Stars: 237

Rime Wanxiang Pro is an enhanced version of Wanxiang, supporting the 9, 14, and 18-key layouts. It features a pinyin library with optimized word and language models, supporting accurate sentence output with tones. The tool also allows for mixed Chinese and English input, offering various usage scenarios. Users can customize their input method by selecting different decoding and auxiliary code rules, enabling flexible combinations of pinyin and auxiliary codes. The tool simplifies the complex configuration of Rime and provides a unified word library for multiple input methods, enhancing input efficiency and user experience.
万象系列方案: 本方案为万象增强版 >>万象基础版,支持同文9、14、18键
为什么默认关闭调频的说明 enable_user_dict: false # 是否开启自动调频,true为开启
6.0版本 之后模型将在release区域提供,不再进入仓库,并且方案词库做了分包处理,让大家使用不再有压力
万象拼音 基于深度优化的词库和语言模型万象词库与万象语言模型 这是一种带声调的词库,经过AI和大基数语料筛选、加频,结合语言模型获得更准确的整句输出。还结合了中英文混输,一套词库,多种用法,具体可以跳转了解优势。
词库词语全部加音调,设计8种辅助码,头部使用全拼编码,可以转化为任何双拼编码,词库解码顺序为:全拼拼音;墨奇码;鹤形;自然码;简单鹤;仓颉;虎码首末;五笔前2;汉心码; 因此万象拼音支持拼音和辅助码任意两两组合。
万象词库中的带声调拼音标注+词组构成+词频是整个万象项目的核心,是使用体验的基石,方案的其它功能皆可自定义,我希望使用者可以基于词库+转写的方式获得输入体验 万象词库问题收集反馈表
set_shuru_schema: #配置此项就是选择什么输入法,同时拆分反查和中英文混输也将匹配该输入方案
__include: algebra_zrm #可选解码规则有 algebra_pinyin, algebra_zrm, algebra_flypy, algebra_ziguang, algebra_sogou, algebra_mspy, algebra_abc 选择一个填入
__include: fuzhu_zrm#可选辅助码有:fuzhu_kong,fuzhu_moqi, fuzhu_zrm, fuzhu_flypy, jdh, cj, fuzhu_tiger, fuzhu_wubi, fuzhu_hanxin 选择一个填入
pro_comment_format: # 超级注释模块,子项配置 true 开启,false 关闭
candidate_length: 1 # 候选词辅助码提醒的生效长度,0为关闭 但同时清空其它,应当使用上面开关来处理
fuzhu_type: zrm # 用于匹配对应的辅助码注释显示,基于默认词典的可选注释类型有:(tone, moqi, flypy, zrm, jdh, cj, tiger, wubi, hanxin)选择一个填入,之所以单独列出是因为这里有更多的可配置性,而真正的辅助码默认只有7种
corrector_type: "{comment}" # 换一种显示类型,比如"({comment})"
和 melt_eng.schema.yaml
__include: algebra_zrm#可选的选项有(algebra_pinyin, algebra_zrm, algebra_flypy, algebra_mspy, algebra_sogou, algebra_abc, algebra_ziguang)
功能1 如果想要 镇
字显示在前面 那么在本方案下提供两种方式,第一种就是辅助码声母,vf
功能2 第二种方式是通过反查字库来定位,只是通过不同的方案实现,在输入主要拼音后,通过符号``` 来引导进入反查状态,引导后继续输入jn
金 则包含金的字就会被选出来;
引导后继续输入mu 木
功能3 通过 拼音状态下〔部件组字〕
来引导拆字模式 举例 震
来合并输入,拼音状态输入后,继续输入其它字符字母az会消失如下图,输入 yu if
即雨 辰,结果出现了我们要的震字,且给出了辅助码 y
和 i
功能4 句子中间或者单字输入时需要输入全位辅助码时由于与双拼词语重码,我们此时可以通过追加/的方式使其聚拢,这种方式是由于我们是直接辅助码导致的,如果我们通过一个符号引导辅助码,那么在输入时要每一个都用到符号,而采用这种方式我们只需要在必要的时候使用/节省了输入的按键开支,下面由两个图片说明问题:
#时间:osj 或者 /sj
#日期:orq 或者 /rq
#农历:onl 或者 /nl
#星期:oxq 或者 /xq
#今年第几周:oww 或者 /ww
#节气:ojq 或者 /jq
#日期+时间:ors 或者 /rs
#时间戳:ott 或者 /tt
#节日:ojr 或者 /jr
#问候模板:/day 或者 oday
Unicode: 大写 U 开头,如 U62fc 得到「拼」。
数字、金额大写: 大写 R 开头,如 R1234 得到「一千二百三十四、壹仟贰佰叁拾肆元整」。
/模式: 通过输入 /sx 快捷输入关于“数学”的特殊符号,具体能输入什么可以打开 symbols.yaml学习。
计算器: 通过输入大写V引导继续输入如:V3+5 候选框就会有8和3+5=8,基础功能 + - * / % ^
还支持 sin(x) cos(x)
等众多运算方式 点击全面学习
自动上屏: 例如:三位、四位简码唯一时,自动上屏如jjkw岌岌可危
字段下取消注释这两句开启 # auto_select: true # auto_select_pattern: ^[a-z]+/|^[a-df-zA-DF-Z]\w{3}|^e\w{4}
错音错字提示: 例如:输入gei yu给予
,获得jǐ yǔ
快符Lua: 例如 'q
超级tips: 支持将表情、化学式、翻译、简码 提示等等你能想到得数据获得提示显示并将通过一个自定义按键直接上屏,默认为“.” 避免了占用候选框,通过Control+t 进行开关;
