最新Claude Pro订阅教程:国内如何访问Claude?如何注册Claude?如何购买Claude Pro会员账号?Claude能用国内信用卡/银行卡吗?本文不仅会详细解答这些问题,还将回答大家关心的其他问题,例如:Claude Pro合租共享账号是否值得尝试?中国的港澳地区能用Claude吗?苹果礼品卡可用于购买Claude会员吗?Claude封号了怎么办?本教程亲测真实有效,且充值开通Claude Pro的整个流程仅需十五分钟左右!
Stars: 72

Claude Pro is a powerful AI conversational model that excels in handling complex instructions, understanding context, and generating natural text. It is considered a top alternative to ChatGPT Plus, offering high-quality content with almost no AI traces. The article provides detailed information on what Claude is, how to access it in China, how to register, and how to subscribe using a foreign credit card. It also covers topics like using a stable VPN, obtaining a foreign virtual credit card, and a foreign phone number for registration. The process of purchasing a Claude Pro account in China is explained step by step, emphasizing the importance of following the platform's policies to avoid account suspension.
Claude是一款功能强大的AI对话模型,其最新版本Claude Sonnet 3.5在处理复杂指令、理解上下文以及生成自然文本方面表现尤为出色。许多人认为Claude Pro是ChatGPT Plus的最佳替代品,甚至在某些场景下表现更优。Claude Pro不仅能够精准适应不同角色和场景需求,还能生成自然流畅、几乎没有AI痕迹的高质量内容。
接下来,本文将详细介绍以下内容:Claude是什么?国内如何访问Claude?如何注册Claude?Claude能用国内信用卡/银行卡支付吗?Claude号码怎么解决?如何订阅Claude Sonnet 3.5?如何购买Claude Pro帐号?同时,还将解答大家关心的:Claude Pro合租共享帐号值得尝试吗?中国的港澳地区能用Claude吗?苹果礼品卡可用于购买Claude会员吗?Claude封号了怎么办?等问题。
注意:如果你身在中国大陆,并且想要订阅Claude Pro会员(或者说是订阅Claude Sonnet)的话,就必须提前做好以下准备工作,每一步都至关重要,绝不能忽略!
- 一个干净的Gmail邮箱:如果没有,可以自己动手注册一个,操作非常简单;如果不想自己注册,也可以通过第三方平台购买一个现成账号。(如果不知道去哪里购买Gmail邮箱,可添加我们的微信进行咨询)
- 一个稳定的科学上网工具:这一点至关重要,建议选择提供可靠美国节点的科学上网工具。由于科学上网相关问题较为敏感,本文不作具体讨论,请大家自行解决。
- 一张国外虚拟信用卡:Claude不能用国内信用卡和银行卡支付,中国香港和澳门地区的银行卡和信用卡同样不可用。因此,大家必须准备一张国外信用卡,或者申请一张WildCard虚拟信用卡。本文下方将会手把手地教大家如何快速获取WildCard虚拟信用卡。
- 一个国外手机号:注册Claude时需要进行手机验证,但国内的+86手机号无法用于订阅Claude Sonnet。本文下方也会详细介绍如何解决Claude号码问题。
OK,接下来你只需按照我们的操作步骤一步一步的来执行,就能轻松完成Claude Pro升级订阅。本教程亲测真实有效,而且整个订阅Claude Sonnet的流程仅需十五分钟即可完成!注意:本文内容较多,如果你没太多时间阅读完本文的话,可以通过下方“快速导航”找到你感兴趣的内容。
Claude是什么?Claude是由Anthropic公司开发的一款先进AI对话模型,旨在提供更加自然和智能的语言生成与理解能力。其设计初衷在于通过减少偏见、增强安全性以及优化人机交互体验,为用户提供高质量的AI工具。最新版本Claude Sonnet 3.5在处理复杂指令、多轮对话和长文本方面表现尤为出色,支持最高100K tokens的上下文长度,远超市场上许多同类模型的能力。例如,ChatGPT Plus的GPT-4模型通常支持32K tokens。凭借这一优势,Claude在大规模数据分析、文档生成以及复杂对话场景中表现独特,尤其适合需要深度信息处理的用户需求。
