MoonPalace(月宫)是由 Moonshot AI 月之暗面提供的 API 调试工具。
Stars: 52

MoonPalace is a debugging tool for API provided by Moonshot AI. It supports all platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux) and is simple to use by replacing 'base_url' with 'http://localhost:9988'. It captures complete requests, including 'accident scenes' during network errors, and allows quick retrieval and viewing of request information using 'request_id' and 'chatcmpl_id'. It also enables one-click export of BadCase structured reporting data to help improve Kimi model capabilities. MoonPalace is recommended for use as an API 'supplier' during code writing and debugging stages to quickly identify and locate various issues related to API calls and code writing processes, and to export request details for submission to Moonshot AI to improve Kimi model.
MoonPalace(月宫)是由 Moonshot AI 月之暗面提供的 API 调试工具。它具备以下特点:
- 全平台支持:
- [x] Mac
- [x] Windows
- [x] Linux;
- 简单易用,启动后将
即可开始调试; - 捕获完整请求,包括网络错误时的“事故现场”;
- 通过
快速检索、查看请求信息; - 一键导出 BadCase 结构化上报数据,帮助 Kimi 完善模型能力;
我们推荐在代码编写和调试阶段使用 MoonPalace 作为你的 API “供应商”,以便能快速发现和定位关于 API 调用和代码编写过程中的各种问题,对于 Kimi 大模型各种不符合预期的输出,你也可以通过 MoonPalace 导出请求详情并提交给 Moonshot AI 以改进 Kimi 大模型。
如果你已经安装了 go
工具链,你可以执行以下命令来安装 MoonPalace:
$ go install github.com/MoonshotAI/moonpalace@latest
上述命令会在你的 $GOPATH/bin/
目录安装编译后的二进制文件,运行 moonpalace
$ moonpalace
MoonPalace is a command-line tool for debugging the Moonshot AI HTTP API.
moonpalace [command]
Available Commands:
cleanup Cleanup Moonshot AI requests.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
export export a Moonshot AI request.
help Help about any command
inspect Inspect the specific content of a Moonshot AI request.
list Query Moonshot AI requests based on conditions.
start Start the MoonPalace proxy server.
-h, --help help for moonpalace
-v, --version version for moonpalace
Use "moonpalace [command] --help" for more information about a command.
如果你仍然无法检索到 moonpalace
二进制文件,请尝试将 $GOPATH/bin/
目录添加到你的 $PATH
你可以从 Releases 页面下载编译好的二进制(可执行)文件:
- moonpalace-linux
- moonpalace-macos-amd64 => 对应 Intel 版本的 Mac
- moonpalace-macos-arm64 => 对应 Apple Silicon 版本的 Mac
- moonpalace-windows.exe
请根据自己的平台下载对应的二进制(可执行)文件,并将二进制(可执行)文件放置在已被包含在环境变量 $PATH
中的目录中,将其更名为 moonpalace
使用以下命令启动 MoonPalace 代理服务器:
$ moonpalace start --port <PORT>
MoonPalace 会在本地启动一个 HTTP 服务器,--port
参数指定 MoonPalace 监听的本地端口,默认值为 9988
。当 MoonPalace 启动成功时,会输出:
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 17:00:29 MoonPalace Starts => change base_url to ""
按照要求,我们将 base_url
替换为显示的地址即可,如果你使用默认的端口,那么请设置 base_url=
,如果你使用了自定义的端口,请将 base_url
额外的,如果你想在调试时始终使用一个调试的 api_key
,你可以在启动 MoonPalace 时使用 --key
参数为 MoonPalace 设定一个默认的 api_key
,这样你就可以不用在请求时手动设置 api_key
,MoonPalace 会帮你在请求 Kimi API 时添加你通过 --key
设定的 api_key
如果你正确设置了 base_url
,并成功调用 Kimi API,MoonPalace 会输出如下的信息:
$ moonpalace start --port <PORT>
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 17:00:29 MoonPalace Starts => change base_url to ""
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 POST /v1/chat/completions 200 OK
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Request Headers:
