收集分享 AI 大型语言模型 (LLM)、AI 辅助编程、AI 绘画等领域的常用资料,探索生成式人工智能的应用与开发。
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Awesome AI is a repository that collects and shares resources in the fields of large language models (LLM), AI-assisted programming, AI drawing, and more. It explores the application and development of generative artificial intelligence. The repository provides information on various AI tools, models, and platforms, along with tutorials and web products related to AI technologies.
收集分享 AI 大型语言模型 (LLM)、AI 辅助编程、AI 绘画等领域的常用资料,探索生成式人工智能的应用与开发。
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- 简介:OpenAI 的 GPT-4 模型目前全球最先进的大型语言模型。GPT 的原义是 “生成式预训练变换器”。目前全球最火的 AI 应用产品 ChatGPT 就是基于 GPT 模型实现的。
- 官网:
- Playground:(不是免费的,会消耗你的 API 调用额度)
- API 定价:
- API 文档:
- Web 产品(ChatGPT):
- 简介:ChatGPT 是目前全球最热门的 AI 应用产品,是一款能以自然语言对话进行交互的 AI 助手。除了对话之外,它还集成了绘画、代码解释器等功能。2022 年 11 月 30 日上线,2023 年 11 月推出 GPTs(自定义 ChatGPT),2024 年 1 月推出 GPTs 商店,持续引领 AI 领域的热潮。
- 官网:
- 入口:
- 定价:
- ChatGPT Free(GPT-3.5 + 语音对话):免费无限量
- ChatGPT Plus(Free + GPT-4 + 绘图 + GPTs + ...):$20 / 月
- ChatGPT Team(Plus + 协作空间 + 数据保护 + ...):$25 / 月 / 人
- 相关教程:
- Web 产品(GPTs):
- 简介:GPTs 是 ChatGPT 的拓展。它允许用户针对特定场景定制一个特殊的对话机器人,甚至可以附加自己的知识库或调用外部 API,从而实现比常规 ChatGPT 更高效、更精准的对话效果。2024 年 1 月 GPTs 商店上线,开发者分成计划也呼之欲出。
- GPTs 商店:
- 相关教程:
- GPTs 完全指南:入门篇 | 如何开发 | 如何上架 | 如何赚钱
- GPTs 商店即将开张,坐等赚钱之际,别忘了做好防盗工作
- 任意 GPTs 资源文件泄露问题探讨
- SecurityGPT:提示词安全防护
- 简介:Anthropic 公司发布的多模态 AI 模型。最新版 Claude 3 在某些指标上已经超越 GPT-4。Claude 3 的模型规模从小到大分别有 Haiku、Sonnet、Opus 三个版本。
- 官网:
- Web 产品(Claude):
- 入口: (需要验证海外手机号)
- 定价:有免费版。专业版套餐 $20 / 月。
- 简介:Google 开发的原生多模态大模型。根据模型规模分为 Ultra、Pro、Nano 三个版本。Ultra 版宣称在多项测评中击败 GPT-4;Pro 1.0 版本于 2023 年 12 月开放免费 API。2024 年 2 月通过 Advanced 付费套餐 开放 Ultra 1.0 的 Web 访问。2024 年 4 月通过 API 和 AI Studio 开放 Pro 1.5。
- 官网:
- Playground:
- Google AI Studio:
- Vertex AI Studio:
- API 文档:
- Web 产品(原 Bard 已更名为 Gemini):
- 定价:
- Gemini Free(Pro 1.0):免费
- Gemini Advanced(Ultra 1.0):$19.99 / 月
- 定价:
- 更多介绍:
- 简介:文心一言是由百度公司开发的聊天机器人,于 2023 年 3 月 16 日发布。文心一言由文心大模型驱动。
- 官网:
- API 文档:
- Web 产品(文心一言):
- Web 产品(飞桨 AI 应用中心):
- 简介:清华智谱团队推出的大模型。有开源版本,可私有化部署。
- 官网:
- API 文档:
