

Get the TLDR of any YouTube Video in seconds

Monthly visits:311582
You-tldr screenshot


You-tldr is a website that allows users to get a quick summary of any YouTube video. The summary is generated using artificial intelligence, and it can be downloaded, searched, and interacted with in the user's preferred language. You-tldr also offers a premium subscription that provides additional features, such as the ability to download videos in HD and remove ads.

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  • Saves time by providing a quick summary of YouTube videos
  • Makes it easy to download YouTube videos for offline viewing
  • Allows users to search for YouTube videos by keyword or topic
  • Provides an easy way to interact with YouTube videos in your preferred language
  • Offers a premium subscription with additional features


  • The summaries generated by You-tldr may not be 100% accurate
  • You-tldr does not support all YouTube videos
  • The premium subscription is relatively expensive

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