🐲基于SpringCloud 2023.x + Dubbo 3.x + AI构建的模拟秒杀微服务项目,集成了Elasticsearch🔍、Gateway、Mybatis-Plus、Sharding-JDBC等常用开源组件
Stars: 2026
The 'goodsKill' project aims to build a complete project framework integrating good technologies and development techniques, mainly focusing on backend technologies. It provides a simulated flash sale project with unified flash sale simulation request interface. The project uses SpringMVC + Mybatis for the overall technology stack, Dubbo3.x for service intercommunication, Nacos for service registration and discovery, and Spring State Machine for data state transitions. It also integrates Spring AI service for simulating flash sale actions.
= 前言
image:[License,link=LICENSE] image:[Java CI with Maven,link=] image:[codecov,link=] image:[CodeQL,link=]
项目命名为 goodsKill 一方面有商品秒杀的意思(好像有点chinglish的味道),另外也可理解为 good skill,本项目就是希望搭建一套完整的项目框架,把一些好的技术和开发技巧整合进来(偏向于后端技术),方便学习和查阅。
本项目为模拟秒杀项目,提供统一秒杀模拟请求接口,技术上整体采用SpringMVC + Mybatis持久层框架,采用Dubbo3.x{empty}footnote:[由于SpringCloudAlibaba官方暂未支持Dubbo 3.x,本项目采用dubbo-spring-boot-starter集成]+Feign完成服务间接口调用,服务注册发现以及配置中心使用Nacos,支持数据库分库分表、分布式事务,使用状态机完成数据状态间的转换(基于Spring Statemachine实现)。
集成了Spring AI服务,可以通过AI机器人完成模拟秒杀动作。
== 💎 分支介绍
分支基于最新Spring Cloud 2023.x + Spring Boot 3.x + JDK21体系构建,目前仅保留核心的模拟秒杀API接口,如需使用Spring Boot 2.7.x + JDK11版本可以切换到tag[v2.7.4](支持登录注册以及简单的后台管理功能)。
== ✨ 技术选型
|=== |使用的工具或框架 |名称 |官网
|Spring Boot |Spring Boot框架 | |MyBatis-Plus |MyBatis增强工具 | |ZooKeeper |分布式协调服务 | |Redis |分布式缓存数据库 | |Kafka |消息队列 | |RabbitMQ |消息队列 | |MongoDB |Mongo数据库 | |MySQL |MySQL数据库 | |Elasticsearch |全文搜索引擎 | |Sharding-JDBC |分库分表组件 | |Spring Cloud Alibaba |Cloud Alibaba组件 | |Apache Dubbo | RPC服务远程调用框架 | |Spring Cloud Gateway |网关组件 | |Seata |分布式事务解决方案 | |Spring Security OAuth2.0 |OAuth2.0授权组件 | |GraphQL |一种用于 API 的查询语言 | |Spring Statemachine |Spring 状态机 | |Sa-Token |轻量级权限认证框架 | |Flyway |数据库版本控制工具 | |MinIO |对象存储服务 | |Spring AI |AI组件 | |===
== 📝 项目模块介绍
goodsKill |--goodskill-admin ||SpringBoot Admin监控服务端,支持Spring Cloud微服务发现 |--goodskill-ai ||AI机器人聊天服务 |--goodskill-gateway ||微服务API网关,统一服务鉴权,支持动态路由加载 |--goodskill-order-provider ||订单服务提供者 |--goodskill-seckill-provider ||秒杀服务提供者 |--goodskill-spring-boot-starter ||项目配置自动装配 |--goodskill-common ||公共服务(目前包含minio上传下载功能) |--goodskill-web ||提供秒杀模拟接口访问 |--goodskill-job ||elastic-job定时任务 |--goodskill-seata ||集成nacos+dubbo+shardingjdbc+seata的分布式事务解决方案示例 |--goodskill-auth ||auth登录以及授权模块 | |--auth-service ||基于Sa-Token框架的用户登录授权服务 |--oauth2-auth-server ||oauth2.0登录授权服务端,自定义的登录授权服务 |--oauth2-resource-server ||oauth2.0资源服务端,自定义的登录授权服务
== 🔥🔥 秒杀方案
聚合网关Openapi文档地址: http://localhost/doc.html#/home
Spring Boot Admin应用监控地址:
, 登录用户名密码:user/123456
- 场景一:Sychronized同步锁实现
- 场景二:Redisson分布式锁实现
- 场景三:ActiveMQ实现(已废弃)
- 场景四:Kafka消息队列实现
- 场景五:数据库原子性更新
- 场景六:实时等待秒杀处理结果(已废弃)
- 场景七:ZooKeeper分布式锁
- 场景八:使用Redis进行秒杀商品减库存操作,秒杀结束后异步发送MQ,使用MongoDB完成数据落地
- 场景九:Spring Cloud Stream实现
- 场景十:Sentinel限流+数据库原子性更新(需搭配sentinel控制台配置资源名
2021-04-14 21:58:59.857 INFO [goodskill-web,df43cc8f59291c48,df43cc8f59291c48] 15808 --- [ main] o.s.w.controller.SeckillMockController : 秒杀场景二(redis分布式锁实现)开始时间:Wed Apr 14 21:58:59 CST 2021,秒杀id:1000 2021-04-14 21:59:00.094 INFO [goodskill-web,144aa7910cca9520,2821cb8d62c5a908] 15808 --- [AClOSzbugzYng-1] o.s.w.s.c.SeckillMockResponseListener : 秒杀活动结束,秒杀场景二(redis分布式锁实现)时间:Wed Apr 14 21:59:00 CST 2021,秒杀id:1000 2021-04-14 21:59:00.101 INFO [goodskill-web,144aa7910cca9520,2821cb8d62c5a908] 15808 --- [AClOSzbugzYng-1] o.s.w.s.c.SeckillMockResponseListener : 最终成功交易笔数统计中。。。 2021-04-14 21:59:01.616 INFO [goodskill-web,144aa7910cca9520,2821cb8d62c5a908] 15808 --- [AClOSzbugzYng-1] o.s.w.s.c.SeckillMockResponseListener : 最终成功交易笔数统计中。。。 2021-04-14 21:59:03.129 INFO [goodskill-web,144aa7910cca9520,2821cb8d62c5a908] 15808 --- [AClOSzbugzYng-1] o.s.w.s.c.SeckillMockResponseListener : 最终成功交易笔数:10 2021-04-14 21:59:03.130 INFO [goodskill-web,144aa7910cca9520,2821cb8d62c5a908] 15808 --- [AClOSzbugzYng-1] o.s.w.s.c.SeckillMockResponseListener : 历史任务耗时统计:StopWatch '': running time = 36159894800 ns
