

Using AI to give B2B sales superpowers.

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Collective[i] is a company that develops AI-powered tools for B2B sales. Their flagship product, Intelligent WriteBack (IWB), automates data entry and activity capture in CRM systems, eliminating the need for manual logging and updates.

C[i] is an AI-first platform designed for buyer-centric, data-driven, and agile selling. It leverages AI to radically improve productivity and grow revenue growth. is a network that leverages AI to support a community of Connectors™, the people who make things happen in business and life.

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  • Eliminates the need for manual logging and updates
  • Improves focus and measures activity effectiveness
  • Maximizes the value of human connections
  • Removes unexpected misses
  • Improves the buyer experience


  • May require training to use effectively
  • May not be suitable for all CRM systems
  • May not be able to handle complex data entry tasks

Frequently Asked Questions

Alternative AI tools for Collective[i]

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