Claude有次数限制?在使用Claude的免费版本时,用户需要面对一定的次数限制,例如每日交互次数和单次请求长度的上限。其中,免费版的调用次数限制约为每天20次,而单次上下文处理能力也受到一定限制。这对偶尔使用的普通用户来说可能足够,但对于需要频繁调用或处理长文本的用户而言,免费版的功能明显不足。为了解决这些问题,Anthropic推出了Claude Pro高级服务,不仅提升了调用次数,还大幅扩展了单次上下文的处理能力,同时提供更稳定的服务体验。
Claude Pro是什么?Claude Pro是Anthropic提供的付费订阅服务,基于Claude Sonnet模型,旨在解除免费版的限制,为用户提供更快的响应速度和更强的计算能力。具体而言,Claude Pro不仅支持更高频率的交互,还针对大规模文本生成和数据分析进行了全面优化。据官方介绍,Claude Pro的上下文处理能力是免费版的3倍以上,并优先接入更快的服务节点,以确保即使在高峰期也能保持服务的稳定性。这些性能提升,使Claude Pro特别适合需要处理长对话、多轮推理或高精度内容生成的专业用户。
至于“Claude Pro怎么样”,答案可以从实际使用场景和用户体验中得出结论。对于数据分析师,Claude Pro能够轻松处理长达数万字的文档归纳;对于内容创作者,它可以生成逻辑缜密、语义自然的高质量文案;而对于商业用户,Claude Pro在跨行业复杂问题的解答中表现尤为出色。与同类工具相比,Claude Pro在处理速度、上下文理解能力和服务稳定性方面具有显著优势。这不仅使其成为众多高需求用户的常用工具,也让它被视为一款兼具性价比和专业性能的AI解决方案。
Claude主要提供免费版和付费版两种服务,其中付费版支持按月支付和按年支付两种订阅方式。Claude Pro的费用为每月20美元或每年240美元,用户可以根据自身需求灵活选择订阅周期。
Claude Pro是基于最新的Claude Sonnet 3.5模型,具备更高的性能和更强的上下文处理能力,支持一次最多输入100K tokens,是免费版所无法媲美的。对于高频用户,订阅Claude Pro不仅解锁了无限次调用权限,还提供了优先使用Claude Sonnet模型的特权,确保即使在繁忙时段也能享受流畅稳定的服务。此外,Claude Pro用户还可在使用过程中体验Anthropic推出的其他功能优化,例如Claude 3 Opus,这一版本专为特定场景和复杂任务进行了深度优化。
此外,无论是在注册Claude账号还是订阅Claude Pro会员时,都需要使用稳定的美国节点。而在后续使用Claude的过程中,也必须坚持使用同一个美国节点,避免频繁切换至其他国家或地区的节点,否则很容易触发Claude的风控机制,导致Claude账号被封。
由于Claude目前尚未向中国用户开放,因此国内的信用卡和银行卡均无法用于支付Claude Pro订阅费用。即便是中国香港和中国澳门地区的银行卡和信用卡也无法使用,因为这两个地区同样属于中国的一部分。
如果你想成功订阅Claude Pro,就需要准备一张国外的信用卡。然而,由于国外实体信用卡的申请和获取对中国用户来说门槛较高,使用国外虚拟信用卡成为了最简便的解决方案。其中,WildCard是目前最安全可靠且功能最强大的虚拟信用卡,不仅支持订阅Claude Pro、ChatGPT Plus、MidJourney、Poe、Spotify、YouTube等服务,而且不收取月租费,非常适合用户长期使用。
- WildCard官网地址:https://bewildcard.com/i/ANYOFAI
通过本文提供的链接( https://bewildcard.com/i/ANYOFAI )进入WildCard官网,或者使用邀请码“ANYOFAI”,可以立减1美金!即2年的年费为10.99美金,3年的年费为15.99美金。
注意:由于Claude Pro的订阅费用为每月20美元,因此充值金额必须大于等于20美元。
OK,截止到目前为止,我们已经成功获取了一张WildCard虚拟信用卡!但由于篇幅限制,本文未对WildCard虚拟信用卡的获取步骤进行完整展开。如果你在操作过程中遇到问题,可以参考我们的《ChatGPT Plus充值》一文,其中详细介绍了每一步的操作方法。
- WildCard官网地址:https://bewildcard.com/i/ANYOFAI
- Sms-activate官网地址:https://sms-activate.guru/?ref=3917403
Sms-activate平台的操作流程如下:打开官网 > 将网站语言切换为“中国”(如图所示) > 点击右上角的“注册”按钮并完成账号注册 > 点击右上角个人ID下方的“余额”选项(如图所示) > 选择支付宝作为支付方式并完成充值(如图所示) > 在左侧导航栏中搜索“Claude” > 选择一个符合要求的国家手机号并完成购买 > 查看已购买的手机号(或点击导航栏中的“激活”来查看已购买的手机号)。
- Claude官网地址:claude.ai
注意:你也可以使用现有的Google账号授权登录,直接点击“Continue with Google”即可。
打开你的电子邮箱,找到一封来自Anthropic的邮件,复制其中的验证码,将其粘贴到下方的输入框中,然后点击“Verify Email Address”按钮。