辅助码提示: 任意长度候选词的辅助码提示能力,默认开启1个字的辅助码,Ctrl+a开启和关闭辅助码,Ctrl+m墨奇专属拆字辅助,Ctrl+z自然码拆分辅助,这些都是共用配置可在开关中按自己需求配置,保留一个;
音调显示: 在辅助码配置中有tone这一参数,可以将音调拼音显示到注释里,通过Ctrl+s可以使得输入码显示全拼并加音调;
用户词删除: 不管什么删除都不能直接作用于固定词典,使用Ctrl+del是rime系统删除用户词,基于lua的实现:对选中的候选词操作,使用Ctrl+d 删除,Ctrl+x隐藏,Ctrl+j降低词频,删除的词都在lua下文件中记录,你可以清空重新部署恢复,也可以根据列出去清除固定词典的编码,从而持续迭代。
Tab循环切换音节: 当输入多个字词时想要给前面补充辅助码,可以多次按下tab循环切换,这种可能比那些复杂的快捷键好用一些;
翻译模式: 输入状态按下Ctrl+E快捷键进入翻译模式,原理是opencc查表进行中英文互译,能否翻译取决于词表的丰富度;
反查: 支持`
字符集过滤: 默认开启过滤,写在charset.dict.yaml的就是可以通过的字表,默认为8105+𰻞𰻞,如果你想什么字在小字集模式可以通过可以写在这里,配套开关【小、大】,快捷键Ctrl+g
- 配置复杂: rime的配置本就复杂(对于新手),常常会看到很多的方案和分支,这就又导致新手接触的时候要理清这些都是干什么的、有什么关联、我该选择什么?
- 用户词库: 词库涉及到丰富度、词频,一味地堆砌并不能提升体验,反而会提升内存占用,词频不恰当候选词可能排序不理想,影响输入效率。
- 探索适应期: 选择困难,每个都有各自的特点,无法一次性选择好方案,一个一个去尝试,耗费的是精力,损失的是用户词,找到与自己习惯匹配的方案似乎很难,这个过程越久越容易放弃。
#词库解码顺序为:全拼拼音;墨奇;鹤形;自然码;简单鹤;仓颉首末;虎码首末;五笔前2 万 wàn;av;ap;ag,ap;du;ms;fp;dn; 87991 象 xiàng;du;dn;du,pd,ua;gh;no;wx;qj; 3107 拼 pīn;fk;fk;fb;jp;qt,qj;ul;ru; 5904 音 yīn;lo;lo;lo;cc;ya;xy;uj; 13619
- 我们先去转换拼音为双拼编码,并命名为对应的输入方案,如:algebra_zrm;
- 当词库编码发生变化后我们通过运算实现双拼+辅助码的形式,从而真正可以打出这些字,我们把运算辅助码的部分命名为:fuzhu_zrm; 最后在 speller/algebra: 段落下按照顺序列出,从而形成一个完整连贯的运算规则。
algebra_zrm: __append: - derive/^([jqxy])u(;.*)$/$1v$2/ - derive/^([aoe])([ioun])(;.*)$/$1$1$2$3/ - xform/^([aoe])(ng)?(;.*)$/$1$1$2$3/ - xform/^(\w+?)iu(;.*)$/$1Ⓠ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)[uv]an(;.*)$/$1Ⓡ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)[uv]e(;.*)$/$1Ⓣ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ing(;.*)$/$1Ⓨ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)uai(;.*)$/$1Ⓨ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)uo(;.*)$/$1Ⓞ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)[uv]n(;.*)$/$1Ⓟ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)i?ong(;.*)$/$1Ⓢ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)[iu]ang(;.*)$/$1Ⓓ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)en(;.*)$/$1Ⓕ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)eng(;.*)$/$1Ⓖ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ang(;.*)$/$1Ⓗ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ian(;.*)$/$1Ⓜ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)an(;.*)$/$1Ⓙ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)iao(;.*)$/$1Ⓒ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ao(;.*)$/$1Ⓚ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ai(;.*)$/$1Ⓛ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ei(;.*)$/$1Ⓩ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ie(;.*)$/$1Ⓧ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ui(;.*)$/$1Ⓥ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)ou(;.*)$/$1Ⓑ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)in(;.*)$/$1Ⓝ$2/ - xform/^(\w+?)[iu]a(;.*)$/$1Ⓦ$2/ - xform/^sh/Ⓤ/ - xform/^ch/Ⓘ/ - xform/^zh/Ⓥ/ - xlit/ⓆⓌⓇⓉⓎⓊⒾⓄⓅⓈⒹⒻⒼⒽⓂⒿⒸⓀⓁⓏⓍⓋⒷⓃ/qwrtyuiopsdfghmjcklzxvbn/
#词库解码顺序为:全拼拼音;墨奇;鹤形;自然码;简单鹤;仓颉首末;虎码首末;五笔前2 万 wj;av;ap;ag,ap;du;ms;fp;dn; 87991 象 xd;du;dn;du,pd,ua;gh;no;wx;qj; 3107 拼 pn;fk;fk;fb;jp;qt,qj;ul;ru; 5904 音 yn;lo;lo;lo;cc;ya;xy;uj; 13619