- Web 产品(智谱清言):
- Web 产品(GLMs):
- 简介:月之暗面推出的大模型。其特点为支持 20 万字的超长上下文。已开放 API。
- 官网:
- API 文档:
- Web 产品(Kimi 智能助手,原 Kimi Chat):
- 更多介绍:
- 更多国产大模型:
通义千问 / Qwen:阿里云出品的大模型,有开源版本。
- Web 产品:
- App 产品:通义千问 App 提供了问答助手、AI 工具等常规功能外,还提供了通义舞王、涂鸦作画等特色功能。
- API 文档:
- 深度求索 / DeepSeek:国产开源多模态大模型,宣称在测试中接近 GPT-4。已开放 API,定价极为低廉。
零一万物 / Yi:国产开源多模态大模型。30 万字超长上下文。已开放 API。
- Web 产品(万知): (长文总结要点、文档生成 PPT 等)
- API 文档:
- Web 产品(SparkDesk):
- API 文档:
- MiniMax
- 阶跃星辰:宣称在图像理解、多轮指令跟随、数学能力、逻辑推理、文本创作等方面性能达到业界领先水平。
- 面壁智能 / MiniCPM-V:面壁智能出品的端侧多模态大模型系列,接受图像和文本输入,提供高质量的文本输出。可运行于手机、平板等智能终端进行推理。MiniCPM-V 2.6 以极小的参数量实现了 GPT-4V 级别的性能。
- 开源的中文 LLM:
通义千问 / Qwen:阿里云出品的大模型,有开源版本。
- 图片识别 API:
- 人性化的聊天机器人:
- Artificial Analysis:大模型性能多维度测评排行榜。
- 简介:AI 辅助编程领域的标杆。由 GitHub 和 OpenAI 共同开发,作为编辑器插件集成到开发环境中,支持 VS Code 和 JetBrains IDE 等主流开发工具。通过提供代码建议和自动补全功能,Copilot 能够提高编程效率。此外,它还集成了生成单测、生成注释、转译代码、回答问题等功能。
- 官网:
- 定价:个人版:$10 / 月(第一个月免费试用)
- 简介:AI 辅助编程领域的后起之秀。Cursor 是一款编辑器,基于 VS Code 内核,集成了 AI 辅助编程和基于当前代码仓库的 AI 问答功能。除了基础的代码补全功能以外,Cursor 还提供了批量补全、预测下一步操作、通过对话修改代码、修改多个文件、生成整个工程等高级功能。
- 官网:
- 定价:
- 免费版(两周的专业版试用期 + 2000 次补全 + 有限次模型请求):免费
- 专业版(无限次补全 + 每月 500 次快速高级模型请求 + 无限次慢速模型请求):$20 / 月
- ...
- Claude Dev:VS Code 插件,融合了 Agent 思维,通过对话生成或修改项目代码。已开源。
- CodeGeeX:智谱旗下的智能编程助手。支持 20 多种编程语言,适配 VS Code 和 JetBrains IDE 等主流开发工具。个人用户免费。企业用户可选择私有化部署服务。
- 通义灵码:编辑器插件,支持 VS Code 和 JetBrains IDE 等。个人用户免费。
Codeium:编辑器插件,支持 VS Code 和 JetBrains IDE 等。
- 定价:个人版(代码建议 + 对话):免费
Tabnine:编辑器插件,支持 VS Code 和 JetBrains IDE 等。
- 定价:基础版(基础的代码补全功能):免费
Amazon CodeWhisperer:编辑器插件,支持 VS Code 和 JetBrains IDE 等。
- 定价:个人版(代码建议 + 参考跟踪 + 安全扫描):免费
JetBrains AI Assistant:全球知名 IDE 厂商推出的第一方 AI 编程助手。提供代码补全建议、重构建议、AI 问答、生成文档、生成提交信息等功能。
- 定价:专业版:$10 / 月(免费试用 7 天)
- Devin:Cognition Labs 推出的 AI 编程机器人,有很强的自主学习和工作能力。内测申请排队中,还未正式开放。
-一款在线的编程助手 AI Agent,根据用户的任务生成代码,支持 Python 和 TS 语言。
- 网页设计与生成工具:
- 出品的 AI 编程工具,可在线生成、编辑、运行、部署全栈网站,一站式解决网站开发需求。支持多种基于 JS 的前后端技术栈。
- v0:Vercel 出品的 AI 网页设计开发工具。通过对话生成网页,可一键发布。主力支持 shadcn/ui (React) + Tailwind 技术栈,后续会支持更多前端技术栈。有免费配额。
- Wegic:AI 驱动的网页 UI 设计和开发工具。通过自然对话快速生成网站,可通过对话持续修改,可一键发布。
- OpenUI:开源项目,AI 自动生成前端代码。可根据描述生成 UI 界面,且可以持续输入描述进行修改,可输出 HTML、React、Vue 组件等格式。支持输入中文描述。在线演示。