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Content-Type: application/json
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Response Headers:
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Content-Type: application/json
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Msh-Request-Id: c34f3421-4dae-11ef-b237-9620e33511ee
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Server-Timing: 7134
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Msh-Uid: cn0psmmcp7fclnphkcpg
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Msh-Gid: enterprise-tier-5
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - Response:
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - id: cmpl-12be8428ebe74a9e8466a37bee7a9b11
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - prompt_tokens: 1449
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - completion_tokens: 158
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 - total_tokens: 1607
[MoonPalace] 2024/07/29 21:30:53 New Row Inserted: last_insert_id=15
MoonPalace 会以日志的形式将请求的细节在命令行中输出(假如你想将日志的内容持久化存储,你可以将 stderr
注:在日志中,Response Headers 中的 Msh-Request-Id
字段的值对应下文中检索请求、导出请求中的 --requestid
参数的值,Response 中的 id
对应 --chatcmpl
对应 --id
在 $HOME/.moonpalace/
目录下新建配置文件 config.yaml
,即可对 moonpalace start
port: 8080 # 对应 --port 命令行参数
key: sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # 对应 --key 命令行参数
detect-repeat: # 对应 --detect-repeat 命令行选项
threshold: 0.5 # 对应 --repeat-threshold 命令行参数
min-length: 100 # 对应 --repeat-min-length 命令行参数
force-stream: true # 对应 --force-stream 命令行选项
min-bytes: 4096 # 对应 --cache-min-bytes 命令行选项
ttl: 90 # 对应 --cache-ttl 命令行选项
cleanup: 86400 # 对应 --cache-cleanup 命令行选项
注意:当命令行参数与 config.yaml
MoonPalace 提供了自动缓存功能,你可以通过 --auto-cache
参数启用自动缓存功能,并搭配 --cache-min-bytes
$ moonpalace start --port <PORT> --auto-cache --cache-min-bytes 4096 --cache-ttl 90 --cache-cleanup 86400
参数指定了当调用 /chat/completions
接口时,请求的内容大小超过 --cache-min-bytes
- 若当前请求内容不匹配任何已经创建的缓存时,创建一个新的缓存,有效时间为
设定的值; - 若当前请求内容匹配了已经创建的缓存时,使用已创建的缓存,并刷新缓存有效时间,有效时间为
参数指定了缓存何时被清除,若已经创建的缓存在 --cache-cleanup
设定的时间(秒)内没有被使用过,将会被 MoonPalace 清除。
MoonPalace 可以检测当前 Kimi 大模型输出的内容是否被截断、或内容不完整(这一功能默认被启用)。当 MoonPalace 检测到输出的内容被截断或不完整时,会在日志中输出:
[MoonPalace] 2024/08/05 19:06:19 it seems that your max_tokens value is too small, please set a larger value
如果当前使用的是非流式输出模式(stream=False),MoonPalace 会给出建议的 max_tokens
MoonPalace 提供了对 Kimi 大模型重复内容输出的检测功能。重复内容输出指的是:**Kimi 大模型会重复不断地输出某一特定字词、句子以及空白字符,并且在达到 max_tokens
限制前不会停下来。**在使用 moonshot-v1-128k
等费用较高的模型时,这种重复输出会导致额外的 Tokens 费用消耗,因此 MoonPalace 提供了 --detect-repeat
$ moonpalace start --port <PORT> --detect-repeat --repeat-threshold 0.3 --repeat-min-length 20
启用 --detect-repeat
选项后,MoonPalace 会在检测到 Kimi 大模型的重复内容输出行为时,中断 Kimi 大模型输出,并在日志中输出:
[MoonPalace] 2024/08/05 18:20:37 it appears that there is an issue with content repeating in the current response
注:启用 --detect-repeat
后,仅在流式输出(stream=True)的场合,MoonPalace 会中断 Kimi 大模型的输出,非流式输出场合不适用。
你可以使用 --repeat-threshold
参数来调整 MoonPalace 的阻断行为:
参数用于设置 MoonPalace 对重复内容的容忍度,越高的 threshold 表示容忍度越低,重复内容将更快被阻断,0 <= threshold <= 1 -