fuzhu_zrm: ########################################位于词库第三个分号后 __append: - xform|^(.{2});.*?;.*?;(.*?);.*$|$1;$2| - xform|^(\w+?);.*?;.*?;(.*?);.*$|$1;$2| #匹配当前方案,转换为 双拼;辅助码(当前方案)的形式 - derive/^(.{2}|\w+?);.*$/$1/ # 纯双拼的情况 - derive/^(.{2}|\w+?);(\w)(\w).*$/$1$2/ # 双拼+一位辅助码的情况 - derive/^(.{2}|\w+?);(\w)(\w).*$/$1[$2/ # 双拼+[一位辅助码的情况 - derive/^(.{2}|\w+?);.*?,(\w)(\w).*$/$1$2/ # 双拼+一位辅助码的情况 - derive/^(.{2}|\w+?);.*?,(\w)(\w).*$/$1[$2/ # 双拼+[一位辅助码的情况 - abbrev/^(.{2}|\w+?);(\w)(\w).*$/$1$2$3/ # 双拼+2位辅助码的情况,abbrev类型不可以整句内输入2位辅助码,必须加o或/ - abbrev/^(.{2}|\w+?);.*?,(\w)(\w).*$/$1$2$3/ # 双拼+2位辅助码的情况,abbrev类型不可以整句内输入2位辅助码,必须加o或/ - derive/^(.{2}|\w+?);(\w)(\w).*$/$1$2$3o/ # 整句模式下,输入syffo 出单字 增强单字性能 - derive|^(.{2});(\w)(\w).*$|$1$2$3/| # 整句模式下,输入syff/ 出单字 增强单字性能 - derive|^(\w+?);(\w)(\w).*$|$1$2$3/| # 整句模式下,输入syff/ 出单字 增强单字性能 - derive/^(.{2}|\w+?);.*,(\w)(\w).*$/$1$2$3o/ # 整句模式下,输入syffo 出单字 增强单字性能 - derive|^(.{2});.*,(\w)(\w).*$|$1$2$3/| # 整句模式下,输入syff/ 出单字 增强单字性能 - derive|^(\w+?);.*,(\w)(\w).*$|$1$2$3/| # 整句模式下,输入syff/ 出单字 增强单字性能 - derive|^(.{2});.*,(\w)(\w).*$|$1$2$3/| # 整句模式下,输入syff/ 出单字 增强单字性能
万 wj;ag,ap 87991 象 xd;du,pd,ua 3107 拼 pn;fb 5904 音 yn;lo 13619
万 wj 万 wja 万 wjag 万 wjap 为了增强整句中单字性能,通过增加o或者/的方式还可以获得以下输出 万 wjago 万 wjapo#o其实为了一些手机输入法不方便使用符号作为增强按键,但是可能会存在 类似于:你心理想的: ui uio,实际的:uiuio只输出一个字 万 wjag/ 万 wjap/
set_shuru_schema: #配置此项就是选择什么输入法,同时拆分反查和中英文混输也将匹配该输入方案
__include: algebra_zrm #可选解码规则有 algebra_pinyin, algebra_zrm, algebra_flypy, algebra_ziguang, algebra_sogou, algebra_mspy, algebra_abc 选择一个填入
__include: fuzhu_zrm#可选辅助码有:fuzhu_kong,fuzhu_moqi, fuzhu_zrm, fuzhu_flypy, fuzhu_tiger, fuzhu_cj, fuzhu_wubi, fuzhu_jdh 选择一个填入
#Lua 配置: 超级注释模块
pro_comment_format: # 超级注释,子项配置 true 开启,false 关闭
candidate_length: 1 # 候选词辅助码提醒的生效长度,0为关闭 但同时清空其它,应当使用上面开关来处理
fuzhu_type: zrm # 用于匹配对应的辅助码注释显示,可选显示类型有:moqi, flypy, zrm, jdh, cj, tiger, wubi, hx选择一个填入,应与上面辅助码类型一致
corrector_type: "{comment}" # 新增一个显示类型,比如"【{comment}】"
# table_translator翻译器,支持自动上屏。例如 “zmhu”可以自动上屏“怎么回事”
auto_select: true
# auto_select_pattern: ^[a-z]+/|^[a-df-zA-DF-Z]\w{3}|^e\w{4}
# 如果不想让什么标点直接上屏,可以加在 alphabet,或者编辑标点符号为两个及以上的映射
alphabet: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA`/
# initials 定义仅作为始码的按键,排除 ` 让单个的 ` 可以直接上屏
initials: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
delimiter: " '" # 第一位<空格>是拼音之间的分隔符;第二位<'>表示可以手动输入单引号来分割拼音。
- set_shuru_schema #拼音转双拼码
- set_algebra_fuzhu#辅助码部分
鸣谢: 项目英文词库及部分lua来自"rime-ice" 拼音标注来自万象词库与语法模型项目,并在该项目下进行鸣谢! 感谢网友的热情提报问题,使得模型和词库体验进一步提升。
赞赏: 如果觉得项目好用,可以请AMZ喝咖啡
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The Awesome ChatGPT Chinese Guide project aims to help Chinese users understand and use ChatGPT. It collects various free and paid ChatGPT resources, as well as methods to communicate more effectively with ChatGPT in Chinese. The repository contains a rich collection of ChatGPT tools, applications, and examples.