- 书籍推荐:
- 简介:Midjourney 是一款热门的 AI 绘画工具,依托 Discord 平台提供服务。它易于入门,作品风格华丽,适合初学者探索 AI 艺术创作,创造独特的视觉作品。
- 官网:
- 定价:
- 基础版套餐(3.3h Fast Time):$10 / 月
- 标准版套餐(15h Fast Time + Unlimited Relax Time):$30 / 月
- 专业版套餐(30h Fast Time + Unlimited Relax Time):$60 / 月
- 至尊版套餐(60h Fast Time + Unlimited Relax Time):$120 / 月
- 简介:OpenAI 出品的图片生成工具。对提示词的理解能力极强,与 ChatGPT 的整合也令它极为易用。
- 官网:
- Web 产品:
- ChatGPT Plus(GPT-4 + DALL·E 3):
- 定价:$20 / 月
- DALL·E 2:
- 定价:$15 / 115 点
- ChatGPT Plus(GPT-4 + DALL·E 3):
- 简介:Stable Diffusion 是一款先进的人工智能图像生成模型,由 Stability AI 开发。可本地部署。因其开源特性,发展迅速,已经成长为一个庞大的生态,广泛应用于艺术创作、设计和多媒体制作等领域。
- 官网:
- 扩展:
- 简介:FLUX.1 是一个全新的开源图像生成模型。它由 Black Forest Labs 开发,该团队也是 Stable Diffusion 的幕后团队。
- 官网:
- 简介:Google DeepMind 推出的图片生成模型。免费使用。据说效果媲美 DALL·E。
- 官网:
- Web 产品(ImageFX):
- 简介:视频生成领域的热门产品。它提供了多种 AI 视频生成模型,包括文生视频、图文生成视频、图生视频、风格化渲染、局部叠加渲染、3D 模型渲染等功能。
- 官网:
- Web 产品:
- 定价:
- 免费版(125 积分):免费
- 标准版(625 积分 / 月):$15 / 月
- ...
- 简介:视频生成领域的热门产品。典型功能为图生视频。
- 官网:
- 定价:
- 免费版(30 积分):免费
- 标准版(700 积分 / 月):$10 / 月
- ...
- 简介:视频生成工具,支持文生视频、图生视频、人物生成视频等。有免费额度。
- 官网:
- 简介:Stability AI 发布的开源的视频生成模型。可本地部署。
- 官网:
- 更多介绍:
- 简介:OpenAI 发布的视频生成模型。可实现文生视频、图生视频、视频延长和衔接。生成视频长达一分钟。目前仅面向安全领域和创作领域的专家开放内测,还没有正式开放。
- 官网:
- 更多介绍:
- 简介:快手出品的视频生成大模型,支持文生视频、图生视频、视频续写等能力。支持最长 3 分钟高清视频生成,堪称 “中国版 Sora”。
- 官网:
- Web 产品:可灵AI
- 简介:Vidu 是由清华大学朱军教授团队研发的 AI 视频生成器。支持生成高逼真度的 4 秒或 8 秒 1080p 高清视频。亮点包括生成速度快、角色一致性、支持写实和动漫风格、生成效果连续流畅等,可应用于游戏、影视、教育等领域。
- 官网:
- 简介:Luma AI 出品的视频生成模型。支持文生视频、图生视频,可生成 5 秒长度的视频。有免费额度。
- 官网:
- 简介:字节跳动出品的视频编辑工具,支持 Windows/Mac。它集成了大量基于 AI 技术的音视频处理功能,比如生成字幕、生成配音、降噪、变声、数字人、文生视频等等。
- 官网(国内版):
- 官网(海外版): (免充值享高级功能)
- Zero-1-to-3 (zero123): Zero-shot 单张图片生成 3D 物体。哥伦比亚大学的开源项目。
- One-2-3-45:“Any Single Image to 3D Mesh in 45 Seconds without Per-Shape Optimization”。开源项目。
- Wonder3D:“Wonder3D produces consistent multi-view normal maps and corresponding color images, and thus reconstructs high-fidelity textured mesh from a single image in only 2~3 minutes”。开源项目。
- Stable Zero123:单张图片生成高质量 3D 物体。Stability AI 开源模型,可整合到 ComfyUI 工作流。
- DreamGaussian:Generative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Content Creation。开源项目。
