Best AI tools for< 问答生成 >
3 - AI tool Sites
开搜AI问答搜索 is a user-friendly AI question and answer search engine that helps users filter useful information from billions of documents. It provides direct, accurate answers, automatically summarizes key points, generates outlines, mind maps, and allows for downloading. The website is free of ads and offers a seamless search experience.
AI-DOG is an intelligent partner and creation platform that explores infinite creativity. It offers a range of AI-powered tools to assist users in content creation, website optimization, and marketing. With AI-DOG, users can generate high-quality articles, train AI models, create compelling文案, optimize websites, and produce engaging videos and literary content. The platform seamlessly integrates with website backend systems, enabling automated and intelligent content publishing.
包阅AI is an intelligent AI reading assistant that covers various scenarios such as paper reading, legal analysis, scientific research, marketing, education, brand analysis, and business understanding. It supports multiple document formats like PDF, Word, PPT, EPUB, Mobi, TXT, and Markdown. The tool offers features like document interpretation, web page summarization, contract review, resume analysis, and financial document analysis. With the ability to analyze over 50,000 documents and assist more than 100,000 knowledge workers efficiently, it aims to enhance work and study productivity through AI-powered assistance.
20 - Open Source Tools
KB Builder is an open-source knowledge base generation system based on the LLM large language model. It utilizes the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) data generation enhancement method to provide users with the ability to enhance knowledge generation and quickly build knowledge bases based on RAG. It aims to be the central hub for knowledge construction in enterprises, offering platform-based intelligent dialogue services and document knowledge base management functionality. Users can upload docx, pdf, txt, and md format documents and generate high-quality knowledge base question-answer pairs by invoking large models through the 'Parse Document' feature.
LangChain-SearXNG is an open-source AI search engine built on LangChain and SearXNG. It supports faster and more accurate search and question-answering functionalities. Users can deploy SearXNG and set up Python environment to run LangChain-SearXNG. The tool integrates AI models like OpenAI and ZhipuAI for search queries. It offers two search modes: Searxng and ZhipuWebSearch, allowing users to control the search workflow based on input parameters. LangChain-SearXNG v2 version enhances response speed and content quality compared to the previous version, providing a detailed configuration guide and showcasing the effectiveness of different search modes through comparisons.
ChatBook provides a one-stop AI service, including basic AI dialogue, AI role agents, AI customer service, AI knowledge base, AI mind map generation, and AI PPTX generation. Users can define AI workflows freely to handle more complex business scenarios. The backend uses serverless functions with data stored in the ./data directory. The tool allows administrators to manage knowledge bases, configure keys, and review user registrations. Normal users can directly use AI models and knowledge bases after registration. The technology stack includes LLM models like Langchain, Pinecone, OpenAi, Gemini, Baidu Wenxin, Node Express for backend, and React, NextJS, MUI for frontend.
AppBuilder SDK is a one-stop development tool for AI native applications, providing basic cloud resources, AI capability engine, Qianfan large model, and related capability components to improve the development efficiency of AI native applications.
AI Product Home is a repository dedicated to collecting various AI commercial or open-source products. It provides assistance in submitting issues, self-recommendation, correcting resources, and more. The repository also features AI tools like Build Naidia, Autopod, Rytr, Mubert, and a virtual town driven by AI. It includes sections for AI models, chat dialogues, AI assistants, code assistance, artistic creation, content creation, and more. The repository covers a wide range of AI-related tools and resources for users interested in AI products and services.