This repository contains sample code for hands-on exercises related to the book 'Amazon Bedrock 生成AIアプリ開発入門'. It allows readers to easily access and copy the code. The repository also includes directories for each chapter's hands-on code, settings, and a 'requirements.txt' file listing necessary Python libraries. Updates and error fixes will be provided as needed. Users can report issues in the repository's 'Issues' section, and errata will be published on the SB Creative official website.

LLMLanding is a repository focused on practical implementation of large models, covering topics from theory to practice. It provides a structured learning path for training large models, including specific tasks like training 1B-scale models, exploring SFT, and working on specialized tasks such as code generation, NLP tasks, and domain-specific fine-tuning. The repository emphasizes a dual learning approach: quickly applying existing tools for immediate output benefits and delving into foundational concepts for long-term understanding. It offers detailed resources and pathways for in-depth learning based on individual preferences and goals, combining theory with practical application to avoid overwhelm and ensure sustained learning progress.
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Rime Wanxiang Pro is an enhanced version of Wanxiang, supporting the 9, 14, and 18-key layouts. It features a pinyin library with optimized word and language models, supporting accurate sentence output with tones. The tool also allows for mixed Chinese and English input, offering various usage scenarios. Users can customize their input method by selecting different decoding and auxiliary code rules, enabling flexible combinations of pinyin and auxiliary codes. The tool simplifies the complex configuration of Rime and provides a unified word library for multiple input methods, enhancing input efficiency and user experience.
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Sweep is an AI junior developer that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes. It automatically handles developer experience improvements like adding type hints and improving test coverage.