- Tripo AI:通过文本或图片生成高质量 3D 模型,可下载。有免费配额。
- Genie:Luma AI 出品的一款通过文本生成 3D 模型的 AI 工具。目前依托 Discord 提供服务。
- Luma AI:通过视频来重建 3D 场景。你只需要有一台手持拍摄设备,按要求对物体进行 360°旋转拍摄。有网页版和 iOS App。
TTS:Text to Speech,文本生成语音。
- 万兴播爆:输入文案,一键生成数字人播报视频。
- 剪映:可生成数字人播报视频。
- HeyGen:生成数字人播报视频,视频翻译,语音克隆。
- Eleven Labs:文本转语音(TTS),通过文字描述生成音效,语音克隆,视频翻译配音。有 API。
- EMO:阿里发布的(图片 + 音频 → 视频)大模型,生成的人物嘴形和表情相当自然。
- ChatTTS:开源的文本转语音(TTS)模型,支持中文和英文。可以控制停顿和笑声等人性化特征,生成结果自然流畅。
- Seed-TTS:字节跳动发布的高质量、多功能语音生成模型,未开源,似乎也没有发布可用的产品。支持音色微调、带情绪的 TTS、音色转换、情绪转换、基于原语音生成新语音、语音内容编辑、调速等能力。可应用于有声读物、翻译视频等场景。
- 剪映:已上线 AI 克隆音色的功能,只能克隆自己的音色。
- 微软 Azure AI 语音:微软的云服务,支持语音转文本、文本转语音、语音翻译和说话人辨识等功能。
- LivePortrait:快手开源的人物肖像控制模型,可通过五官视频驱动图片生成视频,或修改其他视频。在线体验。
- ReSyncer:一个研究项目,通过语音和视频模板素材,生成更自然的唇形视频。可应用于数字人场景。目前只有研究论文,还没有公开可用的产品。
- Leonardo.Ai:易用且强大的 AI 绘图平台,底层基于 SD,深度集成 SD 各种插件,提供训练好的模型,可训练模型。有免费配额。
- eSheep 电子羊:体验在线的 WebUI 和 ComfyUI。新用户获得 100 积分。每 100 积分相当于 ¥1。
- 网易 AI 设计工坊:在线 WebUI,可训练模型。有免费配额,每天 10 次。
- LibLib AI:在线 WebUI,可训练模型。有免费配额,每天 300 积分。
- Cephalon Cloud 端脑云:云端一键部署自己的 WebUI 和 ComfyUI。新用户获得 2000 积分。每 1000 积分相当于 ¥1。
- 即梦 AI:字节跳动出品的在线绘画平台,主打易用和免费。原名 “Dreamina”。
- Suno:AI 根据你的要求生成歌曲(作词、作曲、演唱)。
- 神采 / PromeAI:图片生成和编辑工具,包括草图渲染、照片转线稿、局部重绘、抠图去背景、换背景、扩图、重打光、高清放大、文字融合、AI 写真、图生视频等。有免费配额。
- DomoAI:视频风格转绘,比如把一段现有视频转换为二次元日漫、像素风、油画、3D 皮克斯动画等风格。此外还有文生图、图生图、图生视频等功能。有免费配额。
- Comic AI:AI 漫画制作工具。有免费配额。
- Logo Diffusion:AI 设计 Logo 工具,主要功能有:提示词生成 Logo、图片转 Logo、用提示词修改 Logo、手绘草稿美化、2D 转 3D。有免费配额。
- AutoPod:Premiere Pro 插件,自动完成多机位剪辑、停顿切除。
- Canva 可画:老牌的在线设计工具,提供了大量模板和设计元素,支持 AI 设计。
- FaceSwap:多功能的在线换脸工具。支持图片换脸、多人换脸、视频换脸等功能。有免费配额。
- Remaker - Face Swap Online Free:免费的在线换脸工具,支持图片换脸。
- POE:各种知名模型的聚合平台。用户可根据自己的需求通过 Prompt 定制对话机器人,相当于 GPTs 平替。付费用户可无限量使用 GPT-4、Claude 2 等高端模型。
- FlowGPT:一个 Prompt 分享平台。提供了角色聊天、游戏、创意、生产力等各种类型的对话机器人,是一个学习提示词的好地方。也可以把它当作 GPTs 平替。
- Character.AI:与各种类型的 AI 虚拟角色对话,包括世界名人、动漫人物、游戏角色等。
- Coze:字节跳动推出的 AI 聊天机器人及 AI 应用开发平台。无论是否具备编程基础,用户都可以快速构建特定功能的聊天机器人,并发布到各大社交平台。
- 官网(海外版):
- 官网(国内版):
- 中文文档(海外版):
- 中文文档(国内版):
GPTsCopilot:第三方 GPTs 商店,提供 GPTs 中转访问服务。在 GPTs 的网址中,把
就可以切换到 GPTsCopilot 提供的中转访问服务,无需成为 ChatGPT Plus 会员即可使用 GPTs。- 定价:
- 基础版(每天 5 积分):免费
- 专业版(每月 1500 积分):$9.99 / 月