Analyze the following text from a github repository (name and readme text at end) . Then, generate a JSON object with the following keys and provide the corresponding information for each key, ,'for_jobs' (List 5 jobs suitable for this tool,in lowercase letters), 'ai_keywords' (keywords of the tool,in lowercase letters), 'for_tasks' (list of 5 specific tasks user can use this tool to do,in less than 3 words,Verb + noun form,in daily spoken language,in lowercase letters).Answer in english languagesname:Awesome-Chinese-LLM readme:# Awesome Chinese LLM ![]( ![Awesome-Chinese-LLM](src/icon.png) An Awesome Collection for LLM in Chinese 收集和梳理中文LLM相关 ![GitHub stars]( ![GitHub issues]( LLM.svg?style=popout-square) ![GitHub forks]( LLM.svg?style=popout-square) 自ChatGPT为代表的大语言模型(Large Language Model, LLM)出现以后,由于其惊人的类通用人工智能(AGI)的能力,掀起了新一轮自然语言处理领域的研究和应用的浪潮。尤其是以ChatGLM、LLaMA等平民玩家都能跑起来的较小规模的LLM开源之后,业界涌现了非常多基于LLM的二次微调或应用的案例。本项目旨在收集和梳理中文LLM相关的开源模型、应用、数据集及教程等资料,目前收录的资源已达100+个! 如果本项目能给您带来一点点帮助,麻烦点个⭐️吧~ 同时也欢迎大家贡献本项目未收录的开源模型、应用、数据集等。提供新的仓库信息请发起PR,并按照本项目的格式提供仓库链接、star数,简介等相关信息,感谢~
这是一个程序员关于 ChatGPT 学习过程的记录,其中包括了 ChatGPT 的使用技巧、相关工具和资源的整理,以及一些个人见解和思考。 **使用技巧** * **充值 OpenAI API**:可以通过 进行充值,支持信用卡和 PayPal。 * **使用专梯**:推荐使用稳定的专梯,可以有效提高 ChatGPT 的访问速度和稳定性。 * **使用魔法**:可以通过 访问 ChatGPT,无需魔法即可访问。 * **下载各种 apk**:可以通过 下载各种安卓应用的 apk 文件。 * **ChatGPT 官网**:ChatGPT 的官方网站是。 * **Midjourney**:Midjourney 是一个生成式 AI 图像平台,可以通过 访问。 * **文本转视频**:可以通过 将文本转换为视频。 * **国内大模型**:国内也有很多大模型,如阿里巴巴的通义千问、百度文心一言、讯飞星火、阿里巴巴通义听悟等。 * **查看 OpenAI 状态**:可以通过 查看 OpenAI 的服务状态。 * **Canva 画图**:Canva 是一个在线平面设计平台,可以通过 进行画图。 **相关工具和资源** * **文字转语音**:可以通过 找到文字转语音的模型。 * **可好好玩玩的项目**: * * * * **个人博客**: * * * **srt 2 lrc 歌词**:可以通过 将 srt 格式的字幕转换为 lrc 格式的歌词。 * **5 种速率限制**:OpenAI API 有 5 种速率限制:RPM(每分钟请求数)、RPD(每天请求数)、TPM(每分钟 tokens 数量)、TPD(每天 tokens 数量)、IPM(每分钟图像数量)。 * **扣子平台** 是一个扣子平台,可以提供各种扣子。 * **通过云函数免费使用 GPT-3.5**:可以通过 免费使用 GPT-3.5。 * **不蒜子 统计网页基数**:可以通过 统计网页的基数。 * **视频总结和翻译网页**:可以通过 总结和翻译视频。 * **视频翻译和配音工具**:可以通过 翻译和配音视频。 * **文字生成音频**:可以通过 将文字生成音频。 * **memo ai** 是一个多模态 AI 平台,可以将视频链接、播客链接、本地音视频转换为文字,支持多语言转录后翻译,还可以将文字转换为新的音频。 * **视频总结工具**:可以通过 总结视频。 * **可每天免费玩玩**:可以通过 每天免费玩玩。 * **** 是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 访问。 * **CapCut**:CapCut 是一个视频编辑软件,可以通过 下载。 * **** 是一个多模态 AI 模型,可以通过 访问。 * **** 是一个 AI 视频生成平台,可以通过 访问。 * **使用免费的 GPU 部署文生图大模型**:可以通过 部署文生图大模型。 * **语音转文字**:可以通过 将语音转换为文字。 * **投资界的 ai**:可以通过 了解投资界的 ai。 * **抓取小视频 app 的各种信息**:可以通过 抓取小视频 app 的各种信息。 * **马斯克 Grok1 开源**:马斯克的 Grok1 模型已经开源,可以通过 访问。 * **ChatALL**:ChatALL 是一个跨端支持的聊天机器人,可以通过 访问。 * **零一万物**:零一万物是一个 AI 平台,可以通过 访问。 * **智普**:智普是一个 AI 语言模型,可以通过 访问。 * **memo ai 下载**:可以通过 下载 memo ai。 * **ffmpeg 学习**:可以通过 学习 ffmpeg。 * **自动生成文章小工具**:可以通过 生成文章。 * **简易商城**:可以通过 搭建简易商城。 * **物联网**:可以通过 学习物联网。 * **自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表**:可以通过 实现自定义表单、自定义列表、自定义上传和下载、自定义流程、自定义报表。 **个人见解和思考** * ChatGPT 是一个强大的工具,可以用来提高工作效率和创造力。 * ChatGPT 的使用门槛较低,即使是非技术人员也可以轻松上手。 * ChatGPT 的发展速度非常快,未来可能会对各个行业产生深远的影响。 * 我们应该理性看待 ChatGPT,既要看到它的优点,也要意识到它的局限性。 * 我们应该积极探索 ChatGPT 的应用场景,为社会创造价值。
Llama中文社区是一个专注于Llama模型在中文方面的优化和上层建设的高级技术社区。 **已经基于大规模中文数据,从预训练开始对Llama2模型进行中文能力的持续迭代升级【Done】**。**正在对Llama3模型进行中文能力的持续迭代升级【Doing】** 我们热忱欢迎对大模型LLM充满热情的开发者和研究者加入我们的行列。
One API 是一个开源项目,它通过标准的 OpenAI API 格式访问所有的大模型,开箱即用。它支持多种大模型,包括 OpenAI ChatGPT 系列模型、Anthropic Claude 系列模型、Google PaLM2/Gemini 系列模型、Mistral 系列模型、百度文心一言系列模型、阿里通义千问系列模型、讯飞星火认知大模型、智谱 ChatGLM 系列模型、360 智脑、腾讯混元大模型、Moonshot AI、百川大模型、MINIMAX、Groq、Ollama、零一万物、阶跃星辰。One API 还支持配置镜像以及众多第三方代理服务,支持通过负载均衡的方式访问多个渠道,支持 stream 模式,支持多机部署,支持令牌管理,支持兑换码管理,支持渠道管理,支持用户分组以及渠道分组,支持渠道设置模型列表,支持查看额度明细,支持用户邀请奖励,支持以美元为单位显示额度,支持发布公告,设置充值链接,设置新用户初始额度,支持模型映射,支持失败自动重试,支持绘图接口,支持 Cloudflare AI Gateway,支持丰富的自定义设置,支持通过系统访问令牌调用管理 API,进而**在无需二开的情况下扩展和自定义** One API 的功能,支持 Cloudflare Turnstile 用户校验,支持用户管理,支持多种用户登录注册方式,支持主题切换,配合 Message Pusher 可将报警信息推送到多种 App 上。
MarkMap-OpenAi-ChatGpt is a Vue.js-based mind map generation tool that allows users to generate mind maps by entering titles or content. The application integrates the markmap-lib and markmap-view libraries, supports visualizing mind maps, and provides functions for zooming and adapting the map to the screen. Users can also export the generated mind map in PNG, SVG, JPEG, and other formats. This project is suitable for quickly organizing ideas, study notes, project planning, etc. By simply entering content, users can get an intuitive mind map that can be continuously expanded, downloaded, and shared.