The Teams AI Library is a software development kit (SDK) that helps developers create bots that can interact with Teams and Microsoft 365 applications. It is built on top of the Bot Framework SDK and simplifies the process of developing bots that interact with Teams' artificial intelligence capabilities. The SDK is available for JavaScript/TypeScript, .NET, and Python.

This guide is dedicated to Large Language Models (LLMs) that you can run on your home computer. It assumes your PC is a lower-end, non-gaming setup.

Supercharge WordPress Content Workflows and Engagement with Artificial Intelligence. Tap into leading cloud-based services like OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Gemini and IBM Watson to augment your WordPress-powered websites. Publish content faster while improving SEO performance and increasing audience engagement. ClassifAI integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to lighten your workload and eliminate tedious tasks, giving you more time to create original content that matters.

Chatbot UI is an open-source AI chat app that allows users to create and deploy their own AI chatbots. It is easy to use and can be customized to fit any need. Chatbot UI is perfect for businesses, developers, and anyone who wants to create a chatbot.

BricksLLM is a cloud native AI gateway written in Go. Currently, it provides native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI and vLLM. BricksLLM aims to provide enterprise level infrastructure that can power any LLM production use cases. Here are some use cases for BricksLLM: * Set LLM usage limits for users on different pricing tiers * Track LLM usage on a per user and per organization basis * Block or redact requests containing PIIs * Improve LLM reliability with failovers, retries and caching * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for internal development/production use cases * Distribute API keys with rate limits and cost limits for students

uAgents is a Python library developed by Fetch.ai that allows for the creation of autonomous AI agents. These agents can perform various tasks on a schedule or take action on various events. uAgents are easy to create and manage, and they are connected to a fast-growing network of other uAgents. They are also secure, with cryptographically secured messages and wallets.

Griptape is a modular Python framework for building AI-powered applications that securely connect to your enterprise data and APIs. It offers developers the ability to maintain control and flexibility at every step. Griptape's core components include Structures (Agents, Pipelines, and Workflows), Tasks, Tools, Memory (Conversation Memory, Task Memory, and Meta Memory), Drivers (Prompt and Embedding Drivers, Vector Store Drivers, Image Generation Drivers, Image Query Drivers, SQL Drivers, Web Scraper Drivers, and Conversation Memory Drivers), Engines (Query Engines, Extraction Engines, Summary Engines, Image Generation Engines, and Image Query Engines), and additional components (Rulesets, Loaders, Artifacts, Chunkers, and Tokenizers). Griptape enables developers to create AI-powered applications with ease and efficiency.