- 按需付费方案:$5.99 / 500 积分 或 $9.99 / 1000 积分
- 定价:
- 工具分类导航目录。
- There's An AI For That (TAAFT):提问我的需求可以用哪些 AI 工具来实现。
- 通往 AGI 之路 / WayToAGI:AI 工具(包含网站和 GPTs)分类导航目录,也可搜索。
- ChandlerAi:国内可用的 AI 助手,可调用 GPT-4、Claude 3 Opus、Gemini、DALL·E 等先进模型。需要付费。
- Vectorizer.AI:基于 AI 的位图转矢量图的在线工具,比如 PNG → SVG。已经不可免费使用,需要订阅($10 / 月)。
Galileo:通过提示词生成 UI 设计稿,可导出到 Figma。
- 定价:
- 免费版(注册后获得 200 积分 + 3 次导出):免费
- 标准版(每月 1200 积分 + 无限导出):$19 / 月
- 专业版(每月 3000 积分 + 无限导出 + 私密模式):$39 / 月
- 定价:
- Magnific AI:图片放大,增强细节。
- Photoroom:在线 AI 图片处理工具。免费用户可使用抠图、擦除、照片优化功能。
- 抠图:
- Notion AI:Notion 中的 AI 写作助手。增值服务,每月 $10。
- 蛙蛙写作:国产写作模型,写长篇小说、视频脚本、论文等。免费试用 3000 字。
- 讯飞智文:Word、PPT 一键生成、AI 撰写助手、多语种互译、AI 自动配图、PPT 转演讲稿等。
- 腾讯文档:AI 助手提供生成 PPT、生成文档、生成表格、生成思维导图、生成收集表等功能。
- Gamma:AI 设计助手,生成 PPT、文档和网页,优化现有 PPT 和文档。
- 一键生成 PPT。支持自动生成 PPT 大纲文案,文档秒变 PPT,支持多种模板,兼容 pptx 格式。
- 通义听悟:语音文件识别为文本,拆分章节,提炼关键信息,识别多人发言,适合处理录音采访、播客、会议记录等内容。
- MinerU:一站式、开源、高质量的数据提取工具,包含 PDF 文档、网页与电子书的内容提取并转换等 Markdown 等功能。在线体验
- Elicit:以超人速度分析论文。自动化耗时的研究任务,如总结论文、提取数据和汇总结论。
- Monica:多功能 AI 工具箱,有浏览器插件、桌面应用和移动 App。最为人熟知的功能是基于网页内容的总结和问答。
- 剪映:可识别语音生成字幕。
RAG:Retrieval-Augmented Generation,检索增强生成。是目前基于 LLM 实现 “外挂知识库” 的主流技术方案。
- SiteGPT:基于你的官网内容和上传文档创建客服机器人,解答客户的咨询。
- Dify:LLM 应用开发平台,支持各种大模型,提供 Prompt 编排、RAG、Agent 框架、工作流编排等功能。
- RAGFlow:一款基于深度文档理解构建的开源 RAG 引擎。
- MaxKB:基于 LLM 大语言模型的知识库问答系统。开箱即用,支持快速嵌入到第三方业务系统。
- AdIntelli:面向 GPTs 生态的广告联盟(可靠性待验证)。
- GPT Wallets:为 GPTs 提供支付和数据分析解决方案。
- Perplexity:AI 搜索。
- 秘塔 AI 搜索:更友好的搜索引擎,帮你整理信息后更有条理地呈现。有 “全网” 和 “学术” 两种搜索模式,搜索深度可选简洁、深入、研究。
- 天工 AI:AI 搜索、对话助手等。
- PromptPerfect:帮你优化提示词(Prompt)。比如把你的笼统需求拆解为多步骤的任务,以提高模型输出的准确性;又比如根据给定的文章主题生成大纲并撰写长文。
- AppAgent:腾讯研究团队的开源项目,基于大语言模型的手机端多模态智能代理,帮用户自动执行复杂任务。适用于 Android 手机和模拟器。可粗略类比为手机端的按键精灵。
- ProctorAI:AI 监工,号称 “拖延症终结者”。开源项目,本地应用程序,通过定时截图来检查你是否在摸鱼,并发出警告,支持语音提醒。可以设置详细的监督规则。底层调用了 GPT-4o 等多模态模型。
- llm_aided_ocr:LLM 辅助 OCR,通过大模型来提升 OCR 的准确性。
- 中华人民共和国人工智能法(学者建议稿)
- 算法备案:
- 境内深度合成服务算法备案清单:
- 互联网信息服务算法备案系统
建议先通过 ChatGPT Plus 拼车账号开始体验,即买即用。解锁 GPT-4 + DALL·E 绘图 + GPTs 等高端功能。需自备海外线路。
这里推荐一个老牌的拼车平台,稳定可靠。点此开始拼车(还可用九五折优惠码 ai2024
- 如果 AI 服务商的用户协议中主张了 AI 生成内容的著作权,则属于 AI 服务商。
- 否则属于使用 AI 服务生成内容的用户。
详细解释:你用 AI 生成的作品,版权归你吗?