参数用于设置 MoonPalace 检测重复内容输出的起始字符数量,例如:--repeat-min-length=100 表示当输出的 utf-8 字符数超过 100 时开启重复检测,输出字符数小于 100 时不开启重复内容输出检测
MoonPalace 提供了 --force-stream
的选项来强制让所有的 /v1/chat/completions
$ moonpalace start --port <PORT> --force-stream
MoonPalace 会将请求参数中的 stream
字段设置为 True
,并在获得响应时,自动根据调用方是否设置了 stream
- 如果调用方已经设置
,则按照流式输出的格式返回,MoonPalace 不对响应做特殊处理; - 如果调用方没有设置
,MoonPalace 会在接收完所有流式数据块后,将数据块拼接成完整的 completion 结构返回给调用方;
对于调用方(开发者)而言,启用 --force-stream
选项不会你获得的 Kimi API 响应内容,你仍然可以使用原先的代码逻辑来调试和运行你的程序,换句话说:开启 --force-stream
我们初步推测常见的网络连接错误、超时等问题(Connection Error/Timeout)出现的原因是,在使用非流式模式进行请求的场合(stream=False),由于各中间层的网关或代理服务器对 read_header_timeout 或 read_timeout 进行了设置,导致当 Kimi API 服务端还在组装响应时,中间层的网关或代理服务器就断开了连接(由于没有收到响应,甚至是响应的 Header),产生 Connection Error/Timeout。
我们尝试给 MoonPalace 添加了
参数,通过moonpalace start --force-stream
启动时,MoonPalace 会将所有非流式请求(stream=False 或未设置 stream)转换为流式请求,并在接收完所有数据块后,组装成完整的 completion 响应结构返回给调用方。对于调用方而言,仍然可以使用原先的方式使用非流式 API,但经过 MoonPalace 的转换,能一定程度上减少 Connection Error/Timeout 的情况,因为此时 MoonPalace 已经与 Kimi API 服务端建立连接,并开始接收流式数据块。
在 MoonPalace 启动后,所有经过 MoonPalace 中转的请求都将被记录在一个 sqlite 数据库中,数据库所在的位置是 $HOME/.moonpalace/moonpalace.sqlite
。你可以直接连接 MoonPalace 数据库以查询请求的具体内容,也可以通过 MoonPalace 命令行工具来查询请求:
$ moonpalace list
| id | status | chatcmpl | request_id | server_timing | requested_at |
| 15 | 200 | cmpl-12be8428ebe74a9e8466a37bee7a9b11 | c34f3421-4dae-11ef-b237-9620e33511ee | 7134 | 2024-07-29 21:30:53 |
| 14 | 200 | cmpl-1bf43a688a2b48eda80042583ff6fe7f | c13280e0-4dae-11ef-9c01-debcfc72949d | 3479 | 2024-07-29 21:30:46 |
| 13 | 200 | chatcmpl-2e1aa823e2c94ebdad66450a0e6df088 | c07c118e-4dae-11ef-b423-62db244b9277 | 1033 | 2024-07-29 21:30:43 |
| 12 | 200 | cmpl-e7f984b5f80149c3adae46096a6f15c2 | 50d5686c-4d98-11ef-ba65-3613954e2587 | 774 | 2024-07-29 18:50:06 |
| 11 | 200 | chatcmpl-08f7d482b8434a869b001821cf0ee0d9 | 4c20f0a4-4d98-11ef-999a-928b67d58fa8 | 593 | 2024-07-29 18:49:58 |
| 10 | 200 | chatcmpl-6f3cf14db8e044c6bfd19689f6f66eb4 | 49f30295-4d98-11ef-95d0-7a2774525b85 | 738 | 2024-07-29 18:49:55 |
| 9 | 200 | cmpl-2a70a8c9c40e4bcc9564a5296a520431 | 7bd58976-4d8a-11ef-999a-928b67d58fa8 | 40488 | 2024-07-29 17:11:45 |
| 8 | 200 | chatcmpl-59887f868fc247a9a8da13cfbb15d04f | ceb375ea-4d7d-11ef-bd64-3aeb95b9dfac | 867 | 2024-07-29 15:40:21 |
| 7 | 200 | cmpl-36e5e21b1f544a80bf9ce3f8fc1fce57 | cd7f48d6-4d7d-11ef-999a-928b67d58fa8 | 794 | 2024-07-29 15:40:19 |
| 6 | 200 | cmpl-737d27673327465fb4827e3797abb1b3 | cc6613ac-4d7d-11ef-95d0-7a2774525b85 | 670 | 2024-07-29 15:40:17 |
使用 list
命令将查询最近产生的请求内容,默认展示的字段是便于检索的 id
以及用于查看请求状态的 status
信息。如果你想查看某个具体的请求,你可以使用 inspect
# 以下三条命令会检索出相同的请求信息
$ moonpalace inspect --id 13
$ moonpalace inspect --chatcmpl chatcmpl-2e1aa823e2c94ebdad66450a0e6df088
$ moonpalace inspect --requestid c07c118e-4dae-11ef-b423-62db244b9277
| metadata |
| { |
| "chatcmpl": "chatcmpl-2e1aa823e2c94ebdad66450a0e6df088", |
| "content_type": "application/json", |
| "group_id": "enterprise-tier-5", |
| "moonpalace_id": "13", |
| "request_id": "c07c118e-4dae-11ef-b423-62db244b9277", |
| "requested_at": "2024-07-29 21:30:43", |
| "server_timing": "1033", |
| "status": "200 OK", |
