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This repository contains a collection of articles and tutorials on quantitative finance, including topics such as machine learning, statistical arbitrage, and risk management. The articles are written in a clear and concise style, and they are suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. The repository also includes a number of Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use Python for quantitative finance.
发表于 2024-09-16 人气 934 点击阅读
* 主要指数创今年最低周收盘,也是5年最低周收盘
* 8月有增有降,广义货币增长6.5%,狭义货币下降7.3%。
* 一意孤行!美提高部分对华301关税 中方:强烈不满 坚决反对
* 茅台业绩说明会之后,本周白酒指数再跌3.21%
* 周三...
发表于 2024-09-15 人气 198 点击阅读
Rolf W. Banz,瑞士人,70 年代在芝加哥大学获得博士学位,并在该校任教过。此后他在伦敦经营了一家专注于小盘股投资的投资精品店,1991 年出售给 Alliance Capital。职业生涯的最后阶段,他回到了瑞士,在一家瑞士私人银行的资产管理子公司担任了高级职位。
发表于 2024-09-12 人气 407 点击阅读
* 央行:降准有空间 利率进一步下行面临一定约束
* 巴菲特再次减持美国银行,这次要做空自己的祖国?
* 存量房贷下调预期落空,沪指连续三日跌破2800点
* 周一,8月CPI/PPI 数据发布
* 周一,茅台业绩说明会,对白酒行业的未来发...
发表于 2024-09-08 人气 780 点击阅读
发表于 2024-09-04 人气 847 点击阅读
> 这是 Nobre, Neves 发表于 2019 年的 [一篇论文](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0957417419300995?via%3Dihub)。在论文一起,生成了一个机器学习交易策略...
发表于 2024-09-03 人气 363 点击阅读
* 市场传闻存量房贷利率下调,房地产 ETF 大涨,但尾盘多股炸板
* 中国 8 月官方制造业 PMI 为 49.1% 比上月下降 0.3 个百分点
* 国家市监总局宣布阿里整改完成
* 半年报第一股!桐昆股份同比增长 911.35%,为已发布半年报公司中净利...
发表于 2024-09-01 人气 537 点击阅读
一个不证自明的事实:经济活动是有周期的。但是,这个事实似乎长久以来被量化界所忽略。无论是在资产定价理论,还是在趋势交易理论中我们几乎都找不到周期研究的位置 -- 在后者语境中,大家宁可使用“摆动”这样的术语,也不愿说破“周期”这个概念。
发表于 2024-08-26 人气 134 点击阅读
在很多量化场景下,我们都需要统计某个事件连续发生了多少次,比如,连续涨跌停、N连阳、计算Connor's RSI中的streaks等等。
发表于 2024-08-25 人气 771 点击阅读
题图: 普林斯顿大学。普林斯顿大学在量化金融领域有着非常强的研究实力,并且拥有一些著名的学者,比如马克·布伦纳迈尔,范剑青教授(华裔统计学家,普林斯顿大学金融教授,复旦大学大数据学院院长)等。
Pandas 的多级索引(也称为分层索引或 MultiIndex)是一种强大的特性。...
发表于 2024-08-25 人气 250 点击阅读
* 美联储主席鲍威尔表示,美联储降息时机已经到来
* 摩根大通港股仓位近日大量转仓,涉及市值超1.1万亿港元
* 广发明星基金经理刘格菘的首只“三年持有基”即将到期,亏损超58%
* 周四A50指数交割日、周五本月收官日
* 周六发布8月官...
发表于 2024-08-25 人气 767 点击阅读
在知乎上看到一个搞笑的贴子,说是有人为了卖策略,让回测结果好看,会在代码中植入大量的if 语句,判断当前时间是特定的日期,就不进行交易。但奥妙全在这些日期里,因为在这些日期时,交易全是亏损的。
发表于 2024-08-19 人气 510 点击阅读
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This repository contains a collection of articles and tutorials on quantitative finance, including topics such as machine learning, statistical arbitrage, and risk management. The articles are written in a clear and concise style, and they are suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. The repository also includes a number of Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use Python for quantitative finance.