4492195700 012% 秒杀场景四(kafka消息队列实现) 3164155900 009% 秒杀场景八(秒杀商品存放redis减库存,异步发送秒杀成功MQ,mongoDb数据落地) 6219218300 017% 秒杀场景十(Sentinel限流+数据库原子性更新) 9189080600 025% 秒杀场景七(zookeeper分布式锁) 3135926500 009% 秒杀场景五(数据库原子性更新update set num = num -1) 3342791800 009% 秒杀场景九(基于springcloud stream rabbitmq) 3343433700 009% 秒杀场景一(sychronized同步锁实现) 3273092300 009% 秒杀场景二(redis分布式锁实现)
== 🧰 开发环境版本说明
- JDK: OpenJDK21
- Sharding-JDBC: 5.5.0
- SpringCloud: 2023.x.x
- SpringBoot: 3.3.x
- SpringCloudAlibaba: 2023.x.x
- Apache Dubbo: 3.3.x
- 使用的Docker镜像
|=== |镜像 |版本 |端口 |用户名密码
|Nacos |2.3.2-slim |8848 |nacos:nacos(控制台) |Redis |latest |6379 |密码:123456 |Kafka |3.1.1 |9092 |无 |KafkaManager |latest |9001:9000 |无 |Mongo |6.0.7 |27017 |无 |MySQL |8.0.29 |3306 |root:Password123 |Zookeeper |3.6.2 |2181 |无 |Elasticsearch |7.17.3 |9200 9300 |无 |Kibana |7.17.3 |5601 |无 |RabbitMQ |latest |5672 15672 |无 |MinIO |latest |9000 |root:password |Seata |2.0.0 |7091 8091|seata:seata(控制台) |===
== 🎯 快速开始
- 项目根目录
- 默认端口启动nacos、redis、mysql、rabbitmq、kafka、zookeeper、elasticsearch、seataServer,或者使用docker-compose{empty}footnote:[需要安装docker-desktop]命令:
- 进入
[WARNING] docker-compose启动MySQL镜像时会自动执行初始化脚本,如已执行过上一步本步骤可跳过
- 配置host [source,text] kafka nacos redis mysql zookeeper mongo elasticsearch rabbitmq logstash ##如果网关服务部署在远程机器,此处改为相应的远程机器ip
文件 -
类(订单服务) -
类(秒杀管理服务提供者) -
类(模拟秒杀web服务) -
发送一个秒杀模拟请求: 秒杀活动id 1000,商品数量10,执行20次购买操作,使用sychronized同步锁执行,例如:
curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: /" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
"{ "requestCount": 20, "seckillCount": 10, "seckillId": 1000}"
curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: /" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
"{ "requestCount": 20, "seckillCount": 10, "seckillId": 1000}"
curl --location --request POST ''
--header 'User-Agent: apifox/1.0.0 ('
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"maxPoolSize": 10,
"seckillId": 1000,
"corePoolSize": 2,
"seckillCount": 100,
"requestCount": 120
== 🤖️ 使用AI机器人聊天服务 基于Spring AI Alibaba构建的简易秒杀机器人服务,可以通过机器人服务完成服务调用,目前仅支持开启秒杀活动,以及输出活动耗时情况
,可通过阿里云百炼平台获取 -
以下是一个对话示例 [source,text]
我: 帮我执行秒杀
AI: 当然可以帮助您执行秒杀活动啦!为了顺利进行,请告诉我以下几个信息:1.秒杀活动的ID是多少?2. 这次秒杀的商品数量是多少?3.您打算这次请求的次数是多少?有了这些信息,我就能帮您开始了!😊
我: 秒杀活动id 1001,请求次数20,商品数量10个
AI: 秒杀活动已成功开启!我们现在等待10秒钟,然后我会为您获取任务的耗时统计信息。秒杀活动已成功启动,并在10秒后获得了任务耗时统计信息:总耗时:6.673773375秒具体耗时分布如下:- 秒杀活动id:1001,秒杀场景五(数据库原子性更新update setnum = num -1)耗时 3.528280125 秒,占比 53%-秒杀活动id:1001,秒杀场景五(数据库原子性更新updateset num = num-1)耗时3.14549325 秒,占比 47%希望这些信息对您有帮助!如果还有其他问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时告诉我哦!😊
== 🕹️️ 启动其他可选项目步骤 在快速开始部分基础上增加以下步骤即可启动一个完整项目
- 进入
服务 -**
服务 -**
服务 -**
服务 -**
端口启动,docker环境暂不支持。 -
== ❓常见问题 [qanda] docker es镜像启动失败::
出现此问题一般为linux环境,运行以下命令即可 sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
服务启动控制台报ERROR日志 no available service found in cluster 'default', please make sure registry config correct and keep your seata server running
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.math=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects=ALL-UNNAMED
== 🖲️ 状态机说明 目前秒杀活动状态的控制基于Spring Statemachine状态机实现,使用状态机的优点:
- 统一控制活动状态,便于状态的集中维护;
- 防止业务状态被随意更改,保证状态的可控更新;
=== 状态机流程图 image:docs/shortcut/状态机.png[image]
== 📚分库分表情况说明
|=== |表 |数据库 |是否分库 |分库字段 |是否分表 |分表字段
|success_killed |MySQL |是(同一服务器中,分为seckill和seckill_01两个库) |seckill_id |是(分为success_killed_0,success_kill_1两张表) |user_phone |===
:note-caption: 📢 [NOTE] 其他表均未分库分表,默认使用seckill作为主库
=== API接口说明