| "user_id": "cn0psmmcp7fclnphkcpg" |
| } |
命令不会打印出请求和响应的 body 信息,如果你想打印出 body,你可以使用如下的命令:
$ moonpalace inspect --chatcmpl chatcmpl-2e1aa823e2c94ebdad66450a0e6df088 --print request_body,response_body
# 由于 body 信息过于冗长,这里不再完整展示 body 详细内容
| request_body | response_body |
| ... | ... |
MoonPalace 提供了简单的表达式来筛选被捕获的请求,例如:
$ moonpalace list \
--predicate "request_body.model == 'moonshot-v1-128k' || request_body.model == 'moonshot-v1-8k'" \
--predicate "response_body.choices.0.finish_reason == 'length'"
Field Operator Literal
为 sqlite
数据库表的字段名,详细的表结构请参考 persistence.go;Operator
为运算符,当前支持的运算符为 ==
为近似匹配符,仅适用于字符串近似匹配(等价于 LIKE
为字面量,支持单双引号字符串、整数和浮点数数值、布尔值和 NULL
多个表达式之间,可以使用 &&
和 ||
格式的字段,可以使用 .
的某个字段的值或数组中的某个元素的值,例如 response_body.choices.0.finish_reason
展示字段名称 | 存储字段名称 |
status |
request_status_code |
chatcmpl |
moonshot_id |
request_id |
moonshot_request_id |
server_timing |
moonshot_server_timing |
requested_at |
created_at |
当你认为某个请求不符合预期,或是想向 Moonshot AI 报告某个请求时(无论是 Good Case 还是 Bad Case,我们都欢迎),你可以使用 export
# id/chatcmpl/requestid 选项只需要任选其一即可检索出对应的请求
$ moonpalace export \
--id 13 \
--chatcmpl chatcmpl-2e1aa823e2c94ebdad66450a0e6df088 \
--requestid c07c118e-4dae-11ef-b423-62db244b9277 \
--good/--bad \
--tag "code" --tag "python" \
--directory $HOME/Downloads/
用法与 inspect
用于标记当前请求是 Good Case 或是 Bad Case,--tag
用于为当前请求打上对应的标签,例如在上述例子中,我们假设当前请求内容与编程语言 Python 相关,因此为其添加两个 tag
,分别是 code
和 python
$ cat $HOME/Downloads/chatcmpl-2e1aa823e2c94ebdad66450a0e6df088.json
"chatcmpl": "chatcmpl-2e1aa823e2c94ebdad66450a0e6df088",
"content_type": "application/json",
"group_id": "enterprise-tier-5",
"moonpalace_id": "13",
"request_id": "c07c118e-4dae-11ef-b423-62db244b9277",
"requested_at": "2024-07-29 21:30:43",
"server_timing": "1033",
"status": "200 OK",
"user_id": "cn0psmmcp7fclnphkcpg"
"url": "https://api.moonshot.cn/v1/chat/completions",
"header": "Accept: application/json\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Length: 2450\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nUser-Agent: OpenAI/Python 1.36.1\r\nX-Stainless-Arch: arm64\r\nX-Stainless-Async: false\r\nX-Stainless-Lang: python\r\nX-Stainless-Os: MacOS\r\nX-Stainless-Package-Version: 1.36.1\r\nX-Stainless-Runtime: CPython\r\nX-Stainless-Runtime-Version: 3.11.6\r\n",
"status": "200 OK",
"header": "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\nDate: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 13:30:43 GMT\r\nMsh-Cache: updated\r\nMsh-Gid: enterprise-tier-5\r\nMsh-Request-Id: c07c118e-4dae-11ef-b423-62db244b9277\r\nMsh-Trace-Mode: on\r\nMsh-Uid: cn0psmmcp7fclnphkcpg\r\nServer: nginx\r\nServer-Timing: inner; dur=1033\r\nStrict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains\r\nVary: Accept-Encoding\r\nVary: Origin\r\n",
"category": "goodcase",
我们推荐开发者使用 Github Issues 提交 Good Case 或 Bad Case,但如果你不想公开你的请求信息,你也可以通过企业微信、电子邮件等方式将 Case 投递给我们。
- [ ] 使用 Kimi 大模型解决调试过程中的错误;
- [x] 更多的检索选项,通过请求体或响应体中的 JSON 字段检索请求;
- [ ] 批量导出功能;
- [ ] 自动上报,无需手动投递;
- [ ] 提供 API Server Mock 功能;
- [ ] 提供可视化 Web 管理后台;
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Alternative AI tools for moonpalace
Similar Open Source Tools