我们在前文中已经成功地获取到了一个国外手机号码,你只需将其粘贴到下方的输入框中,然后点击“Send Verification Code”按钮。
返回WildCard后台或接码平台,复制接收到的验证码,粘贴到下方的输入框中,点击“Verify & Create Account”按钮,即可完成手机验证。
OK,当你完成以上所有步骤后,Claude账号就注册成功了。现在,你可以正式开始体验Claude提供的强大服务,包括智能对话、长文本处理等功能。如果你希望解锁更多高级功能,例如通过Claude Sonnet 3.5模型获得更高的上下文处理能力和更快的响应速度,请继续按照下方的操作步骤完成Claude Pro订阅流程。这样,你便能全面享受Claude Pro带来的卓越体验!
当完成以上所有准备工作后,接下来我们将正式进入今天的重点:Claude Pro订阅。事实上,订阅Claude Sonnet 3.5并没有想象中那么复杂,只需按照几个简单的步骤操作,就能轻松完成整个订阅过程!现在,让我们一步步带你完成Claude Pro开通吧!
- Claude订阅地址:claude.ai
OK,通过以上步骤,你已成功完成Claude Pro订阅,全面解锁了Claude Sonnet 3.5的强大功能。现在,你可以尽情体验其卓越的上下文处理能力和出色的文本生成效果。无论是日常对话、文档分析,还是复杂任务处理,Claude都将为你提供最佳支持。
在国内注册Claude账号的确较为麻烦,不仅需要准备Gmail邮箱和国外手机号,在订阅Claude Pro时还必须使用虚拟信用卡。整个流程操作下来步骤较为繁琐,对部分用户而言可能存在一定难度。因此,不少用户希望直接购买现成的Claude Pro账号,以跳过这些复杂的操作步骤。
虽然我们不建议直接购买Claude Pro账号,但从隐私和安全的角度来看,购买的账号始终不如自己注册的账号更加安全可控。然而,如果你因特殊原因需要购买Claude Pro账号,我们为大家推荐一个相对靠谱的购买平台:星际放映厅。
最后,我们需要提醒大家,如果你还没有Claude账号,那么在完成付款后,星际放映厅会为你提供一个已经订阅好的Claude Pro账号;如果你已有Claude账号,则需要联系在线客服,将你的Claude账号共享给星际放映厅,由他们帮你完成Claude Pro的充值操作。当Claude Pro充值完成后,你即可直接开始使用。立即购买Claude Pro帐号:星际放映厅。
与购买Claude Pro账号的观点类似,我们也不建议大家使用Claude Pro合租账号。所谓Claude Pro合租账号,就是多个用户共享同一个Claude Pro账号的使用权限。然而,这种方式存在诸多隐患。首先,其他用户可能会查看你的历史使用记录,包括你在Claude Sonnet 3.5中的交互内容和生成的文本。此外,你的使用记录甚至Claude Sonnet 3.5的训练过程,可能会被其他用户删除或覆盖。这样一来,当你下次使用Claude Pro时,可能需要重新调整或训练模型,极大地影响使用体验。
其次,由于多人共享同一个Claude Pro账号,其他用户的违规行为可能导致Claude账号被封禁。在这种情况下,所有Claude Pro合租者都会受到牵连,不仅损失资金,还可能失去访问Claude的权限。此外,Claude Pro合租账号的使用环境复杂,频繁变化的IP地址和不同用户的操作行为可能触发Claude的风控机制,进一步增加封号风险。
因此,我们强烈建议大家自行注册Claude账号,并使用WildCard虚拟信用卡充值开通Claude Pro服务。这样不仅能确保账号使用的安全性,还可以完全掌控自己的历史记录和功能配置。但如果因为特殊原因,你只能选择合租Claude Pro账号,请参考我们另一篇文章《Claude Pro合租》。在该文章中,我们将详细介绍如何选择安全可靠的Claude Pro合租平台,以及合租时需要注意的事项,帮助你尽可能降低使用风险。
对于中国港澳地区的用户来说,如果希望使用Claude服务,仍需满足Claude的相关要求,包括使用国外手机号完成注册,并在订阅Claude Pro时通过WildCard虚拟信用卡进行支付。
苹果礼品卡目前无法用于直接购买Claude Pro会员。Claude的订阅费用必须通过国际信用卡或虚拟信用卡支付。尽管Claude已经推出了iOS版本,用户可以通过苹果App Store下载并使用,但目前并不支持使用苹果礼品卡为Claude Pro充值,这一点需要特别注意。
如果你计划开通Claude Pro,建议使用WildCard虚拟信用卡。WildCard虚拟信用卡不仅可以用于开通Claude Pro会员,还适用于ChatGPT Plus、MidJourney等其他国际服务。它操作简单、无月租费,支持长期使用,是当前中国用户开通Claude Pro的最佳支付工具之一。
首先,登录你的Claude账号后,进入主界面的“历史记录”或“会话记录”部分。在这里,你可以看到所有与Claude Sonnet 3.5的对话内容。如果需要删除某条记录,只需点击对应记录旁边的“删除”按钮。此时,系统会弹出提示框要求确认删除操作。确认后,该记录将立即从系统中清除且无法恢复。
