

ChatGPT + DALL-E + WhatsApp = AI Assistant :rocket: :robot:

Stars: 3351


This repository contains a WhatsApp bot that utilizes OpenAI's GPT and DALL-E 2 to respond to user inputs. Users can interact with the bot through voice messages, which are transcribed and responded to. The bot requires Node.js, npm, an OpenAI API key, and a WhatsApp account. It uses Puppeteer to run a real instance of Whatsapp Web to avoid being blocked. However, there is a risk of being blocked by WhatsApp as it does not allow bots or unofficial clients on its platform. The bot is not free to use, and users will be charged by OpenAI for each request made.


GPT + DALL-E + WhatsApp = AI Assistant 🚀

Docker Prettier License: MIT

Discord Invite

This WhatsApp bot uses OpenAI's GPT and DALL-E 2 to respond to user inputs.

You can talk to the bot in voice messages, the bot will transcribe and respond. 🤖

Whatsapp ChatGPT


  • Node.js (18 or newer)
  • A recent version of npm
  • An OpenAI API key
  • A WhatsApp account


In the documentation you can find more information about how to install, configure and use this bot.

➡️ https://askrella.github.io/whatsapp-chatgpt


The operations performed by this bot are not free. You will be charged by OpenAI for each request you make.

This bot uses Puppeteer to run a real instance of Whatsapp Web to avoid getting blocked.

NOTE: We can't guarantee that you won't be blocked using this method, although it does work. WhatsApp does not allow bots or unofficial clients on its platform, so this should not be considered completely safe.


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