LLM-Dojo is an open-source platform for learning and practicing large models, providing a framework for building custom large model training processes, implementing various tricks and principles in the llm_tricks module, and mainstream model chat templates. The project includes an open-source large model training framework, detailed explanations and usage of the latest LLM tricks, and a collection of mainstream model chat templates. The term 'Dojo' symbolizes a place dedicated to learning and practice, borrowing its meaning from martial arts training.
FisherAI is a Chrome extension designed to improve learning efficiency. It supports automatic summarization, web and video translation, multi-turn dialogue, and various large language models such as gpt/azure/gemini/deepseek/mistral/groq/yi/moonshot. Users can enjoy flexible and powerful AI tools with FisherAI.
Okay, here is a JSON object with the requested information about the awesome-cuda-tensorrt-fpga repository:
This repository is a low-code tool that supports ChatGPT and other LLM models. It provides functionalities such as OCR translation, generating specified format JSON, translating Chinese to camel case, translating current directory to English, and quickly creating code templates. Users can also generate CURD operations for managing backend list pages. The tool allows users to select templates, initialize query form configurations using OCR, initialize table configurations using OCR, translate Chinese fields using ChatGPT, and generate code without writing a single line. It aims to enhance productivity by simplifying code generation and development processes.
EasyAi is a lightweight, beginner-friendly Java artificial intelligence algorithm framework. It can be seamlessly integrated into Java projects with Maven, requiring no additional environment configuration or dependencies. The framework provides pre-packaged modules for image object detection and AI customer service, as well as various low-level algorithm tools for deep learning, machine learning, reinforcement learning, heuristic learning, and matrix operations. Developers can easily develop custom micro-models tailored to their business needs.
FastGPT is a knowledge base Q&A system based on the LLM large language model, providing out-of-the-box data processing, model calling and other capabilities. At the same time, you can use Flow to visually arrange workflows to achieve complex Q&A scenarios!
ChatGPT-On-CS is an intelligent chatbot tool based on large models, supporting various platforms like WeChat, Taobao, Bilibili, Douyin, Weibo, and more. It can handle text, voice, and image inputs, access external resources through plugins, and customize enterprise AI applications based on proprietary knowledge bases. Users can set custom replies, utilize ChatGPT interface for intelligent responses, send images and binary files, and create personalized chatbots using knowledge base files. The tool also features platform-specific plugin systems for accessing external resources and supports enterprise AI applications customization.
Generative AI (生成 AI) brings revolutionary potential to transform businesses. This repository demonstrates business use cases leveraging Generative AI.
Lobe CLI Toolbox is an AI CLI Toolbox designed to enhance git commit and i18n workflow efficiency. It includes tools like Lobe Commit for generating Gitmoji-based commit messages and Lobe i18n for automating the i18n translation process. The toolbox also features Lobe label for automatically copying issues labels from a template repo. It supports features such as automatic splitting of large files, incremental updates, and customization options for the OpenAI model, API proxy, and temperature.
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Financial Datasets is an open-source Python library that allows users to create question and answer financial datasets using Large Language Models (LLMs). With this library, users can easily generate realistic financial datasets from 10-K, 10-Q, PDF, and other financial texts. The library provides three main methods for generating datasets: from any text, from a 10-K filing, or from a PDF URL. Financial Datasets can be used for a variety of tasks, including financial analysis, research, and education.
This repository contains a collection of articles and tutorials on quantitative finance, including topics such as machine learning, statistical arbitrage, and risk management. The articles are written in a clear and concise style, and they are suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. The repository also includes a number of Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use Python for quantitative finance.
finagg is a Python package that provides implementations of popular and free financial APIs, tools for aggregating historical data from those APIs into SQL databases, and tools for transforming aggregated data into features useful for analysis and AI/ML. It offers documentation, installation instructions, and basic usage examples for exploring various financial APIs and features. Users can install recommended datasets from 3rd party APIs into a local SQL database, access Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) data, Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, and more. The package also allows users to explore raw data features, install refined data features, and perform refined aggregations of raw data. Configuration options for API keys, user agents, and data locations are provided, along with information on dependencies and related projects.