需要注意的是,删除历史记录的操作不会影响Claude Sonnet 3.5的模型性能,但建议用户避免频繁删除记录,以免触发平台的风控机制。通过上述步骤,你可以轻松管理自己的Claude历史记录,既能保护隐私,又能保持使用体验的整洁流畅。
- 网络环境不稳定:使用不安全的科学上网工具,或频繁更换科学上网工具的IP地址,容易引发平台的安全警报,从而导致Claude账号被封禁。特别是在使用质量较差的VPN或代理工具时,平台的风控机制更容易被触发。
- 注册信息不合规:使用不符合要求的海外手机号进行注册,可能被平台检测为异常行为,从而触发封号。
- 访问受限地区:在平台限制访问的地区尝试登录,例如中国大陆或其他受限制的国家和地区,可能被视为违反平台使用政策,从而直接导致账号被封禁。
- 使用稳定的科学上网工具:选择安全性高、稳定可靠的科学上网工具。尤其是在注册和日常使用Claude时,应始终使用同一个固定的美国节点,避免频繁更换IP地址或使用不安全的节点,以降低触发风控机制的风险。
- 提供真实有效的注册信息:使用符合要求的海外邮箱和国外手机号进行注册,并通过稳定可靠的WildCard虚拟信用卡充值Claude Pro会员,这不仅可以提升账号安全性,还能有效减少因异常信息导致的封号风险。
- 遵守平台使用政策:严格按照Claude的使用政策操作,避免在不支持访问的地区尝试登录,确保账号的所有操作符合平台规则,避免因违反政策而导致账号封禁。
- 联系官方支持团队:通过发送邮件至“support[@]anthropic.com”,详细说明账号被封禁的具体情况。在邮件中,应包括账号的注册信息、使用场景和封禁发生的时间,并表明你的使用行为符合平台规定,同时真诚表达希望解封账号的意愿。
- 提交详细的申诉信息:提供注册时使用的海外手机号、支付信息(如订阅Claude Pro时的虚拟信用卡记录)以及登录时的网络环境(如固定的美国IP节点)。清晰且详细的信息将有助于提高申诉成功的可能性。
- 耐心等待回复:发送申诉邮件后,Claude的官方支持团队通常需要数天时间进行审核。在此期间,请保持耐心,避免重复发送申诉邮件,以免被系统视为垃圾信息处理。
跟ChatGPT一样,Claude也是最近这两年最火爆的AI工具之一,尤其在处理复杂指令、理解上下文以及生成自然流畅的文本方面,Claude的表现甚至在某些场景下优于ChatGPT。然而,与充值GPT Plus相比,充值开通Claude Pro会员的操作流程略显复杂。但只要你严格按照本文提供的操作步骤一步步执行,同样可以顺利完成Claude Pro的订阅,体验其强大的功能。也就是说,国内充值购买Claude Pro的流程虽然看起来较为复杂,但概括起来其实只需要以下五个步骤:
- 1,注册一个海外Gmail邮箱,或者通过第三方平台购买一个现成的Gmail邮箱。
- 2,通过WildCard平台或Sms-activate平台获取一个国外手机号码。
- 3,获取一张WildCard虚拟信用卡(使用邀请码“ANYOFAI”可立减1美元),并为虚拟信用卡充值至少20美元。
- 4,使用准备好的Gmail邮箱和国外手机号完成Claude账号注册。
- 5,使用WildCard虚拟信用卡充值开通Claude Pro会员。
需要特别提醒的是,无论是在注册Claude账号还是为Claude Pro充值时,一定要使用稳定的美国节点,避免频繁切换IP地址或使用不安全的科学上网工具,以降低Claude账号被封禁的风险。更多关于国内购买Claude Pro帐号相关的问题,请加我们微信(微信号:anyofai )(注意:加好友时请注明来意!)。
ChatGPT Plus开通:本文将会手把手地教大家如何在中国大陆使用支付宝订阅ChatGPT Plus会员,而且本教程亲测真实有效,我们已经稳定使用ChatGPT Plus一年多,没有遇到任何问题。此外,ChatGPT Plus开通的整个流程也仅需十分钟!
ChatGPT Plus合租:如果你无法解决科学上网的问题,或觉得每月20美元的会员费用过高,可以考虑ChatGPT Plus共享合租帐号。这种方式不仅能够降低使用成本,还免去了科学上网的复杂操作。
Claude Pro合租:最可靠的Claude Pro拼车购买渠道推荐!银河录像局不仅安全可靠,还提供24小时在线客服,价格非常亲民,Claude Pro共享帐号价格低至8元,大大降低了使用Claude Pro的门槛,让更多用户能够轻松体验这一强大的AI工具。
ChatGPT Plus代充值:ChatGPT代充安全吗?安全稳定的ChatGPT 4代充值平台推荐!本文推荐的ChatGPT Plus代续费订阅服务稳定可靠,价格便宜,信誉有保障。
Claude Pro代充值:本文推荐的Claude Pro代充服务采用的都是纯人工充值方式,价格非常实惠,提供24小时在线客服,稳定靠谱,独享Claude成品号!
ChatGPT注册:本文将手把手教你如何在中国大陆完成ChatGPT帐号注册和ChatGPT Plus会员升级。整个过程简单明了,而且无需手机验证,只需五分钟即可完成所有操作。
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Alternative AI tools for claude-pro
Similar Open Source Tools