WeiXin-Dyh-AI is a backend management system that supports integrating WeChat subscription accounts with AI services. It currently supports integration with Ali AI, Moonshot, and Tencent Hyunyuan. Users can configure different AI models to simulate and interact with AI in multiple modes: text-based knowledge Q&A, text-to-image drawing, image description, text-to-voice conversion, enabling human-AI conversations on WeChat. The system allows hierarchical AI prompt settings at system, subscription account, and WeChat user levels. Users can configure AI model types, providers, and specific instances. The system also supports rules for allocating models and keys at different levels. It addresses limitations of WeChat's messaging system and offers features like text-based commands and voice support for interactions with AI.
MaxKB is a knowledge base Q&A system based on the LLM large language model. MaxKB = Max Knowledge Base, which aims to become the most powerful brain of the enterprise.
This is a production-grade knowledge Q&A chatbot implementation based on AWS services and the LangChain framework, with optimizations at various stages. It supports flexible configuration and plugging of vector models and large language models. The front and back ends are separated, making it easy to integrate with IM tools (such as Feishu).
ChatWiki is an open-source knowledge base AI question-answering system. It is built on large language models (LLM) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technologies, providing out-of-the-box data processing, model invocation capabilities, and helping enterprises quickly build their own knowledge base AI question-answering systems. It offers exclusive AI question-answering system, easy integration of models, data preprocessing, simple user interface design, and adaptability to different business scenarios.
IvyGPT is a medical large language model that aims to generate the most realistic doctor consultation effects. It has been fine-tuned on high-quality medical Q&A data and trained using human feedback reinforcement learning. The project features full-process training on medical Q&A LLM, multiple fine-tuning methods support, efficient dataset creation tools, and a dataset of over 300,000 high-quality doctor-patient dialogues for training.
Large Language Models (LLM) are language models built by deep neural networks containing hundreds of billions of weights, trained on a large amount of unlabeled text using self-supervised learning methods. Since 2018, companies and research institutions including Google, OpenAI, Meta, Baidu, and Huawei have released various models such as BERT, GPT, etc., which have performed well in almost all natural language processing tasks. Starting in 2021, large models have shown explosive growth, especially after the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, attracting worldwide attention. Users can interact with systems using natural language to achieve various tasks from understanding to generation, including question answering, classification, summarization, translation, and chat. Large language models demonstrate powerful knowledge of the world and understanding of language. This repository introduces the basic theory of large language models including language models, distributed model training, and reinforcement learning, and uses the Deepspeed-Chat framework as an example to introduce the implementation of large language models and ChatGPT-like systems.
DISC-LawLLM is a legal domain large model that aims to provide professional, intelligent, and comprehensive **legal services** to users. It is developed and open-sourced by the Data Intelligence and Social Computing Lab (Fudan-DISC) at Fudan University.
Awesome AI is a repository that collects and shares resources in the fields of large language models (LLM), AI-assisted programming, AI drawing, and more. It explores the application and development of generative artificial intelligence. The repository provides information on various AI tools, models, and platforms, along with tutorials and web products related to AI technologies.
8 - OpenAI Gpts