MoonPalace is a debugging tool for API provided by Moonshot AI. It supports all platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux) and is simple to use by replacing 'base_url' with 'http://localhost:9988'. It captures complete requests, including 'accident scenes' during network errors, and allows quick retrieval and viewing of request information using 'request_id' and 'chatcmpl_id'. It also enables one-click export of BadCase structured reporting data to help improve Kimi model capabilities. MoonPalace is recommended for use as an API 'supplier' during code writing and debugging stages to quickly identify and locate various issues related to API calls and code writing processes, and to export request details for submission to Moonshot AI to improve Kimi model.

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Gemini-OpenAI-Proxy is a proxy software designed to convert OpenAI API protocol calls into Google Gemini Pro protocol, allowing software using OpenAI protocol to utilize Gemini Pro models seamlessly. It provides an easy integration of Gemini Pro's powerful features without the need for complex development work.

ChatGLM3 is a conversational pretrained model jointly released by Zhipu AI and THU's KEG Lab. ChatGLM3-6B is the open-sourced model in the ChatGLM3 series. It inherits the advantages of its predecessors, such as fluent conversation and low deployment threshold. In addition, ChatGLM3-6B introduces the following features: 1. A stronger foundation model: ChatGLM3-6B's foundation model ChatGLM3-6B-Base employs more diverse training data, more sufficient training steps, and more reasonable training strategies. Evaluation on datasets from different perspectives, such as semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, and knowledge, shows that ChatGLM3-6B-Base has the strongest performance among foundation models below 10B parameters. 2. More complete functional support: ChatGLM3-6B adopts a newly designed prompt format, which supports not only normal multi-turn dialogue, but also complex scenarios such as tool invocation (Function Call), code execution (Code Interpreter), and Agent tasks. 3. A more comprehensive open-source sequence: In addition to the dialogue model ChatGLM3-6B, the foundation model ChatGLM3-6B-Base, the long-text dialogue model ChatGLM3-6B-32K, and ChatGLM3-6B-128K, which further enhances the long-text comprehension ability, are also open-sourced. All the above weights are completely open to academic research and are also allowed for free commercial use after filling out a questionnaire.