Claude Pro is a powerful AI conversational model that excels in handling complex instructions, understanding context, and generating natural text. It is considered a top alternative to ChatGPT Plus, offering high-quality content with almost no AI traces. The article provides detailed information on what Claude is, how to access it in China, how to register, and how to subscribe using a foreign credit card. It also covers topics like using a stable VPN, obtaining a foreign virtual credit card, and a foreign phone number for registration. The process of purchasing a Claude Pro account in China is explained step by step, emphasizing the importance of following the platform's policies to avoid account suspension.

智元 Fast API is a one-stop API management system that unifies various LLM APIs in terms of format, standards, and management to achieve the ultimate in functionality, performance, and user experience. It includes features such as model management with intelligent and regex matching, backup model functionality, key management, proxy management, company management, user management, and chat management for both admin and user ends. The project supports cluster deployment, multi-site deployment, and cross-region deployment. It also provides a public API site for registration with a contact to the author for a 10 million quota. The tool offers a comprehensive dashboard, model management, application management, key management, and chat management functionalities for users.

LxgwZhenKai is a Chinese font derived from LXGW WenKai, manually adjusted for boldness and supplemented with AI assistance for character additions. The font aims to provide a comfortable reading experience on screens while also serving as a bold version of LXGW WenKai for temporary use. It contains over 13,000 characters, including common simplified and traditional Chinese characters, and is licensed under SIL Open Font License 1.1. Users are allowed to freely use, distribute, modify, and create derivative fonts based on LxgwZhenKai.

