

One-Click Application Search

Monthly visits:7292
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Collie is a one-click multimodal hub that allows users to search for public data on a website. It fetches every asset from a given URL, including content, media, and files, and adds each asset to a searchable index. Collie is powered by Mixpeek, an amazing search experience provider. Collie is completely free for websites with 1000 pages or files or less. For websites with more than 1000 pages or files, or for those who want to search private content, a beta program is available.

For Tasks:

For Jobs:



  • Saves time and effort by automating the search process
  • Provides a comprehensive search experience by indexing all types of assets
  • Improves website usability by making it easier for users to find the information they need
  • Boosts website traffic by increasing the visibility of content
  • Helps businesses gain insights into user behavior by tracking search activity


  • May not be able to index all content on a website, especially if the content is behind a paywall or requires a login
  • May take some time to crawl a large website
  • May not be able to search private content without a beta program

Frequently Asked Questions

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