The grps-trtllm repository is a C++ implementation of a high-performance OpenAI LLM service, combining GRPS and TensorRT-LLM. It supports functionalities like Chat, Ai-agent, and Multi-modal. The repository offers advantages over triton-trtllm, including a complete LLM service implemented in pure C++, integrated tokenizer supporting huggingface and sentencepiece, custom HTTP functionality for OpenAI interface, support for different LLM prompt styles and result parsing styles, integration with tensorrt backend and opencv library for multi-modal LLM, and stable performance improvement compared to triton-trtllm.

This repository contains a custom component for Home Assistant that integrates various Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier and Xiaomi Mi Air Humidifier models. It provides detailed support for different devices, including power control, preset modes, child lock, LED control, favorite level adjustment, and various attributes monitoring. The custom component offers a more extensive range of supported devices compared to the official Home Assistant component, with additional features and device compatibility. Users can easily set up and configure their Xiaomi air purifiers and humidifiers within Home Assistant for enhanced control and monitoring.

botgroup.chat is a multi-person AI chat application based on React and Cloudflare Pages for free one-click deployment. It supports multiple AI roles participating in conversations simultaneously, providing an interactive experience similar to group chat. The application features real-time streaming responses, customizable AI roles and personalities, group management functionality, AI role mute function, Markdown format support, mathematical formula display with KaTeX, aesthetically pleasing UI design, and responsive design for mobile devices.

Gensokyo-llm is a tool designed for Gensokyo and Onebotv11, providing a one-click solution for large models. It supports various Onebotv11 standard frameworks, HTTP-API, and reverse WS. The tool is lightweight, with built-in SQLite for context maintenance and proxy support. It allows easy integration with the Gensokyo framework by configuring reverse HTTP and forward HTTP addresses. Users can set system settings, role cards, and context length. Additionally, it offers an openai original flavor API with automatic context. The tool can be used as an API or integrated with QQ channel robots. It supports converting GPT's SSE type and ensures memory safety in concurrent SSE environments. The tool also supports multiple users simultaneously transmitting SSE bidirectionally.

WeChat Bot is a simple and easy-to-use WeChat robot based on chatgpt and wechaty. It can help you automatically reply to WeChat messages or manage WeChat groups/friends. The tool requires configuration of AI services such as Xunfei, Kimi, or ChatGPT. Users can customize the tool to automatically reply to group or private chat messages based on predefined conditions. The tool supports running in Docker for easy deployment and provides a convenient way to interact with various AI services for WeChat automation.

Senparc.AI is an AI extension package for the Senparc ecosystem, focusing on LLM (Large Language Models) interaction. It provides modules for standard interfaces and basic functionalities, as well as interfaces using SemanticKernel for plug-and-play capabilities. The package also includes a library for supporting the 'PromptRange' ecosystem, compatible with various systems and frameworks. Users can configure different AI platforms and models, define AI interface parameters, and run AI functions easily. The package offers examples and commands for dialogue, embedding, and DallE drawing operations.

AMchat is a large language model that integrates advanced math concepts, exercises, and solutions. The model is based on the InternLM2-Math-7B model and is specifically designed to answer advanced math problems. It provides a comprehensive dataset that combines Math and advanced math exercises and solutions. Users can download the model from ModelScope or OpenXLab, deploy it locally or using Docker, and even retrain it using XTuner for fine-tuning. The tool also supports LMDeploy for quantization, OpenCompass for evaluation, and various other features for model deployment and evaluation. The project contributors have provided detailed documentation and guides for users to utilize the tool effectively.

lite_llama is a llama model inference lite framework by triton. It offers accelerated inference for llama3, Qwen2.5, and Llava1.5 models with up to 4x speedup compared to transformers. The framework supports top-p sampling, stream output, GQA, and cuda graph optimizations. It also provides efficient dynamic management for kv cache, operator fusion, and custom operators like rmsnorm, rope, softmax, and element-wise multiplication using triton kernels.
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MoonPalace is a debugging tool for API provided by Moonshot AI. It supports all platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux) and is simple to use by replacing 'base_url' with 'http://localhost:9988'. It captures complete requests, including 'accident scenes' during network errors, and allows quick retrieval and viewing of request information using 'request_id' and 'chatcmpl_id'. It also enables one-click export of BadCase structured reporting data to help improve Kimi model capabilities. MoonPalace is recommended for use as an API 'supplier' during code writing and debugging stages to quickly identify and locate various issues related to API calls and code writing processes, and to export request details for submission to Moonshot AI to improve Kimi model.