加入群,快人一步获取 AI 资讯、与数百名同好交流:
- Text and graphics: © Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0
- Code: GPLv3
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Awesome AI is a repository that collects and shares resources in the fields of large language models (LLM), AI-assisted programming, AI drawing, and more. It explores the application and development of generative artificial intelligence. The repository provides information on various AI tools, models, and platforms, along with tutorials and web products related to AI technologies.
Higress is an open-source cloud-native API gateway built on the core of Istio and Envoy, based on Alibaba's internal practice of Envoy Gateway. It is designed for AI-native API gateway, serving AI businesses such as Tongyi Qianwen APP, Bailian Big Model API, and Machine Learning PAI platform. Higress provides capabilities to interface with LLM model vendors, AI observability, multi-model load balancing/fallback, AI token flow control, and AI caching. It offers features for AI gateway, Kubernetes Ingress gateway, microservices gateway, and security protection gateway, with advantages in production-level scalability, stream processing, extensibility, and ease of use.
llm-resource is a comprehensive collection of high-quality resources for Large Language Models (LLM). It covers various aspects of LLM including algorithms, training, fine-tuning, alignment, inference, data engineering, compression, evaluation, prompt engineering, AI frameworks, AI basics, AI infrastructure, AI compilers, LLM application development, LLM operations, AI systems, and practical implementations. The repository aims to gather and share valuable resources related to LLM for the community to benefit from.
VPNFast is a lightweight and fast VPN service provider that offers secure and private internet access. With VPNFast, users can protect their online privacy, bypass geo-restrictions, and secure their internet connection from hackers and snoopers. The service provides high-speed servers in multiple locations worldwide, ensuring a reliable and seamless VPN experience for users. VPNFast is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and simple setup process. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming content, or accessing sensitive information, VPNFast helps you stay safe and anonymous online.
This repository documents how to optimize common algorithms based on CUDA. It includes subdirectories with code implementations for specific optimizations. The optimizations cover topics such as compiling PyTorch from source, NVIDIA's reduce optimization, OneFlow's elementwise template, fast atomic add for half data types, upsample nearest2d optimization in OneFlow, optimized indexing in PyTorch, OneFlow's softmax kernel, linear attention optimization, and more. The repository also includes learning resources related to deep learning frameworks, compilers, and optimization techniques.
This repository provides a comprehensive guide to large language models (LLMs), covering various aspects such as training, fine-tuning, compression, and applications. It includes detailed tutorials, code examples, and explanations of key concepts and techniques. The repository is maintained by Liguo Dong, an AI researcher and engineer with expertise in LLM research and development.
99AI is a commercializable AI web application based on NineAI 2.4.2 (no authorization, no backdoors, no piracy, integrated front-end and back-end integration packages, supports Docker rapid deployment). The uncompiled source code is temporarily closed. Compared with the stable version, the development version is faster.
AI-Drug-Discovery-Design is a repository focused on Artificial Intelligence-assisted Drug Discovery and Design. It explores the use of AI technology to accelerate and optimize the drug development process. The advantages of AI in drug design include speeding up research cycles, improving accuracy through data-driven models, reducing costs by minimizing experimental redundancies, and enabling personalized drug design for specific patients or disease characteristics.
