

AI-powered job analysis and resume coaching tool using GPT. Analyzes job postings and provides personalized recommendations to job seekers for improving their resumes.

Stars: 61


GPT-Jobhunter is an AI-powered job analysis tool that utilizes GPT to analyze job postings and offer personalized job recommendations to job seekers based on their resume. The tool allows users to upload their resume for AI analysis, conduct highly configurable job searches, and automate the job search pipeline. It also provides AI-based job-to-resume similarity scores to help users find suitable job opportunities.


GPT-Jobhunter 📋

🤖 AI-powered job analysis tool using GPT. Analyzes job postings and provides personalized jobs recommendations to job seekers based on their resume. 📝

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Features 🌟

Upload Resume for AI Analysis

Resume Upload

Resume CRUD Operations

Highly Configurable Job Searching 🧐

Job Search

Automated Job Search Pipeline 🚀

Job Search Results Filtering

Salary Extraction

Job location

Job description

AI Based Job-to-Resume Similarity Scores 📊

Job Similarity

Quick Start Guide 🚀


Contributing 🤝




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