AITuber-Kit is a tool that enables users to interact with AI characters, conduct AITuber live streams, and engage in external integration modes. Users can easily converse with AI characters using various LLM APIs, stream on YouTube with AI character reactions, and send messages to server apps via WebSocket. The tool provides settings for API keys, character configurations, voice synthesis engines, and more. It supports multiple languages and allows customization of VRM models and background images. AITuber-Kit follows the MIT license and offers guidelines for adding new languages to the project.

Ezdata is a data processing and task scheduling system developed based on Python backend and Vue3 frontend. It supports managing multiple data sources, abstracting various data sources into a unified data model, integrating chatgpt for data question and answer functionality, enabling low-code data integration and visualization processing, scheduling single and dag tasks, and integrating a low-code data visualization dashboard system.

AIBotPublic is an open-source version of AIBotPro, a comprehensive AI tool that provides various features such as knowledge base construction, AI drawing, API hosting, and more. It supports custom plugins and parallel processing of multiple files. The tool is built using bootstrap4 for the frontend, .NET6.0 for the backend, and utilizes technologies like SqlServer, Redis, and Milvus for database and vector database functionalities. It integrates third-party dependencies like Baidu AI OCR, Milvus C# SDK, Google Search, and more to enhance its capabilities.

Juggle is a low-code tool for interface orchestration, which can quickly orchestrate simple APIs into a complex interface. The orchestrated interface can be directly used by the front end, greatly improving development efficiency and reducing development costs.

FisherAI is a Chrome extension designed to improve learning efficiency. It supports automatic summarization, web and video translation, multi-turn dialogue, and various large language models such as gpt/azure/gemini/deepseek/mistral/groq/yi/moonshot. Users can enjoy flexible and powerful AI tools with FisherAI.

AI-YinMei is an AI virtual anchor Vtuber development tool (N card version). It supports fastgpt knowledge base chat dialogue, a complete set of solutions for LLM large language models: [fastgpt] + [one-api] + [Xinference], supports docking bilibili live broadcast barrage reply and entering live broadcast welcome speech, supports Microsoft edge-tts speech synthesis, supports Bert-VITS2 speech synthesis, supports GPT-SoVITS speech synthesis, supports expression control Vtuber Studio, supports painting stable-diffusion-webui output OBS live broadcast room, supports painting picture pornography public-NSFW-y-distinguish, supports search and image search service duckduckgo (requires magic Internet access), supports image search service Baidu image search (no magic Internet access), supports AI reply chat box [html plug-in], supports AI singing Auto-Convert-Music, supports playlist [html plug-in], supports dancing function, supports expression video playback, supports head touching action, supports gift smashing action, supports singing automatic start dancing function, chat and singing automatic cycle swing action, supports multi scene switching, background music switching, day and night automatic switching scene, supports open singing and painting, let AI automatically judge the content.

