compose. | For docker-compose="". For local deployment="localhost". |
WEBAPP_PORT | Port for Telegram bot, if you plan to deploy several bots on the same server, you will need to assign a different port to each one (Not relevant to the multibot case). | No recommended value |
TOKEN | Token from your Telegram bot, you can get it for free in Telegram from the bot of all bots with the username @botfather. | No recommended value |
ADMIN_ID_LIST | List of Telegram id of all admins of your bot. This list is used to check for access to the admin menu. | No recommended value |
SUPPORT_LINK | A link to the Telegram profile that will be sent by the bot to the user when the “Help” button is pressed. | https://t.me/${YOUR_USERNAME_TG} |
DB_NAME | The name of the SQLite database file. | database.db |
DB_ENCRYPTION | Boolean variable that enables database encryption. | "true" of "false" |
DB_PASS | Needs only if DB_ENCRYPTION=='true'. The password that will be used to encrypt your SQLite database with SQLCipher. | Any string less than 31 characters |
NGROK_TOKEN | Token from your NGROK profile, it is needed for port forwarding to the Internet. The main advantage of using NGROK is that NGROK assigns the HTTPS certificate for free. | No recommended value |
PAGE_ENTRIES | The number of entries per page. Serves as a variable for pagination. | 8 |
BOT_LANGUAGE | The name of the .json file with the l10n localization. At the moment only English localization is supplied out of the box, but you can make your own if you create a file in the l10n folder with the same keys as in l10n/en.json. | "en" or "de" |
MULTIBOT | Experimental functionality, allows you to raise several bots in one process. And there will be one main bot, where you can create other bots with the command “/add $BOT_TOKEN”. Accepts string parameters “true” or “false”. | "false" |
ETHPLORER_API_KEY | API Key from ethplorer.io, used to get ERC20 balances. | No recommended value |
CURRENCY | Currency to be used in the bot. | "USD" or "EUR" or "JPY" or "CAD" or "GBP" |
RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT | If set to "dev", the bot will be connected via an ngrok tunnel. "prod" will use Caddy as reverse proxy together with your public hostname | "prod" or "dev" |
- Clone the project.
git clone [email protected]:ilyarolf/AiogramShopBot.git
- Set environment variables in docker-compose.yml file.
- Run the
docker-compose up
For local development on a computer which is not internet facing, set the "RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT" to "dev". The bot will be connected via an ngrok tunnel.
To get the ngrok token, you need to register on the ngrok website and confirm your email. Then you will have the ngrok token in your personal account.
On an internet facing production system you can either set your own hostname in the caddy label (in the template shown with "YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE" or make use of services like sslip.io. Caddy will automatically pull a TLS certificate and serves as reverse proxy for your bot. You can also run your bot together with an already existing reverse proxy. In this case you have to remove the caddy service from the docker-compose file and configure the reverse proxy accordingly.
- Clone the project from the master branch.
git clone [email protected]:ilyarolf/AiogramShopBot.git
- Install all necessary packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set the environment variables to run in the .env file.
WEBAPP_HOST = "localhost"
TOKEN = "1234567890:QWER.....TYI"
ADMIN_ID_LIST = 123456,654321
SUPPORT_LINK = "https://t.me/your_username_123"
DB_NAME = "database.db"
DB_PASS = ""
MULTIBOT = "false"
- After these steps the bot is ready to run, launch the bot with command
python run.py
To run AiogramShopBot with database encryption via SQLCipher, you need to use Linux kernel operating systems.
- Clone the project.
git clone [email protected]:ilyarolf/AiogramShopBot.git
- Install the SQLCipher package, for example in Ubuntu this can be done with the
sudo apt install sqlcipher
. - Install all necessary packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install SQLCipher python package
pip install sqlcipher3
- Set the environment variables to run in the .env file.
WEBAPP_HOST = "localhost"
TOKEN = "1234567890:QWER.....TYI"
ADMIN_ID_LIST = 123456,654321
SUPPORT_LINK = "https://t.me/your_username_123"
DB_NAME = "database.db"
DB_PASS = "1234567890qwertyui"
MULTIBOT = "false"
- After these steps the bot is ready to run, the entry point to run the bot is run.py
python run.py
User registration occurs when the bot is first accessed with the /start
command. Each user is assigned a different
mnemonic phrase to generate BTC, LTC, USDT TRC20 crypto addresses. BTC and LTC addresses are generated according to
BIP-84 standard, for USDT TRC20 the BIP-44 standard is used, this is done so that wallets can be easily imported into
Trust Wallet.
- Open my profile menu using the “👤 My profile” button.
- Open top-up menu using the “➕ Top Up Balance” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on cryptocurrency name button.
- Copy cryptocurrency address, and send cryptocurrency on this address.
- Once your transaction has at least one confirmation, click on the “🔄 Refresh balance” button.
Note "Refresh balance" button has a 30 seconds cooldown.
To buy any item, go to "All categories" -> Select any category -> Select any subcategory -> Select quantity -> Confirm purchase. If the purchase is successful, you will immediately receive a message in the format:
- To access your purchase history go to "My Profile" -> "Purchase History".
- You will be presented with an inline keyboard with all your purchases, by clicking on any of the purchases you will be sent a message in the format from paragraph 2.3.