Awesome-LLM-RAG-Application is a repository that provides resources and information about applications based on Large Language Models (LLM) with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern. It includes a survey paper, GitHub repo, and guides on advanced RAG techniques. The repository covers various aspects of RAG, including academic papers, evaluation benchmarks, downstream tasks, tools, and technologies. It also explores different frameworks, preprocessing tools, routing mechanisms, evaluation frameworks, embeddings, security guardrails, prompting tools, SQL enhancements, LLM deployment, observability tools, and more. The repository aims to offer comprehensive knowledge on RAG for readers interested in exploring and implementing LLM-based systems and products.
AI-Catalog is a curated list of AI tools, platforms, and resources across various domains. It serves as a comprehensive repository for users to discover and explore a wide range of AI applications. The catalog includes tools for tasks such as text-to-image generation, summarization, prompt generation, writing assistance, code assistance, developer tools, low code/no code tools, audio editing, video generation, 3D modeling, search engines, chatbots, email assistants, fun tools, gaming, music generation, presentation tools, website builders, education assistants, autonomous AI agents, photo editing, AI extensions, deep face/deep fake detection, text-to-speech, startup tools, SQL-related AI tools, education tools, and text-to-video conversion.
HaE is a framework project in the field of network security (data security) that combines artificial intelligence (AI) large models to achieve highlighting and information extraction of HTTP messages (including WebSocket). It aims to reduce testing time, focus on valuable and meaningful messages, and improve vulnerability discovery efficiency. The project provides a clear and visual interface design, simple interface interaction, and centralized data panel for querying and extracting information. It also features built-in color upgrade algorithm, one-click export/import of data, and integration of AI large models API for optimized data processing.
Anim v0.1.0 is an animation tool that allows users to convert videos to animations using mixamorig characters. It features FK animation editing, object selection, embedded Python support (only on Windows), and the ability to export to glTF and FBX formats. Users can also utilize Mediapipe to create animations. The tool is designed to assist users in creating animations with ease and flexibility.
Chenyme-AAVT is a user-friendly tool that provides automatic video and audio recognition and translation. It leverages the capabilities of Whisper, a powerful speech recognition model, to accurately identify speech in videos and audios. The recognized speech is then translated using ChatGPT or KIMI, ensuring high-quality translations. With Chenyme-AAVT, you can quickly generate字幕 files and merge them with the original video, making video translation a breeze. The tool supports various languages, allowing you to translate videos and audios into your desired language. Additionally, Chenyme-AAVT offers features such as VAD (Voice Activity Detection) to enhance recognition accuracy, GPU acceleration for faster processing, and support for multiple字幕 formats. Whether you're a content creator, translator, or anyone looking to make video translation more efficient, Chenyme-AAVT is an invaluable tool.
ChatWiki is an open-source knowledge base AI question-answering system. It is built on large language models (LLM) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technologies, providing out-of-the-box data processing, model invocation capabilities, and helping enterprises quickly build their own knowledge base AI question-answering systems. It offers exclusive AI question-answering system, easy integration of models, data preprocessing, simple user interface design, and adaptability to different business scenarios.
Nocode/WEP is a forward-looking office visualization platform that includes modules for document building, web application creation, presentation design, and AI capabilities for office scenarios. It supports features such as configuring bullet comments, global article comments, multimedia content, custom drawing boards, flowchart editor, form designer, keyword annotations, article statistics, custom appreciation settings, JSON import/export, content block copying, and unlimited hierarchical directories. The platform is compatible with major browsers and aims to deliver content value, iterate products, share technology, and promote open-source collaboration.
This repository contains a collection of papers and code for the CVPR 2024 conference. The papers cover a wide range of topics in computer vision, including object detection, image segmentation, image generation, and video analysis. The code provides implementations of the algorithms described in the papers, making it easy for researchers and practitioners to reproduce the results and build upon the work of others. The repository is maintained by a team of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.
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Open-DocLLM is an open-source project that addresses data extraction and processing challenges using OCR and LLM technologies. It consists of two main layers: OCR for reading document content and LLM for extracting specific content in a structured manner. The project offers a larger context window size compared to JP Morgan's DocLLM and integrates tools like Tesseract OCR and Mistral for efficient data analysis. Users can run the models on-premises using LLM studio or Ollama, and the project includes a FastAPI app for testing purposes.
Awesome AI is a repository that collects and shares resources in the fields of large language models (LLM), AI-assisted programming, AI drawing, and more. It explores the application and development of generative artificial intelligence. The repository provides information on various AI tools, models, and platforms, along with tutorials and web products related to AI technologies.