Chenyme-AAVT is a user-friendly tool that provides automatic video and audio recognition and translation. It leverages the capabilities of Whisper, a powerful speech recognition model, to accurately identify speech in videos and audios. The recognized speech is then translated using ChatGPT or KIMI, ensuring high-quality translations. With Chenyme-AAVT, you can quickly generate字幕 files and merge them with the original video, making video translation a breeze. The tool supports various languages, allowing you to translate videos and audios into your desired language. Additionally, Chenyme-AAVT offers features such as VAD (Voice Activity Detection) to enhance recognition accuracy, GPU acceleration for faster processing, and support for multiple字幕 formats. Whether you're a content creator, translator, or anyone looking to make video translation more efficient, Chenyme-AAVT is an invaluable tool.

GoMaxAI Pro is an AI-powered application for personal, team, and enterprise private operations. It supports various models like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Kimi, Wenxin Yiyuan, Xunfei Xinghuo, Tsinghua Zhipu, Suno-v3.5, and Luma-video. The Pro version offers a new UI interface, member points system, management backend, homepage features, support for various content formats, AI video capabilities, SAAS multi-opening function, bug fixes, and more. It is built using web frontend with Vue3, mobile frontend with Uniapp, management frontend with Vue3, backend with Nodejs, and uses MySQL5.7(+) + Redis for data support. It can be deployed on Linux, Windows, or MacOS, with data storage options including local storage, Aliyun OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, and Chevereto image bed.

The ai_novel repository is a diverse intelligent AI knowledge base that includes features for AI writing and image recognition. It provides functionalities such as knowledge graph support, custom dialogue references, integration with various AI platforms like OpenAi, Google Gemini, and more. Users can utilize the tool for tasks like creating characters, generating plotlines, and enhancing text quality through AI influence. The repository also offers features like memory saving, viewing memories, and exporting content from the '拆书库' section. It includes resources for text vectorization and modifications to the OpenWebUi interface.

Bert-VITS2 is a repository that provides a backbone with multilingual BERT for text-to-speech (TTS) applications. It offers an alternative to BV2/GSV projects and is inspired by the MassTTS project. Users can refer to the code to learn how to train models for TTS. The project is not maintained actively in the short term. It is not to be used for any purposes that violate the laws of the People's Republic of China, and strictly prohibits any political-related use.

99AI is a commercializable AI web application based on NineAI 2.4.2 (no authorization, no backdoors, no piracy, integrated front-end and back-end integration packages, supports Docker rapid deployment). The uncompiled source code is temporarily closed. Compared with the stable version, the development version is faster.

KubeDoor is a microservice resource management platform developed using Python and Vue, based on K8S admission control mechanism. It supports unified remote storage, monitoring, alerting, notification, and display for multiple K8S clusters. The platform focuses on resource analysis and control during daily peak hours of microservices, ensuring consistency between resource request rate and actual usage rate.

Airports is a personal airport/subscription summary repository that provides information on various airport services, including high-end and cost-effective options. Users can find links to different airport websites and subscription services, along with recommendations for reliable and affordable airport options. The repository also includes public service pages for automatic data retrieval and Telegram channels related to airport sharing and discussions. Additionally, users can access subscription services for v2ray and clash links through the repository.
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Claude Pro is a powerful AI conversational model that excels in handling complex instructions, understanding context, and generating natural text. It is considered a top alternative to ChatGPT Plus, offering high-quality content with almost no AI traces. The article provides detailed information on what Claude is, how to access it in China, how to register, and how to subscribe using a foreign credit card. It also covers topics like using a stable VPN, obtaining a foreign virtual credit card, and a foreign phone number for registration. The process of purchasing a Claude Pro account in China is explained step by step, emphasizing the importance of following the platform's policies to avoid account suspension.
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The Azure-Analytics-and-AI-Engagement repository provides packaged Industry Scenario DREAM Demos with ARM templates (Containing a demo web application, Power BI reports, Synapse resources, AML Notebooks etc.) that can be deployed in a customer’s subscription using the CAPE tool within a matter of few hours. Partners can also deploy DREAM Demos in their own subscriptions using DPoC.