LLM Steer is a Python module designed to steer Large Language Models (LLMs) towards specific topics or subjects by adding steer vectors to different layers of the model. It enhances the model's capabilities, such as providing correct responses to logical puzzles. The tool should be used in conjunction with the transformers library. Users can add steering vectors to specific layers of the model with coefficients and text, retrieve applied steering vectors, and reset all steering vectors to the initial model. Advanced usage involves changing default parameters, but it may lead to the model outputting gibberish in most cases. The tool is meant for experimentation and can be used to enhance role-play characteristics in LLMs.

The Self-Iterative Agent System for Complex Problem Solving is a solution developed for the Alibaba Mathematical Competition (AI Challenge). It involves multiple LLMs engaging in multi-round 'self-questioning' to iteratively refine the problem-solving process and select optimal solutions. The system consists of main and evaluation models, with a process that includes detailed problem-solving steps, feedback loops, and iterative improvements. The approach emphasizes communication and reasoning between sub-agents, knowledge extraction, and the importance of Agent-like architectures in complex tasks. While effective, there is room for improvement in model capabilities and error prevention mechanisms.

AI_Gen_Novel is a project exploring the limits of AI in writing online fiction. Leveraging large language models and multi-agent technology, the tool aims to automatically generate web novels by compressing long texts, optimizing prompts, and enhancing originality. The tool combines the core idea of RecurrentGPT with language-based iterative computation to create texts of any length. Future directions include enhancing model capabilities, optimizing program architecture, and introducing more prior knowledge for structured storytelling.
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Sweep is an AI junior developer that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes. It automatically handles developer experience improvements like adding type hints and improving test coverage.

The Teams AI Library is a software development kit (SDK) that helps developers create bots that can interact with Teams and Microsoft 365 applications. It is built on top of the Bot Framework SDK and simplifies the process of developing bots that interact with Teams' artificial intelligence capabilities. The SDK is available for JavaScript/TypeScript, .NET, and Python.

This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.

Supercharge WordPress Content Workflows and Engagement with Artificial Intelligence. Tap into leading cloud-based services like OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Gemini and IBM Watson to augment your WordPress-powered websites. Publish content faster while improving SEO performance and increasing audience engagement. ClassifAI integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to lighten your workload and eliminate tedious tasks, giving you more time to create original content that matters.

Chatbot UI is an open-source AI chat app that allows users to create and deploy their own AI chatbots. It is easy to use and can be customized to fit any need. Chatbot UI is perfect for businesses, developers, and anyone who wants to create a chatbot.

BricksLLM is a cloud native AI gateway written in Go. Currently, it provides native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI and vLLM. BricksLLM aims to provide enterprise level infrastructure that can power any LLM production use cases. Here are some use cases for BricksLLM: * Set LLM usage limits for users on different pricing tiers * Track LLM usage on a per user and per organization basis * Block or redact requests containing PIIs * Improve LLM reliability with failovers, retries and caching * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for internal development/production use cases * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for students

uAgents is a Python library developed by Fetch.ai that allows for the creation of autonomous AI agents. These agents can perform various tasks on a schedule or take action on various events. uAgents are easy to create and manage, and they are connected to a fast-growing network of other uAgents. They are also secure, with cryptographically secured messages and wallets.

Griptape is a modular Python framework for building AI-powered applications that securely connect to your enterprise data and APIs. It offers developers the ability to maintain control and flexibility at every step. Griptape's core components include Structures (Agents, Pipelines, and Workflows), Tasks, Tools, Memory (Conversation Memory, Task Memory, and Meta Memory), Drivers (Prompt and Embedding Drivers, Vector Store Drivers, Image Generation Drivers, Image Query Drivers, SQL Drivers, Web Scraper Drivers, and Conversation Memory Drivers), Engines (Query Engines, Extraction Engines, Summary Engines, Image Generation Engines, and Image Query Engines), and additional components (Rulesets, Loaders, Artifacts, Chunkers, and Tokenizers). Griptape enables developers to create AI-powered applications with ease and efficiency.