QMedia is an open-source multimedia AI content search engine designed specifically for content creators. It provides rich information extraction methods for text, image, and short video content. The tool integrates unstructured text, image, and short video information to build a multimodal RAG content Q&A system. Users can efficiently search for image/text and short video materials, analyze content, provide content sources, and generate customized search results based on user interests and needs. QMedia supports local deployment for offline content search and Q&A for private data. The tool offers features like content cards display, multimodal content RAG search, and pure local multimodal models deployment. Users can deploy different types of models locally, manage language models, feature embedding models, image models, and video models. QMedia aims to spark new ideas for content creation and share AI content creation concepts in an open-source manner.
This repository is part of Intelligent Document Processing with AWS AI Services workshop. It aims to automate the extraction of information from complex content in various document formats such as insurance claims, mortgages, healthcare claims, contracts, and legal contracts using AWS Machine Learning services like Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend. The repository provides hands-on labs to familiarize users with these AI services and build solutions to automate business processes that rely on manual inputs and intervention across different file types and formats.
ScrapeGraphAI is a web scraping Python library that utilizes LangChain, LLM, and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines. Users can specify the information they want to extract, and the library will handle the extraction process. The tool is designed to simplify web scraping tasks by providing a streamlined and efficient approach to data extraction.
Parsera is a lightweight Python library designed for scraping websites using LLMs. It offers simplicity and efficiency by minimizing token usage, enhancing speed, and reducing costs. Users can easily set up and run the tool to extract specific elements from web pages, generating JSON output with relevant data. Additionally, Parsera supports integration with various chat models, such as Azure, expanding its functionality and customization options for web scraping tasks.
ScrapeGraphAI is a web scraping Python library that utilizes LangChain, LLM, and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines. Users can specify the information they want to extract, and the library will handle the extraction process. This repository contains an official demo/trial for the ScrapeGraphAI library, showcasing its capabilities in web scraping tasks. The tool is designed to simplify the process of extracting data from websites by providing a user-friendly interface and powerful scraping functionalities.
Zep is an open-source platform for building and deploying large language model (LLM) applications. It provides a suite of tools and services that make it easy to integrate LLMs into your applications, including chat history memory, embedding, vector search, and data enrichment. Zep is designed to be scalable, reliable, and easy to use, making it a great choice for developers who want to build LLM-powered applications quickly and easily.
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Weave is a toolkit for developing Generative AI applications, built by Weights & Biases. With Weave, you can log and debug language model inputs, outputs, and traces; build rigorous, apples-to-apples evaluations for language model use cases; and organize all the information generated across the LLM workflow, from experimentation to evaluations to production. Weave aims to bring rigor, best-practices, and composability to the inherently experimental process of developing Generative AI software, without introducing cognitive overhead.
LLMStack is a no-code platform for building generative AI agents, workflows, and chatbots. It allows users to connect their own data, internal tools, and GPT-powered models without any coding experience. LLMStack can be deployed to the cloud or on-premise and can be accessed via HTTP API or triggered from Slack or Discord.
The VisionCraft API is a free API for using over 100 different AI models. From images to sound.
Kaito is an operator that automates the AI/ML inference model deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. It manages large model files using container images, avoids tuning deployment parameters to fit GPU hardware by providing preset configurations, auto-provisions GPU nodes based on model requirements, and hosts large model images in the public Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) if the license allows. Using Kaito, the workflow of onboarding large AI inference models in Kubernetes is largely simplified.
PyRIT is an open access automation framework designed to empower security professionals and ML engineers to red team foundation models and their applications. It automates AI Red Teaming tasks to allow operators to focus on more complicated and time-consuming tasks and can also identify security harms such as misuse (e.g., malware generation, jailbreaking), and privacy harms (e.g., identity theft). The goal is to allow researchers to have a baseline of how well their model and entire inference pipeline is doing against different harm categories and to be able to compare that baseline to future iterations of their model. This allows them to have empirical data on how well their model is doing today, and detect any degradation of performance based on future improvements.
Tabby is a self-hosted AI coding assistant, offering an open-source and on-premises alternative to GitHub Copilot. It boasts several key features: * Self-contained, with no need for a DBMS or cloud service. * OpenAPI interface, easy to integrate with existing infrastructure (e.g Cloud IDE). * Supports consumer-grade GPUs.
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Magick is a groundbreaking visual AIDE (Artificial Intelligence Development Environment) for no-code data pipelines and multimodal agents. Magick can connect to other services and comes with nodes and templates well-suited for intelligent agents, chatbots, complex reasoning systems and realistic characters.