Skyvern automates browser-based workflows using LLMs and computer vision. It provides a simple API endpoint to fully automate manual workflows, replacing brittle or unreliable automation solutions. Traditional approaches to browser automations required writing custom scripts for websites, often relying on DOM parsing and XPath-based interactions which would break whenever the website layouts changed. Instead of only relying on code-defined XPath interactions, Skyvern adds computer vision and LLMs to the mix to parse items in the viewport in real-time, create a plan for interaction and interact with them. This approach gives us a few advantages: 1. Skyvern can operate on websites it’s never seen before, as it’s able to map visual elements to actions necessary to complete a workflow, without any customized code 2. Skyvern is resistant to website layout changes, as there are no pre-determined XPaths or other selectors our system is looking for while trying to navigate 3. Skyvern leverages LLMs to reason through interactions to ensure we can cover complex situations. Examples include: 1. If you wanted to get an auto insurance quote from Geico, the answer to a common question “Were you eligible to drive at 18?” could be inferred from the driver receiving their license at age 16 2. If you were doing competitor analysis, it’s understanding that an Arnold Palmer 22 oz can at 7/11 is almost definitely the same product as a 23 oz can at Gopuff (even though the sizes are slightly different, which could be a rounding error!) Want to see examples of Skyvern in action? Jump to #real-world-examples-of- skyvern

PandasAI is a Python library that makes it easy to ask questions to your data in natural language. It helps you to explore, clean, and analyze your data using generative AI.

Vanna is an open-source Python framework for SQL generation and related functionality. It uses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to train a model on your data, which can then be used to ask questions and get back SQL queries. Vanna is designed to be portable across different LLMs and vector databases, and it supports any SQL database. It is also secure and private, as your database contents are never sent to the LLM or the vector database.

Databend is an open-source cloud data warehouse that serves as a cost-effective alternative to Snowflake. With its focus on fast query execution and data ingestion, it's designed for complex analysis of the world's largest datasets.

Avalonia-Assistant is an open-source desktop intelligent assistant that aims to provide a user-friendly interactive experience based on the Avalonia UI framework and the integration of Semantic Kernel with OpenAI or other large LLM models. By utilizing Avalonia-Assistant, you can perform various desktop operations through text or voice commands, enhancing your productivity and daily office experience.

Marvin is a lightweight AI toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust. Each of Marvin's tools is simple and self-documenting, using AI to solve common but complex challenges like entity extraction, classification, and generating synthetic data. Each tool is independent and incrementally adoptable, so you can use them on their own or in combination with any other library. Marvin is also multi-modal, supporting both image and audio generation as well using images as inputs for extraction and classification. Marvin is for developers who care more about _using_ AI than _building_ AI, and we are focused on creating an exceptional developer experience. Marvin users should feel empowered to bring tightly-scoped "AI magic" into any traditional software project with just a few extra lines of code. Marvin aims to merge the best practices for building dependable, observable software with the best practices for building with generative AI into a single, easy-to-use library. It's a serious tool, but we hope you have fun with it. Marvin is open-source, free to use, and made with 💙 by the team at Prefect.

Activepieces is an open source replacement for Zapier, designed to be extensible through a type-safe pieces framework written in Typescript. It features a user-friendly Workflow Builder with support for Branches, Loops, and Drag and Drop. Activepieces integrates with Google Sheets, OpenAI, Discord, and RSS, along with 80+ other integrations. The list of supported integrations continues to grow rapidly, thanks to valuable contributions from the community. Activepieces is an open ecosystem; all piece source code is available in the repository, and they are versioned and published directly to npmjs.com upon contributions. If you cannot find a specific piece on the pieces roadmap, please submit a request by visiting the following link: Request Piece Alternatively, if you are a developer, you can quickly build your own piece using our TypeScript framework. For guidance, please refer to the following guide: Contributor's Guide