== 💻相关页面展示
=== 模拟秒杀接口测试
== 📑数据库表结构
== 📖参考文档
- 解决Docker容器连接 Kafka 连接失败问题:
For Tasks:
Click tags to check more tools for each tasksFor Jobs:
Alternative AI tools for goodsKill
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The 'goodsKill' project aims to build a complete project framework integrating good technologies and development techniques, mainly focusing on backend technologies. It provides a simulated flash sale project with unified flash sale simulation request interface. The project uses SpringMVC + Mybatis for the overall technology stack, Dubbo3.x for service intercommunication, Nacos for service registration and discovery, and Spring State Machine for data state transitions. It also integrates Spring AI service for simulating flash sale actions.
GPT Academic is a powerful tool that leverages the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to enhance academic research and writing. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows researchers, students, and professionals to interact with LLMs and utilize their abilities for various academic tasks. With GPT Academic, users can access a wide range of features and functionalities, including: * **Summarization and Paraphrasing:** GPT Academic can summarize complex texts, articles, and research papers into concise and informative summaries. It can also paraphrase text to improve clarity and readability. * **Question Answering:** Users can ask GPT Academic questions related to their research or studies, and the tool will provide comprehensive and well-informed answers based on its knowledge and understanding of the relevant literature. * **Code Generation and Explanation:** GPT Academic can generate code snippets and provide explanations for complex coding concepts. It can also help debug code and suggest improvements. * **Translation:** GPT Academic supports translation of text between multiple languages, making it a valuable tool for researchers working with international collaborations or accessing resources in different languages. * **Citation and Reference Management:** GPT Academic can help users manage their citations and references by automatically generating citations in various formats and providing suggestions for relevant references based on the user's research topic. * **Collaboration and Note-Taking:** GPT Academic allows users to collaborate on projects and take notes within the tool. They can share their work with others and access a shared workspace for real-time collaboration. * **Customizable Interface:** GPT Academic offers a customizable interface that allows users to tailor the tool to their specific needs and preferences. They can choose from a variety of themes, adjust the layout, and add or remove features to create a personalized workspace. Overall, GPT Academic is a versatile and powerful tool that can significantly enhance the productivity and efficiency of academic research and writing. It empowers users to leverage the capabilities of LLMs and unlock new possibilities for academic exploration and knowledge creation.
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The 'goodsKill' project aims to build a complete project framework integrating good technologies and development techniques, mainly focusing on backend technologies. It provides a simulated flash sale project with unified flash sale simulation request interface. The project uses SpringMVC + Mybatis for the overall technology stack, Dubbo3.x for service intercommunication, Nacos for service registration and discovery, and Spring State Machine for data state transitions. It also integrates Spring AI service for simulating flash sale actions.
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