AData is a free and open-source A-share database that focuses on transaction-related data. It provides comprehensive data on stocks, including basic information, market data, and sentiment analysis. AData is designed to be easy to use and integrate with other applications, making it a valuable tool for quantitative trading and AI training.
Jupyter Quant is a dockerized environment tailored for quantitative research, equipped with essential tools like statsmodels, pymc, arch, py_vollib, zipline-reloaded, PyPortfolioOpt, numpy, pandas, sci-py, scikit-learn, yellowbricks, shap, optuna, ib_insync, Cython, Numba, bottleneck, numexpr, jedi language server, jupyterlab-lsp, black, isort, and more. It does not include conda/mamba and relies on pip for package installation. The image is optimized for size, includes common command line utilities, supports apt cache, and allows for the installation of additional packages. It is designed for ephemeral containers, ensuring data persistence, and offers volumes for data, configuration, and notebooks. Common tasks include setting up the server, managing configurations, setting passwords, listing installed packages, passing parameters to jupyter-lab, running commands in the container, building wheels outside the container, installing dotfiles and SSH keys, and creating SSH tunnels.
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Weave is a toolkit for developing Generative AI applications, built by Weights & Biases. With Weave, you can log and debug language model inputs, outputs, and traces; build rigorous, apples-to-apples evaluations for language model use cases; and organize all the information generated across the LLM workflow, from experimentation to evaluations to production. Weave aims to bring rigor, best-practices, and composability to the inherently experimental process of developing Generative AI software, without introducing cognitive overhead.
AgentCloud is an open-source platform that enables companies to build and deploy private LLM chat apps, empowering teams to securely interact with their data. It comprises three main components: Agent Backend, Webapp, and Vector Proxy. To run this project locally, clone the repository, install Docker, and start the services. The project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 only. Contributions and feedback are welcome from the community.
This framework generates fuzz targets for real-world `C`/`C++` projects with various Large Language Models (LLM) and benchmarks them via the `OSS-Fuzz` platform. It manages to successfully leverage LLMs to generate valid fuzz targets (which generate non-zero coverage increase) for 160 C/C++ projects. The maximum line coverage increase is 29% from the existing human-written targets.
LLMStack is a no-code platform for building generative AI agents, workflows, and chatbots. It allows users to connect their own data, internal tools, and GPT-powered models without any coding experience. LLMStack can be deployed to the cloud or on-premise and can be accessed via HTTP API or triggered from Slack or Discord.
The VisionCraft API is a free API for using over 100 different AI models. From images to sound.
Kaito is an operator that automates the AI/ML inference model deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. It manages large model files using container images, avoids tuning deployment parameters to fit GPU hardware by providing preset configurations, auto-provisions GPU nodes based on model requirements, and hosts large model images in the public Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) if the license allows. Using Kaito, the workflow of onboarding large AI inference models in Kubernetes is largely simplified.
PyRIT is an open access automation framework designed to empower security professionals and ML engineers to red team foundation models and their applications. It automates AI Red Teaming tasks to allow operators to focus on more complicated and time-consuming tasks and can also identify security harms such as misuse (e.g., malware generation, jailbreaking), and privacy harms (e.g., identity theft). The goal is to allow researchers to have a baseline of how well their model and entire inference pipeline is doing against different harm categories and to be able to compare that baseline to future iterations of their model. This allows them to have empirical data on how well their model is doing today, and detect any degradation of performance based on future improvements.
The Azure-Analytics-and-AI-Engagement repository provides packaged Industry Scenario DREAM Demos with ARM templates (Containing a demo web application, Power BI reports, Synapse resources, AML Notebooks etc.) that can be deployed in a customer’s subscription using the CAPE tool within a matter of few hours. Partners can also deploy DREAM Demos in their own subscriptions using DPoC.