To add a new admin you need to add his telegram id to the ADMIN_ID_LIST environment variable, separated by commas, and
reload the bot.
For example: ADMIN_ID_LIST=123456,654321
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the announcements menu using the “📢 Announcements” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on “📢 Send to Everyone” button.
- Type a message or forward to the bot, the bot supports sending a message with pictures and Telegram markup (bold, italics, spoilers, etc.).
- Confirm or decline the sending of messages.
- After successful message sending, the original message with inline buttons "Confirm", "Decline" will change like on
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the announcements menu using the “📢 Announcements” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on “🔄 Restocking Message” button.
- This message is generated based on items in the database that have "is_new" is true.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the announcements menu using the “📢 Announcements” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on “🗂️ Current Stock” button.
- This message is generated based on items in the database that have "is_sold" is false.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the announcements menu using the “📦 Inventory Management” button.
- Open the add items menu using the “➕ Add Items” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on “JSON” button.
- Send .json file with new items.
Example of .json file:
Note The "private_data" property is what the user gets when they make a purchase.
"category": "Category#1",
"subcategory": "Subcategory#1",
"price": 50,
"description": "Mocked description",
"private_data": "Mocked private data"
"category": "Category#2",
"subcategory": "Subcategory#2",
"price": 100,
"description": "Mocked description",
"private_data": "Mocked private data"
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the inventory management menu using the “📦 Inventory Management” button.
- Open the add items menu using the “➕ Add Items” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on “TXT” button.
- Send .txt file with new items.
Example of .txt file:
Note: This way, you will delete all products from “All categories” with the category or subcategory you picked and deleted.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the inventory management menu using the “📦 Inventory Management” button.
- Open the add items menu using the “🗑️ Delete Category” or “🗑️ Delete Subcategory” button.
- In the resulting menu, select the category or subcategory you want to delete.
- Confirm or cancel the deletion of the category or subcategory.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the user management menu using the “👥 User Management” button.
- Open the credit management menu using the “💳 Credit Management” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on “➕ Add balance” button.
- Send the user entity object that belongs to the user you want to add the balance to. This can be telegram id or telegram username.
- Send the value by which you want to add the balance to the user.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the user management menu using the “👥 User Management” button.
- Open the credit management menu using the “💳 Credit Management” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on “➖ Reduce balance” button.
- Send the user entity object that belongs to the user you want to add the balance to. This can be telegram id or telegram username.
- Send the value by which you want to reduce the balance to the user.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the user management menu using the “👥 User Management” button.
- Open the refund menu using the “↩️ Make Refund” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on the buy button you want to refund.
- Confirm or cancel refund.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the statistics menu using the “📊 Analytics & Reports” button.
- In the resulting menu, click on the entity for which you want to get statistics.
- In the resulting menu, click on the time period for which you want statistics.
- Open the admin menu using the “🔑 Admin Menu” button.
- Open the statistics menu using the “📊 Analytics & Reports” button.
- Click "💾 Get database file" button.
Note All users with telegram id in the .env ADMIN_ID_LIST environment variable will receive these notifications
- If any user topped up the balance and clicked on the "Refresh balance" button, you will receive the following message from the bot:
After each purchase, you will receive a message in the format:
- Set all environment variables in docker-compose.yml and set the variable “true” for MULTIBOT.
- Run the
docker-compose up
command. - After successful execution of the command, you will only deploy a manager bot for other bots, it will not have
functionality for buying items etc. To deploy a bot with functionality to sell goods etc..., you need to send the
/add $TOKEN
to the bot manager. If everything is successful, you will receive this notification.
- [x] Make migration from direct raw database queries to SQLAlchemy ORM.
- [x] Add option to encrypt database via SQLCipher (when using SQLAlchemy).
- [x] Add an option to generate new crypto addresses using new mnemonic phrases so that 1 user=1 mnemonic phrase.
- [x] Items pagination.
- [x] Make the functionality of database backup by action in the admin in the Telegram bot.
- [x] Make the functionality of generating statistics of sales and users in the bot for a month/week/day in the admin panel.
- [x] Make the functionality of generating statistics of deposits in the bot for a month/week in the admin panel.
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AiogramShopBot is a software product based on Aiogram3 and SQLAlchemy that allows you to automate sales of digital goods in Telegram. One of the bot's advantages is that AiogramShopBot implements the ability to top up with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Solana and stablecoins in the TRC20 and ERC20 networks, which allows you to sell digital goods worldwide. The bot provides features for user registration, balance top-up, purchase of goods, purchase history, admin functionalities like announcements, inventory management, user management, analytics & reports, and multibot functionality. It supports encryption via SQLCipher, multiple cryptocurrencies, and offers a user-friendly interface for managing sales and transactions.

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AiogramShopBot is a software product based on Aiogram3 and SQLAlchemy that allows you to automate sales of digital goods in Telegram. One of the bot's advantages is that AiogramShopBot implements the ability to top up with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Solana and stablecoins in the TRC20 and ERC20 networks, which allows you to sell digital goods worldwide. The bot provides features for user registration, balance top-up, purchase of goods, purchase history, admin functionalities like announcements, inventory management, user management, analytics & reports, and multibot functionality. It supports encryption via SQLCipher, multiple cryptocurrencies, and offers a user-friendly interface for managing sales and transactions.

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